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The Clinton News Record, 1922-6-15, Page 2
k'. 43rd Year rien CLINTON, ONTAR THURSDAY JUNE 115th, 1928 of The News„Record can rt kelpits circulation by Putting in a good word for it occasionally.: 14at,�edd4g *ft qou will find- choosing easy at IIELLYAR'S Jewelery Store. We have the newest and• best designs in SILVER, OUT GLASS, CHINA, ETC,, Our stock is well and •carefully.selected, and will make choosing easy and satisfactory. REDUCED' PRICES ON VICTOR TALKING MACHINES ` Call and' hear our'`newest His <a sters Voice Records. orls. We will be ,pleased to have you call, monthly catalogue will be sent to. you each month on request: Jeweler and Optician Phone 174w !S Residence' 1747 YOUR MONEY 'SAFE,? Hidden tri yoiw home it is • WtentptatiOn' .v. „ to -thieves. ` )3eposityour moues?' Y is the bank -airdrelit a SAIiI `Y D POSI'i” BOX for your valuable papers, :Victory Bonds, etc: THE -ROYAL HANK 'KE OLS'O y Aron( 1NCORPORATEP.1855 Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve'Fund $5,000,00p Over 12`5 Branches Teach' our Children 1on lnds4rY andThrift �. Reward them for • doing work around the house and`lin teas` a"on'thein tI`ie?iYi` eta`'`"`" " g... P P par nee of saving , their earnings. Whynot open an account for theni in the Savings Department of The Molsons Bank, Money may be deposited and -withdrawn • , by mail. Mat IL R. Sharp, Manager` CLINTON 'BRANCH Safety Deposit floe to Rent READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING 2 he glornsh' Clothing Co. ORDERED' CLortant SPECIALS or Saturday Manufacturers S anpdes' , 0. 11,..25 Ontig Men's Mo$olrr (� Raincoats Mau ut et' urels samples, les , whirl we purchased • it half price, while in the citlast week and we are y , passing them on to .ou at one :; y a e half of the original price, ' Just the coat for motoring, Your choice o ce of'i� t $IOQOe 1of fur.` No. 2-.40 Only • NienSuits Rou ufa tui ers samples and broken en lines fr om ,stock, sizes 34 to 40, ranging v1n price from $26.00 to $30;00, ,,,Your choice of the entir$18 •I lotfo . x No. 3 Men's Trousers Five dozen Men's Trousere•fin cotton tweed, with or without cuff's. Just the trouser for, factor wear,- r going at 89c per L THE 1100111S11 CLOTHING CO motto, "AScitiate Deal r yy i CLINTON MARKETS; Wheat 51,25. • Oats, 45J. Barley, � 50 , Buelcwheat, 75'r. Eggs, 22c to $8c., , Butter, 25c. Live Hogs, $18,25 TO' ENGAGE SCHOOL NURSE A meeting of the •Merlianl Com- mittee of this Selii of Unit was held: on' Monday evening in Clinton foe the purpose of engaging a school.: nurse, and the position was offered to Miss Lawrence of "Seaforth. The salary : offered is $1100 ;pea year with "%$260 tor expense. ' ' "• The; School. ' Nurse =Will make : Clinton 'flier -headquarters and will visit oths er schools nicking up the unit from ;here, A. B0WLING'EVENT The 'London Thistle Bowling Club is holding its Twelth-Annual Scotch ,Doubles Touivainent next Wed- nesday and Thursday, Jbne 21st 'and • 22nd. for their three Trophies • and $200 in ,'prizes. r This is the' 'Big Seoteh D'Oubles._ClaSsie• Event of Western' Ontario with keen contests. So popular is''this tournament and so attractive its prizes- that .contest= ants go ' annually- front all" over Western Ontaiio'aitil ,as far'east as Ottawa:'' ClintonSha1P- Club"go AT: for'.these'lltecli coveted trdphies'and prizes?' Entries Close= Monday. ntxt' ,June 19t1i. NEW MGR. FOR. If. C. HOME Mr. R, A. Robes -foil appoint- , ed°by the County Council last. week °manager of the Huron County Home' . with Mrs. Roberton as matron,: These vacancies were caused.' by the .resignations of Mr. James Reynolds and Mrs Reynolds, who have, 'eery efficiently and very satis'facctorily, both to the authorities and to the initiates, filled the `positious for the past three years. Mr. Roberton en- ters upon' his new duties in. the course of a few weeks: There were ten applications for the position, four being considered and Mr. Roberton received more than half of all `the :votes east, -His' appointment is a popular one here,, where he i"s known; and that of Mrs,' Robertonual eq ly so. Mrs: Robert- on was 'before. her marriage 'a pro- fessional nurse, .being; a,'graduate' of the. Net Yore£„•,Ci s is v,, .._ tY,:IIo piial,.;,and not unfamiliar with institutional work. ' Mr.••Roberon is al fanner by profession although he has been re- siding in town for the past few years. They will find it no inconsiderable task to keep the: Home, indoors and out, up to , its present -high stan- dard but we do not;,doubt,that that' will be their aim. • Mr. Reynolds has not' just decid- ed' yet what he will do, but -he has his .farm on• the outskirts of the town, DEATl3' OF MRS: A FORBES • After several 'Weeks?” illness the death occurred on Monday :afternoon, of Mfrs. Arthur Forbes, an esteem- ed 'resident of 'Clinton, ' Mrs. Forbes death came' as a:'shock for, while 'she had been 'very ill with pneumon :ia for sone -weeks, she had taken a turn for the:better and it was hoped she would pull through, Her heart gave out quite suddenly on, Monday. ` af ternoon,":However after she had been Conversing very cheerfully with her daughter g and remarking • it ow. much •better she felt. airs." Forbes, whose maiden name. was Mary Mciallisetr, WES :born in Hay township sixty-six years ago. Sho h_ was a daughter of the. late John McAllister of that `township and . resided there during.rall her young womanhood. On her mar- riage to the late Arthur Forbes she came to Varna, w.her•e' they lived for some time, later removing to Sea forth, .which was their Insane ' for: .sotne'year's. In 110,. they came to Clinton, Mr, Forbes, taking over a coal business, which he conducted ;until his death in 1918, which was. theresitif of an a'ecident,'at the G, T, R. station. Mac, Forbes , has continued to reside in Clinton, some: times absenting -herself while male - , long visits with her sons or daughters. ` The family surviving are ' five sons and two daughters: John of IlueSton, Texas; Arthur of Toronto; James and Charles of Wat- erford; Rosa Of Galt, 11Irs.' C, A, Russ- of .Ha'milton and Mrs. Charles Twitchell of Windsor.,. She is '`also survived by four '•brothers and: two sisters: Win. McAllister of -.Edmon- ton; Aita., Chas. McAllister of Tor. onto, IDT; McAllisterof Georgetown; 'n` 1li McAster of::Hansen, .,,Mrs. Kyle of Strome," Alta., and 'Mrs. P. Moir of Hensall. All her children were haute' with her' diming her illness, With the ex- ception of the son in Texas, and their coming. greatly •, Cheered 'and' comforted' her. She was bright and conscious during all her illness; Mrs. Forbes was a life-long Pres byteraan and was a most devoted member of Willis church during her residence in Clinton. She was a life member of the W. •M,' 5 and had .made sov'enal others life mem- J berg of "the Society and was -cnn- stant hi hot• attendance. She was a Inentber of the "Wonnans' Associa- tion' of the church and, very liberal s in her sutiport of all its " golleinos C we 's s c 't S On anther fri t s in e idslu s • p and 'teas held in high esteem Iasi thoeo who hnew her Kist. The funeral will :hake place do Friday taftcntro n �' n t of 1oT r 0 t Ot v to Main inn lbnnik cemetery, Seaforth,. The P, 5,. DAYLIGHT ;SAYING Beg -inning 'this week; 011e Public school, e' n Daylightry o s oa m S g g tnno, going in et eight In the morn- ing and "skailinb"' at three fu the -afternoon. This decision to change the tittle was reached>last week when it was ,iso decidedly hot and will be continued until the' 'end of the term, N0 "RESULTS" THIS YEAR• The results of "the departmental . -examinations* will not- be published the :' daily papers this Year, as -has been the custom for years. The certificates will be mailed to the principals of the respective `schools: It is may that the; results , will be a bit longer in reaching 'the .' pupil. than ,heretofore 'but the Minister 'of Education says the preparation of the lists for the newspapers- -took time. • GIVE THEM- WELCOME _ The Junior Farmers'.'Association, Wingham, Auburn and . Exeter blan- ches, ran- cites,,, -with District Representative Stothers'. and Assistant Andrew, And their:wives, sweethearts : and friends; bad e very; enjoyable picnic at Bayfield en : Monday. It was not -.:just-as warnn as. it often is in June and as' it can be at Bayfield and - still be'anost'e o able u'' lie out. nJY 1?tbi.ou,- ir, -,. g was ver Pleasant' for' all tliat. y On Tuesday next ;the Middlesex' :fluor Farmers take their Middlesex' • auto • trip and will visit "several points 'iit Huron",County: "'Those ins. terested.shollld see to it that they are very heartily 'welcomed and that•:.they receive good impressions of this good ,old -county during their ,brief stay: , • AN IMPORTANT ' MAN Consternation .reigned in Clinton lacrosse - circles "onr Thursday alter- noon when it was learned that the Royal .Bank inspectors were in town and two members of the' team would be unable to- go to Mitchell to take Part in, the matclh. A deputation waited upon the bank manager and put the case before e hien. ` They said they .needed Mr; ;- Graham to -uphold the honour of the town on the "lacrosse field of a .:neighboring town Mr. Manning put it up, to the inspectors, who ; said they .world consent to Mr. Graham 's going if -he would -return ins mediately after the *ames' This. as -:r b tiv eiidil'y-*agreed:.ta• and they went off . With `.their star:' player, The game 'was won and as soon as it was over a car rnshed,Mr. Graham home and, we; presume, be worked''all the better during the re- mainder of the rinspectors' 'visit ow- ing to thea good nature in letting him off, COUNCILLORS ENTERTAINED On the evening of the first day of the Huron county council- meeting , in Goderich last ' week the county. councillors and several : - ex -mem- bers and the:county officials were entertained to -'a lawn supper by County ` Clerk end Mrs. Holman About 'fifty enjoyed. the hospitality of. Mr. ,and Mrs. Heiman and, a.,very enjoyable and profitable evening was spent: • Warden Trewarths presided at one end of the table and Comity Treasurer Lane at the other end di- viding the' program between then, Besides thepresent e nt counrci ex -- wardens , 4 wardens Elliott, Petty, Doig, Griff, in and ex -c un ` p cillors Young, and La- porte and `Inspector .Torn, also Mese dames Elliott, Trewarbha and .Con. nolly were present and added much to the •pleasure of the occasion,' Excellent addresses were given by the chairman in proposing and by those. responding. to toasts to Cana .da, education,. good, roads, ex-war- dens' x-war- ` dens''and ` colnncillors and the ladies by. Messrs. Elliott, Gallow, Youngs Tom, McQuaid, Johnston, ' Beavers, McNabb; Petty, Doig, Laporte; Tip ling, Klopp'� and Spotton, the pros ceedings being enlivened by selec tions on a gramophone. "For Tl ey are Jolly Good:' Fellows" "' y ' • and- Auld' l,ang•,;.Syne, closed a very delightful eveding's" entertain tainmernt. AMONG THE CHURCHES. Ontario Street Church During July and Augustplhe Sun,,' day school will meet at. ten' o'clock in the morning, Theannual u: 1 i al S nda � sc of lent ti ho p e• , will be held at Bayfield - on July 26th. L 'The , League lneetinga Was+aii 'charge:, of the Missionary Department^ on= Monday evening, Mrs.. McMurray - gave the topic "Missions." . Miss. Helen Cook „played art ' instrumental: Rev, Kenneth Beaton , wiih;.:give an. illustrated `lecture on 'missions- next " Monday °'veiling. A varied • prise gramme will he provided. :• Wesley ,Church "TSre pastor preached at both= ser- vices on :;Sunday and will . do sir Text Sunday. ,On Mondayevening the mission- ary departmnt -was in cliarge'of the League progi:am, Miss. Neva inks in - the chair. ' Miss' Marion. Irwin , gave an interesting tails on 'The Religions of China," and Miss Dorethy ROI:kb contributed an in- truinenfal It was decided ' to ac- Col>t the invitation of the Seaforth .worts L a „ ' Epworth c tic, ' to visit' them P U t n next week or the following and 'the ezecutive,including the paster, Was it a committee to arrange a p bt•e +rani foe the occasion. Cdntnioncinng •thelast Sunday in. tine theSunday school Will meet t,1eu a. In. for the eumuro5 months. 1sereloc at the House will commence athalf past two. Tu 11W1 � , • t will SOLD 1115 DRIVER P '5, O'Neill has' sold his good trotter," " "Lady Bars," , to Dr. ledgeRout- of Lambeth for , a handsome figure: Tho Dr, intends showing her at Madison Square Gardens, New York, in the fall., SCHOOL MATTERS All member's "nib. the Collegiate g stafl':have re -eng'ag'ed for' anotrtcn' year with the oxcoption of Mrs. Mew physical cuture • specialist, who has been.: on the ".Staff Since Christmas. Miss. Berta Jackson lids resigned from the public . school stair and there are. rumors oft other Vacancies. bet so far no other'resign.atlon bias been recoived'by,the board: W. I: MEETS THURSDAY The Women's Institute will meet Thursdayafternoon a e noo at � fire c o"'lc n t n 0 l 4 in• the rooms: abeve lie Public -Lib- rary. A repert of the convention at Blyth will be given "by MTS. Kirk and Mac: H. Jenkins - will give an address on "Success, or How to Have a Successful Institute, All mein - hers requested ' `to -be. present ' and visitors always welcome. Host- esses' Mrs. Fitzsimons, Mrs.' -Mun- roe- and Mac. Flynn. WERE QUIETLY HARRIED The marriage took place. Wednes- .da •iftegnoon, of , y ,.. .,least week of"':YIar- tha, `daughter, of_Mrs. : John • Lanr- on, and Alex ;T..Slonfan.- The '.mar, riag•e was - solemnized at the borne of the bride's `nother,' Albert `street, and . was witnessed , by;" only ,a 'Sew intimater friends, • The . cereiuony was -.porformed' liy the Rev. C. L. Eilkey, Miss Annie : ;Lanxon of Detroit, the : bride's sister was brides- maid 11a dMr.a i am Fred 1011 n of Blyth, dS i B Y , the groom's nephew, was best - The bride wore a dainty gown -of sills voile with apple- green satin trimmings- and a-coreage• bouquet 'of American Beauty roses. Mr. and Mrs. Sloman have the good' wishes of their friends for a happy: future. FOOTBALL NOTES Clinton football teanin is out-' of luck. Dublin " team, Came tunhereV an . Friday evening' last and played game a .ga e with: the locals, .the, , score - standing 1-0 in favor of'the visitors at the -conclusion and on -Monday evening..the Clinton•. team . vrerit-to Seaforth and the' score was the - same in favor --6-f the Seaforth team. Both 'were interesting -games _. as will be seen by •the ` score. The Clinton line-up `. at the first gable was as follows: Goal: • W. McDonald; Packs: . In- nis,••Lindsay'1 Halfbacks: M. McDon- ald, Cooper, McKenzie. ,,Forwards: Elliott, ! Pearson, O. Cole, —Cole Morgan. ,• .. The line-up at Seaforth was much the sante, the Coles ' dropping out, Mille: playing 'goal and Dale and . MacDonald playing forwarcl•, • SOLDIERS �AT LONDON • The `,: soldiers ' of Bruce, -Huron,' Lftmhton and Middlesex are in training• at Carling Heights, London, this "week. • Lt Col. ,Combo is' in cotfunancl of the: Hurons, numbering one hunched• and fifty, Lt: -Col, 'Ranee is second hr command; Major Shaw is medical officer, Capt. Stew -- art Scott,carter i • e r easter'• a T .. C t W.D q_ 1 O'Neil ' is adjutant; Majors Sloan, II ethering'ton, IIeamant: .land Capt. Sturdy are company 'comm adders, Liouts, Cnawforcl, Loiailesboro; ` Cor- bett, Exeter; Frobes, Wingham; and; Goldthrope and Potter, Goderich, complete the list of officess. . The tank , and file ; is made up for tire.. most part of. young :fellows, many of whole never trained before The training ; consists of , squad drills, physical (trills, first" aid, and stretcher beating, scout ,drills and signalling, musketry and lectures. in connection with musketry instruc- tion the units take - turns firing at the' miniature ranges at the camp grounds and the 'long ranges at the,. Coves, -They are using the short Leo -Enfield rifles for this purpose. THE COUNTY: COUNCIL Itir, R, A, Roberton was appoint. ed keeper of :the Huron County Home 'at Clinton. This position was made -vacant by the resignation of Jas.. Reynolds, which was act ept ed with regret by the council. The'' catnneil ,passed an assess - In -hilt of two : mills to raise' -$85,002,- ao for good roads in the .county ,'and a grant of ,$51,000, was given to Winghain for street .improvements id .' 50 - Ot 1" o Cmon, 41, The, $'1.0,00Q given to Goderieh last jenuary. wee noised to $26,0(10. The 'special commi'tteo .-r000nl- mended, that no action be taken. in reference to,„_the request of the Goderich Ad. Club deputation which addressed the Council, during its sitting, urging the council to send a memorial to the Provincial Gov- ernment asking that the', 'road from Sarnia to Goderich be made a pro- vincial ;highway, n A grant of $500 was made to the Children's.* Memorial hospital 'Sit tondo3i; as.a result of a request of a deputation from London, and $750 was granted to Seaforth hospital. A, grant of $100 Was made to Iluron Comity Trustee and Ratepayers ,A.s- .rocietion.i The usual hi l 'marts were, r g , e o, nisi lc, to county fairs. The nfatte1' of appoinlin ant ad- vigor council ricrl ta'' di•k Y w Witli the Dis- triet Ro_preeeniattive, left over front the January session, we -turned doWn, FAJLI, TROPHY TOURNAMENT 1IENT1 The Fails Trophy will be compet- ed for . on the local green tomorrow, , Friday, -commencing h 'r{; nine 0. in, St. Marys, Stratfor1, Mitchell, Sea - forth, Clinton aril 'Goderich ' will take part in the "tot rnarnent.' SI CARED: DEGILE-CS Mr. - FIarry Shaw, only son of Dr, and Mas, Shaw '.secured his 131; A. degree from the Toronto lint-' versify this year aid My. Markley Shipley;' Shipley, Inc B, --A Both these.- students intend go'ng -.on with a uecdigai coursesonof, Mr 'an d Mrs: Geo, - NEW LIGHTS ON GREEN New lights have been installed ort, the bowling green. They are higher and stronger than the old ones and are1 H S a such had d in "' 1 sway that the. light is thrown directly on the green. a It is ."almost as light as day" on the green now and when another hot spell strikes us the wives qf, the bowlers need not ex- pect- xpect _ , their 'husbands hone - trail breakfast time. . HERE'S A i'ISII STORY , 'A carp so' big it took th'o- fisher- nen .half an :Stour to' land it, and then .tilted the scales at ' 82c:;pounds, was' captured' on Lake FIvroli on Sat- urday without the assistance'of rod'. and• 1ine,5•- The fishermen-., concern-' ed are • W. Grey and J. Hooper of : Forest'.' . They had one out about half, ' a anile` I'l•onn shore in their • boat when Ilp- e1•saw what: he thought' Was e sand'' bar, Rowing cautiously ares, he' die - coveted that it was a -big fish sun- ning. himself. Using his oar- as a clpb he struck. the e fish on the head, partially stunting it.:,. It` was quite, a task to get the carp into the b. AoatWELCOME RAIN After several weeks of dry wea- ther and when the roads were es eeedingly dusty, the gardens parch ed and the fat:ilers had begun to scan their fieldsrather anxiously; the rain came Thursday evening: -and continued at .intervals :fpi.' two or three days. Electric ,for were frequent and the ;temperature, which had been highfor a -week or tnoi'e, took a- drop, to the comfort of -sweltering humanity. The .rain adds Worth,,a .great. deal 'coming. , n g just.when it did, and even; if we get little -more the crops"seen' assured. It saved the berry crop, and assured the. developeinent : of other email' Fruits. GOT SOME INCREASE Secretary McMtirray of the Her- on Central Agricultural - Association addressed the County Council; last week asking an increased grant -and was- 'finally nicreased to $75. Clinton Spring Fair is entirely free, there. are no, gate -receipts, -nothing' to „make n?oney. with which to keep the. 'thing running, and it is •an 50 knowledged Tact that. it is the best fair of its kind in the county and, for real benefit to' stockmen, is -the , best fair by a 'long' odds of any sort in''the county. The ,eouncil could` very properly have made the grant equal to that of -the fall fairs, $100. One of the 'councillors objected that •"Olinton paid too Much money in Prize. " s CLI ' O NP NAT I WI NS A N C .Clinton Laciosse .teain journeyed to Mitchell on T1ntu'sday last and played a game with the team of that town,` £he score stgndilig S-6 in favor of Clinton. The'local line= up was as follows: Goal: N. McNeil; Point, R. II.. Middleton; Centre Point: W. Muteli," 1st Defence: G -Carter; 2nd Defen- ce: J. Match.: Centre G. Middleton; 2nel:Home: N; A. Graham; 1st. Home II: ` Lawson;; Outside: A. Fulford; Inside: K. Roberton. Subs: J. Nediger, JI Higgins, F. Canter. -Referee: Johnston' of Seaforth. During this game W. Fulford was streets on the head and laid out for a few minutes but he went at lin again harder than ever. This play- er scored five out of the eight goals, The next: g'enire in which • Clinton to es part will be on Tuesday next when Seaforth plays here,' CI TLE LOCALS Ir. II. E.Rorke is painting his g house and garage. Lower .School examinations are T k h IT 14 u L on this week` in the `town' hall. • The Clinton Chatauqua dates : are August 11th, 12th, 14th, and 15th. inspectors Dr,- Field'. and' d E'. Torsi re here this week presiding at-' the exame. • Three or four cars of people; went up to Brussels last Thursday to the Deanery' meeting. The Huron County Council wild. told their annuli picnic at Bayfie}d n Friday, ,Juno 23rd. Mr:' R A Roberton ie advertising his draping business for sale but will continue in charge instil the end of the month, The :IVTasse -T auris peoplele are ,r - ran T,ite rive waynthn-e st side, i r ' of their r c Q c, ni the- Palace Block, Rattenbun y streett, Dr,. Shaw, who went to London'tom with the I•Turon'S 60 Monday, has n few slays' leave of 'absence, r He returns` td”, camp teletorrow. L. 0, L" METING The, regular semi-annual meeting of the South Hur o u h 0.' . will .� rl be held in Clinton? on Friday, June iGth, colnnlencing at 1,0.80 a. m. The County Master willpreside and requestevery anelnber to be Pres- ent, General business will be transacted and arrangements made for the 'celebration at Seaforth ozr July 12th, The local lodge' will .attend divine service et `Wesley, clutrch 013 Atli day' afternoon, July 9th, at 2.80, T11eR'oY al Sears t< Chapter. will e 1, meet on ., 1ueeday eveninb next in Murphy Lodge looms. HOW 'IT WORKS OUT Some ' people are ' quite concerned about the big grant given Wingham by the county council for road:build- • ing. Ii doesn't mean, however, that Clinton arid all the Other municipal ities are to assistWinghamto build its roads, except, in so 1'ar as all the people in the Provincehelp to pay, foe them, The county council will levy the amount upon 'Wingbam and collect it from the town and then the Provincial Government, under its Good Roads scheme, will pay Wingham back. 'forty per • cent. of the whole. Wingham could raise this sunt herself, as' Clinton raised Money for the building:' of its streets- 'and might then pay thewhole shot. But nnde • the Gevestnnent good' Roads .department any towns ' which are "connecting links," 'such. 0s . Wilt ai "'"n gl1 n a d Glintoii, are tri lin© to benefit. 'Clinton wall pay sixty'. per cent. of -the 1.$1500 granted, g t d, ilio:, Geverurnent,• theother forty :per cent. SUCCESSFUL CONVENTION .The- Canadian Weekly Newspap" el's Association had a • very, success-: fel convention 'in Ottawa last week, ' over. four- hundred members being present. The president ;last year was Mr, V, C. French, only son of Mrs, -Fe French" of Clinton. He presided at the early gatherings and in his opening address, said in 'part: The mission of the , press is service to .the masses of the: eo le. The P P T e newspaper - man must Have a rich _broad sympathy' with his 'fellow men..: Iie must enter in spirit into the homes of the people, 'to, toil with, those ;Who toil and suffer r with, those who suffer, Tf.kais•Mood.:: 'does "not boil within him whenever ilio sees: ani injustice, his- mission `in life is elsewhere., The duty of the newspaper nnani : is 'to , ho1d up, tile mirror to -the events of tine day and. so interpret 'thein 'that tomorrow the Life of the nation will be hap` pier, sweeter, more intelligent and more prosperous." A.- R. Brennan of Prince Edward Island is the. new :president, The second vice is a Brace. County pian, Mr. Lorne; Eedy, of Walkerton. ' People You Know Mr. •Gordon Hall of the" ; Stratford Herald .was home' over' the Week- , -end,• , :r Mrs. L. Greig is • visiting' this Week with her son • Mr. J: C. Greig of Seaforth, • Mr.. Colin Iztard ,of Stratford was in town last weak. He was the guest of 'Ilitigis'trate'•and " Mrs. Andrews.. Mrs: Crossf o Williamsrt , Perim, i port is tine; guest 'of her parents, 'Dr. and Mrs. Gunn.. ` Mrs. Gross of Williamsport, Penn,, is the - guest of her ' parents, "Dr., ' and Mrs. W. Gunn. Mr, Ephraim Brower spent the week encs with- his daughter, Mrs, Gor don Curts of Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dickson of Tor.- „ onto are in town' visiting the lad mother, Ys otherMYs, Ib. W. Cook. Mr. Chas, Twitchell is in town this week, being called here owing''to the death of Mr`s.. Twitchell's mo- c ther, 'Ml's Forbes Miss- Ellis Mrs, Me W, Miss, Amy lIloweoii Miss Emma Davis and Mrs. .Tones MCMurchic motored to London o don ou ' Saturday. Mrs, Mew and •Miss EIlie of the Col- legiate 'staff left' on Tuesday Of" ternoon; the former for Toronto, i`he latter for Listowel far the summer vacation, Mrs. (Dr.) Adams and :Mrs. (Dr,.) Austin= and little son, of Windsor stare the guests of the :fortner's,::, tents . Mr. an s pa it 'Mks. . Jaines . Scott,; this week, ;. They, ,came _uv- ei on the Greyhound. Mr.- V. C. French of ''Wetaskrwin , Alta., i' s bhclest; ofhis aft 8' other, Mrs,. F. French ' of town. Mr. i. and Mrs. French' have been -at •Ottfawa attending the'annual meeting of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and 'tare visiting their relatives at Exeter - and Clinton before returning west. Ccdericb Township Mr. George W. Pearson, who has been: spending a holiday with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Robert ?eats eon returns to Ins home at Wayne, PViich,, today. A couple of men from the'' Domin- ion Ia h ion De1a tmunt of Agriculture Cultl e Cbil- ductedsheep-dippinga in nonstra- tion at .1110 farm of Mr, d. B, Mid- dleton on Tuesday, which was wit nessed by a number of those inter- este , � d i hank was brought along for the work and the -demonstration as being repeated in different parts If the county.