The Clinton News Record, 1922-6-8, Page 6The Cow Puncher. pYROIRT J C. STEAD. (Copyright The Musson Doolc Co.) . ,CHAPTER II.--(Cont'd,) i tions, all apparently 'cleaigned ,po re r, Elden IM'a"rmatly ell•gg.e ' 'ceve ... th ',Pr.,sme og„4.!..,??..1),....71....,(11,r' cicete; in conversation, and la a f elvb 1 se,"',0,..tle‘pesani,14uniensite-ira,n,ru hi: jou'r,"0"iiv4eti. MeMents had gl'eaned tile main fact; , "".., b' in eonaestior, ,,,,dth the qeeisl,e.a,t an ..! 1.ulgr.th,oer hesitation, and in automobii- n who hesitates invitee a series the father apt cittugh.el‘ wil,__IPii, it 11.1c' .':r,pid sexpepiences,, By this thrie brought so inVoluistionlY nnoe'r, '''''toi., froneis attention was, requires" t roof. 'He was !quite sober peal finu t bring the car to some 'unanimity of his speech, although sloVerly, wafismta direction, It was quitb evident.' that hid'elliewte' He \"8 Sal•°I'IC to 134.15's' it was running- away. It was quite to woman that, respect which curbs th.., evident that the 'horses wereirunning '"rs'e'nesg cif a tin'ig'ilQ fc'r Yeal.s..,.1' i away. The s sititation assumed the jested' to Albite -discipline, I qualities of a race, ancl the only riiat. . After -breakfast 'Ivens) attended to .„,.., ter of grave doubt related to its ter - the w.ants of her father, and hY ,"'s , titillation... Dave,. .stiii. holding. fast ihne the visiting doctor was manife3t- to the -reins, 'ran beside the ear with i ug impatience to be away, °t•I'e.i prodissou•s strides yvhicii enabled him ilees were 'calling him end lii.P assnre"to -tiring 'Intt little restraint; uPon• the Doctor Hardy, what 'the latter 1. it cll'ii team, and Irene held to the 5g:tiering- ., well knew, „that nothing more eL'u,''',,' i wheel with grip of desperation. belone 'LOT him at present' 1.1.s wou''',., I Then 'they struck the water. ft was • coirie again at any time is s'eMmon'e" not more than two feet deep, but the by' the young man, or if his 'profes- „xtta tga,igtaute it caused, mu[, the sional duties should 'bring him irPto,'' extra'mlarM it excited in. thie horses, the 'neighborhood of the Elden ranch. s „,, , resulted in the breaking of the lariat. „But Dave declared viqth Prwan't "a'i- Dave still clung,„fast to his team, a.r.d, ity 'itliat 'the horses must l'n't 11,a„til;neW that the terrifying, rival no longer after noon, and the diactor, wilaY-0,,,Y,,m1Tmed theM;"theY were noon hrougbt •anent the morning rivoiblin.g in 1-..,h.,,ne to, v standsam. Having perinea cheat foothills. Meanwhile the girl nm'iieu he tied theta to a post and returned herself with wo.rIc about the lionse, in to the strearri. The car sat iri the mid- , which she was effecting a rapid trans-, cue. tile gni hat], put her fee.c.orith .e formation. . i seal b•eside 'bet, and the swift wafer After the: midday.thinner Dave bar- ; flowed, by. a ..few inches below. 'S'Ite ' nessed the team forthe:journey to was laughing merrily, .when. Dave, ' cown, but before leaving -inquired, of very wet in parts,. appeared on thoi 1 Irene if there were any special pur- bank. rhasim,, either per,inwl or fec the nee . 'Well, Tin not Wei; except for a lit- . . of. the house, which she weold recom- tie splashing,"she.saia, "and, you are. racind. 'With some 61ff:donee...she men- Does .anything. occur. to you?", With 4 -Ione one that wee .upperyno4.-t in her' out reply he walked stolidly into the fliouglits,---,eap, both lirundiry- end cold water, took her in his artns,,and . toilet. 'DrA-Iardy had no hesitation in carried her ashore. The lariat was caing for aibox of his favorite cigars, soon repaired, and the car , hauled to and some new magazines, and took l the ranch hpildings withont- further osda,ion to prin,s into the boy's ha.ndirnishap. , 3 , • ri bill out of •all propertion to the value Later in the day hesaid to her, • of ihe supplies reauested. There was "Can you ride?" -. • •ai1 argumentin' the yard, which the f'Sonie," she answered, q haVe • girl did not fully liear, between father ridden ,city horses. but .clon't know • and son, bub she gathered that ,the about -these ranch alimals. Yon know, 02d. nian insiiisted on going to town; a city Ikerse luta to .do as ho is gold, and, failing' that', that 'Dave should but a ranch horse seemto. do pretty • reoicnish •his stock -ofwhisky, to much as he likes, But I would, like neither of 1vloieh would the iyoung main. to try -if I had a saddle " . . consents t- was evrcleirt, that Dave "I have an extra saddle," he said, Wan the respon-ible • p.erson in the 4,1- "But it's a mares, . . They all ride fairs of the' Elden ranch. The daY that, way banes. was introductory to ofteis that were .., She made no .aliswer, and ths, snh- to. foRow.- 'Dave r,eta`rneil the next jet -as dropped for the 'time. But eftentroon...ridina,his own horse, and the next mornan.g she saw Dave rid • heavily laden with cigars', magazines, away, leading a horse by his side. Ile ' i,;oan. and with a soft little Package did not return until evening, but when which proved to he a sponge., whichhe he came the ' idle „horse carried a lisd...hought of his own initiative, 'and saddle. • - whish he tendered to Irene. She took "Wel. a strad-legger," he said when it with slowly rising color, and 'With he 'drew iiii beside Irene, "but it's a. a strange misgiving 'Whether this Wag girl's; I couldn't find inythin' elsc. in ewoe ggin s. • "I'm sure il-will de--splendidly- if I can jest stick on," she replied. But andither problem was 'already in her mind. ' It apparently .had 11,4 oc- curred, to Dave that women require 'speeitil clothing for riding, especially if We, a "strad-legger." She opened her lips to mention this, then :closed -glens again., He had bsen sto • enough 'trouble dir her account: He ,had al- ready anent a whale 'day scouring the ecnintry '- rte.er the .car, Nirtipri. they reached the -for a saddle, would,She ' "n'elnige some , • , . . a bona fide contribution to the' toilet equipment of the house; or a quiet satire designed to offset the effect of the appeal for soap. Th.9 following, day- it was ddeided alai; the auto -Mobile, whieh since the accident had Rain upturned by the 4:roadway, should lie brought to the „ranch. buildings. Dave 1181170ed his betim, and, instead of 'riding one of the brazes, walked,behind,'cliriving'by thereins, andaccompanied by the girl, who had proclaimed her ability to streamshe hesitated, remeinberihg her mishap, but the 'boy Sibitied way sI� was b"§Ywith , unaceraPied band firmly ,under bier iarm, P471:,'" 'wad :they :walked • the log in ;safety. - . . It 'seented, 'to -Irene that he, ' CHAtTlt, assistance when it was no lOnger Dr. Hardy recovered -from his in= needed.„-lrilit...she accepted the, eolitteM hrrieres rapidly as Could be expected, ' isithent .reinarlc. • , . • ' and, whileshe ',attired somewhat oYer ' 'With "tilt . Aid Of the teabflaral SPeudinghis' holidayS'Unciar Diaveq lariat the carr.y/E8 SomarigMeO, curattancet, the timeipaSsed Mot' un - was Viand -to be naive thet Worse happily:. .Ilnd„,tie sotight, the world 'Tor its-„dieflection from' the beaten .oVeffer-filiaVen frdra the intrasion,of track: 4reneyreiiideil at the steering- business • or professional - cares, he .whe.el, „watching the Toad, with gr'eat hip/04mnd it no*ber.e. im greeter intentness; arid rtifining ',the -Wheel tdci "peaeleiicia-Inari hi theloothillCountry f ar each "occasion, which gave to centring, trhont thesElden "Tana, Here her•eaurse a sonieWhatwavy Dr ttnail.- was an Arcadia ,Whore 'one might Well Wing' order, snob.' ;•as . is -found' in return t� the eirnple life; a little hay hrOati• '1,911,Yes," or •,.Per1oelP8 a better of still: yvater, sheltered from, the on- • figure . would bp to ,com,pstre it w1t11.,r0hilig time of lataires,bY the, warm that rolling motion affeeted by faneYi •brownsprairies and.,the'iahlte4bosenied 'Skaters.;:' a•lewevesr; -the mean of her monntainstowering ,..through their ,direetiontoorrespended with the inenn; .chi'peries of blue -purple Mist It Was af iihe-„t"rails."an0 all Went inerrilY uhtll life as:,fp'..r rerstovedfrdih,liis accustoms 7he'Afileaun' Wds APPreaolled: Hers Wa'S ed 5(1501 05 as if 'he had ;been Siiddeniv a MC, steap deseant, and the cat 'sprinted to a ddibrent plan.et, It was showed a 'sudden Maumee to eng_a..ge life, vithont the apnrta.,et of. life, the horses in•R ,C011teWt ,of specd, 'rue ;oat the • crOwd 'anA ':foOrtle and liaete • animals Were. .suspicions encitigh at and gaiety- and despair that are called hest cif their strange wagon; and_sulo life; but -the doetnrIsviondered it; after ne thought of allowing it to asktme all, it did mot ,eonie nearer to filling Ilic InItiaitive, Now, Irene knew Per- the nie.ashre ,of ,experience --which is featly ivell Where the 'brake was, and w to •bse it. In fact, there Wore two brakes, operated by different member's, and perhaps it Was this drip- •ligatien., intended to insitteSaliatY. that _was responsible :for •ter undoMg. :ger first impulse WaS to Ilse the 'enter- isonicY,• but to .dia go She niast..removc het: hand 'from: the steering -Wheel, where it was very fully occupied, She • Aid start putthis'. impulse .into ., effect, but an unusually violent :de floction caused her •to 'reconsider that intention. She determine.ci :to ..ttse ithe • foot.brako, n feat whieh was acconi- plished, under normal conditions • by pressing one foot firialy 'against a • , contraption sontewhere .•benen'ht t.11,b fore barbed.wire hatUtlick ite steering -post. She Shot raitek ,ed fang into the heart of the ranch., glance dOwnWeId• and ber .0.15110 man; staleff of. 'luirse-stealing. and -dis-Covered We, aiim LtIL thmeo CtOraP" 1 Cattle-la.IStlille With .glimpses of end - .111,...•11,0•0=0 704:14%."421126-atar,ont‘....4.::. ite it.tk�' ashAto A considerable acquaintancesiirla had sprung up between him ansi the senior Elden, The rancher had- cinne from tne East forty years' before, but In turning over their nierrieries the tam Men feund many links of asso- oiaticin; third parkins- known to them both; places'even streets wird houses cornmon -to their ,feet in early man- hood; events, of 'opal' history Which ea -ch carild recalVaIthibugh froin dif- fteit angles. ,And Eldents life in the West, hatd. been." a, treasury Of exper-: ience, in Which•hri new dipped tot the first time in years, regaling his guest with tales of the pen range long be - Our SNIP Pearl Ware Wash Board Is so strong, tough and 'diirable that a fulDgrown man or • woman can ,stand on it without doing the rubting surface or any , , part of it the least harm! The enameled sur- face 'won't chip, Sake or Peel off. Think of thiOrear there, is in such a wash bOard1 v is th sitme wearing qualities n all In SMP Pearl Ware. Try out the gosh board mid be 0110m:ed. e . ,Isa tfetAl..• PRObii4P3to°'44°p^ mOdr.r4041, tecciNro witrtopse sDr4ONTON VANCOU4dfl CALOATIY ,Ilaclio Supplies We aro distributors for RADIO PARTS AND COMPLETE ,SETS and ready to give you agency in your ^ Wo'ita tor Oar Price lAst.alid proporlitlou, Dominion Electric Supply GO., LTD. 110 Queen St. W., Toronto den "justiee,mnrecorded in the offloial documents of the territory; of whisky - running and excess and all those large adventures that drink the red bloodof the wilderness, In his grizzled head and stooping frame he carried more expealences than would fill a dozen well-rounded city lives, and he had the Story-teller's'art SCOIDIS to spoil drastatic effect by a too strict adher- Once to fact, But over one. phase of his life lse kePt the curtain resolutelY down. No ray of conversation would he admit into the more personal af- fairs of his heart,or af the woman whohad been iris wife, and even when the talk turned on the -boy he,quiirIdY wilaidkeW it to • another topic, as though the Subject were dangerous 00 distasteful. ,13qt once,' after a „long silence foll&wing such A cli'VerSitin, had hd betrayed:himself- into 'a'ivhttietdd remark., an outburst of feeling, rather than a communication. "I've` been alone 'se Much," "he said. "`It seems I have never been anything' but alone. And -sooner. or later -4b g,01.:3 you -it gets you.:'. •, (To be continued.) *Fir. st Woman Enters Inner' ' The sacred portala of the Inner Temple. were passed recently by .a woMan when Miss Ivy Wilhams be- came`a member of the British bar, the 'first to -be calledin the TemPIe, says a recent 'London, despatch. Ki88 'Wil- liams is an Oxford lecturer, who says she dees not .intend to practice, though she took precedence Over a score of - meri beause sho possesses a, certificate of, honor. She appeared in a black evening' dress, gowned as a ,baryister. - II, E. Dickens,' son of the novelist, said: "Women have •attained, this eminence in laW not by virtue of the frantic suffragist activity, not by drop- ping ink and smoke bembs, but by virtue of their great and inestimabla •service to their -country during tlie war, The days are long past when wo- men were regarded as mere chattels by men, They are no longer regarded as mere ornaments, but as the equals of men. The work of women ,clurittg the war has worn down every exist- ing prejudice against women taking active part in the management of the . coturtry a.nd in dispensing Its laws." - Call night at the Inner Temple Is always -a memorable occasion, but this year's Titual «niede history • for the British bar sv,hen a woman adorned herself in wig and gown and was warmly received hp her fellows • Villages Adopted by Britain. Under thes heading "_British Gen- erosity" the French press publishes a list "of recent gifts:4 French cons= rnones iby Eifgiih toWns which have adopted villages in the Somme depart- ment.' Thegifts include: • •, Brighton -2,000 fes. to Courcelette., Eastbourne -z -Forty sacks of *vege-i tables seed to tray-sursSomme. Ipswich -Sixteen sacks' of seed to Brizeritim 'Marylebone -i$00 to Sailly-Saillisel, ' Stourbridge-18•3300 frs. to Grand - court for -the purchase 'of agricnitiral inatertil and. seed. 2 000 frs el Sou nunph - , , to ,-G.u ide• court, • • - .Piirtsmerith-,60b. 'apple trees to Flers.' . , . Glimoester /1118 sent lin, eirglner ,to to study the in- stallation of a, water 'stifiply by an • E.04.T.isPuniff; with twe reservoIrs, each coutaining 20,000 litres, • "- Italy •owiis i;the longest stretch' of electrifieifrailway in Eyirolie, covering distr,fice. of abanit 170" Miles, over which the' traina • traiel..sin -ewe' anci. three-quarter hours. • - • HOW ,‘BISMARCK" • BECAME "MAJESTIC" BRITISH ENTERPRISE AND SKILL, Greatest- Passenger Ship Now Proudly Sails 'tinder the Union Jack.. gx-Kaiser WIllxoirn 170st something ableusitdgersautdhees-twzi., 1^11? He aftlol4ots the g r""e a tes Nevyspaper men and woMen trcan al- most every country in the world made a,,eritteel inspection Of the R. M. S, Majestic -fresh frbin a record-break- ing maiden voyage across •the Atlantic the other day at New York, , coriel'ilisucTaderinshC19,erlivnifall:4 We0h110.710. ti°ble, arar ended. Had things gone different - she would have borne Bismarck's name, and Kaiser Withelin, itIsstilted, wan to have occupied a specially ap- pointed suite on her maiden. trip. , But with the arlygnt of peacetile White Star.Line acquired .the partiallY built ship, completed her and put her into commission ain the Atlantic run.: ;British Expression. Drilish.worinnen brought her tattle singe :••tif the anished• article, with' ne* adfaptat,ioia, iuflfiin,Is;1,l ns,and. lecortl ilgsb;vhnetv6NajgttcisatG man Conception,' she is Of 1.3rielsh ex- ' The Majestic has been called. a "floating palace" ,and an: "ocean -borne holei.". Either, Or both, may be suit- -able, bug inadequate. She is a clti'tui u on. lose who were guests of the 'White Star Line at the inspection isurveyed a marvel Of InXuri. elm accommodation and grandeur. Spa. Moue Mee, stattely columns, fluted and denied ceilings, laturat paintings, hand cariring, gorgeous draperies, taPesitries 'and Upholstering, and' palnis and flowers greeted the eye everyWhere, When "the .worltt's largest slhip" referred to now it means. a leviathan 956 ,Ret, long -nearly a fIfth of a mile -towering above the water like a sky- scraper, and broader than most city streets. She hes accommodation for .4,100 passengere and carries, a crew of 1,000; It total that would people a tOW11. She has, 1,245 stateroom's, including matni suites,' the largest of which ,0011, 0.StD Or eight rooms and three, baths. 0E0 f:!.E these latter, especially design- ed for the ex-Kaiser,."lets4 for $5,040 per trip. In the f1r3t cablo..stateroonio. uPPer berths have been eliminated, every room „being fitted with, One or two b.eds. sl,11 rooms have running Wonders of Floating Palace, Public apauthaents tinelude a lonnge 76 by.57 feet, wib'io a concert stage and O ballroom tio.or a dqing saloon .13,7 feet by 98 feet, with. a..ceiling 33, feet high, the highest in any ship; a palm court, fitted like -the fashionable pro - manacle of a European watering plaits; an a la carte restaurant, with Conti- nental style of cooking and service; a stryoking rooms; a special eardro,erti for bridge .and other socially 'approved card games, „whieli is sitirated on tate main deck aft, .Where the smelting robin nivally is found; •a gym., it Peinfielan - • swimming.. bath of 820 square feet aroa,. and float 4 to 9 feet d e . • • The Majestic has nine 'decks, of 'which .live are subdivided with, water- tight cempartncte*. Above these' are four superstructure' decks, ker pro. monads deck Is the most extensive in any ship, Four ttineis around it is a Theship.'s.weight is 64,000 tons. Fier horsepoWer is, 100.m00 and her speed more than 25 knots, 01^-near1Y 30 statute miles, an hour. O'n•Christmas Island, in the Indian Ocean; there grows a tree which, ac- cording to one .traveler, "emits the most clis.agreeable odor in the 5,o:rid." It has •-a trunk as sttircly -as • an •oak andleaves. as ibertirtiful -as An -aspen. Int scent -permeates the air for hun- dreds of feet in every direction; and if on.e tonOeS its bark or leaves, re- peated scrubbing with carbolic soap is ' needed -before he' is 'again fit • for human society: Christmas Isiand has been chosen. as 'the chief observatioa point for' the 1022 eclipse of the sun. News rftofliJsteni Can d a a Sixty;siiindustries =inlaying be- tween, 800 and„990 persons, arg: DOW In operhtion in iBritisir Columbia, 'under leana granted'hythe'Britirsh Cohn -tibia' "Governmeirt,...egeoriling te the' annual i'enort of th'e',Departinerit of Indus- tries., To' eatabligeb ' the 'inclinstrieS the goVealrinent: iadsiarreed them- $1,- 105,858:. ••Six.!of • the incliostries thus established ihaVe progressed so well that they the whole of their .obatiops,• , •• • It is rep.ortert that'a strike of free nagging,gold, Maiming/Mill in value, has sheen- made n:'Texadia, Island in the Gulf of :Georgina; British 'Celina- bi4, The, sainplet,stbinitted.. for and- lyisiis are ft•eg.„yrnilling variety and Stringeas a. 'aTb in the quartz. vcin discovered is 1,500 feet long. • A shaft will be sunk ,,iirimediatelyand shim the depth nt th•O lode. • , Begisitratienof ,goats ht Canada has 'increased' 50 per eent, during the past year duct icceu interest in goat raising is being evinced by suburban awe4ers, British Columbia has - maintained its lead 0,,na ;11bw, eisporbs large nounlo.ers of these I:Mini:ale to other provinces a the Dimino -on. In order to enceurage breeding the Dominion Lave ' Steck Comintsstoner haa agreed to hero pedigree placed on registration certi- ficates t,liat disthrotion can be made between purebred .an.c1 scrub stock. After nearly a year's labor the ten ton telescOpe• being built 'by '11: 5. :Sherman fob Vancouver, B.,C,, for D. Taryre, •Of Seattle, is nearing amp; •pletion., •Thie ,g,lass, is pen feel1»dIst-• meter and il, Id csihnated tliat the on- ,RtrtITc11,1i Will Make Yisible four hun- dred million is'tars. It is reported that A, 11, Aittlerami, Of Spokane, has entered irate im bIt- bi'tstt with a Um lit VancenVer vvherc- by he ,acquires a blanket agency of approximately 'three million acres of lend in Central Bnitish Columbia,' in the heart at the rich agrictitural belt aibir tudde;6elit to the Peace River countrY..• It is, the intention of Mr. Anderson -to bring ruiners li•oin the Unifed States -to settle these lands. George Bush -by, yiletoTia, B.C., has arrived to open up tillte 11811 hy'11170' ducts plant at Tacks Inlet Jar the mantifaetuh• re OE fiskertifizer • and Meal' and the extraction of. fish xii• It is expected to produee -1,000, tons offertilizer and meal and,:100,000 bar - t ells of fish:oil this setts.bsi. The plant will operate bit the year round anti at the height of 'the season will keep four tugboats busy, aa ivela e•s a large gang of nign, Albeittee death rata, for 1921 hag reached the very low figure of 8.0 per 1,000 of population, according to the ,:ouaa hi:emelt. The birth rate of the year-vvas.28,8, The num- ber at births in the'province totalled 15,846; marriages '4,528;' and deaths 4,904. • Lethbridge, Alta,--Mueli oil drilling activity prevaills in Southern Alberta as well as on the other side of the Border. Drilling is centmencing 10 the Delco:let Lake district, .'approxi- mately 24 mileg northwest of the Kel- viri 'well, pin this side of the border. Drilling is also to commence in the Tongue Creak oligniet approximately sax mil.. •of the Dingman pro. clueing Wet ' le also ,hoing getroinued et the well of the Medicine Developitent COrnpany, northeast of' Medicine Het, :A lame volume -Of agricultural set- •blor:s fsorn 'Wyoming to the Peace River countliy oxpected this sum- mer, and Mist! •Week tho vanguard oe twenty-five families -froM the State arrived, VralicislitlinDS, os proininent Wyoming rancher, statee that big trade of land are to be •talsen top ipi thio area fer ranching purposes, :Many people itiOve citsrovereci that 2 IA 1 Shoe Polishes aro soOd 'for other things than For example: ifiti1 BLACK-,--Oood for polishing motor cars;refintshing suit cases, Itodaka, b1akglos,es, 'rubbers, hat, etc, In 1 WH19111--calte or 114uid7Goo1 for cleaning hate, stains in whim whito kid gloves, auto tires) etc . • Z in 1 TAN PAS:rE---Cood for polishing.f.urriLture,hstdwood floors: etc: , . IN* as Best List of hfea,' Uses for 2 isz 1, We are,Awardina Cash Prizes eta POlknPaj Ilst award $500.00 -for the most acceptable list 20 Prizes c:f $,15.00 -for the next Okenty 2nd " 300,00 --for next best list for the next fifty '3rd 200.00 -'for third bast list 50 " 2.00 -for the next fifty 10 Prizes of 25.00 --for the next ten 100 •" °' 1,00 --for tile next 100 lists - . . tro tolfind new uses for any of the 2 in 1 Shoe Polishes either blacn, lc, tars oxblood, or brawl% paste, white cake .pr whiL liquid, black or tan combination, Write on one side of paper only. List uses according 50 colors Awards will be made according to decision of sPeclal committee, end payment trade ori or before October lst, 1922. ,A.11 lists submitted to become our property, Address: Psite Editor, F. F. DALLEY COMPANY OV CANADA 1.11MITEIA, HAMILTON,. CANADA. efrom vonwava 47 "MVP taeltr.a...:Arn Blood Poisoning . • Blood poisoning. is a rather lade', finite term that is anplied popularlY) and quite properly, to a number of dis- eases in which the bloocl contains poison .of 'strty DLit in -order to avoid -confusion it is better to restrict the term to what is' known in medi. The Care •of Your Malt Bag. , • do this, tie a string three teet long to cine as oiaelnia and septicaemia mesh bags lave 15-4.ren increasine:IY oththe:nettndarit 01'01:th•the vbrUrtintbaretlliea ; aon5II•tahrph iPnYathemeibaloniodea;n:eptthieeaelnr-leisaenmeeeanrs 'Pthu: popular tor several years because ot their 'pleasing appearanee, but some stick with which tO lima; ihe itirole. presenCe Of •',arly rpbit matorial, - who have received meah bags of g'01410...hen make. a' ower -bed about ten whe ter bacteria or toxins or both, la or silver as gittts, or who have par- in'ch'es wide along lasts circle', and the ibleod• a c. chased them, Gave been dasappointed the plant MO171. otl poisoning niay foibo'w inflam- in regard to tilUeir wearing r•ailities. ing glorY, or other quickly grow- mation in any part of the body or may Dither the meshes soon ib'ea•in to 'oho* •Ing vine -seed.' .13y -the time the -Seeds leault from bacteria's entering 'the tiny boles like dropped stitches, or the are up, tie stout- hemp strings -from blood' from arty • centre of infection, bags theineelves-hog•in- to look dark each of the 411)61 of the -umbrella 'to such as, the abscess ef a tooth; ehron- and clingy, ' the 'stakes.. As -the vines^ grow they really inflamed tonsils, sinus disease Keeping the bags in good condition form a green wail -it -and 'the uMbrella or chronic ammunition •Of the middle is really a matter ef personal care. forms the, Proof of 41. charming 'little car. .Sometimes, though leas ire- . The mesh bags of better quality are Pla7/Jmuse. ma.de of spidered linits, and While sol - dos 11% a -metal, it is met whatinight be Refinishing of Furniture: called a tough, resistant metal, and Are you going to palot that chair the meshes themselves are alitfine and, or table that is stored away in 'the • delleate. • attic or Shed? Painted furniture le 31 :the mesh bag is Used thought:less- very•:p•oputiar actwaclayS, whinot make ly it -will suffer, •of,course.• No sharp the most„of what we have and bring article should,. eve. -be carried witatan in those old dejected pieces of furni_ ate folds, such ,as nail .flies, obange- tare efild'fejuvenate 'thorn? wood :Sibleks, hairpins, 'shear:Pet:Jed pen- To make a perfect job: of am old eile,.or anything, with a Point' whieh varnished piece, eVery bit..of .varnish will penetrate the ra,silies .and cause should be rem -rived. • Hnless this is tiny breaks to appear. • • done the work, will not . be entirely , • In one case; the owner of a very satisfactory. _Varnish may be re - beautiful mesh bag found that her moved •o•n smooth surfaCes by scrap- treaitire was beg'iuning t5.3m'ow inys-: in with a kneeoblade, piece •of glass, terioits breaki., She ,triaseal it to a steel ivooa, or sandpaper. This is too sin41, •:he'ad change iiinse-Wilvich she' harsh a tr,eatment for „Veneered, or was in the: habit of carrying inside 'the' delicate surfaces. Care must always bags; ..The_betatis were .of just•therightl bettaken not 0 niar er !fent [Inc WO od. iiie: to fo[0O themselves inte•the-ines.b 'Ammonia: turpentine and aleoh'ol oiiSni4 if 'dircurastances Were '•right. walla dissoave varnish hut the Most Eat- -,$llie had the bag repaired ana stopped istactory methed is to use a entities.- Using.the little bead, chaage purse and 661 varnish reinover. There are many 'had DO furth_er coiae, for .eompleint, a them on the market and all are •It. is also a mistake to 'forde the about ediraillY geed. They -soften tho carrying capacity of the meshhag, varnish end it ,can be easily removed for it is essentially a -dress article, and by .s.crulibing Or Wipilig With a heavy 'and not one to be used for utilitarian cloth. For float cleaning use:gasiititte psiluoruipcdsesre.mTenhiebeolwiniesrh.oefg,tpbeesm,•sielosplipliinagg, otr.actuesrpoenititnalee., vTahrensies.hwitlean'iroeymeerve, ault, It as 'possible.. The poison is olunin- . ttnio' to aferrby Stimulating all'the excretory that A more calm:ions loather or sill: In:Meyer it -takes too much red.epbscle 1,1110 Whilall Ae can stuff resnov‘e the, varnish,be sere the par - parcels of different sizes, , will he: am nish ia absolutetly Open, fok paint will convenience;,,while: the, charmingja esh not stick• to.'greaftg.,•••01rr_faces...,Ruli,•with. bag. will- be saved :for snore aopro- steelswecar eaterY paper, or . a fine .priaite us.e. , , ' grade of sandpaper: This W1,111 smooth If the article is gold or silver plated,' the rough pieces •of vivre:lab and at the plating will wear off in -time, al-! the same time scratch the Smooth stir- Ibabgli if this is 'is good o0ai4 it face SD that the paint will adhere to it, should la-st si'iThvell as mix oth-es' plated Vse ,at no -gloss ffoirs,o Paint far the 'article would if it is -taken care -of. fit'SG eDgbi 40ti.,,ti:Dbe;1e0:tedovta s ofea, „lndalar;it But ander no circumstances should t it colored Paint is be cleaned with gritty scouring pow- surface. Mew,eachicoat to rdrv thor- dors sr. soaps,or with unknown ma_ potafginillyo,,E 1111111%0,11s: daezeeacit ot, enantel belied's. • . . • , -,---r-so---L----• ' Electrie Flypaper. ' One owner' cf a mesh bag scrubbed it vigorously with a borax prep -am- Little, Dorrit's • Haven. , The struggles of a fly caught on a tion. After the first •clesaing, it WaS •This meta the old 'parish church sheet of asinglete.ot paper aye painful eert-ainlY iMPrevecl far mach eft the of St. George the Martyr, Southwark, to Witnem Perhaps; however, the in- . sail was removed, hut 'after several celebrates the ' 800th anniversary of scot undergoes no worse sufferings cleanings, tho plate 'was removed alse• its foundation. The original church, than when poisoned. '''-. The beg was replated and the owner , built in 1122, by Thomas •Aderric, Why not hill the flies by electricity? was sadder and Wiser for the expense went long ago. In its place stands A simple little ma.chine for the ptir-. waIsn IbIllileilcefenttt,7.she used a' good sliver 1784 and ,finillred two yak -15;i later. ..it on the wall and it does the rest,. 'the present church, Commenced in poser has been invented. ' You hang cleaning Polish 'anc/ II s'aft.1#tle 'brush. Here Were, buried' Bishop Bonnet, Bait, of any kind suitable, attracts the After. cleaning, the bag was rinsed Edward Cocker, a famous ,17th Oen- insects to a shot thraugh which it 18 ,thoroughly,,under the Warm water [pry .arithmetician, and many unfor- exposed to view and al11011. The slot faucet until -it Was quite Clean; then it inflates vvho died ia the 1VIirshalsea is a 'narrow elongated opening between Ntyhri;asit adnriyedelifibiagiang.son: c ean owe a , rtson w tic I stood near by, . , . two metal plates,. When a ftp crawls hun•g. wide °Pan 'in a draught of air, Loncioners, ae:le':ucthioi-yinteretsotuesdh in acrass from one of, the plates to „the oisture/within the the churchea other, it is. instantly killod and 'falls - , . b. e Dickens. meshes might be evaporated, up ats•interest with the magic of his into alittle trough' beneath. This Hogg of -gold plate or of solid geld pen. It was in the porch Of St.,George happens becanee [3m. plates are at- . . . should only be cleaned with ' Some the. Martyr. that -Little Dorrit .slept tached by 'binding pests to a couple preparation obtained -from .a reliable ene night when she wastab late- to of copper wires which pass through jeweler for the purpose. Nattirally the .got back, to the Ma.rshalSea Prison, an` electric cord connedted to 4111 Ordl- . bags will grow. -clingy if they are car, Dickens pictured. Little Dorrit mak- nary plug, :ViliC.11' 18 inserted in san ried thr,oughout a season Without be- .ing he,rselfComfortable with a bed electrie socket, ing cleaned,ha The meshes are peem n- ade of cushions and a hook of regts_ ' •• . ______..........0,.._—_ liarly adapted to catch dust anyway, ters for her pillow. I,atet he married Warships to the Munber a over 80 a fr,..i.ti,e,,,b c.j.esming with •sttiahl4 her to Arthur Clennam in the Same 500 have been "scraPPod" by the .matevials, or st'good rinsing hi clear :church, various nations since the Armistice. , water, •and a proceis of gentle tying . . * • . •l'he people of AmsterdamifIelland, -wiii heap to keep the beg attractive. Although blind, - a Canadian ex- have been tatight, by means et an off", Some, owners of ine7S11. • bags have soldier •has passed the -••civil service 'Hal movie film„how to behave' in pub. lined them with silk or kid, to prevent: exarninatitin for • employment as a lic-on Which Side of the pavement to cases, or anything of that kind, This sOiling_cloinitYhancfkerehierS, light card shorthand clerk, '' ' ' ' ' walk, how to hold A. cane, an umbrella : - .......--.....-......................-....-:“..,.................,F.,-,,,,,,!..-...-7.4h---4--*. really spoils the 'effect of thei•tlainty 'article itself, making 11,1061c thick in- stead of fine and filmy. It also com- plicates the cleanang process, for, .g ODD Me, S1101 ,A lining hes to be re. moved before eloansang as undertakett The trouble can be avoided by", keeping the bag clean and by using a small, inner r,emovable envelope of silk into vvitch handkerchiefs or any- ' thing else of alight ,color can he slip. pod, Even this is nanocesetaty 11 all meshes are rite clean, 1).' they Should be, '' au ent,ly•than 1 orrnerly; blood pmsonmg •follo-ws a alight wound that has been. „ neglected, and allowed, to fester Surgeons. sometimes acquire fatal blood poisoning through a needle puncture or a eut -while they are per- forming an operation or making a • post-rnorten examination. If the wound is in a finger, you can often trace the ceurse of the inflammation along the lyinphatic "%teasels, just be- neath -the •slyin, as far as the arraPit,' where the poison causes the glands to swell. What is called the bubonic plague is really bleed Poisoning of a special 'khi.d.; the\ poison enters the _ body. through a fleabite on the foot, or leg and orthses the gland -a in the groin, , The general symptoms that follow, the infection of a wound soon appear slid at first resemble those of typhoid fever; the patient has chills anti fever, headache, less of appetite, nausea: and vomiting, -a coated tensile and dry lips. The severity of the symptoms varies greatly according to the-liegree of the infection and the resisting powers of the 'Patient. The object of treatment fs-td increase the powers -of •fesIstance • and to get rid of the poison as -rapid- orgene--%he lefts, the skin, the boels anti the .kidneya-and at the .'same time by giving the patient :plenty- of water. to 'drink or by 'inject- ing water into the blood. The patient should breathe the out- door air; "the lied s'itottIcl be near an open. window, or preferably a window tent, should- be used. The skin should be kept warrn•and should, be, sponged: frequently -with dilute alcohol. inter- • nal antiseptics or .vaccinee are often 'Curative. A Novel Playhouse, Take the old, worn-out, large tun- btolati And Matte it into a playhouse, Find h. soinvp' into which the um. brolla handle Can lie securely fastened. -use a hit of Cement hold it it necessary. Draw z cir;;k qt.1')ultii the stump, about six feet in diameter: To A Single Wheel Tractor and -Cultivator ^ 14,!•• C,?1,nb iiseoh SprYwhogl does anY work finr which. a 'wheel , or hand 1100 oim,be used Ohre Titteg As Much. 4 ,ve.. Small eitangh ,for the half acre home ssardener-a lablit saver and money Mahar tor every market gardener, atireerinuot find' tartur,' huarriag thilfornily T sarong), and rdeonothicaf Cultiration, C • Per fall In ormatiou and Doseriptive Literiffare A gents Write Now SPITVili Eft 62 c ?aL4r+tig: 6T" TORONTO