The Clinton News Record, 1922-6-8, Page 2s 0, D, INIc`l'AGGA,11T Wt. 1), MeTAGGART tYleTAGGART BROS. BANKERS A general BankIng BusineSS transact- ed., Notes DiscoAnted, Drafts Itieued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Sale, Notes Purchased, H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveynneer. Finanaal, Reid Estate and Fro In- etirence Agent. Repieseniing .14 Fire Insurance companies. Division Court Office, Clinton. W. BRYDONE • entriater, Solicitor, Notary PbIi, _ SLOAN BLOCK • ' CLINTON . DR,. IC. GANDIER ' Office Hour: -130 to 3,30 P.M.i 7.30 to -9,00 p.m. Sundays, 12.30 to‘1.30. Other hours by appointment only. " Office and Residence .- Victoria St. 1 DR. WOODS Js esuming practi,sn at his residence, Dayfield, Office flours: -9 to 10 5.111, and 1 to 2 Sundays, 1 to 2 p.m., for con- sultation. C.'S:.ATKINSON , , rattuate Royal College of Dental Sur- geons and Toronto ,University DENTAL_ SU AGEON - Mas offiee -h01.1113 at ,Dayfield in old. Vest Office Building, Monday*, Wed- ' neadaY Friday and Saturday from 1, Eo 5.30 p.m. • CHARLES B. HALE - onveyancer, Notary Public, Commis- . sionee, etc. LLEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, Issuer of Marr'iago 1_,icens&3t, f-111RON sTREET - CLINTON Extra SpecialWashing bind, jest as sugar is left sviteiewster hes evaporated froze syrep, 11 a litichY (1.:11.)0°Ith °i'frt, rti.iY17-1.,(11.eble5 ntegt'beeeliywdrii7eeeclIveft7inle water hut mast be IV kl,SI1Pd OW5Y With more vvater, The sugar does net vsh --es-seese-se.'" Dee the oh', nad neither dace the till take the place et easilyoge and other -..‹.-/•:.i.`4',/,. ,, Whleh the gesoldne diesolves; at must noughage until the drought Usried be arinsed avv ay` with eepearted froth,. terne A we,i„. halanreba gritityratieti ..5Pring fretlitened Owe sheeld be fed reticle in the Seine ,reatiler ers der; ink :the Winter, except that erase Wilk, Address communications to Aurciternist, '73.Adelaide r"t'' west. T°"'"' unt'i en Tin10 le- should be compounded much the same Care of Young' Chielts. ANI:.4,11 floe clover chaff chi* 4.0oci settlearfter 1;he OlirerA: has evaPeeated- as for -velister feeding, Grain groWil 's ,,,eattered on it, the little fence is If the 94 SPot held (WO it Will hQ upon the farm EhOOld ,constitute tho ,Theluethods of feedires teS11 oaring ' • • ' 'r" ' ' ' ' il • ...enlarged and it the weather is 'net t°' iedrahmL with' (118saved bees ed this grain ration. Lxperlinents ior bgby chicks ere es inany ana severe the hover is raised through in the gasalineond cicanne3's CI show that 'cow's peodiree' enoregli -varied as these of our real babies, and the day, After the 3.30 feeding, the the garment will desiond epon the flier, mile en. rieei,ere to ,etoter thee no '1401,th. ther11, Ilkly4 to Start(right, flowered tied heat iecreased thoroughness of , the' rinvirgl ;IdaY for the pain retiree lbesidee en. keep on' right, and never deviate horn to insure extra warmth at beclthne and drop of eas"oline on 0, greaser snot ooemg.0 vometeet elite flow eree see, year method arta! once established. thus leveld crowding. , 'acts as a drop '6f rain dsers on e dusty tain the tows in geed iieele We build the coal fires in OM brood- • After the first we.ele, the first feed 08', stoves' at Meet twenty-four hours in the 'morning, is chick feeds in the befor,3 suing the honse-elean, gibitfY litter and always their drink of sour sand is placed On the boiled floor to a milk at .9.30, mash of one ,kort, egg, depth of tWo inches, A reletli covererd oratmeal; Man arid meal mixed , with wire screen eighteen inches high is epor milk. to a ,erurniely ereass.--pever stretched around the ,hover, 'about 'a sloppy'. The moon feeding is scratch feet frets' itethus keeping the chicks deed, 3.30 nmeb, mutat night all they within the wairined zone. Use brooder will clean up of the ecratch food pgains morneter and" bring the tempera- afpw.ilqy cheege the mash so that tuoie up. to ninety-seven or ninety, at three weeks they .are ,getting three eight degrees.. When .thirty-eix }viers parte of bran, two of cornmeal, one old the babies are taken from the in- of'whito reiddlin.ge, ore of sifted- beef cullators in wenn lined baskets and strap and one-half ground hone. This carefully placed under the, hover.. , It M kept in the dry mash hopper, before is a beautiful sight to Me, to see the thern all the time: 'gasoline, is kinder', -to, the hands and yellow, fluffy balla go aftee the sand. this .time the fountains ere filled 711;9:,c,e acnVeoelti.vb.eowifi winai'mhoettl),:wabyte.srettinogf A ,dish,of our milk, so arranged that afterneons with water ,sliFhtly warm - they can not get wet, is put before ed. They are placed on the flat eide .eourse gesoliee, must not -he warmed 'until they pre a _mouth old, I fry to th.e.saed en the Nor, in front eS them garments in -them, etre that. is their forenoon drink of a two-by-four agahlet the wall, and er usedMear e,Ablieltro,a.d.eon301:110gtrhie!t;ob Derares ef ,0,10.,,.„Neopee.t.tet,„ ggess get -then' into the .brooder hou.se in is, Always drept, wet-exerasend Or a Produce :frikien, roll,,ed cats, (14 bread and liaed-bciiled corner of the lemie and the chicks ‘,Plies annually .cartse iriestimable ing the.firett'Yesir.ert feedirig*ein The hard Cealashee ere throWn in one Fighiing the Fly l'est. lep,71:1;!4.33:LtsalrYie!„-°perr.:tic)ai'7,i'.414:1$4,gYtoiriall'it.;11111:0i!",e,1:61a,s111Y.'ida6obrifee: the foyerroon end about three:pm. they Sod_ being .pleeed .there kept eoaked. are given a .yeaw _light' 'feeding of egg, ground together. At vie o'elock se,ratch 'them, eating•inuch of the financial .loss to the dairy. industrY, in reolinnse,cleen, :light-, airy pens 'herd another feeding is given. One egg to eltareoul. haseseting..the health of the dairy tmsy ,shabled -yerde, 'provided with 4111 abun- ftY 'Chicks is sufficient at first. J -find ',Very gaaolually themnsb is changed and eating up the profits during the dance...,a .pure .drinlOng whtbr, he a heavy„pieee of -dark paper spread on until. we are using the eegular growing summer month.s. Desnite the vigor., have `better, "luck.” . the floor makes. the best:feeding place rnaeli r consisting, of, by. weightthree ous eariniaiges annually in'stigate.3 to ',Animals- of mee, kind grazed peer until. they learn to eat,' when- small parte Of loranetheeeperts of cormineal, eradicate this -worst-of-ail disease ram- .after -yam on Permanent .ipasture, in - ‘troughs are used. We feed thern five three parts , a white middlings and rier and pr,ofit-desteoying pest , evitably.taintor ssontenninete it with times,a, day threoghout the SelaSen, Or tie Parts beef Serail, the' Sens milk has ifieert accomplished in the way of pariesitee, pen/liar to their kind. Lung until thebroilecre are .disposed. of,. The tnking the ether part. Also one part extermination. worms • are. contracted by Celarg on first three days -they get the egg mash, of ground bone.; Dairymen, farmeis . and live - stock suchemsture, end. there ie no perfectly them little bran is added with a dash ,By followingthis ed., we seldom raisers should. employ', intelligent; and .satisfeetory remedy' for this pest, of red pepper. By the end. ad the lose more 'than two per cent., and a effectual means during the fly season Whielecausee lack of thenft and emati- week they get their first corn mea4 eas,e of,leg weakne,Ss is unknown: The to protect their stook against heavy times fatal pneumonia. Pigs, too, and a hepper .of dry :bran is pbaced Etter is changed as needed, never al- loss"-inourred. through this drritating come invested with lung worrns.whieb before them. The floral- ie then. coveeed, •lowed to became soiled or heavy.i • Pest.. The' spring andr early. mainmer have. a like a effect. :They -take:there months is the time .te begin war on in on log lase peewees,. erellerde, • the fly nuisancetbefere the beeeding and yards,.or from sUrface water Aiq season begine. Much can be amine- dirty feedinetroughs. , plished if begun in Season, to meta- • Pigs, like ealv,es, ,shoeld, .be kept off ceete this dangerous arid annoyote in- sueh, contamiaated plaCee; and 'sbOuld sect On the farm, that not only tor- be pastur.ed only on new green rape., meats the life of animals but en- pests.arrel(ceita,. clover, alfalfa, On' Other dangers the' 'health of the ,human forage erape ,Pregentien beth . „ stitireigs allsimpoztant. Treatinent Is The fly muSt have filth -to breed in troublesome, expensive, , end. 'reedy and without it .esan not thriVe suceesaftl. Whet has' been . saki in Thiess is a Patent .weaproii .in fighting respect'of calvee and 'pigs rig eqeally the ,fly nuisance. Oask, filthy places true .6f lambs andsfealts. Stomeeth about the .liatn. should be" elea-ned worins, tapeworm% irodoler eliSease The menere pile ebould he removed, Worms, -and lung. worms,r .sten tinfeet as it fdamishes a fertile place, for 'the lambs grazing beee..bittenmermanent fly to breed.. Lew wet places about, sheep pasthem: the Stable should be drained. . Foals peeturing on 'old beesel-itainted , The' use, of disinfectants' about the grass cannot amps' eonteaCting.: the' stable desti.oys breedin.g placee.fee the deadly Weedworm, 1)0T which there is fly, and'also germ life that, is careied. no, SPeeifie ewe. by' the fly from. animal ,to animal and from stelle to stable dull.* the eunt: leer months and frequently eauees great lose. It is a well-eatablithed fact that contagioug'abortion; tuber- enloSis and 'other infe4lous .diseases are transmitted Irons iine 'herd to an- other through flies. Cleanliness abont the stable and inshandling dairy pro- ducts is the di-dy safeguard: against infection.. Setrayin.g the herd with some reli- beared-rt speeads in every direction, wee° tee meeire,y. elf denyteee rand eaeries the 'dirt out from -the seeds, metier winter rows, spring centre.in a ring, If there ismot more eeeshened eows should nee be coo- , . gasoline to loilow again and again, until the mg is meshed quite elle the elot11, "then (fluty streaks will remuin, Rinsing is, just. °as important in dry clean:Mg as in sudering. • If 0, whrele gerineet is soiled, as a .spring freshened cows JhellP Ont on the silk -blouse ruaS he, kid &yea, /or mii.th. ehequ,and {hip quite eecept- ehikVe ceat, it is most easily cleaned able as farm expenses .alwaYS run' in, a quantity of gasoline to coveamas „tree higher (teeing summer mantes, though weee water, with squeezing, with a seiteese :grain ration, some and turning, in one bath after anotheri supplemental rpughage, when needed,: until the last exie remains clear The and ...-proper. care, spring freshened cows can be made quite profitable. sidered unprofitable. On myeefarm barite a large amount of leWlitritol pas- ture and I find thet 2 can Pro:duce milk rntiCh cheaper during the:summer than during tib winter, •I fond Med-that thre To Keep Young Stock Healthy. • GEORGE,,uceener sEL,r thLIO.e County TT Licensed ss . „.... How to Take Care of the Frail and Dainty/ Garments That e • . ,of Herod. Will Not Stand the Big Wash. Cassese° ne eilre 'eSoniptty answered, , • - ii)'CIERTRUDE COBURN JESSUP.nimediate arrangements can be made B ) ear Sales Bats at The News -Record, Clinton, on by calling Phone 203. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction 1 .. e Guaranteed. TIME TABLE irairts will artive at and depart from • Clinton as follows: ell'ffalo and Goderich Div. ping test, depart 6.28 a.m. Citing West ay. 11,10 clp. 11.15 a.m. ". ar. 6.08 tip. 6.47 p.m. 10,03 ,p.m. „. London, Huron S. Bruce Div. • Lacing South, lir. hp. 8.23 ham 415 p m. Cluing North, depart 6.40 p.m. " 1E07, --11;11 a.m. • • ;The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Head Offiim, Seaforth, jJnt. DIRECTORY: President, Jame Coanohuy, Goderielo; Vice, James -Evans, Beechwood; Sec.- Troaserer, Thos, E. Hays, Seriforth. 'Di rectors George McCartney, Sea - forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth;, Orievo,',Walton; Wm, Ring, Seaforth; M. McEweri; Clinton; Robert Ferries, Ipha•Benneweir,Brodhagen; Jas. Connelly, Goderich. , Agen ts : Alex. Leitch,..Clinton ; 1. W. Yee, Goderieh; Ed. Hirichray, Sea - forth; AV. Chesney, Egmondrille; R. ear/mute Brodhagen. „ ...any money to be paid in may ,be paid to Moorish Clothing Co., Clinton, or at CutPg•GrOccry, Goderich. • 'Parties desiring 'to affect Insurance • ar transact other 'business will be -promptly attended.te on application to any of the abeve„officers addressed- to • Hien- respective post•roSses . rnspected by the Director who lives -nearest the scene. '" CLINTON NEWS1ECORD • CLINTON, ONTARIO, Terms of Subscription-32.00.pe5 year, in scivance, to Canadian: addresses; $2.50 to the U.S. or other foreign countries. No paper discontinued mite all arrears are paid unless' at tigi• eptiqn of the publisher. The dale, which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label; Advertising Rates,,Transient• adver- Liseinents, 10 cents per nonpareil line for lirsn insertioa and 5 cents per line for _each subsequent inset - 01,(M, Small' advertisements no to 41Xee9(1 eine inch,. such 50 "Strayed," or "Stdlen," ete,,,inserted once ter 35 cents, and each subse- quent insertion 15 cents, . .Communications .ity.ended for publi- Cation MUM, as a, guarantee of good Leith, be accompanied by tbe manic of • the writer. • (4, 210, HALL, 151. 13, CLARK, Pioinietor. Editor, Nearly overyon e ripping, ienriog hoses/obis, timot. Diaordotati titan- aoh-oluesiRli itbotirit. Ci/cer 140 I 14000 the 4.6411 1111151— Chiltriberlat 11'o • ts1151101,111tILIVOIIYablete. TI1Cy mit (ff g Mita) told 1)61,414113 repht 001 drottitiAte 585,60, irOO frets S Chesoberlabx Merlieine Co., fferento . . 01 55 & The smell and the feel anrcl the look of clean clothes fresh from the line or the bluegrass, afford one 01 the real setisfactions ,of ,the housekeeper, Many a tired .wornati is rested by them on every pleasant washday afternoon. A•fter the spring cleaning is done and vacation time in -on for the young - folk, there is a vaxiety" of clothing to be leaked over, diercarded Or put in •order. A thrifty womam discards very •little. On a bright Moralay'rnorning, when sun and air are right enolVnergy high; the temptation is to .gather up everything 11131 11 not perfectly fresh and (dean and get itinte the purifying suds and:disinfecting light. Right here we must beware! Not everreotiled garment can stand up under the- rou- • tine of the leundry. Just now, -especial- ly, 'thin fall:Irks of teal delicacy are in vegue,.wastefulness from care- less cleaning is tdo common. Crepes and other elieer silks are high-prieed and difficult to fit and. finisb. Long :days of patient s.ewing .and many dol- lars, slovvly earned and joyfully spent, may be thmovismaevdeS with one dip into hot soapy water. Color, crispness, form) evendueability, Of the choicest possession may venish, thus quickly. Imperfect dyes, also, Make neces- sary the cleaning Of many -fabrics separately. The sedeing of a nurnhdr of colors at once, or leaving thei 'in organdy, a soletion of borax is used foe rineing. Gasoline of the best and whitest quality should be ready in abundance.'sA. still more voltaile fluid may he needed for lace collars and vests whieh cannot be conveniently removed from a dark ,garment and must be cleaned by patting .with a little fluid at a time whidh is absorbed by a soft pad of cheesecloth oe• old linen held under the spot. ' A. -mixture r &COMM e /Medi -for this p urpoe e follows: 1 gallon gasoline, 1, ounce alcohol, lA ounce chloroform, SS ounce ether. The two-otrice mixtuse of ,a166 ol, chloroform ancl ether may be pur- chased at the drug stare in one battle, and one-fourth of added to a quart of gasoline "then needed. Per, summer &Atom such as lawns., dimities, and finefingliams, which can no longer be 114t3cleaned and, Yet ehinild not be ex -Posed to the. ravages of, soap, a, good supply of thin cooked laundry starch is the best thing. If ecru or neturel linen color ie tO be preserved then calked -hear/ water niay teem the place ,of.the white steed). Of the sorted garments. there. will be two piles of white toe very light; first, lace and net collargand guimpes, silk and cotton. gloves, , and; Ight cottonor silk 'dresses which aregbut slightly soiled and need .orrlygasoline for the oily parts that have been 'next the the tub or.. basket, may destroy -Jibe 'Okinor for accidental spoti; .and, secs beauty' of .811. Little Mary's handsome Mrd, sinailar-,articles Which have been plaid te.conares a sinear because the previously dry-del/led end rewoen red rune all throug,h, th.e other colors; until they ate rsoiled all ,through and MotheiSs rhancl-made lace that eante all meet.ba eveseea in either t.be way fronehigniisSionary sister in s,tarOh, waSets Chile to.thim her best blue voile; turns Dde third group may contaim white a thopele'is 'gray; the. white pique cuffs, or light kid gloves, silk ribbons, ties and eollar on Jean's fayorital loiiff - and .mufflers, ,blouses ancl ,dreves, .all sehorol fro.ck can never be snowy white to he immerged.two or more tinies"in again; arid the ribbbrig and silk weits.t are ruined. • gasoline. • The fourth bunch it be , • , 10 the' third but of ,d icer . No, doti3 Father tlfern up and put articles ann. more eonee. weoems not 'them into the laathibe I Save then( for thor.o,uAly sheeelren and of fast color a speelal day, and then have all the eirould be dry-cleanedein gasoline; and materials ready - foe `a:thorough job, will malse e fifth group, along' with Wait for a'. fair morninerWhen it is th.e small boys' tradaers ,and cans and warm arid dry enough TOr quick evapi eueh other lte.avst aeticlee11M .as .Y -eratien, and when C 11 ean 'well out In only M cereful sponging and peessing: the yard /eistirelS,"thee have a really :21 .,4) et, ere tel3e• treated, they sheuld g'064 tinie, luringnewness' hack to, to. be encircled by a white thread,Or chalk egingegerments and restoring, to the mark se 'they will nal be lost as ',shop, several memberS, of the „family their as moistened. ' .sneelal finerY.. • In 110 fifth pile 1311 11(0 those, exsel- , Father's neckties, arid the boys', will lent woolen and sil thin,,s pre usly nseet attentiOn. the little girls.' -heir- dry-cleaned to the limit that can profit Controlling Wceeds in the Corn :Field. To prevent weeds taking their large toll from the corn crop, it is import- ant that en. eaapres be inetitated eaely in Order that the enemies ,ofetlie- corn plent May be kept in, subjeetien aol the least possible cost. The maim way of keeping down the weeds is by ccilthral operations. Tlm ahlt, and effective flf repellent not amid „should be pi -dared some time onlY insures proteetion to the stock' ahead a Planting date and the .w.eed seeds. 'de given an dpporttinity to germinate se that the young Plants may be destroyed, by discing„.0m har- rowing jugt befoie the corn is pilanted, The harroWkiheRlid: again hkused after feed; the secoed: Peed according to the' corn le ins. and pethasis a second the individual needs and, desires of time before the plants are Jorge each animal, ansl the thied: Feed rogu- enough to cultivate. .• lerly both as to the limes .ef feeding While Mat cultuse May destrby now/ and the character a the feeds.. Ran- ee& then -a hilt of 'elk torn, this (laid- tive to.the last, the Animal Hueband- . . age is many times over-halanced -by ,arian .imints out that sudden chlinges the benefits In the way ot, keeping in feeds are liable to -cause not, only davrn vveeds apa warming up the. soil a loss in gains or production, but will for the more- rapid groWth. of the corm often induce aihnenta such as dime - ,Many .1.1,Ccessful • growers adjust hoca. bloat, milli fever, ole., ell their cultivators to that) the dirt is which are described in the circule, thrown. away from the reW ditring the with euggeseed treatment and, reme- first cultivation when the plants, aye sinafie incl later reverse the proCess' and work the **Soil to:Ward ,the ,row, thus covering up any small we*eds that may have started and still keep the soil fairly level, ' Says Sam: The.m.an who is too busy to lean on the fence aril kook at a gun - set is too busy- to live, dossing the fly season,, but, materially increases the profrt from stock raising, The dairy cow in particular, -with her sensitive ne.ive organization, suffers untold torture 'dining the summer monehs from flies. By applying some form: of fly eepellant twice daily She can,be wonderfully protected, r have tried two different kinds of fly repel- lant on the market and have ,esnoyeri very helpful' in peoteketing my eows from the fly nuisaircee-.L, C. R. CoMentmeet and kW -satisfaction close the gateg to cominunity improve- ment ancl progress. ...A balanced daily program of seoek, play and recreation will Make for greater accomplishment and better Faremwiverg' don't get, emniner va- cations. Is it, because they don't them, or because they eeeempassible .Eloesn't mother need a, vacation? Can't it be aeran.ged? Growing Seed Potatoes. S/111://er WhO ir/I14111414 prOdue0 Wis own Supply po ed, ..pat•atoo$ shoold pew ,41» foe the crop. The seed plot the'lld,'bo.renTQAT ea s ono es con s icierable 'die:taupe from the. main crap cf. este, toes "end Special .101i -selected aced' sheeld besieed, foe plarrting. Devine the g•roviing se.ason this- plat needs to be carefully sprayed and any hills showing disease shoulci be merciless- ly ,removed. • Seed for next year's planting emi best ho selected at die - 'ging time Th,e 'hese hills would 010,- turally he removed first and marked for use in tbe home seed plat for the following Y ewe The remainder of the plot can be harv6ted and this seed used for tbe,main crop. isollow- ing a program. hf will en- able tine,,careful .farmer to develop a ',satisfactory straht of potatoes- ,that pill be especially adanted to home C'enditions. --Paint Primps Poultry House. Painting , adds ,greatly Joloth to the itppeepari,cp and ,service:of all , Mgs, and 'anpliairces. he May huy ready mixed paentseor'may muchiasc paste nigmenta ianit oil and mix them. All s,urfates should he clean end dry be,dorre they ere Paintgd Use'a Priia- . • jig coat nmee of equal parts ef eratutt 5714, linseed oil and saver WiKlb, Pa.,a‘ ,mOre coliit's of paint; Which'ISheifid lob thoroughly brushed into. the surface. W,hitewash is. the cheqiipest ,of all paints, and .maY be, (med. either for exterder •IIIIOrI61.1 It . can 10 Mede by slakiligealsout ten pounde ef quieklizne .in a pail with two, gallons Of wafer, -covering the peil With cloth 1 IA SP• RING DELVILITY:, L.eee Of APPefifOA That "leer Feels. rine and Sometimes ktruntlons, Thousands take Eoctro Sarsapa- rilla es a spring medicine Set' that, tired fooling, nervous weakness, inmure end eity inelete• tleim 'reel better, eat and (deep bet - t1', and "realms food taste good," Spring debility is a caiieitien be. wheel 11 10 especially hard to 0010 - bat (Woos° germ% which invade, the a.Ystoril hove, thoro mei every- where, Tho \vhito blood corpuscles,. , ,aornotinies called "the little soldiers, • iri Cho MOOd," because It is their. duty to tight 441Se55411 gorkoS, are tool weak to do good isorvico; Rood's eersepernia strengthens, the '011115 soldiers" and enables them to re041 gonna of grip, lotto - ouzo, fevOrs and other ailments; relieves catarrh and rheumatism. It' has Wren. ostisfadtion to throe generations. Got it .today, and Air a laxative take I-lood'S Pins. ' . . THE CHILDREN'S HOUR A Queer Animal. "It's queer to call a whale an anie anal," rieflecte.(1 Floyd Gaidram, closing hie. amok, Vint Steps in 13iology,"' which he tad, brought home with him that afternoon. from school. up feom his chair by the heavy oak "Queer?" and Uncle Nathan loolced. reading ,table, • "Yes, , I think so," replied Floyd. "Don't you?" eorneb aruPT. dw.aal nter ci ,5rg ilhe' ton salkeed 1,44.orl nuaieC 1P, beIlan a hitlitaleaer eaiisiseral'na,...idlotemnhelee:es:bha'ac;pYnsi.ic6;. 3 30 13 jrmn thmeaywhiiteewae9shpliteptia ic.eosiiirencAy. 1, is so odd, aild has 00 rattily eharacter- istics which an animal -a inainmel- Weetherprroof :whitewash for .eirterior iiot supposioa ao.postess, that when ,the first stuffeeleene was brought to Hirano the di•Wtingtiirilligdibi:616,giste0e- dared it to he *a humbug, tilv011inlkslY; fabeiceted,' .pponotineed these learned:. 'scholars when they .examin.ed it.. "What is it)" asked Floyd, "the animal yen refer to?" his .e.terioeiter aroused. , "ft is called the duckbill ".e-cplainedi Unele .1Na:than: - "Is it large?? and. Floyd moved. hie chair nearer We urrae. ' "No," Wes Uncle Nathan's reply. hae' not been „found ets: practical ,to "oertsieding and. tail,- when Oily, control dise.asee attaeloing these. Plants gpown this etreete animal ie from sutfaces, may be made as fellows; (1) Slake one bushel of quiekliniel in '12 gallpne of hot water, (2) dieselVe 2 'pounds corinnen .selt and, elle pound rf sitepirate, Of 131..2 gallons. of 1....seiseg water; 'Pelle Az) into (1),,tkete add .2 'girillons of sniin 'Milk end inix therotightlY, Whitewash' is 'spread hgiiiy over the -surface, With,a ',broad' • • Spraying...B*1r' Fra,iiits:; In. the hair1dling .Of bu.sh fruits, it hy, spraying eei it is for similar troubles on tree fruits. The .gesieral • prectiee Is to cut eut and burn all .old canis pooi as the fruit has beep. reMoved. Other diseased canes may well be taken out upon their trat a.p- pearance of the ailments. It is wise' to select...varieties that are resistant ,to. diseases. - Caterpillars On the' lea-ves of raep- berries and blackberries can be eon- dogs not helm them. It has in them trolled with a .spray of arsenate of pleees bita which closely resembles. lead. Use oft pound of the powdered that a a dink, only it is somewhat droader. . "Its tongue is so tonstrected that it. cam collect its food with it into pouch- es which are situated. in the ardmas• eileeke. In these little pockets the. 'duckbill can marry its foe wherever it wishes to dine -usually, however, to. its ,burrow." "But the duckbill can't live in the water ae the whale does, can it?"' asked Ploy/ it istoth water animal and a burrower, Its toes nave sharp claws, with which it can dig, and -there is a. eonnecting .between thmn, which enables the duckbill to swim.. When he digs, he can turn back this. membrane, ,as a man turns up his• else .and exPirt rules for feeding shiet-eleaves when 'at everk." &irk tattle, ' he fipst is: Nevem. over- "I'd like to, see it," remarked. Floyd,. greatly fascinated by what hie, uncld. was saying. . "It sveuld De an 'unusual' sight, I. conde.ss." should -think so!" • "It makes. itself a cos.y and snug little home on the bank of,theStreanli" continued Uncle Nathan, "where it selencle most of its. time. This under- ground residence has two tunnel ap- proach.e.s, one from beneath the water and one froxn above." Uncle Nattigen praised a moment. • "Does it have any other queer char- acteristics ?" inquired Floyd. "One very much sio-for an enimal," returned 'Unele Nathan. "The dock - hitelen te twenty inches' "The body of the duckbill! is cover- ed evitth waterproof der, which inuchr reserahles rthat of the beaver. "'Phe little fellow has no ears that. , are visible. However, he proesieissea. internal ease, end 0£121 hear -1,1+11k them as easily -as Lean a dog with "We think of a quadruped as hav- ing a mouth and, teeth, but the (Molehill arsenate to fifty *gallons of water. • Mfidevi, Which appears as a *grayish poWdery fungous, is controlled by an application patassium sulphide used at .the rate of ene -ounce of the sailo phide to boosthreogalloam of water-. ' Plant lice ere controlled by nicotine sulphate, ,This should be 'applied, how- eve.'r, before the lestime etud;' since this folding ad the leaves prevent's the spray from rea:ching the lice. . 'Rules for Feeding Dairy The 13,‘ emitaioen Cattle. Husbandman sets .don in No. 68 of the Experi- mental Farm. circulars three very ton- . rarents as ducators Blessed are the Tactful-I—By Mrs, Lydia Lion Rolbenis Tie() boye went, up to a house and sat mother loolted rant. ef the window to riblionsi tbe 'blue yoile that is to' be fina:ay by warm nds _tin d ecrual.1,7 'drown on the s'tePs s,haillin‘u. theie sise two rh.oysefighterg, emeoests, ,over dress that hadsice stream spilled down and . ., inuddY fee't and draggMeg a heav,y, .c:t1::.tr ndneisjfirS.,2,1n, °0°2,1;044o)b:a3 'pli2z.t*Inn4i.a' ‘,tYellatlegnatIllioraodd- , . . nem. ie g . inuto pd hen altered and the yelloW Oropo 'party Warm rinsing to remove all $1,biolchies,s hack , and forth on the path. 1l, was , .. thou, hi; et n i ' ' . a t the front; that . dd summer silk of througghTatYline'!Nsvsa. ter Ttlilleedeeii'llitial;arli'lell7s went out an sltep.ped up eo the an, Mother's that, looked so worthless. the mentioned as a part of the second pile, iZv n,os,ses ie. neirethrborhood, ye.t they - had taken tagoniste, and milid ge.o.d.nateredly, "I not th.eir 10 05150 110r . veo them own Pre-mrtle e man don'telilie to 41..ev.P,me. pretty' lawn Len delicate cuffs and collars, and all the for all the soap 'washing should, be o-p-',-;;;,ed-th' e"d0.8,erl,bwtclie; the13. tl'IlietlY up, so would you boys, plea s.er go. over gloves. Theide accumulate amazing- ent'cif until 'al:.ter' things cleaned in 'nal° -lent,. -lid' 13n said pleasantly, to 1]., vq,etnt le. le t the,t. 1 i ly but a day deVoted to ineelligent . gasokne and starch,,,heve been Ming tatetesen-de- fo'u do? Won't 'you come' finish' yo‘ur fight; '-Yld.1.1s5sreceti'll':ei:.1)1; renovating 11111j1 F.1.11,,priSe the inost saia- up. 'Dhe gasoline will nee:ti• all day t . e-, - ' , ,, land and I can't heve you fithbreg . , game, . emac.ng- e garments., or evaporate, and'. the starched C101110'94 •m .h b .- 1, I ed up in abashed suih.' 1 ex but theale ' id - tV oe I ov ' even shopping far, new materials, should dry early and he sprinkled .,•,' ieTs 3 s'C'''o'°1.1'°I;r•-0; 't 41 '211 144.1priod 1.'1-1 01,e6,' , C,,,e',. 'S - 'C'n : ' r"'1.' ' el' would take many times as, long, to say. ' ready for th.e irons when they are away‘ ----e ' ,,,,Iihteheo-I]ts a-tea-totl. l'ufilO-ain'an sMiled j, T1-1:13.ini's stapPed a min-eE", TOC:keel nething' of the. cost, and the, expense heate.d for the woolens. • „ 01 e„eaning ihnos ,s as 11,00111g coin_ when everything that negded, a fall and, dose,d the deor. re each other, then each 'sloWly rgrin- The men could have shouted, serald- hetl, rave los n clre.seY "Slave!" an 1 P1'0'1 to T'll'at; °S.' Pl.'"fe"si°1151 cleaning. ball' 1.1'1s been hung up, we, rilaY 5'.1t ed, tlyt.e;tened,er abused' the trespasz- the wh'ole 'crowd. III OVE-'i a'adably up' nice -Different- l'reeesses, Foe.), or five graves of aeticles. may --,....ge.l-,edi dew", te th13 tehnets1s- .roAnsyllans li3ietettne 0,011,g1; e With droubtles.s unPleaseet resoltS stteret withoeit finishio.e the.' f hi be -format boys went. away. Be.eauSe Cihildren :d,o not like to be talked be sorted, out and ' handled the same ""x'llre `') anst 'at nick anci wrists, 05 he wag pheasant 511,11 tactful 1111 annoy- over as. if they .hael :no -eca-g,,and, th,ey day quite eceliamieally if eaTe i, ,..,,ed • a grease spot on the vest, we talon a mice ceased at ()Deo Fold, thLe: irteidOSt ard burt, and antagonized* wheeLebeie about cleaning the l'ikhrtest alld least little soft dauber of cheesecloth and was eles,ed,. , ilk - and dielikes are lanc1ted li,t ei. eeiled fas-t, then the next dirtiest, and, a. larg," Pad film,- absorb ar under the wesadadee diplomacY; we sigh when their mistakes ridicaled. so on: Ther.e will be severral different sP"i's and pat ith' {h" einan'ing fluid vve 'meet untectiel perSons who'. ruls us A little gird*, whose lantil'i- had in** processes. The first regal:We is to oVer and ever, turning .the abserber the wrertg . way: A Person nioy, be dolged in a hearty laugh 'because in each time as the, ditty fleid is carried geed and yet lack the 'soothing balm dressing herself she had put her un - into it, until theee is /la trace of dirt of tectfeteee‘s, we eealize this between dreesvelar on over her ebockiugs instead ler4' °n/Y' ail''ng aThl l”'e SMng tiler' older people but I Wonder why we do of undeaMeatili, said reppoe.chitully to remain. , ' , or ,ch,e8ecinth will be A,e,eded, anti . ms 4.0 othveggreritee spots we rrrii4 noeipractiee it more w.ith children? herniothese ee (leant Into yoe te ,i,e,o,g,h remember 1.11,a.i,, we cannot vace8guily TOD often we are careless ancl blunt, --it maleee me , feel Se mean .atl. my- probAlbisr a small, e.can briish Large _hurting seusitiye little feelings and self!" , ' ' •e tebs, robbing board and boiler have no eIC'all a -'Pet' if' tbe gulluen't IS 'dirtY• erten making it tWice ets herd' Inc We Would net ,tlarc treat ,oue ftiends ulace in Orog. day'z prrogreM, A. high ,I;V° 121,,a.ir,_ remieVe the Pease q.,(tt, but cl'ellsben to he geed and kind bedanse in .Such a manner, SA' WC Would' soon beMilt Or table at which one may stand .J.,,e' w'''' ''''.' 010'Y ,ltl°v,en "'lig, and Will we are eo UntactfUl. ,. be frireedlose. Then why. trerat little conifer tably-land n high stool er ,chair '''m'n1 a ring GI' s'urC'':t4 a'nunu the 'Igai] On a. pretty suburban street there ehildren that Way When vo Item to be aire(18,041.),ieiblwre.bite. c,ap, or c.„:1dy flaked , .8.:0°,';',,,:arinheY (10.01,1:111,S41,1.1,o an(?, other dry "t0Vrietirep:.t0ebilemb70sliwp+111.001,30731;hayYercrilgtttosgether, friends, with them we axe, isOing to 'often teach or guide or help them? 'Pho 1 (sewe)s, Such, --kte chlotoforio 11114 came up, EA:Ty time a-meth/or al)* frraefftd•shiP of little dirn(1l-en 08 one. of Go' &hayed -thin iv'Sla 1 l(nr.fe, should be ie ) e • e hub h . th d - cooked undl die:-..elec'd in'..the softest, e 11.' (''%4v,e ° '.., '' r.w en 6 )17 el.lerritIee'elpt;the"i413,t'en'e8,blon'yo41.ref'srvieelletill,iveee.itii clearest water thlaingb2c,,- If the very Using tmsoline. , wi)1114'6ireliefireeseta' ni:Ilholacts,risru'esdi;palTidgfnifnilc.),Wtilitho i'ightest etSffeeing es wanted; ks to! Civithe (1 'apoxate§1 the" oil is' le:ft be. there Was 11.0 trolthlk, OM day 0 1410111,11 shall it he given*. , *, have all the necessary. liquids at hand, With pkrilty ,bowls or pans oS ouit- able Sizes' and ebeolutely cleat] end free :from vest:, Seine sotft white rags Keep the Bees Cool. Soon it Neill be eo warm in the bee hill lays eggs, from whieh the young heves teat th,e eine werkers will find 5110 hatched Then this odd little it necessary to' idle away their hours mother suckles her young --sal does a on the outside .e.f the hives in, ether to whtale, evoid the excessive. }mate of the in- terior. One bee suggests this lla‘01.utgatehei9 Yd'Dnuelle*ebirdil'gshtb'etriinnZiaNcilltb1101701; remedy: lite ties the hive backward 80 animal than any other is," said Floyd that, the front is raised'stoat one inch slowly. "I'm not surprirsed that -the froin the baseboard. Imes a taper- English scholters.thaught it a humbug, ing splinter ca, wedge un.der each oicle I'd bko to run aciese one. "It would be interestinge-surely," sv.as Uecle Nethitn's reply, ,aa he ebooped to pick tqr 40 payel, tivst had fallen to the flume "The duckbill has so 400113' different othareteristies--some that belong to birds, sense to atm/alio meatur es and sorne to Inenenalse- that it hoso been tailed 'the missing 1511'1'T2(.1 on!rt wonder," reflected' FleYd tiro:ire/Welly. - -50 In the most ',convenient kitchens, Lel:0331es oro the eeeee artillery in' stave, table, watee and staeage are the fight 105 11 batter agriculture. withrei 0. six -Soot racilue of eisch other. If yaa bluff en3rrwhere do 11 away Irseine.ssi man uses the from rhonie. very latesteinaelirinisey na carrying on his works yet messy Oeterla farmers • Production is only half the battle; are with live stock that their nierketieg of tho crepe is fully 50 graxidSather would regard with scorn. ' 't t to support the hive* An*cither method is to 'use hives with a reversible bot- tom Imarid„ This furnishes oillier a earro'w. or wide entraece as may be pdlFes,eiroe., „ d.In ilfien conection it is inn poviant te locate the hives in a slimly es- evy d.ceeloping boy and girl s.hould drink rt quaet od milk every day, ' ceettainly never less than a pint. pie Rend Thatil Aninaine Stodle elSOCa665 11.1A1,411t.hrolVida, 4 r .r.4#115, 4.01 AN cie&'LJ7Yew:Au o ,it home you elln easily /onto, thenatrato of solling that molul What those then &aro done. you can dot in your 181,0 time ' atar Sakonnet Whatoyer your eauerionoo 1100 boeu,--whatever isto may bo (Ionia how -whether or 'nava, think you on tall -- pet answer tbla noestion 1. aro you ambitious th mei $10,000 at 'year? Mion tat in thud, with ato at onco I twill provo to ,voil without coat or ohlisation that yoli vat thally became A Star 184,1eotobrbnloy1:61)1,1tbslielrinvvicy,000nfhthowbstl:se.V.1,4es.mvn4rultINILItgonilc1{11 cueeone in Sellinf, .• $10,900. A 'Year Selling .Secrets . . . TM 0,0,,,, 01 01000 goiontonnOin lo ta11114 'Ver th tho i'11 8, 'r. 8. 0041 6110/1411 0011i4w14,10momt 01414111Oslo,4, to loo Milk 005 Oyoory .t111015 02,1480 (KY of 01Ina•ollo4,45.51,4 thot 104/1 no,Aloro, 410 0010,04411114 41014 n)o now tloinif, Olt firld of WIINT 44044 yon A 1110 rtailto, GO 41Io Aoto, 0,11 (0 ,4010,/ ' i\lationat Salesmows Trainio Annoetation .,---0,,,,......, ,..,..- --, . — . 3 , r g riig 0 Aft , 1' 4