The Clinton News Record, 1922-6-8, Page 1Mcs.`213-•43rd Yehr
r'i n
th; 1922
of The News -Record can help fits circulation 'bY 'Putting
in a good word for it occasionally
tha.1-.T0eddirig t.
ypto 'Will find choosing easy at I SLLiA
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It is not necessar to make aspecial trip to the
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you want to'dePosit money, Send your deposit
to the Bank .by mail. Write today to the nearest''
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R. Sharp, ,Manager
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2 heorr'rsh:
Clothing Co.
r Saturday
Manufacturers' Satnales
N -25 Only
Men's AI! s M®R4DY or , . azilooats
Manufacturers' smleg,.. whacla . purchased'
13 we
at halfrice
p , while l., 112 the, city last _week, and wg aro
passing thein on to' you at. one half of the original
price:. Just the coal for motoring. •{
, 1
Boaz choice o >•
e of 1t
e o for
A. 40 Only
Men's Suits
Manufacturers' ':e m
les> a:ut1 broken •b
h 1 1l 1in05 from
stock, sizes 34- to .46, ranging in price from $25.00. to
30,00, Your choice of the entire' e,
.lot for �
N r.3
Men's Trousers
rive dozen
Men's nqaI'
1 cotton tweed, with
or, without cuffs Just file trouser for factory wear,
going" at
€ r per L
OBfl1SR CLOTHIft co.
Quire Deal for Every Mao,
Woltoa,t 51,25.
Oats, 40i'
Harley, 5G
A L)
Buckwheat, 7511.
But er
Eggts; 22a c t -a 2Se.,
Live fog; $1 3,50.
ca . t
The .wler:tl'toplc place e iroi e 7t
home of her 50n• Mr, Frank Gi1S,38
of ]'Fitness trent; on Saturday' af-
ternoon, .oP Mi°s.Thomas Gibbs, who
pasted -away at Briererest, Sask
The funeral services were conduct
ed •by' the Rev. =I'. J°: Snowdon and
the. pallbearers .were four old, neigh"-
eigh=hors, Messrs, W. Moon, J,: Fingland,
J. Hutton and D. 'Geddes, all of;
23s. Gibbs is "survived r
sons and two daughters Fred, Will-
ia1n,,Reuben, Mrs. B Shortland and
Miss Nina Gibbs of Briercrest, Rob-
ert of Moose Jaw, Sask., and- Frank
•of ; Clinton. ` Mr. Fred Gibbs accom-
panied the remains of his ° mother
home. The interment was made in
Ball's ,cemetery, Hullett,' where her
husband,;; who died eighteen years a-
go, also, lies.
Many ; very 'beautiful. floral tri-
butes were sent` from relatives and
Those present from a distance, ,in
addition to her son from Briercrest,
were: Mrs. Joseph Cowling; Toronto
and Mrs. Thos. Lawson of; Stratford,
besides many,. old Tfrienda and neigh-
bors frons Londesboro „and -Walker-
The council.'met. oe Monday even-
ing, all memebrs- present with the
exeeption " of -Councillor ` Cooper,
Mayor Cantelon in the chair.
A conimnnication was read from
F. J; Libby calling..attention to the.
'fact that in the assessment notice,
made opt in ,the name ' of Chas. F.
Libby, an item. appeared calling for
Tayama of income tax and that
Mr. Libby had: been absent frons
Clinton since October,''thereforo no
income tax was due. . On 'notion
of 'Councillors Holloway and:- -Ned-'
igen. it l*as decided that en She pay-
sneijt of the full amount of taxes-
the income tax would.. be' refunded'
to Mr. Libby.
The. Collegiate board wrote a_sk'
ing for the use of the town hall as
an examination :room during the ex-
amination period," saying `-that 'this`
would mean ecoiioiny, as fewer •ex-
amiuers: would. be required. On
motion of Councillor Middleton and
Reeve •Miller. -the request` was grant
The council of
the City of Chat-
ham :'wrote asking the .council to
join 'in a requests to the Government,
not toenforce the Adolescent Act,
as it will mean in many • cases the
building of school aceomodation
and this is .not a good• time to build.
On 'motion of Reeve 'Miller. and
Councillor Kemp this communication
Was, fyled. -•
Two tenders -'
were recevied for
the "laying et were
sidewalk on
Wellington Street;; one from Sr J.
Andrew's, offering :tolay it at 28¢ per. ''
square foot, giving the --proportion's
of cement,- gravel, etc., Nand , one
from H. Hill offering to lay it for -
15c. but' without's'iving any specifl
cations. On motion of Reeve 1VIil='
len an Councillor Livermore i was
decided to accept the tender of Mr.
'Hill, provided he would comply with
the specifications formerly n5ed in
laying- walks in Clinton.
Chairman Holloway of the mark
eoinsnittee reported that 115 trees
had been planted in Recreation Park
Ile said the •lnayd? -was 'responsible
for getting these: tree,e , _at small:
-Cost, buying them Iocally,, that
bought ' through the nursery would
have 'cost four tidies as much; Ise;
also recommended, that the" grand
stand tit, the "park he repaired. •
Chairman 'Middleton reported the
tervia halving been 'put on and sev-
eral other improvements on the
'Street. Ire reconitucnded ,the Olean
Mg one of a ditch on. King street ov
or -the railway tracks and this caus-
a lot or discussion, Reeve
R o Mill-
er objecting that the town, would
be paying for the draining •of pri-
vate property if if; .was carried past
a certain length. Finally' en anti -
tion of Councillors Holloway and
Livermore the clause was passed,
Reeve Miller voting. nay.
Reeve Miller reported, the come-,
tory being i,1 good shape and, re..'
commended certain prinor: repairs. •
Chairtnan Necliger of the proper
iy committee recommended that the
band stand be repaired,
Chairman Livermore of the sitar
ity sem nittee ''reported that one
family had been supplied-taonte gx'a•'
Cei°ies. atd wbod,
On notion of Cotancillors Matidle-
ton and Holloway the mite paicl, for
-than aced team 'on, corporation work
will b, sixty meets per hour, this
rate ID date .from April 15th.
On motion of Ceunoiilors I-Tollowa.'
and Middleton it was derided to
=move the maehiaio guns :Erni the
walk in :front oC the town hall and
place theta in front of the public
Library, Reeve 'Miller said he slid
1101 want any more teotthle With the
guns but othetwise he had 'ra0 olY-
1001)0n,' Councillor ' Holloway said
o had sleeken h cl
severed rise -the ,r'«
turned'man and"so,'Iar ars IiC know
everyone Would be agreeable.
The total expenditure last, mo 1;€
$2 11
was t
t ,457,1$, the, tavza anis ap-
plying same bring°]ug' up the totals
Lack of spade prevents us ;publish
ing laze financial report•:lir-full. •
A large number' 'vent up to God-
erich last; Friday from Stratford and
the ,intervening towns. 1V1<ay01
Carleton, and Messre, Forel, Coppet
and '1'rewartha were the only Cita-
-ton citizens taking inthe outing.'A
complimentary luncheon was tend-
•erocl to the speakers and represent-
ative men from the different mini-
' at J-lotel Sunset .and 'after-
ward speeches were . made. in Hare
bon Park. The speakers '• included
Hon. Mr. Biggs, Ho,,, P. Smith the
three : Huron 'members . of the Legis-
lature and others. , It was a pleas-
ant outing.
Messrs: W, ITamb yn and F.
Match of Princess"' street are erect •
ing new verandahs to; their -dwell-
ings is
a i Mr.Williams
z f
bury street is hacring a new porch
put to. his. , Mr • Lindsay hag paitrt-
ed the ;cottage occupied:; by Mr. R. S,
O'Neill on Rattenbury street and
Mr., -Shanahan . of Mary street has
had his house •painted. All these
things .add to' the ` attractiveness : of
our •town." - But Clinton could ex-
pend about a thousand ;dollars in
paint to advantage. '
Dr. Gaudier is making extensive.
improvements to his dwelling and'
when -finished' will' -have one of the
most `comfortable - -residences in
town. For' some weeks the -family
has been."camping• out" in the gar-
age, Their cottage • at' Southampton
is -nearly completed, however, and
they ; Will spend" the summer' there. -
• To -morrow,- • Saturday and
Sunday, Londesboro is holding a
Community Life Institute, the fafst
of ,.its kind in this vicinity. The
Institute opens with a Friday even-
ing session and . continues all -d-ay
Saturday. and Sunday. The after --
noon of Saturday is pretty well.
taken tip with games, followed by. a
picnic tea. On Sunday there will
be union services all day, with
classes meeting in various places
during the afterneen, Mr, A. Mac-
laren - field secretary Tor Rural
Community Activities, Ontario
Social Council, .Dr. -Phan. of the
Department of Education and oth-
er outside speakers will be pres-
ent. Also Mr. • S. B. Stothers,
District Representative, and Mr. A,.
F. Johns, principal- of --'the - Public
school, both of Clinton` are among
the "speakers. ;' > Londes'horo' ist'to'
be, congzatulated -upon- its enter-
prise in leading -this section in: this
'Community nioveanent.'
The flower' beds at the-gostoflice
• are looking fine.
Dublin football • team plays , in
Clinton tomorrow.
• Mr. A. T. Goopeg Was i11< over the
week -end, but is better again,
Mr. Harry IVIeCool has taken a
position in the Dominion store.
Mrs. R. Rowland is quite ill, . her
Many friends will regretto hear_.
The _Huron^']Medical Association
will meet in Bayfield on July 19th
Reeve Miller is - in Goderich this
week attendingcounty- un• 'c council.
the. t o ty Quit I.
The .slang's birthcday, was abseil, -
ed only'` -by the franks,so far as
Clinton was concerned.
The I-Imon Regiment entgoes to
camp. at London on Monday and re-
cruits are being ealled for:
, 'Collie to The News -Record if ,you
are: in need of wedding stationery,,
invitations or announcements'. -
The first orchestra. concert iholc
place last Thursday • evening and
was enjoyed -by' a large number.
The• Girls' Guild of " St., Paul's
8luiah held a very successful tea on
Miss ..Bawden's lawn Tuesday after-
IVIr. J. A: Irwin ' was
w as apd�oil feel
laydelegate to- the General Confer-
ence attthe London. Contereneg, just`
elo:ec . - --
The Clin£ t band has been 1 ma s b in•
organized and are .busy ' poetising.
Some,.clates have already been book-
ed :for this urolith,
What about that watering tr ugt
we were going to have this sunmaer'1
There are no signs ,01 .its appear-
ance as yet and the hot woathor', is
Mr. ' Bert Langford left Toronto
yesterday evening after lour o'clock.
and metered up it' the cool of :the
clay, artrivilig 'some 'shortly after
R. S. O'Neill, whose balcer'y was
damaged by fire a ootaple of `weeks
ago, is installing a new mixer and
motor and -wild have everything in
shape again by Monday.
Clair G. W. Holman and Mrs,
Holman entertained- the members of
the county council and their ladies
at their- house 10 Godoriclt' ata gar
den tea on Tuesday evening. •
Mr, J.- F. Jackson a former' resi-
dent brother I :
dhtit of i, of , ofN r. "Creel
Jackson, Suffered considerable loss
when blaze occurred c
:from are tch a e ecus c l in
a business block, in Barrie the other
1 • i in n
Lueicitow is .Ladles tg a , f ustali g
wn:eless receiving service in the
foam hall so, that concerts_,1roui die.
taint •cities 'nay be heard. The out-
fit would' east; in the neighborhood of,
S. 5.Cooper.purchased
Mr, 5 has.
from the ,Jackson estate - the store
on Alboiat stroet 'occupied by Irwin's
tlrygNoods, and areal She Twitchell
estate the store 'just beside it 08811.
pied by Mr, 71, Wsndorf at rt re.,
Rev. Walter Rigsby, a wolelcnown
Meth c'
o tis minister
t oP h London
the It
Conferonee, a Termer 131yth pastor,
died at tete home of ]tis son-in-law;'
Frank White, t51, P., London, on
Thursday last. •: His wife passed
away in February ;last. Mit; Rigs-
by -was a cousin of ;Mrs. J. Shen-,
herd and of Mrs. I1dbsen _ot, town,
The Rev. 1;3. J,. Cody of St.: Paul's
A glica n church, Totanto, has been
invited ,to preach' -tli•e; sermon at the
consecration of new English -Bishops
at Westminster Abbey an Junc
24Th, and has accepted. Dr. Cody
'vas for a ,brise Minister of ']✓dues,"
tion in the Hearst Government and.
has visited. Clinton in that capacity
He isi'
a- Canadian who is becoming
well-known for his -' eloquence and
his finei '
ab litres.
••The London Conference in session
at .London put 'itself '. qn record as
being opposed to -rhe five-year pas-
toralterm. The question came up
when several charges,; Mostly in' ie
cities, asked to have their pastors'
remain a fifth year; but after being
debated at some length it was de-
cided' 5y a- majority that 'the five-
year term was not to be desired:::
The' Conference recommended that
,some of the 'departments at Toronto -
he' amalgams ted ,and the -overhead
expenses therebyredliced, This -re-
commendation will- be forwarded to
-the General Conference 'Which meets
in September.
The, marriage took 'place at the
home of the bride's mother in Ash-
freld 'township on Saturday of Miss
Rachel Jeanette, daughter of Mrs.
Wmc :Stothers of that township
and sister of Mx. S.°,B. Stothers of
The ceremony ' was : performed by
ed by the ;Rev. James Hamiltoln.
the Lev, C. W. D'eWit-E-Ceeens assist-
-The ' bride' - .wore a handsome
gown of white canton crepe, dainty.
bridal' veil, and carried a boiruct of
Ophelia roses. She was given in
marriage. by her mother. The young
couple were ---.unattended, save by
the little neice of the groom,: Miss
Phyllis , Horton, . who in .a pretty
go -vi of white organdie and carry-
ing' a 'basket of 'flowers, 'which sire•
strewed: in the' vwa':of.. the. bride,
made a charming little flower girl.
The ceremony` -vas-witnessed by
about forty guests,- and when' the
Newsy -wedded pair had received -eon-.
gratulations the -wedding feast was
partaken of and. Mr. 'and Mrs: Hor-
ton ` took the afternoon 'train at
Lucknow on a !honeymoon' :trip. 'The
bride donned for the ,journey 0 -suit
of periwinkle , blue homespun;_ with
which she 'wore a black hat.
OM their return Mr. and Mrs,
Horton will reside in Ashfield. They.
have the deed'tvishes of a large cir-
cle of friends for a happy anariied:
Rev. J. 11 J. Millyard, of -Sarnia,
sonf r
o a former pastor lt
Qf the at-
tenbury street- church, Clinton, was
elected president of the. London
Conference. •
The meeting of the Huron Dean-
-takes place in' Brussels .today,
-A number from here- are going up.
• 4, * 5 5
The• Rev. 13...N. McCaentis, pastor
of Wesley church, has been 'apeint-
ecl si delegate to the General Cott
ferenoe, which meets in Toronto in
The '"Rev: W. D. - .:McIntosh of
13rucefleld is the delegate from .the
fIui'on Presbytery to the, General
-'Ass'embly meeting imWinnipeg front
Pine 715 ,to ],6th.' The delegates
went by special le:4in'over the Cali -
action National lines leaving,.. Tor-
onto on Al'gtidlav•
1 k
The following are the changes op -
inthe final draft of sta-
tionsas affecting Goderich •District:
Cla t stations. s remain i
t unr
Goderich, Victoria street Rev. 1,
W. Hedley- -
Seaforth: -Rev. II, -Puttee Devii5•
Hill uesville: Rev.. Hector W. 'Nilo=
Nile? Rev.. 1. j. Pearson.
Benmiller: Rev, Wallace .II, &toss•
Auburn:. Re -g, Percy S. Baines.
Bayfi-eId: Rev. G. E. Cole,
barna: Rev. 3. L. Foster, Stanley -
Riveas, (college).
• Wesley Church
The annual. Sunday' school p18riie
will be held at Bayfield on July- 1.Oth,
Willis Ch1rreh
No Sunday the pastor's 'subjects
Will SCI Morning: "Sp! '1u -t1 GrowGrow-
th." Evening:, "A 7'ransfornred.
The Sacrament of Baptism will
observed et the snowing service,
The Jtine meeting. of the W. M. S.
will be held al the hums of nfrs, J,
Tunes, second of Stanley,, 0Ir Thurs-
day, Jame 15th, .at 3 b'cloak,
Outaria : Street Chttnc 15
The 'League meeting ,was in
chargee of the C. IC, department on
Monday evening. Rev. C. S. Hawke
gave an fat restrn
topic nilI Mies
HelenAudm1'spzt ming 11 solo. T11°
•call ;call was responded to by` 'quite
a' ittunbcit . The League tneetiig
next• •Monday • evcniri �' 'will. be in
chat•go of the Missiottat•y ' neparf.
wont, gra. 'S1tobbrook being con.
will be Appreciate
Hydro 0
Discussed in Clinton° on Friday
A" mooting to pat before' the
farmers.' of Clinton.t vicinity and vicini' the
present' regulations, whereby 'they
may Secure Hydro .for their -farms;
Was held in the ofhec of the district;
Representative, on Friday evening,`
,,Tung 2n8..', -Mr.
George 1althwaite
occupied the ch i•,
p a rid Engineers J.
13 Castor, who :has charge' of -the
Hydro' in Goderich--Stretford Liss-
trict and J• W. Purcell, Provincial
Eniineer for. Mural Hydro, were
present. Ahout°thirty-five ''interest-
ed 'farriers and townsmen ``vers
present. -These' gentlemen, showed
some motion •pietere "films of the
Chippewa pp wa d evnlopiaient, illustrating:.
its construction
and`thoest P
yze o•
Mr. and- •Mrs. Thos, Greig an-
nounce -the
n-nounce,the engagement of their only
daughter, Harriet Louise, to 141x.
Frank •Allison Jenkins, sock of -Mr.
and Mrs„ Wm, Jenkins, the mar-
riage to take place l•ate iai "Tune:
Jaelc, the foureyear old son of.14i'r.
Wilbur McIlveen of . town;• fell' from
_o 'wagon, on' wlridh"'he was' playing
with-soige:other-children,: the other'
day andbroke his arm. The little
,.fellow bore the, dressing' quite .brave-
ly and after the wounded member
had ' been fixed np. he 'remarked
to' his grandmothers "It• is;:;only one
shin, Grandma, a The other is all
I Permanent eequipment established
there. They elect 's50 v' 1' some films
in w is : was demonstrated th
la h d °d e ad-
aptability of the, current '1 faruruse.
Engineer Purcell 'yeas the first Speak-
er arid' dealt • with . the -development .
of 'Hydro, mentioning the ambitious
men from Kitchener wh,' 111 40Z
set about to: have Hydro distributed;
.over the Western part of the Pro.
Vinceand how on October 10th 1'1(,
they had finally succeeded in having
power turned on in the city of'I 11151,.
over. Ile then discussed the fly,
dro. Union of municipalities -which
had its, inception in fourteen ratan].
ci alities and t'
p i r d hat their policy" vias
that all sy ste 1
rr s beIpng• to the »nine
• icipaiities' `at ,cost: of ;'production,
71ris -system was rigidly adhered to,
until in 1920 a ;commission was -app
'pointed to investigate the charge of
this system in order to accommo-
date certain classes. As a result
of the - report; an Act became
t effective, on ' June let, 11215,
whereby the Government made a;
bonus for rural•5nes, to the extent
of 50 per cent. of the cost of build.
ing the pximary lines. By primals
line is meant transmission line on
the .highway. It does not include'
the cost of transformers, metes-
and- other equipment used •by the ..
private -individual, on .his own prow
party,: •The revenue for the sup-
ply of ,the money for this. 50 per
cent. bonus' was to be secured
throuh the rental of water power to
Power . Companies, using the Pre.
vincial ;-nater power. This rentall
is at the rate of two dollars :Per
burse power per year. The 'Gov-
Government Were of .the; opinion that
this revenue would take care of. the
building' of rural lines for five- years
and they estimated that during tlii r
. five ,years, one thousand miles of
rural line -would be built. But die
system ,, of rural distribution boa'
been so popular" that 'instead of":
waiting, five years, to have one
thousand miles built, already sir' One
years operation . six- hundred and
fifty miles of line have .been built,
which means that the number of
rural sections securing, Hydro will
be: limitedor the Government, will •
have to seek new sources of revere
tie to carry on this work. tinder the
present : arrangement rural
lines ::1'e,.
'quire an averageof three horse...
power farm- services 11 rile. These
farms may be distributed evenly or
unevenly for the- required length of
line. A uniform monthly service
charge is thus 'assured on all line:
securing power on -the farm basis, •
This service ,charge; ; performs two
duties. The first is designated to,
cover the annual fixed chargees and
operation of the local lime and the
second .is to cover the cost of the ,
translrrission' of power at the: end of
the high tension line: All power
from the same. Iocal 'transforming
s$ation`willbe the same price, How,
ever, several factors, sneh as the
horse' power -•incl the distance franc
'the • generating' point; vary the `price
of -:the power ata different `local trans-
forming• " stationsbut all current
Continued on page 8
Mr, J.. D. Atkinson, who recently'
sold his house' on Joseph street to
Mr. Brown, has purchased the old
Twitchell home on Rattenbury
street from Mr. Libby and will get
possession at once. .This is one of
the finest loeatione in Clinton and
will make a veiy.. desirable. home
Mr. and Mrs. Libby will continue oto
occupy a part of the house for_ a
couple of months.
SIr, Harvey Potter and Miss Ger-
trude Wallis, who, have been taking
a course : in arts, and medicine as
sun li,nentar at.Toronto ,h a
p Y,.. ,. av pass.
Sed in art's and; will be given their`'
degree at the graduation Fridge'.
Messrs, Erskine Evans and -A.
Leonard, who have been ta:cing a
science teachers' course, have pass-
ed their third year exam. with lion-
ours, as has also Mr. Louis Moray
01 his third year'elassics.
Tho ,committees appointed . from,
the hospiarte he se
vices tal .of. an boarchditoect; securate,,tmadr-
their report on •Saturday evening.`
The advice •of the architect_ and of
different hospital boards, is to have
anacceptablepiam for the whole
building , ,scheme—what work is at-
tempted to do it. in a manlier Which
will be permanent.: With -this in
mind1 e bar estimated t 1 board stzm ted thatt •heir
expenditure this year will be from
$0,000 to $7,000,
In February -1919 the town of
Listowel was presented with a pro-
art ,. • On June 30th held p a they c a
hospital drive, the total ' eollections
of the day being $11,656.58.. Some
of the larger: grants •and:donatiens
were: Perth .county, $2,000; Town,
of Listowel,, $1,000; Township of -
Wallace, $250;' Molesworth Women's
Institute, $100; Trowbridge Wors-
ens' Institute, $100. ,Many private.
citizens &snt,,r;I uted 5100 anti 5200,'.
The Lisowel hospital is free from
debt and is'one of the best equipped
small hospitalsein Western Ontario,
Clinton, -and ' community might ,well
10116-v' this lead and 4n two years.
have a well-equipped', hospital :Ctiee
from debt.
Mr. Leslie Cox of Goderich town;
ship had a potty bad experience oil
Sunday evening, front -vhidh,':he es -
coed fotrupately, althou awtiligs L
caped fortunately' although it was
serious' enough. ]fire. Cox Was at'
the Con iseence and his eous]n, Mre.
Dawson of London, was accompany-
ing him home in .iris car when, just.
-a short distance ` outside > the, city,
they were°ruts into by a 01112t com-
ing in 'the ` opposite direction who,
had just'.'pa.scd another `car _arid,
smashed into Mr, Cox in a head-
on. The 0tlier ear caught the. spare
tire on the side of Mr, Cox's car
and torn the seat from under hien.
]Mir. Cox, was bruised and shaken
considerably and Mrs Dawson was
badly cat Abut the face from the
glass of the windshield, Both ears
were almost completely :wrecked. i't
it said that - the driver .of the ear
that collidod. with Mr. Cox had tale.
en --a car
-which had been
left with: hint .for reaainting and that
he was (hiving very recklessly, ,Also,,,
a.: bottle was found in it,, aithotrgh'
the driver declared he knew nothing
of it, i1I1 things ' conaidoieel Ma,
may`htive gotten off very for
BOWI,7%RS AT 5131FOR'Cu,
-Three 115)111,, of bowlers ,went, to
Seaforlh yeatertlay afternoon to faire
part in the tortrnamein, of Scote1i.
Bailbie:a They were: 1. W Steven--
tevenSon and W. 0, Brown, J. 15, lIov-.
eye and W. A. Giant slid A, J,
Morrish and Mi. Rogerson, Nene, of
the rimes crime in fora prize though
IVIt. Il8Vey's fust Missed it, winning
2atry games mat of. Sir:,
Miss Willoughby of the Depart
merit of Education is in this vicinity
this week making a survey of seine
of the schools south and north a:l:'
here ,::-whish • are to be included in
this unit. Some 'of the schools
north, of here were going into the
Wingsliam unit but it was found, to
betoo large and they were left out.
They will be included iu this: .A..
irreeting of the Medical Committee,
Made . up of ,representatives front.
the different school, sections meet;f
ou Monday nci 1 to select 'a nurse.
A man who is an expert •handle>r,
of apples informs us that cote-rail-
at r `l -
II epz .
lags ateeatiiez• plentiful in some of
the orchards of. Goder`cl 1 `i
t z t tnwrrs ut
end he. thinks that those having ng ox»
chards should b`e warned to have a
loolcouf, for them and spray plent1.
Sully. Our informant says the ap-.
pies:ue settitrg beautifully and that:
the prospects fol; is good crop nre
very bright,
Mr, adlton Ro ell'.received a wire
Monday forenoon ii Qin Itis wife, who
is' in Detroit, in'fortitinga hint, of. the
death of her father, Mr. A, Y. ,
Cheescbar'ough of that city. 1tIr.,'
Bondi left tate same afternoon for
Detroit to be present at the ftineral.:
Clieesebotough hadslot- been.
in good health for • several menthe
brit seemed 10 be anuehAbetter lately;
Ho . was -':Cor thirty 112e years , nasl.
cleric •-on the Michigan Centrad anis
When, after several months'-
leave o1'
absent°; oeving to his -failing health„
he thought he would liketo return
to his duties that Company gave hint
a place on. 0114 of their boasts for the
Summner. Mrs. Rogel1, who Was- a
delegate to the .t': 1},. 5• branch
meeting at Windsor, had gone over
to visit her parents and in" a letter
to her lrtlsband last week said her
father, Sgoined mach bettor and had
LalCea tip his work
On re boat.
death came
d 1 as It shock to his fdtm..
t r'
. and ,Mrs.:. t✓ ou la-
iced their daughter in Clizitoaj 'At
Christmas n :'9 '
t 1 0 and will 17° r°Yitem.
bored by several 521ta snot ahem art
that time,