HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-6-1, Page 8^,t 11)22
At the sixteenth semi-annual cone.
of the United National
Clothiers held recently in C?hicag•o,
the return or sutmender•s, sleeve-
holdere, urbibeis and father's kussy
robe de unit, with ,pink strives and
slit IA cs,ch sideof the tall was de-
finitely forecasted,
Just when the, old night -garment
had been all hut routed by the ;regal.
ish pyjama and relegated to the
shelf comes the ,renaissance. It is;
said that :father would iliarcuy re-
cognfpe the °thing; for it is ail dolled_
tip andatylod aa, the f`trousei..lees
It comes double breasted all the
way down tv rho ahrrn, the COO, -
shirt .idea "carried further. lies
double rows of :frog., fasteners, is
considered eepoeially smart in con-
fused shades oC heliotrope, ole-
phants breath, grey, ot, pale lemon,
and frequently has; a shawlish col-
lar of eoixtras'ting eollor and raglan
Mrs Carrie Watson, inesidont
of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontar-
io, Paid an official visit to the God -
aria lodge recently.
For The June Bride
A. full line, of wedding giftsfor June brides,
I)on't buy till you; see my display.
Ege Specialist here June 9th
On June Jth, Mr, Cole, a graduate of the Toronto
College of Ophthalmology, ' will be at -my store for the
refraction of .Serious eye trouble. Eyes tested and glasses'
fitted scientifically,
He will be, here again -on June 23rd, so those who
cannot come on first date will not be; disappointed. Do
not neglect your eyes. Come hire on above date.
Jeweller and Optician
. IJt`riffINSI�N
Next Hovey's Drug Stora
eeia] Price hoz
44.'9916 wasosig ;11•191.;91.9994,19,
About 75 pairs of Ladies' and Growing. Girls','
Brown" calf and kid shaeS, All Sites -3 to 7, Lines
that sold regularly up to `x$:50: tearing' price for to.
day, Thursday, Friday, antrSaturday $3.98
About 20, Men's and Lades' Ra eoats suitable
or cool evenings
for light coat for a wet -day v g
Clearing price for balance of week $3.48
Other lines to clear at equally low prices for cash only
umstePl Bros.:
P.IIONE, 25.
The Executors of the estate of the late John T. Harland' beg
to announce the sale of 'the bpsinese to Messrs.' Ball & Cern
pans and to inform persons indebted to the late firm of Har,•-
lanci'*Brothers that the book debts and other accounts remain
payable to the executors, who will retain use of the office at the
Harland Store for the purpose of receiving payment.
The' estate is bein • : closed u ; at ,once' and -former custoin
making of the- firm will confer a favor by m g p rom r1t settlement. •
In severing connection with the. business community. of
• Clinton and the " district, `the Harland family desire to express
their high appreciation of the pleasant. relations that have existed
during -their fifty-five years of business in Clinton,
Paints, ..Varnishes and Stains
White Lead
Raw and Boiled oils, Coal
i Oils
Lubricating u�7 �'�t C 1 a
l{u ber iRoofingof allGrades
o d
and General Hardware
Don't Came
IN A MON'i'Ii FROM Sd41i
A Brass Extension Rod with
Silver llnds, er;tentling from 1'�
22 to 40 inches, for.
We have twelve dozen to start fit'
don't know' 'how Jong they
will last.
Tlie WD. Fair co
Often the Cheapest--iliWayH the nest
A. L. Cole, Eye Sight -'Specialist,
an Honour Graduate of the Canad-
Ian Ophthalmic . College of Toronto.`
Goderich, Ont. "Office hours: 9 a.m.
to 5 -p.m. •Practice limited to the eye.
,n i r IWI1uwnaa tiridq,,i -.
Mr. J. A. Irwin is in London this
week attending Conference.
Mr. J. A, Carter of London: was in
town the latter - part of the week.
Mr. Ernest E. Hall of Toronto is
visiting at .his home in town this
Mrs. Pel!ers returned yesterday
front a fortnight's visit with Mil-
verton friends..,
Prof, and Mrs. Anderton of Exeter:
were the guests on Tuesday 'ef
Miss Maude Torrance.
Mr. Joyner who has been in Kitch-
ener during the -winter is visit-
ing his danghthr, Mrs. R. B. Car -
Mrs. J. McKinnon, Master Billie and
Miss 'Mary of Moncton, N. B., are
the guests 'of •Mr, and Mrs. W.
Miss ,Wardwas vas called toer home
at. Rockville, I .
e, Ma Inn ry d, on Satur-
day owing to the illness of her
mother. -
'Mr. Malcolm McTaggart, who is
-having-his vacation, leaves this
week "to visit in Toronto and Mox-
_Mr,. Wilson Rath and Mr. Harry
'Wells of Stratford spent the. week-
nd with the former's mother,
Mrs. Rath.
Mrs. D S. Kemp of UttaWarspent
the week -end as the guest of- her
mother, Mrs: J. Shepherd. of
Townsend street:"
Mrs. D. N. McCanius, Mrs. Elton
Rozell and Mrs. McMath are at
Windsor- attending the Branch
Meeting of the W. M. S. --
Mr. and: Mrs. . E., -J. Jenkins „ and
Master' George, of London spent
the week -'end at the ,homestead,
Woodlands Farm,' the -Huron ' road.
Revs. S. Anderson, D. N. McCanns
'and T. J. Snowdon are attending
the annual_ meeting of the Len,-
oindon Conference in that City tiliis
Messrs, Harry Shaw, Erskine Evans
and Ernest Livermore and Miss
Gertrude Wallis are among. `tire
University students home for the
long vacation.
Mrs. Toed, of Souris, Man., and Mr.
Geo. Bathwell of Toronto are in
town, being called; home by the
illness and death of their mother,
the late Mrs: E. Rath veil.
Rey. G. I. Burns is spending several
days this Week renewing ofd ac-
quaintances at Caister, a former
charge, and : will preach mini-
* versary, sermons there on Sunday.
Mrs., Joseph Townsend, who recently
disposed of diei:.house and effects
leaves this weekto visit for a
time in Toronto and latex will go
to her',' sister:, in Medicine I-Iat,
Mrs. Townsend: has many friends
in town who ,regret her departure.
Me. Bert ,Cooper motored up from
Toronto and visited his home in
Goderich township and his sister,
Miss Annie' Cooper; who is under-
going treatment- in the Clinton
hospital. - On his return on Mon-
day he was accompanied by his
brother, Mr, Chas. Cooper,, find
M. Willie ,Cooper.
Miss 14Tarien Irwin, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Irwin, has
' been appointed to a mission' sta-
tion amongst the foreigners its Al-
berta and . is this' week attending:
the W. M. S. • Branch' meeting at
Windsor. She will spend a short
vacation itt her home in town
before leaving:for her: neer post.
Mrs. Arthur Cook',- who- has been
staying in Toronto and Hamilton
sf'or some months, has returned
home. . She was accompanied by
her d:atighteii, Mrs. W. Aitkin, of
Toronto, and iter son, Mr. W.
Cobhl of Hamilton Mrs. 'Aitkin
is remaining for . a time. Mrs,
Cook is not ;much improved in
health her. friends will, regret to.
Mrs. Grant of St, Marys carne up
Saturday on a visit to her daugh-
•, ter, Mrs. J. Wiseman. Mrs.
Grant is in, her ninety-fir:t year
but is still in the possession of all
het faculties and made the Jour -
bey ftp here by :herself. Mrs.
Grant east her first vote at a Do-
minion election in Decehtber last
and being a lifelong adherent of
the Liberal -Party, voted for the
S,iboral candidate She tells 'is
however, that" ohr rs neighbor+ to
a good Tory in StMarys, the hdi.
fox a The .Tournai-Argue, i+pd 1
that he is s good one an that
they do not tiitarrel about politics.
News"Ret i'
0 s C�rner
Wlhereouget fullvalue
�` for your Dollar
Service and., Satisfaction,
Cash and Carry and Delivery
Phone 48
Macaroni, 2 lbs. for a. , '25e,
Tapiocia, 2 lbs. for 2es,
Cern Starch, 2 pit 19c,
Laundry Starch, 2 lbs. . 10c;
While unloading .car of Sugar we will quote
special price also price at the car. As the mar-
ket is firm we advise buying. Call us up while
it lasts.
Cream''ef Wheat 3z/ IdoT . , 25e,
2 lbs. of Dates . , , . , 25e..
2 IPI, of Figs 25e.
'Neil's Special Tea ---A few chests of this :excellent .tea to go
at 42c. 3 lbs. $1.25.
Domestic' Shortening, per lb lee.
3 pound pails 55e.
Pure Lard, per pound 20e.
3 pound 'pails ... 55c,
Grape Nuts, per pailcage . . , . .180.
Post Toasties, 2 packages for:..... . . , 15e.
Roinen Meal,, -per package 33e.
Shredded Wheat Biscuits, 2 packages for 25c.
Purity Flour per cwt, $4.75.
Gold and P. and G. Soap, 10 bars for 69c.
Crown Brand Syrup 2 Jbe.... 18e. - Sun Sweet Prunes, California Nature Flay,- i- Icing Sugar, 2 lbs.
c' ' - 5 lbs. 38e. oured, put• up in dust proof 'Packages, d -
Canned 'Corn, 2 tins for .... , 2Ge.: 2 pounds per 'package 40e 1 Jelly Powders, 3 pkgs.
Pineapples this week for the ' last time in large quantities.
You may pay more later. ' Leave your order with us.,
Fresh Salmon Trout Daily.
Cash & Carry j T► /' l Phone
and Delivery
People You Know
Mrs. Mew` spent tree week -end- with'
London friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Twitchell are
-visiting the lady's . mother in
Mrs. ` E, Finch ' and son Roy and
daughter Irene, Mrs. Jas. 'Finch
and son Francis Motored up from
Stratford and spent the weekend.
with -Clinton friends.
Engineer Castor of • the Hydro El-
ectric Covuiiission was in town on
Tuesday • on his wdy to Carlow,
where a meeting to discuss Hydro
for the farm was tieing held.
W Eagleson rt ot Aberdeen, 0 �S.'
Dalcota, visited friends ih town
:during the past week. Ile cane
home on account , of the ' illness
and death of .his Mother, the late
Mrs. W. 'Eagleson of Hayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Jowett and son, Har-
old of Pert Huron,' Mrs. Jowett of
Bayfield and Mr. and Mrs: CoI-
clotigh and' babe rVisited nt the
home of Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Burn-
ett on Sunday. •
It is expected that a number will
join the "hike" front Stratford to
Goderich •to -morrow. :It will be a
picnic affair in Harbor Park, and.
anyone wishing to may, attend. A
complimentary luncheon will be ser-
ved, to Hon. Mr. Biggs, Hon. Peter
Smith, wird are expected to be pres-
ent and representatives from the
different municipalities at 'Hotel
Sunset. • Afterwards the speaking
will take place in Harbor Park. The
party are expectcd"-here- before el-
Lacrosse get off to a' good start
yesterday evening when Mitchell
and, Clinton played''the first match
of the 'season on ,Recreation 'Park,
the result :being a score of 15-5 in
favour of the home team. The
players marched to the grounds'
headed by the Pipe -Band in uniform
and: playing stirring'` airs, the; pro-
cession lengthening, out into a string
of autosfilled with people anxious
to See the game. It was a good
one too and ,there will be More of
them. The return _patch will be
played in Mitchell next Thursday.
Following is the Clinton line-up:
Goal: N. McNeil;: Point R. Mid-
dleton; 0, Point;. W. Mutch • lst„l7e-
fcnee: F, Carter; ,2nd Defence; J;
Muteh; Centre: G.• Middleton; 1st
Home: 3. - Graham; ” 2nd Homo: 11,
Lawson; Inside Horne: R. Roberton;:
Outside Homer A, Fulford,
Referee: Johnston, Seafdrth.
Commencing today, June 1st, the
Public Library will keep to summer'
'A long distance telephone station
has been established in the Graham
Hoose for the convenience of trav-
ellers or anyone wishing to use it.
The president is calling a meeting
of the' hospital and advisory board
for Saturday' evening in the board
room of, the town hall. Eight
otelock, •
Mi•. E. F. Me1'not• and family who
have spent the past three years in
Clinton, hove returned to Bayfield.
Tho number, 144,-503,- disappear
NI elf Mr, i)ArseY's ear as it: stied
beside the Gralfern House on May
The Misses Southcombe'have sold
their residence on Rattenbury street
to Mr. . George 'Taylor, who gets
possession about July lst. The
Misses Southcombe intend removing'
to Niagara and they will ,be much'
missed by their 'friends here.
Dr. W. R. Ninos, has returned
to Toronto after a visit at the hone
of Mr John Vodden
Mfs. J'. Tamblyn, who has --been
visiting her son in Toronto, return-
ed home last week.
Miss Gertie Roberton of Toronto
motored_ up on ,Saturday and spent
the week -end at her home' in the,
Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland spent
Sunday with Auburn, friends.,
Mrs. Will Lyon spent the 24th,
with her sister in London. -
Mist Mary Jamieson,' of Toronto
is visiting at her home here for it
few diva. "
Miss Washington of Clinton spent
Sunday with Miss B. Porter.
Mr. Kirk- Lyon is ,hone from
Medical College for the summer
The. death" occurred in, a Loudon
hospital on Saturday': evening of
Margaret McVittie, wife of - Mr.
Marshall -Braithwaite after an op-
eration. . T.he late Mrs. Braith-
waite bad been ill for many _months
but her death same as a sudden
blow te her family.' The funeral
took place on Tuesday afternoon
from the Methodist church,
Mr. George Swan has gone back
to Muskoka. , His many friends
Trope he will bo much benefited and
that he may come back fully re.
Mr. Austin Wheeler who went. to
Detroit a couple' of weeks ago has
secured a good position.
T]ie football match .between' larvae -
field and t4inburn,;Tuesday:, result-
ed in a tic„ .There was a large
crowd out to,soo the game,
Mrs. Cecil Simpson spent Satur
day in London,
- Misses Maynre and Alice' Swan
spent the 24th at Burlington.- ,
On Sunday evening last, a choir of
about forty voices came up •from.
Kippers and Ilillsgreen and gave gave n
Catttata ,in the Brucefield church
which was very much .enjoyed by a
large crowd. Th5 church' was well
filled, chairs having to be put in
the aisles to seat the people.
On Tuesday afternoon the W,
M, S. "and ithe Kelly Circle enter-
tained the Societies of 'Varna and
Eippen, Mrs, (Rev.) Hogg of
Clinton gave a very' excellent re..
port of the meetings held' at Ot-
tawa. and Galt, ' Mrs, Newart sang
a very beautiful solo' and Miss El-
eanor Snider, and Miss Pearl' Brock
sang a missionary. sing. . After
Minch and a social hour was spent.
The may' friends: of Mr, John
Wlalker will be pleased to hear that
be is able to be around again after
being confined to his room ,fox u
Mrs. Helmer, i5 visiting Hayfield
Mr, Drew Swan spent the holi-
day nt Burlington,
Mrs, Culvert, , of; Ilderttn spent
Suizdav t*s+t:h icer: sister, Mrs. Jno.:
The Biggcst 91an
and the Smallest.
in Town
Will get equal satisfaction in
the fit of his clothes if our tape
line has"been around hint. We.
have a sort of pride in fitting
men that other tailors can't
please. It's the know how that
tells thetale, and our experi'
ence and observation has :given
us that. Conte in and look over
our stock of the very best cloths
and try us for your next suit.
Prices range from $25 to 55
Davis 8cHertnait-
Opposite Town Ball Brown's Men's Furnishings Store
Goderich Townsieip
Mrs. George Linfoot of London,
who has been the guest of her
consul, Mrs. ' Robt. Pearson the
last week, returned home on Wed-
Stanley T ownship
Mr. John Foote, one of the oldest
residents of Stanley Township, died
on. Monday, May 22nd, in his S5th,
Year. The deceased was a lifelong
Liberal and Presbyterian, Mrs. Foote'
predeceased him twenty-seven years
ago. Two sons and two daughters
survive; -Reverend ' James Foote,.
of Exeter, Andrew on tiro
homestead Miss. W. MacQueen- of
Vancouver, and Miss Anne Foote at
hone. The funeral was held on
Wednesday afternoon, interment in
Baird's. cemetery,
Mrs: Edwin Button and Miss
Thelma Dale, left on Tuesday for
Windsor, . where they are delegates
to the Branch meeting of the W.
• The, 'men of the Constance con-
gregation held a bee on Tuesday
and Wednesday fixing the church
basement floor.
Mr. and Mrs. 1). Tudor spent
Monday with the lady's parents in
Ratter u Service
A 11 makes of Batten es
, .R.ebtiilt and
Ohai' ed
hirst-class work on short
Vegetable Plans
'`If you want to do some crowing
Get a'little garden growing"
For good results plant the best
—that's ou>is
Improved 1 X L and Chalk's Jewel
25c per box of 15 plants
Hardy Tomato Plants from hotbeds
10cdoz•, 3 dozen for 25c,
Cabbage and Cauliflower
Endive and Celery, also a good stock of.
Geraniums, Annuals, Foliage,,
Banging Baskets,,.Etc. . .
Greenhouses on Huron Street
Uptown office, at the Canadian National'
Rxpress Co.
�. uningh t e
Phone 31. ,
'Neilis >Irj)
1 wish to thank the firemen find';
citifens for the proxnpt' and efficient;
work done in my recent tire, 1
also wish tor
Blank Illy customers.
Tor standing by me and will try to
give as good service as possible un'
der the circnMstauces. I hope
a short time with my new equip-
ment to turri out better bread thaw
ever'. -
.1. 1019
R. S. O' NEI Lf
Phone 904 The Baiter
Tho romaine of the late Mrs,
Treble,, who died in "Winnipeg, Man,
orz May 18th, were brought to Ex-
eter for internsetit lest we,elk.,