HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-6-1, Page 5The Cltiatena New
01' 'tinterest to You
and !e
The leafy month of June' is here;
This is the month' with the longest
days. If you are going to accotnp-
fish anything now's the time to be
at it.
The new Fielding is described
by some Liberal papers as a "blow
.al the high cost ofliving. But its
,such a light blow that old h. ^'c. of 1,
will hardly feel it. A love tap we'd
-ca11 it,
lien. W. • 13. Fiel'ilirig, Mieistey of
Finance, says we are on the eve of
a period of. prosperity. Sure, we
.are. ' But IS the honourable, the
Minister of Finance going to claim
the credit of that prosperity?
Dian, nomatter howr. e
'`No t, ma t r lri sy ti
.is," said a- `I'oronto doctor Iecturieg
in .'Philadelphia, "should sacrifice his
life for his business or profession,
He was supposed to be talking to a'
lot of golf players, a cities of inen to
whom that kind oftalk is like tell-
ing a lazy man he should stop work,
"Just previous to the Dominion e1-
setions there was a -great to-do by.
the Liberal: Press ever the -scandal
.of., permitting the ;, Riordon Paper
=Company to" Pay its taxes by prom-
issory. notes,' -remarks the -Beaver-
=ton Express,' "and the Meighen Goy-
ernnie"nt\ was vigorously lashed, es
peelally by, the Toronto Globe, for.
its 'evident partiality to the "big in-
terest' The Globe now says it
.sees no objection to it, in . view of
the excellent 'securities, which in
,elude 'water power and large timber
limits. The.Riordon Co.is getting
'aro' special favour, as' the .Depart-
nrent' has -adopted :this new system
'in the case of several large lumber
;concerns. The .Gigue now has 'new
s .will be seen •by -`an article and
•a crit on our front `page a . start ,„in
reforestation, has been made in Ilur
on. County, in Colborne township. It
is not likely that a campaign of any
prodiguous size will be carried on in
'this county for the simple reason
:that there is not in this county any.
great amount,of waste land,.',al-
'though much could be done of course
-with,:what ,is available. Siincoe
-county is carrying on quito. a cam-
paign but inthat county there are
large `areas -that are ,not fit,for cul-
'-tivation and :these areas might very
profitably be replanted in forests.
'Indeed, if 'men had, been •foresighted,
enough what is known as "The Pine:
Plains," which have not 'grown even
-a-blade of grass for, years,, and all
the 'area , on which "Camp 'Borden"
situated might have been planted.
-in forest fifty years ago to the pro-
-fit of the owners and the whole pro -
Miss Maud Stirling' of Si. Agatha
'is,. visiting her mother; Mrs. --W; Stir--
lung, and sister, Miss. Josie, at`nres-
ant. -
Miss ' McDowell of Thamesville is
the,guest'of ,Mrs. Wi'lL Woods:
• Rev. A. „MacFarlane attended ' a
meeting of the Huron- cunty trust-
,aes�and' Ratepayers -Association at
Clinton on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mls. Bong of Windsor ar-
rived last .week and are getting
their suninrer resideneerready for oe-
Mr.' Stradley,, wife': and daughter,
Miss Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Winters
r,d child arid. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley
and child , of :Detroit are summering
in the White .City. ' - •
Rev. Mr. Quinn is attending Con
ference at London tIris week.
VI:rs, Isabella Woods spent' Tues=
day at London... _
PI '. Ben . Spencer of Saskatoon is
visiting his parents Mo. and Mrs. 13.
Spencer in the village..
Mr. E. Merrier, who spent the past
=two'ye,ars din Clinton, moved his `farn-
'ilyback to the village on Monday of
this „week.
Mr, Jim Ferguson of Detroit spent
the ;week -end" -at his home in. the vill-
age. , •
.Rev. A., MacFarlane, pastor of St.
Andrew's Church, exchanged' pulpits
-with Rev, Mr, McDerrnit. of Goder
,iclr on Sunday last,
t 'The services on Sunday evening,
w t c for the past
months,,' wil) be renewed again
on Sunday , next. - • '
Rev. -Mr, Crossby of .Woodstock and
.Miss Isabel M. Woods, •graduate
'of _St.-Josenhjp hospital, Concur;,
:'apent, a few` days the past week et
Jim' latter's home in the Village,
Another of our oldest and most
highly it.,esPected. residents of thio
Village passed peacefully away on
Tuesday, May 23rd, ;in, the person
of Matilda Boyd, wife of Mr, Wm.
Eagleson, aged eighty-seven • years.
',The deceased was born in Bally
Orilla, county of Antrim, .Ireland,• in
:rhe'' year 1835. At. :the ago of
,eighteen- years She was -united ih
:marriage to William' Fagioson •of
. i the saine, place Five years ;later
they, with then three children to ,t
were born in Ireland,, • emigrated to
;Canada, corning to'liayfield; Ontar-
io, :where they spent the first .six
months, They then 'went to Ilay.
Township but alter a few : months
they Droved back an the Goshen line
Stanley Township, ;where they spent
She limit twelve years, Moving to
Gotlerieh- Tovtfiahip .after • a few
years, they then moved to. the
f'Sanble Line; Stanley, . and after a
enumber• of years they retired from
-lupe Sarni and carne 10 I3ayfiold
Whore they have remained, The
funeral took place frena the family
residence on Clan Oregon 'Square to
Bayfield cemetery -on "Thursday. of
itci noon at two thirty;. The services
were conducted by ,the Rev.. A. 'Mae-
l'arlane, ptrstor • ai 'St, Andrew's
,ehuroh to which the, deceased be-
longed, and the pallbearers wore:
'Messrs. Themes. Ceineron,..W. J,
Stinson, Tliomes IR)ng, James Pow-
owI e,'henry 1)nr row t nd Murdotl
Rose, bice. T'atelesoii is survived
by her • husband, throe daughters
and sevensons: illi:..John Heard,
of Stapley, Mrs, IIarey Young, of
Aberdeen S D;,,'end Mee, W,'aa
fohnstnn of Milestone Seek„ Sam
uel of kidton, N. Dakota; John B.
Eaeby, North Dakota James and
William of Aberdeen, -S, Dakota;
Robert,Warner, Alberta; Wireon,
Buchanan, North Dakota, and Ed-
ward of Morrie, "Seek, This death
was the first break in the family.
Those present from a distance were
Mia. Ii, Young and Mr, Wni 7 rklc-"
son of Aberdeen, S. Dakota, ..Mfrs,
flicks, of Gr'eenwav; Mr. Stevens
and sons of Clinton. The sympathy
oe. their many :friends goes out to
the husband and 'lankly in their
Mr. Eagleson and daughters, Mrs.
Heard : and Mrs, Young, and son,
Mr. Wm. Eagleson wish to thank the
friends and' neighbors for, their
Sympathy and kindness shown them
in their : sorrow.
Mr, and Mrs, Arcane Agnew and
children, • Eldred and 'Norval ' and
Mrs. W. ' MacDonald,' motored : up
from Detroit yesterday for 'a short
visit with their; people here, Mr.
and Mrs. • Harry' Watson, -Louise st.
They were accompanied back by
their • mother, Mrs, Weston, who will
viait in Detroit for sometime. •
Hamlett Township
Minutes of council meeting.
Members , all present: Reeve Arm
strong in the chair.
Communication from ]firs. Tani
blyn and Mrs: Easley aaleing far 'a
drain and' crossing' in front of their
property. Reeve Armstrong 'and
Councillor .Adame''appointed to look
into the' matter.
The following "accounts were pas-
sed and payment ordered:.
Mitchell•., Advocate, advertising `
for teiaders' Carter and Kin -
burn Drains :.'' • 3.80
Corrugated Pipe. Go. Stratford
4 'culvert •pipes .. . 85.19
J. W. Mills, services :as _assess-
or . , .100.00
P. .Quigley, disinfecting home
of Charles Lowrie , : , 4,00
W..Lawson, repairing fence at-
Wallace's bridge .,:. , 2.00
I. Sanderson, amount allowed_
for farm "bridge on '-'Bryant
The following• '.tenders were re-
ceived ..:for' • work on the Carter,
dr in:
T J. Regan 29 ets. per yard for
good digging and 8 cts. extra for
William ; Dahlias,•..2900:00
Quigley a nd others 38 c�s,
nor yard
Messrs - Gaffney and Gaunt. '.249-0.00
Janes :Fairservice, 3431c. per yard
Charles Van Slautbrouck ,.2955.00
Messrs Murray & Nicholson- 3087.00_'
Messrs Gonnloy .& Co,. .. 33183.00
Moved • by Councillors McEwing
and Howson that the . tender of
3VIeS'srs Gaffney • and Gaunt be ac-
cepted, cai.•ried.'
The following tenders' were, re-
ceived for Branch . A. on the Mil-
burn Drain:
Messrs. Connoly & Co. 59cts,
per ;yard
Messrs. Gaffney & Gaunt •tOc,
per yard.
Robert Lawsdn :„$900.00
Moved by Councillors IIowsiin .and
Clarke that the offer of Robert Law-
son bo accepted,' -carried.'
Council adjourned to meet 011 Fri-
day June '30th at 1.30 p. M.
Council. ;net as Court .of Revision
on the assessment, roll with A. W
McEwmg.as Chairman of the Court
May 213th.`' " Members all . present.
.Minutes Of -former meeting -dead and
approved. The following. changes
were ',rade"
William Murphy assessed.' for part
of Lot 13 instead of parts of Lots
'12 and 13, concession 13.
'The Assessment of Edgar Law-
son 'reduced from 8600.00 to $400.
The assessment of George Milne
reduced from $500.00 to $400.00.
The dogs of the ;following owners
were struck oft the roll; Jolhn Bailey
Wllltam-Knox, Robert Clarke, Geo:
Bean and: Robert Watt,
The following, changes :were inado
-in the names., on the roll; -,;allies
Watt and Leo Watt instead of. Robt,
Watt: Amos Spuhl and Catharine
Spuhl instead of Jaanes Dawson and
Margaret Dawson. David Hoggarth.
instead of, Jolly') Bowcock ;and Sally
Bowcock. Alexander Stewart instead
of Joshua ` Snell- and Wm.-. Snell:
Frank Glew instead" of Taros, Watt.`
The. name of 'Nelson' Patterson was
added. '
Court' adjourned to meet again on
Friday Juno 30th, at 1.30 p. ea.
Council also met Court•of Re-
vision on By-law No, 4 A=`D 1922,
on the Bryant Municipal Drag., with
Robert Clarke as Chairman: Moved
by C. A, Rowson and A. W,41cEw
ing that this By-law be .finally pass-
ed and the Court of Revision closed.
JOHN F.INGLAND,, Clerk of Court
Sl. Helens
Mrs, Cuyler is visiting;. in • .Luck -
now' for a few days.
Mr. Wilson, Woods spent the
week -end visiting` his sister, Miss
Winnifred. Woods, near Drayton.
Mrs. Charlotte Johnson, who has
spent the' : -winter with her sister,
Mrs... Robinson Woods, 'left for her
home in Stanley last week.
Misses Hannah Anel , Gertie Aitch-
eson returned Froin Guelph, where
they spent the past 'week.
Mr; Calais Aitcheson left 'for a
trip to the West last week. HIS.
brother Jonies is looking .after the
farm in his absence.
Mrs.' E, McRoberts' has returned
from a winter's visit to Winghant,
Mrs. D. McDonald returned 'home
with her.
Mr. Thos, Irwin has been in the
neighborhood, pressing .hay.
--Mi: and Mee. A. E. Durnin of Olin,"
ton slaonta, few .days renewing
acquaintances around St, 'Helots,
Eelks whir never.. do ally mora.
than the!! gat Traria for. never get
'Paid fee any More than they do.—
Elbert Hubbard.
A very large crowd attended talo
Young People+a meeting ep SIM.
d ny evening. at which' the Baptists
pnesentcd their cantata, "The l3ean-
tiful City."
iter, 11, J, and Mrs ;loss left
on. Monday for the 'West, 'where
Mr, Ross dans' taken a position in an
Indian School: • A very large crowd
gathered,at the station- to bid thein
farewell end wish them "God -Speed."'
Theywill be much rnieied in Au-
burn and vicinity. -
Rey. A. E, Millson is attending.
Conference at Londono while Mrs,
Millson ie at Windsor, attending.
the W. M, S. Braneh convention.
COOK; --10 Clinton, on•JVlay 24th; to
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook, a sae
GRAHAM—In London, ,on May 22nd
to 1)r. Iii, G, and Mrs, Graham,
ARTHUR ----In Auburn, on' May 27tb
to' Mt. and 'Vire. John Arthur, e
McKENZIE—In Toronto on May:i8ht
1:4' Mr. and Mrs.:R. W. McKenzie,
RATIIWELL-In- Clinton, .on'• May
29th, Joiiima. Thompson, widow,
of the ' late . Edward Rothwell,
aged 74 years.
BRAITHWAITE— At ,,,,London, on
May 27th, Margaret A. McVittie,
wife of Marshall Braithwaite, of
Londesboro in her .65th year.
1•II•BBERT—In Auburn, on May
22nd, Grant; infant son of Mr,_
and 'Mrs, Frank Hibbert.
GIBBS—At Briercrest, Sask., - •; on
May, 28th, Mrs. Gibbs, widow• of
the late Thomas Gibbs of Hullett,
hi her 80th year.'
In 1920, so much iner'e tea was
produced , than requred througlioout
the world, that -the market dropped,
to a very low level. The situation
was so serious:for the growers that
they,: agreed to reduce their, produc-
tion 20% durinu 1921. - Consump-
tion, .'which h£is increased treimen-
dousip,, and the production of tea
being curtailed,. has resulted, in the
highest prices for tea " in years.'
The recent -reduction ° of ',four pence
per pound on tea' tax in England has -
further stimulated consumption,
=which means that even higher prices
may soon be expected.
Mz. James' Mitchell of_ Goderich is -
in Ottawa in connection' with his,
' Duller Dance
'Hotel Bedtord
Next Saturday Evening
JUNE 3rd "
Dancing from 6.30 -to 12.00.
Music by Miss Gene Connon and
London Orchestra. .
Sunday Dinner-141usic •1 to 2.45.
Sunday Supper -Music 5.30 to 6.45.
Write or phone for reservations to
- Hotel Bedford, Goderich,
Saturday Evening, 6.30 to. 12.00 '
13,00 per couple.
After 8.30 $1,00„ per couple"
'With additional charges for lunch
a •la carte.. -
We have Droved- our :toile of Mas-
sey -Harris machinery and repair
parts to the Palace Block,. Ratten-
bury street, where a • full stock of
general repairs ,will be kept.
See us about your binder twine and
stable.' equipment,
'Agent for Massey -Harris
Is priceless. Then eat • parlay
of the food that makes you
feel the , biS't—Bread;
Brown's good bread'
—the perfect loaf, made with
plenty of good Ilour, good
ririlk, geed ;shoetoning, good
Ask your grocer for 'at.
A 000D 13AJCKER)1 •
r ru1
or 3E1 .436. gcbtk
rithorxt Doubt "The Best."
Sold in .Sealed 'Packets Only.,',•
We Have
Saved you money in the past and aro still doing it. We have:
now our own delivery service and will be able to give Yon prompt Ser-
vice, Leave your ;grocery `wants' et our ,store. Seeoar window for^
our Special for cash while it lasts,
I Ib. good eating enlace, 25c. 10 Bare Laundry Soap '4 . 9e.
1 ib, 'Jelly . Square Cakes, ,. ,' 20e. 3 pkgs. Poarline 25c..
1 ib, Lemon Crisp Cakes , 15c, 3 pkg'sr:Fenso 25c.
1 lb, Ginger Snaps :, 15c. 3., pkgs,. Lux. 25c.
3 pkgs. Corn ,Flakes , , .... , 29c,-- 3 pkgs. 1VIcLaren's' Jelly Powder 25e.
Goods delivered to an Parts of the tow; Get the Habit of Dealing at
[f N Zit,CO'S GROCERY ' Phone 111
The Last of the Pineapples
BUY YOUR PINEAPPLES NOW—Large Bananas, Valencia
Oranges, large juicy hemons, Club IIouse Olives S
_ ,� weer and 'Sour, ..
Mixed' Pickles, Alymer Peas,.Corn and Tomatoes, Jain, Marmalade
and syrup, Tea and Coffee';. a specialty.'
We invite' you to phone your orders andtake advantage of
_our• delivery ser'v'ice.
We C: • & S. 'Grocers, Phone 125
Leslie E. Bogie of Colborne was
"married' et the Leeburn - manse on
May" 17th;, to Miss Margaret Par-
rish, also of Colborne. ' The young
couple will reside in Goderiob;. -
The marriage took place at St. -
George's church, Goderch .on May
20th of Grace Kathleen Brown and
J. .II. Taman of Seaforth.
Gasoline Engine For Sale
A 2% horse Bower "Ideal" gas-
oline engine for sale. Leslie Jervis,
R. R.- No. 2, phone;.8 on 602, Clinton,
Tenders Wanted
For painting all eitterior' wood-
work on the .Clinton Public school
buildings. laformation regarding
the work furnished . by W. S. R.
Holmes, chairman of the board.
Tenders to be addressed to II : Wiltse
Notice—Dog l' Lost
A blaek and tan collie. with -colla;'
and tag No. 6, Goderich township,
1922,' Answers to the name of "Ted"
Any person finding or giving infer-
m`ation leading torecovery, reward-
ed."' Anyone found, harbouring the
dog will he prosecuted.. Win. he -
dour, R. R. No. 2, Clinton, 'phone 24.
on 602. 50-3
i . House Painting
General house, painting 61 all
kinds. Orders promptly attended
to. Apply at paint shop, opposite
, The Mill, Clinton... Beacons .&
Ward. - '
Teacher Wanted
Protestant 'teachei 'foT S. S. No,
2, Mullett. State '.qualifications and
salary. Duties to commence after
sunnier vacation. J. W. Shojbrooli
Secretary-Treasuer, Clinton:
• lawn Tea
At Miss Zetta 13awden's on Tues-
day, Julie 6th, from 4.30 to 6.30.
Admission 15.e The Girls Guild of
St. Penis..
Notice to Creditors
In the estate of Charles Tippitt, of
the village of Bayfield,: deceased,
Notice -is hereby given that - all
persons haying claims against the
estate of Charles Tippitt, late of the
village of Bayfield in the county of
Iiuron,'decearsed, whodied on or ab-
out the 31st, day 'of March, 1922 are
r•egtdred to deliver to Charles Marks
or Fred McEwen, executors of the.
said estate on or before the 20th -day
of June, A. D., 1922, a full, state-
ment of their claims, together with
particulars thereof, and the nature.
of, the securities if any held by them
all duly 'verified by affidavit.
And take notice,that after • the
said last mentioned date the said
executors will proceed to distribute
the estate` of the said deceased
amongst the persons entitled there-
to, having regard only to such
claims as they shall have "'received,
due notice and in accordance there-
with: ,
Dated at Bayfield, this 29t11; day
of May, A. D. 1022,
Charles Marks, Feeds McEwen,
Erg, -3
For the Village of Bayfield
Notice is hereby given that a
Court of Revision will be held in the
town halls Bayfield, on Friday; the,
26th: day of May, 1992; at the hour
of 11 o'clock a.m., for the purpose
of hearing and •determining com-
plaints against the Assessment Roll
of the said village for the year 1022
Person_ s having business at the said
court' Will please attend at the said
time and place Without furtherno-
Village Clerk.
Hayfield, bfay ink, 1922 :•--30-3
The .Council of the Corporation of
the County of Huron will meet in
the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 3
p.nr., Tuesday, June 6th,` 1022. ;
All accounts, should be hi the.
hands'of the ,Clerk an or'before the
Monday .preceding the. .meeting of
the Council:
County Clerk.
Goderich,.:: May 18, 1922. - • 51-2
"Live and Let Live".
Palace' Block Clinton
For Sale .
Model 490 Cherolet Touring car in
a-1 condition, at a. sacrifice as owner
is leaving town. Box 173, .Clinton.
For Sale.
A 6 -roomed - house with
and stable, James Street.
of Mrs. Argent, Clinton.
For Sale
4 hooses, nearly new, in good
shape, oheap for quick sale.
Still in the pump business, John
Farm For ,Sale
Lot 26, -Con.; 17th, on the Base
line, mile north of Clinton, 221/
acres first class land, good house,
bank barn and 'young orchard just
beginning'te bear. Also 7 -roomed
house on„ Albert street, Clinton. Wa-
ter, good garden, been. Apply on
latter premises, lairs, John Halstead.
The pure bred Clydesdale; Stallion
General • Miller, will stand for' the
improvement of stock at Graham
House barn every .Saturday, from
9 _a.m. to 5 p,m. Balance .of sea-
son at any ,farm, Lot 18, Con. 3,
This Horse i$ Sound and Right and
• a Big Fellow.
TERMS -$10 to insure with foal
R. R. No. 4, Clinton.
Phone 8 on 636. 47-tf-
Osteopathic Physician
Graduate, Des Moines Still College
of Osteopathy.
Licentiate Iowa sired Michigan State.
Boards of Medical Examiners.
Spinal adjustments given to remove
the -cause of disease,
Catarrhal deafness. adenoids, and
enlarged tonsils treated.
without surgical_ operation,
Stomach and intestinal diseases
treated. Without the use of drugs or
Successor to Dr. Heileman.
Office, Goderich, Ont.
At the Graham House every Tues-
day 'after 6.3Q p.m.
Heifers For Sale
3 heifers to freshen in May. S.
R. MacMath, Ilolrnesville. Phone 34
on 601. —38-tf
Spirella Corsets
$pirella Corsets for hoalthfuhiess,
style, comfort' and. durability. Bo
ery corset made to Measure, Mrs.
Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street,
Clinton, Phone 142• 12-1921
House for Sale
8 -room, solid brick house, town
Water and 1/1ectric lights, good gar-
don and chicken house, Apply on
promises, Corster of ' North and
Spencer Sts. --,-A. C. Clarbson.�--804f
successors to 1 . T. Cort'
Dealers in General 7 .ardtu
Plumbing, _Heating,
We carry in stock the Hu
and Po
No, 41, 2, 8, 2a and 11 Tu
20 Frost i t Wood.
21 Percival
21 Oliver
21 Verity
21 Verity, high
oilommIOVsii ilmlllllllllrinpll@inirill
Keeper and Matron
Man and wife. To take charge of
the Huron County Home, near Clin-
ton, and the'farnt connected there-
Applications, personal preferred, to
'be made to the undersigned, the ap-
pointment to be inado at the next
meeting of the County Council, which
meets' on June 6th, .
Inspector of Huron County Home
Clinton, May Gth, 1922. 48-4
Get - on the
Right now at the beginning
of 1922 buy your.meli's and
women's shoes from'Barry the
shoeman -
You get the best'of
You get rid of toot
You get the ',mast
for xg. etir• moneg
See_us at once
Opposite the-Postofliice, Clinton
all'- Carac
We repair any make of
J. IL Paxman.
Examiner for licensed drivers
Phone 80
Res. Phone 140
Seed Ci!,
Wisconsin. No, 7, Improved Loam-
ing, Golden Glow, Bayley, 'White
Cap, Cronmpton's Early, Longfellow,
Eureka Ensilage and Golden Ban-
tam Sweet.
Japanese, clean, cool and sweet,
Yellow and red.
Early Amber., Sugar Cane.
•Royal. Purple Calf Meal and Stock
W. Jenkins & Son.
Phones: Elevator 199, Residence 141
Clothes Cleaned. and Pressed
Clothes cleaned Pressed and re-
paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Hoard's barber shop.
Jago, 8841
Boars for Service
C}iarnpion bred, big typo Y'orksliire
and Chester White boars /Or service.
At home every forenoon A, C.
Letrey, Ph040 G on 699, Clinton: ---28