HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-6-1, Page 434AW 1�-.1 COOiPEW, L• WS What. a.Lot of Pleasinr, 5 nald Filoppir*ess this i)11 1 ,n irak,(,lt,d p1 load of W81.1 paper? 1�l(i it ever occur to.: i,, you, that your Ova) 5 are the chief s J ace im; �oui'' space house and; more :.itm portant in , effeet'.than I the: furrtishiugs ? Gonsid :r the matter NOW, (Dome and see our fine stock ofthe newest elfeute, bought -direct from the manufacturers, and sold at satiefaotory prices. ALA, PAPER TR3,INU iEp FRE t COOS. CLINTON 1 NDEMNITY BONUS FOR - "to' their own pay -cheques without. MEMBERS csonsu)ting their constituents,- the increase' will be accepted with thanks by most of the members. It is said` that, the request for tile in- crease was supported by, the Whips of all the groups hi the House. Whether the increase granted this session, indicates the adoption of the $2,000 indemnity as a- fixture, is' not clear, but it is known a con- siderable number ,of members are in favour of such a: move. -The Farmer's Sun. The heart of Premier Drury w ai zit:43' tender to remain unresponsive to the plea for an mcreased: session- -al indenmity, ession-al-indemnity, end the further sup elementary estimates . tabled in the., -House early Saturday morning pro- sided $67,000 to pay -a sessional in- rlernnity bonus. Each member el', stile Logislatuhc, iueluding the Cab- inet, will receive 9600,- bringing• the 'total for the session to $2,000 for .private - rumblers. While` there may be a- protest against the in- crease from . one or two members who object to the members adding Have ,you tried our advertising col, inns to sell or. buy? They give res- ults. - VIII I I 111111 I III II III I VIII I f II IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIlII1111111110 II 'tlliIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlU1111111111111111Illlllllll1111111111111111 II W II 1.1 I I i Were 10 KM, 8-' m q[e -42E1 sal nl%a j Itcrl,. if c 4 ey what they read about The standards of living for the average family in Can- ada grow higher each. year. .The luxuries of -yesterday',,. are the necessities of to -day. People in the, smaller, owns- and on farms want the newer things they read • about. Dry -Goods Stores; Grocers, Shoe, Hardware and Paint Stores, in the smaller towns, all find they can, show the newest things by carrying small -stocks of them and re -ordering by Long Distance. The jobber or manu- facturer's warehouse anu-facturer's`warehouse is at their elbow — their, order departments are alertfortelephone trade! Shipments are often made the same day. Up-to-date- ness of _ merchandise is _n0 longer confined to the big ,. city stores ---- and large sums are not locked up in, stock. Try it. Have a big store in a small town. "Use, the Bell to Sell" - and to Buy. ,Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station DUIIAAI EL OLD TIMER,, F, ROSS SUCCUMBED '1'O" l.U11N'L.1- YESTERDAY JU)AY Prem tho 'tc-. Ceminse . (Alta), Can., we '` •ldian of gray 1clip, • the 1'e] lowing reference to the death of 4 former Iiuron. county boy: Tho death of James F. ves.s , P • o ' , i Duhamel; age 33 —,,car,,, born at S,ea- forth, Ontario, occurred on Wednes- day, May 10, at his gnome just east of the G. T. P. bridge over Duhamel repo,;` The late tvir,'Ross had been t influenza. ill for ten days tivit 1 rflu n Nothing but the keenest regret will be expressed for his fancily in the passing away of Mr. 'Ross, one of those sturdy; pioneers, who from the Moment he landed in the Duham- el district in 1909, begat not only to build up a- prosperous - farm busi- ness but also .took a keerr interest im farmers' problems and was for some years local president of the U.'1-'. A. He was also a promin- ent 'elder of -the Presbyterian church; and one of 'thosfe, sterling' characters with which Western Can- ada 'could not hi -the earl}- days' or at the present' time be too often blessed, A great many persons who perhaps did not rennin Mr. floss by name have observed hint in his capacity as bridge inspector stand- ing near Duhamel bridge in their travels back mid forth over that railroad. -- • I -le leaves to mourn: his loss, his wife, widely known for her work in U. F.. W. A. circles: „three . daugh- 'tors, Mrs. Smyth, of - Foresthtn g (formerly Miss "An lie Moss); Mrs. Wilson, of 'Edmonton (`loinierly Miss, Jessie Ross;) Mi's. Stewart of Duhamel (formerly Miss Reta Ross,) and son, Alex living at home. It will be remembered that Mr. and Mrs. Ross lost -a son, Her-. bent in , the world war. Ml's, Ross has lost in addition to her husband,, father, a sister, and a brother during, the past year." 1i 1144 The 'following was an editorial reference -in the same issue; 'respect- ed thee' most highly reect- 1 sl ed . citizens of Duhamel district 'pas -- sed away this week in . the .person of James F. Ross pf Duhamel, who cable to that district -flour Ontar- io in -1909.- Both Mr, ' and Mrs, Ross -.are widely known, especially, in U, F. A. circles, where they have, always (been energetic workers in bringing about more cooperation among the farmers aitd in studying the 'problems -of the farming pop- ulation. Mr. Ross was possessed of one of those sterling characters whose opinions bore much • weight and the Duhamel district will feel his loss." Clii,ton ewesm tike, cc rtf 181) ttritij News Vlr. John i:. Ilul1os, son of Mr. and "Iris, Dudley Holmes of Wing.. Milk hes boen Stationed with the Canadian Bank o1',Coinmerce iia"New York "City, has boon promoted to a Bank In ' in'rho ii 1 in 'responsible) poi loTl the city of Havana, Cuba, The lurueh baseball team will pray nine games oir rho' home crier mond dueint;' -•hone and seven at out-, side points, Th.e ball tossers of the southern town are "unusually, husky fellows and, ought to be, able to stand it," -.The engagement is announced of Margaret ' Hazel Lang and :Ulric Snell of Exeter; The marriage takes, place this month. II- for many ,. Mi, Davis,1 years eneboms'reilieen at:"Wingliam, was' stnielcen en lhnrsday last with par, clysis and at time of writing''y.,tle hope is entertained for his recovery. He was obliged to retire a' short time ago on account of ill health. Negotiations are on for the pun.', Dose of uniting Cavan Presbyterian and Main street Methodist churches in Exeter. The church' and : par sonago of the Main street congrega- tion would be.used and the congre- gations unite to pay running expen- ses. Both would keep a cornice - :Ron ' With their parent Jody „and'. the minister, would be a Presbyter- ian and Methodist alternately, ,The resident ministers are said to fav- our union and to have given assur- ance that they will co-operate in `bringing it about. The matter will probably, be dscussed at -the coming. Methodist 'Conference in London this week. �iuiuuullli�luiiliiiliuiillllllllluullliuoiiglulllilllllullillllllllllnllliiiillillollllullullililulmlllilNlllliollulllllgluiillglllilllluuulillllllullpglllluiulullllullllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllpllllol�il ' 18111111111111111P111111, NOM i 1, (IIININIHIG(' DON'T MISS THIS GLORIOUS' ONCE -A -YEAR ROUND TRIP EXCURSION Goderich to Detroit ON THE PALATIAL STEAIV1ER GREYHOUND TAKE YOUR AUTO ALONG -Any make' car $5 each wry,, released - d 'nearing Goderich at 0,30 can., June 133jh, the Steamer Grey- hound reaches Port Huron at 1.10 '31.11, Wand Detroit at 5.30 p m To enjoy, the sights .of Detroit you will have until Thursday, June 15th, at 1.00 p.m„ when the Steamer leaves the' Griswold Street wharf for the return trip to Gode rich, Round trip $3; One way $2. it The last trill_ to Detroit leaves Goderich, Friday, June 10, 9;30 4,111; BASEBALL PANS --Ty ;Cobb's Tigers play Nos' York Yankees a Navin ParIs,'Detrp,,it, Wednesday, June 19th. btoONLIGIIT. MoND.AY7 .UNE 121,h Don't fail to ;enjoy the three-hour Moonlight Trip out of Goderich on Monday rvoning, June :17th, tinder the auspices of the 83rd B,egitnent ;Grand. 1lttTSId A,10 DANC1N'G ABOARD Adults tl00 Children, under. twelve, 25e • i isve iiiO(tlt4lp1111[1110101101111E111111(111(IIIIIIII11111111NIII11111111IIIIIIIIIIIIO1111141IIIIIIII111111•1111llllllillll21,I1 McKillopTownhip. Empire day was fittingly cele - orated by 'the Wdnthrop school, the class -room 'being prettily decorated for the 'occasion. A splendid pro-. gramme of choruses, duets, drills. and appropriate readings was _ren- de'ed by„ the pupils. The program commenced -'by the entire school singing- "O'Canada". Rev -J.. A. 'Ferguson oceupied,the chair and in his usual pleasing mannergave an interesting address. The:.. teach- i er, Miss .Edna Jamieson, also gave a splendid address on The 73ritish -Empire." The three drills 'espec- ially the Flag Drill—were worthy of, special. mention,- The meeting. closed with the singing of the Na- tionel Anthem, when all . repaired to their hoines well pleased with the _afternoon's entertainmenli,,_. Both„ teacher and pupils are to be con- gratulated ,:on the splendid program -and the ablo manner in 'which it was .rendered. - 112.iss Edna M. Jamieson of throl visited - Clinton friends over .the; week -end. Mr. Fletcher Townsend of Tor- onto visited, on Saturday last with his sister, Mrs. F. J. Coleman. Mr. and, Mrs• Jas. cayman enter- tained a few Of their• friends of the Iiuron Road, Friday evening last - Mr. and , Mrs, W. Jamieson Sr, spent Sunday with 'friends at Wal- ton. ^ Mr• and Mrs, John Bennett o:f. the Iiuron Road visited with Mr. and Mrs._:I range Coleman. The W. M. S. hold their last meet- ing of the year at the home of Mrs, Joseph Scott,, Roxboro, Quite a number are busily -en-_ gaged cleaning up the Maitland Bank' cemetery, '- Mr. James: - Gillespie has greatly invorved 1liS vault by . putting a ce- ment walk ,from the road to it, Mr, R, Frost did the laying of the ce- ment. SUGAit PRICES DOWN AGAIN -' Sugar - took another drop in Clinton this week, • The Dominion •Stores Ltd. aro now offering _pure Cane ''Sugar at $6:10: per hundred, 20 lbs, $1.24, 10 -lbs. G2cts. and 5 lbs, 31cts. This is the lowest_ price yet reached in 'a number of years Advt. The News -Record job department tarns out neat, well -printed work. If you have not tried it, do so. It will; please you, Rheumatism ? , Or Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago?. Theremedyis simple, inexpen- sive easily taken and harmless. ' Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules - Your druggist will supply you. Write for free trial to Temple- tors. !i6 Colborne St., Toronto. 'Sold by J. E. Hovey, Clinton, Ont. Lightning Rods Protect Property, ,ESTEEiIVIED RESIDENTS - OP FlURON COUNTY, ' "CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING -',ANNIVERSARY Mr. "and Mrs, W. T. Caldwell, who residewest;-'of Hensall, celebrated the fiftieth' anniversary of their inarrriage on Monday evening, -when they entertained two score or more oftheir friends to a (banquet, The "wedding" feast, which hacl been prepared almost solely by the bride of fifty years ago, was. thoroughly enjoyed by the guests and after the good things had been partaken of toast List was gone through, Mr. H. E. Rorke of'-Clinton,.who was one of the guests, being toast master. The 'health of the bride and britlegrooni of }Calf a century ago vias pledgotl. irioSt • heaartily, and several took 00- casion to expressthe hearty good wlll and congratulations of neigls- `hors. and friends on this Malley oc- casion and the high esteem in which the host and hostess aro held in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Cald' Well. have a large .family but they arc scattered a good deal, several being in the west. One coir,. "Robert, is at home With them and Mrs, <losnb and Mrs, 'B4rtttaghait reside' in the 11911'' ityr< SIMMERS AND ROTARIANS FROM 'J'IIE UNITED STATES VISIT CANADA Toronto, May 29th,—It was an - flounced ,te-day at Headquarters oI the Passenger Traffic Department or the Oanaidan National Railways, Toronto, that two important, bodies' o Shrir er, and Rotarians f ^o r the i 1 s t1 d r n t1 United 'States .would visit:. Canada travelling by the Canadians. National during .1110 ;nio51111 of June. The Mecca ,Temple'Pilgrimage to the 48th .Annual Imperial Council Session, A. A,'0. N, 14x. S.,, which is to Abe ;held in Sara Francisco, Week of Jane 12th left New 'York on. the evening, of May 30th, Their west -bound itiner'ary.is 1ihroug�t, the Southern States, arriving,' San Tian - cisco June 11th. Al 3ho 110310131sion of the Seeslon the itinerar'y is by train to Seattle whore the Canadian National Steam- ship the; "Prince Rupert," will be tak- en June;L2nd tot: tho 800 anile s10 through the famous inside passage of the North Pacific Coast visiting 'Victoria Vancouver and Prince 1 Lt' Dort en route, From Prince Rupert tho trip' will be :continued Mast over ; the. lines- 01 the Canadian Natronal. Railways th1oub^Ii°')Vldmit Robson and Jasper Parks, stop over being made at JasperPark including including, ti visit tin Jasper Park Lod'g'e, the new moun- tain resort to. be09enoal June 15115 by the Canadian National and to give pa-rt3, an opportunity - of a glimpse at some wonder features of Canada's largest National I'ar1. On ' the journey through the prali'10 provin- ces 51095 are made at Edmonton arid Winnipeg. East front Winnipeg 1022 the ro3ltt )s via Pert Arthur to Ot, taws Ind Montecal, stop avers being made at the two latter'pl10330 The Third District, New yolk X1e- tarry Club at: the conclusion of the International Associations of Rotary Clubs .being held in Inc Angeles, Cat,, Juno 33tlh to 9911 will make their return: trip by the sane route through • Canada by the Canadian Natioaial Railways, leaving Seattle for the Steamship trip uri the :coast on ,Julia 18th making stop oyer at.11.11 important points enroute as far 64 0tt6wi, teaching that city on Tues. day June 27th, The fact that these important bodies of businessmen from the Un- ite31 States are malting these 'trips through Canada is a splendid :recog- nition of the attractiveness of Cam ada 'l'.01• the tourist and the Canadian Altitional route through Canada, 44444464640164446664404.44444444564444066019414466444 June 2nd and 3rd 4 . Practical and Economical WEAR -EVERY 4 Aluminum Double Boiler ' Regular Price $3.75 4 , For this Coupon Sale 4 4- 4 4, .. 4 4 4 4 4 E WEAR -EVER utensils are made from thick, hard sheet alam. inum . again andagain the'metalis passed through enormoue 1011`, avd poundedby huge stamping machines._This is why WEAR -EVER utensils'give enduring satisfaction, Their wonderful' urability :saves the expense and annoyance of continually buying new cooking utensils. 4.4 8 4 4 `I 4 4 4 4. 4 1intoii Hardware and Furniture e;{oe, Can be used every day -for cereals, sauces,: puddings', .etc,, or each an maybe used separately0 as a saucepan the cover fits•eitlier:art pAtt Also, we oiler this'. handy 'b111EAR. EVEf ' r Lipped Sauce ]Pan. 2,1 quarts =(wine mea_ sure) regular -$1.60 for only - 9. C.. WE are agents for tiitl well known System of Lightning Proteatioui and theonly ones in thid. community authorized'ta equip buildings with Shinn -flat 33gh`tning Rob,. - Thesaltods aro renown all ovor:America as the most scientific and certain proi tection for property ever devised. By their use anyg building may be made'„ perfectly sato. W. H. Day, Professor ofl Physics at the Ontario Agricultural College' for twelve years;.. assists *- training Shinn Dealers,' t,ims insuring correot sat k1aliation, 4,11„ E, Pollock R. R. No, 1 VARNA Phone 15 on 87 Hensall " GLDNRAE" t (8$53) - Enrollment No;1-:1811, Form 1 Will stand Ter the itnpreventent of stock this season at his own stable, Lot 3, Cori; 3, JIullett. Terris To insure, 910100, payable Feb, 1st, 19338: '.Accidents at owner's risk. Thos,-Mc1VTiehriel, Manager. -50-3 'UF 4J UITF_U YS T11AIN SERVICE TO TORONTO Daily Except Sunday. Lve Goderich . ,: 6.00 aan, 2.20 p.m. Lve Clinton , , 6,25 am 2.52 pant: Lvo Seafortlr , . 6,41 a.m. 3,12 plm, Lye .• Mitchell .. 7.04 a.m. 3.12 pint Art Stratford .. 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.111 , Arr Kitchener, , , 8,20 min. 5.20 pm, As r Guelph , 8.45 ant. 5.130 nail. Aim Toronto 10.10 01m. 7.40 p.1ii. _f',eavo Toronto 6.50 a.m.; :12.55 p.m. and 6.9:0 1.m, ` Parlor Cate car Goderich to To - Tonto 011morning train and Toronto to Goderich 0.10 P,hn, train, Parlor Buffet i oat Stratford; to 7.'o- 1oltt0 on afternoon' train, 0 31, Ilornlm , T11D A,, G,T:11 System Jolteh Rans:tord rC. Sen; Phone 5'1, t p3own Agents, RETURNING Wear -Ever Coupon Sale. ' Name-- -� stmotlnt' June 2nd al d-8rd _: from Clinton Hardware and Farnit.ure Co, Do not miss these Real Bargains ' Get.Yours to=day from - `Euilt-in-Canada" Five -passenger, 50 horsepower, 119 -loch wheelbase Cord Tires Standard Equipmeni ,without cramping, for five passengers. y, There is -beauty: a Stud ebaker-built body of har.- xnonious lines" and lbs- trous Finish. -.Talk, to a SPE,CIAL-SIX owner and note his ens ' thusiasm. Examinethe car and you will see the reason. e SL.- SIX posseThsses thePECIAquer- stiesmotor thCIIT Vallle at -'make up �:.. Locked tool compartment left front door V d t _, sss,, t, J,se Them' arerefinemen"ts. There is.' power: a' Studebaker- jeweled eight-day clock; ones built L -head motor, of 50 horse piece, rain-pto(if windshield with'power_andand wonderful flexibility• windshield wiper) tonneau light There i�'vs ecet�i; nonmy:Vlt with extension cord; transmission ohas a repu- tatiori of staying out of the repair lockwhicli reduces theft insurance rate to the owner '15 -to 20 per cent; one key operates 'the thief -proof lock on transmission, ignition switch and tool compartment li'7 left front door. ` r _ And there is Stu lebfhker's're? ftp 1� tatiofi for fait dealing acid seventy years' experience in building vehicles of honest quality. Touring, 225; 4 -Passenger r ring, $207"5; 2•P'assen6or Roadster, $ 0 , mu ngsr l2oadeteri $2�1�5; 4 -Passenger Coupe, $3050; Sedan, $3250, All priCep' a. #,, Wtdlterville, Ont, shop, as well as low cost of operation. At $2075 f, o. b. Walkerv_i11e, Ont., the SPECIAL SIX is unapproachecl in value by .any car of comparable quality. -There is comfort: genuine leather upholstered cushions, nine inches deep, and long semi -elliptic :springs, front and rear. Leg room, T. F. fOLLAND ast tr casae, Goderich, Phone, THIS IS A, ST__UDEBA 1) 4 YEAR my