HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-6-1, Page 2(4, AleTACGAIIT 111, 111cT;1G(AE'll McTAGGART BROS, BANKERS (Moral Banking Dmilneso 1,r0nsect., ed, Notes I)iscounted, Drafts issued. Interest Allowed on DeptisitS. Sale iUetes Purchased. . , H. T. RANCE Notary Public, d71170Yalieur. Financial, Re.til Estate, and rite In- surance Agent. Ilepresenting 14 Piro Insurance "cotnpanio,s. ' Division Court W. BRYDONE Barrister, Soilcitor Notary Public, etc. SLOAN Bt.00K, CLINTON DR. J. C. GANDIER Oftlee I1eur2:,-1.30. to 2.30 P.m, 7.30 to 9.00 P.m, Sundays, 12.3p to 1.30,p.m. Other hours by appointinept only, Office. and Rceldenaa Victoria St. DR. WOODS Is resuming nrfieiti.se. at his residence, Dayfield, 0914 llours :--,•9* to 10 a.th. and 1 to 2 Nn. Sundays,1 to 2 pan., fost sultation. •• , G. S. ATKINSON D.D.S., , , • ' Graduate 'Royal College of Dente: Sur- geons and Tdronto Univerelty • DENTAL .SURGEON ' • Flas office ltbuia-at Bayfield in old Pest 'Office Duilding, Monday, Wed,. nesday, Friday and Saturday from 1 - to 5.30 p.m. CHARLES 13. HALE Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commis. 11/11.1. ESTATE, - AND IlcITURANCD issuer -of Marriage 'Licenses; HURON STREET • CLINTON . GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed ,Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements oan- be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Uniton, er by dharges• Ivieuetaie and Satisfaction Quaranteed. ' • TIIVIE TABLE Tralna will arrive at and depart om Clinton as follows: . Buffalo and Goderich ' Going East, depart 6,28 a.in ." ••• 2,52 p.m. Going West ar. 11.10 • clp. 11,15 a.m. ar. 6.08 dp. 6,47 3.20. " ar. - 10.03 pm. .London, Huron & Bruce Div. Going South, ar. 9.23 dp.,8.23 a.m. Doing North, depart - 6.40 p.m. " " 11.07, 11.11 a.m. Tho McKillop Mutual Fre Insurance Company ',Head '0f6ee, Seaforth, Ont. OtReeTbaY.: president,..Janies Connolly, Godericb; Vice,, Jaines Evans, 13e,e4iw03d;_ See. - Treasurer, Thos, E. :Hays,. Seaforth. 'Directors: George McCartitey, Sea - forth,; D. P. Mo,gregor, _Seate2t11; 'Grieve, :Walton; Wm.- Rhig,,,Seeforth; 1.11. 'Motwen; Clinton; Iteb'ert 'Ferries, ha/lock; "Sohn Befinewely,.Drodliagen;, Rte. Connelly, GOderieh. 1 . Agents: 414.3'.`Leffeh, Clintem; 3, W. Yee,' doderich;2 •Ninchiay,, ' §ea - 'forth ; W. Chem/fey:, 'Egniandville • R. jarmuth','Brodbagen. • Any moneyto. be paid in may be paid to Moorish, Clothing Co., Clinton, br atr.Cutt's Grecery' Goderich. • ,Parties desiring to affect insura»oe' 'or transact other business will be Proraptly attended' to on application to any- o9 tho• aboVe officers addressed to • 'their respective post Losse,3. inspected by the Director who lives nearest the scene. 105 c'''Pfl.)Pilio"300ns t9 A0r9"°n.i! 'Fifth! g lid Sholdng the lieg; Mailageaaott •""ung Tur'el:f Tho fitting 'end showing of swine It at hatching time that we all is an art in itsclf, quite apart from ^preciate haVinis' '01Yeti.the tame , mil that of ,breeding,. The careful brooder lets c.a' 'ihe typic9'1 tarke who prides birnecif lib the breeding' hen roner.1‘,:s interference, hot Cr and typinesb hoge need' not tame one is willing that we share he neee2Sillidy be unbeatable in the 6110* 'and iS one Of the great rhiV. In large, slic'yw classes ,where est factors of ,SUCCCSS. in - roaring ti the C.0111-,00titi00 'hi 'keen, the whirling young% s.he.,win ulloiv ioduals muet possess other quali-, ohes from' the nest Or. to fee tfil(ilt °tEdsb aiblTyn oinreu ?sti8ietn°10tsYrelnla111'01710:'-' tilfleoclit01.418I%InCdr a)st tonsitierations oacr than type ie • 'When the hatch is completed she what niay he called show condition- should be lcont• from d'ering ev,•ay, This. Ariow :condition found in its as she is ,inatinctively inclined to do greatest perfectiori *OUT larger and I have found thefenowing method shows where breeders with years of most satisfactory: - experience at their backs ere in..lteen Take- the ben and little cries care - competition with. one another, , For fullY fro pi the nest to the house "whlch those breeders who, e're less exper- is ready for them. • This is a good lenced end who may wish to take a roomy, well ventilated house, the di.. hand in.the game a few s`uggestions at II -tensions of which should not he les's this time, may not he averse. 'Inch- than three foot by -four 'feet, and fpur , viduals which it is the Mtention. of feet high at the front. - the owner to exhibit, at. this Then tie a strong Soft cloth t -Q the shows should be selected' at once. This shault of the -hen and to this tie, six 'irr is important if maximuin.size and de- eight feet of clotheslme. This is fast- velopment ig to. be obtained; and every ened to a weight (un old phr,v point is day that this is delayed* means that good) which is placed ,juot outaide of much,'more of a handicap for the in- the house: After Initting' her down dividual the oho* r.ing.. • keep the -little poults at -a ;diet:Mee It moment, it being' necessary, in . order ,sired re,sults by forcing at the ia,Et She :will 'soon quiet 'down,, call the 'i0 imPQ$Sible- tb roollae the de- until she is accustomed to be;att tied. iiistie.eues to her and make the bet to obtain full' development; to bring' of the situation. She can go in and the individual along gradually. Forced 'out of, the house and can :he leciir''',t1 feeding resuhs excess flashing,'With fresh, grassY.filaees during the day, retarded developmerit of frame, 'or on• but is '°1u -t 4a with a wire 001:61-1..a"10°'' the other hand it iney result in gTpss- ;light:and during', 0,101:111. Miir;u ness and lack of qualit.y. Week or tell dais 'she is giv6n IteT su d, •th ,1 from freedoin but 10 ,brought back to the the sun and also if avail bl • house at. night and nr,stoirny Nreather , a e, running- . water, U3evicic ideal conditions frir the 110 •• that 'the house is ke'ut zan'and dry, hog during the summer. Thes.e. dem- , blued with a'well 'balanced meal ratiOn ee 15 .1„Iven rom f fez' in conjunction' Ivith green feed lvventYfour to thirty-six hours old. 4ind skim milk, forrn a combination This 10 driV bread g"ung fine and that is. capable. of ',giving the most:I mi'xcd With hartl-b'oiled egg; Feed. four favorable results.. • times daily,' just 0 little at ff time. The meal ration which is selected . 9.- day t fir 1, and 1 ter O PutPose should' be one cal-, a-iTt'irnTi,10`icy' culated ,to develop bone and muscle wh,,u about z,71,2 v,,eek Eta'vt, during the' initial-ttage,s of the. IltLirig , •eeenig „oo 40,1 'ot , period, and' fsr tbe latter stuqe" . s.u.e,m,e, adding v sem°wilat 'higher Peraaniage '°1 fat At about •this. a mash, is Prcd'aciag shoed add‘,"d to the,ratiou incrning 1111 oxder a•PPear to the gltoatest meal and .'inacle folio -Ts: Fheli, advantage the skin of the hog mu'ot ec eem, (onions, , ettn,..e ar ve..0ret .fi•otri daleMishes or roughness , dandelions), mixed with bread and of any,. kind, and Pro -sent deur,' egg and Wftli. rolled oats-, ;A. '0111011 healthiy appearance. One great. source' amount 'el! granulated 810210001 10103 be -,of trouble, more particularly with; added at times, aradgally discontinue white-sieinned hogs is that.of suilhiir11.' the egg and 'bread an+ add morn of This oan largely be prevented if...sonic, the' rol,locl, eats and :Amt..; bran...to the protection. from the sun, either, na- mash. - - . ' 'tura] or artificial, is 'available where Novoa• Foal:arc moTei than you wan% the 'bog may take shelter throughout, 0 fccd C.n.S. time had 001,-er 0090 the. hotter .parts af the day. • ''PlieSe ndoro than they -will clean ut.,T quickly. Pro,iautions are nat 110W-, Continue this chick grain and ever, if the . skin of the beg is 'to roi:ed cabs, feee.Y.ng four bintes, daily appear to the 13,eot advanta,ge; so for the; first month or •s..ix week, 'washing must,.:130 reserted to. It is 072li.;1. they, arc rea:ly to go away on not 'suffieient 'te •,let the washing go . the day before 'showing. Some Thlay axe very fcm,:i of lettuce when considerable Airrie • before the hog, is i.eugm.to -it firam .shewV,' at interyals., of-. a CN\i ns010, th]ck elabhere4 milk, is days., a: ,therctigh .setubibli;g a valnabe,e, part of the mtion. Stark soft ,bristled brush, linseed soap, and giving when three, 00 for eld clean water are advised .in. order fo,aol .th,,eugh ;the saa,zen. Lot clean the dirt out of theperes. Cleanse. theru haye all the -y will take tw.ico ,sO Wtith clear, water,....and 'carefully re -169.y. See that they have a suppt'y cf move' all soap. ',-*Such treatment ro-If.resk water at all tinies. sults in 'the freshness bloont that Never. overfeed. The amount; giVen is .so attractive' arid. desirable in show shatid not, he .rnore' than' they v 113 hogs. ' ' clean up thoroughly four Frenquent 'handling of the hogs is minutes. ' • necessary in order to have -theni as- i 'Feed ea ,reart hoards or *trays and ens -Joined to, the presence and .also pnsiar,la (6a.arse s;arid:), oyster stthmit to „the w,f11 Of their attendant sheN ;and charcoal '`wh,re' they can without Aniclue disturbance. , Teach at all times. their ,ittilh te.ntrd at the ';',1ic,sse fe- lt' figures) eire.n eat eannot enibirely comprehensive ot,,40.41-4gturnt, Of teusirK4 osaried, on, Clipping horSes hue been inlit•tq.- Thek...,4ttniti,s, es a Ilstt..,,cs• cif fac..44) 'ed ia our Se0thlri, 1or a number of not MOW -than erover ihe i' urn frolfs vooto with vervino. success. The holsosthe ve.rieuo ormo..res 101,10II andier are in some' cases clipped closely (Wel' --thp otro 0114 13'30Tvi,1s,,,,,, of th,e b Blar,011 They' -1411-31)ribyri i , ,?$:0.0411(03 shedding •312,1 3101011 1113 4,01,1 cowzi7ePoOigt'cll,'Ami 20,- , isonifort for the' horscb dadlig the' 81311 testS macle,,antilliiat'in 1021 the) e 7 s.:,pring mouths ,when they arc require,' -•,•,,e-se, 707 hcr'd's end 9;370 vows brought Y d'o 14 -Ivy -)344•XII weather. the S-Y:',Item,.arrd' 'd0,557 testa e However; in sonic oases it: rasnited Th'ero, was :a similar incrouit.e r death or 1 r0 Quebec, in which prbvin::.s. officie(1 - 0010.5. and Pnenrasiria,ecn- oo331,•13c,:.•3:113;?; 11•33,,i ntaKie enerni •trocrc.•.] 2233 en'.•1;•.,.3133llitip„.., 10'0 0.611 ri;oce 'k..'10(d4l) in tne part i3I7-O6 ,2,:',Wro, the -201110;11031 an to a' vorxill- 33:de121 1911) I ernble ext.er4. Tite ligIrter b7,!ezdF3, 30 1(3310,27-4 001*, an,ti in, 1021 no f are's 0010.112 '011,:t 3,499 .lretods and '32,25 co-wo., 003 , ,,, 7 - hor„.`o. 3, ssern to fa'l in t torts raade 4 1;lte latter Y,s,,,pr tiro Fine powdered. charcoal is 04e301 in :keeping down dlig.estive troubles 121 oblelcs. It can be bought .tor .obaut five cents per pound 'at .feed ,steres or mdtle• by running charcoal through a feild grireer. If the charcoal is sterci 11 must be in a ra or ,Or* Mace. It soon absorbs moisture and then 0300,3 much oif irio value to the chi . Eye troubles and colds among grow- ing chicks result from oVercrowding in dusty broorlle houses, soon 5.4 the brooders tine• removed 11 .pays tO Even 13 a few Crooked breasths-should result from early roost - CLINTing they are: len. lo• -•.1 than an coidernic ON NEWS -RECORD CLINTON, ONTARIO Terms of Subscription—$2.00 pIr yoar, In advance, to Canadian ,addrasSes; ;2.50 to th 12.2. or other foreign ,, countries. No paper discontinued timti/ all' arrears are paid unless at the option 'of the pUblisher, date to -which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising- Rates—Transient adver, • tieements, 10 cents per' 1)0113)01,01/ lino for first insertion and 5 cents per line for each subsequent ineer- tion. S111101 ,Civiirtisenle»ts not to exceed one inch, , such as -Lost," "Stra.yod," 'or "Stolen,' eto„ 'inserted 0)100 for' 35 cents, :and each subse- , (Anent, illeerii011 13 cents. Ceirinninica.tions intended for puhli- tathin must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by tho iiit1ne1 of the:writer, ' 9. 131 HALL,' TU. P.. CLARX, Preerietot. Editor, ,e beconleeigiiitated about taxto but the biggest taot we put upon: ourseilVes , and, make no complaint. 'Mot tax is negilitgemee• and ita results', ' , the. economioal standpOint, regrettable Waste podia% When skirn- Med noilk le fett 00 hogS, inasmuch 411 k hag 'fieeti dloi•neristratedoby experts In agnicattre iiha.t 3.01:1 pounds of skim - *old 1019110, even when fect with Cden., tP"Viiir .1!="4 pork,. tAlle 10,0 11,9,10,109u,90 ,5413t,,A411ti7h"tee pi:manta of9ottage 45,1aeeeei ati4 I Ponnid d ottage clieeae 31n,' 4:5 *Witt VolvitiVe. vein° :for the hIrman 'MAY As i pounds *if po„tk. .Of coldt: • • IYIest .poultry trouM..ers camhe pro - vented: .A. grtiat many of them are diffilult,to'cure. There is often: a ten,: <1.38131cy• 3:14F31,90,33 •the rp•oul'itTy and then expect to give them a ex)63,11t af piOlo and lieVe everry.thing a31 right. Stic- cessful rrittitegoinent den,s.ists in entleipating trOlibie and aVoi,..!ting it before it CVitliln, by careful •man- agement., GroWing ch ielt,..-ns • need shade where thel 0011 rast. during the heat of the ,day. If the b.lrels, ate in fenced yardo it payS to starc..„ surdlowers or, Corn juot oniside, 1170 ,fe,Meeo the ,017100e 102l A 9!1131310 yard 'l.'s stdil hotter. Then e growing crep 1,11 olar:,cd on one ,o(de Awl Jim hetii Can he turned in 30:11.011 the plants ere'too large tb, be, injaTed, If Yoe provide artificial shade .0 or the. .ehicks be sure it is substantial. They tnay seek, such, protection, in se- vere viql}ol. or rain. SterMs, 30 it blows over there maY he a serious less, Col. ony houtes end 'brood cocas can be protected in wind stotms by driving down two by fours or 'strong Stakes and ,spiking tor the Sides Of the 'houses. A. windbreak ef eYeatreens, ia ven:y uovfoil en; the poultry range during hob weather. PotrItti dislike the hot. day winds. Ofteio the win,clbreak ''is to start all inrerie year ae some of the trees may did: 13 327sYs to fal in the vacant.pilacee for a year or two until the solid Mile IS "well establishect Annual Agiqt*tithi fteitarne Of Canada, 1922. lharni&R; lneeiii-3h'9tt.14'iniada are re - Minded' that this 'month (June) the DoMinion and Provincial Governments wIll make their anisuat collection Of the A3'e00 Owir .to 113v14 trope,itAd. nit the tannters 'orfox33ri aniroals alive o the farm. For:111.33 purpesei folilowlng r•I•qns which anneral,.op- teration since 191, as.imp(Je ear:lb:aid 'with ino,tructicus s'lgr el ' *-7 jointly bY the. Poiniolda and "the DeljnirY;Blinke.,st .or dtber' of.ti- i.cer. of the Provincial Derportnient of Agrleul.Lure,:will to' is:a itel to, ai nia, 00.0i1:e:0 0110,5n through th,o ligency Of the teach6iS and Children cif th - 1 -1 ^ I000lrt,,.3re0errec3, When co, ipiled, 12311 form the b*:s fo the e.-iitiliati.0111 by PVe-24".6134:'of a'ns.as, 03011, fer 1921 to the lied oraps an,f-1 nuinleerrs of 'arm .319i5043"..Slive. on Ido ' farm at the date: of en'Ulriera''..lart o'n about' the 15th' of -The, returna: thtis requeubs'i• lry Ith, : are intended ealely for the nurposO Dornihion tinti P:rovin9ial Governments - cab:mating ag.vjeuRiizall •nard' 31101 , fn'st 111 tha la:are:31(4'a general hody of ' Ganediati 3- 0 300523113' for 'the, information and cf,ollier 'interestsallied to cc:d Ilipendent upon agrIcultmie (in- iliC,;?Teceini'i-ed by a(':II:00121611 , h.srliers, rain dealers, ens nor orad2. alleys); 0,71 foo-ra-pOrt•Ing•t-D. 09o. Int9,02- r. tiona 133,1 tii -La.'. ef A:g,ric nitrite' ot 'Mine 11313311 Canada is ary2001311', cou(1try) In return for reports Oil:I '111 PrOd313c( c2 -caw ,ostintrie.. and of w01 -'d tctah 11:hich e'nce, prices, and cioni,tequently effect the intoress cf. Ganscia, now the tivird 1,argocit W130130-ga'cwi(:g 01:) the so,rond largc,.e,t .wheat 0031113 '3' 'Country' 119 the ni-Dniici, 11330201e10 who db 1.‘00e11'e, the .aitliboart1 schedules , :for' teturiiing their'aCteages sown and' their nunibers .of farin live „stock by; tho niod,d10of Jo :should m,ake immediate ap 1. • tion for same „to either the school teacher of •thoir 1cai school or the Depertinent, Of AiTioniture of their province (in Qtiebee.,t,he ,Bureau of, Statistics, at Quebec)) or .the,Do7 Ininien Statistician at Ottawa, tivo assur,,,ance 'le, given 'by the 001n bi- lion; and Provincitil. Governments that the returns asked for are not um) in, any limy :1017 AtiriPaliiie-Si of tatation. Only' totale ate 1106,11:for the Purpeses 00 estimatien, ,end all linc4Vid,t1e.1 re- turns see kept InvIelobly secret- in may )'13o3: rio 3g [33.1, 313 .ce ;12,252q.-111.0 13;0e, 1330(9e21 ,5'04 a1e'ot td {lie Dominion I'it/A- tAstieian at OttaWa, 120 paotage stamps boing*rieeess ry. , Cai'efnl4i selected 00231 33 the "seettl# 133 11140041, r Now Needed 1.13,,y Nearly very 0 is to Purify tile Eleod and Build hp Strenath, ThiiNV eOlne 10 illetie trY1110 0301110 flayS Without rieur Sp our, del) II ity, that fegung," oiltied In laret: x3o3:t 12033310, de -vitalized blood, • (.3333roN of 001.000 otten "1103000 33r31 Ole atto,ngth out or rner no 10413, Dopplu oaY., Trio tonic , and bloo0 purifier no 3/44 is Ilood's Sarsaparilla, It it iS Po::;s16:e that 013331horzes;tcd; at;e ,478 11121321)0 112 127,462 ago.,•:•nit affc,eted .333,o,lj 42,22,8 in3391.9, 170 h0;i1i.'0i- • 4, system uted in FiCITIC- pldtat ,is 13r 7 ,.1!7 779 ,C.202771 eg.17 t e.^2:, in 1021 'the Jogs 212.1:1- ahoot 0111-11313 tOn1P37130,31. With 70 1134337I0 and 3P- ,tio*W'l 13e07 of the 1-Q,i20es, leaving the oiOoI in 3920,. The totals tbe whole Do - and 13:1.11,: '121e:01, w:t.li the originql , minion, excluding; Sasket:!hewva; 00011 011104' uin l'iap,,C2O52:1: of in which 'province has „undertaken the Urzl eh1,1.Vi109'„ 'J'):2 o.p,leaJa 1:0, many' OZV',ire work iltaif, were herds, 00c1001.1 hecanTo it leaves, 1 120 legs of 07,89, cows and. 194,747 tests lost the 13 001 de:01.2nd bait 1'2C0 1231 Year, 0010331eI1. With 3,776 11'00'3, hold Whcri -get, 714 03*2', and 130,233 tests In 1020. muddy., C;;:ppeei,30 .m01..„,,,,,ar :the T..he h.; having bone - n.. 25 easily ususae.i end the ficial eftect in, increasing the! average relieved: ;With the 11,1,1f-r.:41:1-prcduc:,:on ht.th 'ef, milk and fat by half treatinent a 'heavy .L'o,aft 123020 weo,.....lng out 'unprofitable coWs, cuntt- ooel, eff0'on 1ig.,(A103 fteang inetlro,js and itehping wurmod nu c.04Tellie'rably and there 10,0 danger Train sis.knere; • 1 The ,pt:licy pursued by the Dairy . ,While this style -of &33:spin-1 prete'n.:s warp the same last year 110 11 u'ratbcr odd appearance, it is not 11001 150 been, since 1013. ,Parmers 'are re - until.. the top Coat ,beg.ins'tb...shel and) quired to tho nsbe.sinfary,' equip- with"good rubbing end ourry;;ig the ! meM; for Weighfag• the m:11:: and ,to, . once 117 s'ainpleS fer three .lev,S during ene.lts e11317..:13 have been secured . Ozi,eil month. The Erencb., through:the wlthletYli -any eilects. . 'I d.airY Prometera '00 03101 1:revincd,, '- '77 21230121003 and on.Pervites the teStineo , ; ce-ittes and complies the e.Oorcls ie- ' ' ciniVed at the Ottz..Wa office. Tile re. 1/3:10121 'us' a rae.'431 i port t.,A,,es the 1002132033.01 of 11020-1031. sal 1'--71. I t in the 11.1013" 13o:11 waa 11 to th. best re- g00era.„4, 10op.o4 0 1021.- th.m 012,0 a the 315,70 recerd, the, previeso 32030', 023033323' 11)' t.he offilal fot,t3,,•rou:cr...!'cf each:cow silent:a lseist. 0110 toir.,:nion Dairy :COM-, Pcs(fair,30323030. 112 Enanlh. Wit -A sup.: iniSsEct,:•••2. .orcol'it for this is due ply the .no-.„,,e,,su,:,,:sy blonit forms free, , n' no small Trie,'-:;i117ie tris ; 'tion Of th,:l Rein-esente- .oultiv.sete as, wcil• tives ancl, prorin'2.91 in.:trustSrs • ' • vrith ,the P3211 2100 Depentmenc. 45 1 some fertile:As Fath ',and 11032e noW melte it prise -We dOtInot Make -Wh'llo th.::Ts halI to give ,chanity next fall. ' r -YR Own Roonl . 133r. Ernily 1-1. West In, our fami'v -we have 'always r1:77;.:. 'pleasant. heiiirs-, and :The Desnit was lieved. that 03.131 ell-::0.1,,Eihsonid have a very attraelaye. • • Plucc 110 Oho horte that' belciigerl do'los 101e Same. way I early learned hiin ,If pfcso:ble, he oughl: to that cirrtaina. and 0002110310- should be' 11.1:ve 0,00111 all to himself; if trot, he simple and:Inexpensive, $t-021„, ohorolel share zit with Siiineone elie, made futnitnie is espellay 'iardbp,te,1 But, . at any rate, there oi.aou.d he fo..: a. young hoy's.reem: , It 20131 20101 soma place to , which he could go, end be greatly .injurercilbY 1the hard usage oay,. f'This 30 my castle," amid defend 3, receives at the -hods-and feet -- his .right 0 it egainsl: all -comers.1 of; ih's scuffing; aWkWarcl, recl,Olees Young 53e03107find a gozd out'. for youligsownier, mitt -since manual train - their oveztow.4-..3 1'e1 -:1e11203043 in tak- 10033 lOas, 30002 isstrod'7ied into, all up- -Mg cram of .or 301033111203 their own 10701510 sehoceis, moat boys earn make rcorus, a good Many pleces Isa themselves. ,pbTalcilelcur 0,100.1ht,Tiavt'cggit4eesft°,hrel3giaarillt.allmf:,t,1101.1,iltulin'ell;" bui; ,aterist i;.d1. 4:y 0e 1157e1i tr vacy and wholo::,:hirs .cfb" chairs .and dressers 1100)3be.Made ex - an -37 in'ld'0idual 0110 -ob?ea,p nocetary to the Child,'S developmen':, and happiness. 3 anfve known, hY:Pakutarig 'Wenn, aiid 10-3 whsTe rna.de nrisenaV.'s ..s:i,ddling a: tiny flower' fer everyone: hecanse OT- the caudal -V.., ell!'.11tOtei'... Franiehp, bickering t 11.1 quarreling among, the 01' trexpl ni'es geed eoleri for the solid When the 'hou,se was e Painiiii" • onil conSbEinatiot) 'hi larged en' that. oath one could have hrie , rdi13Y°.r:iqUa'il!tfir xz' te - awn rooth,hey)stddeni -t their5ilen:5:x4g11t.ittp.andiincic .fetful ,.via.`,;ts. and improVed rapidly ilaloty.. ' . in, disificw:tiOni,, nerois ,vlstrengthi, and Not Good Enough'' Por Boys. ' same reaslon'the hall-gron lads' 01 Meath a greitl deal to' b boy or of a honisehe,l4 50123 fTetille_ntlY, given smofil pos!ses,sion's the woOt',..oluTte,rfe, •I;lerhapS h'e;aiiilloie4,eaYr14's13inentdMii7h,a0l6ies4.s, tinosi -1 -tlsw03 do have :always trained my chiqdren to their:, sisters, or:because they are.muCh esneet each othei.Ps, rights. 'Even if hireser. Perhaps it -is ,'bedattse ,they he .19z,isn't a rieein 00.221.2 6:1241,(1: O2rei, notorionsly-' hard', on':1310 fulliiture. certer:n shelvel., drawers, a n,d ether , :over.:,:,:e.aso11,heb'cy :h.5s apI boetho 0110 :aw013;eeives,hon6i.t 1113 1,110 t bit w1lb6ut • obtaiL,Ing 1.1)0•, poi.:.ftruniture. The' ill -asset bairllas , 1 or draweo, k513b5, the, bed that sags ls: yb1e. a, 1 t 11 el 85, 000 201 bu .are owned., practrcally L0.1111100, ur°"'aug"" m a elle, has a,„chanie :to wear 7.1 8u s 100 t 10piso 10012 '00-378 113 170a0fl000( thro,':', she has not.,:idne. oultayqe. Dna' 131a0':2 wor2t :"JE.::"7'° 'c'0 3eauty'--0105101250 -)hot 22371 go- 0 Cha eytLGute of 02111120. 115270- ).11haeam , wilate/ 1,03'0 s,0 xutvnoe 11012090 11091333' 3103 e., fr. chiefs, or • • -ijh::.v ,.5die:edtedi,f 11015 „ pnint 03 yew, ' 100111 him7elc::1:e oast 4;.3y. 1800,101 it hho-- ori I'M Wll 11100in. making it 00l:0, • Tie, 710al,331 have a -e4,a4D Sat of '0e01lilitrii,'",713.s0',1,0, it 3'o.33,00 311111. if posielble, and '11 '.o i'e^orliie it os, thlnks' o:lter ';•.41\3•?•s for. •the inevitable 'pall:: boot. The taste tlill,tlron diger, butterflies; stones, 'Yeti capinet make a boy sNella, coins, all kinds ef Orde,s, Any 011 0,331042-316•03:, 334.114e11e and; m:thef se a bay Arr...13,„16630 itr, cohnertii;h: b3341.31.3,31131•1111,1,3,1,333illci--o3;31,3;07,1-,,i,Ifiotfe4lroo5•,o13,f3,11. :ot k0 . . -002 ,:3iI,- crUdelels:uald'sirUPlitilY the tuan '10iyto1n1ui3lc•rat cfa gibl y13:ne tai1110 run to ostert0,ee47 32 10lOo air0fne re:lewotk' t187777, . t: CI'i1t31041.0Y-0'2 330011 )'001316sg1atd.conforne,o80,b01102011042 101837 at filVe11 11calti11:16'1l11elcla•t::e. • 101i'stindy poOters end sen:lnental pieli1e;1;d:7;9irr7i A,Mures, and may01013101013101' -Up he30,5,73.:02:llicp-011%t7t31oiti,1t table n 13.:1,1, to2.0.1.0,37 for a le 1)1120 but his 01113 3 11 '001' ilith phOba-g'ri11311S , a bo...y partinaar nQ,J foo 1:11111:1 j?c;:fh.: 301 eni;;6,11c)g°zt01 e7,41101 a113'4:°i.'!.; 02103,, '1131 'geed 1331st P. , -1V(13'1bi 'better economy to make a dre,se, Whose i.doe 08 1•11.goOd::10001 4 -able 0110113 qind• buy -a ce,p...^.tate 0. 'and' 3kv.l11 mirror' ef fine qualit.y'. ' later ttPi Pride, Ohl .ttliming• hTis,"aty'"! A full-length mirror set int the• door t2'e',1 into a colliftoTtahle'.7-*0 "..`.yhel'el of a clothes close1 or i12 some ptPoition he .can take his ',chums, and, be secure from interruption by the reSt, of the ,,10 ,aagarte 31 e2 8.0,0033 .ame5 0 0rin met, 130101g 700Ple',5 tastes When c.11.i1.dre03,. are anidthe eb,i,u,ge .goocl reason, !for mother • seleete the pictures, good,re- furnishing ,and,dbcorating,' their rooms prodneti one of Old Mashers ate the inexpensitelY, se .tha.t trhy maY fre- beet chqicc, (1001113137 130 alteredt8 Meet the develop- 1115 thc boys and girls. ,grow 'oder, ing ideas of theloWlief-. d1:per,Testle6 0 llave w0btierw4lo papooillg -1 1 13011 1i-cta33tcd: 310 103001 theIr0y1!570010, frioaro 030 13 51 11 this requitement in decorating. the , be *talentedhy the erica Whch T:019, 1;140 4333)339633)3eri,4 10-11:gi 400. ar,i114:.& Opi,r home,. ,04- ,E,,,,e(ttle„ust tiy for Jabout 1419 ,Suin 06 w rich' tlieir:46,,inttoduced, af; ochooq necessary to 1'1.04: wall paper cleaned. 32 li ,0i101.1h0:1.0e'e'0t1irfidcieev . One,of ray sans eary showed adecided A*100:001 thOtld :m7Y 4:1;4460:0,o1mtctyb: ti°11 .1* Prldl4ted71iTt lelopOsihsloilg hint to ex pros .teeitot0)"de" ha OWnAdecietrkillhim the 33091( -:-'k m4is 6110.410b1 l'ototer end beauty. ' IS THE' MEAL cal800,419o, 63110 the bloo4 Ana bon- „ te,XlY ito that exhautited tho mon al lalUeonler and 11151" 3/0315 aYstetne, YZA a 20019, tiaYa 0. druamlet, "Hoed's. SarSamNfia 10 805' 01100 depontlable reatoraftva," 9,11Y the 13983 191210• 33,100 purify - 04".' ingrodionts.,,rieede—rooto, 3101110, barko and berates, cowh ophvei- dans eaerx oreeeribe. 4, record ot, 46 500100 00380e059W We, 11 will 00 you good, "Try J.P. 400 0033113. .A, nlid laxative. 1-1001'a Pillo. arsa aril! SPRING 'MEDICINE, arentS as Eilucators ,,,,Carnpanionship With ChileIren---By Katherine Beebe Too much can, -,at be said concerning othens of whom we have been. spealt-: a reai''compar,IOntship "between parents ifig, one 10 force'', to canciudo that and aselit4011' i't"'nPliaa'sa '1110 'le;4 ' "d:7en1ce 1foIrtth11,eamvcsel:vecsh^ altt aitseet1fr, Thosefothers n.2'o.11130svho:1:21y0WIsat this comPaiionship throigo iblo are they thinking of?" TIOw eft= do therr, clilicliksit's, unfolding years ,,seenl we hear 'thia eaid to -dog -its we gaze 11r:1;d th.erti 'in. the hollow of upon the ghts and boys who'are 'on the . their hands. 31110,30c fortunate. .VOlun streets, in "the restaurants, at the neo*,,e shntly 011 not won't .t,o do the ohows, 'in the atrionrobiles;' as we read thing; which, would 'grieve ,car' die-, the 1,04.,,,o, .10 our clid.iy, papas, as iya tlieS8 the ones they love best, and in listen tb reales 'of'clisgrace and . addition are so. Well equipped with It 011302_not matter, much vbere they vital interest in the b,citter and final' are niOnr. It de t'Col tete. Their greed; aspects cf ,life that the. ,,c11,:62:404' chance' is g.one for good and .0. But rehhe. effectual appeal, I have years ago these parents were spend - mg 'hours_ upon ,thearreielvee which, should have heen passed in. camper.. ionship with their children, What Would they not gilve now ion. that 'tom-. parilonship and the p241Renee w,hieh can he bought only at thai pried! seen Lhis happen. ever mid over again, and: one mauler Of five SPIendid '.chel- Oltert said it was as 'certain as that two and two made fain'. ' this real, cornpanionship by their 1915051111 end a mulnal ,iharing Of the' 'best; things, in home, beaks, nausie, art, no -But, oh, you fe.thers, tirisl Mothers .of taro' and humaetitY &ring. eighteen -'or ',little'childr' en doet let year appap -s - - r.0 risstte ye,ara and ehildTen ae tunity Slip! Now is -Your -great Chancel borind to turn out well. Fill•the golden houra of your:. children's ceeroa,r,yonceltss 110, early yeals. rit ail emts of wark, " r771 .7.7.;7 017' 'haphazard thing. Th -o par-, play, projeets, excursiens, reading eod e:9.e who retilize ito value and mean stud'y t, • ' 7.4 have it et' 23117 price age willing to dren. , It was leng ago .that -Throabel tilry,,reellY play with tkeir babies, tO cried; "Com, ue. live with our ehil- - keep onplay:ng with the ' little, e0e03; &on!" ond never was. his 001:1011 for to give helms:of time to the older oin6, so doing so cleat to our minds 110in , ,and. rio ,037e an r fraentkrterMa with these latter 90,270. Do soot eay that their childiren-from ,the beginning that you are tob busy, pi that:the labor of spontaneity, originality, initiative and, providing food and!' shelter .for tbem .entliusiasno are never retreseed. Ten-, prevents. -Let thieni share, aecordersg ; d -or love, real livin.g sympathy with hhe ' their 700020, in the farnily wetk,•the child's pain; view,* active partioliq farniir respell:M.13E116es and even the nation in whatever interests bins, de-, family' income, Remember that com- ing ,thingstogether, these,are the pre-: panionship means particiVation. Yen secrets Of those parents whoSercan Make work a frolle et an 1141006'; ,whengrown 'are still „their! come drudgery ;to theta.; il is fer I delatrie0tfrietritclIsie first a .ques-tio'n be -1 tin t.111128).12-(ii:13eis7,sieldrsyonttlit,inghege'0:13aanTet sing:Vining to pay the price.- When,„dene. Even be than/dill that your ,,onisees.on every hand boys and girls Nnions ere`l reetricted,, 039' ten your 'whose ftiendi and 1333'terests axe'all 'problem, Will be a Slimpt6 0000 than if eutOido of 1191119'who seem entirely at you had' all the money you wish you biberty, -choese their own Oectma-, had. Nriicessity is arni asoistaht te Con% and amusenientS and inclined to any sort of teacher; and besides it is select those which are not only, ques-Lyou the ohdidicen want -rather than the tionathie:but often' desperatelY Ungar, things you think you wolild like to C51, •anti contrasts thens with these give them: ' ” , . Sugar Beets 'in Europe. .The.iroduce.rs,,e sagas, beefs 132 thls country. Wila be.; late:rested MI the out- look for the production of this :crop in Europe. Anfieiari,.."-ozaterrient has been isertied t9. -the effect Alsat the' heavy ,producing ecrentries aFro.sa the AtlantiF 'at thelatit Mernent 'ore cur- tailing ',their optling sowin,gs of the beet 'crop. Thiscottiallment le due te a number st onuses. Bact weather 10 ecnna, wee - 'alone ike 'delaying ,neading to an extentl that iarodlutera aros, glring ov_cr a por- tion of their neneage- to other crops. High potato prices hove 'stimulated the planting' of that crop to the detri- hient of the beet swop in the .1,..rothet- lands; Belgium and.Derunarlo. In Ger- many there will heal°, increase in the acreage over la,st year. because of a. sherbage-Cf feral labor: Italy 'expec10 *rlsOse about thirty per cent. more beets: than a year aga, tut this just nicely take care of her home id- quireMents and leave nothing for ex- port as was earlier e051e6ted.' France will inerease :her acreage; around fifteen per colt. • , carefUl rekiew of the Whole 1,Eu0'e7e2310 titua.tion makes it appear ot thie tirne, according -to the department of commerce, that Europe will just aliont grow sufficient, beets, te arigic 'what` sugar She will necd during:the coming .year. 371115 'is far different than the expectations were , three months ago, when it waMfiguted that the aggregate prOduction : of ,sugaa, 'Roan tiolo •.season's crop would give•a latie tonnage Air export, The wool situation :has iunnrbvea mates:iefEy of lute.' Tbfis market is tending upward and producers' are 000- 23 103's from theft flocks than they have these past two years. This does nort/inears, however, that, rejecte anclimproperly .prepeted, Wi3Ci1' will not sell at o jbeavy discomit below clear wo61. It is, therefore, mere important to the farmer that Ise exereivie 'care asod ju'd'gment in, getting the fleeces ready for morket. Here ore stho,,e slug- gestions o Be certain, that the 'fleeces ate dzy before the shearing is ,sibarted. Provide a‘clean, lite 'shearers. - Often, fleeces are damaged by t334 shearers cutting 'the fibre tw1ee in- stead of once las tlieY shouid. After the fleeces ore removed- the ' Leggings should be Sep:Rioted and pr,a,c-' ed tmo 12,e,k or bundi'e "by theo03s.10ves. Each, fleece ehouRdi be. tiedl,Separate- ly with- weolsherled side clown. Use paper fleece twine., Do soot Ina ban.de 'twine, nor any other rough twine since the fibre will fnix with the Avool and 'cannot be Feparated in the manu- facturing- processes. Dso more twdrie thao is necessary, twe strings each way around the fleece being ad -A eient. Sack the Wool or cover it with bur- lap or canivats and .store 'fin a clean clr/ place. faa •11 32V 31192 ere feult a member of-thafimily needeuffer from indigestion:sick - headaches, biliousness, ferule' ted stomach, etc.., if he or she will take Chamberlain's Stomach and L ver Tablets. They cleanse the stomach and bowels and stimulate the liver to healthy activit,,V and time up the whole system. 'fake one at n ght and you're RIGHT in the morning. All irvvilas, by mil from Chamber)ain Medicine 00705(807, Toronto. 10 13331 ,0aczivia .00 Whitt those men hare done, you con 1151 521 roar ii 4ioeeeikIre than athoMe yea eau easiyrendetheseeee el belling tvtroelce .S0003351008,011, Whetevor row:80363(00e (ll Wn-)1tovew trey be do$ng boW,-vlohot abotydttWOyouon ai— - 3051 4,52000 (1113 910111015: itro yds tnbitolS tO OW1)10,000a API Whe4 get n tduch v14810elOfiZl Vitrotd to 0311 11thdl0 test el, oblgtion 21103/211 00 0001137 l(05810 a 01033 i$Metimeh. It 23111 Wow you liori the Salestenethip trekking 901s1nes Voiploirotot scrvivb iik thy l39 7..4. em beia:5'03,t0 45145 1550100 in sollas, . $1 0 000 A Year Sellimig Secrets Viitheti Nitt13o1141 Satoskilows Asattolotiqo CriimIlan MO, . 302 • T03ra0c4 OS.