The Clinton News Record, 1922-6-1, Page 1I�'.lM fiv r..•, � I! 0 2-: Irear tie"), fit/ t at CLINTON,, QNTARIO 1.11(UR DAY JUNE 1st, 1922 of The News -Record can help its circulation by Putting .in. a good word for it ,occasionally MUNI eddng 5fft yon will find choosing easy:at f11 L have the newest and beet designs; in SILVER, CUA GLASS, CHINA, ETC. • our stock is well and carefully selected, and 'Will' male choosing easy, and satisfactory,. , MAR'S J'owelexy Storo, We REDUCED PRICES ON VICTOR TALKING MACHINES Call and 'hear our newest His Master's. Voice Records, We will be, ,pleased, to have you call. A monthly catalogue *ill,be scan 'te you ,each month "on request: Jeweler and ,Optician • Phone 174W 'gar, Residence 174JJ IS ' YOUR (2 M!C}NEY SAFE Hidden in your' hoxne 'it is a'temptatioit to thieves, De • sit your moue in the bank I� y . y k and xesat a SATiI~TY'DEPOSIT "BOX: for your. valuable papers, Victory' Bonds, etc. 'THE ROYAL L 0 AN KF 0 CANADA :. N THE-. MOLSONS, -B' a ANK INCORPORATED 1855' Capital Paid Lip $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5;000,000 Over 125 Branches A Farm Run on a Business Basis requires that every member of the family be made a partner. That the earning from some articular' product be allotted to each member. Then good n• i sense indicates that these earnings should.. o swell their'savin a withgg savings account The Molsgns ' Bank. This will make -each one ambitious to Inake his product pay.. Deposits by zlxaii accepted. Ye•czA II.- R. Sharp, ;Manager ,:` CLINTON BRANCH Safety Deposit Boxes to -Rent READ -T0 -WE 1 ..- CLOTHING 2 he glorrrsh Clothing 'Co. ORRDnRED': :CLOTHING SPECIAL,S r :Saturda Manufacturers' Sam,. ; Ies �Cim 1 25 -'Ong en's Motor or Raincoats Manutacturerst samples, ' which we purchased at half rice, while ii the city last week, Y arid' we are passing them on to you .at one half of the ori ileal price: Just the coat for 'motorin" Your the e of th c :i t e for�� NO. °'r"4O Ont mews suits Maunf ctur a ars s aIn1? lea andid broken line §' s from. ' etocl,; sizes 34 to 46, ranging in rice from ,'25,00 to $30.00. Your choice of the entire 0 lot tfor No. 3 Men's Trouser Five dozen Men's Tr'ouser.5in cotton tweed 1 with or without cuff. .lust fhb; trouser for,factor• wear, r going at 99e per Leg THE.MDRAISH CLD.. H1 N a f livery motto , ,PAS Square Deal forlivery�,lllRbllla J CLINTON. MARICET9,' Wheat $1,25, Oats, 450. BarieY, 50si Buckwheat, '750. Butter 25e, Eggs 24c. to 25e. ..Dive hogs ENGAGEMENT,- ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Pilgrim of Varna, announce 'the engagement of their daughter, Esther Laving; to Mr. Norman ',Clarence East, young- est son of Mr. and Mrs, Edward 'East of Llullett, the' wedding to take place in the early ,part or. June. WELL NOW COMPLETED The well was :finished on Friday last and 'Contractor Lee and Itis as- sistants left for Goderieh, -where they had been expected for some time. At the- conclusion of the work Contraetox'Lee took his '"assistants and Supt,' Chant and his assistants up town and they had a little feast in celebration of the event. -Con tractor Lee and his ,assistants, Mes- srs. 'Beit'.Peterson and Geo. Webb; made themselves very popular duo ing their, stay in'town. A new tower has -been procured_ for the new 'pump and T. Wiggin- ton is putting it in place this- week. It is expected that the' pump itn- mediately beside the new one, which has been out of commission for some little' time, will soon be work, ing. A ` new tower will -' 111s8 be procured for it and a' house will bo built to; accommodate both pumps.. W. I. ELECT OFFICERS. The annual meeting of the •Wo.' men's Institute was held lastThurs- day and the following officers 'ap. pointed: Peon. president, Mrs. Ray. Ball President, Mrs. Harvey Jenkins lit Vice, Mrs. 0. L. Bailey; 2nci Vice, Mrs. H. B. Chant , Secretary, Mrs. Munroe ;Assistant : Sec, Mrs. J. E. Cook • Treasurer,; Mrs. J. -1! Lynn Das. Director, Mrs. (Dr.) . Fowler Directors: Wire, Fowler, Mrs, J, B. Levis, Mrs: Glen Cook Auditors, Mrs.': R. F•itzsintons Mas. W. `.PSumsteeI. A special meeting is called for Thursday, this evening, at , seven thirty, sharp lit Mr. ,Stothers' office, All members are requested tri Ile AMONG' THE CHURCHES• St. Joseph's Church The 'regular monthly g t meetin • o' the Cathodic Women's -League will be held"in'the Parish Hall on Tubs - day afternoon next at three o'clock. Wesley Church The League meeting on, Monday evening took the forni of a social: A,. musical programe consisting of instrumentals by Master E. 'Maguire and gramophone music by Mr. W. 11 Hellyar, was followed by a con- test and refreshments. Miss Susie Powell was in charge. Ontario Street Church The League g e was in charge of the, Citizenship Department on Monday evening, Mr. Ernest Livermore, a 'Varsit" student, < who is -home- Y , for his vacation, gave the topicfor'the evening, "The, Modern Citizen." It was' interesting' to everyone. An instrumental solo was given by kiss - Lula Crielv which was render- ed nicely. A Bible _contest was also given.- The program will be in charge'' of the C. E. Department next- Monday evening, `Mr. Arthur Groves- being head of the depart- ment. A good attendanbe , is re quested every week, Ontario Street Church .' The Ladies' Aid : will meet . in the lecture room:, ori Wednesday June 1th, at three o'clock. All the ladies t are invited • ;to. attend. Toa will, be served, by the ladies of St, John's , Ward. Under the ausice of" P Sthe W. M. _S. a Mother's' and Daughters' 'ban quet was held on Thursday evert- ing May 25th, which in every way was 'so successful, that it promises to the an annual . affair. About one hundred and; ten mothers and daughters sat down - to -a daintily spread table, and every- one enjoyed the good things <pro, ;Tided. After e the tea Hour the following toasts wore given, inter- spersed with music and readings: Mrs (Dr.) Thontpshon acted as Tarstnnstress "Only` Missionaries in, the Foreign Field," Mrs, Beaton. ";The Mothers who inade the Sac- rifice," Mips,- W, Phutisteel ' and Miss Maud Wiltse. Reading, Miss Myrtlo Armstrong. "Our Daughters as future Mission- arieg," .tars. George Shipley. Commutnity " Singing, "Listen, the Master beseecheth." "Our W. M, 8,' members at home and their • Duty," Mrs. (Rev,) Axiderson. Solo, Miss Marion,.. Gibbings, Cainmunity Singing, "Blest be the tie that binds." On Sunady next )i the abseneo of the pastor, who is at Conference, morning service will be taken by th t W. M. 5. Musk will 1be£din' ished by i women's a o s lt0i i �. Mrs. (Rev.) Anderson will give .the ad. dress. The ladies aro also re. epenciblo fee the sere/de at . Tern. 00's, Mr, Alyin Leotard will speck nt the evening sek vii e, C, N. N. A, ,VLF 1.TS AT OTTAWA The :;annual meeting of the Can- adian Weekly Newspaper Assoeia- time will be held at the Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, on Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday,. June 84-10. Matters of vital interest to weelcly newspaper • ubiieheos'wilt be -dm - cussed during the sessions and little trips will be arranged for the news- papermen and their wives. Premier King, Rt. -Hon. Arthus' Meighen and Hon. T. P,. Crorar will address the publishers, Me. V. 0• French, pub- lisher •'bf the Wetaskiwin, " (Alta:), Times, and an old Clinton boy: is president of the , Association this year and will preside at the seg signs. MINISTERIAL ' CHANGES / Following are some of; the chang- es in stations, in" this district, ac. -cording to the first dreft of the sta tinning cominiitee of • the London Conference, arrived',_ at yesterday morning. Clinton lhaeges remain unchanged: -: Rev. J. F. Reyeraft.goes in First Methodist church, London,: and Rev. J. W: Healey is conning to Victoria street church, "Goderieh. -Rev. R. Fulton Irwin . comes to' Seaforth' froni Lucknow and Rev. J. H. , Ostenhout goes to Ltieknow. Rey, 1. W, ,Johnston goes to At- wood. and Rev. Heetor'.',M'M,Tavish- oomes .to Hoinesville, • Rev. A ' E, Minion goes. to Oil 'Springs and Rev. Percy -S.• :Barnes comes to Auburn.. Rev. J. L. -„Foster :goes to Fingal,. and the •Rey. Arden L:' Love ocmev, to Varna. Some changes may be made in this list on the announcement of the last. draft, PASSING OF --J.' T. •CRIC.11 Mr.'. , John T. Crich, brief mention of whose' death was made in our last issue, was .a native of Tueker• smithtownship, being a son of the late Janie, Crich, de early settler, and/he lived all his life in that town- ship until a little” over faur years ago when he 'carte into ;Clinton. Hewes one of a family of twelve,, being. the sixth of eight sons. - Those now re, lemming are: Lewis and Gifford' of Tuckersmith and F1j1 and Iddo', of Clinton and the:':sjsters illrs. Mode- land, Sea -forth; '1Vtxs, J. E. Ball, Tuckers/Mtn; Mrs.': McDonald, ,Wash- ington,- ansi Miss_. Sarah,;Clinton. Twenty-six -years' ilg'5 .: Ms..Ci;ich matried.:Miss E. ,T:. Ball, daughter of the late -John Bali: of the Base Line, who survives him., He had, been in .failing. health since before Christinas andin spite of all that eould r)ie done for him he continued to fail. ' The funeral -took place an Friday afternoon, the •services ,being cone ducted by tlhe. Rev. S: Anderson. The pallbearers were three brothers, Eli. Gifford, Iddo and three brothers- in-law, Amos, G. H. and J. E. Bali. Anmongst those ' froth Aa_ distance; who were: present for the funeral were: Mrs. John Petty and son, Mrs.; Janes Petty, IIensall; Mr. and Mrs. Alva yVay, Kippen;: Mrs, Fisher and Miss Mew, Goderieh, Mrs'. C. Rich- ards, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs,, Modeland,Seaforth. -, Mrs. -Crich wishes to express her sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for thlcin s e dues,. end .nd sym pathy shown during the illness, of her husband and since his death, A GOOD -START', - The proposed addition' of an .Ag- ricultural and Horne Economics sec- tion to. the 'Clinton Collegiate In- stitute : was discussed' and well threshed .out at the regular meeting, of the -Clinton-' Farmers' Club on Thursday evening May 25th. • Ab- out sixty ,members and others were present including • the members of. the Collegiate .Institute Board. The scheme was outlined by Mr. J. W. Treleaven of the Collegiate Institute. It scents that the pre-- ent legislation' provides for' liberal assistance: lowards'schools of this kind, when pupils who are not aim- ing. at matriculation, may find souse- thing in the line of education' more suited to their' needs,AnnarentIV. -. theme is an ever-increasing number of students attending our Collegiates who are not anslous about matrieu ration. The proposed concise- in -Agricul- ture would cover four years and in dC 11110 . n h t0 a'good, general.educa-. tion instruction n tructfan von c] t 1 be given along such lines as, Field Husbandry Veterinary :Science, Manual Train- ing; g, oiticiilture and: other srubjects oC an Agf cultural nature, In tl`io' H'one Economies' section, such -sub.. jests as Sewing, Millinery,.;Donies-tic Science and Heine Nursing would be'streeeed, in addition to general education, ' The discussion brought out Some weak points in our preeent .system and although not 'unanimous, most of those sneaking on: the snhinre were favourable to the proposi- tion. The school hoard should feel encouraged by the receptien the pro- ject received. Should the proposition be followed up, we believe that this will be one of the first schools of this kind, in the Province, Clinton is admirably located for a school of this kind, as it is the centre of one 'of the hest 'agricultural ! zeetio ns of ••' Gt a o ri it Students would no doubt, &tend from all parts, of the 'County' and Dean neighboring Counties, 88 'well: The, seb isl' head fu anxious to re- h eeive suggestion- and oral isms With reference to the seheine frhrn all interestid,yr TJ -IE ' UOME°E PAPZR tom• -•,°i3 wilt b� �►pp�reciate R.efolrestation Work Statins Cotrnigl. Godeiiehie above cut shows a start being made at reforestation in Colborne township. Bennnller road was found not to be suitable for the purposes :for which ..it had' been C1nstery, ors and the wide awake farmers in,that vicinity 'conceived the idea of re planting it. - The . above�t" apart men at work. A`furrow-is, ploughed ever shows - the p g y six yards and the young set •init. : At the right of: the picture, directing• the work is seen Mr; Andrew of the Agricultural fence in this work, This is 'the .firstniH ro who has had some exper-• bit of reforestation undenttticen. Sn. Huron counts. , A SURPRISE 'PARTY A .number of her young, friends gathered at the home of Miss Annie Lucas one evening recently and, in honour of her birthday, prevented her with a pretty ivory -clock. The young lady was taken very much by surprise but site receivved her friends graciously and•a happy eyen- ing was spent by the young people DEATH OF 'MRS. T. GIBES Mr. Frank Gibbs of town' received word' on Monday of the death of his mother, Mrs, Thomas Gibbs, which tools place at Briercrest, Sask,, on Sunday. She was in her eight- ieth year: Mrs.' • Gibbs was the widow ' of the late Thomas 'Gibbs, and for years lived .in Mullett; ';near 'Londesboro, until about font' years ago, when she went west, where several members of her family -are located, 'vire. Gibbs. is survived by a fam- ily of seven, -four sons and three daughters, Fed, t'lliam,,Reuben Shortland of : Bz•ierei'est, Robert of Clinton, Her husband :died eight- een years ago. They were both natives of Efigland and .were married in the Old Country bist came out and seta tied iii'. • Huilott about forty-eight years' ago,. The remains` are being brought home for -burial, the funeral to take place from the' hone of Mr. Prank Gibbs, Princess' street, on Saturday. afternoon, the service to commen- ce at two o'clock. Interment will be made in Ball's cemetery, Hullett:' LITTLE- LOGACLS The' tdevn council meets on Mon- day evening. The first orchestra open-air con- ert 'I e will take ' pta.e, :this evening, weather permitting, , A public meeting to discuss hy- dro i on the farm will b r o held -in n Nit. Stothers office ton ow rr to evening, The last .Choral Society practise for the season' was held on Tuesday evening. They Will ,he resumed' in the autumn. ` Mrs. Smeltzor, Wingham has par chased the. house Which Mr. Taylor. now occupies _oh Princess street and will take possession of it as soon as it is 'vacant. -' Mr, Willis Cooper went to Toron- tothe :beginning of the . week to bring Home, a...new - Overland sedan, which his father pur0hlsed through the local, agent, Mr. Langford, Messrs. NieholSon alter Macbeth acbeth of St. Catharines, have been engag- ed to remodel' the new hospital and operations • will conuueneo'- shortly. It is' expected that it will take $5000 at leash to •put ; the residence into good shape for boa/pita' use. A MIDNIGHT BLAZE Between eleven and twelve o'clock on Friday night, fire was discovered in O'Neill's bakery on Huron street and although the firemen were b e c vele. quickly yon the e scene and the fire wae'5000 under .control, yet it bvae not ,before the bakeshop was badly. d,ni e a ag d, The lire was confined to that 'portion pretty well, although the water damaged the newly dec- orated ceiling and back wall of the front store. Tl'xee -batches of bread were al' most Beady far the -oven .when the fire broke: out. :Mr. O'Neill wired for bread 't0 two or •theee places', and p managed to, satisfy 'his customers t 'for over the week -end. s The loss to .Mr; O'Neill will be considerable though .hr was'pretty s well protected by insurance. The o building whioh belongs to Mr, I'', W, t PoweII5 'vas also `insured. The adjoining prolitises, ' thnt of S the Morrish Clothing Co. and W. R. P Counter, jowelet,, were damaged- a somewhat froin sinako,-as were else 1 tile t lvi e ti h $ ar n rlt a s »L Mies g p Van Erni of st •• n at , Van, - Egmont' d is I was p t vtrs rather alarming ^to all the nciglibore Mr',' s Mofrish says it is "getting oil his a nerves," this being the second time 1, is property has, b<ien threatened liy afire originating in the bakery. On= the last epceeasianl he sufforesi eensid. r otpble deinege to Itis stock. TARVIA NOW ON- --The tarvia was applied to'our streets, o 'Friday and Saturtley* and a good job made of it. . Never be- fore was it applied in, May but this being an exceptionally early': seas- on and the days dry. and fine, the time seemed to be particularly op- portune: It came none to' -soon, either, for. ,:those who have_, to.. ;do business on the front; street. The dust is laid now for the suniitier: DEATH 02+ MRS. E. RATHWEL'L The death`:.-oceuired, after several weeks of 'illness, on llfanday 'at her home on Princess street, of Jemima tThonpsoii, widow of the late Ed. Ward- Rathivell. She was : in her seventy-fifth year. ' She was a na- tive of Goderich township' and spent all her life there until a few years ago when she and cher" husband retir- ed from the farm on the Bayfield line' and • carie to live ie ' Clinton. 91.1'. 'Rathweil passed: away a little over five months Mrs. "RatbwelI was:a t i tana]1Of a 'sociable disposition and was neigh- borly. and kindly. She was a mem- ber of the Ontaro street church. She is survived by a family of nine, three sons and six daughters: Geo. go :of -Toronto, Isaac on the home- stead 'fn Goderieh township, Walter' of trio Peao1' River District, Mrs. W. Foster, Stanley; Mas, Todd, Souris; Mail„ Mrs. (Dr•) Squires, Rolitei dam, N. Y.,' Mss, Varcoe, Wlinnipeg, Mrs, Ballentyne, Edmonton and Ma- bel at home. All -the, members of -the fancily were home in time to see their. mother before the end. The funeral takes place this afternoon. EDUCATIONAL MEETING The annual meeting o t f the Huron County Trustees.and Ratepayers; Association, which was organized in Clinton in May.' of last year, took riace 1 nr the' town hall : n Tuesday o T esda a Y representative assembly being pres- ent. The president, the Rev. J.,,;Laing of Foedwich,• presided. Froin, the report of the meeting's held during, the year and -from remarks made by the president, the Association .had not accomplished all it' was hoped it would accomplish during tilie year but, judging from the interest shown nt this meeting, a new start has been .tirade and, results will follow, Thee Rev. J. E. Hogg of Clinton, Who attended the annual convention of. the Association in Toronto re- cently, gave sone impressions lie:re- ceived. Mr. Hogg - said one of the values of such a eenvention was that ono get to "see things whole." If one 'considered one's oevn prob .lents .constantly one was apt to im- agine they .were very large but when one considered the porblems of all, a',t mer insight;: wiis possible. lie 'said he was impressed . with the importance of -the consolidated schaol `idea; thought it was the sol- ution for the problem presented by the overcrowding of the High Schools and Coilegiates of the :pro. yr it ,tc. Seine a �.rov}s'oYz� hi made ,.f p i tit be t < D pupils e 1 going and s ea n_d the z p l g n g Consolidated school looked to he a ' solution. Vice -President i es dent J. J. Robinson obinson auIso spoke :briefly of the convention. He-.als'o spoke off the needs of. rm.- al schools and said the present ,Gov. ernrnent' Would give the people' what they wanted, But ' they. ' must know what it was. }Miss;, Skillings . , was, present and 'ave an address and a domanstr'a. ion of the value of music in the ehoole. Missy Skillings explained, the .Way music might be used to timulate interest in ordinary less - 85, assist in obtaining and main. ainiug order and also feed •"the. nusbo-hungry souls of tate ehildren. he had the gra'Penola'front the ublie' school to domonst,rate upon, nd put In eeveral records to il- r ustrate what she was `explaining, Mr. M Se oworth field ell Beet , craft of 'Y Uhe Trustee ' an Ratepayers' 5 d ate a az s AS pv tleirtt}ort, was also piese]it and +rave very : interesting• address, 110 'Said 1 ha present situation . in Ontario was a lV'ondctrfu] one, 110 Said the 2 1llinister° of Edtmetion had asked a eprosentative(elsoel trustees f"rpin - 08111 eetnity 10 aoot lslirl `hi Toronto on 14Say,.Mb and Gth to' discuss eau- oatienal matters. ."The Minister of Education fifteen` years age), would not have thought of doing; such a thing," said . he, "and if he: had I am sure there would have, "'been no. response." But education-• al matters • were becoming more atm. more ,ihxportanrt,. Mr. Segsworth: said some people seemed to think that :education Was^ronly useful • toe enable a man to get a "soft jab." But he defined education` as. that which . "fits .a man to de twice ass much work as he could• otherwise, do." "The best educated kation. is. the leading. nation, today and has. always been the leading nation and'; the nation that is `educating. its you- th today will be the leading nations in twenty-five years hence," said, he.. He pointed out that education did, not consist 'of cramming boys and girls full of certain facts but in ictally' developing the, child,; develep- ing his natural anilides and better fitting• .blur t4 live This life. "Tho -greatest, problem"in-• Canada today' •' said Mr.'$egswortb, `"is -',what ir. your school Gibing- for your child," Much discussion followed these addresses, many: raking an interest. ed part ill such discussion. The: question as:to whether the organ 'tuitionn-should be continued was dis- cussed and then as to whether there should be one organization'er two„ It was finally almost unanimously decided that there should be one or, ganisation for the county of 'IJur-. en. Finances casae in foil' seine disi.. mission, A deputation waited up- on the .county council last . year to «. ask for a grant blit none. was given.. Mr. R. 'Proctor said he thought a-,' connilittee should be appointed this, year and that t ,the different u ezen t nem- •bets '` slioitici se'e' their reeves be-• forehand, explain the situation and'. just "stay with the council nntml theyo 'the -g t t grant. According- ly� the following committee Was ap- pointed: R. Praetor, J. Laporte, Rev,. Me. Snell, Rev. Mr. Hawkins, E.. Fulton.. The general opinion seen-.' ed to be that the work was county work -and the county council might.: very rightly be asked to support 11., During the past year the members. of .the executive have been paying' R money out of their own pockets and it was felt that it was not fair. e. The. resolution committee, eonsise- ting,of Rev. 2. E. Hogg,'Me. Lyon, yon,; 1VIr. Laporte, Mr. G. J. Robinson,. and Rev. A. MacFarlane,- brought frt.. the following• resolutions for rho consideration of the gathering: ' g ing: Resolved that: an attempt i be:• made .to have all the town's ' hsps and., • towns in Huron organize, either-' singly. or in groups p s g t p and affiliate with, ,. this' association. ' Tliat the fee for affiliation with, this' organization be one 'dollar- bach Publicrep,. or. Separate school rep,.• resented and afro dollars for each: Collegiate Institute and IIigh School, That, in establishing a Jonson-. c}ated school section' in any part of the Province V Of Ontario SnrVe. °f' Y hat whole particular. district bo: ' bade to reeonnnend 'suitab10 solidations, and that a copy bs smut: to the Department. That the thanes of the 4ssocist .tion be heartily tendered to Miss Skillings and bir, Segswor'th for their able, interesting; and ilisi-Lauer•, ivc addresses and for the demon- stration of the value of meek!. in the scliooI and ,it is hoped. that the idem: put fottvars will be put into° form in eli our schools. The last of Lhasa aEsaIutiotis was: put' first and unariipously .earriecl5, .. and, the others were considered ono: ' by one anti, after Some disecussioia; adapted separately and as a wholes The following officers were elect- ed.: .• Pres., RR�ev, Mr. - Laing, Fordwielt let Vice, J, 3, Robinson, CoIibor,gtt 2nd Vice, Mr. Snell, Winghan, . $ee. Tit a.. q r , Pu]ton Br r usse 1� st The t ecu;: 0 ive c ri ' o S tnrttee will ec:+r.;. ist of these officers, plus one rely eseutative front each attunici lit pa 'Yt. ' The gathering wtta dismissed bfr' he hearty singing of the nation:ell 1tl0UE” LOCAL NEWS Oi'Z 1 AO'' 0