The Clinton News Record, 1922-5-25, Page 51 0f !Interest to You and � Me sye got ' t, The rain, And "it was .more'than welcome. >H 'd � b ulTaving i educed ,the navy to a1 Point whore it 10 'a joke!, remarks the Qi11ia Packet, ,"at wouldbe real economy to'db away with it altoseth.. S;f the peepie of this - generation issue debentures' fors taxpayers to pay thirty or forty, years hence, why Should not they plant trees to Ire "reaped" about the sante tarso?- ordldia Parket Toronto has sometimes .:been ac: •c is t acting s e 1 u£ , et 1 g as if it thou�•ht itself Ontario. But Montreal; 'evidently Noes one better and imagines itself cl Canada. i a A. an up in the 'police court o1Montreal the other day an being asked if lie_ was a Canadian csaid "No, I was born in Toronto." Many of our citizens have been plucking dandelions during, ,the past 'week, presumably for the making of wine. - Ono sometimes wended if people have forgotten -thethirst- quenching qualities, of water. There no drink to equal it under the sun, though a nice cup of black tea, gen= -erously •creatned,rmakes f; good sec - Premier Tascherau of-Quebec,while in Toronto recently, said the uebec Legislature 'had. had to• -repeal the Aet Tassed some years ago `granting ,one hundred' 'acres. of . hind to each 'fattier of twelve Children "or• the whole ,public domain would have passed into the,hands of those fathe How Would it 'do for the On- tario Government to - enact such a 'law?: "Twould be as.' hood legisla- 'Lion` as many other :acre on the sta- tute hooks. Some of Our exchanges are ''run, -iing departments under the heading "If, rI- were Mayor," add inviting -readers to sav:what .they „would'do- 'if they -occur ied the thtilee Of -Chief, Magistrate. But it is all a waste. ,..of time. . What people think'. they would do and what they would really •de under eertaln, circumstance's are two ividely: different things. 'Mem- ber the wonderful things W. 1, Mac- Kenzie King ' and Jannis 'Mudock, were going" to do whoa they were elected. Tlon Mr Biggs is quoted as haying :announced his intention to . increase -auto license fees. We - suppose the Government' trent find lie money somewhere but if the cost of, ope•at_ rug• motor vehicles is tb be increased it will have a, tendency to malce,nio- -toting a 'licit Mans pastime; and the; -common • people in . that case" Will hardly 'approve of the enormous ,ex- penditures- •on road • making .that have marked the recent administra- tion. Taking it all round, for a Government that went ' into power pledged to economy and retrenchment they are spending quite, 'a ,lot ---yes, ...quite 'a lot.-Teidgetown Dominion, • News of Happenings irx the 'County and District The: village Council of Lucknow Have -decided'' not tonoil the streets but is relying an sprinkling to -keep slorn the dust in the hot dry wea- ther a watering tank would- need to ben o alutca'�, � con Stant duty to keep ee P the dint from i becoming. a i g nuisance. ce. The cost of theit o is what decided. T ucl now against that method, • Mr. Robert Watt, of Dullett-town- :ship, who own--ahip,:lwho recently disposed of his .farm, is inoving into -Blyth. Mr James 'Smith was recently, el- ‘ectecl by acclamation a :member of the Blyth village Council, to fill the vacancy caused by the resno'val of Mr. Henry Homey from town. Dr, Geiger of Waterloo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger, Ilensali, was naicried recently to Miss Grace Mart - .in of. London. Mrs. R. II. Saint of Wingliam re eelved`a bad fall • on Sunday evening when trying to step, from an 'auto "while it was still in 'motion. She was violently thrown to the ground and was severely injured besides sus. tart' 111<n ar ket b o i leg Hugh Myler of Goderich was run t a„ into :by an auto while crossing the road opposite the Ocean' House. He was badly injured but it is expected 7..r he will be about t againain in a few weeks. Hcis,being treated in the ;Goderich hospital. n,^ i `' • The new Methodist'Chitrch at Cen- -.traria, ieplacing'one:that was burn- •ecllast August was opened on Sunday- week, undayweek, large crowds being present for, the e c er• eino ie ` n s. It s i' fit . a s o xed • brick edifice with stained glass wiil- dows. Threeef the windows aro memorial, one donated•bY theLadies' Ai d Of the church in ineinory, of the. :soldiers of the community killed in -the war, one donated by; the family,, .at the Rev, W. IL 'Butt, who spent two pastoral tering in 'this church, ,and one by Mr, ;Woods, of London' in honor of his mother, Mrs, Harriet Wilson' Woods.' The pastor of the - zChurch is the Rev, A. Sinclair; a for- ,nier pastor of I-Iolmesville 'Methodist ,church, and the choir leader is Mr. ,Andrew Hicks, M. P. P. :for South, Huron. The Rev, J. W. Hibbert' ;preached the dedicatory: sormon s At Gerrie a herder has been an, •pointed -to look -after the village 0Ows dtu•ing the slimmer. Il:e..will be'on i fluty all, day and every day but Sun- •dav5 and a few stipulated holidays. 'The owners' must leek after them on these days. c et, S tvera 1 cattle in the smith of , th i t county y d ed last weep: from heat, at least to it was: reported, A cohiinittee from the Main Street Methodist (Therein Exeter was ail- Milted ll- t pllt e i to consider the matter of prtlon'With a oomniittoe ;font Cavan :Presbyterian Churph. The Malawi Picsbyts y, Meeting u i Duu gas i Ra nton recently, after itetu ins? dole ,•ntc i from both congregm tions, ordered the eongregntione of lCno>~ add .Hutoss Picsbytc ii sous- cher . Ri ilo to tiisite The sat , Ripley-, S 10 ii to of union has been mooted cos some' time but both congregations seemed to hong out 11 bit arid now Ei,eebytery takes a band. 'lie''uliion.10 td take place-.tho; first Sunday in June, Goderich town council has sicked" Bog•ineor:Patterson to pxepere plane. for a 28 foot permanent ,roadway on Victoria , Str'eet iii` that ,town. Mr,' Win, McClure of Dusg'annon, had his wrist broken recently by be- ing crusliecl •against the wall by frig motor car which he was starting and. which happened 'to' be in 'gear, retie Rev. Geo, Telford of -Blyth 'has-been appointed interim moderator,, ok the Auburn Presbyterian Church during the vacancy caused by the res. -1 nhtiou of the Rev. R. J. Ross, who goes to Bound Lakee Sask, At a meeting of the Women's Miss- ionar`y Society of., a certainr church in Ashfield Township recently, it was decided that each member slioulcl give one days' eggs, those of Nlay• 24, to help retake tip some shortage in funds. It is to be hoped the hens aid particularly well y sterday, - The case of Bliss Eliza Conn, of Wingham vs, the Canada Trust Com- pany, administrators for the estate her brother-in-law, for 81995 for her -services as. nurse for. four, years was heard before Judge Dickson at Goderich :last weer.; and she" was awarded 'the'. surer, With, costs on the supreme court, scale. R.-Vanstone appeared for the . plahntiff'ancl Holmes for the. defendant. A vessel will dill at Gederich ab- out -once a fortnight during the sum- mer with a cargo of sugar. • The Dominion Sugar Co. will, ship .th'e simply Tor: Huron county to Geder ich by water. ' Arrangements have been"made for the' use of a portion of the town freight shed for the storing of the sugar• for the season,° the council agreeing en 815' a month rental for the portion of the shed to. 'be used The young peoplo_gf the Wingham Methodist church : are' having the church grounds put in shape for sum- mer games. Miss Letitia McNair, who has been in the sunset province 'for Several Years for over 5 being the supervisor ofithe Victoria order: of -nurses at Vie toria, B. C., but who is now taking a public health -course 'at the Toronto University, visited' 'old:friends- at' Brussels and in the vicinity last week., She.is a;native Carnbrook.-Miss Mc- Nair obtained a scholarship entitling, Hereto the present course in -Toronto: GREATER TEA ,CONSUMPTION IN ,GREA'T: BRITAIM -:The-reduction of the English duty on tea by -,;tour pence a pound will. undoubtedly"" result in , greater eon sliinption on the pert 'efythe public of Gr`e'at Britian, which is now by far the largest tea -consuming coisnnry-in the .world. Thi's increased' dernand' will'tend to raise the present abnorm- ally high market, and lin 'Increase 'in . cost 'of teas throughout the ; world may be •expected, , :ANNUAL AGRICULTURAL'' RETURNS OF CANADA, 1922 Farmers.' are reminded that :•next month -(June) the Dominion and Pro- vincial Governments will 'snake their annual collection of the areas sown to field' crops and of the.iruinbers of an- imals, a s alive on the f rn . For this purpose, following plans which have been in annual operation since 1918, a -simple cardboard schedule, with in-_ structions signed jointly by the Do-- minion Statistician and Deputy Min -ister or other•oflicer of the Provincial' Department' of Agriculture, will be issued to as many farmers'' as . can possibly be reached through •the .ag'en- cy; of the teachers and children of ,the rural- schools. - The returns received when Compiled will forth the basis for estimation by provinces of the areas sown for 1921 to the'principal field crops and; the numbers of Sarin 'animals alive onthe farm atthedate- of enuuicrlition on or about the;:.l5th of June. Returns thus requested by the Doi minion and Provincial Governments' are intended solely for the purpose, ofn est natiitg•: agricultural and: live stock production, first in the .interest of the -general body of the ,Canadian fai•niers e S olio c 11 for the y mformation, and guidance of other interests allied to and dependent upon iigriculture interests (represented by statesmen,'' -ecotiomists, bankers grain dealers, transportation dealers and others), and thirdly for reporting to tine Inter- national• Institute of Agriculture at Rome"(to'tvhich Canada is an adher- ing country) in return for r reports ori. the production' of other countries and of world totals which influence pricesi and consequently affect the interests' of Canada, tow the third largest Wheat -growing and 'the second lar- gest whoat exporting country en the Farmers who clo notreceive the, cardboard schedules ;fnr returaiing their acreages Sown and their nasi berg of fat0n live stock by the middle. of June should snake immediate ap- plication for same to.eitheii the school teacher of their local school district, or the Department of Agriculture et' tltoir,i}rovince (ill Quebec the Bureau of Statistics at Qiiebec), or the -Do- minion Statistician at Ottawa, Posi- tive assurance is given by the Domin- ion and Provincial Governments that the returns asked for are not used in any way 'for purposes et. taxation. Only totals are nsect for the purpose of estimation, and all individual re- turns faro Rept inviolably secret, To cases where -frairiere may prefer to' do so, the retu ars may be mailed free under seal dirket to the Dominion Ste,' tislicien at Ottawa, no ,postage, stamps being necessa1y, Dominion Buren 'of• i Statistics,;: • - Ottawa May"1922 `h Ctinloo News-Rt'4Urdl 2511 142 72(T`.Cl EDUl7m-GA tTvt`f---In Wing bans; qn Mayj-ltli, by the Rev, C. 10, Cragg, Margaret Garton daughter of -Geo G i8 n, Wh!teehursh, t,o Stanley ttutleclee of Brueeels, CRODLN STEPIIENSON --.t ,Rieduit,streett Methodist parsonage, London, on May 17th, ,by the Rett 3, ,d, Agnew Vera E., Youngest daughter 68 Mr. rand Mrs. A B. Ste-' Pbelison of` Clinton, , to Edward George Cxeden ;of London, Berths zI> A'RN- Tn Goclerich May - M ay 14th, to Mr. sand Mrs. Tiotace Ileacs, a daughter. • NOLAN, In Mclfilloli, on May 13th, to Mr, and Mrs. daises ,Nolan, a diaughter; HOLMPS1-fn Edmonton, on May 16th 1922, to Mr, and :Mrs. Walter G, 'Hohnes,(nee Irene Pearson), a daughter. • • ' , STITPIIENSQN-, At Varna, May 19th to Mn. and'Mrs. William I1, Ste- 9benson, a daughter, Gulene Mar- jorie. • Deaths SNYDER-In 'Clinton„ on May 19th, John -Snyder, .aged 81 years and 11 months. EAGL10$ON--. At Hayfield. on May 23rd, Matilda Boyd' wife of Mr,' Wm. Eagleson, aged 87 years. IIICK--Ii Goderich[ on May 17th,, S. E, Ilielc; aged 64 years: BAI{ER-At C17e parsonage, Thani- esford," on May 12th, Rev. C. W. Baker, B. D., D. D., in his '51st, year. 'WHERE HAPPINESS DWELLS, AND -.BEAUTY EXCELS A suniiner day' is long in Aleon quin Park, inviting tos,out-door pas - tines .of. all descriptions. The nights are cool and restful with',clear lakes reflecting the great stars'' that hang low in the Northern -skies, and there is silence, except for an occasional fluted call, the ° dip of the feeding. trout :or• bass and the subdued song df water and "stirring leaves. .If you' would experience' such summer' days 'as these, visit Algonquin, Park, drink M with your lungs the air of .its leigilts, with your -eyes lbehold its. manifold' Beauties and you will be.. conic -a lover of this big unspoiled forest of the Ontario Highlands,' Reached by Grent'Trunk Railway. IL lustrated liboklet'telling you all about it sent free, on application to any Grand Trunlc Ticket agent or C E. Horning, D . P. A. , Toronto,: Ont. - 2r 14 nt, ern/miler Name ITS 'STRENGTH, FRAGRANCE ARE. The Seabed', Packet is 11081. 7NE' QUAL D your sat'eguarcl' Ar/�. `' `r �i •FOR'SPi5ING:,--We have all the helps to make housecle We have ,saved you money, and are still doing it. Our,prices aro -as row as any ;and sometimes', lower -Try 00, 10 bars Laundry 'Soap , 49c 2pic ...gs A'ffieioni ,,.25c -7 Cakes Castile Soap 25e ' 1 plcg Toy Gusto -3 ;pkgs Anthrone , 29c a ,, .: 23c 3 Pkgs Goin Flukes:. .,.2gc 3 pkgs Pearline , 23c 1ail Jom 2 lbs Prunes p 4 lbs ., ,. 63e -.. ., , ..'. •35a 1r lb Broken Sodas.. _ .... 10n 2 can Pumpkin 35c 1 bottle Pickles Hutter and: Highest Prices for B38c Eggs. Gods deelveres to all Parts of the town 'Get the Habit. of Dealing at JOHNSC,Pol'ACO moi' GROCERY- Phone 1101, , THE .STORE FOR EVERYBODY ,_` .... . Others Advertise Bar��gaas o : E°.,erg. Week . ijing easy.; We Give Them ._Eves°Day The, C " S, GROCERS' Phone 125 • The News' -Record job - department , turns out neatwelt-printeda o work. Hatching Eggs far Sale IS ,you' have not tried it, do so.; It Froin Bred -to -Lay Single Comb will please yoii. Hjdro''i1/deeliings Meetings for the discussion•of hy= dro-on tile farms will be held at the following places and on the :follow- ing dates. ; Carlow, May 30th, township hall. Nothing. goes -up faster in ,value. Auburn, May 31'st;. Forester's hall than a Cow -killed -by a loconsotive. '•. MOTOR ' W1TH US TO .GODERICI8 AND ATTEND..THE Dinner Dance —AT -- Hotel Bedford Next Saturday'Evening . MAY 27th ' Dancing from 6.30 to ,12,00... Music by Miss Gene Connell and London Orchestra. ,Sunday Dinner -Music 1 to 2,45. Sunday -Supper-711110c 5.30 to 6.45, Write or phone for reservations to hotel Bedford, Goderich, RATES • - . Saturday Evening, Y g, 6c30 to 12,00 83.00 per couple. With to 8.30 $1,00 per couple clitiona'1 charges for lunch a .la carte. We have moved oiar stock, of 'Mas • sey-Harris.Machinery and •repair parts to the Palace, Bleck,Batten-„ buoy street„ where a full stock of general -repairs will`:be kept. See us about your binder t vine_ 1 c t ail• sta ole equipment. not. is t q Il n 'c Levi Stong Agent for 'Massey -Harris 51-3 read IS YOURBEST FOOD EAT MORE OF IT We have good wholesome WHITE A BROWN AND BI OWN BREAD • OAKES, ; BUNS, PASTRY, CANDIES N I7lS v'w NEIT,S(N S ICE HAM AIN:. ;J: - CO. �BROWN � PRONE NO, 1 CL1NTO v • Orange hall, 4th son.-Goderieh Town- ship, June own-ship,-June 1st. s. Clinton, Agricultural office, June 2nd All meetings at,,8 o'clock, pan. Engineers Castor and Purcell will 1.rQ present and.:a ,series of 1pictures wil! "'be shnota demonstrating' the advantages of Hydro on the farms, -50-2 MEETING OF TIIE HURON, COUNTY COUNCIL. ' The. Council of the. Corporation -of the County of Huron will meet in -the' Council Chamber, Goderich, at 3 p.m,, .Tuesday, June 6th, 1922. All accounts should; be, in the hands of the Clerk on or before the Monday preceding the ;meeting of the Council. • GEO. W. HOLMA - N CountyClerk. -Goderich, May 18, 1922. 51.2 For Sale ' `Model 490 Cherolet Touring car 111 a-1 condition, at a sacrifice as owner i$ leaving town. ' Box 173, Clinton, 51-tf For- Sale." A 6 -roomed house with and stable, James Street.' of Mrs: Argent, Clinton. garden Inquire 50-tf Strayed. Frons the premises of the under- signed',. on April 29th,a black steer, with short ,horns; two years old:: Anyone= found harboriligthe sante will be severely prosecuted; and any information leading to his recovery 'will be suitably:- 'rewarded. -Orville Ii„ Dale, It R. /inn '4, Clinton; phone 12 on 636. 6 48-tf COURT OF REVISION.. For the„Village of Bayfield NotieI 15 hereby given that a Court of: Revision will be held in the town hall, ,Bayfield, on Friday, .the; 26th day: of May, 1922, at the hour of 11 o'clock a.ni., for the .purpose of hearing and determining cons - plaints against. the Assessment Roll of the said village for the year 1922 Persons having business at lire said court will please attend at the said time and place "without further no- tice., , W. ,.ERRWIN, Village Clerk, i"- Bayfield, May 18th, 1922 ---50- COURT - OF R1VISION For the Township of Stanley. Notice is hereby given 'that a Court of Revision: will be held Mile township Ball; Varna, on Moncley, the 29th day of May, 1992, at - the Isainr of 11 o'clock ann., for thcpur-' pose of hearing 'and determining c0ltiplaints against the Assessnioiit' Roll of :the staid totenshi i for the you 1922. • Persons )raving busi- ness, oat ,the said court- will please attend at the said ,tine' and piece with inut further r notice. Varna, May 11: ILARNW1.LL, Township Cierlt, 1922 49-3 White Leghorns Alter May. 1st " e , S .4per hundred 750 per setting_ of fifteen FRANK J. TYNDALL R. R. No. 4, Phone 2-636 "Live and Let Liyc -CLEARING SALE of Men's;" Women's, Boys "and 'Girls BOOTS BELOW COST PRICE H. STARLING- ? Organ for_ Sale. - • Six octave,. piano :case organ, in good repair.:Mrs. Walter Swinbank, R.R. No, 5, phone' 20 on 619, Clin- ton,, 60-2-p For Sale ' 4 houses, nearly 'new, in good shape, cheap for quick sale, Still in the pump business, Jolla Stephenson. -44-tt Farm. For Sale - Lot`'26, Con. 17th, on the Base line,> -mile north of Clinton 22% acres first class land,goer -house, bank barn and yottig orchard just beginning' g to bear. Also 7 -roomed house on�Albert street, :Clinton. Wa- ter, ter, Food garden, barn. Apply on latter •premises. Mrs. John Halstead. -41-tf HORSEMEN; , ATTENTION ! GENERAL MIILLER NO. 21163 The -pure bred Clydesdale. Stallion General Miller, will stand for : the improvement :of stock at Graham House barn every Satucclay, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Balance of sea- son at airy farm, Lot 18, Con. 3, Hullett. - This Horse is Sound and Right and a Big Fellov'n TERMS -$10 ,to . insure with foal ED. JOHNSTON, PROPRIETOR R.R.: No. d,'Clinton Phone 8 on 636. 47-tf_ OSTEOPATHY. DR. A. M. HEIST - O'sCeopathie •I'liygieian Graduate; Des Moines Still' College of Osteopathy. Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Boards of Medical Examiners. Spinal adjiistments given to remove, the,pause of disease. Catarrhal deafness, adenoids, and enlarged tonsils treated. without suigical operation, Stomach arid intestinal diseases -treated without the rise of drugs or surgery. Successor to Dr. Heileman, Office, Gederich, 'Ont, At the Graham House every Tues- day, .after 6.30 pan. Heifers For Sale ' 3 heifers to freshen in May. S. 1JaeMath; :Ilohnosville. Phone 34 on 601- Farrar For Sale 100 acres, Lot 12, Con, 6, Mullett township, adapted fon cropping or grazing,40 aerog bush, balance in glass; Good well and windmill. If not sold will be rented for pasture, R. I. Miller, Box 25, Clinton. Phone 119 37-tf Snirelia Corsets Spirelle Corsets for healthfulness,, style, cotnfort' and durability, Ev- ery corset' made to measure. • Mrs, Elizabeth Kennedy, 'Ontario. street, Clinton, ',hobo 142. 12N1921 Meuse for Sale -roofer, solid brick house'town water and dleetrie lights, g•Oodt.gar; don 'and chicken house. Apply; on promises Corner of .klorth and Speneor 1Sts3 •--A, C, Ciarlson_•----80-tf filifilll f iVl l o l l 111 Il�lll!<lll I Il C _ iiU A ��I(@IIIIIpIViIUlI(lU1V,1p�Jll� ' l u LI ompIWIIIiouliI U111UIIJg(nlq(U11GIt. ' Sncce''ssors ,t0 M. T. Corless.--RocvlaitidS old stand iealere iia General, ;Hardware, ;'aintsi 0119 and Glass Plumbing,Heating, .Roofing, �as r ' .�^1ns]CY►it111ng" We:carry;in stock' theTuron'S pecialt Casting ' ' p S' g Ge, s., par G JI x s� No,' 41, 2. 8, 2a and 11••T'udhoP e'Anderson 20 Frost "Y& Wood • No, 21 Wilkins Q `I 21. Fleury 21, Percival r, < ,� 21. Oliver 7 Sylvester '21 Verity7 Wilkinson21 'Verity, high ' . ; .f+arxnerts *Friend ISIMIIIIERIIIQUiMIE11111111111UI1JIIV111@III1I11111111111611111111I1118111nlll ll0VIII1111111111IMINIII11111111i021111112 IIV t WANTED Kee e and r Matron Man and wife.- To take charge of the -Huron County. Hoene, near Clin- ton, and the farm eenneeted„there- witi . Applications, .personal preferred,to be made to the undersigned, the -ap- pointment" to be made atthe next meeting` of the County Council, which meets on. June" 6th, JOHN TORRANCE, .-Inspector of Huron County Home Clinton, May 6th, 1922. 48-4 Regret now at -the beginning of12 9 2 buy your, men!s and women's shoes from Barry the sliOeman You get the best of Service You get rid" :;f foot troubles You get the most for pour inoneg See us at once, Wm. Barrg Opposite the Postofl`ice. Clinton Paxffiall's Garage 441•aH We repair any make of battery. J. II, Parnas Examiner for licensed drivers Phone 80 Res. Phone 140 Seed Cori Ns.t Wisconsin a NTo. 7, Improved .Leaus- ing, Golden Glow, Bayley, , Whito- Cap,• Crolnpton's Early, Longfellow, Eureka Ensilage 'and Golden.,Ban- tain Sweet. SEED BUCKWHEAT. - Japanese, clean, cool and sweet.: SEED MILLET. Yellow and red, SORGHUM,_, :Early Amber, Sugar Cane, CALF MEAL Royal Purple Calf Meal and Stock , Foods. •; 1 IGXIEST PRICES PAID PAID 10i WOOL,• W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND REED Phones: Elevator 199, Residence 141 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed • Clothes cleaned pressed andire- pulsed, . Woolen goods dry cleaned, Rooms over. • Heard's barber shop. W. 3. Jago. •--8$4f Boars for Service Champion bared, big type Yorkshire and Chester White heave ,for Service. At home every fovonoon .-A, C. Levey, Phone 5 011 6397 Clinton 2B Tile South -En ',• Crocerg- Tryyoour store for your supplies; u .will find our prices ,AS 'LOW AS ANY- FULL'STOCK FRESH GpROCIC11foS Prompt delivery to ale parts of the town, , HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS 1 PHONE,ORDERSPROMPTLY DELIVERED. • Mgrs, J:Brown, PHONE 144. Scranton Coal ' We have on hand far immediate delivery-: CANNEL COAL 'HARD AND SOFT COAL Also some good -Hardwood. Leave orders at nip Resideticet Huron: street, or Phone 155. TERMS CASH E. WARD COAL NUT; STOVE Sc EGG - ALWAYS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY R. J. 1VIILL5 R Orders taken at residence, Phone 119;. Ontario Grain Seeds Experience has taught .us the above seeds are the only ones for our district. We have on hand Gov-, ernment Graded Red Clover Alsike Orchard_ Grass Alfalfa Timothy Blue Grass White and. Yellow Sweet Clover In Baby Chick Feed Blatchford's' Milk Mash - Pratt's Butteraitillc Mash Wodehquso Royal Purple H. O. Cooked Chick Foeds Always on nand, Western Oats, Shorts, Oat Flour, Linseed Meal, Ps'rina Chicken Chow- der. Flours: Five. Roses, Hunts, Sit- ""' ver Crown. Special prices on Hunt's for a few days. Wanted, a quantity of Peas, Buck- wheat and Red Clover. Submit sam- ples. J. A. FORD Sc SON Phone 123. 1 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers Also issuers of Hunters & Trappexd licenses OldRoosters Wanted As the incubatin • season is now over it Will not pay to continue :feeding -the old roosters in the flock.' Now is the thne to sell while prices are high. -This -class of stock sells very low in ,the tall We are also in the market for large quantities of Fat Hens, also Broilers over two pounds each. Top Markgt Price for Good Quality Poultry. --SELL NOW. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. w.. W. TREWARTHA, Manage. Phone No. 190 Holniesville 801 r 12 .gig-.,--•�rn�..mi�-a.mm.�r..�,W ' CREAM WANTED! The demand .for our butter is in- creasing. To supply this demand we require more cream. - We request you to ship us' your cream. We guarantee you the I•Iighest Market Prices, ''accurate • tests and prompt 'service. Our firm 10 kno 'to ion you and neods no further. recommend. We pay all express'c1Mrgcs, furil- ash 'cream cans and pay twice „each' month. :torcans o Write E , , M.. x fux4her, it�orma tion to the THE SEAFORT1i,'CREAMER•Y COI C. A. BARI3KR, MAN'AGVIty