HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-5-25, Page 1At No<2I5I.43rd Year of ; The CLINTON, ONTARIO; THURSDAY MAY 2 , I92 News -Record can help its circulation by Putting in a good word for it occasionally that Wedding ' you will find choosing easy at IIELLYAI3TS Jewelcry `Store. We have the newest and hest,' designs in SILVER, COT "CLASS,. CHINA, `ETC, Our stock is well .and' e nei'a)Uy seleeted, And 'will' snake chop`"sing easy" and satisfactory,, ?EDUCED .PRICES ON VICTOR TALKING . MACHINES' S y.. Ca • 11 h>tnd ear our nowest'Iiis "t Master's Voice' 1 5 e 1 ec ptcis. We will he pleased to have you eall. A monthly catalogue adi be sent to' you .eachmonth on:`iequest. Ja+ele h • and Opticidn r� yte �L i •Phone 174w Residence 174.E 1YOUR DUTY TO.1QUR SERIS:TO SANK; The man i th a Savings Account need never worry over; fire future Saving, Backed ked by: determination, termtn i atom $' ,sone of the satisfying habits to'acqhire. , avm� gs`b e a2tm el t at every b r a n c ho• THE ROY LRANK.oF CANADA it. E..MANNING, MANAGER CLINTON BRANCH MOLSONS SANK INCQRPORATED 0855 .. Capital Paid Up $4,,000 ,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches unitie: ,to. A cry . s bu •cai `t : horses, farm implements, -etc,; cheaply- •are constantly turning up. The farmer with money saved is the:one .who. ets=the. ita -- r:,. Placeyour crop earnings in a Savings Accent -it: -with thg : , nearest branch of The Maisons Bank where;w$iile earning .; interest and 'being absolutely safe, your money is avail- able at any :niaute. Deposits can be made by Mail.' TI. R.'Shar s IVTana er CLINTON ! , >; BRANCH Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent REAery-1'O-WL�'ASO ., CLOT$ING • ?he & Worrtsh Clothing Go. '-,,ORDTRPID .` C1.oxxtINGY SPECIALS r Saturday � r} Manufacturers � urers. �•S�arntndes; No. 1,-025 rAlu Men's Motor r: Raincoats Manufacturers' samples, s, whleh we '.purchased at half rice, vahile,.in the cit last' week, -'and we are P Y_ t cr c 691n them on ' toyou ,at one halfof the original i�ori inal> rice: • Jtist;tha coat for motoring D �. Your chai eethe of lot for 8)10200 1,79 O. 2 A-40 rel 1@�Ie�a's Suits haaufa toyers samples and' brokerlino3: fra m' T: c, size ranging i. e. 3� to 46 ra ging in prior' from $25;00 to; $30.00, our Choice of the 'entire lot for$•18.50 N Hen's Trousers Five dozen v e n Td?len a'Cltlusola tIucotton tiwoec!, with or without cured. Just the trouser for faotol , weaa., going at M oie00.0.004,01' 890 .pe JLOa "A Square r elfEvery . ai 11 CLINTON' MARKETS. • Wheat 21,26, Oats, 450, Bat ' ly, 600 a ' 73ucltwh'eat, 75¢; Eggs 5e'. to Me," Butter, 25c. to 30c. Live Hog's $12.50, T'oOTBALL AT T3ItUCEFIELD. The Clinton .football team journey- ed to Brncefiela On Tuesday to play the eleven -of that sprightly burg and as a result Were ,beaten four to nothing. It was a' good game, well worth watching.... Clinton plays at Kinburn `on' Friday. The Clinton line-up op Tuesday was as 'follows c` Goal W1 McDougall; baeks, "J: Tunes, J'Lindsay; halfbacks, M. -and D •Mc.;- Dougall E.. Cooper; forwards. Mora gait Cook Pearson, Schoenhals, .Dale; sub': Mckenzie: GODERICH DISTRICT MEETING: The annual' Meeting of the Goder- ich •Methodist• district was<held in -Victoria street church Goderich, on Thursday and Friday. last May 18th 'and 19{h,; the Rev.: S Anderson 'of Clinton, eliairinan,, presiding. , The 'first session' Was -for ministers alone. The record showed one death, Rev.;, W. J, -'Ford, and oite probationer for the `ministry, 'Rev. .1'." Button,, B. A, an o a `' t d one e nalda e Mr Riv- ers of Victoria : College . On' Wednesday the laymen. were, present- The oticuits repo is read by them gave evidence, of a' year of fair pr s critY Thereas'an crease I •of ; `missi'onary •'anoiiey over last 'year, -Of over 5100, This being the closing yoa of the quadriniuni a number of "'Important:.eoiiiiescidnal questions • came up •for .discussion,: chief of which was" the necessity of curtailing ,the outlay' for the . man- agement, our General,Conference departments. Memorials were sent forward .to the annual' conference -Co .ineet in London next week,'Bev. • J.' F, 'Reycraft ,was elected to' the .sta- tioning eoniniittee,' :It is rumoured that out of the"fourteen ministers on this District eight _are likely::to move this year. AMONG THE 'CTiURCHII .:. S.. London Methodist :Conference- con- venes' in Windsor on -Wednesday next, May 31st. IT 1f 1( 1i' -•The Mehodist ,Suininer School at :Goderich will' commenee ori Monday, Jtil , 2.th..4„Iid' contintlo.,until. the 24th. Returned missionaries will be pres- ent -to give addresses, Miss Barbara McNaughton, matron of themission hospital, of Chengtu, West China, will be ode of the Mission study" leaders. • Salvation Army ,Major Byers, of Stratford will conduct services' in the S. A,,Hall on Sunday, -eleven, three and "seven thirty, Baptist Church Morning : subject: -"The Church, The 'Pillar ' and Ground of Truth," Evening subject:: --"Christ the Door," Come and worship with es. Ontarie, Street Church. The League, was i charge , n eh ge of the C. E. deartmentpartment on Monday evening., Rev. IC, Beaton who is home on furlough from the mission field Of West China, gave a splendid ail - dress. Also there were tnusical nntnbers and a reception of new members took .place, ' and quite a number were added to 'the roll; The meeting will be in charge of the citizenship • departhent next week, Mr. Harry Ambler being heard of the department, Willis Church Next Sunday morning the sermon will .bee the 'second in a 'series on "Christian Life,"t. subject: !;Follow- ing :andObeying Christ. The ev- ening subject will be. "More than Conquerors." At this service Miss Mary IVIftcMtirchie .will sing, "There Is No Death." , The W. S. bolds its regular' meeting this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'eloek at :Mrs, (Da,) Gunn's: The„1VIission Band will hold its monthly meeting on Friday evening at '7 o'cloelc'.in the lecture room:' Thisto be a birtbid-1y party, ndrnis-- •s'i0n,, one cent for each.: year you are old. A, good prog'rainrne, ' Refresh remits, will be served. The annual Sc Sunday 3 heel picnic will be held_ en" Wednesday July 5th:' Mrs, Hogg made -'-i presbyterial visit to .the Seaforth W. M. S., on Tuesday 'afternoon: Mrs: Genii and Mrs., Scott" accoinanied her, - Wesley dhtti'ch, Next Sunday, is .Go-to-Sunilay- Scltool Sunday and will be observed with clue ceremonies: Invitations have been issued ,to all friends of the 'school to be, p1',esoilt, •A, picas- ing prograrn will be gone through a5Yd'the day's lesson taught. Every- one will be assigned to a class and all may expect to :feel' at hone. Ar.- ranlp'einents have Been made tosendears for any who would like to be present but who cannot :walk the distance, and those wishing, ' a car sent <tot thei'p will kindly let the 000• rotary, ilIr, - 11, Cuningliamo, or the superintendent, Mr, W. 1T, Ilellyar, know.' not later than Sattu'day oven n''. 1 • 6 ',rife : '[ Ito v. >- I"ulto nf o Irwin . z Iarck•, howatreaclted twice on: •Sunday..'The pastor will ,occupy his own pulpit post Stlnrrayt 'Che tltwly.nlectefl 0100)11 and teachers of the Sunday school will be installed ret the 1)10111, 1018' 5S1O'iCO. A L TO GOoERICu On Friday, June 2.nd, 'i'lltutnbei 01 businessmen frons the city of Strat- ford 'aced/Iva/liedby Premier lei Drury and' probably Hon. Mr, Biggs, will take a trip to Goderich, picking u11 recruits by the way as they proceed Tt ,is expected- that several will, join the 'hike here and luncheon will be served by. the Goderich ,Board of Trade and 'speeches given by the Premier and others:, . HAD TO WORK SUNDAY A rod br<ilce in the onlyremaining pump on • Siaturdayevenin -• and the pump'+had to be pullg ed out on Suliday and"' repaired. The result was, that several men had to work most of the Lorcl's day in order that we _mightIiave plenty, o1'' water en Mon- day. Fortunately the sitnidpipe was full an very few were, aware that anything -was amiss For.. the. Hine - being we are "dependent: upon, one, pump and. we, couldn't get on very well if that ,weren't working prettily ,steadily, A SAD HAPPENING; Mr.''and Mrs, Rout. Tunny went •down near, Leadbui•y,.last week to at- tend the funeral of "' a :child of Mrs: Tunny's' niece; the ',little' four-year- old son of Mr, • ancl'•IVIre, 'Thos. Lea- man, -who met death'.from the kick of. a horse,," The father, of the lad had:, him out with hiin' and vwhile taking '`one horse out to tltnpasture he left '`the lad' towait 10r him -and on hire-' turn'found 'the other horse had book.' en loose'and• had'liieked'the child'o"n` the ea ' ,, e h d, 'inflicting; flie ting injuries. frani, whic8-h1). died, , ' `'Tile fulieral of the little fellow took place • to Seaforth' on Friday. -5.11. M. P. P:, DENIES REPORT Mr. Win. Black, NI, P. P. for South Buron, was rep orted-.by,a'London pa- Pen: to have visited the Bayfield har- bor on a' recent .Sunday arida letter from g Bayfield• resident published in`- the Seaforth Expositor, warned him that the act was illegal and also that he had better nbt be fooling nb' out the harbor as it -was private pro- ise3ty and he might 'get into trouble. Now it appears ..that' -the -first item_ gave the: Wrong ir'a'te; -that -Mr. Black visited the harbor, as a member of a committee appointed" by the Govern:-' niont, on a Monday,, a perfectly legal day and a•perfeetiy- egaI visit. GRO, C DEN STlPIIENSO A. At the Ridout street Methodist s parsonage, London, Wednesday last, the marriage took,.place of Miss Vera, E., youngest daughter of 1ylr. and Mrs, Arthur B. Stephenson,Lef Clin- ton, to. Mr, Edward George Croden, 'son of Mr: and. Mrs. Alfred Croden of London: The ceremony -:was per forimed by Rev. J. A. Agnew, a :for- mer pastel., of Ontario, street chur- ch, Clinton, and was- witnessed by immediate relatives and friends- of the contracting parties... Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party and guests drove 00 :_the home' of, the bride's sister, Mrs. Gordon Livermore, at the Leaucaire` apartments, where a dainty wedding„ luncheon was served. Mr, and Mrs. Croden will reside in London. They have the good wish- es of the bride's Clinton friends. Mrs. Stephenson was in London for „title '71 g marriage 1 age of her "dau�itter. LITTLE LOCALS' Goderich baseball team won from Zurich yesterday in the fornrer's. The Girls' -Club of Willis church. :intend holding , U t„a- . on , June 17th. 1VIitehell lacrosse team plays the local team 'her'e on Wednesdayeven- g innext.. T1aca M sscy-TSarris agency has .been leered up front the "'Midway" to their, new quarters in the PaIaer There are runlets ol: quite a long last or real estate changes in Clin- ton but weallowed are not al erred to an- nounce thein as yet, Miss' .Bessie Morrish is assisting the 'Clinton Hard-Walre and Furniture' Company -nut with their .office work fora Sow weeks. Vbs. 11. 11 _Dale: of Constanoe; who is With her• daughter, MIs. J. S. Miller, Ding street, has- • been cMite seriously- zii-b1t i s improving. The lOarmers''Club and the Coll,eg Hate board anent to -night to discuss the establishment of an Agi•icitltural department in the Collegiate.' The Meeting to discuss Hydro en the ,farms ,will .be held 111 the office of' the District Representative treat Thursday 'evening, June 1st. The ,Clinton Hardware and Ptnni-. titre Go., otherwise Messrs, Bail, At- kinsen 5c Gap'e' have lied a door cut between their hardware and 1t ift- Lure departments, sir. Fronk Pennebaltor Was success - fall in passing Iris: examinatiolIS tit the School or Pharmacy and 11l;r: James Wylie, son of Rev. 'Mr, Wylie, oke Blenheim,: formerly- or. Clinton, cat- tied oft heiloni•s. Mrs; ,7. Hale wishes to express her thanks to the Chosen Iirieisdo and thT O.' Y a o 0, P. for tire' prompt pay..,. lie, t i. i n of insurance poltetes carried by her late husband and also to the friends and neighbors for -p 101518 10 her Suring' cre11. THE lOME: PATE It ur�ll be Appreciated 11111 ,T. T, CRICII 1 A,SSL+'S , Mr. J. T. Crich,, atter a severe a11- ness e Leucn over S ev4 1tton tis pasoed away: s esterday evening. The funeral will tale place to-ntor- row afternoon from his residence, Isaac street, :service at two' o'clock. A nto}'e 'extended .obituary notice will;,appear next week, DIVINE REALER, AT CREDITON A 'Divine healer," a spiritualist, John J. Steinmetz, is malting a bit of a stir at Crediton, having come over from Detroit last fall and settled in that village, I -Ie claims the 'gift of. being' able to heal by the laying on of hands and ' (minions differ : as to the trutlr of his 'claim.' COMING OUR WAY. • The trend of business in Clinton is no rt wtad : No doubt the magnet of The News -Record is drawing itthis way; :During the past yearthree grocery stores, a fruit • store, shoe' store and, the rMassey-Harris agency' have been 'located, in this &rid of the town and we have the` largest depart- mental store, than, of the 'Clinton Hardware and Furniture Company, Things are comingeour Way., 24TH OVER AGAIN' Yesterday was the 2411i, and an ideal day,' for a:holiday, being neither too hot nor too cold, The day was spent: M•various ways. Many visited - friends in isited•'friends-iii other places 'or 'spent' the da :,, t he flake an' ' Y at d seine'` staycfl' qusetly'.at, home; not ii ')sad pl'lee on a holiday: `If i,, s8eekly' ,newspaper peoplehad their way no y holida "' would':occur later tri the Week than Mond until &Y, ret 1 Fxxlay. • ;Amid -week holiday delays things badly.' A MOTHER DEAD. Mi-.; G, B. Harris ,recieved word on Friday of the death of his..mother at the home of her 000, 10` Pittsburg, Mrs. Harris had come" . from her home at Norfolk, Va., intending to visit there for a time and 'then 0001e on here for -a visit but she 'contracted'. pnotimonta and sank very' rapidly. Mrs, Barris visited,'i11 'Clinton last year•ao l will be remembered by many .here. :" The remains -were taken back to Virginia' for. interment. LOOKING you. IDEAS The following went -up, to Listow- el on Tuesday to look 'over, the' Itos- italu'11 ,thatt_own 10 pick, n,p.icteas, toward: malting' over the lately ao- quireti hospital building. in• Clinton: Mrs. Hunter, Mrs..Trewartlia, Mrs. Shanahan, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Cooper Mrs.; Brydone, Mrs. Meburr'ay, 141i's. Manning,_ Mrs. Plumsteel and Miss Walkinshaw, IVliss. Granger and Dr. Gandiere Mr. W. Plumstoel and Mrs. - 'Sharp.: also 'went, driving'two of erre CS1'0. - They' were received very court- .eously by the hospital' authorities • of Listowel and Were sboWn the build- ing which is - well equipped. end• fit- ted. The Listowel hospital build- ing ' was formerly a residence and, like the; Clinton building was' pres- entedto' the town by a public spirit-' ed citizen. - DEATH OF J. SNYDER., The death took place on Friday af ter but a couple of weeks' illness, of an old and'respected resident of this town and section, in the; person of John Snyder, who was in his eigdity.; second year. - Mr. Snyder was born in Waterloo county,` corninguu to this county with 1119 young- wife, f0merly Miss Rebec- ca Baer, ",in 18G4. Tiley" settled in Colborne township, and there they. resided ,:Cor many years. In 1886 they moved 'onto the iai3O on the -bait- laud 'concession now occupied by his son . Mr. T evi Snyder, and in the :fall of 1889'. they retired fxoitl the farm andc� nat & to 'reside in. Clinton. In "February, 1S48, Mrs. Snyder died and two years laterThe married Miss Ag- new. ':Por many years Mr, Snyder resided'. on liur011 street:but a couple of years ago he removed 10 the resi- dense -purchased from Mr. C. holland on Albert street. Mr,. 50yclee,=al- though' feeling the frailties of age, was 81;111 able to he -about untilabout a fortnight before his death when he took -a., :weak turn and never really rallied until the end, • The funeral took place from his residence on Sunday afternoon to Col- borne. cemetery. The servicee were conducted by •the:' Rev, 5, Anderson, pastor of Ontario street,chtirch; to which the deceased belonged, and the •re•s woegdsons, Willpailiiaiearl, Ilarveoys'801thrS tattele Sri ter, YranYI and Fletcher Fisher, a nephew, .Mr. Snyder 58 survived, by lies wife and one son, Levi Snyder of Colborne, and two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Piagey, and Mrs. S l ae r,: of Preston. • Those 311050nt from _a distance Tor the funeral were; Mrs, Jesse Snyder;, hnd Mrs. 01tas, Twee: lie, o Goderich> Mo, 'and Mrs,"'I+imtigan, Nile; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Agilew, Li/61010w; Mx. Mainolin Beaton, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs, Joseph 'iingey; Ervin Tiagey; Mr. and Mrs, Abraham Snyder; Lawrence Snydeir and,ltir. Aaron Baer and two soils, of Preston. 4 'lobnnnesville Mr. W. IT, Lobb is the lay dele- gate t appointed from the TI hnesvtlle 1'tothec `st h 011 euit lo the tendert Con. trirence, to meet, 015 - WiTdoo1' next. weer ,ie 1Vf , s ) Iohites '•<i the t o ) 17 Cf. F6ate from the. IV, 111. 5, of thellolm<itl• vi11c aliurrh,. 'this gettlerittg is also held hi W ndse r, 50n0endng on i¥on., day next. Peop11i Yon T row ,„ Miss Emma Higgins, is home 'from Vaasa, for the long vacation. Mr, and 1)1re, W. McIntyre and fain- ily'.ntotorecl to London on Satur- day and "spent the week -end with friends. here. Auburn A meeting to, discuss the erten- siert ofhychro power will rbe-1le1'd, in the. Forester's Hall,'- on Wednesday evening, May 31st,, ",Engineers Pur-. cell and Castor of the Hydro Elec- tric Power Commission, are to give b talks on the subject' illustrated with. moving pictures. The' young people's society will hold their. ' regular ' meeting- in the BaPtisf church, nenday even;` in g, The 'Baptists wxtill presentheir cantata, :"Tire - BeautifuSul Citty," on this occasion, - The baseball team are busy prac- tising.' They played; l with -Westfield-' on Mondayevening'for practice. Mrs. W. T, Riddell, who has _be en visiting Criends. at Ailsa Craig has: returned, Iiome_ Landesboro Mrs. I -I. Quinn, spent a few days -in ':Clinton last week' with' her sis� ter, Mrs,' W. T. Herman: A large number from this locality Spent ^the:holidaY „ t Iz yfigir • Mi, 1aanlc Fin land who, ha4 just ,completed,IS s Arts Con see Toren- , 1,t ,a to University; ,is home .for „a few Mr. George Thompson has -pur- chased a new Chevrolet car. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Herman, ac- companied by Mr.• G. Jenkins and Miss' M: Cantelon,-of Clinton, spent Sunday at Mr. Caldwell's. Mr and YTos, -W. Jones of Tani worth and Mrs. 'J. Barker and son, Ross, of Toronto, who spent the past week with the ladies' parents, Mr. and blips. John Fingland motored back to Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. Bell spent a fey,' days of last week with relatives. at Westfield. ` Oii Saturday night.. a public meet- ing' was held in the • hall to form, a baseball club. The meetinewcas, well, attended, and ' a committee consist- ing, of Itev, Jas.\ Abery_ and Mr. Will Lyon, was appointed to secnsn,, a : couple 61 acres of 31ud fro 1t Mo. ;Charles Lee, and the ground •was staked out on Monday. The first game'was held on Tuesday- evening, We are indeed glad -to see the young mien take up this sporting spirit, aiid no doubt many enjoyable games will be :played throughout the 'summer,. Miss Mabel Harvey spots the week -end with' Miss jewel C-r'tiiiger•. The regular anonthly, ,meeting of the Women's Institute .will be held, at the' home of Mrs. A. Weymouth. on June 1st.; , The subiegr for 'this meeting is "Cheerfulness, and will :be taken by Mrs. J. Crawford, Mrs, Shaddicl Mrs. W. Lyon and , Mrs. Weymouth will be the hostess- es, Ba eld • Mr, ancLeeM s, E. A. Sander, and family and Mr. Frank ErWin of Kitchener. were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Erwin on ,Sunday. Mrs, W. Trebiecock' and son of tended are spending _a week in their summer ,cottage in' 'Lake- side Park. • Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Culles of Lon- don, are at : their surtinier Home on Tityli street. Dr. and Mrs:. Woods, bias. Buchan and Rev. A, Macfarlane Metered to 'Whig•hain ;on Tuesday:, Mr. 110 . (oi°don GalTfes'has, proved his. Saintly to Mr,. James Johnston's house on Louis street, IVIi's, W. Govenlock 'of Seaforth is the guest e et of g lzer sister -Op -caw- Mis.. W, Ferguson, Was. Thotiipson, "of. Goderich is the guest of her sister, Mrs..Coiv 1e, ' bti'. Clarence Pollock of Port t Mc- Nicol spent the holiday at his home here;. Dr, and Mrs, Gerald and family and bIx'. ' and Mrs. Fitzgerald of London are summering in Deerledgo Park. Miss Helena 'Brownlee of Gode+ r. ich is N;isifirig• her: grandmother, Mrs, Pollock •of this 'village., "Mr. W. E,'Manness and family and W. II. :Robinson and .family of Lon- don are 050tipying the• :. sunnier net - bilges on Tuyll` s-treet.: 700' W. Metetlf, son of 17r. and 11Irs, Metcalf, left last: week to be- gin a course in architecture. Mrs. M, Biggart, . who spent; the winter in Toronto, has returned to Bayfield, Mr.: •1'. S. Glass o:f. `tendon has his cottage oil the terrace pretty well on toward ; completion and it is going to be .a very handsome struct- tn 0, Mrs. 1Tully of Detroit, is haVing fine'btimgalow built op the terrace and it is' alinost completed, •Mr, -Torn Bailey has 1ft to spend the slimmer on the lelc00. Things are beginning to get quite lively in 13a'yfiold now, although. the tourist rise n 1 season hes scarce] opened t y p yeti. Wherevee one turnsturne there arc new buildings going tip and Chose veto. colpo early Ithve' the saitisfao- i,iotF f s&ctrl Bayfield t t' a o g a, c a it. best, fit the )oeln' and varied ente :110 shades of. spring,' A large number Of 'Visitors enjoyed the ,scenery of lake ;and Woods qn the 24th. • CQZlstance' grs. Robert Rlscrt Claitk, Mrs, W., But= ton NTrs: C. McGregor an op e h- and Js 'ire Livingstone attended the W. M S. district meeting at Westfield on t Iue scl , y of last week. Mr 'Georg`e Riley, or 'London is , spending' a few weeks around the age, Messrs.Joe and Frank Riley are working on the atone crusher near Blyth. Mrs, W..McIntosh and Mrs: Os Tinier dor spent Friday with friends at Brucefield and ICippen. Mr. and MTs. Button moved to Pxeter on Tuesday of this week. Quite a• number, went to Seaforth on Tuesday to 'hear Mrs. Smith, .the returned' Misisonary'from .India, THE GODERICR `METHODIST,: DISTRICT W.111;S, CON- 1 VEN'QION: The 30th `annual convention ' of Goderich " District Wontan"s :Mis'sion ary Society was ` held , in Westfield Methodist' church,: on Wernesday, '. May 17th.' 'Owing,- to. the illness of lies ,husband,` the District Superin- tendent, ' Mrs. Hick,.. was unable;, to liGt:present. ,atd•Mips . .'Rob Robertsen, assistant 'superintendent, hook char 'e 'of the Meeting.; P The. afternoon se sio`n ob @ s ee P n a by singing th-e-'Doxology followed 'by the `L'ord's Prayer in unison Mrs. Case of Dungannon' conduct- ed- the, devotional exercises. The mitttites: •of last' convention were rend and approved. 'The');•e or i'roln the auxiliaries were thenp_ en, sixteen out of the • seventeen auxiliaries having 'delegates present. - The circles and bands 'reported a splendid Year's work, Miss Olive• Lobb of GOderich,render d a'very .beautiful musical selection. Mrs.'MCCamti s, of .Clinton blanch; superintendent of Christian steward- ship, gave, a splendid talk on the work' of her department and advised that each stewardship superintend- ent procure the text 'book, "Stew- ardship` Studies," -,fir ,use in 'the meetings. 'The •1aci's quartette ' . u+ q a nett` ofi•Bl e Nth, Mrs:. • King, Miss Iiillborne, Mrs. Fleetly, and 1VIrs.,McIlroy, with Miss Gidle as accompanist, favoredthe Y convene tion with a selection. Miss . C. Wellwood, missionary ,..on furlough from 6hiira, gave a very interesting- address on her work of training nurses in the Woman's Hos- pital at Chengtu:, Told soiree of her exerienee in. building and equipping the. hospital and the difficulty met, with in getting•, Wren to dothe work; Miss Wellwood spoke of the aUiecK tion of Chinese sins to training for _nurses atter of how these objections were overcome. The difficulty of getting text books, titan, of which had to be translated;: Also told of how during the cholera. epidemic, the which had been n ctol sec .. te hospital„ during the intense heat of July and • August, was opened to .admit the cholera patients and how every one of the girls, in training volunteered for service and in. one day the hos- pital was- filled to capacity. Two .: classes have been in training, seven Itaying'"completed the course.. and four of these have registered in the National 'training school. It (wars' moved by Mrs. Carr, of Blyth,. sec- onded by Ms's. 1VIcCa11us and car- ried unanimously Unit 4 resohition of sympathy be sent to our District , 1 Superintendent, •111rs. Hick. Rev, Mr. h risen took charge o the he elec- I i hien of rri'. ocet•5, Miss 1)1,- Roli e`rtaott was elected superintedent, Mos. Carr,, assistant, mid Mrs,- Andrew secretary,. A very tasty luncheon•. was served by the Westfield_ • ladies during which an address of welcome was given by Nlrs, M. 11100P -ell and : D Nile. replied. t byMrs, Maslow of Nt , 1 0 R An invitation was given by the Con- stance ladies to, hold the next con- vention. at that place.. The evening session opened at 7.30, -Rev, A, D, Millson presiding. Prayer by .Rev, Mr. Waldron of Dungannon. The ladies quartette of Blyth again sang a 'beauti.fuI Selec, inion, The superintendent's report was given' showing h membership of 777 for the "District, 'a decrease of two lrops , last year, Tho. total t ' 'ser t t 7.4•L amount o the T3 ncli'aritouittod to. 90,610,10, a decrease of $39,21. To -offset this ,the branch has re- ceived this year a bequest of one hundred .dollars from a member of North St. Church,,' Goderich, who passed away some time since, The Brotherhood :choir situ g•,. "Where HC`' l.,eads."'. Miss Woilwbbcl by request, sane in ' Chinese I boat' Thy g C ,, , Wel- come Voice, Ilei address 'in, the evening was on "The Call from the Women of China to ithe Women' of Canada," 'Silo spoke of the many calls"that had eome'from China; The famine call, the political call, The commercial Call, but none hove been so insistent' ne the call of the wom- anhood, she told of, the degraded po•: &tion of the won5en of Chinet, and how the missionaryis trying tohelp , them to aItti,ig he), piano, This 'very success.1'ol convention l 00n5 brought 1 g t a clash with.. O la er by Mrs. 1r, Campbell, president yof :r the Westfield Auxiliary, : One hun- dred and eighty delegates regis- tered.