HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-5-18, Page 8"" ,ItiR5DAY, ri(Fi Y' Y&tis" 'WILLING '1 O ' 33LI(xi' "John; i' Maid the to teher severe- ly, its he handled n `ohunk of vile- loolsiiig "allowing”. "allows g" 'Witikli h e h as otlc n Ca which ia thought- dohn inn tai 'b s.ble to a r,•oant Fot;;' "di ey on -chow ltob ede 1" '''1Ve;" piled. tohii, I' don't 3utti' obh$ingly, "T know whs2k l e ski get 'sr c17e'sv- dor `nate damage clone the ]'iirlcton T.eilapone System in the recent storm' is eatnnl;ted,' iib $24,000', 11 Clinton Nets -Re or Vir5edattee received at HenSell re, Gently advising' the til hives of the lane Petee M ietwen oe hits death 4;1e tva •a seri '01 the late Duncan mac, to o one It L ft the,early n �c r.rl 5 t P t Y 4t leis kit the township of Uaya end- at the: tine of his4d0,ath *las the'oltly surviving tot o ' the said I unci McI+' rdn the Ll i dee, who just before ,tTgnsall„was sure; tie d ao a village, eyiu life lEcxni, Pt; tle cornier of the London and Zneich Roads, to the late Wilhann Mon, who surveyed the greater part ief it into village let's whi&lx now tonus ehn • iotith'sid6 o.f $ho vxllago CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELRY STaR;'l p elegy at ' e ;r :Prices,:;: Watches, Clocks, Rings, Silverwate, Etc.' It will pay you to investigate our special sale of Alarm Clocks. See our north window, Weare sole agent for Phonolas and Apex Records' R. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Opt eiaa Neat 1 ovey's Drug ,Store Special Prue for Quip: About_ 75 pairs of Ladies' and Growing Girls' Brown calf and kid shoes, All sizes+3 to "7," Lines 'brat sold regularly up to $8,50. Clearing price for to- day, Thursday; friday, and.Saturday $3.99 About: 20 Men's and Ladies' Raincoats,suitable for light coat for a wet day orcool evenings Clearing price for balance of week : $3.48 .' Other`linesto clear at equally low prices for cash only lumsteei Virus: PHONE 25, R SMALL PROFITS SMALL 'MORE BUSINESS i ANOU.NCERENT The Executors of the -estate -of the late John T. Harland Ireg' to annon,ice the •saleof tate business to '1VIessrs. ,:Ball &one C piny, and to inform persons indebted to the iate,firm of Har- land Brothers thatthe book debts and other accounts remain payable to•: the executors, who will •retain 'use of the office at the Harland Store' for the purpose of receiving payment. The estate is being closed up at orrice and forinea euStoni- ors of the firm will conferp, favor by making .pionipt settlement. In severing connection with the business community of Clinton and the district, the Marland family desire to eicpress their high appreciation of the pleasant relations that have existed during their fifty-five' years of business in Clinton.. JOHN L. HARLAND, AMELIA, 1[ARLAND, MARION HARLAND' 1Jxeeutoes. gramenteavieestonme Paints, Varnishes and Stains Whit al e Lead Raw. and Boiled oils, Goal Oil Lubricating Oils uber°oid Rboflx2g of all Grads a de11 1 - �.ai � . �� Hardware dwa>re IAR»WARiC Ger rdtie . iifCT%ICA14 • FLU1NBINf1 OIl9t 0111E IN A MON'I;IIr rROM NOW ANL) SAY YOU SAW - A Brass Extension Red : with Si}ver Ends, extdnding ;from ' ,( 22. to 40 inches, :torr IfII ' 131JY THEM . NOW. We' have twelve dozen to'start With, don't knew <liow''long they ' will list. mfto :1. Fair Go. Often the Cheapest ---Always the Beet 'ECIRlIST A. /4. Cole Eye Sight Specialist, an Honour "Graduate"lraduate ' of the Canad- ian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Goderich, Ont, Office hours: 9 a.nl. to 5 pen. Practice limited 'to the eye. Miss^Ruby Irwin was in London Yes- terday. Miss Minnie -Falk of Gadshill is vis- hang her aunt, Mrs, Akam. • Rev. D. N. MoCamus is in Lindsay, this week attending the funeral of a relative: Miss Agnes',Walker- was down from Clifford spending the weekend at her :home in town. Med. C. Llewellyn.Bilkey is in Strat- ford this Week attending the W.A.; Diocesan convention. • " Mr. and Mrs. H. Penuebaker spent the week-endwith friends in God- erich and Sheppardton. Miss MMm•Grl' Hospital.ary. stair.'cCa, Torousntoof; isthe spenenedinag a vacation at her home in town, Wesley parsonage. - Mr. and Mrs. Ballentytie'of'Edmon- ton see here, en account of the see- ious illness of the Tatter's mother, Mrs. E. Rathwell. Mr. G. S." Robertson of Lucicnow, was in town last week, coining down to attend the .funeral of the late' Chas. Canon of Stanley on Thursday. • • Mrs. Squires acid little son of Rot- terdam, N.Y., have been here for the past, week, being called hone by the illness Of the_lady's moth- er, Mrs. E. Rathwell, Mrs. R. Metall visited friends in town last week, conning down to attend the funeral of the late.. Mr. John T Harland -She returned to Godeileh on ,Sat�uday;•evening, Miss Edna Pennebalcee leaves next week to. spend some time with Mrs. J. B. McDonald -of Toronto: ,She Will also visit her sister, Mrs,' 'Thos. Watts of. Oshawa, before returning Me, F. J, Brown of Bearinseille, who sodic •time , ago bought out the Johnston bakery and 'confectionery'. business, which is managed by Messrs. Mason and Ireland,- was in town •last -week. Mr 'and Mrs. C. 'W. Williams were Mitchell yesterday attending the ;wedding of the latter's aunt, Mrs. Annie Elliott, who was married to' Mr. D. Eelcnifer of Clinton at sev- en o'clock yesterday evening. . Mrs, . Fowi.er;';Mee. atcCamus, and 'Wes. A: T. Cooper attended tate annual' meeting of the W.M.S. of Goderich Methodist distciet at " Westfield yesterday, es represent-- - atives from Wesley church aux- iliaey. M. and Mrs. S. McGee, who are guests of Mr and Mrs. J. F. Wasinan, motored up: to ,visit- friends at Brussels, Belgravc and Kinenedine fol' a clay or so this week.-Th ey also intend takingung little trip town toPetrIea and a Me, and Mee. Sameel-1t1eGee and son, James, of Seattle, Wash,, are thegnests of 'Vies. McGees sister, Mrs,' J. F. Wacinan, Mr. and Mrs McGee motored :front: `twrleve- land' hero and have also visited Mitchell relatives, 'ljltey intend -making the long 3ourney home: by motor.; Miss Joan Middleton, who is teach- ing in. Toronto, intends 'visiting Europe - with the J, L. Hughes party, sailing on June ,30th. Miss Middleton will visit. Oxford and satiny other histone places in Eng-. land, besides the show places in Europe. Her sister, Miss Helena, took the trip two years; ago, Mrs.. Was. Shipley, Mrs,. Geo. Ship- ley, Mrs, S. Anderson,, Mrs, Itod,- away, Mee'. L. Levis, Mrs J. B. Levis, Mee.. Govett, Mee. Frank.. Gley, Mrs. ' E, Jervis and 'Miss Brickenclen attended " the Goderich District W .IV/ , 5. annual meeting in Westfield yesterday, repsosent-, ing Ontario- street schurch nuxil- nary. Miss Michie of Dublin, Ireland, who has been visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Wive, R. Rolland, during the bast week, left Tuesday; to visit relatives in Stratford, Miss Michie will visit relatiyos in Can acTri until September and will be bael,to Clinton later, She tells tltriil;n stories of the situation in Ireland but says one gets need to the distm'baneec rend that ninth may happen at the other end of the oity and one may know little.: of it eieeptby rending the news paner>.' ash 454 Carr%) and Deftve j 0,4 'NE[ UI' ea P'horr 48 arge Pineapples_ for canning at 25c and 30c .: Extra Special Large, beautiful Bananas 35c --dozen FaY cy Cakes Lemon Crispi .15c•lb '' Soap 15 bars Soap P. & e, • and ' Gold Ammonia, 3 packages $1:00 23c, Table syrup. 5 pounds for Lard, 3 pounds for . Shortening, 8 pounds for - 10 pounds Sugar for 20 pounds Sugar for 390 530 500 67c $1,34 " Broken Shelled Walnuts ::per pound 6 TEA Lanka, Ludella and Blue Ribbon 49c Head Lettuce Leaf Lettuce Green Onions • .HW SPECIALS Tomatoes Strawberries' Fresh Salmon ;,`Trout Daily. `: Cucumbers Asparagus $aDfleld Wt. Richard Elliott' has impedved the appearance of his residence by having a verandah erected: Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Chapman and family of London 'spent the week- end at their 'surnner residence in Lakeside Park. Dr. and Mrs. Atkinson "and son Jack of Detroit arrived In the; vil- lage this week. Me. A: • T. Cooper ' of Clniipn oc- cupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's church -on Sunday evening last in the interest ,of Social. Service. :, Me. and 14rrs. Barton, and family, of Goderich wenn the, guests. of Mrs: Barton's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Falconer, on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Manness and 'family - of. Loudon spent the week -end at their summer residence in the village; ""- Miss Hilda I{ing, who 'has' spent the past few menthe in Detroit, re- tunred home this week, The Mother's Day service, Sunday morning .at St. Andrew's- chs.=.rch was particularly interesting. The sing- ing Wee` led by a ;mother's choir, Mrs, Thos. Harrison; .Mrs,' Wm; Pol- lock, Mrs, Arch. Armstrong; Mrs. M. McKenzie, Mus. J, Stewart, Mrs. A. Rouatt, Mrs Robert Scotchmere. Mrs, Armstrong sang' a solo in beatt- tiful voice. No ;celebration has been arranged for the 24th, but in the everting the. comedy, -"Who Owns the Flat?" will be given in. the, town hall by the St. John's-Dee/natio Club, of:.Lon- don, under the apspites' of -Trinity church Guild. A football club has been organiz- ed syith the following officers: G. E. Greenslade, president and manager; Rev. •Alfred Macfarlane, secietar'y-' treasurer; committee, 1-1. Baker, Rev, 1t, 0.'Pitts, D. Murray, F. King, %I. Weston, - Miss Wilkes ' of Walkerton, who has been. the guest of, Mrs. (D,r.) Woods; left Tuesday to visit at Stratford. When yeti are out -for on auto ride take a drive • to Bayfield and see the new beildings that are going up. 'It ivill Surprise • you. Rev. Wnit. Hinde la visiting' his daughters at'Thamesvillo and. Port Stanley. , Varna Miss Florence 'Clark of the village still remains mate- poorly, The many friends ' of Miss Pearl Anderson of the Parr line regret to heat of her illness and hope soon to hear of -a speedy recovery. Mr. George Jelinson ha„ pueehas- ecl a brand new ear during, 01o••1-ast week, George believes in peeping. alueast of the times. Mrs.; William Foster was called to Clinton owing to the illness of her mother there. Mr, -Lorne Coleman 'of tpe Sterl- ing i3ank staff 'herr; has been, ee-. moved "tion our midst during the past week. ' Lorne Made many fiiends ,here duYitt the past year, who regret his removal, and wish him every stieiess wherever he is sent, -For the" next three months he will'be volleying at Moncton,- Se. bringvillc," Dungannon and other places; Mr, George'.Pilgrint falces Me place here. Iirb also 'wish hint snceeee. Genoa Coifeeeeee rural adaouu' o Saturday or Mendtty, PASSING Or 'CHAS CALTON, A WELL-KNOWN' RESIDENT OF STANLEY TOWN- SHIP.` The funeral took nlaee , n Thurs dad last of Charles ,Cation, who died -on. Tuesday at his home on the se- cond, of Stanley,. after, an illness of about three, aiianths, Mr. Calton was been at Cambridge, Engalnd, but came to Canada when he was five year's of age. He had: resided •-in Goderich township, in Hullettand at•l' 1 te i y, in Stanley, tak- ing. up the faint on the second about fourteen . years ago. Eleven years ago he married .kiss Lillian Colclough, of Goderich township, ,who• survives hint: He is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. J. Appleby' and Mrs. Livermore,,.,Sr., both of Clinton. Before being.strieken with his fatal illness lie had scarcely known a day's sickness. He•• was an industrious pian and a kindly and good neigh- bor and_ was respected in the com- munities where he was 'known. He 'Was a member of the Anglican church, The funeral services' -were condue- ,ted;by thc,Rev: C' Llewellyn Bilkey rector of St. Paul's church, Clinton, and the •pallbearers .were: Norman Carter, IL "Jenkins, A`, Morrell, J. and A. McEwan and J. Biitchart, The funeral was very largely atten- ded.. Interment was made in. Clinton cemetery. ` :,Mrs, Caltoin wishes to extend her -heartfelt thanks to ell the friends and neighbors for their kindness and, sympathy during her husband's ill- ness acid in her severe. bereavement, . Constance • Mr, and Mrs, IP, ,B, Ball -spelt Saturday in. London and called on their stn at St, Marys on Sunday,'f Me. and Mrs. W. Lindsay of Both- well' called on friends around here •on Sunday. Our football boys played in Sea :forth on Tuesday. evening. Mr. and Mas 'Freta' Stephenson of Brussels 'visited her parents, Mr. Mrs. George Riley,` en Sinnday. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Britton and Rfiss Margaret Love visited their parents at Walton on Saturday evening. At the annual meeting of the Leagle on Friday evening, Miss 13, Wheatley was elected president; Ross McGregor, secretary, and Miss Mildred Britton, organist, 0'N ".m's ; Bakerg Special Friday and Saturday `CITY DAIRY" ICE CREAM Bricks in Crushed Fruit Neapolitan and Reception . are popular. ASI: FOR 01,1If, WHOLE WHEAT BREAD -The •Bread, for Health -- IR. S. CO'N1E11614 Phone 504 'Tile Baker The Illggcs 1 and • the -Smallest in Tore Will get equal satisfaction in..; -the fit' of his clothes if our tape',' line lbs been .around hini. We haye a sort of pride in fitting men that other' tailors can't please. Its the know .how that - tells the tale, . and _our experi- ence and observation has given us .that. Colne in and look over our stock of the very,best cloths• and try us for your next snit. Prices -range from $25 to $55 Davis Sc Herman TIIE VETERAN. TAIi:ORS 'Opposite Town !Tali amear Brown's Men's Furnishings ;Store e. x' ,,.azess C Having !taken over the hardware Business in the �pest s 0arried onby Harland Bros_, we intend continuingthe same and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage.' We "shall continue to carry a full line of the goods usually handledyiby a hardware firm, nand it will be our endeavor to satisfy the needs of all who favor us with their custom. ...01021.1701 Clinton Hardware &Furniture Co. litorebaking.Sale The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist Church will hold a sale of IlOMfELMAI)E BAKING AND DOME -MADE CANDY t Mr, Stothei's' office on Satrap tlal,1Vialf p otli at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, +' Over 2J300,000 farte. iu this coon- try arceeaippe<t with tel@phones. I a terri Service Station All makes of Batteries. Repaired Rebuilt and Charged D',irst'class work ort short notice. 1 LE s GARAGE feats of Red Riveie stud Aeeini,. beano floods threaten to meet beat Winnipeg, ra