HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-5-18, Page 4V k li ft ' S ST k".lir i4! id:;J p M'. i.:,1 ' G ���Qf �� � t� idil�l a � O � �itC . � ii,ppiAfss i s h4 711(1 up 1X1. ill $ t load of\Jpaper? 'per, e Did it ever occur to you 11 your tatwails are the chief space in• yOUr' 1.1 oust) and tlldre:,",161- .portant ineffect,; than the feruis tin s ? 8, .lir 'r (.dTllP.afld 9,.e our ouside'tlrc nralte � W .. r ;' of no efle;~ts tau lit direct.f'i'ouT fi'uo s�oclz -of t the rniaauf cturers, and said at satisfactory prices, ALL PAPER TR Yli~D'FR E "LINTON I II 1111111 III 111111111111111 VIII! 111111111111111111111111111111 (IIIIIII IIII IIIIV IIIIIIIII II IIIIII I UIIIII III I I I IIIIIIIII IIIIIVIIIIII IIIII II, IIII II i n :1iU(IIIIIIIIIIIpNhllllllllllllll,IIIIIIIII�IIIIIHII,III J)ILVL,�,D)I ,III I�, ) ,l ,.ill., J I l I,I _IIIIIII I,, , II -.I II IIII, •K WT-1lT DON'T MISS -TIHIS GLORIOUS :ONCE--A,-YEAR :11,t)UI1) TRIP' EXCURSION, eric ® ! of o t 1'r;AN" CIN( TILE 14,0 VER tlal T.,xterm Note) > annual delight to flower l,ov- l' pl uttn > the g;rtt n is abort to be experienced as spring' is here. Oftenthe desire to plant, however, 1s ca strong that. certain kinds aro set out in the garden long. before they 01)001d be With, the result that many plants: are ruined by late' spring frosts. . There is. no,.. ad-; vantage, and :g•i'eat danger in plant - ung leraniums, for instance,: be-, fore the last week of May, andten- der plants are ;almost certain to be killed. 'In lantins:tho garden; 'it should, always be .kept. in mind that' green grass' -is ono of 'the :"inose pleasing' sights, about at,'6avden-:•`ars flowers without' grass .to 'set them off ,may be compared with i± flictitre 'without a frame, ' The`' Mower', gar- den then should be so plannedthat the ,grass will` not, be much cut up with flower beds, See 'that 'the paces' for flowers, aye along the, boundaries, in corners,` or close to the house, leaving' as much grass as possible 10 ari`unbroken 'area. Ab herbaceous perennials :that ere going,; to be'`planted this storing 5110111d be Set ;out 'as s0on as'possi- ble, oss l b e.now ,as the more growth they have rondo before'n'fantinc' theless, satisfactory will be the •results the first :year. Roses should be planted as early ,as possible, and if., the -plants seem diy „when they. arrive. prude saver. ly• and..•bury :,therm moist sell ,for a couple of days before planting., ' Some,,oii the .hardiest annual flow= eI's,. the seed of :which -can be pla{rt- ec] outside early in May are "Sweet Alyssum, Calliopsis, Candytuft; -Ca- lendula • or Pot Marigold, 'Delphin- ,ium, .: Eschscholtzie, Poppy, Phlox, Druninoo idfi, Virginian Stocks, and Verbena, while - for best . results Sweet Peas, should,be planted as soon as the ground is dry -enough, but g4c1d :success . will be obtained in an average year even if ,there .is delay in•'planting tor 'a few -An- nuals, that ,are, Affected.. by a very little., fres should not, be. -planted be-' iore:':the latter; part of May ,as, in addition to their, •probably,:. being. killed, by frost,,- these . i;encler•, things do not succeed -welluntil the tem-, peratule of the soil is fairly high: This applies also to. such tender: plants as Cannas and -Dahlias, GIS- dioli 'may_11e:planted, any time May. . Lz plaittinq_;tlie flower garden 'it is very desirable to plan it in such a way that thee will, be a succes- sion ofbloomfrom early in .the spring 'until late ' in' the autumn, ".Care ' should : be taken' also to'ar- r•ange the plants in soreli a way that .there will hc,:pleasing blending or contrasts in colours and 'that- the lower .growing plants will be, in the foreground or,, at least, not hidden lay the stronger and taller ones. x �=' c OST. Ti&L PALATIAL' STEAMER GREYYI'OUND•:, � i 4r A �.ei.a -:�� 14,,^� cam,,•',°. Leaving Godorich at p9 30 a.nn., 'June 13th, the Steamer Grey' h9 ind-:'reacl es Port Ilii3cin at';1,30 pail 'and: etroit at 5,30 pm. To enjoy the sights of ;Detroit: you will have until Thursday June 15th ,-at 1.:00 p.m..; when the: Steamer leaves -the Griswold 'Street wharf for the return trip to- Gode rich. Round trip $3; One way $2. "0 ''he last• trill to Detroit leaves Goderich,'Friday, June .16,' 9 3 am„:, MOONLIGHT, MONDAY.), : T1JNE 12th • Don',: fail. to enjoy. the three-hour .Moonlight Trip out of; Godericll • ' -:on Monday - .evening,. June "12th under the auspices of the • y l u33rd Regiment. Laixi. _ MUSIC AND DANCING ABOARD' Adults 50e; Children unde twel ve .25c tlIIItlIIIII11111flIIIIfliIIIIIIIIIiIII.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIit11I III II I liIIillIIIIIIII IIIlilIllliIIIII IIIII(IIIIIIIIII:IllIIIiIIIIIlIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIliI11111IIIiI1I11IIIIiIIIIIII l IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III111111II1I 1II1111ill,ll iIIIIpi FLOOR SR Awonderful finish for floors, funiture, arteriorwoodwlork Clear varnish and stain colors.cherry;oak,walnut, italic art.9 etc. Shows the irain of he wood and is easily cleaned Made to walk-on. "Sue the surface and .you save • a1V' Ch FaMetigi na'r II A R L AND B3ROS (Clinton TIIE NEW ROUTE' WINNIPEG ' SA'SKATOON PRINCE RUPERT BRANDON CALGARY •VANCOUVER REGINA EDMONTON VICTORIA: • ANE. ALL WESTERN POINTS COME ROUTES Leave Toronto 8.45 p.m. daily, Standard Sleepin gg Tourist Toronto to Winnipeg via North Bay.ond Cochrane. Thorough Tourist Sleeping car -Toronto to Winnipeg on Tuesdays. Thursdays, Saturdays' and Leave Toronto 10,35 p,m; "The National” Mondays, Wednesdays: and Fridays via Sudbury and Port Arthur. Solid through train '1 r with Standard and Tourist Sleeping cars, Coaches, Colonist car and Dining. Car Service. .Connection at Winnipeg for all points West. I Get full particulars, reservati s, ere., from local Agent or nearest Agent of the Canadian National — Trunk Railways. 'k'OtH CAN. HELP. Just how to spend the " Sabbath day may be to .some 1)0150ns a ,dfli.- cult prohlem„ buh to the person 1V110 desires to live up to the fourth com- mandment, "Remember the ;Sabbath day to keep it holy," there should bo no ,difficulty, 'When people got into their motor car Sunday morning, ge to the. garage for gas and oil, drive to a summer 'fee0ih /or dinner, and also expect the venders of fee cream and candid to supply them with oth- violating the Sabbath but also the Lo'rd's Day Act which was framed to assure for all employees a, day of. rapt,. The Huron County Social Service Council are asking the public, through the press, to assist ht'a better obser,. vane° of the Sabbath day, and the'lro_ tols, garages and; restaurants are; co; operating,, , PostersMay now be soon in the garages, "We 'Want Our, ' Sundays" acid "Buy Stuidny's ,Gatolin0 . on Saturday„” e1', rcfreshrirents, they are not only.- You call help, you do ae `Otis of ppenifg-.. i l lee Cc uln1yl airid Dista°>ta Toro Paisley soldiers' memorial will be oPlieially unveiled 00 Wed- ncsdlY, May 24th The chief .speak- er' at the unveiling will be .the Iiev. John McNeill, D,D,, of•Walnier Road Baptist church, Toronto, 0 former Bruce county boy. Other speakers' will bol J, J. 1\Iorriso'n, 12<, 1 Fen- ten, M,PP ; A. P, MaeWhinney, IVI,P,P,,. Major J, .p, Tolfnie, 111;,. P,P. J. 1'. Findlay, M,P.-and' James Malcolm, M.P. IlIr, Cockburn Hays of Goderieh has completed his 'legal con±Se and. is going 10to the legal businoss or his:' tither, - Mr, eR, G.' Hays, ,A •iuron 1902111)' lady, Mrs. (Rev.) Jaynes Ha•milton' of Codeiich' was elected vice-president of the Provin- cial Presbyterial a 1 P , vtoz atits animal con- vention. on-vention. in Ottawa rcecntly. , Mr a W411.iarn -Ainley, a son 'of the' familf after whoni'1russelsz former- ly called• Ainleyville, was tamed, died recently in :Toronto. De had been a resident Of B1'uisels until 'about sev1- enteon year's ago. . Much street, Work' is going on 10 Wifigham'uncler the direction of a firm .frons Hamilton.' W.'_ 1., MACOUN;, Dominion Horticulturist Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton have removed from their.' faun in 1Tu`ckersmith-to their new home in EgnlofrdviIIe; Dr. ` Moir of ,Hersail, who has been in the London hospital suffering• from an infected hand,; has retanred;hone and expects to be able to resume his practise Shortly. - Belgrave taxpayers are • to utilize their statute labor money to oil the streets of the `village. STUDY , TOUR FOR BOYS. About the best thing a, father can do for his boys is to encourage: thein to travel and see something ,of the world/ before ,they liaeorlre too keen- ly engrossed in .commercial life. Travel is a , great educator—it en- riches the mindl and fits the youth: to better fill his place in life,' A n011110l boy is observant—he assimi- lates and ssinmi-latesaand retains knowledge.. Travel gives him" his - ,opportunity—it_ fits hint for every phase in life. A tour of Europe is at present 'being organo ed under the personal supervision of Mr. T. II: Matthews, M.A., (Oxon) Assistant Professor of, Mathematics, McGill- University, and late instructor -Lieutenant, Royal Navy. In `addition local guides will be secured to`eohduct excursions and - give lectures on the artistic, historic, literary and econolnid significance ce the sights seen and the places visited A 21105± carefully planned and In- teresting- itinerary has keen arrang- ed including visits to -Montreal, Liv- erpool, Clester, Stratford -on -Avon, Oxford, London, Paris, Versailles, Fontainebleau, 'Rheims,' Lyons; Mar- seilles; Cannes, Nice, Monaco,Men- tone, Genoa, Pisa, Rome, Naples, Sorrento, Capri, Pompeii, Vesuvius, Florence, Venice, Trent, Innsbruck,: Munich, the Passion Play at Ober-, ammergua, Nur'ennbilrg,' iMayence, the Rhino; Cologne, Brussels, Louvain and Ostend, returning through Lon- don and Liverpool. /This exceptional tour starts frau Montreal ' on Saturday, June 14th, calling at Quebec by the splendid White Star •Lino steamship "Cane - pie" (12,100 tons). A- period or ap- proximately two months will be oc,. copied by the tour ashy the inner al',v the` ' return trip is Matto ':troln Liverpool' by the fine steamship "Regina" (16,500 tons) arriving at Montreal 011 August 2611. The arrangements for this • tour are most complete and the charge which is a m himtiln one covers ev- erything in thb way of, traspaaata- ti.on, betel aeconlodaton with three meals a day, transfers, sight-seeing tees, in brief all necessary -tr,avel- ling expenses £tri. the entire tear. Apply ,to any agent of the Cana- dian National ' R•ailWays for 1;u±thor particulars. 47.4' The aneniebrs'or Maitland Lodge, No. 119, I:O,O.F:, Winghanl, -at- tended Pa St. ' t abody t Paul's Church ch in o y on ` Sunday morning,, when the rector.: Rev. II.: W. Snell,; -preached a very able and impressive sermon 'on the,: need of true" -brotherhood, especially in the present' time: Mrs- R, - S. Williams favored 'the congregation with a solo. At the evening"sorvice,. Rev. F. P.o vell, rector of.St. Barn- abas Church, Toronto, and son of T. K. Powell; of Tnrnberry, was pres.- mit and preached` an eloquent ser- mon. Walton is also 'oiling its streets this summer. This- is'•art• expenditure which will bo well repaid in comfort as the season aclvan6es. astextMclville -' 1% c lel 1' ! s.ete1' was Rlni prose kl)b *`,11it11 the Royal humane Soil ftifo Saving medal at u roman 'n�k`• ill (a} 1121 l'tlesbyterian chUtlik 'arei.cr,,.,op SundaywOek Tne,ygdal,wr''p seated iia. recognition a his bravery in r c9et> a io2rato from - r' wuin8. 'IVO winter's ago, The two..124(5-were playing on the, iee:,,when his` eoaalr'aclo broke through ;an2l was being carried down stream hut young 'McNichol, who could ace him under the ic9;,rafl down stream and ,broke 0 holo •, and succeeded in hauling 'the 'drowning boy out, TIua following :yell the young lad Who. oras rescued;1114ns01±, saved is companion':,',he had' got > in nevoid his, depth. He was presented' with li Scout Life -Saving modal". 'Young' McNichol was not °u scilat'at. the ante` of his,' bravo (act,' although the rescued boy Was, 201(1 the Stouts applied fol, and 'received the Humane Society medal ±0)2 1rini, • Mrd, J. :'Wilks Of Woodbridge, has, Beep 'appointed'baandrnaster":oi Wmg:' -ham A Claitdizyesns' ard:B l're •C room r s peen opened: in the town hall, .Wingham,' and the W omen'e Institytd'has -un- dertalten' to tarnish .int' 'decorate' it, M1 'and Ill's `-1t E Jam`e's' who 'were recently harried, 10 To2tornte,_ Katie returned -to roarie t6 take -Po their residence ,,,after ' an enjoyable, honeyntn'on Lrip, Miss ,Agnes McKerchor, ,daughter., of Mr. W.. S. McRereher of .Wroxe ter, has,,-,won.a scholarship: at Queen's' University, :Kingston.. , Lightning Rods Protect Property 'E are agents for 'diet well known; Syston>: of Lightning:Protectio; and the only ones in thio community. authorized to o ui l ' qp bu i drags witdi' Shinn•3i'Iat Lightning • Rode.::.. These Rodsaro"lawn all over America as the most:. scionlifte and certain pro tection for property ever devised. By their use any, building may made gerfeetiy safe. W. B, Day, Professor dfl Physics' at , the Ontario. • :Agricultural Oollege fox twelve `- year', assists in, braining Shinn, Dealers, thus insuring correct $pa, �tallation, J, E. Pollock R. R No. i VARN-A Phone, i5 .on 87 f iensatl -' Rheuanmtism? Or Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago? The, remedy is simple, inexpen. *Ive1 easily taken and harmless. "Telmpleton's Rheumatic .Capsules. Your 'druagist-will supply you. Write for free trial to Temple - tea's. 6a Celberas St., Toronto. Sold by J. E. Floyey, 'Clinton, Ont. "GLENRAA'(1 (835a)'S Enrollment No. 1311, Form 1. Will stand for -the improvement of stock this 'season at finis own stable; Lot 3, Con. 3, Mullett.' 'Terms: To insure, 110.00, payable Feb, lot, 1923. Accidents at owner's risk, Thos, Melvlichael, Manager. -50-3 A GR NO TRU RAI LWAY SYSTEM. TRAIN SI10RVICE P0' TORONTO Daily Except -,Sunday., Lve Goderich , , 6.00 aian. 2,20 p.m. Lve Clinton , 6.25 ami, 2,52 p.m. Lve Seaferth „ 6.41 hap, 3.12 pan. Lve Mitchell '. , 7.04 a.m, 3.42 p,141. ,Ayr Stratford :-. 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.rn, Ari' Kitchener. , , 8,20 a,nl, 5.20 pan; Arr Gttelph , , .. 8.45 a,fn, 5,60 p,m, Agar Toronto .. 10,10 a,m, 7,40 pan, RY1T1: RNING Leave 'T'or'onto (150 a.m.; 1.2;55 p.m. and .,6.10 6.111, Parlor. Calfa ear (ioderich to To- ronto on morning lg train and Toronto to Gorlorich 6.10 p.nr. train. ,Parlor 131027et car Stratford to To- ronto 071 a1±0rn00)1 train, CE, 110510ing, D.P.A., G,I.R, System John Rams:ford St` Sem .Phone ' 57, Uptown Agents, 043.11 "LAWEUL (By A. ±3, -Barker:) ItOU'i':E3 `1'CA: , 41 l3S 13 ITN CANADA;. The Canadian National , Railway in addition to providing' dnonelled 0rvlce between Fasten and Wes: torn Canada offers p a1naons optional routes, You may travel W001W1ard. via the Fort Arthur -Fort William route returning, the northern route'. via Cochrane, and North Bray, 01'•r%ace versa. This means thalt you. aro %n new environments eontintlou sly-• ;A,' train leaves Toronto, (Grand Trunk Ry.) at 8,45 p.m, corry)11)= Stan- Bard. Sleeping,Caar rtoWinnipeg via North Bay, Cobaalt. ''and Oochr'arle daily, and through tourist sleeping car Toronto to:: Winnipeg On ±004' days, Thrusadys, i; Saturdays .: and'` Sundays. "The National," a •'solid•, t.ro+u 'h h g train ;leaves. Toronto for Winnipeg at 10.35 'k.m, every Monday, Wednes•. day and Friday via ., Sudbury and .Port Arthur with,1tand2rd and ±0011- 102) aleening carr, colt1alies, 0olunirs( •,1•02:.and (111.2103. car service (et: full particulars, reseltatlonli, etc', ' r9ui • Is> ;al Agent or. nearest, 1120nU 0f the Canadian National,., Grand Trunk •itailways, ,la1-g The 4191±11;1001(2phaco la`ataweei<'ar ivIT, ,Edward,, -Stewart of Bearn4111er.at the age of 1±11y -eight years. He had been ori poor health for several years. Ile had been aisseciated With ' his brother in the Bonrniiler' ntirser'y oer some tune,' Ho is survived by his, mother 01121211)2 518±0(15 'dU pix broth- ers,' deceased was: a brothel' of Mrs.. c ,l♦4ad iletgti of Godexicla townC. 13.ship, . P120 Seafoi•th Rink Conlpan aril a five, per cent. ,dividend this year. They also have purchased the , lot;ad,, ;joining the rink with a view' to. en- larging at,sorse'future ;time, In 'contracts, palling for. thea l p Y-�t,; nlent of,nioney the phrase.occurs- "in . lawful,nroney a' Canada.':This siin- '`\\1 ' ply memos legal 'tender, that land of 'N II .money which„ parliament has enacted \• shall b -accepted'in. Canada in satis G._cl,. \ i e \ £a L on f n d Tread contract- 9 o any debt already nt act- ed. No civilized government 'at- , ✓� 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111pli)IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIpIlIIlIII(IIIIIIIgIN!I!II!IIIINIIVII (IIIIIII III II I l 1111111111611111111111111111_IIIIu temps tp dictate what -a, rear, shall. accept in exchange for what' he • still' owns. '.. Before- _the exchange , a pian '. May stipulate :for, any lawful coin- rr2oditylkut in• the absence_ of such agreement a debt may be settled in whatever eta:retiey 1s .by. law the legal:, tender, of 'the country In Canada the following is regal .Londe ; ; Gold in the shape 0L l3rrtish Sovereigns at; the rate ofT$4,86 213; Canadian and American goldcoins at their' • face'' val'tie; `up't9 any amount. Notes issued by the Do, - minion Government up to any amount. ' Canadian silver cons up to -ten dollars, Bronze' coins up -to twenty-five cents.. In, regard to ;coins it 'is :-interest- ing to note that their value as such is =not guaranteed by 'Government. All that the Act states is 'the weight and fineness of tile- metal which'eacl2 coin shall contain. So that in re- ality a coin' is simply a weight. Jevon's definition of a coni is "an ingot of metal of which the weight and fineness is guaranteed •• by the government and certified- by the ifr- tegrity`of-the designs'. impressed on the surface d. the metal!! Premier Drury defends inthe house, his Radial Bill. A: 'ilia) OintinehitS4 .Y )ou `tisc„LT-'on�.Distance :.,.. youar'e a Salesman or a'Buyer, 'why gamble Yalu- ; able tithe and 'the cost of railroad fares that the party," you wish to see will `be J in when you call on him? The high cost of personal interview's is materially . re- duced ,and many more calls can be ' made . per -day if yoti••make a definite .appointment by Long Distance. Avoiding' disappointments by ,maldng appointmentsointments over Long. Distance is . . one of most profitable uses. Salesmen cammake 'of it. •ALMY'S a leading Montreal Department store, tell us their buyers always call up manufacturers 'before leaving town to call" on them, • to make ke a sure their tripwi T not' be in vain. Station -to -Station rates reduce the cost: of telephoning, and if' You can telephone. after- 8.30. P.M.—to •a man's/::, home, perhaps the evening rates are only, about: - one-half the cost of day -time messages. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station J}'1 "Built -in -Canada" Sriccinl-51 Oive-Ps,,,o o,, 50-1tarsepower, I120ncit vhpelbax, cord tires, etandead egyipment,. $20751, 0, 5, 1`Vnikernllc, Ont: - I''1 well-informed garage mechanic will tell you the Special -Six .E.-1 lends in value from the standpoint of endurance, comfort, power., '. and economy of upkeep. Drive one yourself and yoii,will realize why. thousa, ds'of owners have found in it those qualities which go to make due -piece Wiia(Is/field with wlndohiL'M wipe?" Toorin,1 $2075 2 -Pass. Roadster - .2025 1 4.•Pat.as, Roadster . - 2375 :1 Coup:' - 3050 Seclan .' - 3250 .411 prkeaf•0.0, 4Vg(lc,oilk. Ont: - • —unusually comfortable, because of its deep., genuine leather upholstery .and long semi -elliptic' springs: front and rear. —endurance and dependability have been built into it by the manufacturer through the use of high-grade materials and workmanship. - n• Studebaker-lluilt L -head.. motor, 332 x 5, develops fifty horsepower. —economy ofupkeep with repair shop attention.. reduced to a minnuuin. •- 4efitiements such as You might -ex pct oi131n higher 'Priced cars. Jeweled eight-day clock on in- slrumont board. Cowl ventilator controlled, .from I idat nstrutnt board - 'Tonneau lamp'With 'extension cord. ' Parl:ingliglirs inloWcr co eery of windshield bade, ''' ' •' Ono.picce rainproof windslticid Large „rectangular plate glass rear window -7% x'23 in. :Cool compartment in loft -hand front door with brae. Transmission lock which teduccs cost of input ancc to owner 15% to 20bJo. . One key operates t.iteleOle lock on igllil:ion switch, transmission, and windsliieltl base. and tool' comp'srtaneiif., t such value an t' .`al -six you e i v d satisfaction In 11e Sppcl y g , i s tion us' only Studebaker, the worlds largest builder of sixes; offers.. 1-1;1'S 1S A aT,AJDE 18AKER, '‘'EAR Eas wears:.. T. F. HOLLAND arage5 , Ooderich, Phone 234