HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-5-18, Page 3srr,i; tTlif EDUCATION BY DR. J, J. MIDDLETON . provincial Beast' of Health, Ontario st Middleton will be alai te Witmer questioes on Pub1ie4lealth met- n tere tittotiglethis column Address !inn et Spedina-Douse, Spitdina eteaceet, Tarento. The etteSee or influencee that bring abotitta. laxity of Morals aa one efAlle great 'probleme acing .411 Public .Denith offleitils and nerkers for cial betterment at the present time, Prefeesor J, A, Dale of Toronto Uni- varsity in "reftseriag to the eaMPalgu no•tv 'lichee waged against venereal disease le thiseprevince !eitee., eeveral 'influetiees that •May tend laniards. a 10WOre'd laniard of. morality. 'While admitting that environment '•Is a powerful factor in, the deVelloPmen of 'character, Prof,essor Dale -emphasizes the tact that lemma beings inherit certain tendencies for good or evil that pleyta: large part in their Atti- tude towards life in- general, and their recital, trierel and: physical make-up. • The oliginal inetincte of every ItilL Man :being, he said, determine to emit° 'extent bia daily eels, the thirtge he notices and his attitude towards these things., There is in"some htdividuals an innate :tendeney te wrong ,cloing • due to faulty heredity, but thee ten- , dencies CAT1 ba in great gnat eracli- eathd or •lesiened by the. exercise of will,* control through" the eheke of lines of action mad conduct. Sex inetincte, Professor Dale explain,S, go deep and far, much beyond; the mere matter of reproduction of the sp.ecies, These instincts are intricately woven into the•vvhole human *miter:ark: In dealing' with ,sueh a Matter, the prob- lent beeomos ope of mensal eduoation '‘''''tarolarile • of. mortality 'are •Iso be raised. Purification of the mind and body of seeiety is whet IS steeded, but how cyan this be doe? By iecreasing. the • Moral strength and deereaeing moral weakness. Apart, from the hereditary tendenSies ' of the Videal, there are Many influences thattur_doehtedly bring 'about a lower - ling , of morals. These :infltheecee are well known find conmeriplace, but iforlethe- lees ,ds.in rerous PovertY, bad "houSing "aceemnitidation, think, lack of exercise, delayed mar- riage, weary monotoneus vverk, idle boredom and, of course, the activities of brothel :keepers and Moral degens era tes, - • ' At once •the rnagnitucle f this task towards moral and social betterment becomes apparent. Knowledge, refin- ing influeuces and healthfi1 activity are badly needed ,everytvhere i pres- eclarlay life's' but it seems 'sometinics. as if" radieal changes will, have to,be made in our whole social and Indus- trird system, if the underworld of vice and the tendencies, thereto are to be cleared away. Intelligent anen and wo- men in all progressive •countries are trying to 'find a common plan Or ground work for carrying on eon, certed action teevards a raising of •the literal" standard of bath men and W41. men. At present the work-hae hardly ‘bergun. • . , OIL OR GAS LOCATED BY THE PENDULUM EARTH'S DENSITY AF- FECTS OSCILLATIONS. Pendulum Definitely 'Predicts , Absence Of.pil 0,114Possi- bility of its;Pieserlice. We have stopped before' a clock •tund watched the pendulum go to and fro, 'aucl tick' off the Secoads or time In its ceaselees work. Why 11 ticks, off•seeoada, we probably do not knew, and furthermore . do Pot' care—we steely knew that it is itsbusiness turtle ,so. Hewever, the,re, is, 01000011; 10. dependent Upon the length of the pendulum and •upon the tOMOn or pull that eauSee.- it to "oscillate. If We effauge its 'length the •periotl will be different, or if weschaugo. the fOrce or Mill, retaining thoeitime length, the Period will again be different Attraction df the Earth. • The Mill on, fOreedesespentiallY the attraction of the easith...eporis the diss plaeed ,hob of the Pendulum, ee that it We alloW•a pendulrumpf invariable length the swing in filfferent parte of the earth „ an,d note the aumbeat of swings It makes., say 10 em. lionr:or in a day, it will eve us a imeaeure• or determining the differeace of pull or attraction of the earth, which would 'mem tha,t it would tell isa tba rera- tivo distance that' we 'are from the eentre of the earth at the various, sta- tions of observation. From this.it is obvious that the figure or 'etliptieity Of the earth maybe: nand by niearis tit the pendulum. • ' The:figura an rotation .of the, earth affect- the pendulum in two distinct rays. In the northeam hemisphere go- ing. e:outhwertit . say from Ottawa to Wadlingten, we get a little farther, away from' the centresof the; eaith'en account. ef thesequatestal belgee-Then, ferthermeret at Washington the cell- teifugal' force As greater, there' is a .. granter, tendenar to fly tiff; io that altogether the pull at Ottawa is great- er than itisnat Washington, • ' Effects on Spring balance. It may he observed that weighieg hie geld in the Midyear by means of a spring balance and ,be- ileying it to represent so many p,cunds and .outwee, would -naturally be SUT- prked if be weighed, the game gold with the ,staane• spring" baraitee in Cit - dawn., before 'Mining his geld over to' ehe Mint,' to that it weighed less Zero by something like the 550th part: of whatrit weighed in the Yuloan, due to no fahlt of the grade what- . .ever, 'hut siannly thiat gaavity Is lase at Ottawa that - at. plateS further oath This leone remeltvvity spring' balanees areillegal as 0,00a/tees:foe weighing. The greatest difference in .gravaityMpon the earth Is betiveen the poles and the equator, where the dif- ference anments to fully one two. tetediedthe. • " t • . With the groat many pendatim oln servations, or gravity observations, atheravioe called — because by meansof the pendatturn we determine the gravity of, the earth—distributed oyez' names patda oi. the earth, besidee linear metasurenteas which have been, made, ties figure of the earth is determined with a high de- gree ol accumey, so that at any given' latitatle we know do advanoe what the theoretical value of gravity should be Cr, which is tem same thing, we knew accurately the length that the pantie. lum must have in order to swthg seconds there. Rock Formations and Other Minerals The mean deneity a the earth, which 'Is a little over five .aati a 1)111 times that of water, has been.well de- termined and mere scr the densities of the many different kinds ot rock formations and" other•mineralls, .that conethitute the crust of the earth, w- on which the oscillations arp depend- ent. Any change in the distribution, et them will, theeefore, affect the' time cf the csoillatione 'of the Pendulum. It, is elegem, that the nearer matter is moire effective than matter more remote In its attraction on the pendu- lum. • 'Alt • the preceding 11 to explain and emehaelee • that the ovetlialion of a pendulum is, dependent upon the ells- tribution of matter around it anebe- , We aee Just new at the point of ,re- vealink• what the penclitlum eherwsi;a,nd. th,e,worlo carried In by .tlie I)onuition: Observatery. ,Let tie here"'Stuati. a.:! few word's Of the pendulums used for *gravity. elasirvationaTheee pendia hints harO no elooltwoek. They -swing. on CM agate plans aniMeeted by au gate •knifetedge,_ The time .of oocU- labon of a Single savieg le' determined to •aa„ esietraordinary degree of ac- Cuiracytd the '0005 teramiNiolnith of a second of :tiinee--.thst time being de- rived from the stars, ' • • , Tell Whether 011 or Gas .is Pre.eent. ItIence,•11 we set up our apparatus, at a .plaee svhdep latitude is, accurate- ly known, Land deternfine the time, of oscillation • at the pendulum, whose period' is „known at a given, place,Ilk Ottawa and Waishingtons we will find whether ,thees.is,ans excess or defect of masa ilb011e 111E1 station or place. In another wortis esiti'the reveltotion Is . made. We find, for instance, rata the pendulum swing-stoo quickly ter that 'particular latitude, whietliewOuld. mean that there 19 afo exaesss et Maas acting on the pendulum. Seelif a re- sult Wattlg abstaintrely, prechtde the presence ot oil or gasinsthe ,rock for- mation. , This: is surely something worth kinthving to •ther-prospeetor or company 'about to.drill for, oil or gas. 1.1 sie4m4 e far 'story that the "pendu- lum, 'quietly ,-and mintiest invisibly swinging with entail •timpittude la small eel:lam:bed iron case, should tell so surely aalt eo Well whether oil or ens are helper It; for. where 011 01, gas are; the "Same space :cannot' be occu- pied ity dlenseereeks, and if dense rocks ere peesent 10 eXCi4V there oaa- aol be oil or gas ia gas- quantities preseurte soe,that the, pendulum tells ,positimelY--og the, absence of oil ov rr, on theeether hand, we find that the pendulum ie. seviargleg too elow17, when its period is too long, tide would nrean that there is miasma a defect ot 'masts, the teasels for which may be oil, gee or rock of small denstlY, se that while the pendulum k able to predict definitely the abseitee of 'oil tend gas, wlitoh may mean, the savings% of thestsamde ot dollars uselessly, ex- Fended!in the genet' for those doh- poselbility of tho presence of oil or able commodities, it only forecasts the • A Gift from Natures: Storehouse • The delicious, crisp Oranules of the wheat and. barley Food per. !its contain all the natural urp--bitild-- • ing values,of the grainp,uvitaing •mineral salts so essettial to health• . , A food equally well suited, to .the rozt,tirements of' yottu and, Old. 'There:5' tri ieCa.VOZ/"Acr CraPeifflitS Said 1-)y •§rocer ywitore is Snag On Firetincierthe.Sea! "-Par a fill4kOn) Wit) many' fathom; mai, -der,ithe -sec taPaten en: fire eeentiv. all Most .beyorid. Die realties of VO,Ifill,/gltY1' ',But it actually • ha/IMMO ' tt4lhort 'Hine ,"ago-rertaisi lit tho 1100 twe'Mea nearlY het, their livea. "Tbe:!eltip had 'sunk in. fairly "deel0 Water,' off the Florida . cettet; "With a hole its the bettem of her hull .,wheret elle had struck a driftlegentine, end deepite all 00004 to raise tor to the .0tI01aXe; Rite had vefliSed to 1000e. It was deckled that. the MAY way to get the boat uiv wars telpitam aone preseed air into the 11n111,, and so fOreO t11.0,water out, It,that ()Dula lota done, 'ehe' woad froat to the surface. ' !Two divers, vrent downs and,- olinab- ing.intethe sltip rtitrongli the .hble 111 ithediull stopped uP all'cracim inthe hold with piled ,oalartn, This was a , simple matter as:the-large holethat Sank her wee en thobettomend would: eet*have to be stopped! up. Air.pump- ed la would, be- only rablo: to escape tin:melt any IMIees in the top. , . Rut after air heti been "Pumped into the, ship, replacing „the water. In the Main hold, she etill Vreuldnot coma up., There was, o' leak OmeWitere, and the 'ale Woe .eseziping too- fait tee 'their, 100)00000, The two divers .w,ertt ,dowa once ,Mere, and" climbing into the hold of the boat, naw.eniptY 01 water,statnped heavily about in their weighted beets:- Caudles weee lit, and armed with thaserthe men*made,a•oaratut search fortheiPoint where the alr was Ocala= ing, the sud.den guttering of tho-fiame se,assenate;etere.the,:dratight of escalr: Ing air was. • Thonthe diaster oceerred. • Oneof the'firtanes Bolted •the now dry !oakum,' Which, Saturated with tar -and oil, in StantlY-burst intoeflamee. t There wae no 'time to force the hatch retelland loth}, the -water that eurrinieded them,- and, the. two -men, ham:Pared by their heavy diving •Sults,, had to slight the •flames .they could with' their rubbercoVerect hands. ' -One tiny hole to be huent in their Milts regent death! for ,the men either by:•suffoeation %smoke, Or drowning when:getting back into the water: • Fighting•deepirately, they :heat -the flames, out art .lat. Then, Mere dead than alive, the divers stumbled away to theehole.in the ship and signalled to be .drawn unto the earface, funky 01 aot having been burnt to death at the bottom !of the sea. Three Prayers by Stevenson.. Tar Itabert Louis Stevens:oafs journal of hIsifamoue Travels with e Donkey appears , a beatititul'Paseage that fer• some season Was' left" out 111 1110 book 'when it was ,Pliblished. The English- -mare Mr, Vtrillitim, Maids Arnold, who owns many' of •Stevenson'e original manuscripts, has, given it le th:lnlblic along with some other choiCe bits. We quetet. I find tome prayers among the .noblist"eealing• Irz the World; often whensI am acne 1 find a pleasure in leaking them for myselfena onetwoeld • Maketes sonr.,et. As I walked beside piy ,donkey I made a prayer tWe my - Self Which 1 liore-•offer te the reader 1)g Iler nun another thought ,that spiings'em in rue by.the way: : •"0 Gel,, WID0 glvest up day :by (ley the support of thy kindlyncountenence and leveret spirit among the manifold temptatione,eand adventures of thk life, having brought us thus far, do net 0 Go.d, desert its, but With thy continued favors follow us in our path. Keep us upright and healable, and, 0 glum who equally gulf:test all mankind through sun and rain, give us thy spirit of great mercy." Prayer for Mind rind Body: 'live us peace of mind in our day, 0 Lord,. and a sufficiency of bodily comfort that we be not tortured with ,ohanging,' friendships or opinions, nor crucified by disease, bat ever • in strength, ocastanoy and pleasanthess walk ha a fair way".before thy face and in the sight of Men; and If it pleases thee, Q Lord, take tie soon in health of, mind. and -honor of body into thy eternal rest" A Prayer for Friends,: "God, who hest given tie the love of women aed the friendship -of nten, keep alive in our hearts the sense, of old fellowship and tenderness; 'make offenees to be forgotteo and serVices remembered; protect thesis wham we love in all things and lollow them with kindnesses, so that -they mayrIead' simple and uosaftering- lives and in tile 'eel die_easilytvith_catiet minds." Chinese Art in Rugs. Many, very beautiful tugs are now being imparted into this toiletry from Chime The best' of than are' of shems'e wool, the raw material being derived from The people ef Mongelia,tire Mostly nomads, their property being in floeks and herds, Wool is their prinelnal market product, and they ship it aby, caeavan. Sometimes es many ae 510 camels- lackn with wool will ,arrive ICalgan M a launch, the stuff being fat - warded by rail from that point to Pekin end Tientsin. • - Much of this woo4 is mark into',rtegai whish figure very impor:ently tn the every-clatt 111t o'.E the Cli:eicres. Tlie designs ,nrioeen into them 10 oven gm - posed to • influence the welfare and happiness of the owner, 'When .o.f first-rate quality they impreve with age in lustre mad beauty, and are handed down from :father to son 011 valued heirdecens. Every Leaman oit the Yelionellivor carries A eug as a nee:assay parb of hle outfit. He squats an it by day and sleeps on 11 at night, Tragellersin Western China, always ere provided vitt," regi', to spread on the "ltrage" ,at the bine, which customarily fue, lash ne bedding• theit patrons, Making it :necessary for one to.etteey t. The kang is one of China's, newel: lea - pertain; institutions teed is found in avory Swelling 1111111 000080 onjo end of the liviree reorn, it Is a .Stracture of brick or mud, ill the 'shape of e divee. fn whiter a fine is kept, burn- ing' beneath' lb, tied reorabas of tho :family spend mach of their time on it. In poor folks'. hotilles the kaage is covered with eoatee mats, bob in the resichneee of the rieli iittzelSocze stage aro thrown 0100 IL 1115NERVES NOW • STRONG AS EVER ,Iton' An Ontario Teacher Re- • ' :gained .Good Health. oi ate a siebool-Acacher by profes- ffion,"- anys Mr. James H. Thenuion R.B.• No. 1, Centralia, Ont., "yet When I started school teaChing I 'was in very popr 'heiath, I, coffered a nervcas 'brealtddvam brou[glit on by overwork and no relaxation. I Was unable, to thirds, to act, or'eilen to eat preperly, •'Queer 'little Prickly sensations v‘rlere eontinually rtinelegt up and down my back, my arms an my legs, like 'so mealy •needlee, *ming at thaws .te fairlyentrailyze me; and often my heart was .thumping like ,a•trip-hatnneer.• I determined to eanault our fanily .deeL tor, and'he iminediately put me under orders, I had to 'give op mY 2,cheo1 end return hornele order to recuPor- ate my 'teat health. Milk was his eliief remedy, a'rui I drank quarto o1 -4i; yet, *zenith it helped me, itedid not'build -Me up to my ,nornial condition—some- thing-was 'Mis sing ;-soinething my, aye'. tem WaStoalling for; better blood. One day; when I pieleed up a newspaper, I came 1aet05011411, advertieement of Dr. 'Williams' Pink , Pills 'suggesting jest What was:needed in 'my 'Case—new, rich, ireti'lalood, • I 'immediately •sent for a box, arid Wheat the doetor visited me, told him I had decidedto try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and he seemed •satkfled. By the time rny box was *nearly done, -and I determined to get another, by:the time I had, finished this I was 'gradually coming back to normal. My strength was returning) I could sit end •walk" without • strain, For the next few weeks I continued to take the pills, and they:Were working wonders with me. My head was be- coming clearer, niy memory betters •and .my nerves were,becoming etead- ler. I began, to go out frequently, en- joying myself. My appetite improved an& was even better than before Pled my brealatiawne, I was myself again. I got back my eehool, 'and to this day I have, had no return of the trouble, and: novv when anyone eomes to me with nervous trouble'I instantly Sug- gest Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as 'a remedy, as I believe that what they did in my ease they will do f �r Othesse."I • Dr, 'Williams' Pink- Pine Call be ob- tained from .anyi dealer in medicine, 05' by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for l52.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine -Co Brockville Ont London's Skyline to 'be !Raised Twenty Feet. onno0,itiou to the city Authorities of London to theeeection: of' tall" build- ings itow eeenaa ta have ended, or rather is, rapidly passling.! Convinced that. tailimildings are site and a, com- mercial adeentageethe LondensCoimty Ceuncii, which holds tlie'poWer to re- gulate -.things in the, English comital, • has decided-, , to adlow etructures* of large area to be:Inn:It 80 feet' Win: Thi e k', tweittytffeetkhiglier, than: the Magnitude height troVe permitted. The decision le'the remalt ola, repert made by • a •Cemiailssion aPpeinted -by the Clounell to study the citiestica <if taller buildings in London. The commission reported in favor ,of greater height-. Every .progressiVe,i; city In -Ike warld. has slcmyasatopervsr.og. 07114Y are the cut - w . Although the -coannatesien repotted eassiorably.and the council thought that Lciuden •should, be allowed more than 60 feet thsildIng height, the ftre ,bri. garde Was, consulted, 'Ito head of the fire -fighting force•said that the extra height would not interfere with. the ,efficieney of, his force., , • With everyone favorable te• taller buildings,. it now_ seeine certain. that Leadoe'S skyline W.ill!beliiittedjhiglier than it IlaS,Eiifer been -before. • ..• . liriptoVed'-nettkil'Wetting. Electric welding has two principal 'theOttate land resistance •PrOcossep respectively),spdtZwelding being a s!Pelcial niedification Gr.r the lat- ter asiplied to sheet"week. These ap- plica titans aregunsieitable dor 'compile- ,atedeworic or fel' eeetionsirof, ireegalar profile, so the fusion -precestehee been ;Mimi Dyed. TY:this proceSs the two:pieces to be welded axe lbrouglif sufficiently, close to' "Strike L. Series of arct ,be6vreen them. The pieces ore than gradually' drawn together, se that the Whole vs4direr area appears to be enveloped in a shower of sparks, 'the sections be- ing thus gradually melted in an even onairner oyer the -whole area. The current is then zwitaed off, and the two 'pieees are pressed to- gether and united, The shrsegth of we.l.do /Cede by this process claimed to be 98 per cent, of that of the nevelded Material, end the ,Prohess Can be suCcessfutly ap- plied for welding tate strips Or 011001 - lar materiel, -ead eve:Ia04y. for weld- ing tool steel tutting encla to ordin- ary iron or steel Solders. In well came and foe all largo •seetioma it has been found advisable, to bring , the pieces to,,a, zarldient by using the cur- rent ha In ordinary butt we"ding, ,Coteibly eseseatiete them if eeacesarY with tho current •switcheral eft' before' starting theefuelug process, 's 0. McPherson, • Furniture Dealer ond 'Undertaker, , • Axles trong, 'Millard's Liniment Ocis, Ltd,, Yarmouth, N.S. Dear Site, --Since the start of, the baSehall seeison we have 1)1011 110111101111 with sore antracleat, Spretaned tinkles, etc., but ;Met ,as taaa aa We started uSing MINARD'S , LINIMENT our troubleiended.' Every busehall player should kedp a bottle of , your liniment handy, "Yours truly, W. E. McPIIEBSON, Sen, .Artuskrong S, Baseball Team, •f'Thorp hro many nrider-tourishod, or improperly fed children 10 this sonn- try, whose condition, both physical and Mental, teotild be greatly Mit:rov- ed by a more Falsest use of milk in the diet.'"—Dr. d. A, Amyot, Doouly ,ItliniSiot of Health. Lialineat for Dorn 01 1 Chenaista>,Seek New Autu,Fuel P,Aitichol can never life anlything more than no help where tooter filets 'are conaorned," 011 offieial of the U.S. Bureau of Minos said recently. "All the .alcoltol we , are sible to produce can be profitably used in the malting of fuel mixtures, hut, for all that has been said to the coatrary, the quaintity obtainable 1 relatively • 'Mitch has been sad about the uti- lization ef, cornstalks for making al- pohOd on- an enormous 'scale, but there is nothing 10 the idea. • Cornstalks are balky; it would. not pay totrails- port them in great quantities, to big central 'plants for distillation. To ,icatife- strati use practicable, there , ehoulcl bee Plant for 'every five squere • natles, run perhaps ou a eo-openative plan by farmers. But how many bil- lions of dollars a year would it cost to watch the farmeno Ard ere+) that theelzahol was not sold for beverage purposee? • "In the year 11)21 we consumed in this country 7,080;000,000 gaiters of gasoline. During the sante period we eeported 1,954,000,000 gallons. Our production of alcohol in the twelve, month was about 100,000,000 gallons, So you see 'how sraall a figure tively • the akohol cut. "Alcblial east never take the place of 'gasoline as a motor fuel. There would have to be a, speeial, cenburetor to yaporize fit and the power generated by 11 15 not negrly 40 great 810 that Obtairbable from gasoline or a mix - 'The so-called 'auxiliary' motor fuels are composed either of gasoline and benzol or of thoee :two with eke- hol added. Benzol, as!you tioulatlehe know, is a hi -,product of coal distilla- tion. WaS produced,on a large scale incidentally to the distillation of coal for toluol during the war—the toluol being required for the manufacture of high explosives—and sinew then the ettput of bengal has been continued. 'In Brazil trials have been made of mixtures eontaining alcohol, Icerosene, satiated° acid and even easter oil. but they .have not •been eucceesful, Official reports on results obtained edam -kedge, first, levver miles to the gallon; second, diminished power, with consequent difficulty en eteep grades orwith heavy 'eerie; third, trouble in starting the motor in the morning after •seveml blouse' iklileness; ands tf °era', dissolvent effect opt" tanks, "pipes, etc., with consequent -clogging of the carburetor. , "The way eut? It is hard to say what it will be, but it is sure to be -found. Most likely it Seems that we shall learn how to maks use of lower - grade fuel with a:higher boiling point, perhaps even kerosene, though in order to accomplish that we must weak anp the problem of 'engine ton- struction on. new dines." HEALTHY CHILDREN • ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The •healthy child ,sleeps well nrid dUringi,its waking heurs is never croes but `:alvvays .happy and laughing. It is only the eickdy Child that- is cruse and peevish. Mother, if. year children tld not' sleep well; if they Ace cross end, cry a great deal, give :them Baby's Own 'Tablets and they will! soon 'he well. fa happy again. , The Tablets are a mild hut thorough laatathre, whichregulate the bofwels, sweeten the atemach, banish constipation, colic and indigestion, apd peornot'e healthful sleep, They are arbsolutely guaranteed free from ,ePlates mid may begiven to the newsborn babe With perfect safetY. They are sell'by medicine deaers co* by mail it .25 cents' a box froci The Dr, Williame-Medicine Co., Brockville; Ont. - :Upon being asked by his mother why he was so thoughtful, Ilia yoinig hopeful, aged states; replied.; "I was thinking' how atvful it must he te be deal. Fancy washing your sirs every day and meet! getting any good out of them!" •' Minard's Linimenefor Dandruff. -------0.----1--- Gauldn't'Carry It. 4o 1111511 comedian oncemet, on •a sumtner's day, Galway, a, mau drle. ing a home so thin that it staggered as it walked. . don't you put more flesh on that nag?" he exclaimed indignantly. "Mote, Is It?" the Irishman austame ed, "why, by the powers, don't you sae that the poor creature can hardly car- ry what little 1here is on him now?' , Lift 0-ff with Fingers. IME. BRO,C11U LIVED VICHY AND MILK DIET But Npw IVIontreal Women Eats Anything and Feel• s Fine All the Time—Gives Tanlac Full Credit. ' "Ivor nearly five manilas before 0111. Ing Tonle° I had to live on milk and vichy water alosset'sold Molo, Louisa Brochu, 15136 Amity St„ Montreal, Qtte, "I suffered 'so much the 'past two Year5 3:1104) anao0t a wreek. My In- digestion was, so bad 1 was almost afraid to eat for everything disagreed, With nue, MY liver got tO, troubling me too, and pains bismy side 'nearly run me wilds Nearly every night my sleep was, broken hy terribla inntileabea- "I tOtlit Ole, first battle of Talkie to please my husband, who worried over my case, but my second bottle I took t°oit trgrieel°wso4allreavjc''. rIablQvie. Iawgemordb6agPitneintlitlige now, eat auything, and'have 1210 more trouble tram pans or steePlesenesa. I thials 'Tandem is wonderful. Tanta° is sold by all good druggiete. Comfort for the Scrub Lady. Scrubbing is hard labor. This is 'a fact GO" manifest that a New York inventor, George A. 3 -lank, hes been inspired to originate a eontrivance that will render it less arduous. It is a little platform that runs ,on, c.L s- terg, .anci igiipholatered for the great- er ease of the scrubber kneeling upen it. While thus kneeling she eau eaetly propel herself from place to plane over the floor by her hands. In the middle of rase front of the platform is a tireulat receptaele, fon eoapy water or other cleansing fluid, which isprep- 'vented from splashing out fey a down- ward -bent ring around the interior 'rims the scrubber needs no, pail, and for brush and ea,kg. ovsoqh the platform is provided with a couple off shelves, 0X15ateach ends, 11 ta .aawfday0eNtatYe tOoR,6DeudER:.Donitietm Express Money Order, Five Dollars orate three cente__:, "The first bicycle of the modern type, with two wheels of ,albout the ,same size, was brought out 4n: 18,85. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere -- The railway which eroeses the St. Gothard, one of the most famous Al- pine passes, travels over 324" bridges of mare than 82 f eet span, and through 60 tunnels, the main one of which is 9% !miles long. ' 11 a 000 11 As a Labor -Saver Alone Erni- the SLIDING FURIIITUIRSSHOS ' a east proatabie investment, " You can move your furniture and -smoothly' over any carpet 'or; • floor With little effort. The "Onward"i7. owns rugs from- wear niul tsar. ernim,lk. uteLly Put on it without" ox. Tell your dealer all furniture you buy mut be oinatol With sins bane OnwanslS.tnguerti tut,Stoat.si,eeaitt;6ry1g,%se,,. • ,andspdoh igldbas • ' Maxi° Cauaila by OnlWann 91701: 110., Ont. " :se es ',Ai'. Vit• CARBO LATE D PETSOutum JELLY A VERY efficient X. antiseptic when used as a first-aid dressing for cuts, scratches, bruises, in- sect biteS, etc. Keep a tube in tlic house • for emergencies. • ensranntouoit 'siert e011eent7- Wenyee11tere ass Chabot Are. • Aimless' Classifi4 Advertriaementa immix 811,40 wo 800;00.`rait PAT .1114 waloanieleg, kha 414.40.sodeal. Int tow* 700, Write for partlemers. ming Instraetor, Canada Yilloaniter, Lona" , UOISteet2SOZO, 1)0 Yot•f•s, Watery PfasT, 011 • 10000511' 01004.50050 1-rrestmeno 000 sPerPasnorttY? , Write 'N. NOtmari XorPiPtkfU 4.8 Wallis:anti Pt: 10, NO TO •- leatfil a" ate4 shippobiaise Igloos in, , , ,1 14 1TORRy • MOW titiatt 9100 CO. AM taloa% ;Dog.' iluntifalso ;nook en '11)*1:27'sed;obsD6t1IPtsStilrEttiAl, k0tilt0tSt'hil:ES0s4rt.t):' vtataith.ati plizo.owe 10anyexClAd.. Now 1'rk, 51 .8,00, .,a41:44424.4•414024irdonatudiautro4404. 'COARSE SALT L A NI Ot'S A L T Bulk Carifita TORONTO 6ALT --WORKS CI. J. °LIPP - TORONTO We get no higher work until we put the higher motives into that we have. A man has no right 'to be satisfied vniesa he hos •done his hest. tifie=4(100110diNfg=s00.119 •Fulness 'After Eating If you have fulness offer meals, a bad taste in your mouth in the morning, fur on the tongue, flat. .. ulence after meals and no appe. . tite, Wm Metier Saigel's Syrdp. It . !will clean your tongue, renew your appetite, give you relish for food and the power to digest it .„, thoroughly and easily. Sold in Sdc. and $1.00 bottles at drug etig.o. g 4-021 VOC=i00400D<=:.000e.---400<=i% Cuticura Toilet' Trio SatisfieS every want of the most critical in cleansing, purifying and beautifying the skin' and complexion. Nothhig- purer, sweeter or more'effective for every -clay toilet purposes, Scone. Ointramt2Sani150e. Talcum Ns Sold throughout theDominion. CanatlianJ3epot: km-Isao, Wilted, 344 SL PullSt,W.,Montrenl. 111,11W-Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. WILL 'ANSWER . ANTWOMAN. -V110. MRS: '..Montreal Winnan .. Finds by Taking Lydia E. ' Vege- table iCopapnund eline"k mAiras Montreal, Quebec—" was a. suf. , houseworic. M3r husband was ferer for three Years, not able to do diecouraged, foe I was no better and had had the doctor all this time and nothing helped., me. I was always sleepy, had no appetite and suffered with my left side.. My mother' In :England recommended Lydia E. Plnkharn'S Vegetable Compound be- cause It had helped my sister, so I baive been taking IL I: am now able to de my housework and t can not praise your medicine too' highly as I have great hopes for the future, I will tell anyone v -ho writes to me what pod it,ints dose me,"--mns. 131. Itinsgois, „St, Homy P. 0., Montreal, For pettily • fifty years Lydia 111, Vinkham's Vegetable Compound has • been helping . women dust as. It lielpe'd Mrs, Masson; oftentimes after doctors and other medicines failed. lf, you ere suffering* from disagree- able symptoms calked by some Collude •weakness, try thisspleedid medicine. It Is a wornaneemedieine for wonten'e 'ellmentss and can lie taken in safety by arty Woreart . • Doesn't hart a bit! Drop a little "Freozono" on aft aching corn, in•Stanf, ly that corn slops hurting, tlien. shortly You Mt 11 right eft with fiegers. Truly!. Your druggist soils a tiny bottle of "Freezooe" for" tr tow eente, annielent to remov0 every hard corn, soft 00431, er corn hetweee the too, end the ca1. in 101, without soreeess or itritelieh, yeer thrilled is 3:1,101 01114.1, all the 111010 11101111 Yota tee 1110 17010 wo t be sireele and clear, allnortrs lenimeet Delieeto rolein , We aro rs_rfest'as Willett to aceepl the rule of 1,1e eta:gaily, nrovidiag the MesimitY says wind, it smellt te gay, latatfa 16 :WARNING! Say qBayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the nanie "Bayer" on tablets, you are not get- ting Aspirin at all. Accept only an "unbroken package" or "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicianS dining .'.12 years and proved. safe by inillioris for • ColcIS • Headache • Toothache • Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbarzi) •Pain Vainly Byer" bo' at is tableis--Also 1,1) 1101 ,o' 11 awl 100.. i)13:/3 nIS. AII2Itit 1 1110 0412 rearic CytTW.nroil In osnser, it.aul-N't ot 11.. 40tiehdefestor or sotiqpnottehl, Waco It is 1"')) 1:i'2'22 121 A42242 1111 An inStrafasturs, t 0 1120thi'ttin 00118) in•ntn,Intn 01', 'Inblet,, 001<400.'02 112.tt 5101 111 automat wan thins fecon'si udoo „no •ifiw,,