The Clinton News Record, 1922-5-18, Page 2Me'r..AGGArcj,"
ueral 'leaking Itti3ines9, t at -act.
• Notos Ditechated, Dra0t3 Issued.
Yhterest AllorVed oo Delauetts. Sale"
Nihon Purchased,
, .
11: T. RANCE
, NotarY Public, CUriveysilcer.
,Fthaucial, Reel Estate and Fll'e 10-
turanao Ageht, ,fteure30uti3 1.4 Fire
Ipsurahee, cotaplitiet,
Dvoi Cpult Office, Clinton.
Elarelttcr, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc.
, Office:
Dit,".1. C. CIANDIER
oince Hours : -1.80 to 3,30 pan.,, 7.30
to 9.00 p.m, Sundays, 3.2.30'to 1.30'
Other hoursby apoeintinent only:
930ice ;and Residence --- Victoria St.
,rarls-Yor,J, .rr
Stliptilite fele Derldeii0I/S.
sre, not inifirfatosod
Nalith the ;laeti,ifty of the ',dandelion fl
theirr awjoo ahd...teple t e.radieatibri.
It'o11 li144.111ate,5pr21" lo in?,,commeiviaaloto,
rid .', of dl,nologonns,
T4, spray Solfitienp prei;:ured byWhut The lltunt
disoslying 30 ene, g,a:lon o.k Water one Watkips oinre0 some Choice
9R".”9..91.013t/91.1 t9 AO .99 07-9i9t, 73 Att9t*J9..§t.Wet,,.Toronto and onelialf r,,e,un,,,,s hi; the iron aid, white hogs that 1,s..-1sl'0Tegite,-,:c.(1 sc,oic
PotatoCulture. I be II -dared by the muchina. 1-Tandie all 5713370,alsoknown 03-3330333 947101.' CI 333,,4 , ha Wal Very proiaa of ',them,
Petato,os aa...13 easily grown. 'flisy Potatoes 131 'et.U.'flfs':'Y I0.9 eggs,. thierY.hc.'911„.;e'''"s, 103 10 al,taina'bqe at' maijt Among tilt-, hist titter of "piga.,' bora in
3111, 1., very% vkai,lable_oSaT,Tc,c,d, , In hjailse lOWLSTO .theill valite end reudar0 car` -`9"00 c),J;ith"g sl'ara,i. 1111 -14.1a03011 -et NT.9.'01, thera wh9 (134? 30,33 Would not
oh 200113 00 an,st,ber 033037 13013 wanis.1 333171) 03010 11114103901110 toidiscase: Al- ?jo'iaPx'ar. whaaz'arvonizai4:,PA'alTP• tTaTI...tThQ- WOW,. They, ..t.erta.cji,1,0113fugh -to- wean
en erte'yhody's table, every day, 'low them. to sweat in the upen ,in,d
' "S
.v,03110113'e, rois,. of lawn, phile blit,ths itte„fe,,rw
ever9whe‘• tITI foui, t)Izei them good ventilationand 000l gaihwas rj,D Isms,1.
result.,9 are; oixt90.sel,..when , thata it srusj, Whenj only, a wee}, old,
Yi.0-1.1(1, Pai.ataaa haNe been, carltivated tniFs fnag sliaTaga. Boiate taloere must t 051'.l3 10 14'.''"P,Plie,(1,'016 i-',31€ erahur7 Bch) a hut ory fourte,on yea,.....,,, „as ,,*,,,,
by Europeans- v„,,.r 4 110 071 °rye, .thr,Q have e,,ir to live, .703 333 can, lar,aa4 , bfltar ,.'leag;Ilta mush, of a hog fancier at hie father
ill11.4x,oc.1 ,y6,4,:rs. ,,, awcry now, r0ciaice , , , , w. i 101 ow -when. ,Fat On with a iln'a. 'and when Mr< Watkina dOgided te Rili
ovo„r011171331 fio 13)1111 23 031,. o$
or land 33 'i7 Legs_llow to ,Treat ,Thera, }1,1,1kt ,no.22le that earries th(3 0f,oace marei, hx.its"4,..,' -B.011.1 :b.
uown into the, foliage a :the3. 9e. earnestly for.the,,1001,'at
That Tired Feeling
Is Just J As '41 1.10 at Winanien Au old ttuailly
Sfop,.1.00nsi,, i„,iston." th4,, Thhell. to Talc" in
Ilidlearce run -dawn ,060311.1ons for that Credo/eel/14410,1e eO
erid nacano that you must purify thel)MtY• RIO 4.t.11.7149."
Year-roulad riaeu44109, Ifenoet70115,
Yottr blood( ruuSw Yout' 'ftre'";'0•11- offecttve la the treatment ot ecrofe.
tone, and )(our "power of resist- ula, catarrh, rheUralt“thilin ortit Phu,
o 3,, 1„.o. In sircat , dv neer.: of , co- aowrehrter-;ditioaso-couditteher
11!';'(.'Oeuen olelfa 1 ; ' ' ' ; .; ' -A4 0 ' - t k; t 'TX; "0'
-"afm, the f,nrii), riu, foreu, y htut avd naff IL 0 1 00 //
contaglobo and ,Inreoilowi ,,dloort000, Sarsaparilla esgrY J ,siajuir, fev
DO not make light of it. It So 31e004, 13.71d. It always. mat ,t,rlin frt
.serfons.: Olvo It attenuou at once, shape. 10o le 411 Yelaril old(' 414(
- Atilt.- your ,dfunniat, too • floodfc,. l'n, Cardpb011,, Decuttm• Ill:
• SarsapaNila, Ofie knowe thic good A mild iexetive, iieud's Pille„,
Heed's Sarsa
and prhdUc'e over" nye billion bushels There is nothihaj anore uftslightlY141 The solution should. he ade ia his „father gave a reltjetroA,,,e,onssent poor ca,,,rots,
of f"4.'"11-1'°117' Tk"Terege' Yield aPPearani,a of4a favYi:#4Th *001:1011 CaTtlIfITIrie'VOSel. 1T4 that th4g141,4
cabbage;• wheh Ben arMetl; 0,733, 1313
acre, Tito; average,.y.iela in Ca‘nalfa a fowl -may be otherwise, these 331 1 035030 01330 <1-QTlJilliO(10 03311110 init'enc-to keep tile. r.,,ah4iOth frojn wet- and the eared for Ben,
of this 00071 10 -about ]471 busheisper on the leg. No matter how attractive corrodes metals,- Care ahouinralao be --r removed from thy he rest of the litter 110 00011103 in ilia, 31(3100011100,
about 161½ luethele per f101"0. The 007103e13113 10. 013133 cement ar 10301(0013100, '" -9un- 'rhe hey faahioiled a araall Pen 112."e1e ; MeTketi1 4 Live SIOCk
foljowing suggestions are giljeri from This aorndition is doe to a MIL., WhIeh I'dO)TiOITO Ccf 'li,iil,dingi.4, elothing, ,eta., ae1 tsoni 0 rboArd0 :Aix 'feet lotig.,autl of vllk
ary,- : . -,-.. ,_ .
experiene and 43011301(00009 on A "SRburrows under tho tealesr CallEing '.110 it loaves a rattan 430 .70) is extreantly ing -Widitthig. They tverthailcid toigalVr - , 1.0 1411411019,,,-/
Island." ' ecales to lift.hp gradually. There. is a difffault
t, ,O
is • ,ale
m .3,
3 a
iol ih• e
Suil--Potatoct do hem, il a warr, herythiisdutadenGellel
Ia, deep, sandy )era h11. They re- of inheeloinpbujhceuld'eiy move131-013031-30was,pdae,Staet hrahrelaOttwaeaeerMgthe
af of 1921'tpire a lot of mhieure and should Iartheeandeliosartboomed eun the old orchard and lastfourniohth44ei,Pe
'sta' 'rme
,. ,e .'
,nave god wall drained s,sd. ,,,,,, h,,,,kcph„e_uneic,,1 rtenaos was paioed„1n one TO Truiash a and 1920 shows that witule the number
(3 0) MohntainTheyar10 0311 It 33011 01311131 (.011)103 0033 hthe nsir and 21311.12neT,s4„whei,, hovelfulof 1(30d O,tne litte ,i1-P51g*7flges,'ratfilrQueaLc,
03(. 3011 aamong ihe 1311 3. Grow the 001)d10110 lo contagcous ar.d than, aproprjyden6sp,ayng,every,ibird3337 an.41 get some 000- 11 000MOW) 'ttql,aE9.°'1Viltew/,ahAVallaeba
potatoes thatpope wontGet ed ay-leggedfowl will 30011 00TSIlit yeai111 teep 071 3033 praetidlly thePF11cv(rtoa new'Piace'gieN''M1ewerthhliii)t16-1eeed1gYear
ree from dissaSeIt iobtainablethe diseaso the Test of the ficaliffdallthesmirnvilkit '391311111 °wink lPunumberslthiPed.15071Puint1'in'Seed-likbeges tens--haoproretdo iti-
7'.'i71. ".11”"
01 413411
otato 010dea4aforIrih Cobblradanythingeliee01010canbemade,9d111n111)41911
Every', 10300 13133 Beawould turn: a 311311 frOni faa'r ok' the 'five :Nye sUeek
Of catte Shipped to sok last
. •
Is 1 esinniing nractise 341 hSelect ie residence, . gorously, • • ttui," it with
13 ay fi oldtrip
, fueideo hebore
cot 11 Use lage several 'bly affiliatloierin floceld:lwngocplicatiaAt09TieWcVIdbut this is not alwaysg,I have had The,bmokenigo.2Le ud 311 03' 01es1
1f4w35a/cteit; a" ,31Q3?
Ontaro wagreater, the figure-a-sh.ow
aded k y uhapn n
()Nee I1o0r03.---2 to 10 am. and 1 to 2 fresh sets, .. 0.1131,1100 041e.:91 tthe.,cilTers caught thel should oacasion 110 -6:qa.T111, OS, this Will 02-.1111,113, corn /veal ,and 11310311, 1%3301 the
'tot Sundays, 1 to 2 pan., for con- ,, Seed hed.-Pointems require a lot of disease. *ut,:.,wliel,e there are such ,solui disappear where the ' gauss ' is 2a3,),„W at night, adding -0: teasliten.feri
saltation, • , Work and atterition and like other. exceptions., I, have noticed that ,' the groWin,g 1707110.137. .jjaee .1.1103], which of ,..041.0seed rneal .every other .night.
____:.--....,----- -------f--.-- worth-whiie 311i1143s, pay hafelt na;p9t inimune-hears w.ereexcept': onally N13791', are due to the
• ,, . . ,
, , . killing of pthe dondele .bfga-llbY foellingUon8,o, 004.
933013 p10
GSATNSON- ethey Deceive it. Plowand work ons. And here may,too., be soe- losshoeseed tseeTh•Aneal ad °mehOn o1,,.,n,
01 thesoil, nakeit friable, work it iler. thing in '0110 theory hat they had an , Krae.
in each •feeding inilllq.and,inereased
Dental stir. ou.,11 n. ti -e necessaly tilt, is ou- amt,,,,au..e. of in sitm.and feathets,,
' 1' 1 T., , I — • '1 o o , " ' • • the .16trauurkt; until' he wals";leed'ing'-- a
,,it tained. A -clover sod, top -dressed with The S.r.TjOS '00,C31110 rais0 anilesseu- • • . • I hallf cup o2 the cern meal .and a cup
and kaienire Y -• • • • „ - _raee clays te' the' -*fine • viectrettally •
tons o oarn ett nure, ed due "0-) the atacturvul1atioU;c4.0,14.1ruS1tY
Ya a
em7iy- autumn and:thoroughly. sprIng. EllhtaTkee that worji,s
Worked makes a seed! bed for after the niite has dene it9,1:2,urpowritag-..•
potato-eR. 'Should yeur land 110 1111030 A scialY71'Jegged hen aillau,k111fin,e,
fertiffiW feed it. ;smith potato fertilizers.' set, if one w19.11 -res to or; the trouble'
-Planting-Riont: bba soon as the land with the :chi -eke. , I VC 'sve ji ow 31 (101311 that the
laarre."'cisetakill "3.)1).' not hig,1050 the disease Is trantemitted 1091 13T
sped 00 009111111 dale& b•efire- '00yering. 01161 Ina/vier, than in aiiy other.
.Planting, machines are'. eatisfactory. The SoVereign taerned semne. to he'
1/fake the rows straight and from '30 ,greasie oil.- A. very satisfactory
I;0•36 inobes apart, -This wilu:.efhealyan treatment iS to wash the legs ankfeet
your cost of productiOn. 'Pliant- the ,.with' -h00 water -and: castile.socap-suils,
Steed aVannit '4 inchee'easerf and from 12 When , dry anoint the a-ffe.cted parts
•to 14131111033 eipart. with'et, inixtine of equal parts of melt -
333e potato field ed lard anicl. kerosene. , Ruh this. 'in
will smoothing harreW ' -before the ;Well; Atepeet daily Tired; While
young pltan,ts appear and once , ettei tree:tea, thetfcryil,
they are itp. Cover the , piants. with in a _clean. cage bedded-"Writh•Lcut Straw,
three inches of soil when three inches to lsesep Ont •c(1111: dirt.. Other, 1.7-econi.•
albcre grintred. „The rear dis-es on the mended clines...are: Fill a tin quirt
P,'!:!sta planter r.'110 hiest. , horst measure reearlY full of water, with
cult -Water after every rain.and at least . 'One taibia.11rOltalfU.1 of kerosene oil float -
every tot days until the plants crowd on the .surface. 'Tie or, faStem the"
00 113 box -to hold -it' firm. 'Dip
the liege, both:at the same time, into,
the liquid-, them. there- one
minute. Repeat this atter three claSia,
Another /settee's, IS. to dip the feet
mid. lege up to. the. }melte in a Mixture'
of coal -oil and ,,Issiseed2oil; the, pro-
portions of which may be, the number. of .ti;eatuiente
to be giVeni Tlielargerthespreportion.
of coat,:dit.' the More effective, is.: -the
mixture. Eiteeipt: in ;htirrY daSee, 1St
inoire.than half .Ceal,:oit'slioula 'be heed,
whiletfor -cases -so litstiddeveloped;that
the treatment 'is tuirclipreVairtiVe
'as active, 'one -.part- eoal:oil: to two
parts linseed -oil la -preferred • % •
of bran a day at the end of two
- take to-thange 0111) 1331110 1,1",c411 33"'b'tlY menthe. This waa not .inereaSed until
110161031 t1111311 into; laying. hens.- . Our Jam "OAS' the fu, sm,of Seirtemih , wrien Ben made
1-js's. 1301 .0 hours Lit 80370101d in old
P -' 0 16./... Pusan, IVIanday, -Wed- tea Bottom 'Abci 11143 hon .oss1010 . -Warn a self -feeder and gave rt ell: of the
.. •
ae,jday. 'rriria:`; ',' TP1 SatavdaY ,eiani A bran and cern, meal miXed that it.
it: She is right.elOse to the serats.orne,
to 5.30 ' p.n1 flozor end ecee other hens busy. ' phe
, ie Ifrovided wiib• IgeritY of eer, aPd 7'61114nuateatonigtitivefiagte'ttlin-sl?'Ityv4Ipernh-trt
- rliJAPLES B. liALE ..- 1)11 water and eats: and drinks, hal/nig ne- PT
thing elsee--to do. Resalt,'she soon basis, Ille''''' thau 'anY D611-e'r 14g of tthe' etaine
ip/rtigre.,s, but bfrourtiggte ,trisit t5,114,93.511 fitthiset
bitsbY.Set'geel,lba'nactneof;:eo.rfoti:,e tibaell'ittilolgf _19tle.
Cewveyancer, Notary, Cosrunis-
. siener, etc,
REAL EST.A.0:31D AND TN.S1311..kli0E1'
IsSher of Marriage Licenses.
Licen'sed AuCtleitee-r 'fOr: the County
of Iluron.
Corr esp en ce .pli3)n5t13', :an sw ere d
lin mediate arrangements .0 a n be. made
„ for Sales ,Date'at %The News -Record,
P010110 203. ;
• , . • ,
Ch-argee Moderate and -Satisfaction.
Trains arrive :at 'and depart f.
",Clinton as follows:
13fiffa1s and Goderich Div.
_ •Goings nest, depart ' 6.23
.1, e . . 2.62
going- West-. ar. 11.10 tip. 11.15
" ar-.: 6.08 370. •6.47
' Lori -don, Fleron &..Bruce
Boi6g Smith al-. 8,22 tip 8.23
you out. Throw Roil towards plants
with each cultivation, hilling them so
that the tub ers are all weld covered.
Spraying -Spraying is safe insnie-
arise that ,pays its own. premitims.
Start spraying in July and keep all
rom the foliage covered with Bbrdeaux`and
s poison or /lust fungiteldee thronghout
Ole season nutil the first. 'frost kills
the disease .spoises., •
p.m. 11aries004::= Harveet immature
0.011 Plante for Dig Potatoes.' ;dry
pan. Weatlierf 03 When disease is lareent
9,413, thern m the ground untitI e.frbSt
odeliPSAft-possiblial"- Wifen ttlfet.e&itig
1,1gNi9 tbi'-idatgde ;mo..*ii 'a "lot
a Slay so tkat the, potatoes ineynet
Goliig North, depart 6.40-1).111.
" 11,07, 11.11 a.m.
The M"Kill. Mita
Fire Insurance Company
'OffiCe • Seafiirth Ont.1
rrigiderit,% ,j-aan'e6 Connelly,' Goderich:-
Tice,, James Evane,,BeepliWood;
Treasnrer, Thos. 111143335, Seaforth.
'11111460M: GI:e0 3McCartney,'Sea-
1ort14 D;:P. ittoGreger,,Seaforth; J. G..
OrievictWaiton; 'Win, Ring, 'Set/forth;
301, Mchli!ven., „Mute/al.` Robert 'Ferries,-
Ilarlock; John Bennew.eir; Brodhagen;
Jos .00123)011311 Ckraerich
Agents; Leitch, Clinton; ,T. W.
Teo, Gederieli; Ed.,.. Rinehray," Sea:"
forth.; W...,CheeneY.; Egmendville; R.
0„Ternuith,. Brodliage•n.
•Any miiney, -to , be,Paid in mak be 'Moorish Clothiiii Co,, Clinton,*
or al CUtt's. Grocery,' Goderich. .
1Rartiel desirjng to affect ,Insurance
'or, transact other business will be
. pia m ptly. attended tol on applicati on to
anly al the -above, offieerd addressed to
Weir, respective pest -offic.. Loses
inbeeted ,y the - Director .who lives
*rest the Scene.
Terms of Subsviption---$2,00 Der year,
in advance, to Canadian addresses;
42,00 to the U.S. er other foreign
-eeuntriee. N'o paper discontinued
until all arrears arc iiaid utleeS at
the option of the publisher. Tim
;late to wbieh every subscription is
paid is denoted, on the IdIel, '
Advdrtisina Rates-Traosieut adver,
tisements,' 10 itielvis r;er P0115aroil
line for Mtit insertitm and gi centV
per line for each.-aithssmient, laser,
tion, Salgliadvertisements not to
(30100011 p08'' dneli, stmla as "Lost,"
"SiraYotl," 'e)',"Stblen," 017,, inserted
once ter 35 cents, and cad) t01199-
-fluent insertion 15 Cents,
Cominunicatioas imoncled tor publi-
cation most, as a guarantee of good
faith, be accompanied by the (lathe of
the writer.
E. HALL, M R 004404370,
Fender Crocks.
Very ,frequently small aracks make
their appearance on the edge of the
fender or other parts
, Which will rziphlily become hig breaks
unlett they can be attended to as sum
as they /hake theh' appearance. Drill
11 erneli 12.37le through the craold, 'tear
z;;,,:) a fleet thr,Mgh the
heno, t10 11 waShar auel th:n 1310(111
the lie oil Pirey, 103411 -101.3733-3.3 9)'9 3111101 , 033 1.3)3 ptimpltia 31i111390o get. a etart 11'9 'a„{:6‘11Y' , clh°P 0.9 1/
3170-337711031 - (,4 1.41.6 ,edigiSt 3,1"-nt efdSit, j etri3e, Aftor they got s ortodi Pr0a1'0 (1.
T'N'(Tadilii, Of the ' idiey cal o tikenitc,Jltete, 431
(• A. cf or paint s:ve,,,:fwis good. There wal: bo If „porn fails; trY entoll patch of
337013 ren.for tWe rcosir th"t yerir.....--"K (I, VI, sinfloWdra 14.01I 0,1pg3,
The hen stod.c1 on the garden lot, 7070
Whence all 'but she had lied,;
Ane'didn't leirte 44. planted spot
^ In the early onion bed.
With vim she worked both feet and
' legs, -
And the gardener said lie "bells
'She was trying to find, the ddnict of
" eg'gs> ' .
On which. the onion sets,"
Cremation is Ile best way to dig -
pose of clea,d, diseased fowls..I5 buried,
Pitking Abe Good:Heifers.
Recently 'the Writen.had dlspute
with a young breeder whd. seen/ed.
,to be posseseed 'more .erithuelasin
than' experience or geed,' judgment,
,W0,,weA looking over . a hunch of .his
helfers-,..yearlings and two-Year-01de,
On the..Whole, they were a, :good - lot
and we .connaended them. There were,
howeeer, at least two', and.. perhaps
:three,:..thirt did rapt 1004 tie rte 115 '11
they' had "anY. milk in them," ancl W8.
mentioned. the fact., Their osvner ;eri-
tirelY disigieed with Itst' He told,'„Us
that ' the dams .of the ".heifeis in (Pres-
ton were really geed milkers andt,
dogs '''rnay 'them,. :Me matter
I that their sire waS of record , breed:
hdyi,doo-b-„they,maY.- be cioYered. I
My remedy -for a! fowl that is gas- ' •
• /i/e friend., many,hreeclers,
'Mg for breath is to dip its head.,'in
'yet to a.ei..11. that.thetreeder. lias no11.
kerotele soil. . Do It quickly: .11 -after
a ressetrable.timathe fowl repeats -the cYlie_ge Tpiaol'aa,eg%aroYd
gasping, give it a second -dip.' I have. milker. af '1n Why is , this? Apparently
never. known this cura,to AIL 1.,,,14 808,5„ ;born oihet.a. g. 90d ,ox
Litter 'which. ds di filled a. peon milker . and ,subsequenti 'condi-
of droppinge iS Menace' te poultry.
Hens- have. very little to do with he,r
It a warning, tbo, that, somebody's,
posse of) c':s going to grow .thin for Pe,..1°_-Tan- 20%,
want cif egg's to sell Put the tWo, l".:.:,°84;isTvaelql:eParliacl'iee,ncli:6:.0:31t a sae-
tho covering.
tboili.a_4)egt,','Ti;,'31",/,':,eT131,016'h147.5P.. °lat. WaY seveltil Years, to determine the Milt -
eine of feed on the 'milking qualities -
Some of the grit that we get for
of cows: ,Sothe heifers Were fed extra
our birds, has not Mach grit to. it, and
as, ,it wc13; °them Were,rahred air Short ra-
±s701;170-,u3 ah391)6071 gri11 rri:clIP3r b 111- 01• -0131111(5 at PAtiof.a1105113111 3110- es t1dIrciecle0d209teltiolt7
.tv vle .goed feedni,4 weld incrdase
W511311)37 the' food' into, fine: particlea
die of dairy cattie; aird,' therefore,
and really helps- things, far (.1".,gtell.011
is increase their ',capacity to handle feed
does not take Item unitill the feed
sofriterti,Ideifefi_11112401itaihle ya5 0)131(005 ‘,vfaa8e:drli0nrbg' iffe:,0
vice, and genera* Caused 'fr7o6inc. lo'crt 10333 atn°,?3)1 1.:5, found
.80In' 01 tilt
of exercise. To prevent trouble from' '
hi ay!! three fei.s. possible to eull
featheI-Pincleing putr toospoer,ful
of ,EPrOm sedr`es -tIei dilniting 'water Ole , 1..1.;245'eTIl....v.,11e,11 tlioy'eorleose3,4143',/ke fow
r'lar 07°4 lavail" 116`aa 111 th 11C'ekr rilt°1710'411'1',;C:itfi'ff0'111t1:4:of
and .a.iniint the bare spate- cf the vicL
±701,5 301-311 -'11 fli1fri'e tO- The pr-oinising heifer wit early sham
, 1111113113)5 abil-ity.
5"Y"Lia'Pst,11.11-16,!..„:„111:11. moninnary tieVelopitiont and Will carry
('hat indefinit 1 t
2VIL:dinjo".in the bon,hereee were iny an- 1`1"vn a''' 911i;Y; 01)10 wfil he
r-u.e3 summer laqinble. I totnd that
no,ste .were ihehreedireg pieces ''555 i'l'6'1l)11,13.3 1100 cldor 13 311111 be
f:01, thom, - 3710 herit 200111 the,. egsi °lei/13111o, ,o11;it tke poe:3"; bllea, tfe.'s..,t;
of the. la.Y.,s0g: is the pail . test, „By. the .first
con,th'halnP,"1'•a-c't,c"'- •-Fr89"011'' period.,. if •records are kept Of
d the netting ntatenal 1733)31131125aai prathisam, the daity .az,11,w0
auto the nimnber thaSo pests& and
s be able te Select fairly act/irately, ."
the use rtf tolmcgo dueb wouta.,1031)
them Under control. Put r ctizidsvovsd ,
a biacy wayt. I removed- the boadin .1i/Ing a W. Iflo:W' Cittacap,
boardS of tire nests,, and. in their Grills' out ithe rooto of. ,the
phq.lie tacked en. finStliCee, .galsanie- thertnighly a% possible. j orttiintle
, .
ed. mootabtto wire netting. • In thiS 3(111381)0 11300-01100115 at reigpler -interVala
WaY iAte breeding arid hiding piacCS until Whiter, 11,061/4110eStints; aris't
s .1e woe-e.o.m./mated, the mots, sprouts to rem.ain long above, the
Ware, '101tba tha drIaL -01413 ArObtagl before eirbting theM off.
1,11.1.1 y Ce".C.,st.te Silited 114,0)10 the. bot..-, peat Ale eprouting 35a).'' .an,(1. ale
bent of the ne-r.t instead of accurnulat- long s necessary unt,11 the Willow
ing aS fonner11,-,.; Pe4desS• fewer egge ,ellimps are *Ailed out. If Yen do net
Were', 10-031131- 1331 bih,c?„. object to making- the sterile. yen
clreppc•d uPpii a beard' arlt bcoyi dap seale,Ohc Soil ablaut the eltmlii 'WW1
tcmpoi arily bared,
11 a Water in Which. Snit have 'dissolved
My was eineri rieJA re) ); A 6 me- Pouncli.ef sal per gpleim.
- s ,
To. 'deco/sate our .1as/on :last spring,
11131 hasbancl placed three large. -sewer
tiles: on end- and filied these With. earth,
I sowed semeara,stIveldiurts for 4 border
'and in the centre seine astettS; ani my
.eto4C1iiceesr n1n
husband, who wag sellung game vet& and otheV roots 'which the little pig
in a field near by, put in smile vetch seetled 00 enovn, and to the morning's
seed, just to have it handy to thaw this
Plant to neighbora. the vetch gTew
sPlendricllyi.failling over 10a thick niassi
of green that entirely covered the irliee,
and from a distance gave the effect
of a 'beautiful fern. --Mrs.
Well sewn; half .greent;
Well hoed,, full. load. •
feeding of ;fresh Mr milk, The doc-
tor had told, him fo drink it fresh
every 11100111114' if lie wished to fed
good, and he let that if it, was good
for him it might be- good for the pig.
. The pig had all the green- food it
would eat all summer; besides its slop,
The greed 'food -consisted -of the
oi-chard grass and weeds and such
Writing for the Local Paper
Orie\of the pleasantest and most in-
'stisuetive things a country, family. can
de is to write for the local or ;county
newspaper. This- Work „does ,not
lyjays, 'pay. in actUtail,cash,churt usually
the neWailaneal.:f stamps
and paper, for,"the. etten
gives a .subseriPtion to the, paPer, 10
addition. The profit in the undertals-
ling lies in the fact that writing is- in
itself an education, and that it is al -
meals; irorinassiblet10 undertake. this lit-
tle weekly task , without 'branching.
later into wider and more erijoyable
fields ef 'iouenalieni. Add to all this
the habit 'of news gathering, the'
ity. to put news 'into% pleaSing, form
and the regnaariti, with Which the
job muSt-be done, aira yen hive many
redeems why it is a -pleasant and .pro-
fitable task.
Thirst of all, the cothitry corres-
pondent roust not 31,satisfied with the
in connection with. some item, __such
as: "Tlife-children of Rose Corners
School delighted a have 'crowd with
the little play 'Red -Riding Hood on
Wedn,esdayo evening." Thig- eombines
the plackr: char/outer' -of the, enitest.
Ittp_avuent and the tiime, pleasingly) and
gives- the reakiter the desire -to know
mme about it. •/
Dorilot say that the hostess eerved a
delicious .and appetizing 11ii,,ho'a jt
the elbse of the ineeting:at her home;
and, theage, on to name -the articles
she served, ,but candense to: "Delici-
ous ice-cream and cake were served
by- the hostess",,artil save your space
foe tthe fact that the. oldest member
of the society was present for the ,first
time in years, solo that there were
visitors from California, .or that the
six -year -did, daughter of the home re-
cited very nicely, or tat -the Indies
sewed fore, the poor and Were-n(1)11e- to
deadly dull monotony. el! 3arie. hews give 5e3380311 ffains misailimacT
gatherers, but amit seek tc:s.impecry-s, school as a result, of -their- work that
305131 by week end', eeeee.-Pe.°Ple r,eafinients are pretty Much 'alike
al:naopykereofiotIonrtrelley'lesyr j,eietedw.nsplIsAfIleytaihil -3)311 tak3'71p Cy�u. will' 1050 sirmcia,,,taltVgry 50;eecal,a, 11411rinnall!wlestcheth, ess;ethies
Oho work of those correspondents who 811101031- not be- given' to onninernbing
'never iinproye:, "Rim Smith; hos, ealte, pickles; coffee. and ,sandwiches.
purchased a new :wagon," .."The raki,-If the hastess,.had been able to serve
inter.fered with t,he oats harvest, last Semethi,jng nove,1,,then the ladies ivould
week.," "Mr,s.: Abner Penivise in very eagerly read the item. ."
ill 1003 1)05 .wiibing,,„"Mis Jessra, bial„ Deal.h. notices should b -e bilef and
'The habit of writing
called at the honie of dOlin Torns). dignified.
1037 .1d0,85.1 in 19211 cempared ,with
94;465 inn 1920, The 'Olalfle Thie title Of
the number dieect te packets,
but to a far lese,..eXtent. The.. OtOru
-Cattle sliipped la,C,it Yew:, numbered
20,1:93' conipered with -31,325 in the
sante p'eri,od of. th-e preceding year:.
There wjere nrere ealiveR shipPed
to the 'Ontarito sitocleyards but fewer
to the packers. Difore .1 -rags were ehip-
ppsodbacateiiiclaais:tubiat,Yetaairfoetv,:oevibillosetirshi.e:letsitloeic.ioliclinyb:onothchleseir, 1,711;0dte, 11100(31 lfrwt 'wleali,lx.„1111e0,2311/11C11,tc.i-kineg'13:4%.,)Yholthoog ,d, at 00)8 Onne; ,
lave s -tock •suipped 'trout the dilferen0 others pile up berries on fedi trays '
000111:lei 'off eacli province. Tbie shows
1'-'. e -f the 01. counties' or dliStriatt 02
0313100310 enouyneratect, the largest ship-
lieri Ole last four inonths.of,
Of cattle were Middlesex, Brace and.
13entfiderw; of calves, York, Ha,stings
ancl Fran:tense; of hogs, Kent, Slimes,
ESsex end Yerlf, Msti, of sheepi, Grey;
Sinicoe, Renfrew, 113111 Weilingtbre, On-.
the matertail iti a pepper box itained
to. the end of a lath. The,,person
o41(10'-oi'lainhillt,jseENroo,,nwsil at,111101110 031017 3
grower does not possess a good 9pray.
er„, when Ulm plants are smafl, the
pepper be:;0., 001, oT its sniall
slap, save:A lot of waste of ma-
itud at the tiaiihe time it catibr
eaxry. '
How to Pick SIt'ket'kelTleS•
, Pickers should be tangiat, the prepor
method of picking strawberries, Lailre
quarittit(les' of tlesirchle ;berrie01. anay be
zmine,d 'iareleastieso, indiffei;ence, 00,
inexperience._ in pi eking...of Pi
01(3115) 'bot by the 0030 Of the thumb and,
terefingerr. eadh, berry being 'pinched
'off with h stem -about three-eighths
110 orre,Ealf. inch long, and pia:cad:in the
beit cereal*, not thrown, tossed, or
dropped 'into the box. To gain egseecl,
there alwa:ye is a tendency for the
pieker-to Or snatch off, the berries
dad teSs them into the ;i3,37.TOS. Some
Isieksts erush, bnufse or squeeze much
Which must "later be taken off 'and
pleeed in other looxes. Such rime-
tices result he bruised berries as well:
as many without the cap.
Damaged berries, and berries without
Iris% do not Carry w.ell,to Ole Market,
and in proper'picking are not allowed
in the boxes. Unless each TOW is pied; -
ocl cleam of .all beiries that, are ready -
at each nicking, the next picloin;
torm shows, an idicaea;sc in the..bandling contaan overripe f rat
of cattle, calves, and' hogs, but a de-
crease -in sheea Quebec a decrease in
cattle, but an increase 111 hogs
and sheep; Manitoba an increase in
hogs alone, and Saskatchewan and Al-
berta arn increase in both hogs and
The Pepper Boit Sprayer.
Is'eas the contrOl of insects, many of
the garden. plants negf.te be dusted
with limo, land plaster, ,or similar
nrateriais. Unless .one has .o, regular
sprayer, this dusting ,./ias several dis-
agreeable ifeatures. Some of the ma-
terial is often blown in the faee..,
the, worlcele; the hands, have to ,come
in- 0,315056j with the material;
:when thai plants are small, it is a
beelnbreaking thermatervial,
scent.ed with kerc,sener -turppntine,
eathelds auld, as is „often the ciee, 1.0
0(3 warse;41ian even,
For the,1 grower *hese acreage does
not -.permit him to invest dn an ex -
Saved a Frosted Garden:
My very hest garden stunt liappencel
001e is -turning when( I IV beforo
sunrise and found a heavy
frost covering everything in the gar-
den, Even the radish leaves W01,0
frozen stiff, •
Good tin:nights came to me in a
Hurry. I had often sprinkled house
-Plants with col-cl water when frosted.
And, thought, why Mot try the ealict
water plan. op the gall:lett I Illied,tbe
spfinkliaig pot several tinies and :t1,911
OVEr the entire, garden and • Rayed
everything,. et,en :the beans, vhich is
the roost wonderful of all.
The neighbors' gardens were ruined,.
potato tops biack to the ground,
c.),. I hope -,this .may benefit- others, -
Airs. K. Jon,es.
To prevent 'mows -from 7111'}111137 -
coati-, put a tial",deeipjfionugull tuilientine
into the planter !hi*, anict Stix; each time
pensive sprayer, these dAtetplanter hoxsafille.cks This not
a -Voided te a large extent •by placing harm the seed. '
Parents., as Educators
Give-Corninands..Rarely—By Edithl,ockridge:..Reia
1.11 a. well -ordered household where reside ancl'then drives slowly until
he has n,egobatedtne turn. But afte0.
much driving over the same stretch Of
road he knows he illtbat 81:047 ap,o, and:
clatiips 031 the brakes witheut evelb
glatnoin•g at the sign. As far -as he is
.ceoserned the sign.could b -e removed
frir he doesn't need. it.
HolveveS, the impt,,rtan paint with
mothers 10 00 get the sign up in time.
Of course there, is some work to mak-
ing. signib,oaras. • The -34 have to he
carved and outllned, end painted, and
afterwards put up securely., 'but once
mands. He has been tanght to cileee established they 60 their'-daty.
doors arta do it quietly until the action So 13 10 with our commands.. The
is reflex. He doesn't need to be told ft/sit two or three years we prepare the
to stop his noise, became -he boa Signboard And 'after that the rules
learned that any- excessive uproar has which:govern the read are learned SO
kits st week," and so ton i hrOugh 11153(31 LEbenzaa of Iploetry and, hong unploaient consequences. The very well., that we need not cald atliention.
tho uninteresting list., N'otV 'it 'finverY recdt;tees has gone out with the I first tame he threw a loillotY he was 01133 lougea' to the tannin and .turves,
that there are no local han-ienir PaVezs. Wedding noticeo should shown that it ne'ar'ly bit the lamp,' bald and rough spots. The children slow
the. children are nroparil' tnadned, 10
iS surprising how- few direm
ct co -
e ,
wand01. are necessary.
-Such remake ar "Cilose the deer,"
"Stop' your. noise,". "Dolit throw pil-
Iowa," 'Eat -with your fork," and "Be
careful of those books," are unteces-
.sery b-ecause they have been implied
1111 theough the lives -of the children-.
A babi,two years old has learned the
fundamentals that control actions re-
sulting from these and similar cern-
11001 oi a- ,e 111111,9; in which all
that people are not interested
reading newe, but that the toilet:- at -e bound to 'be inte4e431e03;
ponclent has' never sat down te con- 19"110 901'31310)00 the ceremenY; Where
eider the real value of improving his i-lhe Young folks ore 1.0 Eye and the
Work. I twodding 'ourney, 12 theta is One GiSe
that it also re a conmer of 31111 911., up for theg-se without beintold and,
'fez, there 1-0330 a reason -why pil- without any effor.t from US.
ft)WS 14:100 be thrown about, and So we find 1,n a we:I-trained
havir.g this fixed, in ids mind be doesn't family, that the direct ‚3031131310111(1l) 1000'
have -to be 011111 every day. So with few, and because 010 .03100- fact wn
they are given, obedience is almost as -
suited But like a powerful inachine;
that we admire because it rune so
m •
ly anoiselessly, someone be-.
hind the scenes has been oiling th-e
wheels, and in this ease; SOMEONE Ls
. , brief escrip.00n Of th. - desens et other items tn dm:n3)111n.
Johta smith has a nen, wager:, which 001 oble Try ±0
nt 0- every sentence something boaur Censtra ced.trate resemble the sign
ting and attralstive, says "Dangerous Curve 'Ahead'. The
).5 Never Partial rd plaalcog the high5ve,y that
eertaindy is not interesting to any ore'
but Jelin Smith, the Writes: had. given '''.'"arree
00353 item abott ,the ,cattle (12 hrs. time the drivel goes over the
sheep Tir hogs owned by 14113 Smith, g00111-0 waY trY 1i,ctice ozh a nd
A wagon is ,331 useful and 11e -08(201407i 53101')' family in. the neighberheod at
road ie entreated 51107081-31 by the
Wording -en -thnd
e sign. He stops ao- ler.
thing about a et-rn, but does not , some time, :Many country families,
torest any one Ro ninch (IS an. account Particilarly the' children in tha
of nue sto-dit would If any 0115 13115 feet are' timid 01.4 backward in the
had an unusual crap of ciover-seed, a extreme, yet 100e1r secial affairs
big, 9,107.111) of entre,: a record-breaking and itenat "of 11",1780600 ,pleare them im-
Stull Oro -9, cis siOnia suels item of in- Morosely when rotloccd medest netvs
ierefe,, it is, eterl to resorti it. If Iohn rotes in the pap to be 1111-
501 101i- 113331 ptleclis ate -t rnodel partial end fair to year neighbor.
00 't101 -'3031311'g. du4314, GO 0 4071111 truck Often 11 19 es.:37 to find two-thirdo
1133 the latoat, make, thims wiot.dd 1.3)e 110,31(1 13e13370 c3e711.10,5' exclusively!
ba 10301.0.W01g11 ahout ',Ira a With ore or two :premireiti families lit
connuotplace wagon, ; the rest aro .
If the ,writes re -ally en,',,oys ',Co
Chiltlren's'Aetillities Make U.o
, - • -00 ithq,Auirtil eanietising
, . .
"No more headache for you, --take these
Don't just ",mother" the, headache without removing tho mune.
Take Chamberla!a's Stomach and 1,Iver Tableti, -They rot only cure
the headache but 01170YOU n buaunt, healthful feeling beentae they
'too the liver, aweaten the atonmeh and eleenee the bowels. Try them,
Ail Drorrifts, 25e., or by moll
1(3141333 314 co.
• ' retbnto, Ont, 19
more ambit:olio will be unedtell-en '
club, alvutoh, social Mid s'133 -o'37 d37071 reinaita far- the nA"itieu'D'ia;rai
activities melte readable' itelns, papers, answers to prize contests, let-.
School .children: ate delighted to .s,ce tees to editors conini.ending or eeiticit -
theiv , ligrugo . print; -and often Mg, certain articles, church items tor
311011115053313(1itiothgts lvira are tuivre,- the reigious weekly, letters 'to -the
grersive enottgli .tO rau-se, te take a Opoi Forum of the daily papers, and
paper ter other, 4533e:0* sub< many ether sinall; Oloportunities are'
scribe became the children beg fee tile eagerly embraced'. to "brealc into
privilege of -seeing th61,r Wheel print," fte Senle, pritere term. it. And
entertainments nig* Written up. The When the day domes that the first
qountry eorreep.ondent must lye UM- cluitme is- 131430137503 10.1' ,something the
bilious to holirtho'irabli;bets incTease editor thiolee II'S worthy of. pAy, the
the eirculationo tor Sense the thrill that ;that et, ptlPar
itc11115 a3700113311037001133110-11103'th" rIPVP'7 'b43
in Ole 7103)01'. The Memory ,of „tile first allatlee I
Ioitt11e 13000131 ;features about the en- received' for writing :Crest end
• itteet,, bsirments 1111030101 be 101115h051101115h05101011, vi'k10 t,hopellt 3005713..037133733 1111331
l'01111017 011S111)01general0131143e1$01100 it ee113er- 14131
"4 Very large orcWf was present" .eeehed 313131 11h0311130, :for 1W.W.I t;
(310 "The - 311131113 ' te st'ng :e'oe worth far , Mere than" its :face 041110e
weie carried 0110134 the school," 3± el 37100301terf4r 43110 'happy 13J011.2.14
11 3J133011311 71 till of 31101 large orowa dootfid 11313110 1± mow,
c excess& eY vralso
'(.1/1(a thou mon bao done, you can dot to Salta' opayo (Imo
nead Theat,Aulatinft " nt 1101110 You eat easihnuaafer ihu•seesull uroatile 'Mot rookh
' • Sloth's of SUtCOSS Stet Seleontee. LI/bateau year expinitnee bat betn-ewitatesor
110. 30 11, twp3S'47,.. „ you thoy, bo doing now,-whethar or hot you think you eon soli-
A'E4bi ra189/01' too
nhio estion: MO71%1 ny300-11abltioun to $10,000
" year? Then get in touch with am at encel 1 svin move to roil
03 r.00.. tyltheet' tett or eb4ga0Ion (11101 3)0(3 on entity heeeleo 6 Sim,
Snleannin. 2 'Will allow yo5 how Ott Salesman* Training and
.16e0 ilheployeteebSertiee al the S, T. A. No you to cuitl:
tuctoss in Soiling,'
rt, nt41.o4 of Sa.,,.goliet,v,r,Ahle.,,, telehl by ihn 30,
rIgjj'ePfii"11°trdPr:f1,Aioj31,o 140(31433001(1,33(3 010 4(3433',lh305o,
ne,tet de10t11. en
of caning tifICTI, 314 1, let 01100, (301 430 ;tett,
Val! at alias
'4,4.1.1611td As600ltdiaa
Canadian yitr. Boa 3112