HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-5-11, Page 822 t,LXN L`ON' L1+ ADING EWELE.11 STORE Ee e .cry t Pre ar Prices Watelles,,Clocks, Riggs, Silverware, Etc., it will pay you to investigate our special Pole, of Alarm Clocks See our .north window, We, are solo agent for Phanolas and Ape, .£cards .' Jecvollc end Optician JOIINSON Next Hovey's Drug Stori If. You Can,'t Go Home For Mother's Day, Sunday, May filth, write a letter to her and - send a Greeting Card in honor o;l' her devotion . to - you. What affection is like tothat the me. thei earns by her unquestion- able, Unfailing love, We 'have apleasing assortment of cards .• J''or the very worthy event; SAX' IT WITII A MOTHER'S DAY CARD` Tha•W� D� Fair Co, Speeia1 Price uie sa. About 75 pairs of Ladies' and Growing Girls' .' Brown calf and kid shoes. All sires 3'to 7, Lines ;that sold regularly up'to $8.50. Clearing price; for to., day, Thursday, Friday, and„Saturday $3.98 About 20 Men's and Ladies' Raincoats, suitable for light coat for a wet day or cool evenings Clearing price for balance of week $3.48 Other lines to clear at equally lour prices 1umsteeI :PRONE 2 SMALL PROFITS or cash only 1 MORE .BUSINESS ..0;•••• G s farther.— oable action—Goes ...ee you'll be delighted .with the _resu 1 I DER FROM,, YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER%. NNOUNCERIEN 13y the death of Mr. John T. Harland,on May -1st,.. ti'e Hardware and Stove Bus- iness, still `to be known as Harland Bros.-, :;will be carried on by the: ezecutoi'snf his • estate J. L. Harland, Amelia and Marion Tiarland. We''respectrully solicit your continued Valued patronage. Often the Cheapest --•Always the Best 0 HARDWARE, STOVES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILSI1 THE STORE WiTA STOCK `1867 Phone No. aints Varnishes and Stains White Lead aw and Boiled ils, Coal Oil Lybricating Oils Rul3eroid Roofing of all Grades and General Hardware - IIARDNVAREI ERIE -SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist, an honour, Graduate of the Canad ran;-Oplt'chalniic College of' -Toronto. Goderich, Ont• Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 pan. Practice limited to the eye. ,i• .tin , ;1 Illmum umm nItlIl II,. III y 111,. Miss Maud Torrance is visiting: friends in Toronto, Miss Winnie Thompson of Toronto spentthe week -end at her home in town. Misses Izetta Merner and Lucy Levy spent the week -end with Bayfield friends. Mr,, and Mrs. W. T. 'Herman spent the . week -end with . Londesboro. relatives. Mrs. Squires is the guest of her mother, Mrs, E. Rathwell of prin- cess street. .Mrs, Emerson. Heard of Stanley is spending the week -with Mrs. R; Tasker of town.,: Mrs. Cloakey of Belgrave was in town ' this week, attending the funeral of x the . late Mrs,. E. Carter. • . • - Mrs. Thompson and Miss Beveridge of Toronto are the guests -of.their cousin, .Mos.. Harry Bantlif . Miss' -Jessie McGuire of Clinton was a guest this week at'the home of Mr: E. Ohitteiiclen.---Seaforth Expositor • 141x.' and Mrs. Hugh Campbell ands, son, Clayton, spent Sunday visit-,( ing Mrs: 'Jaines`tCanipbell of Mc - 1 -Mr. and Mrs: T. E,' Cook. i o'ol ' an ante load- of friends to Alb Hen - sail Choral Society conceit day evening. Mr. H. W. Gould attended' the an,. nnal meeting of the •District No, 3, I:O.0. , held yesterday in Brucefield. ' Mrs. A. T. Cooper.' attendeda meet - Mg of the executive of the Coun- ty, W.C.T.U. in-Goderich, yester- day _ Registrar'Coats and Mr. Oliver John- ' son of Gocterish, both former ,citi- - zens of Clinton, were intown yes- terday. Miss, F. B.iWard of. the School of Commerce returned on - Saturday, after spending a few weeks at her home in Maryland. - Mrs. W. Pickard, who has spent the past couple of months or so ' in Toronto, lies returned and is with her sister, Miss'Rumball.. Mrs, Fulton of Yale, Mich., is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. R. Thomp- son,' who has not •been in good health lately, brit who is now 101 - proving, <. Miss Marion Gibbings, who has been visiting in Exeter ' for a week, sang at both services at the anni °versary services- in James street church- on Sunday last. Rev: -0; 5± Hallowell left this week to spend a short holiday at. his' e in Walkerville • before taming over his new charge, at St. Thomas, M1 Ji -E. Doherty, Miss Ruby Irwin, Miss Gladys Cantelon, Mrs, Mew and Miss Ellis went to Hensall on Friday evening,: to attend, the Choral 'Society concert•% lIliss' Vida -Burns returned to Wood- stock on Monday after spending a week at the home of :her parents, Rev. G. I. and Mrs, Burii•s`'at -the Baptist parsonage. Rev. J. E. and Mrs.: Hogg, Mrs, (Dr.) Gaudier and Miss O'Neil wont; up to Southampton yesterday to arrange about the building of ;their summer cottages, for which they purchased sites " some time Mr. Peter Herr of Aylmer. hid his son, Mr. W. J. Kerr of London, were in town on Friday, having accompanied theremains of an. elder . son of the former, Fred -1; Iierr, .which were brought here from London for interment, • linto News-,RotPrd and Cash Carrg 'NEIL'S BIG livery CORNER CROCERY Stocks Cas OCE 1 RL'SI1 BAYFIELD SALMON, Soap $1,00- 15 BARS SOAP P. &'G. or Gold Cocoa 2 lbs • 25c TROUT ARRIVIN G DAILY—We are sole 'agents .fol Fish. Large, Lovel y Pineapples -30c and 35c Leave your order for canning Coffee 38c pound Jelly Powder -_-' 3 for. 24c BIG VALUES IN TEAS. FOR QUALITY WE L!1 Neil's . Special: Blend CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO THE BEST VALUE IN TOWN—AND THE LOWEST PRICE; Lanka, Ludella and Blue Ribbon at 49c Broken 'Shelled Walnuts per pound:60c SARDINES, HOLBROOKS,'2 for SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA, ,3' for • EXCELSIOR DAT. _'8 . for•••• LOOSE DATES, • 2 for • COOKING FIGS, 2 for , • 23c 28c 23c 25c • 25e 42c ib TABLE SYRUP, 5 pounds . 30c TATTLE SYRUP, 10 pounds - • • . 73e LARD, 3 pounds 53e SHORTENING,- 3 pounds , ,P.:,r 50c TEN LSiS. 'GRANULATED SUGAR -•, .,. 67e. 'Pint 'Sealer Cocoa. per; farAno,'harge folr jar) 30c BABY. CHICK FOOD , . WYNDOTTE CLEANSER, p' g b' SPECIALS ILEAD' LLTTUCE, STRAWBERRIES, TOMATOES 20e CUCUMBERS, ONIONS. ;Tiolrr�esville The Inglewood Poultry Yards has been doing a dishing 'business'....this spring, ,being unable to fill •orders ;as fast "as:they conic m Babv chicks have, been shipped long";'distance§;' some ggipg up t4.'Ne* Ontario. The teacher and pupils of 'our :village.schieol'obseived arbor• day by a general clean ,UP of , school house and grounds and' have aXse atten- ed .to-plantinb the garden which it is hoped will. bring' g odd results foo the school fait neat ±a11,;The school has a very large attendance of lit- tle folk this •tepin The quarterly official board of the Methodist , church was :.: held last week and of course, as usual, was adjourned to meet ,for final,settle- ments;. etc.,. on Monday evening next, when it is `expected' the funds will be found to be . well up as :is usual for Hohnesville circuit. Gen- eral regret is expressed that the a„ TatneVe at the end of the • Rev. H. Fair of Toronto is visit- ing at- the parsonage and „took charge of the quarterly religiOus services on Sabbath' last: Farmers are about through seed- ing mid °§0r, Of the grain iS show- Chei"ry and plup blossoms .are showing up ,for an abundant crop, should nothing occur to injure them before mathring. Mai. and 1VIrs. Edward Picicett of, De- troit ViSited 111M., Margaret Pick- ett and other relatives in this sec- tion during the past week. They came ovey to attend the fimeral their brother-in-law, the latc.T. returned to Detroit on Moifday morning and 'Nil's. Pickett went Clerk l'h,win of Bayfiehl was in town IqondaY, Ito complains that -,Since the Colophene line has 'beet -Vat out --of businos lie feels cut boen in. Clinton Silica the fall,. Ilut s i8 ljukOb.i:t, 049 in the —seitSorr 'really 0073168.. ',Mother's Day" will be observed ill ommoft,', St. Andrew's church next Sunday inorniag by -Suitable services Itis„ expected that the praise will be- led': by a n}bthex s "chop aril all parents; and `children a> a urged° C s he present.. g, In the ,eveninat 7 30: an ilhistrated' sei.yice;will be, held ''in connection with fie %Iuronf County,_ Branch of the Social Servr5e Co turerl, of Ontario " "'address �sil1 be g ven by nne' o4': 'the `Finlcl Secretaries1, and Views"will . be shown it iistrati{ig Social Service work,.• The: three act-P111Y,."Notthing_but the •Truth,". given' by. the Bayfield Driimatio• rFriday. . on evening ,last,, was a success and -was ., highly..appreciated by the •largean• •: diene,. present. All . did their parts well,. Those 'in the play were: WI Parker, G Castle, W. Metcalf, II.' Baker, H. Rathwell,C. Geminhard, I Anna Woods,, .Grace; Pinder, • Floy .Edwards, Jean Woods, Ethel' Jow- ett. —After the,play a. number re- mained and danced.. i Stanley Towns' hip month' of April. Those marked with Sr. 4th — Eileen Turner, Arum Love, Walker Garlile, Emma Love, Billy Anderson, Mae Stelek, Vera Jr, 4th — Grace Coleman, Edna chrane Lawrence Reiekert, Rue - Sr. , 3rd—Gladys Stephenson, Clar- - Muriel -Garble, Earl Love. St. Andrew's ' chnrch, held last ner, Viola. Steleli.4° Jr. fird—Wilma Love Elmer Tin -- At the meeting of,. the W.M.S. of Thursday at the home of Mrs- Sr 2nd— Martha Carlile, Ralph Campbell, an - excellent paper on "Chinne Literature," was read by Mrs.' Wan. Reid, also' a-solo,by D. Stdrgeon was much appreci,ated-. Miss Izetta Memel- of fllinton:41i the ,guest of IVIiss 1VIcLeOcl' ov- er the week -end. Division Court was held in the v11 -- lege an Saturday last, Judge Lewis or Goderich presided. The only case disposed of was that of Mrs. Ron- att vs. Dr, McAcalf Judgment re - Next Sunday morning "Mothers' Day" will be observed in thoMethoe --Miss Lucy LevY of Clinton 'spent the weelt-end as the blest of Miss Ethel jowett. Miss R. Hill•of Scaforth spent the, week -end as the gust 'of Mi88 Al- ma 'McKay Dr, Tillman and, wife of London "Spent a day last week at their sum- mer home in the village, family of ,London spent a few days this week at their summer cottage,. Among the many 'who are now en- gaged 'in building homes and sum - me), vesidoffees im the village are: Messrs. Box and 'Son of Seaforth, sturnnef cottage; W, J. Elliott, Bayfield, residence; Mrs. F. S. Glass of London, red briek resiance, Mr. E, Merner, Clinton, residence, ancl number of otherS,intend to build this spring, Bayfield° is_nob only boom - Mg, but going. to continue to boom. Dr. awl Mrs, Partrid0 and family of London spent the , "wOok-end Mr.' tigla and wire of London were the guests of, -the latter's par- ents, Mr, and; M±s, Samos Sturgeon, Rev,' A, „Miicfailitne end. Mr, John -PrI.shytery in Clinton Tuoe,day, Turffer, Grace Love. ' Part 2nd --Clarence Reickert. 'Primer Alvin Reickert, Gladys ' ',1st Russell Wolsh,, Flossie 011,ANGES COLOR , STAMPS - Ottawa, May 8.—A number of changes in the •'-'color of Cimadian postage stamps are being made to centorm with the new international regulations. A straw-colored one cent stamn is being issued, to place the old green cent stamp. The red two cent stamp is being' replaced with - a green stamp, and should a bix cent stamp ever be issued it will take the red color hitherto cliatinguishing thd' two cent "Say ft with Flowers" Order*early to avoid disappointment as we never can 101 all smders for Mother"; Day., Start" your Hanging Baslets now Complete :With hangers, at, 405 tt Prices -range and the Small'egi- ; Will get „ equal satisfaction in the fit 'of his 'clothes if hour; taiie. Jine has been' aronnd him:' 'We please. 'It's the know- liew that tells the tale, and ,our- eXP'eri- „ence and observation ha -s- given -us that. Conie in and look over our, stock of the very best cloths and try us for your next suit, from $25 to $55 Davis & Herman THE VETERAN TAILORS Opposite Town Hall Brown's Men's Furnishings Store AT GODIERICili dnesciag, Mag, 17th, 53 ASE ALL TEESINATER Dance at the n EVENING EIGHT P. NI. - This is the opening game of tho Big Four League—Don't Miss IL Which wili win?, We pelmet say, but :we can assure, you the BEST DANCII FLOOR IN WESTERN ONTARIO Will be lit your- disposal. -for the evening, at the Pavilion, La est. Music by a six -piece Orchestra. Come 'and enjoy „a real , afternoon and evening., All makes of Batteries Bepaired Rebuilt and Charged First.class work on ehort not co. SEELErs GARAGE, llotneloaklnd, Sale The ladies of Willis Church W.11.8, will .hold a. sale of ltome baiting°, Dr.iga $13•11 a nations from 5110 'onda Society will be grate Illy ci ciai Friday and Saturday "CITY, DAIRY" ICE :CREAM: Bricks in Crashed Erait Neapolitan and Reception are popular, ASK. FOR OUR WHOLE WeRAT DREAD Phone 2,04 The Bracer So greatly barge 'the busses and jitneys cut into the Hamilton Stre0. business • • that ilia com- pany tlireatenS ftli80 ?arcs again