HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-5-11, Page 4ty I f'I17_it; 1?A'X, TTI ?;2, 0 or ot of P!i%iis8.11', y Staid$ sic tolt it'll JISa . is bound up in -flair loacl,of wllil paler? Did 'i t eves' ` ,oe L r i o•, GG"1 3'ou that yotn' lvn}1g'ar.t,' the chiefspaee in your uF� AIIV/I lloute' and. more . im-, kr. portant int;ifeci. than the ? ' 'Consider th'e ti tf.te.f• .NO Come and see' � S � ..s our fine btuekof th4 ef%ts, iauY ht • -ltreet f,.; oil' ti the rmanufacturers, and sold atsatisf'uctoir,,Y prices. ALL PAPER TRd;lVIfiriED • T. COOPER. 3 e,J, Ci,INTON The Wingham.,Library Board wrote •i 1 to theCarnegie Co o •a rec01 t Y LP u tions asking'. fat. a grant for' the PX- -tension of their library building? but,- 11, letter was received stating -that IV grants were being -}riven • et pre- sent, Miss Jean ' Merchant of Owen ' ;Sound has beet engaged :to teach N.o, 6' school in Grey• township. Miss Bessie Watson of Brussels ,was married- last week to M. 'Win J.. Mitchell Of, Grey township. • -Dhe Lutheran •.church :established at, Cranbrook r thirty-five years ago is being offered for -sale, the eongrega- tion having dwindled to Sour, .one of them.: Mr. :Conrad Michel, being, one of the thirty members • who 'founded the congregation: Looks ,b-etter Wears longer -, Dries' absolutely • hard, easily cleaned 8 attractive, calors that snake bri iht'a neat lookini floors that will 'withstand the hard continuous wear that your floors receive. Harland Bros., Clinton lamisavoumaysin THE °" -SCRUB SILO DOESN'T - PAY; An inferior, "home-made" silo doesn't pay any more than it does to use a scrub bull For breed - You've got tohave a silo built to stand the storms—stand the pressure of silage=keep' out frost, --adjust itself to the varying needs of weight and weather: Moreover; you want a silo of wood—good sub- / stantial "wood. Because only with wood ._.. 'can you keep; out' area and keep in the succulent ensilage juices, Silos built of porous compounds such as -eeruent •absorb the juices- create mauldy, poi- sonous ensilage—.disintegrate with with the acids, 4. c - You may put up. a silo: for a u$" u1 f �rr4j� few' dollars' less. than I can.' sell you a Hylo Sylo for. 13ut you won't have n auythin :like the same a ue job: Yon won t..ilave Gilson self-adjusting hoops -- Gilson 'perfect weather -tight joints—scientific anchoring—patented combination door lock anal . Pays for Itself ladder—in shoat, the money lost in a 'scrub,_ Silo in a single season will more than pay the itI 'SIa a¢3t'61p difference in the cost of a Ilylol A "Hylo Sylo 0510 far Aad a5' for strength -moll, let me. show you e block o itself the. first season in Lone Loaf Yellow Pine—the wood ..that comes f,ronx lower fe5d cots, an,1 ex-: •: LoCisiene-twice as .heavy ns. Sprsce—strgnger than Oak. tis nxillc. praduotion.:Let's cheapest elle to get. 7.1155 yee'll. i'e"liao'why'n Oitssn Oiylo Sylo is by' fn- the ague ' it but with peneii 1 019 01501. E.'`. f PPS- SONS "Tlte Gilson Man" w VARNA, ONT VIIINN p ,. TIiIt tfliWV 'AMU� �� SASKATOpN ,PRINCE aupERr BRANDON' CALGARY VANCOUVER , REGINA EDMONTON VICTORIA' AND Au, Wr1STI5R14 POINTS 1 CHOICE OF ROUES Leave Toronto"' 8;45 Pan, daily, Standard Slee ' nour Toronto to d8o✓inlioeg via North Bay-und Cochrane, Through' Tourist 'Sleopinear Tronto to Winnipeg on Tuesdays., Tkiraduvs, Satutdiye an Leave Toronto 10.35 p°.m, !The National" Vonda e ,Wednesdaysand Fridays viaSudbury and Port Arthur. Solid throughtrain With Standarl end To orm,mcopiug cars, Coaches; Colonist Car: and Dining Car Sontice Connection at Winnipeg for all peitita Weer,. Ge full e., L particulars, reser. ,., i ns P,_.. v t b ,etc, from local Aon'1. Agent or nc,an,e�l; Agent Of the Canadian`N,t` i" National sal Trunk 'Railways, NIel/VS g 1111S.�� troe 1C;ou nt4,) and Tcew iter will celebrate May 24th. Among the 23 nUI'SOS who Will TO-, calve •(ilplolnas' on Iraidgy at the itiiilgston Goner' ll IiQ 1gital grarlua- tior cxcrcisea :is A11. s Ilelen 4}ilson ox i�''n ;haul, Dr,' LG,smilten of Brussels has pur- eha?,ed the sh<ty-five acre Tarin of Mr, Nesbit Hamilton near that v11 l lga ,and will, move onto it -,tri the ia11,_ Miss 'Mary Elizabeth Helm, dau- ghter of Mr, : and Mrs,. John Helm of Ashfield was united in marriage with, 11ir. Robert Gai bier, also of Ashfield, at the home, of .her parents, o April 1J h ,,The c ren o was n 1 1 t ,, o t ny Performed by the Roy. DeWitt Co - sons ;of Lucknow. It ' if ,'reported that Reeve 'Porter of Tlrnberry has lostseveral head of cattle franc sweet clover poison- ing, It would; appear, that the feed- ing of sweet clover is attended' by some risk. The dehorning of eat - 1 inanumber of t o ilt bei cases has ,proved fatal, the cause being given as the thinning of the blood 'liy the feed- ing of sweet clover, It would .seem that a steady cliel- of . the clover is not to be recommended. Dr. Hall ofc'Plattsville --has put • chased the dental practice of -Da. H. MaoDonell of Goderich. The 'lat- ter ,goes to Kitchener. ,Tho teachers of the Goderich Pub- lic, schools have asked that all salar- ies not up to•a minimum of 411,000 be raised to that sutn, Dr. Geiger of Waterloo, whileclriv- ing in his Ford coupe 'to visit his father, in Hensall, had his car ;badly damaged by fire which broke 'out from .causes unknown. Help arriv- ed and the fire was extinguished but not before the: body and.top 'Were destroyed. Mr. Thea hall; formerly editor of the Wingham Advance; but for the past nine years a resident .of Pasa- dena;] Cal., died last, week:. aged 7'7 years, ' Ilis wife died about 'a year a q, Ile ,is survived by, two daugh- ter s ,and tbi ec,;sons . , 14Ir.. atld, Mrs. Edward -.Watson`, of Blyth; celebrated their Golden, Wed- ding anniversary do :May 1st. Kincardine ,had an expert comeup to estimate, on a' .filtoration plant - and now. the :sante man offers to put the plant in at seven and a half. per cent -of the "cost' The :Review does not like the plan at- all, "We would. suspect any estnnate," says The Review "made by an engineer who expects to get the contract on coin mission on the cost," The Winghain Lacrosse Chub. gave a euchre and dance in the Armouries on riday week;, which was attended by a large number of both young and olden ones. BUSINESS' FAILURES. Although during the last month the number' of business . faihires in Canada recorded by R. G. Dun & Co, has decreased from week to week,, -the figures are in every case higher' than in—the corresponding week of 1021, and it is evident from these returns -that the process Oi 're- adjtistn7ent istar from having run its course, 'The' nutmner of ,failures in 1021 was larger f than in any year since -1915, and, involved liabil- ities of $73,299,111, ti; figure which reveals the extreme degree of in- flation- to which, values -had risen, DIDN'T SEEM. JUST RIG1:IT Uncle Josh was corlrfotably light- ing his pipe in the living room one evening when Aunt Maria ghmcodup from her knitting. "Josh," she remarked., ''"do you know tlfat -next Sunday -will be the twenty-fifth anniversary of our wed- t1 1 1 ?,r x"You don't say so, : Maria," ` re- sponded Uncle ;Josh, Pulling vigor oouSiy at his.gori1 cob pipe. "What about it?" «.ilotluaig;'' answered Aunt Maria, "only I thought maybe we ought: to kill them two Rhode Island Rad chickens," "But - Maria," ,Amended .;Uncle Josh, "how can iyou_ blame thein two Rhode Island Reds :for; what hap- pened twenty-five: years ago ?"—San Francisco Star. Greyhound - Excursion to Detroit The White Star Lino again annonflces the big aunuiti.esouraion, Goderich to Detroit, on the ;tentunr. greyhouud, This splendid slip will leave Detroit Monday, June 1211i 9:60' a, 7n., and arrive : in Godeaitlt 5.30 P• af. On that (penin,; at "8:96 a nloonligllt }tart} will be taken out for w three lours' delightful ,sail on :Lake iluron•to enioy,dtinoing io good anisic. Don't miss bbfs. ... On Tuesday - moaning, June 13th, ttt 0 30, the'Groyhound will depart for :De - ti 8lb lvitli the usual happy crewel rbotu di' As the faro' o' is only 9200 ane way and 93.00 7'ouud trip, a large num- bar of passengers will, as 11snal,,,1119 doubtedly pole° the trip, ' Those going- will Jrave:all day Wed- nesday 'and • g Thursday morning 5 d 711 De- Returning, the Greyhound will. leave. Detroit T1'in'sclay, flu 15111, ai 11(1(1 p m., reaching C4oderieli 0,00 p, in. tha6 caching. On Frid{ly'Mim'ining, ;it Os36 she will' d4)art for Detroit on the final . trill, According to newspaper reports, De- troit isresuming its usual prosperity by leaps and bounds, Iloadlilles of recent Issues inddeate that the employers of that etty arc 'flatting/ it almost inlpos' sildle to ,secure, suffici(;nt 01(111511 labor to meet therequirements of'tho -factor. cpltput. V.ery recently the I'.acka Antoniobiie Cimipany added one thous, find plan, 3111 f,li,*li'ci't Coinlpini in one fvedc added -1/m -tlioilsgatl new men their Forces, 1t. i. c 1 to s said, Detroit is practically frets ' un=' the Michinitli 1;lhpllumo nom, arid State � 1 c.Ippltt)ne Company and 11m Detroit, Edison Company aai- nomico they arc laying J m;, eciniduli.s for 1;01s9hon;';anrl electric lighting service to 41lco care of e 511l3, - of two•nifllion pSorlo within the 'nod to y ra.: A Welt ON CI111,IIIF1N, rho following oihtor'iN appeared a recent iSsuk o1 the. Toronto (dobe; "It ih difficult to- , andel stand the motive of diose who are carrying on propaganda 'against aid to the 'stet- rngi' edrfldron,: of Russia. The cam, paip'n at first took the forme of d, dalilal , that any famine: existed, 'When •this obvious falsehood was de- moli, hod' thio actniinittcator of tile- .Savo the Children I'.t nd was ,attach.: ad. • 1ti end all dotilt as to this the B1'itish Save the Children Fund "was united with other relief eaganha- tions and placed u'ntlea the Manage- ment ianage-ment of Sir I3onjainin Jfobe.tson, who bad held Bigg office in the In dian Civil Service, `and was an ex- pert in famine rl ,eA` ' The .last prcce of propaganda is moaner a d more Subtle, hY hile it, is quite inconsistent with the • otheg tow, The famine (which_,nevet ex- isted), has 'been relieved, The or- ganization which had been consider- ed.,inelllcaent has been so successful . that the famine has been stamped, out. This also is false, as is shown hY a cable from Colonel Mackie, The British achuinisti'ation 'say ;that the peak of the famine has not been passed_- It is further pointed out that 'both—the American relief ad- : mipistration and the, British olgani- uations under Sir Benjamin Robert- son have lately undertaken addition al responsibilities ifer feeding more e, o p1e..iir the ian '1` p 1 am areas, and that distress is undoubtedly increasing:. • Reports coming from American sources probably, refer to distinc- tively American relief work. With this we in Canada .have nothing to do.: The -Canadian committee is. in constant touch with- England, and its information- is that, relief is: urgent_' ly needed. Canadians niav:rel.y ab- solutely upon •the :British- 'and Ca' iiadian'osgaiiizations, and pay no attention to reports Coning from. other souose . Within the pastfeiv days the Canadian committee receiv- ed a cable -.Doom England asking it to hasten- the despatch of floor,' laa•d and milk. If Governor= Goodrich of Tudiauia wants the United States to backout, all the more reason' why, Canada- shonid continue ' tlre;' g-oo51, wvorlc Last 'week the Canarlian coia- tributions totaled $305,000., 14lake it half a million at leiist. Nine liiilhon. people can • easily afford that amount.-- The carnnaien,,ae'ainst the starvin-s': children 'is . e1orthy of King 'Herod. -Even his methods were more' merci- ful than the infliction of, a'::Painful, and lingering` death on Millions, of innocents." A SOUVENIR FROM LLOYD ,GEORGE .Right IIdn Arthur-. Nfeiglien . has received a 'pleasing .memento of his visit to England That summer when ho attended the conference of Brit- ish` Prime Ministers: The ineniento is, in the form Of ' a bone -handled gold -mounted walking stick of oaa cat from a .tree •at Chequers Court, the country estate' of David Lloyd. George. Tlie cane, was sent by ths, British Prime Minister and was a souvenir --of Mr. TVIeighen's visit to Chequers last July, It is inscribed as follows : "A Souvenir of Che- quers, July, 1921, D. L. George." "ANN OUNCE OE PREVENTION IS WORTH POUND OF CURE," A disturbance of the even balance of health which often occurs in these trying• days" of reconstruction may cau- se serious :trouble. Nobody can be too careful to keep this balance When people begin to'loose appe _titr, or to get tired easily, the least imprudence brings on sickness, weak,- ness, or debility The system needs- a tonic, craves, it, and should not be denied it; and the best tonic- 'that' many people' recommend . is Hood's Sarsaparilla. . What this itonic has clone in kee}iing healthy <people healthy, in keeping tip the even bat- aifce of health, gives it the sauce distinction as a preventive that it enjoys as a cure. Its corny use has iilustrate'l the wisdom of the 'okl saying that "a stitch in time ,saves' nine.' - Preventive treatment now and then calls for the use of 11 good cathartic or laxative,' like hood's Pills, which are 'purely vegetable and act' quickly, and thoroughly, - USE RAZ -MAH N05Smakinp-410 Spraying—No Snuff Just Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed' to restore normal breathing, stop mucus gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give long nights of quiet'sleep; contains no habit-forming drug, $1.00 at yourdrug- ist's, Trial freest ouragencios or -write Templetons, 142 Xing W., Toronto,. Sold -by J. E, Hovey, Clinton,. Ont. RA1LWAY. GRA 1 `TRU t. 'SYSTEM' TRAIN SERArICE TO TORONTO. Dairy Except" Sunday. • Lve Goderich . , ,, 2 ,20 vim. Lve: Glinnton ..6,25xn. ` Z,52 p a 7.n1. Lve Seaforth .. 6,41. am. 3.12.m. Lve ;Mitchell 7.04 a.m. 3,42' pm, Ayr Stratford ;'.. 7.30 a.1.p 4.10 pm Ari Ifitchener,., 8.20 am. 5.20 p.m. Arr Guelph , , 8.42 11,51. 5.50 pain. Art_ Toronto .:,• 10:10 a.m. 7.40 pan. RETVIRNING Leave Tn 1 •on t o (i,GO a.m.;12.2, 55 p.m. and 6,10 pan, Parlor Cafe carr Goderieli to To- Tonto on morning, train and ,Toronto :o Goderich 6.10 p.m., train. - I ai for Bullet car, ,Sti+atfoxdto S'o- rO1rtO: on , afternoon 'train. ' 0.1 1.1. t°inrningg D,P.A., G16.It, 5ystefn ir, lt ,iohansfotd do ;ion, Phalle 57, Uptown ,Agents. 44444 OM ion ONLY 'A ,5TollE RE MIINDOI7S S9 lini I3USIN„ss COULD OFFER SUCH roce gr, Instead of 2111r1cing 0111'' perces µup and :waitirlg'in the regular' wayfor it to move' we nriri�lc our 11riees clown fq.' A' 9010 s .turnover, at less Monts, and in. this Way we barna roceri ' E� g s es to your house at record-breaking to v prices. ; Buying in lapgo quantitiesµ and having ou , own wholesalGP e' we' .oari save. You 11050 fuel ay,.tlran the' small 'stores. ' Sllirrifl„s .Jelly PoWc.eri 3 pkgs 22e. Unsweetened Chocolate 14e Sweetened Chocolate 5e 4 Cake Icing's • 13c 4 -Minute Puddings, -2 pkgs 23e 4 .Minute Tapioca; 2 .pkgs, 28c 285 4 4 ,Gold Bar Gluteal Pineapple ca :L az ' a tins Extra ` Large h',elten Haddie, tin ' 25e ,Horseshoe Salmon larg•e,.tin55e British Columbia Saluron large ''tin 17 Cross. Fish Sardines, tin Alia Salmon, tin10c Sunflower Salmon, 2 tins 25c `Bananas' 37c dozen Gorn Starch, • 2 ',kg's 20e1 Fairy Soap, 2 cakes • Aylmer .Pumpkin; tin i5c Palmolive Soap,3 • 'akes Pork and, Beans, large tin :24e Dimples Soap3 cakes Pork and Beans; small tin 9c 1 -Lvov Soap, cake y P, '4 ie large cake 15e 24e 24c 59 Castile Soap, 3 calws 10c iSoi, Castile Soap,:. long bard . 18c i Carbolic Soap, cake : Se , Talcum Powder, tins 190 Maple Sugar 10.c 10 le �°'to 22 19 y9 JIJNGI EI,;AND _ KELLOGG'S i' �ii•:>,. tooR ry(� S . �. COTLN FLAMES' '.� _ ��rS '47C 4'' 4 POST TOASTIES 2 packages for ar� •. ruWINDOW geMeaty P nes. 2 lbs 29c SEE ”" 4 BULK COCOA, 4 2 Pounds for 25c m,, GOLDEN • TIP GREEN Lemons, 6 for 15c ASK ABOUT OUR, Large juicy Oronges, dos 42cµ �j'� 4 Sweet Naval Oranges 5c each III ,-Free 'be•livery COOKING 'FIGS 2-pounds:..;for 29c E 66c "ib -BLEND' - '''EA. 45c YOU. WILL 19 LIKE" IT -Dread 1®c LARGE; LOAF FRESH. DAILY: ~During- suniiner month we will .Deliver your Groceries „IA. your Farms or Sun> fl omes, —ASK 175 --AB OUT IT TTTE" CLEANEST; 'MOST11TOD I RN, AND UP-TO-DATE , RETAIL GROCERY IN CLINTON. 1bJ' 91Utti+i7 ITN h'J i(I0 - L:C;I-5T.SIX Piz...passenger, 40 Foroe,poreer 112 -inch wiacelbazo Nonskid Cord Tires, front and rear wheels T is no longer necessary 'to buy an J. .,expensive automobile in order to oltain iha essen.ials and comforts' of the costly car. You 'want•service. The LIGHT-S1X is built complete in Studebaker plants. It is not an experiment. Thousands of ,owners ' have found it dependable • Studebaker every kind' of service, Studebaker 1>as settled that, - You can now buy a -"LIGHT-SIX ' .far only And you want refinements, Standard $1495, f. o, b. Walkerville, Ont:, and equipment on the LIGHT -SIX include.] get a car that rivals the higher priced cowl ventilator operated from the in- ones in every advantage that goesfto clrunient board; cowl parking lights at make up permanesi't satisfaction. base of the windshield;" inside and out- side'door handles; large, rectangular You want a' serviceable. car, 'The plate glass winnow an rear curtain; LIGHT -SIX has a -10-horsepower mo- ignition lock and a thief -proof trans - tor which is powerful, flexible and is: - mission lock, reducing the rate of in, free from vibration because surance to LIGI-IT-SIX owners 15 •to' of Studebaker's method of machining 20p ex cent; and cord tires. the crankshaft grid connecting rods. • You can pay •more and not get . the You want good looks: You .get good satisfaction they LIGHT -SIX will -give. "'looks -in the LIGHT -SIX. ' But you can't get, for the same price, You. want' g comfortable car. The a value that is even comparable to LIGHT"-SIX_Ilas a roomy, comfortable the LIGHT -SIX. body, 'mounted on long, substantial, Studebaker has been building quality semi -elliptic springs; and deep, restful vehicles and selling them at fair prices cushions upholstered in genuine leather. for 70 years. Touring, $1495; 3 -Passenger Roadster, $1495; Coupe•Roadster, $1925; Sedan, $242$. ,411 prices f. e. 6. Walkerville, Ont. T. F. HOLLAND east St Garage, Goderich, Phone23 4 STUDY TOUR FOR BOYS. About Che best thing a father' can do for his boys 15 50 eneourago them to travel and see Something of the world, before ,theybecome toolceen- ly engrossed ceria1 life. 7xsvel is a g'roaratti eductimmator—cit en- riches 'the iniad and fits the youth to ,better fill his place in life. A normal hey 10 observant—he asehni- hates and retains knowledge, Travel gives hint: his opportunity -it fits. hint 701- OVevy phase 111 life,' A: tour or Europe is, at presenit. boing organised under the 'personal supervision of .Mr, T. II. •Matthews,, This exceptional tour starts :from M.A.,(Oxon), Asais ani,Profgssot oC'Montreal on Saturday, at rdaY, June 14t1l) Math shtics, McGill UtaVersity, and. 'callirt {nco the splendid ' , late instrtiuctor-i,iouteulint; "Royal White, Star Lias steamship"Cana. Navy. In addition local guides will pie," (12,100 tons). A. Period 'of° an - bo seethed to,,scnduct excursions and •p;oxinietely two months will be oc. give lectures ,on the artistic, historic,; clinic& by the tour as by the ituier- lite57tty and econemio sfgni(c#kilcooi',, n y thefsl0'n trilr, is made :tr'oniti the sights seen and the places visited A most carefully planned and In- teresting itinerary has been arrang- ed including Visits to Montreal, Liv- erpool, Chester,, Stratford -on -Avon, Oxford, London, Paris, Versailles, Fontainebleau, Rheims, Lyons; Mar- seilles, Cannes, Nice,Monaco, Mon - tone, Genoa, Pisa, Rome, Naples, Sorrento, Capri, Pompeii, Vesuvius,: Florence,. Venice, Trent,- Innsbruck, Munich, the Passion P1iyy at Ober- amnrergaa, Nureanhtirg, Mayence, the .thine, Cologne, Brussels,Louvain and Ostend, retnxning through I,orl- tion and Liverpool - Liverpool by the : fine steamship. "Regina" (16,500tons) arriving at Montreal on August_ 26th, The arrangements for this toter are inose coiitplote and the charge which is a n,iiiinrurn one cover% ev- erything in the way of trasporta tion, hotel acconodation with three meals a day, transfers, -sight-seeing Ices, in brief all necessary travel- ling ekpenses for the enitiro tour. Apply to any agent of the Cana- clian National 'Railways for '.further 1, particu lass. 47-4 Mr.' William Black,. l .P, s. i t , pent lti few' days at . his home in Tucker- smith recently, a recess from this duties o{' the pauliamentary, seesioft, It is expected that meetings will he held at huhurn, Carlow, Bola es- Ville and Clinton during'the month. to discuss .%tyd1'o ou 'thq lstrnl,