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The Clinton News Record, 1922-5-4, Page 8
t7LX1 � O N' a L1,,t1. 1)J Cx +`CO1 .3 Jewels at : re war Prices Watches, Clocks, Rings, Silverware, Etc. it Will pay you to investigate our special sale`' of AlarmClocks See our north window, Wo are sole agent for Photolas and Apex Records Jeweller and Optician HY JOHNSON Next Hovey 'a Drug Store Just Arrived Our apring"stock of imported woollens A nice range of blues; greys and 'fancy worsted. All guaranteed, fast colors. , Our prices are right and workmanship .the very best. McEwan'$rothers,, Merchant' Tailors , W51ken Block Opposite Post Office Speeial Price for Quick Sale About 75 pairs of Ladies' and Growing Girls' Brown calf ,,and kid olives:: All sizes ib"io 7. Lines that sold regularly up' to $8.50. Clearing .prlce.for to. day, Thursday; Friday, and Saturday' $3,98 About 20 Men's and La Ties' Raincoats, suitn:ble for light coat for a wet day or Cool evenings Clearing .pri3e for balance of. Week $3.48 Other lines to clear at equally low prices for cash only Pltimsteel Bros I'ILONL' '25. SMALL PROFITS: MORE BUSINESS ' Paints, Varnishes and Stains White Lead Raw and Boiled oils, Coal Oil Lubricating Oils ltuberoid Roofing of all Grades and General Hardware Sutter Ez Perdue HARDWARE ELECTRICAL PLUMBING, 1 THE r4SW'ROUTE WINNIPEG SASKATOON • PRINiCE.RIJPERT BRANDON CALGARY' VANCOUVER REGINA EDMONTON VICTORIA AND ALL WESTr12N• ?MITS CHOlet OF ROUTES Lave Toronto 8.45 p.m. daily, Standard Sleeping, oar 'Toronto toWianipcn via North Bay and Cochrane, Through t Sleeping ' car Toronto to 'Winnipeg on luesdaya, Thursdays, Saturdays andSundays• Leave Toronto 1035 p.m; "Tho National" Mondays, W'cdnes s via Sudbury nday and Fridays b y and Port Arthur. 'Solid through train with Standard and Tourist Sleeping cars, Coaches, Colonist car and Dining. CraService.. Connection at Winnipeg for all'peints Weat. an+.en dtiwy,av 0 - Ger full particulars, no,reservatiaetc. from a , local Agent or nearest Agent of the C;an ndisn National --- Trunk Railways, An n+ou xn cenm:ex�, of Interest to Anglicans Caliibrriclgey 1VZuss< Hiiit P1sr ' SiJottJstis{od9e` L ii4io?, in th combined boot, with Izhnule in variety of styles a? tiled- tiles ,EaOier Day, Sunday, April 16th, has been fixed by the Primate all the day. upen whleli the 'New'Prayor Boole , comes oft uially into use, and" iiiahes the ideal Easter Gift. me W fl. Fair Co Often theCheapest—Always the Best EYE SPECIALIST A. 1,. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist,- an Honour Graduate of the Canad- ian .Ophthaimie College of Toronto. Goderich, Ont. Office, hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Practice limited tei the eye., 1r' ai n��a r,JimJintinn uixmunmmm inUu,• lib Mr. Jacob Taylor of Toronto is in town this ,'week. Mr. M. T Corless is in. Toronto and.. Hamilton this week. Major and Mrs. M, D. McTaggart were -in Toronto for a few days last week. Miss Kingersley of Brantford is the guest of Mrs. C. Llewellyn Bilkey at, St, Paul's rectory..:' Miss Maud Torrance will assist at the Choral Society concert atHen-. sail tomorrow evening. Mrs. I1.' W, Cook, who 'Sias '.been spending the winter in Winnipeg and Toronto, has eturtied to town. Mr. Willis Cooper, ' a stt,ident at the School of Practical Science To- ronto, is home for the Iong vaca- tion. Miss Helen Roberton of Clinton was the guest of Miss Madeline Stoth- ers during:' the "week.—Blyth Stan dards Mrs. Ephraim Brown has returned home after a week's visit with her daugnter, Mrs. Gor•don..Curts of Forest. Mrs. D. S. Cluff has 'gone to Toronto to visit her- daughter, "Mrs, Me- Bride,; and another daughter, Miss Grace, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. How and two little sons of Toronto are the guests of the lady's mother, Mrs. Wm. • Glen of town. ' Rev. Carew • Hallowell was.. again. called to Waikerville by the illness arid,,: -subsequent' death of his neo- ther, the latter sad event'occuring on Saturday. .• Miss Clara Ferguson; who has been town for, several weeks re- euperating after her recent ill- ness, left yesterday to resume her ,work at Stratford. Mr: and Mrs. Snowdon of Sault Ste, Marie, who have been visiting the former's uncle, the .Rev, T. J. Snowdon, .have; gone : to visit in.' Windsor n- Windsor and Detroit before going to their. home, r.`II M s Hughes of Sort William ' for- ;meldsMiss Nettie Stevens, has ben visiting her .sister,'.1Virs. (Dr,) Thompson, and other 'friends., in town and vicinity during the past week or so, - Mr. Robert Ilolines of Toronto, one of Clinton's . best-known _fennel, citizens, is in town this week, IIe will remain over. to attend the funeral of his old friend,.,�the late , ,John T. Harland; on Saturday. -' Messrs: 3. A. Ford, W. Clement, W. Holloway, F. Jenkins, I -I, W. Gould, E, Rozef II. 18. Chant, J. Schoen- irals, H E,, Rorke, and (3. II, Ven - nor wont to Soai orth ,on Monday night to attend a Maosnic meeting argains and Farrners' Gliders of $10,00 delivered within a radius of Servi3e en miles fluring aceding abet busy rerasons. Clubs up Mitt). you ' neighbors at d snail or phone your orders BEST CAN SUCr% n4' 1"r .Ib sack,l 10 Ib rack 20 lb sack. R. ;$6,50 99e. 590 $11.39 F. & G., Naptha, Gold , '7 for Coe 15 Bars for " $1,60 Aaniponia, Rinso,Poarline, "3 for 23c, 1 un to Wash, 3 for 25c SYRUPS Corn Syrup, 5 lb 0o Corn Syrup, 10 1b tins, .IGS, 2 lbs for Fresh DATES, 2 lbs for 39P 18e 250 2.5e Bulk Cocoa 2 lbs 25c Lipton's cocoa ...lib tins 22L wrrar, -- WO SPECIALS Libbv's Sliced Pineapple P411t; Large tins forgone week ,only Broken Walnuts" per pound 60c Special 'Buck Teas 42c 1b 5 pounds for $2.00 old elsewhere at 45e BLUE RIBBON TpA Regular 55c pound for SEEDED RAISINS . (bulk) SALMON 50c Regular 45c for Regular 40c foil 22c SARDINES 39c Iiolbrook's, regular 25c for 18e 330 SP1 C+ALS"TOMATO SXPIELD: TROUT, WED ONTONS S`AND FRIDAYS RHUBARB • STRAW33ERRIES ISINDL'1r REMEMBER WEEKLY " IIALV HOLIDAY • DURING SUMMER MONTHS COMMENCING WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd •GEL) RY LETTUCE . PINEAPPLES • Cash & Carry and" Delivery Phone .48 PrrirriVIVIOWFORAPri.PWARWAPPOINAMMOVININSWINWPSWAWMPIAMM/WIWOMMOI 66 D W. Griffith Presents: 779 AIMIIMPUSINIMIVOIMMININNac, TIie,JlIggest It's a simple story of plain folks, this the gi'eatest of all Griffith plays, is uncommonly well done, with -its humane- ness andits story'rrf unusual love, its thrills and its pathos it stands alone in the field of spectacular' pictures, A story of Love, Mari and Womafa,, Mother' and Babe Love's voiee, sweet and low, strong and tender, across fragrant fields and twilight streams. Princess Theatre, Friday . and Saturday Evenings at 8 o'clock _ MAY 5th and 6th` and Saturday Matinee at 2.15 p.m. A rn d salon v E elnxn s 53c,Mate fant'.P 37c This is a big production and owing to the length there will be only one show each evening, thought it should • come under : the special oominitteh''s work. But af- ter' some discussion, ;under two ino- ticns, Councillors Cooper and :'•Mid- dleton fathering then, "the coun- cil approved of the erection of a trough" and the street committee was made responsible for the ei•ec- tion'o:C same. The finance` committee recommend- ed payment of the following as- countS :-- Salaries • Aiieount THE: 'TOWN COUNCIL, R. 33. Fitzsimons, for April. ,;$54.17 E. L. Macpherson, 3 months.„,137.50 (Continued' From page '1) R. 'Welsh,'3 Months.•,125.00 and recommended that., the crack in the north wall of the hall be repaired and that the weighscales and the stook yard at the station be repaired Councillors Middleton and Nediger proved that the sleds be instructed "to write Engineer Tom of Stratford ask- ing the Highway Commission to 'take over the west road to Erie street and the east read .to East street.. Oh motion of Councillors Cooper and Reeve Miller the mayor and clerk were authorized to raise ,by deben- turo $1,000 for the use of the Pub- lic School board, for eapilal expend- iture. xpend-iture, On motion of Councillors Cooper and Kemp the treasurer Wvas onth orized to make settlement on the :James Perdue property on Spencer street on a basis of. 8250 for .taxes for the ;years 1910 to 1918 inclu- sive, provided the entire amount is cleared not later, than the month of August, 1922. Reeve 117illos said that last year the erection of a water trough for, the use of horses lead been leftover, owing to the scarcity 6f water, and, seconded by Councillor Nedigor,' lie moved that the street eouinnittce'$00 to the lacer �, tr n ci n t, a vii lentp.l�ie a of a watering trodgh, Chairman Middleton of the st9oef; eomrnittee did not wish to tako the responsibility of doing this and R. Welsh, collectingg war tax., 1.00 Property Account 5, A, Irwin, for liinoleimr , .. 28.37 ']d- Mc,IConzie, Tor Inmber, ' 1.30 E. Ward, for ,'coal. 46.25. R. Horsley, 1 day's work ,` 2.G0 P. U. Coni„ lighting town hell .6.77 M. T. Corless, supplies °'2.15 Hawkins & 'Miller. ,,. .,., 15.00 Electric Light A•ecoum Street lighting for April ... 1.4141, ' Fire and Water Account Geo, Mann, for team to fire .. 0,00 Cemetery Account R, Hunter, salary 71.43 M. T. Corless, Tor supplies... 1:30 Grants •Accotmt Hospital for Lighting . 9.76 Incidental Account Miss .Bentley, for typewriting. 3.00 Miss Joluison, for Work 3.50 D. E. Closet Account J. Carrick; salary for April 54.17 Street Account ray sheet forApril 58.38 Stationery Account, lI, Barnard, ., 5,11 Telephone A�ccoun RonIa'lf 4 r Toils d30 R1�.",ClifiPTS It 33 Fitzsimons, market :sordes 15.15 tonb of town hall , . , , 57.00 11, llunter, for work ..,, ., 78.25 Sit10 of! Lots , . _ .. . , 45,00 Miss Margaret Pape of Carrie has, taken a position, as stenographer at the office of the United Earners' Co-operative; Co,., at Winghain. A quiet .wedding took place at the Trinity Lutheran parsonage, London, pn April 20th,• at three o'clock, when Alberta Sophia, dau- ghter o'C Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Koch of Dashwood was married to 1VIr, Chas. Russell Pitt, son of Mr, and Mrs, George Pitt o1: London. The Rev. 1Vl Hider .officiating. Lecture on Dr., Paton `Rev. Mr.,' McConnell of I-Iensalt will give an illustrated lecture 'on Dr, John O. Paton and Itis Work 'in the New Hebrides, in 'Willis- Church, 6X1 Thursday, May 1lth at 8 pe m, COLLECTION. 13akerg Special • e Friday and Saturday I WHOLE WHEAT BREAD Made of Whole 'Wheat Flour, mixed With pure ntillc and malt ORDER, :l1.4It1., AS SUPPLY 18 S,1 .. a• dtM`,.W . , O'NEI ,iL Phone 204 The Balzer the Smallest in Town Will get equal satisfaction in the fit of his clothes if our tape line has been around him. We have a`:sort. of pride in fitting men that other tailors can't please.. ,It's the know how that 'tells the taste, and ' our e pelt- enee.and' observation has given, us that, Come in and look over our stock of the. very best' cloths and try us for your next r suit. rices range from $25 to $' avis Sc Herman TI -JE VETERAN TAILORS Opposite Town Hall ' Brown's` Men's Furnishings Store fIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllll(IIIIIIII IIIIIIIiIIiIIiIIIIIiIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIiIIIIVr�IIIIIIi111fIllllllillllilill lllliliililllllllllllllliillllllllill((IIIIIIiIIIIIiillllllll(Ilillifll(Ilflllllillf lilllllllllllifllllllllllllllllllllfllllll(fllliif, tong, Distance puts the i .lea' t f' ret u. es at , your Elbow "'No, I won't load up with a big. stock” 7- said the enterprising but cautious dealer - "if they sell as welt as we hope, I eau easily get in touch With your. house by Long Distance and order more of thein." R,3 -ordering by Long Distance makes i t entirel. prac- ticable y t, ticable fol.• dealers to carry small stocks, thus keeping flown their capital investment; slid yet not lose ~,ales by being out of stock, The who]csaler's and liiann- f<tcturer's warehouses aro virtually at the dealor's, dhow, The & roods are 0710 s 33 1si , plied' the same. day, . :1t also 011213les dealers to try oat the novelties and new styles people have been reading. about and are asking' for, ,aawhich tlae margin of profit is a la]]J < att than on staple lines."Use tae lett to Sell" bud to :Buy. Y li 9atC,, Vit ' "©lephtono fs l it, etist f7xst071