HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-5-4, Page 4Cl 'hat a P. of of PIe't U�Utsftctiorl b Tappioess tteh.Towashf Mn Ja:nlcs Reid and son Thomas, Mi. J :Nr, :Reid and Mr's, ,[Harold Graham : of Goderich township at- tended .the t-tcnded,tlu Funeral of the late Mrs. William Woods of St, Helens ori Thursday ay of last week. sl. is' bound up in this, loud of wall papal? Did Did it x.ver 00.00 to }'OCL tl'lat (001' wails arc the chief space in your Douse anti more s poriant in t fl'Ui;t. than'. fu1rlidtnugs? Consider' th0- nacttter NOW, C01r02" and see Ot1;' ii'rle,atoch, of tile uHwt.ef lr1>sc.ts,_kaotlgliu direct fro tl(c 1Ylazaufocturee6, and sold at satiefaotoriz prices, ALL PAPER''Ii?IM1'UE,I7 FREE A. T. COOPER. CLINTON Mr. Robert Medd of Auburn, who carne to this country from England in 1854, will - be ninety, on the 22n0 of June ],ext. , lle':farmed in West Wawanosh for many year's," until afouryears ago, The Rev. 1;: G. "Ross of. Montl'eal a former pastor of. Knox Presbyter lan:church, .Godericli, has had the degree of. Doctor of Divinity con- ferred on hien. iu r, The Rev. .T: W. Hibbert, president of . tho London Conference, preached S anniversary services in Vie ria street church; Goderich, on Sunday 'week. FOWLS 010 ' T1111 AIR, "See here," said the angry, cus tomer, "when I order ,poultry from, you again I don't want you to send.. are any of those 'airplane. chickens." • "What kind do; you •mean,' sir?' "The sort that are all wings and Machinery and .no meat:"-1,oston Transcript, Mr. 'Robert Glen .of Colborne x'e Gently sold a fine two-year-old hei- fer' to reifer'to Col. Rlc•Lwvan and District Ile presentative Stothere,•who, as agents IorrtheGovernment, are -purchasing' a number:. of 'choice females. I1 . V ' Awonderful finish for floors, furniture, interior woodwork Clear varnish and • stain - colors„cherryyoak,walnut, .' rriaha flan j etc. Shows ,the Train of the . 'wood and is easily cleaned Made to walk ora "Save the surface and yon save all” lf-ARLAND BR tu#dietl' lip 911.0 '1']re -following is the rel>ofit ot, 13, 7 c, N. 2, lfudlett, tor.>r'r,onth' 03 April lqllmes. are hi order of merit 4th class 11111 Clew, Lillian Clew, Annie 'Humor, 21(1 class 4pna 13atenelor„ Ruth' Shebb) oolc, Frani( Dale, 'Charity Snell. 2nd Jai,:--..ardtie Date, 1'rarilc Snlitli; P>inier --- Marion Bayley, hazel Vanflgnwnd, Harold Tyndall,�i12a>'-. ray Dale, J, Lindsay, Teacher Auburn - They Harmony Class of the Metlio dist Sundayschool made Bliss La - tie Jackson "a life menrlber 'of the Womens' Missionary, Society, Mr. 0. 11 Erratt, U, F 0. cattle buyer; took aload of fat cattle to Toronto this week. Mn, ,lames Dawson is having a sale of - household efleats` on Satur- day afternoon, 'May/ Oth, Constance Mrs,; Stewart of Seaforth is spend- ing a couple of weeks with her dau- ghter, Mrs: Roy Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. TIenderson of Sea - forth spent Sunday withtheir sis- ter, 11/Irs, Ed, Britton. , ' We have two -butchers come to our village every week, the Blyth butcher and the Londesboro one. There' should be no lack: of merit., Mr. and Mrs, James •Mann enter• rained" a number of- young and 'old ane night ,last week. Ali report havinga good time. iVlz's.. W, McIntosh spent a few days with her 'daughter, Mrs. Mills of Havelock - ' PRICE Oil' TEA HIGHEST. IN', YEARS., During 1120 so much more tea was produccd'than was required through- out the world that the market drop- ped to a comparatively low point, ,So serious was the position of, the g•row- ers in Iielia, Ceylon; and Jaya that they agreed to produce 20% less tea during; :1921. Tile result was that less tea was produced than was re- quired; and now all, surplus stocks, have pretty well been exhausted to fill ' the deficiency. Prices in the last four months', have steadily ad- vanced, until the 'market to day " is at a - level-_as,.,high as was ever be- fore reached even during -war year's.. Mr. •Charles Garters of Corrie ap- peared before Magistrate : Reich of Goderich . the other day . and -was fined $300 foving a ,still, which was found in a bush ihy Constables Pellow and Whitesidos., "Built -in -Canada" "2:7-M1 1IL1 (11]11 111011inue11111010, 111 qt. ).isf'i SPECIAL -SIX . F vp-pu_snnser; 50•Bornepowtt. ' 119dnth tohoulbasc Non-skid CordTires, fraat and • , rent whack , Y `ixis 3rtJ3,1,. NO matter what you pay for a car, you won't.flnd greater satisfac- tion than you can get in the Studebaker SPECIAL -SIX. That's why so many people, who buy 'entirely from the standpoint of satis- faction, drivelthc SPECIAL -SIX. Satisfaction with a SPECIAL -SIX is due to its dependable'Chassis, its Stude- baker -built body, and the _complete- ness of the equipment. pocicet as well as the ignition, and a large rectangular plate glass in the rear curtain.. There ,are many . other features that would be considered 'unu'sual in cars of much higher price. Let us tell you some other 'points of SPECIAL -SIX superiority: The mechanical ,excellence, of the SPECIAL -SIX has proved its satisfaction in the hands of thousands of owners, This equipment includes an eight-day - Its 50 -horsepower motor provides great clock,one-picce,rain-proof windshield resources of smooth flowing'l?ower with; parking Lights in lower corners of and wonderful flexibility, Its perfected windshieldidase,andwindshieldwiper. dry -plate disc clutch makes gear -shift- 's, h includes cowl ventilator controlled ing quiet and easy. sh,`tonneauli ht ' front clash, with g extension And et ,the SPE ' .._ , Y , SPECIAL-SlXzsnotaeostly .. cord,ttanstnzssiOn lock which.zs aper., car. At $2075, f. o.b. Walketville, Ont,, same' keythat' locks the ated by tool ' ,.it is a striking al k b value ., compartment, in the left front door4 by anp car of comparable quality, Touring, $207'+'Pas .. oa Ister, .>r20251.: 4-,1"aes. ',Rondrttr, 2070• Coupe,, $3050; .sedan, $3250. 111 pr,ce;b f, o, L.) Walitercille, Ont. T. F. HOLLAND East St. Garage,'Ooderich, Phone 234, } t�'rC t nt r111f1�. 1 b»Strict Tho thank -offering .scirvieo, muter he ausPlecs of , the Neil Sha, Ytou ug, Women's Auxt Bary, vias1reldwd Sunday in the i'u ebyrerr ui troch, Egmonilville; An n>aniiing address was t7eljvered;:by Mrs. ,Haunts Zltun ton of (9odterich. 'special 'ser ince was herd 'in : ,St. Thomas' church, Seaforth, on. Sun- da morning in connection with ,the, dedlention of to handsome oak alter memory of the late Adolirio Harolds, wile o'f. J, M, Best, pre- sented to the ehux'Cln ,by ineinbers,of her family, A most:appropriate sermon was .Proienedvby the rector, Rev: T, li. Brown. i-lut'cnr Lodge; No, 52, 1., 0. 0,F, Goderich, celebrated the 103rd`arni- vc racy of the founilatiorn of the oder by attending' divine service at Knox Presbyterian church, op Sun day morning, Over "130 members, the, largest turnout in the lodge's history, listened to an excellent ser- mon on "David and Jonathan,.' de- livered by the pastor, ,Rev, Mr. Me- Derniid Special music, suitable, for the, occasion, was rendered by"the choir•, including a duet and asolo. On the return to the lodge room"s, Senator Proudfoot moved a hearty votei>f thanks to the minister and church officials 'for the: sea:vice, I. Hetherington, district , deputy - grand master ,of South Huron. paid his official visit to Britannia Masonic Lodge; Seaforth, on Monday even- ing.There was a largo at,endranee,. visitors being present from Mit- chell, Moncton, Clinton, Hensall, Goderich and Brussels. The even-. ing closed. with ,> banquet. The Provincial Board of Health. has served' notice on the Goderich -_ town council' that: the water' system 4, must be at once improved.. The no- tice was served by Sheriff Reyno.ds last week. The council was ordered to instal a fiateration. plant but on su!bmiiting a ,By-law to the citizens to provide for the cost it was voted down; The council is now sinking a test• well, as some of the council- lors believe that is the way out of the difficulty. A pretty -Spring 'wedding was wit- nessed at the Home of Mrd ',Tacob Rader:, Dashwood, on April 20th, at four 'o'clock,' when ;her.' youngest daughter,' Adeline" E., and Louis L., youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L: I{raft of Stephen township, were Hinted in marriage," Much regret is expressed at the early; death of Mrs. A E. Bond of Goderich township, which occurred at the AAlexandi`r Hospital, Goderich, on }i'xiday week, _The deceased 'lady,. was formerly Miss Lucy McCracken, daughter of-; Mr. and Mrs. James McCracken of .Goderich. _. 'Sher -is` survived by her husband and; a fain - of ,four children, the ,youngest, be- ing an infant of days, also . her par- ents and one ,:brother' and one sister. The funeral :'waS held -from her- late. home in Goderich township. to Col borne cemetery on Sunday week. ,The funeral services were conducted by' the Rev. Mr.'Quinni and the pallbear- ors were Moivat. McDougall, Feed Hudie Ernest Little, William Mc- Prou Donaseld. and Charles : and Wilbert Alieffort will be. made to reclaim the "drowned'. lands" in ,Bosanquet township near thedford, by` unning• a,canal through, about. five miles It will ,:cost in the:neighoorhbod of $70,000. The townships , of West West Williams, McGillivray, and Ste- phen and the village, of Thedford are interested. It is eitpected the work will be commenced this -summer and several thousands. of acres of land will be anade fit' for cultivation. Mr. Roy Golding of Woodham has Hiker' a portion as organist, -in one of the St, Marys churches., M'r, F. 0. Preston, foreman at the, .Gunn, Son-ola Co.'s works, Wing- ham, had his hand badly injured last week by coining iu 'contact with' a saw. His 'middle finger had ,to be amputated.'• An old resident of this -;county died in,Ednnonten recently in the. person of Alexander Ross, who farmed in Turnberryfor a ;time. and later was a resident of Wingham., He went west -in 1913 and was given a clerkship -in the district court of that city, a position beheld until within a month of: his death. He is survived by his wife and a family of `six children. L,Il�ulIFiIf1 Mhltin 3 IN int` ;,' )0 I. gr0cor�y >;no ly l'rotb t,ll0 followin fiat, tlleri c'Onlpliro fhb Pr1(1e +r'itli whit II- . 1000 tlal'ifl°'.e.hz0 Vllr+r0 iir'i( dicer flow. ninon 'oth.w',An 1 t's$Ye II- ott t)r olit 1'ci ti 3 p tz 1. m: tl, , u do nut liili.'e to pay no for citta 01„ keep ni' Na11 rislve delivery ouffs; dol10011'-ia'ag0l>Ft, :1Ind telephor>es, Lot its ii,l1 :pilaf order with the ., Highest (<;),y<tlity Orocerieg 0t Seedless Raisins ib Seeded Raisins, pkg Yalencia Raisins, lb" 'kt .!�.' 7:2 KELLOGG'S TOASTED . With 'Jungloland Book' 4 4 Rock.: t't 0,1,, 23r ' � aionn>n Meal,' pkg 19e Shredded Wheat 2 ploys 25o Puffed Wheat, pkg Pir'1 36e Shredded Cocao ut, ib. 2 ac Crcn of L eY, Pkg.' 14s. Post Toaisties, nkP,. • 20e ;10e Ile CORN FLAKES 3 pkgs 29e Ammonia Po'wdcr: 2 for fide •Laund>'y Soap, 7 bars sbc Laundry Starch, 'lb 10e Panshine Cleanser, 3 tins 253 Gillett's' Lye, 2 -9c soap, "hi 1 10c 'ni ( Y, tins 2 S is 4 ps, b Dutch Cleanser, tin file , Lux, pkg 12c Washing Soda, 211 lbs 10c 4 Icing and Loaf SUGAR 2 lbs for 18c "'Pdk:unr Powder, tin 411. Epsom Salts, pkg Health Salts, '2 pkgs 4 y, ookin Figs 1.9c 10c 25e ASSORTED CANDIES, per pound Peanut Butter, lb Cheese, lb 25c Currants, lb 22e 25e , 17c ,,. 2 pounds for 29c 4 ax Doir't yo t be udeceivedbuywofh1er Te,�n ,you ,e' old -01ur s 4 .f less .money elsewhere. When 4,.' you get it in-. your cups yon will soon know it has not the '11,-• pure 'delicious flavor of our• Rheumatism? ray Or Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago? The remedy is simple, inexpelx- mive1 easily taken and,harmleus, Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Your druggist will supply you. Write for free trial to Temple - tames, 58 Colborne St., Toronto. Sold bp J. E. Howey, .Clinton, Ont. TRAIN SERVICE TO TORONTO Daily Except Sunday. Lve Gederlch'., 8,00 a•t,nr, 2.20p ,in. Lve Clinton , . 6,20-. ti.nn, 2.52 pan. Lve Seaforth .. 0.4:1 a.m. Lve Mitchell . 7,04 a,in, 3.42 p,'m. A:cr Stratford „ 7,80- a,m. 4.10 pan. Arr I(itchenor: , 8,20 a,rii, 5.20- pan, Arr Guelph :, 8.42 arn, 5,50 pan, Arr Toronto .. 10,10 i1.ln, 7.40 Joni,.. RETURNING _ Leave. Toronto 0,50 a.un.;. 12.55 poo and 0.10 pan, • Parlor Cafe car Goderich to To- ronto on )sorbing train and Toronto to Goderich 8.1.0 pan. train. Parlor'Buffet car, Stratford, toTo- r'ente on afternoon train, 0.8, Horning, D,3,A., G,f,R, System 7ol'rn' Ransford S, Sou, Phone . 57, Uptown Agents. 1e' aw 4 Special Blend. TEA pound N 5 • String Brooms' 39c. 40 -ft clothes lines 29a ashU ar Globe Washboard's • 57c o d Butter Co:or:;bottle 25c Butter Paper, lb 05c 'Horseshoe Salmon 30e DominionMchc , 3 at`i �s boxes 34c. . h Lily White Syritp, 3 -lb tin 470 Coffee, lb 39c. Cocoa, 2 kris 25c' Black Pepper, lb 25e le hard, 3 lbs , Ile .rId .^ Lard, 10 lb pail. 81.73 ' Lard, ail : $3,3 a a 20 .,1h'n ID `Easifrst Shortening, n;,3lb pailI3e 0, T3I31 CLEANEST, MOST MODERN, AND MOST UP-TO-DATE GROCRRY:STORE .IN 'CLINTON. Full Satisfaction or money ;refunded. t c+9titth1'P IS *Pit'Ve s e ,ts e "?I' leo This is_ your lucky, day. it your grocer can, still supply, you one,of those' glad Jungle - land Moving Pictures inside the Waxtite wrapper on the package of K E L.L 0 G G!S ICdrn-Flakes! An enormous supply all over, Ontario has been pracfically exhausted! IJungleland Moving Pictures would sell for 50c. in stores! They are a very wonderful c,nna gists - Go to your grocer QUICK and get $ELLOGG'S "WAXTITE" Corn, l lakes] He knows they, -are not the leathery, hard to chew kind; he knows that little folks and big folks delight in - the won- derful KELLOGG flavor -- and he knows- KELL(GG'S, reach you oven -fresh, liecause they are wrapped "WAX- TITE." Get KELLOGG'S "WAX' TITE" and get h al) - p y 1 KELLOGG'S "WAXTITE" Corn Flakes put sunshine into breakfast; make it the gladdest time of the day! All the 'family will say their thanks for -"disco ring" KELLOGG'S "WAX TE" and the Jungleland, Moving Pictures! , There neverwas such fun and feast! Get your Jungleland.Movies CUICK — -your last chance! allyourgrocer on the phone --or send over • But hurry! We want you to have jungle - land for your own kiddies n for some child you love!' CORN FIAKES ,eibo eskers o! KIILLOGG'S KRUMU 1(S cad KELLOGG'S SPAN cooked and k ambled ti STUDY TOUR FOR BOYS About the best' thing a father can. d0 for lois boys is to encourage them to travel and see something of the world, before they become too keen ly engrossed in commercial life. Travel is :a great educator—it en- riches the mind and: fits 'the youth to better fill his. place in life, A normal boy .;18' observant --he as5nrti- fates and retains knowledge. <T.rgvei gives ,liim his opportunity—it, fits him for every phase in life, boor of Europe is •at Mogen) being organized under the personal stnperviiion of Mr. T. II. Mtitthe vs, M,A., (Oxen) Assistant Professor 010 Mathematics, McGill University, and lite instructor-Liautenalit, 'Royal Navy in addition local guides vVi1t be steured th conduct excursion and give leeture0 on the antrstit, historic, literary and economic significance o1' the sights seen and the places visited A •most carefully planned and In- teresting itinerary has been arrang- ed including visits to Montreal, Liv- erpool, . Chester, Stratford -on -Avon, Oxford, London, Paris, Versailles, Fentaineb'leau, Rheims, Lyons, tMar- seilles,'Cannes, Nice, lltonaeo, Hien- tone, Genoa, Pisa, Rome, Napier', Sorrento, Capri, Pompeii, Vesuvius; Florence, Venice, Trent, Innsbruck, 41unteh, the Passion Play at, Ober arinmerguit, Nurearibarg, dtayence, the Rhine, \Cologne, Briisseis, ' Louvain and Ostend, returning through Lon- don and Liverpool; Phis extseptioual .thin~ starts front VToniregil nn, ;Satiu'd•a71 bus 14th, carting et,Quebec by the ; splendid White Star tine steamship "Cano- pies (12,300 tons). A period of ap proximately two months will be ort., copied by the tour as by the itrnerr soy the 'return trip is made irom Liverpool by the line ate Unship'. "Regina" (18,500' {:ons)• arriving' ac Montreal on August 20th. The arrangements for' his tour are most complete and the'oliargr whichis a minimum one covers ev erything in the way of trasporta- tion, hotel accomodatiort with threo meals a day, transfers, sight-seeing fees, in brief all necessary travel- irag expi.nses> fo, the entire tont'. Apply to any ageirt pf the Cana - 'than National `Railways for further' particulars, , 47.4 Blyth is up againat 0 3)0008)1001 cis to their Public; school, the present building being much. too small to ateoinrnodat4 all the children of school age. and those wishing to at- ` n toad a crorrtn ru ttah probniile a imtv'sehool will be erect-. ed.