HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-5-4, Page 3.
SY DR, J. .L MIT)r)1,17,TON
Provinelsi Oriarel of Health, Ontarbi
SISd 14), 100%111r questions es Pnhilo Ilesithma
ter* threngh this column, Addroese Innt si Route Spadiss
Crescent, Toronto,
Are Nearly AlWayS Pte ti l Pan
Watery 1310001.
not think that because yoUr
1..W.•••••..................M „,......., t ()MAUL is IlLOIlY 11 P8'et you L.T(' the
vi,ethn 01 08010 ''"11008" mal9t17' One
tile babies" is a 'Slogan, at shall a country' give in exchange for
itt echoing round the world its clii'dren? ' ' '
the moat common causes, of inn
:41 p
of * alT,
mallazed eountrIeS Come re- These are „impressive word, and goo is anaemia, or thin, watery
t,‘ ,rogitie in die work shoW the earnest thought that Vis- blood. I' tla'at' it has' hee°111° ..eille'al-
„:0411,d Welfare, and governmentB COUllfeSS EtlXt011 has given to this 1Y re'ac'Whized' that lle41111-Y activitY"of
the stomaolv is impossible unless, the
ti..0911.0.ng, Itiive to bite fact that great., work.. Her services to the eliil.
. 114at
m , . - . . , • .. b1011ti 16 1101 and) ,eit
&Taal heirltlly child ia the
- olg- outli Atre-a have been In- '1 '
Ihe5t ab's,,Lfrt• valuable, and it -wr ' ','t1 t t Dr' W11433•Ths' Pin'I' Pill''' "Yeb°e'll
„ SCOIlllteSS Buxton, wife of the re- that She had to „sever her active con- Pound Valuable in oases, of indweetion,„
nervous, dyspepsia and stomach weak.
tent Governor-Generalof the Union itection with the child welfare move,
just be ”'
cause they are 0 bl 1
of South Arricst, i„s an enthuSiastic Merit in the Union when Tier Buxton s 0gOO,
'worker in the cause, term as Governor-General was ,com- hilihie'r al1(1 'nerve taulit. 'Tim rieh'
"There is a w•er4.1.,wide movement Pleted.' ' , ' '' vet blood
thla9wringdtligleetsytilolite, 10t 008-
°010a1.7. -
en behalf 'of child]:en to-day,"'writes Knowledge alMte will not ,sav the 11:11'...,a„r4'3,1 a ,l'all'ilY
'Lady 131.mtan, "and it is being gradu- babies, „ but Avithout lcnowledge they 1%.,``' '°'-`)r ''') the' 'clIe'el's ,,and iiim, kuul
, ally trea,l,ized that for years, , pasb there will assuredly die.. Knowledge, how- g'"$ vh-r''''' 1 0„ '.1ve Inusele3L One iin-
po.rtant pont to r.emourber is tilmt Dr.
has ,3een a crimlintl --because pro -vent- e'cr, cOmbilled With•the v,ill and de. ,
Will,,iamr&' Pink Pills 000101)1 11)) harm-
qhle--wa-,te of 0111,1,1 life everywhere, termination to „put it into effect will
, , , diu 4 Ci emalt...s wlita re tilt s to
and 1111,thir,ichia, people an i t . assuredly reap a rice ,narves,„, Infanta f',..u,-.1 ' gr . ' ' ' ' a 1"
, le ,eeause ose wno are responsible rffele701 t° , prel„)al.'athmis that
, - - , 0 ( e °mimed
to 1 it u enIl to it
merely stimulate to a 1)100 13 'o .
There is no exenss t6-dnY for a high for their care have not the knowledge you begin _ , ' .' el le
infant mortality, for ' experience in. 'reqnisite for adapting .08 modifying „, .,. .- 'er'Ying ^ limne:ces4r1'13'
. apout your state of 1.1,ealt.h., try the
other countraOS ollO'Wll quite clearly the rabidly changing environmentl i t„, „t . . „ .
toolc rou meat of Dr. Williams' ,1,tok
law it may be ciccreasod, land as soonwhich civilization imiTos.es, to the more
01, public opinion 110,01810 0,1)00 effective
measuren being ,adopted,the rate or
mortality will go down, and the health
f Lhe children will, marvellously. im-
prove, Public opinion, when once
awake and, keen is irresistible, and I
went(' urge 'all workers and syna-
.pathizers in. Child 'Welfare to exert
an their POWer tO'NoardS SO educating
slowly changing "malco-un" alio con-
stitution of the human baby.
The storage of and fond in
unsuitable 'places is often responsible
for children's ailments, so "the, pro-
vision -of 8 pantry, or suitable, place
for :the storage of mil and food is
absolutely essential, It is by ordinary;
'every -day practmes that we develop
public opinion, that, the demand for (the health sPhdt, . and of thesethe
immediate ref.orm may be pressed with handling of food is one a the most
a driving force that carries all before
• Child Welfare 11, no doubt, the chief
corner -stone of a nation's welfare, and
conSidenation of other aspects of so-
cial reforin as affecting ,the -child
should help -greatly towards the effec-
tive solution of a problem which
imooks no delay. •
his no longer a question,of whether
O country can affordthe expense of
social reform, What it' cannot afford
is the waste, which must inevitably
rise ,,,..‘rom the want of it. Tdr what
important. Many lives of children
would uridoubtedly be saved if ^ the
-question of a hygienic food and milk
supply was given more attention.
When we think of what ...ailght be
done, the words of Wordsworth come
to naiad:—'
"A simple child,
That lightly draws its breath,
And feels its lifeln every limb. ,
What shoulc1 it know of death?"
And Yet '7,804 babies died in Ontario
last year before they were twelve
months old.
Tills, You Will be sutpris'ed to See
,how rapidly your appetite returns and
yonr debflitoked- system 'revi,ves. MISS
0,11011 Far4111.11 ar, Nortlt l3rookfield
N.S., Whip bai proved the value of
thesie pins in 'eases of thigkyind, Bays: -
"For a. long time I was sufferer
fr,oni indigestimi,,whick seemed to Car-
rY with it a complieatiou of ether
trouhles'. , Evmw mes.I brought misery
with ,11, as the eating was 'followeit-hY
severe pains 1 the etoreadh, cauSing
at times -nausea and vomiting, and at
other tittles an accunialation Of gas
that caithed severe ,palpitation of the
heart and a smothering sensation.
The result was, that my general health
was seriously, affected and the least
exertion would, tire Me out. I had
taken much medicknee but did not got
more than !temporary relief until I
began nelng Pr. Williams? Pink Pills;
which L took for a,conshierable time,
with the result thatInow. enjoy overY
meal and am no longer distressed af-
ter eating, find myself in every way,
eaje3 ing bettea, health,- and I eheer-
,. fully recommend, these pills to similar
Believers. . c'orned ...and even 'across a 4.g.tance
. ' • will not let as go. , .,
Belief in us,is the first incentive and You can. get Dr. WilliThs,-Phric Pills
Friendship never ,lives merely -.by througls any dealer immedicine.,er by
the last. Everyother stimulus teener
material exchtmges: 'Phe tangible
or later .thay grow ,W .,, eakand fail. Not things luny ts,and offen,tiisy, ,ar.e___ mail i.50 cents...a bhx.or six boxes', tor
go with confidence. He who helps ,a . the'rhiSsives of an abiding und,a true
,friend halPs him n1°St-{'f all bY lAustl affection. ' But -the most and,the best
in hint. Ho -who betrays ri friendship I 000 0168101 ean give to: anotherp11-
does so most sadly vvhon he breaks} grim ,
on the human way is belief,
aitli, by Iris conduet,'With that trust '
whose other natrie is love. There is
nothing like that to move and to, in-
spire. It is what one Mall aS1:S. 'DE
another;* it is. -what Heaven, unseen,
inscrutable; eternal,' asks of an earth
that is finite, material, literal aral
All things are possible not merely
to the believer's, but to those,Who' are
It is 00011)801 tendency in each of
us to idea1i.2,e—Lif not to idolize. We
cannot:help it; we were born so. Man-
kind 'worships a liero,=as all the world
is said to love a lover. When that
hero _turns out with Wings of Wax, or
spine of straw, or feet of clay ---great
15 1110 ia ei a demigod to. some.
„ - 'e1 It is for them to prove that
thing • less than a ,inan. they af,e „worthy, of belief.
But who has not seen -fairly ord:-
, nary stuff, in an average '
transfer" meci into an i,nage 010011 111080 Costly Languages.
closely neS'embling ,the divine, by theIn 010 of the palatial homes of tha
great influence of a great personal- new -rich SornoWliere off Park Lane.in
ity? It,may npt be a person.ality that London, 'a Jewish gentleman sat he -
the ;world has erowned with fame. It fore a blazing fire, it cigar between
may be some one- living a simple, his 'teeth,' a liqueur at Iris elbow: Hig
quiet life' in humble station. Yet Friend, D4oses, sat opposite, likewise
there is no life sO lowly' that it cane. fortified.. '
notanother. higher; there is none • The- host was bewailing the enqr-
, •
sa'qmWerless that it cannot raise—'or mous eost of keeping 1ois son ,„t
col -
drag down—another lire with which lege; . • ' '
it conies ire contact. ' "Such expenses!" he cried. "And
when f 'the vOrst of is The lanorVatigef
„. you an per Drill ienonain-•
ionsly the shame and 'the sting of our
matfett:Sane° are, that we have dis,
appointed .some one ,wh.p, believed in
tis, and believed better than this evil
that we clid We thought we were by
nunselves; we thought we were re-
leased to do as we pleased;. 'We
thought' conscience could keep holidaY
rind selfish self' was free, But the
obligation b,y which...we are hound lo.
those who believe in us has no sefise
of location, and it knows nothing,of
Wherever we are, loVe watches. When,
a 13°11.1'1'4/TY:- Wherever we g°' 0101" 1:‘,:i:S?,,unrthda_enTioftwinih`.:Bonl:eiess,s1:,hey..7:1;,urn, he ain t no
- lows like' "the hound 'of Heaven."
we are unaware, IL. mind is tensiti-Vd, hnshaltd.,,
O thought out-ttavels light, we are
somehow eared for though we haVe
..„ceased,to care. There are daily mir-, „. • Royal Road to Learning
arleS of tolerance, cominiserraion, Per- CaSkV---"An' -how • is Your boy
eePtion and ''wise, and timely counsel Mickey .gettint along in School?",
to rastore us. to 'the track or keep 105 Flall/$6Yr-g-aFbille, foine,'„:„'Sure," thd
going bdcause some one believes, some teacher hint .,every, day, i'r
one, though afar, is suffiejently. con- fightiay"
The Next H
The long. foiward leek a mortal
lifetime 10 net PoSSible. We sec what
go 11)1 Ire afar off, but as we roareh
te it there are interruptions, If wo
are, of a MeehlY submissive dhilnThi,
tion, we resign ourselves 0,81111 a pions
1410slem datallism to the decree of
"destiny'," If We liaVe whal,
Roosevelt used to eall a "fighting
edge," IVO PersiSt, as those who would'
make stepping -stones of failure, and
compel the circumstance itself to fol.
low at heel, ,
To plait life is like playing chess.
In the mind, We Idot our moves: But
We cannot 'execute our strategy Ylnilh-
Pelle& The enemy rises in the way,
to confute and to „frustrate, Constant-
ly we must reshapethe scheme of
our offensive, But there could be rlD
GapablAca without an opposition. A I
championship implies a coimuest of
resistance, never a solo performance.
Every remarkable spirit Ills had to 1 „•,,
Overcome. N011e crowns himself hrid A y
no reward 10 auP(mluLie. Never de „Ilcies
aa of feathered trees aud windy
%Sited H011,11'4.,
TiullP13 0,47 WilL311Q4.1 long ago,
Dy,ing upon a hillside la the sun. --
An April day , of Vvind and drifting'
4a 1111-1 day 4d all illy work undone.
The little peach treo,s whit their COral
Were daiic.'mg tip the lvillsido lit the
Tile grey walled meadows gleatred
lilce Pits of Jade „
Against tito erirm[on lleoin Of maple
Alla cbuld. inell the warnitli of trod-
den grass,
'Iliaeoolnes4 of a freshly harrowed
And I could hear u Pluebirclts wistful
OE lovo and beauty only half roveo.led.
lutve forgotten inairy April days
Dirt one there 1 that comes to haunt
the things worth having ,oecim gra' And wasted hours .on a sunlit hill.
tuitously aild easily. __„meilora _kadison.
twenty years hence—though we may
Our business is not with ten or •
Iceep that 111310 providently in the Iii3
ward "the unforgiving minute" and piano, pilot asked him whether
Aga5 111S us,. tam Ill all aero-
tant view, ' Our imminent duty is to11 -
o he miniediate, ;imminent bow". ho wa0 nervous.
it, and leep this up through the hours
Could we put all we have amp are mte :Wet me, I don't lcnow what fear
, , Inc my hands together in trout or me Pe,
that come thereafter, we should: have -"'.° Sa1U tilL0 30 VerK"'Y "la' ' cause of the pains my sifloulders:,
Can Do as Big a Day's Work
as Any Man, Now, He De-
elares--Gives Tanlac
--rarao has restored to perfect
health, and tito best eau say for 11
is not as good o.BL if deserve -4" said
John Kelly, an Mnployce of the Fred
Construction Company, rer,talDg at'129
Bold Ilamiltoir, Out,
Two Yealb load a severe case
of pneumonia whiatlegt me le aa, aw.
ful wealteaml condithm, and a few
weeks later I had an attack of gAppo.
My !stomach got all out of order, and I
could scarcely cat enough to heap /Ile
alive, For blIg: wet:10,1'41Y /eLs -were s'o
weak I just had to hobble around on
crutoltea, and Lny back mut shouldm'B
hurt ,awlully, 1 couldn't stoop over
vviithout4lituting bai thought. my
back would break, I -couldeillt bring
no fear, of ending. our lives miserably,
'with the epitaph of "failure" written
ut ate mortally weak. We tire
so soon.- We know that concentration
is the first and the last prescrittion
for success: But it is easier to dream
than to be up and doing. It is easier
to tell others tow impeaectly they
perform. It is easier to sit in a
window carping at art earth gone
wrong and a Tuture not worth going
to. It is easier to descant on the past
and mourn that it cannot be re -
Whither has a man's yonth fled?
He is startled that 'the days flash past,
like a landscape seen from a car win --
flow, and .be seems to have done no-
thing.with,them. lie cannot catch up
or keep up. Onfy a little -while ago
he was a boy; but he looks in the
glass, and' there sees auttimn foliage,
not sprin,g flowers. What did, he' do
with those „preparatory years? All
his lifetime he has been 'getting ready
16 live, like. a graduate student who
cannot make up his mind to leave a
$5p0 by writing "The Do: Williams? college
But it is thne for him, at any age,
1+,TedLcine 13rockville. Ont.
Coal Costs Lives.
For every rnillion tons of coal
mined,,five men are tilled 'and 550 are
injured, .
to rise up and deal with the business
eaeh day ineVitably brings him. Days'
Are fo different; some smile and some
flown; Some inspire and ' some de-
press; but .he iribst meet them all. He
cannot face the -circuit of the clock-
ha:nds all at once;, he must confront
minarci's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia each hour es dt comes, With the heart
ef manful resolution and a. sense of
Ali Things. humor never -failing
•• . • -
My f °omen throng before -:with
pohe grim;
But, trusting' in -the Lord ef _Life, go: Little Jane harllong wanted a baby
All things fur, me .083 Possible iitli sister, and one day ,she came rushing
Mime in high -excitement'
"011, Mother, _come quicklY!" she
I tee no path; but his clear ,light I see. exclaimed.- "There are splendid- bar -
.have no strength. - makes his gains. iMbabies,.and you tan get one
strength my own; , while they are chealp;"
It is my faith inIIirn that foemen flee, "'What in the world do. you mean,
, dear?" the mother asked in astonish -
Through sorroW's wilds, deep -veiled Meat; "Soximbody must have been
• with shadmvs, dim, playing' a joke on- You."
go sustained; my heart, rejoicing, "Truly, truly!" the little girl, de-
. singsn . claxed; jumping up arid' down in ior
"All 'things for me are possible With ea,gerness. ea big sign about,
Him." on the top of the picture palace. It
-Hareinitis irt Babies.
alib say's, •'Thio week only children 1Mlf-
"liangvadges?" repeated his friend, So following faith. un He's last ,Cr Price,'" ' ' ' '
"How's that?", . • '• . ' • ' - rim, „ ' •
"Vell," said his. heat, "there is one "11..1-;ost and Levet:1'10 inc ellall be TO -
item in . the 'bill vhich runs, 'For - ' stOted.: • • ' . ,
scatah, fifty ',mina .' ,, . ' . E 'an. thio for 'me' is. poSsible wi 01 Him.
- —Archibald Itatleclo'e RA, It.'SiowN,TAB,LETs
. . No-, Friend.' --......-
The. Dragger.
MistresS:" "When I eng are you
L., 4, '-a- d - ' „NEM' 01'.oele cranked tire mangle
l'Suiallt! you 't°1d-' me '''.1a.'"Y°" ..,-C ,., for. the last time, anal gathered up a
Man-frierids. NoW, alniost every time
'''.1 collie into the lcitehen '1 find a, titan
11,10.'S•. G Mimes Lefebvre, St. Zenon,
Quo, writes:. "I do not tbank there is
any, otter Medicine 'to equal Baby's
huge pile.,,of washitig.und-todtiled into
th.e- fronEgardett tO hang it on the Own Tablets .for'littlo ones.' I have
• • .1 il1eg3 ,theln f•op mY, baby and would use
notiBug,,, elbe."' What Mrs.' Lefebvre helter:I-just finished Lev'
when caught sight pf a newly
erected 'sign aeroca the- read, whieh
road, "Washing fund ironing ti-ene."
"Just you loolE at that!" gasped BIM.
O'Toole:, "Sure, She' She'aten me, I'll
grant; but there'S no 8-0111. 10 brag
about it!" ,
,srlye, thousands' of other in. them ,Slay.
They have found by -tris -1
lets' alw.ays do just what jo claimed
for.Alient The "I`eliletrs are` a nInct ba1.
thoToag-a, laxative ,Which 'regulate; the
bowels and.sWeeten Fria stomach and
thus. banish ,Indigectican. constipation,
colds,- colic, etc. They are sold by
doalers or by /ilea at 15 cts.
Be'generbus With compliments, hig- a, liex horn:rodTire Dr. Williams'
gardl-y, with complaints.' , ne Cc B -int,
' let '
Taking No Chances:
A census oiTisbal called at a hinnble
home 'mid fonnd the head of the
.CamilY poring over a:large, volume.
It transpired that the hciuselrolder
scone months before 'bail lbean inineed
by a travelling agent to buy an, en-
cyclopaedia, and that to get the worth
of his money lie hadheen reading, 'the
books pretty constantly ever. ,shIce.
In reply . to the caller's questions
he irave his narne snd moo mui hiS
wite's name and age.
• "I-Toty'' many -eh-111.11:ml have- you?"
aske!d -the official.
got three " was lhe reply.
'And that's' all there ever will be,
malies you so positive about
that?" asked the visitor. •
"I'111 tell you why there won't never
be bet'thros," said the men. "It says
in this book that every fourth child
born in' the world if n Chinese,"
Clear Title.
.A.n. Englishman waa staying at a
Swagger hetel in Berlin, •
Ido had -scoured ,eurnfortable roornfo
but the landlord inforilled 'him one
day, that he musto give them' up in
faVor of a fresh arriv.al the tlector---
that is to say, the GOverner----of sonic
petty Certnen State With 50 unpro-
nounceable name. • '"
"Nonsentel" said the Englialintail,
'You do not know who I am. Bring
the 'visitors' :boolt, and: I vvill add my
The hoolc was ,brought, .1411d 111 01
bid hand 116 Weete after his name,
"Elector of 11lidilleSex." •
IIe wat allOwof to 1:6510 his tOOIPS.
Mitiord's Linimeot for t3e7ns. etc.
r Jenkins
Club To
Towle Lions
The exhibition rended rather hadlY:
very nearly.l.vas bi,g day for the lions*
and a sad , day' for Mr. jerikins---:all for
want of proper care in getting ready.
Many A. man who has business to do and
a living to make and a -job to,fill is as,care:,
less hovv he feeds his body as Mr. jenkins
vv -as in picking out a club.
Sorne foods are too heavy, some
.are too starchy, many lack neces-
sary elements and $o Starve the
body —.and many load the system
doWn With fermentation and auto-
Grape -Nuts helps build health
and strength. It contains the full
richness of wheat and malted bar-
ley, including the vital _mineral
elements, without which the body
cannot be fully sustained, Grape-
Nuts 0,18eStS qulckly and whole-
somely. Served with cream or
good rhift it iQa complete food—
crisp and delicious.
Qrape-Nuts is just the food for
those who care to meet life's situa-
tions well prepared in h,ealt,h.
Order Grape -,Nuts from your
grocer today. try it with *cream
or milk for breakfast or lunch, ot
made into a delightful pudding
for dinner. "
Grape-Nuts—the Body Builder t.'
'.`17aere',3 a Reason"
IV41de by Canadian PoStUrn Cereal Go., Lithited; Windaor, Ontario
pilot gave him many sensa-
tions—looping the ,loop, spiralling
flown, and so forth ----before they came
to earth again. ,
The pilot pointed. to the crowd.
don't mind. telling you," he said
to the passenger, "that fifty per cent.
of those people below expected us to
And t.he passenger's comment w,as,
"I don't mind telling you that fifty
per cent of those above did too."
Create Ge, -Sourness 'and Pain.
, How to Treat, .
Medical -authorities state that aear-
iy of the eases of stomach
troliblie, indigestion, sourness', burning;
gaSt, bloating, nausea, etc, are due to
an; excess of hydiroctloric acid in the
stomach...and not aS, seme-belleve to a'
lack of digestive Juices: The delicate
stoniach lining IS irritated, digestion
is delayed and toeil veers!, causing the
disagreeableSympteinsi which every
stobrach sufferer' knowa eo well, • '
cllgelstents "are not needed
in such'eases and may -do real harm.
Try layilig aside ell digestive, aida and,
ins -tend', get front any druggist a few.
ounces' of Bisurated Magnesia and
talte.a teaspoonful in ,a miarter. glass
of water ,..'right after 'eating. This
sweetens -the stomach, prevents the
formation ,of exce.ss.aold-and. then?, is
DO sourness, gas or pain. -Bisurated
Magnesila (in powder or tablet form --
nevem' liquid or milk) is harinfles.S. to
the stontacli, inexpenerve -to talee ansi
is' the most oflicient -form of =spiracle
for stoma -elm _purposes, It do used by
.thousands' of people who enjoy their
meals with 'no. more -fear' of indiges-
They were talking about a friend
-end iris motorbike.
"He seems to be very well satisfied
remarked one of them.' "Ho,.
hasn't paid a cent for napalm all the
tfen months, he haShad it,'he tells. me."
"Yes""replted another, "I heard the
Sallie, story` from the -man who did the
Busterea 5010 reet. Tired Teat,
g 113ur111155' ana Aching. Toot .
AI, ter. a hard day's Ivorloor 15 'orig. (Tann;
and -your' feet nre completely 11Sed uP,
bathe them in hof water, thep them
will relieve .you ana you will 01000 be
wi thou t bottle- „g
A strati bey, aged four, had jllSt
told W3,411100.5 that 110 hact'started on
his 'school career.
"Indeed," said tile uncle; "'why, you
must be theyoungest there." „ • •
"Oh, he," answered the youngster
in a very lofty mailer, '."theres
other .gentleman who comes in a baby
' carriage." ,
Lift Off with Fingers
was conettpated noanly thestime,
"Well, -since taking Tatilae I know
it is a 1000108101 builder, It gave' me,
a whale of ait'almetito after I had onry
.taken one bottle, and •instead
food giving ma indigestion like it used
ta, it get to- a -greeting with' me per -
featly co that I always had plenty of,
strength and onerg.y.. In fact, I feel
as well to -day as I ever thd. in my life,
,mary man, Tanlac.can't be-recommend-
Tanitte is• sold by all good druggists.
You must meastire the strength.of a
rnan by',,thepovver ,of the feelings he
subdues, not by, the power of , these
Which subdue him.
'Remit by Dominion Express. Money
Order: If lost or stolen. yonget your
nroney- back. '
A 'few rows .a trees on :the side of
. ,
the prevailing winter winds will make
a world of., cl.ifference in , the .comfort
of the -farmstead: -.
Minard's Liniment for sale everyhere
' To the man with a a way i
never wantirtg.-
and can do as good a clea,-'s work. as
Bulk Carlots
Armadas's Pioneer Dog Reityklea
' Book on
Fro to anyFee Feed
dress by the Author.
SCIWaYesati°2v4.trh °At,' eZe4t°'
New York, U.S.A.
Take • '
.Dr. Rome' Kidney and Liver Pills
Prins, 210.
Sold by all druggist's, or
liors anspretttra aonmorr
713 Jarvis -Btreot - - . Toronto
A V E RY -efficient
used. as, a first-aid
dressing for cuts, "
scratc,hes ,bruises in-
, sect bites, etc. Keep
a tube in the house
for emergencies.
C860 Chabot Av.''4'ted). Montreal
,- Doesn't .hurt a bit! Lrop a 11 tile J"-,
"If'reesOne" on an aching corn, it -baton - --
Iy that corn stops hurting, then shortly '
you lift it right off with Angers.Tru yl '..
Your druggist sells a Ainy bolttlo ok
"FreeCone" for a few 001110, Safilcient
to remOVe every hard Corn, Soft corn,
or corn between. the Um, and the cal-
luses, without sormiess er irritation.
, ,
Tho hardest thing about -getting
along with disagreeable people is that
you earn trot let them know What' yet
'really- think crthetn,
hilnard's Linintent for Dandrut_f,
ISSUE No, 17—'22.'
IllaStSified AdVell"
,at„,t111,47ri, 05A: )1,14',11tItd6t4444 lea
250. Ne, other fee, 4, gc 9
J11 0110111#10,00 TO 00,00 P10
4 vvIa'
ltplzink 13o Inaupendentt w
teach 005, Writs for parttimplarp. Bide
Instructor, Cmam4a Videanizor, London)
molivia.okom rev, SAX,ti.
cn01400110 MOIMCIAII/11 1/0II SABI.]
1s.7 011 farm noXt Str John llato,ls farm
twenty-one hundred dollera at 7%, Wog
Teweeldr. Discount 00%,
IllehalOnd And, Toronto.
Azerrevas ran a.ix.v
50110001-1 and Jurnho 111005 01114
l!urnishingS. honey extraetore, .ntenta,
engines and etorage tatilcal -a eoniplote
gtoelc ot beekeeping Ve,cldirelllento, send
for oar catalogue. Vaal 1344dhorll Com.
PanYg Ltd., hlegtiUragetianenn. Wrantrord,
ALL ioNns.„ OF NEW AND '015131)
halting, Peillatt_IL .111041, 'ealalegfibSo, Declaim,
etc., shitnno rrobJeet to approval at loivest
prices iii Canada. YORK BELTING CO.
"Always pay as you go," said- all
Old Maga tO his nephew. "But, unele,
suppose I've nothing to pay with?"
"Then don't go."
r *ear
Mads,with polished glage or metal
-surface without screws or sockets,
Suoule'FURNiTtna SHoe
aide. ornootIlly and cannot in-
jure the finest rugs
polished Soon. Easily put on
and; once on, stays on, '
Toll your dealer you must have
Onward Slidina Purnithre Shoos
Son your new furniture. It 10111 -
-make your housework eager.
, Onward Mfg. Co., Kitchener, Ont.
Don't Worry About -
YanrComplexion Collura
Take Care of It
If you make the Cuticura Trio your
every -day toilet preparations you
will have a clear, healthy skin, good
hair and soft -white hands. Soap to
cleanse, Ointment to heal, Talcum
to powder and perfume.
Sosp25e. 0lotnits126.0600. Talcum2Sc. Sold
throughout theDommien. CanadianDepok
Lyna•gt. Limited, 3440. Paul St., W., Noraml.
"•.,'Cuticura Sospshaves Without mug.
Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com-
pound Often Dos'That. —Read
Mra..Miner's Testimony
thuruhrisco;N.Y.—"I was under the
doetor's care for over five years for
backache and had no
relief from hie medi-
eine. One day a
teighboi told rne
about your Vegeta-
ble Compound and
took it. It helped me'
so much that I wish
to advise all women
to try Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable
Compound for fe-
male troubles and
backache. It is a
great help in carrying a child, as I have
noticed a difference when I olidra take
it. I thank you for this medicine and 12
I ever come to this point again 1 do not
vrant to be without the'Vegotable Com-
pound, I give you permission to publish
this letter so that all women can take
11137 advice."—Mrs. FRED MINEE, Box
102, Churubusco, N. Y.
It's the same story over again.
-Women suffer from ailments for years.
They try doctors and different inedi-
eines, but feel no better. Finally they .
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and you can see its value in
the case of Mrs. Miner.
That'sthe truth of thematter;If you
are suffering,from any of the troubles
women have, you ought to try this med-
icine. It can be taken in safety by young
or old, as it contains no harmful drugs.
WARNING! Say "BaNier" when you buy Aspirin.,
Unless' you see. the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not ge,tting Aspirin at all, i',.,t, take ChanceS?
'Accept only an "unbroken paCkage of •a -Bayer Tablets Of
'Aspitin," wifich contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proVed safe by for
' Headache Rhetanatisin '
J'ooillache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lunibago Pain, Pain
Handy !atyer" hoxef of I/ lableta--Also bottles of /4 and 100 —truggistil.
mental no the trade Mork (tee)et(red e'retaMe) 0 firms- 7.tntearertare ideee-
aceilearmeeier Salicylicatld, WIdic 1110 troll knotto that mdans Paler,
ananufactin 0, to itnalst the Dublin asoinot hafts liens the of 111,, er 11015510530111 be 0101513110 With their 57.30031 titelo rook, 111 Ilaye
ot ripol"
4 g