HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-4-20, Page 4COQPERS ST
kat a Lot of Pleasiit,3,' atisfactioa arid •
i8 hlu.rt ttp hi this
Wail of vy,a1I papr?
Did it ever 00e111'
yoti thut your Walls ore
the chieS SptiCe
thefuroi$hingS ?
Do r tan t 111 • °floe!. that/ ,
001)Shier the Matie,..r NOW,
fioe esee.k Of the twwed eilouts, hOlight dil6"3t frrn
the tflAntifieflilfel'0,.;711111 SO sAtiSfacItsirti price$,
T. 00()FIER.
Should be an Important Feature
in Farm Buildings.
Ramo It Ceutrttlly Located -Row to
' Meko-Cement Posts for Found&
tion ---Net Only nave Infplements
Under Olean, Cover, But Keep
Thorn Beady.
(Contributed by'Ontarlo peps rim nt of
AgrIculture, Tprontod
The Storage, of tools and machin:,
ery in a general barn 10 not -always
economical. Frequently the barn has
to be cleare0 ont during haying pr
250071e141 neir=itatin,Y.;•
Lv-Olinton 6.271 a.m, tily ex. SundayArr Stratford 7.35 0.01. "
-1A-rs. Kitchener 8.25 • a.M.
:Ars Guelph , 0 5 0.111,..'
'Arr Toronto 1 .1
Lve Toronto 6.10
• Lve Guelph' 7.43 pm.
.Lve Kitchener, 8,11 -p.m.
• Lve `S'tratfoyd • 9,05 -0.M.
,Air -Clinton .10.04 pan.
-Buffet-Farlor Car , • and first-clasS
•,';veStibule ,coachos in eSich sdirection.
Entire'-frain 'runs throush:Vithbut
For full pa3.4,1e111010 as •t'o tVelsets,
etas, apply to • Grand 'Trunk , Ticket
-Ilansford & „Son, T.Tptetvii Agents,
phOzte 57.
moVal ist the implements, for
Peried of exposure., A building de-
signed and contrueted for. ironies
ment storage is,,,to' he . degirc0 on
every farni, The size of Mu imPle-
moht shed,, can be determined Py
3.1easuring the Implements andthen
determining the space required bY,
each, Wicle.buildings are net usliallY
. . . , . .
salssi.actosy,soice such,will incline to -
Ward ,iC storage systenljhat requires
-the removal Of Several' iniPlemee 10
in order to s.et the 'one ;:'anted 27111.11-
row buildings just ,Wide etiough to
protect the largest iMplements ;.,and
'Wagons are to be InS4er1ed. '
Sitould-. ,Be Cent ally ?Located:, s
shed0 should., be,
located.' as' a central. •1 attire -in the.
farinsteitti of
Poitit'Utici-Ciay between the heds'e an'd
b01fl 111 sup,h a 110 (000 to .-be
=,conYealentsto tounisters going to and.
Snail 'fields ,and roads. „Consrefe
()ors are liistlY st),isfactory, tut.
not always necessary; gravel and
dry earth-d1001s.3100 genefolfY satis*
• faicm whist tiory
:: 'Tho. i.stud
..its nee,. only' to Pro-
tect frod. sunw
, hite the
-root, it it, will lteep- out 'the rain
• ,
and )lust, -4s satisfaadry: This nidanS
a cheap strb store; made up at 2±
2 x India boards and Prepared reSt,
ing• paper. The wall frnseworli cam
be constructed of 3 x 4. or ,fous-ineb
'poles set on 20-111011 centers. Sheds
planned to be 3111 l'eti or , IllOrd
lyifith . 5110111(1 .171111102.x. 6 ratters „it
..roof of 'ono slope. Rough
'board shenting arid...battens well 111111-
1111 .Will make a, desirable arid: strong.
wall, quite, good enough to shelter.
the fatin,inachinessand feels.
'Rosy to. Ikialte a Good fjontitmaon.•
. The foundation should he firtms
and eau. 571 easily Made, by setting
'halt barrels-, in lino , and les -el, ,,and
thou filling up with comont concrete.
Such make excefient toundationg.s,An
inset of 2 x 4 in ,the cement tO spike
the sills 10 i0 very esSential "in 1407110111
„lobalities. Iniplement hotises May be
,bullt with one side -open, or 0110 51117.0
limy • he made u: p1 'doors, half of
0011111710 1111) hung on au -inside track
and 115.11, otr, an. 'outside_ track. 'rills
doul)le track arrangement for doors
hanging permits. the- opening of a
door at any .point;.Whien is anim-
L001'talOt feature. -Is: Stevenson,..Sec-,
votary, Dept. of Agrictilture, Toronto.
It's butt in knowing whsLthIs
• instructivebooklet tells you,
abob (how nild why 214 11 possible
to get Alt the cream from
the tni21: with ,
the Simplex Seim-
ahem's a copy waiting for you
• and it'a tree for the asking.
D.DerbYShire Lirnited.
Publicity Methods Used in For.
warthog the Campaign,
Notion P,ictures the "iteel Tidole-
- Lantern Slides Also u",sefol---The
UM!o lilags nod Mites', too.
Wontributed fay 0)) 1)1)10 1) )L oZ
sCgriceiluss, 01 10)
The ultimate obJect, 91 the cam,-
Paiga for. hettel' sires, ist ,to improve
tho quality of the hoof dairY•
'herds of tlisrcountry, 'le achieve the
object it is neceSsary, first, to create
'hi the minds oX farmers an interest
in Mid a desire for a better class „fg
cattte, This cannot be done by Writ-
ing and talking -alone, Tim ideal way
to create this interest vsould be to
have the people SOO nurnbet's tit good
cattle. As this is seldorn practicable,
the,next best thing is the use of
good ptetui'e. 11. ig 111 this direction
that we lidyo fOund- motioa pletures
useful. If you can sliew an audience
a number of reels of high clam.; 001110)
you sceure their interest inunediate-'
• ly, and When shown in pak.--ures
to the pastures 'in their own
,flelds the appeal is very strong.
Wherever such pietures have been
shown, it has resiilted in 'a number
of the andienCe Making enquiry
about breeding, feeding and methods-,
of caring fpiY cattle to obtain the,
best- results.
Mrothm Pictures ,tlavc '.411)eir Limit&
Motio21 pictizres are net well adapt-,
ed for inakifig studios of type, 1t01s'
in this cbnnection tlaat welsave found
lantern slideS„ valuable, The •slides
We have itSed -hare included. el oso-11P''
pictures, of idealrepregentatves of
all 'breeds contrasted with -slides of .
undesirable and unprofitable types:
One .of'Most interbsting- .115 0
series Showinc. a' number, of scrub
coWs, the'goed hullo •-to whieli theY
were bred •and 'the resulting calves,
This :is the- neXt best thing to. hav-
ing .thearilinalS'actually inore. Tr'
„brief, motion pictures secure the
attention of the audience and. create
'a desire for inore Mforination; -
.terir.'' slides' illitstrate,' types', al; a
mbthods. MOtlOfl p.icture's made on
'Ontario farms...havo- been -used. 10-
D:0Si:rate, tile' leading: hetif .00.11 0101111.
breeds. vi'7,-,1100e0e1' possilkile, groups of
'animals by ono. sitio .are,:incinded, t,6
shoW • unifor1nit3',.: and' high standard
of bread type.
is 'proposed propgre a picture
. .
of market animal14. showing, aiff ei•ent
grades, Some exihnpleS of.grade COWS'
• of poor . to .fair qualit)k with -their
calves• by high class bulls, 'Showing
'marked_ rdnaProvenient in ono gen er-
ation' by the 1105 .of 'a gdod sire1iave •
beeti.seeured. It is hoped...16 secure
niore 021 these .as they, are 'the very
best of object lessons.
DSc. of Gate Signs.
Head lettuce requires .cool moist
weather to ,head well. The loose loaf
sorts are best fel' warm Weather._
Prepare orchards „for spraying for
San Yose Saab and„other pests.by
pruning and scraping off loose bark.
• 13e Sure that all 07100 1101')) and root
seeds aro secured from the hest
sources available, and are in ample
quantities for spring seeding.
en will oP. spoil you
O'V• nr
balinv 0whei you uQe
Avon4gui fizAth for floors, .
Clear verni'sh and sAcAn
•xnaho en1 etc.
ShiSvirS he 4rain o. mo
titp)tAd, and is wasiii4 (cleaned
tiade Walk on
"60,Ve tho surrOce orKt you save o
-711 1111 educatiaal camp -Sign, there ••
are a ntimbea of essentials,',..0110"..02
"which is 2.0 create .an ;interest 1111 ,2111.0
minds of those yeu wish to inihience,
ft- is riot an easy 111011011 to reach
1110 Man who most rettstircs. rostinic-
tion.Bulletins' )t1111..-0217101'literatae
sent tb hith Ofte'n" find. their Way into
-the' waSie haelint ihr;ead; I -Ie is not
easy to gelLiiitt 411 nieetiitss Where
the -ufatter is -to be di,scsissed.., The
1115.111 object in using ihean
to, reach. the -map wile does mot .lioad
bulletioS ots attend meetings. When*
Ile Soes sigh on las neighbor'..S
gate onnouncing.tlie fact thist mire-
hfed .is "skePt OV. that 'farm, it'
starts him thinking. if every Tarm
where a pure-bred hull is kept is
indicated ia this way, matural
itY will as a raloqoati 0,3217111 to make
inquirlos.' Suc11 an indiVidual
probablyslmve hpert elaiming that his
grade bull is just as good as thelpure-'
bred', but he soon realizes ,that 12-110
keeps a bull and has 410 sign up Slat- .
tha,t'it is pure-bred, the inferences'
is that' it is Inferior. •
The spirit Of' -IS:oeping up. with
Ole "Sonoses," while it11)21)'in some.
eases 00,000 dthconitort, is a real fac-
tor hi human progress. When- you
<set , snail iii a reeeptive , frame of
Beauty' and Fragrance or MI a
Very Small Cost,
Jos( Aiiiinals May oprn
kotyfia Early Siart-, ew Sins,
pl'e lien -mines Stigs,,este for
‘snet 17101 Other .Pests 11141141111110
May .0o T112111)411111111od.
( 54112 butcg 01 Ontario 2)000 411110112 511
, At; Hoot tu(,Turoo to.) '
,g.Inong the viriet.iss that should be
started • 01112) 1ndopr are' Petunias,
Verbenas, ' A n (01111.71'
dragon), • pelitstsmon`
Salvia, ,A gerat lilt, 0011110)12 011 711 231 -
nocarpa (Dusty :Killer)',
(Golden Feather), mad Ltinelia., The
'Jour. kinds last named being of • a
`011011 habit of.'prelith arc veri, use-,
fill for plantilig alrotincl the edge "Q2
flower borders. 'The 7.ob0111L does
beet iti light- Soil and whore it does
-not get too much Sun: The first nam-•
ed 'varieties being '02 • a taller habit
of growth ' lone Or two feet) are-bet-
ster suited for the centre of flower
'beds or hordeis. Therosare no sinn-
mor decorative Plalits ,' that eon' r'oe
-.raised irem seed that will make ta'
finer andmore continuouS•disPlaY in
the 'flower, garden during . summer
than the -se nalnea, it. the , seed- is
started early ima svindow, hot bed,
ey greenhouse, and the limits given
oven 'ordinary care, and attention. „It
Sown ouf of doors early in May , they
are very late in flowering. • Alt the
plants' before named , Will' also be
found very 'useful for helping to fill
up window and verand_ah boxes, 1(10'
Ile 512)008, 01)11 ha'uging :baskets, Be-
ing of a perennial 'or laSting nature)
Many of them 01211 also be sitce.?ss-
fully dug:up in the, autumn before
faosts, and. platied in . betsor boxiis
for indotit decoration' driving. early
winier,soalioSe lato in fieWering, snail
as Afseratuni; Snapdragon . and Pea-
stemons are especially us2Tl,11.1,or this
purpose. Seed should be ,Saved froin
the best, types of all 'of the 'plant's'
name'd .dnring the s unira es, months
for the neXt SsPrilig-' sPwing. '• The
Dmity,,Miller does not seed the' first
yeal', as a rule. A supply of cuttiugs
may also he obtained' frpin most of'.
the plants named; if file old • plante
winter. ; 1.•. ' 1. -'
aro kept in a 1 cool si";indiivi -during
Tall Plants fee COnire:
, If ifjew tall Plants l'of. the &entre,
Or at the back of -a, large bOrder are '
reqUired, plant a' few seed's of. the ,.
Ricinui3 (Castor Oil: Bean)., ,TheSe a long -periodof years „wil1 become
iMaY, be planted_ abdut an, inch'Sdeop _exhausted ,ot tlie food 'eleaients .with-,'
In shallo'w' boxes early ,•frid.00rs- 111. iii the 'range ot, the feeding roots.
one elefour to, six leaves have developed in-
to good soil .singly dato.21/s., or ,2 -inch
-AindIs and 'transplanted' singly.,,tato The same' is -true ,svii.e1„..1 ti-soil.isssubs
ur leaves a -re ,starteds or, mentsi
' ,nexeesS to olassess. •- of.
Out in the garden abOut the second
week in June. -.A.1 1., of .the seedling '
pots or be act apout 3. Ys, inches apart
flower pet Mentioned, and the Plants' Altcimate ,Sliallow, find Veep Feeding
.alloWed to 'grow' there until planted Crops. • , .. .
3 os, 3 J./,,,sinsh flower .pots when three Jected' to supplying thc same food
'Some, Antmals Suggested.
with .hood soil. .
plants. 'started 'early,' as „Suggested
ill shallow; Well dra,ined poxes ...alle,d
bean ' May be put -in - tlie sae sized ,Plants requir,ing, '14210 -same erenients.
should -be transplanted when, from
' - redhired to do is distributed :over' a
longer -period,- file Soil is given tilts
‘ By ,planting. a,. rotation that' will
iropese. ,The---worls that 'the ' SOB, is
Year, a deep feeding crop the ,ne.xt,
years the,soll Is Mot .suP:iected to;the
call for a surface. feeding crim one
year, ,and.a.-: rest:Irons tillage for .two
dame everlasting drain on its -fertil-
ity that the One, prop 'or MO system -
A few varieties . pl annuals such to ',rest .up while certain food ele--
as Asters,: Chinese P(nks, 'Phlox 0ments are reaching a condition. suit-,
Drummoadi, Zinnia „Balsams, Mari- able -for plantt0110 .in -quantity, large
gold, Coreopsii,`Sca'biosa; • Calendula enough, to be of ,use to a developing
:.(not Marigo)d), Mignonette, Schizan- crop. When:crops' aro ,s,,lternated,
thus (13.utteilly' flower) . itadother weeds, insects and timkns pests, all
varieties if needed; may be Sown ill- 'Of Willell like the -sanieness of con -
doors early in April for early _flower- •ditione-charieteristic iif the, one erbp-
ing or they may he sown out in the system, are ;not giveli a chance to
border about the second week in May increaSe,sbut are roote'd but and de -
.for later flowerings. A great /inlay stroYed -annnally' through tbe break- .
annuals-, such as Poppies, NaStur-,, Ing UP. 02 canditions suitable to such
tiums, Ten Wear Stock, Silehe Ar- .pests . by. employing a suitable...rota-'
meria •( patchily); GYeepldia eleganS;, flea systeni.-L., Stevenson', score-
Isligella (Love in a -Mist),, Annual tary Dept. of Agriculture,- Toronto.
'Larltsphr, and ,other,similar, annuais
. -
It Maitttatits Both the Ilutitu:., Ito
ot) 2711012100101 04)11)) CAVO`Whin:
• 711711011) tho 2701,1 trill,
it!,41) to -1)es2isfy VS -eel -1s, Insects,
4/1111 (1(41IN Pests--Cnrsants 17)1(1
(C0001641 041 by ()sin rlo 12) s;.t went or
• Agrinul vo, tl`oi;on to.)
,C1.01) rotations will, ff ProPerlY
planned and practised, inainlain the,
lliumis supply 111 2.110 still, will re-
store the nitrogen supPlY, will giVe
the benefits rcsiulting trom altorruits,
Ing Cropra tliat .liave different food
requii,enienis and leave (1171 310111 io.tit
residues in 1110,f:40B; will 110115 in
weed, insect, and fungus disease con-
ol; 30111 0111710 10.1nin,e0s inanagenient
PosSiPle, will distribute . the
and reduce -the risk of the loss 11)
Poor crop years. .
Grain, Growing hlxlmusts the Soil:
Lands' that ,are conlinuallY 'Mod
for grain, crops will in time shoW
exhaustion of thehumus..supply, due
to ,annual tillage stoat:Mg conditions
that favor oxidation. 'Lands that are
given, a rest'• from the -action' 'of
plough, disb, and cultivator, •for two
yeal.s- out of every four 'while grow-
ing asshay or pasture crop. will not
beceme'dePleted of ,hurtins material,
since tlies-roots sof the • clover and
grass crops' will, during theii; period.
of growth hicrease file., quantity of
vegiStable, matter or humus making
smatel al.
The conamon fo'od plants liav.e
4:1Cuite different foot , systoles, le-
gumes. and' root crops go deep, the
graSses and grains-hdve fibrous, roots
andi feed nearer -the surface. - 71100
grains develop' their fee -ding, .roots
and are most ac'tive during the spring
and early , summer, ,while corn and
the root -crops draw the greater pert
of their food supply.. during the la,to
. ,
Use tlie,Soil as a Feeding Ground.
The point is to use the .soil as a
feeding.- ground. for .the.voricats food
plants in 'such a way as to employ
all its iesburces daring the rotation
period,,' but not to oyerworlt or ex-.
..haust• any • particular- 'parts of what
' the Soil inay ,'offer.. „A :that ,is
, subjectellr to the task, of nottrisPing.
a surface ,fecding type, or'mant eyes
domot transplant, 011 011000111 as Nve41
.when,s,own,indoore. lse'St,to s."iscvs`
tli'ese _last named out 'Of doors ddfIjt
wliere they Sate /to ire*.
SWeet, Alyssoin
White, Odntlytuits' ii1re" Alte .
best dwarf edging, annuals -we have,
and'should also he sown eut of doors
-mind, you haste seconsplislial con-„, oarlY 111 May,.' 1DorlY sown 'Sweet*
siderable, in 0141101 11001117 'you have --Abssuln Is often attacked by the
Eertile soil. The -mission of the rate Small 'black flea ilieieet,lin
ea,,ts:. tlia
sign is to create interest, and in flits Pletely destroys tiPlallto
it Le s0090clLIing 111. 10 g1'eat,,11)05701.0, from seed Sown later (end 02 May)
-,T. 'Betties_ Assist.. Live Stock ate seldom attacIted.' The best rein -
Director, Toecmto, , ' • edly toe this- flea, bottle ia tosspray
, . ' -the plants witli a Solution of Paris _
'Greens made by' firSt well mixing' a
small teaspoonful'of Paris 741een (or
Arsenate of Lead) 11111 tablespoofiell
or tw.o of cold waters.then add water
• to make one gallon. • DuSthig the
P/ants - with Pyrethrum Powder,
wood ashes, dr soot are also godd
renleClieS, , Another geed' annual', .00-
Ped11IY fOr -17 110f, 01111113, POSitiO ..15 .
--Porittlacca, the seed 18. best sown
broadcast pn finely „raked setP, and
Ilio- seed "raked in very lightly:.'filin
the_ plantS later on 21000 tenr to Six
Inches apart, -IA you Illis•te a dry, bot,
sunny position where very few' plants
Will grow, try soma portutacca. If. a
,few 'eitrly Nasturtium plants, or ok
0113' climbing annual are 'wonted los
Window or verandah boxes, put ti'vo
or three seeds in soil 10 three-incli
Pets' in April,' they Wil1 transplant
11111011 .017(102, from pots than front
boxes. Nasturtiums are Due of the
•best ,annuals for window boxes. The
seed may els() 9e SOWn. rather ,thick-
ly in Window boxes out of doors ear-
ly in- May, stud the plants thinned to
about. six inches apart later on. All
annuals Wily be tranSplanted to ad-
vantage singly into, Siriall pots. .
This list of annuals given may be
extended "cOnsiderably, 611115e iiron-,
tfoned aro 52110071 the 'most Satisfac-
tory for the average 'flower growor,
.....-sphe.late Wm. Mint, 0, A. College,
Generous CoWs IVeccl Good Grain
With the pasturing Season al, an
end, every owner of ,dalry0211715should begin. to plan his winter' feed-
ing. Cows 011200 5111100 more for ,lack
of l'eed betsveen the time when :the
rosture. is good and the thne When
winter feeding 111 010711(151 begins thantheY do altos' winter 01. 15533)' at hand, 2.
'Every. experienced. Seeder. has, learn-
ed that It la easy 16 let 701418 decline
in milk as a result, of peor teecl,,but
very hard- to bring them back, A
good proclUctims tor 1.110 yearsiS pos-
sible only whet, the cow IS kept, at
a high leShel of milk production. all
The foundation of all- goad dairy.
rations iS a suCeulent feed, either
wrage Or roots, and a legume hay,
which means clover or' alfalfa, ,,Tust.
as Soon as the grass begins to get,
short, therefore, the feeding ,of silago
and hay should begin. It never pays
to serially cm roughage: Lot tbe 007v8
have as smich as' they will hat "[tip
elean all -the time, That is what a'
cow is -for-to cofivert roughage late
'A good grain mixture shotild 9012-
( 1011) at least three- different feeds,
one of which is rather 1127113 in Pro-
tein. A good grain mixt:nye for cOws
of Medium production is ground corn
orinirley four parts, oats or bran two
Parts, linseed meal oms'part.
The graid-food should- vary. with
the 10:111' produc,ed. The. cow that Is
.militing heavily is the 0216 'ft) receive
,tho liberal grain allowance. A "good
rule ,le folloW ' with reference- „to
amount of leati, 10 to give 0110. 71001210
01: grain to each three pounds of In 1 lk
forsanSod 1))" a 01161110ey or Jersey,
•and -one pound of grain lo each three
and one-half poultde 01 ntlik by ii.
117111110111. , •
• Culti-eatci the at the earliest
possible date al, which the land is 10
'Prdimr -condition, , '
• A sow with a later, of 11, )1111'-
7111)1)00 713' by itlarchmoirt e„c Sims, Aml-
over, hintthinti, of) tan ober 8, 1 0 10, -
has since o1,1: of Di, 18, 13
and :ffi, maJcing a total of 18 in 22
Guelph.' ,
' Manure.,
Much 02,4110 tertilliing,, value DS
manure is ..lost when Piled in the
barnyard' till spring.. Plan to 11u1
it out -to•-the -fields aS MAO, There',
When. spread ..61: piled in sinal1 heaps,"
tho bullt of this ,valuable by-prod'uot
is utilized' by- neXt, season's crops,
71110 unrest' in India has caused
more or loss serious labor troubleS
on tea plantations, and has resulted
it the price ol tea11011151 consistent-,
ly ler the pa -ti. year, Between Oct.
1020 and to -day costs liave 71151
vonced between 12 itn.CI 15 cents a
pound, iSs the erod much loss
than -estimated consumption ihis yo,la
it is probable that the 1).,riee
go 101111 higher.
Curi,:fints. and Goosebetyle,s.
If a currant or gooseberrY Pismita1
thin is properly eared FOC' tit "least"
eight -to ten. crops May- beektiedted
before 'it IfecomeS• .unProlitable be-.
cause sot itS age, Productive •fields •
over tsVenty' years ,old -a-re not, 'un-
common i11 some sectionS. Although
_the, number, ;of -years 12 plalUation
will ..continties in good bearing con:
dition depends to some extentSupon
,iocation and' 0014, the niost imp,ort-
ant 'faCtor is the' care re-
, ,
,ceivos. The pesiods of prOcluetiveMoss
0215- both -.currant , and gooseberry'
plants is longer in northern: -regions
than toward. the southernlimits of
their culls:ire and longer ,on heavy
soil than on sandy -soil,
In 'gardens Where the ,'availal3le
land. in 111111001. ill extent, currants
and' gooseberries 11(11147 00011 be plant-
ed among the tree ' fruits „and lett
„there permanently, TIM .shad-osof the
1,1013 proteCtS the truitS from Sim
scald, and_ the -foliage is ustmlly,
healtlaiev •,in such loci -atolls' than
when , grown where it is -freely ex-
posed to the suns
A iplace with good air drainage is
preterred tor gooseberries. In low;
clamp plades mildew attacks both.
fruit and foliage more severely.than
011 higher.shes where the air eircu-'
lotion is bettor. ,Currants, however,.
are soidoin seVorely attacked by Mil-
dew. Therefero, when the silo ls a
Sloping' orie, currants may be planted
on. the Imes parte", and gooseberries,
abeVe. .As both [stag blossom ,verys
earlY in the SprIng, neither should
be planted, in, Sow pockets where lat0.
spring frosts May kill the. flowers..
GooseberriesOrdinarily are' propas
gated by mound layers, The plant
from which loyef's are to, be procured
ShOuld be ,cut back heavily before it
-beginis?to grow in the sitaing. 13y
Ally it will has'a;sent out ntthicrous
vigorous' shoots. It should then be
mounded svitil earth half 'Iva/ to the
tips of the shoots: By'1(9147217011the
'shoots Will have' roetecl. 'PhOse
s.tOng roots maY then be 90221 oft and
set in the Iiursery, to he groWti for
0110 or, tWo YearS before•plantingItt
tlie field. If the roots tare not well
dotroloped, will -be better ,to leave
the 'shoots tittaChed to the parent
olant for a second sm'ar,
44 4 4444444444444
Dclinlatiotit Stores
ct IN 1 ON LUv21fl'Fio
1 131 Store
We give you Highest Quail ty, LoWest Prices, courteous
Testa -neat/ 16 mill -Cos t1.1) the p :SreSli 71022(
gnaranteed or our m (200)' refunded on every article
tie purchased here,
: CoCoa .2 lbs , 27c
t, ShredCied oa
cocnut, lb 20e
TA.' IS1'00:1d
1e1Y'te:..sisti'n:,1314.,' 1 9,-
Baiting soda, 4- lbS 2Sfe,
1140)0(100.1' Cocoa, 15 -oz tin , 2110
69, 111a7onitaise dresSing• 20c
19 ,
4. •
.4 Special Blend
4 , Tea 45C lb
4 :
4 lecoginsecl, ,as, the tremen-
' dous in'erease in the del -nand
-rdr it shows.
• l'ry it today. ,You will like It
OS, course tlfere are cheaper
us,Sbot the pure (1017010120-
1)080' of our
tverybo,d 3, klaCILVS`
that in Canada there are more
ntr01t;a4aikt Calgvules
01425011222(0041 1.01)50
1201424472141111 itietttliined for R11et1.4.
01431110211, Reletetio;
"iik,141,,ttaibal-46,•etc. ,
---1)71 4CP7OO71 7131112100112)
,to Temphiton, Tots -sato,.
716121 by 11. 31. Hovey,' Druggiat '
Dominion Matches boXes 34c s
Slick hand cleaner., 2 tins 25c
Ban -Ami cake or tin 3,4c
Zebra Stove polish, On' 8c
Beckitt's blue, 3 squares So
40.11; clothes lino 299
Babbeas cleanser, ' 9C
ot•eizele,T.040 44h
6'174i' PURE
• to to
per cwt. tb.
4 'La'undry soaps 2° cakes Ric
eltso „Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 tins 22e
4 Panshine Cleanser, 8 tins 25e
4 SnoWitake-Ammonia, 2 pkg 15c
4 Rinser 2 -pkgs • I5c
4. Lux, '2 pkg' s 24c
#k" Gillett's Lye, 2 tins
4 1.,,ge:-.0.,harm
• Washmgssoda, 21/2 lbs,
4 ,
2, 1)kpa:
KdIlott,-g's corn
e, Ffelianig7sa'zi3d'Plcgs
' Fruit sugars •
10e • -
1.2 4St.ring .
ekA globe
.,Pittersep's /asserted,
Chacola,tes, , •
6i.V Our -,OWn Make
4 Yalenca Cake, 1717.
39c -
'22c1 -4
9c. 14:0
Corn Starch, 2 picas 20D ft,
Pancake Flour 'piss; 14c IS
Minute Tapioca, 2 pkgs 2.3c -0/'
Rice Ffour,.pkg 10c 0.2,
'" 1 ,qc-
Lyle's Syrnp, tin 29e
GRANULATED . suo.ar 15 13s
$1 00 go
.4 Clinton's Low -price Grocers fp
,1,56ZrineS) 9,7? .‘FY,Cine3144/9.ciiiVeln?
Old Dobbin Something More Than
a.. Mere Machine.
Ile -Is Largely, a- , Self -feeder
Not 12.7114 WhdO'.
Horse -Sense -an. 'Annual ,
Inventory -HOW 'fa S'elect ;the
toontributea by, Ontario Department of
Agriculture. ,Tnronto,?
The horse is, itto tontiatie
be, the principal form"'inoter for':an
indefinite period. There 11r.e'e.P01;8-14-
Inately 1,5 0 0,0b9 •liorses .111 .07113712111,
,all'ok Which are;.iise11 as a.Sokee oi
tupter, poWer, , One -and
. -8,9t'. seem-, ,to- be , a large.
number,sbut ,if weswereto Place.thes
.,horses 'slit the - DoMintons 'head 'and
14011' -111' one 'longs' paracieNino; 21114
Wolil'd,reach froui-Halifax`t.o Vancon-
'yer. -So' there is Some•liorse thin!). left-
nteicts[',to the ceidtiatS by -,pepplie.;,.int
terested 1. 170 rnanufaeture of,,nsech:.
anipal motors. ,
:About the Fdrnt ItoEsi3. „r•
The farm horse as al-farnr-niotor
0171e111 frour'.'the meclianiCal
!Motor in that'll is self feeding, Solt,
:Maintataiiig, 'Self reproditcing, and.
sell controlling,. tlieSe qualitieS'eve'
the horse' a 'tremendous advantage
.over the in:Schanical devices used for
fietd -work on the farina and . for
haulage on the roads. '' • •
1117 HolfSe Largely 'a Self ,Feecler.
,Sell! 10701001 ,ineans a lot., There
in no carburetor on tho horse; ter
are spark p11171 requifed: Green grass,.
good clean hay and oats,the' pro -
dilate 'iL0 the holds in which -Lilo horse
labors, produCe the energy that keetle
up the.horses 71.661Y, and keens him
going 00 11 motor while labor is be-
ing performed,
Tito Anirnal.Motor a Reliable One. .
Within the horse's bbtly cavity -
there is a wenderlul self. maintain-
ing motor. The heart, the lungs, And
the digestive organs make an engine
combination of great efficiency. This
hidden motor .thade Of flesh, hlohcl:
and- tissue keeps tight,' and makes
its own repairs, Furthermore, the
horse meter develops pep,,,, or plaoes
in reserve energiZing substancest ,
may beused on demand. The mech-
anical motor when at rest does not
improve aor ,grdiv stronger as does
the horse, hut frequently wa.stes or
-rusts. The high cest 711 gasoline, oil
and inotoemechanic service, tog•ether
with tin) too frkinent neglect that
accorded tractors on ntany farms,
has reacted to -the advantage of the
faltliful'• horse. -
010 Dobbin Has liforsi•Seitse.
010 Dobbin is also possessed of
hODSO 011.80, No amehetniCal motor
yet devised hag possessed thls.fium-
tion. Ptial for the horse motor it
'grown on the farm, and all proffts
l'emain on the farm, There is no
tax on it either.. -Lionel Stevenson,
Stidrelary Dept, of ,Agrictilture,
(3131iir117) 47.114 1711221.'D11M 2.E "WILL
222 ELF1`1111E 82.71' IN THE IIOITS-M,
011 :LORDS,
Tieep a Ilecord of -What You Own
nod WInit It' Is Worth.
• The man' on 14110 'land Can learn. .
machalsout his Own rarniing opera-
tions 'by taking art inventory each
iettis° No 'feria of record will give'
sb-Much information' about the--year'a
ovork as wilt an inventory properly
taken at a dennitoly fixed date each,
year.. The usual time Tor taking ard
inventory of the farm business is in.
Wiareli,"-wheu there is least:teed and'
MnSold produce on. hand. The in -
Amatory of 'any ordinary tuna: can
he takell in a halt day, so there ifr,
no excuse 'on account 'e21 shortage of
time._ The information gleaned about
the -201131 :11081112145 through the study -
made possible by inventory taking;
,is, worth; many -times the expenditure
q/511,...time...11414. effort. ,•
, For „apinitentecb- "...keeping 'the
Farth iirventerY' any -blank recofd
boblt.with pages wide :enough, to per-
nilt fer 01114001)01' or -columns
can' be used,' and: if' ruled to 01000111'
'111000.12 the 'entries for a number of,
years somuch the.better,--L. Steven -
Son, Secre,larys Dept. of Agriculture, "
Toronto. .
Bow to Select .tlio Rreetling
Seloot a .ro,n1 that Possesses scales
but not to the extent that lib is lack-
ing 111 715)1011143'. A weli-developed'i.am
rte a rule transmits theso cbaracteris-i
tics"to his offsPring. He should bet
masculine in appearance, whieltia in-
didated liy the carriage and boldness
et head,- short face, good width bo-
1000011.the eyes, large open nostrils'
and an absence, olS feminine charac-
ters in_ general..
.4. ram should show good strength
of back aud,depth of body, eapecia117•
through the cheat, with good -ividthi
'between fore legs' and well sprung
ribs, He should be closely made:, that
is, good depth, width of body, and
short on legs.
The fleece should also be consider-
ed as to density, itneness and free-
dom from black fibres, with a skin.
that is pink 113 color, indicating thati
he 18 111 good condition.
Purchase a pure-bred ram if pos-
sible, as blood will count and mark- ,
90 rctitilts be seen in the qualityl '
,of lambs. Breed character should be
considered as- it Is- very imitortant,
merc „especially in pare -bred flocks. -
Prices aCe r4Iatively low and paYs
to bay ,tb.o...berfl--.
,rreparing for Gardening.
This month begins the active gar-
dening work. Hot -beds should be
made, and tbse seed ,of tlie early
Plants like cabbages, cauliflower,
early celery, early beets, and the long
zoason plants like tomatoes, egg
plants and poppets shottid be'started.
Maoy of these sseds for small gar-
dening work may bo started inside
will Tolley° the necessity of
malting hot -bods until the first pact
of next Month; Manure Jot. ton -
dressing the groun117 nany be battlea
out the latter' part of this month.
Put 511107111171 machine into ,goo0
conditibii,, and test it.
11 'Xeep'plant aphis in check by using
some tobacco oronaration.
7311371 NEWg4MCOIM
(ii•crANTO. ANA n7i229x,