HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-4-13, Page 9(lit Si)A1F, rr I' IT; atilr, '1222a Clio k ca Frill C l:.11�'l'ON'S LEADING ,Tp yvE Laiiln,3 $Toftti e e1ery at Pre war Prices Watches, Clocks 'Rings, Silverware, Etc. It will pay you to investigate our special sale of Alarm Clocks See our north window. We aril sole agent for Fhonoias and ApesRecords Jecreller and Optician JOHNSON Neat Hovey's Drug Story .Just Arrived Our spring stock of imported woollens A nice range of blues, greys and fancy worsted. .All guaranteed fast colors. Our prices are right avd` workmanship the very best, McEwan Brothers, Merchant Tailors Wilken Block - Opposite. Post Office eelal PrieeT Quie About 75 'pairs Of Ladies'and Growing Girls Brown calf_ and kid shoes. All sizes 3 to 7. Lines that sold regularly up to48,50. ' Clearing price for to- 1 day,; Thursday, Friday, and Saturday $3.98 About 20. Men's and Ladies' Raincoats, --suitable for light coat for a -wet day or cool evenings Clearing pri0e-for'balance of week $3.48 Other lines to clear at equally low price's for cash only unlsteel Bros. PlIONE 25. SMALL -PROFITS. MORE BUSINESS There `once was a lady named Mrs. Thayer, Who liked for her ,kit ellen AIluminum ware, -So she came to our "store,.` ^Where WC have it galore Arid her kitchen now shines with a dazzling glare We also have another shipment of the genuine. Old Grey are'-assortmeut your choice for 60e - • Our Spring Stockof paints, varnishes, stains, enamels, - : etc is now complete atchour windows for Special Bargains ardware.: Stoves and Novelties ' Tho , Store With a Stock Paints, Varnishes and Stans WhiteLead Raw and Boiled oils, Coal ' Oil Lubricating Oils Ruberoid Roofing of all Grades. eneral Hardware and G,� n ei AXtII"W44t,H Announcernent of Interest to Anglicans , C ambi idge Mussen and Eyre Spottiswoode Edition in the ` combined ' book with hymns in variety of styles a, tbina- ings. Easter Day, .Sunday, April 16th, has been fixed by the Primate as the day upon which the New Prayer Book conies officially into use, and makes the ideal Easter Gift, 'lie W. D. Fair Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Beet EYE SPECIALIST A: L. Cole, Eye Sight Specialist, an Honour Graduate :of the Caned - lark Ophthalmic. College of Tdronto. Goderich, Ont. Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, Practice` limited to the eye. AI ql i r�l�.lugIpntnuuan '1v4ys,' J. W. Elliott goes to Toronto to spend •Laster.__,, ; .. Mr. Levi Trick of London spent a couple of 'days in town last week, Mrs. Herr of Stratford is visiting her cousins, the Misses-Mahaffy of town Mr. James Connolly of Goderich was intown for the Siring Show on Thursday -.last, - Mrs. Dames has retuned to her home in I3rossels atter a Visit with Mfg, 1.1: 1hir1diff of tows, Mrs:. Wm. 'Glen has returned from Goderich and is odeupying her own home on Ontario street, Mr. Fred `' Rurnball of the . Royal;' Bank staff, Toronto, is spending a vacation. at his home- in town. Mies Mary Chidle' of the Toronto Normal is expected home this ev- ening for the Easter vacation. Mrs. A. J Grigg and Miss elen;, leave :tomorrow to -spend the Eas- ter vacation with -London friends. Ma. and Mrs, Shep. Nicholson of Auburn were arn'ong the many' vis- itors in town on -Horse Show day.. Mrs. E. W Redaway left for Toren - to on Wednesday to spend the Eas- tertide' with her sister, Mrs Jacob Taylor. ;Mrs. , R. A. Hearn has returned form - ,Hamilton, where she has been undergoing treatment for eye trouble. Miss Michie, a niece of Mr. R. Row- land, is coming to Canada from the .Old Country and is ,expected in Clinton next week:. • Mr.. Fred MMThggat;t, StAndrew's College, and Miss Elearior MeTag- gart of'• I-Iavergal, Toronto, are hone •for the Easter vacation.' Mr: and Mrs. G. McEvean of De- troit, Mich.,, and' Mrs, Arscott of - London were week -end guests at the hone of their brother, Mr. Murray McEtvan of Mary street. Mr. arid Mrs. James Hamilton of. Porter's 'Hill. were in town on Monday. :They`have had a lot of, sickness in theirfamily the past winter hut all .are now improv ing• Mr;' and M'rs. Miller of Stafra were guests at the home of Mr. Jaynes Mahaffy over the week -end, hay- ' ing come up to attend the funeral of their. sister, Mrs. Mihai ,y, on Saturday. Mr. C—D. Bouck was up :from To- ronto over the week -end and _ on Iris return on Monday was • accom- panied „by Mrs. Bouck and Miss "Eva, Misses Ione and Ethel are rernaining•_for, a few days longer. Rev. J. E. Ford and Mrs, Ford of Goderich; formerly, of Clinton; have gone to Cobourg to visit theta daughter, Mrs, Davidson, and will also visit Mr. Ford'sbrother, Dr. Ford of Norwood, before retur'nin'g: Mri James Scott, who. has just re- covered from a serious illness, left last week• for Windsor, where he will visit .his. daughter, 'Mrs,,' (Dr.) Adams, Ter a time. It is hoped the change will prove ben- eficial. Miss Iratharine Grant, daughter of the Rev. D. K. Grant formerly. pastor of Willis church is spending the •Eastervacation as the guest of Miss Ainy':Howson, and other Clinton :Friends. Miss Grant is a student at ' Branksonie Hall,' To- rento. Mr. Fred Wer of Swift Current,'' Sask., was in town for 0 couple of days this week, a guest at the Bone of his father-in-law, Mr. R. Jennison, . Mr. Weir was Called home by the death of his mother at Peterboro: • • Miss and little daughter, Miss Gladys, of ICippen are visit- ing this week at the home of the former's uncle and. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Davis-, Mis.,fiarvey tends`taking up. liter residence in London shortly, Mr, ',ibhn McNaughton of London was among: the visitors in Clinton on Fair Day. He met marry old 'friends from Stanleytownship who weird pleased to ,shake his hand again, He's id it was his irrten- tionf r" return o 'o' this t e e, { 9 VJCek- elyii., cocoa pa nod by hits son and daughter, " if the motoring Is good., which it looks as if it might be; aster Greetings ,_Tempters for Good Friday 'and Easter Morning -; reakfasts. Swifts Premium Bacon and Hams SWilts"`"'riilnium 13aelzs Swifts Broolkfield Sausages Hundreds of dozen's of the flieyt'oig brown eggs procurable Order's. -taken for local lot Cross Buns' e Pure Maple Syrup Lettuce Celery Tomatoes Rhubarb Oranges Other Specials -for _ Easier Grapefruit Apples . Bananas Cocoanuts LIBBY'S Asparagus Pineapple Peaches Sausages Large assortment of I-luyler's Chocolates and Easter Eggs. Place 'your order early and ,avoid- :disappointment. or these LOOK Extra Special for the: Kiddies A Kellogg's Wonderful Funny. Jungleland Book FREE in a package o WATITE 'T Corn. Flakes SOAPS 10 bars for ST7GA:R,—Pure, 14 pounds fox COCOANUT -in by the lb only, COFFEE COCOA, 'bulk, 2 lits' for TEA --Black FIVE POUNDS for ESSENCES JELLIES -3 for ane • bulk - per lb:. 69c. $1.00 25c 38c 250 42e: $2.00 24c CROWN II,RAND CORN STARCH Table Syrup - �iQQ • 2 packages for 5 pound tins )Y'C • -MACARONI , (Bulk) PRUNES, 2 pounds' for 28c 2 pounds for • onlya few boxes at this price left PIGS, 2 pounds for 25c DATES, 2 pounds for CHOICE CORN 2 ifor• 'CHOICE -.PEAS 2 for 5c - 25c SPECIAL ON -SALMON i Regular 45e for 40e - 25c I Regular 40c for 33e • CHOICE PILCHARDS. '' (11 Try These—you'll like ahem JC ' 500.,' Tins" HOLBROOK§ SARDINES While •they last at 18e 25c 28c -. Cash & Carrg and Delivery otiovstiAiftwoiovvoilowitovegetwAsowNermowiftwilowitostiosavemswao Phone 48 REGRET THEIR GOING. The departure of the Wallace Wheatley-. family. from town• is much' regretted by their friends, some of whom have demonstrated their regret in a tangible way. - Last week a number' of Mrs. Wheatley's friends gathered at her home and presented her with a handsome cut glass bowl, asandwich basket and sone Iineno and the other evening the members' of the Ladies' 'Aid of Ontario street church presented her with an appre- ciative address and a club bag. Londesboro "An Old -Fashioned, .Mother," will be pi:esented by a' company -of Au- burn young people', -under the ausple- es of two adult classes •of"the Lon- desboro .Methodist church, in the Forresters'hail 'en Wednesday even- ing next. Auburn Mr: Gormley Thompson has taken a position as clerk in Mr. R. D. Munro's store. - Wo are very .sorry to report that Mrs. Joseph Carter is very seriously ill with pleurisy. Mrs. Chas Straughan spent the week-end:with ;friends in Goderich. Mr. E:: G, Matthews of. Port Bur- well, -formerly banker here; spent the week -end :in Auburn. The Women's: Missionary Society of the Methodist church are present- ing .a. pageant, entitled: "Canada's share in World Tasks." in the church, on Monday evening, April 17th, ; ` The playWhich was presented in. the Forester's hall 'on Friday ever,- ing' was a decided success. The hall being full to the doors. The class have beeninvited to present it in the town hall, Clinton, on Monday, April 24th. ChoralSociety CONCERT ;the Choral `Society Concert in Wesley church,' tin Wednesday, April 10th, promises to be the leading musical event of; the season, The chorus of 65 voices, under -the Very- able eryable leadership of ` Prof, 'Anderton, will present'Bartholdy's Sacred -Can- tata "Lauda Sion" (Praise Jehovah) accompanied by organ and piano; also liarnaby's "Sweet and Low," unaccompanied, Eaten "Fnnin s; "Moonlight," -Spofforith's "flail Sunil- ing Morn"` and Adam's, "Comrades Song of Hope." Miss Cockrill• of London will take ' the solo parts in. the cantata and also sing- solo uuint hers. Mr. Cho:Bereft, baratone; of London,will glee several soles, and Mr I,Riley"Tatmannat Toronto, will delight the audiencewith his tenor solos. lair, Hallman, who f5 considered 'ono or the leading toner's of Toronto, liars Wen a reputation as „a clear, sweet lyrie tenor of re- markable ' range. . The . >popularity and success of Mr, Hstllmanas a-' soloist is not entirely due to his ' beautiful voice, but also to his clear. enunciation, 'interpretation and ele- gance of style, which are the essen- tials of a finished artist. ,Tickets at 75e may be secured, from the members -of the chorus or- at the W. D. fair Co;s and A, T. Cooper's' book stores. Easter Sale The Girls Club of Willis Church will bold a Home-made Baking --AND— Hame,3made Candg Sale in Mr. Stothers''office on Saturday Afternoon April the 15th C SALE STARTS AT 3 O'CLOCK O'Neil's Bakerg, DON'T FORGET l' of X Buns FOR GOOD .FRIDAY and all kinds of good things We are also opening our Ice Cream Parlor OUR MOTTO: SERVICE. PHONE YOUR, ORDERS' R. S.-O'NEILL Bhone_204 The Balser " Say it with Flowers SPICIAL THIS WEEK. PRIMULAS, l'ablc size -in fine bloom. 25c each. SWEET PEAS. , Eckforcl's sutra fine miyed seed, 150 ,an otinco. • Plant early for good rxsnits, 'YOU AREINVITlr}D '.PO, SEE, OUR roAsFER DISPLAr OF ' LI.LtES, ROSES, BEGONIAS, J.`ER.NS,. ETC, 1 uah Our Hew Cloths are- the finest collection we have had for may'' Seasons, and are priced at a very close margin of -profit and we know that for real dollar value, thevcannot..he1equalled. " QUALITY FIRST "' has always been our motto, and this Season, we are out to demonstrate more than ever, that REAL HAND TAILORING. all wool material and high grade trimmings are the only true ecomony in Men's Clothes. Prices range from $25 to $55 DavisC'ilill . THE VETERAN TAILORS Opposite Town Hall "' Brown's Men's Furnishings Store [a The greatest hurnan interest drama the world has ever know 1blilliono have read the book. , Millions have seen thepia this is your opportunity to see the picture Better Than Either Romance :< Ilegeneiation- Thrills Pathos ,, Laughter' a Friday Princess Theatre, F alt d Saturday,. • the 1 t April ,ail h � h and lith, Aomission, E enings 25e and 360 Saturday Nlatil;ee 2.80 -15c and 250 i1a.SgRr:^-',q�t+'�rvmiCW-'rhe'x".[amClmfMbVCnieYtm.Wklmaa+eernGoa,mnN.tt.M1i2�iXb�>sYM.�.nra.�eartwl".v�.SCLnTLbNIXzrAIM,A]lUi, q. D,r.. MMT Cowan, ;u Seafar{.lr. x;111 hada a good view of "the procession at Awho is in Li j lane taking a post- the wedding of Princess Mari All 'M lr rks lt graduate enurso, (nn a scholarship),,_ February ;and writes.'. lioine very tiz- 4.;1- ] "vas amongst the fortunate ones who texastingly ohout