HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-4-13, Page 4COOPE 1d1�:'ill/i
The New .R vR Od
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tSt og,
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slaile I.1�'el 1,0011 bon i�d %vitit ihe L,00koi.
1 k.," how 017 s
Prayer Book from 85e up
rt 750
�oln fay
1 la�'cr Book' and Hymnal i) 0
This kook1x5 beeefin :preparation for flong
tiuetn(the appearance .u)looked h 1L+aid
overyncmb4 the.enured of Eleians Can,
ecial edi.tion for C aewch ,use
601d by
d`il COOPER.
I i Illllil'I I'll III
illi IIII iIIII IlI i IL l
' I I Illlllllllldlllllllllllllllflliilllllllllllllll I i
I IIIIIiIIIlfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllilllllll llI;IIIIIIIII)IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIdllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllill l 11 l
This Way bp
Right'; all your elboh is your Long -Distance:telephone:
With it, you can tally with any of 12,000,000 telephones
in "Canada and the United States.
"Clear the Way!" Long Distance_seer5s to say ---here's
an important message! The customer is favorably, Mt -
pressed before he knows what the messageis'about.
Arid Long Distance gives you the sight of way, into
every maxi's office. He can. _ignore your advertising,
your: letter, or even your traveller, but ignore a Long
Distance .call? Instinctively he reaches for the tele-
phone! -
Keepdown selling expense. -`.Tse the Bell to Sell."
� •than Person -tai'
Station -to -Station to Station ratee s fie loyw e,r
Person rates. , After 8,S0 p.m. they are about half- the
day rate.
Every Bell telephone Is
a Long Distance Station
...,r s+>t•r°afit?,�;:i*3:.t1.5'x;+'aa+i~r;
4xoderici TovvrisWp
H. Wise rehtnucd on
ruesdkry.evcnieg from Northern Oe -
411'0, Whither he had been c disci
9Wingr to the death of his brother,
Wrllime Wise,
:Nr. and Mrs. George :iJ, Connell
:arc leaeipg Goderieh township to
softie upu1 theirrneW fere/ !1 S
ley township, and their neighbors
mrioiigst whorl they have re.sided so -
long, decided mei e eiSnU hist v
to go in a body and spend0 low
hours with them Ie g social wvay.
Miler to their departure. Accord,
ingly about sixty of them toe Bath-
creel, taking' the family completely
-1 0'' tu
by surprise. ..They vt r1) even
hearty welcome '-and .during. the 6v -
'cuing the following address was, read
to Mr. and Mrs, Connell and they
were presented with an easy shad
and some table linen ;
"Anr,•il 3rd, 1922
To Mr: and .Mrs." George I, Connell
• and 1i uuily,
Deal friends: --,It is with a feel -
leg of deep regret that we, your
friends :and neighbors, have learned
of your intended departure front
amorgst us, with whom you have re -
Sided Con about 'forty` years We are,
however, pleased to know that_ you
arse -riot going ,s0 far buti that we
will hays the privilege of -again Vis-
iting you. __,We -have gathered- ai
your home this e5ning :to expvesa
in some small way the great esteem
5s eh
in, whieli,yoinhave ,always been. hold
by us. Y4in' unselfish ,desire to ren-
der assistance at any time, your
many kind acts and deeds pour so -
tial and genial manner and thel
good keeling which has always ;ex-
isted „between us 05 neighbors in llces
us feel ,that :the loss we are sustain-
ing will be a gain to the neighbor-
hood to which you are going. As a.
slight token ofithe -esteem in which
we Bold you and not 'toe: the vaiue
bet for the good feeling Svhieh exists
among Lis, we kindly ask Teti, . Mr..
Connell, to accept this chair and
Mrs. Connell to accept this table
linen and we sincerely e'rust thai:
- when you are fully settled m y'5o
new .1+ome that.- yon may ever - „te•r
nneirtber your. old friends and neigh-'
bei in Gadericli township Si nee
ni Lel_l.alf of friends,,and n ighbara.
FredC;: Ford, Jno P. Finlay"
Cennelrinaddi a most c+ffeutivv
reply, giving 'many interesting 'ren('
n isrerces 1s he' Went along, and: e:
Pressing the appreciation o1 hot
firs, Connell., and himself ' for th
kind words of the address and the
handsome gifts and also then; siiiro-w
at Tasting with their old neighbors
' and friends.
The evening -was afterwards pleas-
antly spent 10 groes;; music ' aid
dancing, 'happy, irieindly•chat and the
enjoyment of the igoocl' things pro-
vided by the 'ladies in the way . of
lunch. The party. broke up in the
wee snia' hours of -the morri'hrg,,
thiotort, New??-k(e!
Editor 5 Thu News Record °
1 noticed in your paper of 'Marsh
16th a repo'Sf ' of the Golnouinty
Shed columittee, 'rimy said the
Graham .Hoase could eteOummoclate"
y 'tenbu - ` a
65 horses, and ..,the R (. ly Nor-
niandie 05, "also. (hie thing" I 'could
was .room
l e�e
i s 11Yd1 t r
i rs 1 1
110 ,ii(l
for one hundred horses; why were riles
church anode tbo lli'st to 5e filled 0
1'no#,ice almost every ,Sato?.day who af,-
ternooi) the ones v o built these
sheds are the first to be crowded
out and have to drive to some other
place, I 0100511 there might, ,,ho
something wrong and 1rnade a per-
bmral to these stables, I 1 �oind
the Graham stable has tel single
and six double stalls and an: open
stied -for eight. horses. The Eatton-
buty-Normandlie has twelve single:
and four double "stalls., The box
stalls in these.stables are kept for
private use, that leaves accommoda-
tion for about fifty ,horses, not.
counting .the livery barns, Since
the Conomereial stables and the old
skating rink have been taken down,
Clinton has' had poor accommodation
for horses. There are four town-
ships bordering on Clinton.1' would'
suggest thht 'they, appoint a commit-
tee- composed of the reeves of each
township with the reeve of Clinton
and the vada awake business man
who is the mayor of the town as
chairman to take this natter up and
tlronT:I,believe there ;will s
thing doing.
i A Friendl to the Dumb Animal
Ni➢ Smarting -No Spraying—No Snell
.Just Swallow' a Capsule -
RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed
to restore normal breathing stoprpiucue
gatherings in the bronchial tubes,give
long nights of quiet sleep; contains- no
habit-forming drug„ $1.00 at your drug -
pet's. Trial free at our agencies or write
Tempietolis, ,142 King W., 'Toronto,
Sold by d. E. Hovey, Clinton, Ont
This Handsome Free
Booklet -toils just why
Simplex gets every bit
of the Cream for your
Send for it.—It's worth
looking over for . the
money saving pointers
it contains.,
D. Derbyshire • Co. Limited.
King St.
Lv Clinton 6.20 a.211. dly ex Sunday
Ari Saratfod 7,35 a.m.
Arr Kitchener 8 25 .a.in. "
Ayr Guelph : 8.50 a.m.
Air Toronto 10.15 a.m.' "
Lve Toronto 6.10 9.nt.
Lve -Guelph 7.40 pi111.
Lve Xitchener 8.11 p.m.
Lvc Stratford 9.013 'p.m.
Arr Clinton 10.04 p.m. ;:"
-Buffet-Parlor Car and first-class'
vestibule coaches in each direction.
Entire train runt'.tlirough without,
For full particulars as to tickets,
etc:, apply to Grand. Trunk Ticket
T. 1iansfoed,-& Son, Uptown Agents,
phone 57.
1101. and Mrs.' George Cook 1)j'
Oorler'ich,township spent Sunchsy With
their daughtell 11015, :Joe Riley;
1r, and 11115 (001),0 Riley spent
RedaJ AS he 'poets of nicker -
sin ith
ic er-
1V1rst Wm:- Moore 4f Toro to is'
visiting her sister, Mrs. IV,iekelson,-
also her -nen William,
Quite a eru her around here ,de
tended the 'funeral to late rs
Pearson, mother of Mrs. 1ie0er6
A 91050001ontt1 1;51100 •has been en -0X1111 hoaa•d (r1 t1;r1 4Llgthodl' b
Bial c(I to lake 5110050 of ttie (' 011).1'X11 CI;n)'55 at l.itrtaivel leas x •e d 1 1
tioti1'se Chir, ,reason and the, coutse 1C e t n c 6-
being got really Por the season's invilirtion Uo Jov. (Gats,? 11'. iV. lid
play, - Wards, 131,0., M,A., B.J)., 1)J' Serloi'tii,
The beeeme p1a: 5Pr 1)L the-0hua'05 0
)n 000 a
irr i F c. tonic pyres- at:�fihe ? ...
1'onn0 oP:thbride'1'a
s pa1•ents,111z. anti x0000 1011 t2 llov, 1)1',:.I1aserl, bins
11110, 0,501i1. .1.°)hillips aS Blyth of•kIiBo has (1000X0( a elll
-� ., , i 1 to-Flleliheitiia
nes x
r i
t hill 5 .• r �'
. l x a
p C� s. A-
d1, Edwards -s iris a (i0I,octhalt, son of the late Matthew Eurshed wcr, record, :hiving 510
Lockhart: The ` young couple yviil service ulucl
reside in. Blyth, 1 5 ice. at the front in combat -
reside unfits,
4 PI
Mr, and Mrs. 14'illiarbi Meli,enzle - S
1)i` Gerrie i;e7cblatodlast
1 . tile
fiftieth anniversaryoftheir
riage, They entertained about forty
0f_Uheir relatives and friends and
tai ...
I y�1"7
wore t1recipients of many lovely oinl
tea uTo,
You can -use sweet milk, sour milk,
buttermilk or water • with
An old stand under n€w_ Mana.aenient
Open first of April
First-c]asc work by a competent mechanic
Gasoline, Oils and ,Accessories
Cotnplate stock of
Batteries Charged and Repaired
Near tk
Your Patronage Solici'ted.
R ridge
lir er-
Open evenings
l3ayfieJd Ontario
The recol)struotiog period after the
great war is characterized by what
may be called high pressure days.
The demands of business, the wants
of the family, the requirements of
society, are more 0010000us now than
ever• before;. _
The first effect of the praiseworthy
effort to 'keep' up with all (these
thing's is commonly seen in_ a weak-
ened ed or debilitated condition of t110
nervous system, which results in
dyspepsia, detective' nutrition of
both body acid brain, and, m extreme
cases, in complete nervous pr'ostra
tion „
It i,rs clearly seen that -yvhat Is
needed is What will sustain the sys-
tem, give vigor and `tone to the
nerves and keep the digestive and"
assinrllative , (;unctions healthy and
active (Many persons 'from their
own expoyience recommend IIood's
Sarsaparilla for this purpose. It.
acts on: the vital organs, builds up
the system, and fits men and women
for these trying -times.
In cases where there is biliousness
The Overland Light Four
4 're -Home of g east , ' Wlioleso 9.e fo.
4, .Pure roods
4 Are you taking advantage of the low price we
4 areseiling groce)'ies ? Deal with us and watch your gs
4 bank account grow,it your
4' 2s EN TIP
Yom•. 4 :
Granulated Frau at
d ib
6Oc lb
4'4le fie
4 4 per cwt.
4 Oizr Own Ginger inger Cake -
AT 90c LB.
25e each ,
or • constipation, itisi well to take
Hood's Pills. They are a thorough' �i Pe ed Raisins, per pkg' 19c
cathartic, a' gentle laxative. QIP a ed Wheat per pkg 1.4c.
c Shredded Wheat 2 ,pkgs 25c
;The • Canada((- National Railway'
in'; addition to providing nnexcslled
service between "Iaastern and Wes-
tern Canada offers' patrons 'optional
routes.' You niay travel westward.
via the Poet Arthur -Fort 'William
route 'returning:: the northern zoite
via Coehraneeand North Bay;' of vice
versa. _ This means that you are :n
new environments .continuously. ;t A.
train leaves -Toronto, (Grand Trunk
'Ry.) at 8.45 p.nn. carrying; Stan-
dard Sleeping' Dar to Wirrnipeg. iia
North Bay, Cobalt and 'Ccchran,e
daily, and through tourist.:sleepiiig
car Toronto to Winnipeg an Tues-
days,- ..TJixnsadys,' Saturdays and
"The National,"' a solid "-through
train leaves Toronto for Winnipeg at
10.35 pat._ every 'Monday, Wednes-
day and, Friday via Sudbury and
Port Arthur with standard and tour-
ist sleeping cars, coaches, -colonist
car •and' dining car service
Get full particulars,, reservations,
etc., frons : Local Agent or nearest
agent. 0C' the Canadian National -
Grand Trunk Railways. - 44-5
The cheapest alis} easiest riding light car in Canada today
Bert Longford, .Agent, - Commercial Garage.
C L i N TO Ni
eu,-w.m scaw..e. d. .e
TOIIi: NEW 1101.3T9
ANii 111.0 WrsTEIN roINts
°HOW€'. l 1' rwuTf s
Lryavt T1i#ont0 8,45' p m, d ily Standard Sleepingycar Toronto to
nvalf *dfauto towun v'+tt ,Nttleth Bet)' end Cnch ane. Tbroxiah 1tist
r ''V,�innipeg` on uoodays, Thursdaysar
aye and
uundava '
L001' Toronto 10.35 P m, "The National ' lyloudays, Wednesdays
and Fridays aye via Sudbury and Fort Arthur. 901101,, through train
with St 1 tdarcl and 'Tourist Slcopinl care, Coaches, Colonist oar and
1)101013 Car "Sekviec. Cor:minion at Winnipeg for all pointsWast.
Clot fall particulars, reSO?.VOt)o 110, ete , from local �
Agout or 'nearest «11.gei3 01 55311 (!ail Nolan National —
Trunttr Itailw 0v5 , ,
Looks better aas lsmtt
hos dilbse rtel9 hard, ocasiIaj cleaned,.
8 1)1 tt cttve..co caps that tnalta
'tea.t k k . n4 floors that willviibstorad
the"hard continuos wear that gOUTO
311i c'ni]A
Post Toasties 2 for
Seedless Raisins 2 lbs
Wheatlets .,8. lbs for'
cOert Finest Canadian cheese: 230 ib
�A Crown Brand Corn -Kellogg's s original tcaste�
`°0' Syrup 5-1b. tin -- *.-.?.."1..--( -Corn- :Plaices;` 3 ton •
Uur O'WIl e
Ohocolates,:Giant Creams,COT'F11E—Our Own'.-
Jelly Beans,: Kisses, Special Blond, per 1b9
Huinbugs-Candy .440Quality sold per
fi5e Ib '2*.
4 EXTRA. CHOICE damQUATITX 250 o rid
10,000 More -Families Our Own Special .Blend go
Have Beers Added TEA
our List of A A�1� 45c y� and ms s,.,.
To$!. g11
norSatisfied Tea Drinkers - Quality sold elsewhere at' 65e e"
Pastry l ur
98 lb sackFlour $3.75
veivisoevirtntleinvelDetaloan.8 2a5 vc 673
1G- DC
of b. Walleeroille, Ont.
Comparls n is
the Fairest Test
Set it side by side with any
car, irrespective of price and
judge. ' That's the way to
buy a car. See what each
has to offer at its price, be-
- you make up your
mind. It's the only' way to
be sure you're getting lust
what you want - = and it
surely is the only -way to
appreciate low much you
get in this seven -passenger
Studebaker at its' price ,of
And it's a test that Stude-
baker is eager to have you
make. For when you stand.
this new BIG,SIX side by
side with other cars, y'o`u'l1
End it gives you all, irt qual-•
ity ,of 'material and work-
, that you can get
in any car regardless of price
—and infinitely more than you
can get in any car at the
same price.
On every hand the thous-
ands of BICo. SIX owners
havekound in this car every-
thing they considered essen-
tial to complete motoring
satisfaction. This is another
reason why Studebakerr is
the world's largest builder
of six cylinder car's,
-. F. o. b. Wallaery lie, Ont.
5 -Pees., 112^ 7/./1,40 11. P.
5 -Pass., 119^ W. 11.00)1. P.
1 -Pas,., 126' W.13.. 010 P.
Chassis $1250
Touring Cor 14115
Rd ter (3 Pa n) 1495
Coupe -R dyer (2
Piss:), ,.....:.. 192,.5
,Sedin 2425
Chassis 50700
Tour tt.. 20'75
'Roadster (2 Paso) 2025
Roadster (4 Poen) , , 2075
Codpo (4..Paso.) .....3050
CI as i S2175
Touring n, i, 2475
Coop, (4 -Paas.).,....,.. 3500
Sedan 3700
Il,�' .. i.?1111qt).
�cI13 ;,rIlit_-
n real K. bQl'-:
T. F. Ii _LLA X11
East St Garage; God, erilch
Phone 234, -