HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-4-13, Page 3IllEAL rid EDUCATION
131( DR, 3, MID1)1.I:TON
Provincial Board ot Health, Ontario
r luidcnotcp win be glad la answer kloestiona on 1,uhile ilealth anti,
ters threugh this trauma, 4th'a hhn t SpedIna House, spadirts
Crescent. l'oronta
ladestrial 1'n ia sterol tha
.slnuld, be understood b everybody
'When we conslcler the large percent
• age of the.people of this province -1,vho
re engalted in industry, the healti
;and happiness of these workers is a
:mats o upreme importance to the
-individu;',, the community and the
The pre;:fervation et the health, oC
-,-kers in industry is 'what industrial
eno essentially meaup, .,•,,,hpl.,11,e,r it
is • in reducing health hazards or in
improving ihe sarrodndings and' con-
undfof which the 'work is car-
, :lied an, Incidentally the preservation
and improvement of the health of the
workers brinigs the benefits to
the meinhms vf .1,11e workers' families
:and friends, thus increasing 1111.111ea-
s,ttr..1Ply the spilLe of industrial
,grene activity. Too Chen the cent -11j,
ion, under whi.ch men and women
'Work ,are reflected in their home con-,
,ditions and surroundings, and where
lack or edm.seim is shown far the Niel-
em„age , industrial
pursuits,there 18 a corresponding
lack a interest on the part of 'the
..workers in the work they are doins,,,
which is detrimental to both employ-
,er.s and employees, us we'..1 as to the
quality and quantity of the goods or
manufactured art,clos produced, Be-
. sides, if a, lack of interest is manifest-
ed in the health and conditions nuclea.
which men ,and women work,
'and Pclitibal unrest ,and dissatisfaction
heeome wide -spread, - distotbing and
6islecating trade and commeTee, and
affectMg the whole strata of our
'domestic rand national affairs.
That there ds -a great need for in-
tensive wrork to be 'done in Ontario in
the sphere of Inclustnial Hygiene is
evidenced by Industrial reports and by
statistics. The time lost through dis-
,ability is a very. important featoxvito
be,reckoned with, it Being estirn
that approximately 3,300,000 rk-
t daYs per year aro' ;lost through din-
. ability, by the 500,000 Indust:04 1
- workers in thie province.
To safeguard the health el indus-
'1 workers Ontario is one of the
Chief functions of 'the Division of, In:.
dtletrial Hygiene, Provincial Board of!
Healthi,. To this end the Division has
es:lablished a bureau of information
Which wiihsupply all facts MO iigures
necessary for tho work that is' to be
carried en,
To prevent waste of time ,and the
reduplication of e0ort, there have
been collected the results,of sciontitie
researeh ,and practical experience
pined by highly paid experts pro-
gri3sive Plants in ,1:rther countries.
This very valuable information is at
tho disposal -of industrial plants who
bave similar' health problems, even
though on a.' Much smaller sc=kle, to
be dealt with. Where certain inform,.
ation is not at hand, liEerary research
work ie. carried as to ,gain the inform- /
ation asked Tor, while in .adddtion• a
system of general es:areational.propw,
gamin, on Industrlal .I.Iygiene, is being
A start has been made in eliniCal t
work by the estab;!ishanent of. "an tin-
dustrIal, clinic :for diagnosis, by means
of Which an investigation is being
made as to ,the prevalence of, lead
poisoning in certain trades in Ontarie.
A demonstration has rocentlY been
.0arri,ed Thorold to determine
the pcIssibilities of an Industrial and
Public Health nurse combining her
duties so as to make both phases of
her 'work effeetive ,aS possible. Al-
i/age:Liter the Divison. of Industrial Hy-
giene is aiming to raise the general
standlard „of health aniong industrial
workers end (herd& do its qiate to -
'Do N9It USe pUrghtlyes-
A,T4illie ,Ali You Need.
Not stok-Init hot feeling quite well,
Thal. Is the wo,y 1110,t UeoPle reel In
t,110 fiprImg, Tally tired, ,al.,'Pedt.
ckle? E am etillieS neaderihes, Ann's, foot,
ing 9f depression. PhaPies or erup-
tions, may appear on the skin, or 'there
ssay be tw,AtIrligy-e0S1, btf1,81;ielvitTvilaictfils, :en thu
the blood is out of order -that the fa.
door lire of winter 0-0,0 left its 111411C
U11011 you and may easily develan isato
more serious trouble. ,
Do not t.lose- yourself with purga-
tives, 58 SO many people do, the
hope that Y,oti can put your blood
right, Purgatives gallop through the
system and weaken instead of 'giving
strength. Any doetox will tell you this
is true, What yen need in the spring
is ,ca tonic that .will enrich, the bleed
and build up the nerves. Dr. Wit-
liiiins' Pills do ibis speedilY,
safely and surely. Every dose of this
medicine helps, to enrich the blood;
which clears, tato skin, strengthenS the
appetite; atal makes tired, depressed
nem women and children bright,
active and strong. Mlss S. L. Mc-
Eacitron, Nairn P.O., N.13., e5,
taro been, in Ithe habit of taking Dr.
Williams,' Pink Pills 1,11 the spring and
hey keep, Ina' in . the best of health,
thrineit is entirely due to the use of
those --pills 'that I always have eell
good health."
Sold by all medicine dealers or by
maiil at 50 cents a box or six boXeS
for 52.50 front The .Dr.
„Medicine Cs., Brockville, Oat.
wardb the great co,mibined, ,Wqrk of ald
Divisions of the Provincial Board 10C
When at his easel .a great artist
A. man, all -snowed Wint years, his
' Paintings brought";
And as at school a bright -faced lad will
isa slate to catch his teacher's eye,
Health, viz., 00 :iniasroye. the race, and It
raise the health standards , for !Ill
classes of the community
Crippled Lad a l'e's'ted Scout. ,
ctriPPled from the waist down .1A-
'7e0r•old Mervyn ,Tackton ,of Brantford
Dos i*ssed•his tests as...a full-fledged
"Tenderfoot Scott an is now wen en
.11,1e Way toward his new goal of Second
-,Olass Scout, A,feiv Saturdays, ago -he
proceeded OS' Cocksbutt -Bush, where
the lath Brant Troopr Boy 'Scents,
were holding their proficiency tests.
,A, little friend, paiirlPearce, assieted
" Young :faairson on his "Boy. Scout"
-Wagon and drew him civet, the miles
of oeuntry road fa, the troop'il rendez-
H'eoe Ole determined Youngster -un-
derWent an the Woodcraft tests of the
Boy Scouts, lighting, a fire without tlth
aid of paper and oil and with the ex-
penditUre of only ono 'imata-a test,
vrhialf would baffle many an adult. He
hobbled around picking 'up 'tittle twigs
anti :Laving these te desired,slze soon
had a creditable blaze, Depriv.ed fromt.
• infancy of the use of Ins lower limbs
yeiMg Jnnkgoo fa.undatinted and looks
forward to the future with a quiet and
courageous confidence." He does ri,h
inteiirto he deprived of the sport and
Joys of other dads his own size, as
exemplified by My keen interest in
everything to In with the Boor Scouts,
He IS a,u; authortity ou the text -books
and sating in Iris 1.106e wagen, deeke,d
'but in all the regalia and uniform of
the organization, he works -a, Scout
any Scoutmaster in Canada might be
proud of.'
Young Jackson is perhaps, the mast
outstanding example in. Ube whole; of
Canada aniang,•the, ranks of the Boy
Scouts of, the valu,e of determination
and disdain of natural handicapS. Of-
ficials high up in the. organization ere
keeping a lvathhful 03,0 'on, the little
• fellow wad his future' in the Boy'
Scouts promises to bb a bright one.
The story 'of the last's effort., and
and scan
er li,row, Le read the verdict there,
- this man
oped so for one asauring word or
achievement has been forwarded to
the Boy. Scout world leader, Sir
R01.101,t Baden-Powell. . -
Veteran- Scoutmaster Rewa rd ed.
Scoutmastei• August MilTer of the
1s0 Wiarton Troop WM preS011ted, 011
Monday evening., March 27t01, with the
Medal of Merit of -the Boy Scants As-
scciatitin, in reeo,gintion of long and
continued services to the Boy Scout
Movement, 1011', Miller has been isa
charge of the Yitiartell TroOP far Mere
than ten years,' during which, tinj,%, be
has trained many scores,mt Wiaaton's
boys.. The presentation of the niedal
oame as a. complete ,surprise to him, as
it had been applied for bY the local
committee and' awarded by the Chief
Scout for Canada, Lord Eying of VintY,
next entleelY Withont his knowledge
until he wee called forward by the
Chairmen of the Troop Cominfttee lo
receive it.
Byng lo See Ontario Scoute,
During Ids tour through Ontario in
April Lord Canada's Chief
Scala, ,will see Boy Senna At almost
every' town and,city Ou his itinerary.
This fact demonstrates, tha:wortderful
growth .ashtsOs has, ,taken Plage le
Scouting during the past oonpleof
years, At Hamilton ante. there are
more than,1,0,00 boys, associated with
at Bratitfd 0,9ET 800,- et
Landon, 'the number is, now over 350
and steadily increasing The last 'of-
ficial statistics published by Previncial
Headquarters, Moor and Sherbolarne
Sts„ Toronto, and dated December
31st, 1921, placed, the ,botel Doyl Scout
population of Ontario at 13,218) This
number, howeVer, has since been.com
siderably Increased by the formation
of hew troops 01 nse,iby Parts of, the
• When15111 Your town: be pat on. the
Boy Scout map? '
When your -.harden is heaviest, you
cap elwas lighten a little some other
buoden. At the times when Won Can.
not 'see God, there is still open to you
this sacred possillaby, to show God,
Let thii thon.glvt, then, shay with you;
there in,ay-ibe tlnieS when yeti cannot
find help), but lilac: is no. time When
you cannot •give helP.--Geerge SI -Mer-
Bat Beauty's setrvant 11050 15 dare not
, lie -
Yet who could quencis the light within
Me eye
Of him who, just to know the truth,
Had brought ' some bits of wilight
, -work to find'
Their worth by Cannes of a roaster
And far an answer did all breathless
NI, t ?
Awhile the stranger saw the .sktidoWs
Across the artist's,. brow, then heard
him say:
"You SOit for truth; this work . .
-Is wotith!"
The tlienibling, man then. ,showed
lilacs he had
Hid 'nee% itiO cloak; "This, sir, was,
What think you of it? Is it, too, of
earth ,
"Dear child at genius:" was the quick
morn. gives promise at a :golden
A soul speakssa here, and, whose so'er
it be
Unto this, Goiania/I crowd dotir not be -
1 -,11,s. listening ear hath heard' the
speechless, song
eyes hath seen, unveiled Reality!"
,Thereal, the matt, Whir halflaverted'
! face, ,
`"Teicem these too sets cam you 190
likeIVESS' trace? ,
Tioto,,bom.is, urbais-I caught it long ago
hoppy morning fields, all wet with
The Artist sighed ao the sad form with -
'drew: -
"What golden mornings inte greyness
go!" 01 • „, ,
-.Alexander Louie Vaaser,
(Rossetti, who was .the artist refer-
red to, toad Watts- )he, story sug,gesiting
the above., Au, authority *elle it "one
011 0110 saddeststorieS-In• the annals or
art."). ' •'' .
The love,,of nature leads us along
the .paths that, leed to isssppyto-
William found a pocketbook
But i -he string jerked it 6 .ek
It looked like a happy discovery as it lay tbere
on the sidewalk -until the discoverer reached
to pick it Up. Then the hiddenistring"jerked-it
away'. All got was disappointment:-
That's the way a good many
-le 'have found it 16 be with the
ort and cheer they thought
secured in tea and coffee.
4y came to depend on it --
a hidden Stribg,, and
left but disappointment.
drug, caffeine, in tea and
ect iS A nerve stionulant. Con-
stant stimulation of the nerves often
produces rebellion that takes the
form 'of sleeplessness, headaches,
irritability, high blood pressure.
That's the string to tea and coffee.
POSt11111 for Health
' Postum, that wholesome and
delightful cereal beverage, is com-
pletplY- satisfying and there's' no
harmful quality whatsoeVer, to jerk
away the coxnfort' which you..6find
in this splendid_ table drink.- ,Any
tnernber of the family may enjoy
F'ottxrn with any nieal-and there
will be no after -regrets.
Postnin coMes in two Annual Instant Priatunt: '
n t ns) in9da4is5ratly y!,,t1_,m,,,mar 17 the sdditiot '
of boiling water., aerial 66 Packages of '
latter bode, for those who prefer to make the drink
vvhilo the meal Is being pronared) Mode; by hotting
for 50 minutes, Sold by grocers, .
'There'g -aR easori
Ililadelv Canadian POsitlin Cereal CO., Linclite.d, Witidefir, Ont.
Miracles o
ird Flight
'When you se a flock of birds on the
wing It seem's' difficult to believe that
Once, infillons of years ago, no grea,
tale had the pow6r of flight.
It is. believed that' originally birds
came from rep Otto', Whieb„,,inust have
taken the form of small, ilzrardillee
mail -nal% They probably bud .a great,
power or icapiag rtonl insarkoh to
branch tho trees of the foreSta
where they took refuge from their
• Asthne advanced those reptile's be.
came more agile 111, leaping, arid the
forelimbs, Which. Would be held out
sidewaYs leap„ would »e -
come more an,d more ..ealarged,, while
the covering scales would be trans:
formed mtn some Sorin festher,
Longer and longer leaps would he -
name pessiblp as the animate, discover-
ed the secret ,of gliding, and then linal-
ly beginning. was made 'of an active
use of the, Primitive Wings,
The great strides made la the cour's e,
of these countless, years, ,aro-to he
Seelb ,the Wonderful flying'.Aehleve-
inputs , of ,presentday vvhich
have been known to travel as fast Us',
if not taster twan, aeroplanes.
Carrier -pigeons usually travel at
trona thirty to thirty-six miles an,
hour; crow from thIrty-one to. forLyL
five; small song -birds at twonly to
blrirty-sevou; s,tarangs at thirty-eight
to forty-nine; and ducks at forty-four
to fifty-nine. A famous naturalist
quOtes the case at a dock of sWifte ilY-
ing at 5,000 fe: above Mesul, in Mese-
Potaania:' 'In their orclinarY Paeo they
even out-distaneed the. observer's aero-
plane when it was doing- sixty-eight
Mil 00 a11 hem.% "Whoa LICES150'atOd
their air speed would probably be wei
over 100 miles. art
Althaugh birds luvve been re'cordeil
as 15,000 ft., they aro rarely
met w.:0.11 abOye 5,000 ft,, while tire
greator part 'or flight, including Migra-
tion, mohably takea place 0,000 ft.
Iran i thc ground, .
The ,distanto to which SpIllE birds
travel prOv idea another instance of
the world -encircling power that flight
1,11,, brought te therm Wbilo storka
marked in the nest In East Prussia
have 'been tra ced 0,0th-eastward
across 10rumpe to Syria, Palestine, and
EgyPt, and thence up the Nile through
Rhodesia to Natal, the Transvaal, and
Cape Colony. Seettloh lapwings have
boon found in tire Smith of Prance and
in Portugal
The power of flight has not always
been preserved; over and Mier again
birds have discarded the faculty.
Eveibne has heand_the, phrase) "As
deed as the Dodo," and- t10 bird' pro.
vides one of the boot -known. exit/Twice.
The Dodo Was, a bird about the Si4e. 5011
a SWani; , it lived in Mataltinti. it was,
.quite flightless., and, the hags Which
the Dutch sailors brought ta the.feland
in tile sixteenth 000t1177 W0Xa re-
sponsible for its, extermination, Now
the Dodo is ,known only from some
remains. in museums. '
Among present-day birds' the ostrich
tribee,and the -penguins aiac tile princi-
pal examples} of fligh`tiessness. The
former are capable' of running, at
great speed, Bat tthe penguin's, wings
have not fallen into complete disuse.,
as they have become adapted for
An IslanclIfertnit.
The story of a modem Itobinson
'Crizeoe who for tirirly years has, lived
on a lonely' island in the Arafura Sea,
between Australia.and New Guinea is,
told by Mr, W. Somerset Ma,u.glioni,
the English playwright, who his,jttoIt
-retu-imed fromta fifteen months' tour
in the East
, "I had chartered a lugger for
cruise in the Arafura Sea,' Ise said,
"and I was. esked.to Crop a bag of rice
on the island for this/old 'hermit.
"I learned on the -way from those
ypho, had, aready seen him that he was
shipwrecked thirty Years :ago, and
with fifteen other mes reached the IS -
land -in open boats. They lived ,011+ the.
island for three years before they`
'were sighted by a passing shtip:-
"Of the sixteea only five were then
alive; and ,thily four were taken cvay
-for the fifth, the old man living
there now, leaded to leava
Ole told th,e rescuers, that daring.
the t'taree years he had, spent with the
other men on the island itad seen
usuch horrible things that he Wished
never to live among his, kind again,
"During the thirty year,s, 110 has been
on the island," added Mr,. Maugh.am,
'the old Than has lived on 'chickens,
eggs, fish, and fruit. ,
"Daring tile war he was lett alone,
far five yeane, tor 11,0 ships passed his
way, and he -was reduced to living 'en-
tirely-mpan what thet;islaind. could pro-
The Canadian., spring weather -one
day milel-tund brIghi. the next raw
and blustery, is ,extrentelyhard on the
baby. -Conditions are .such that the
mother cannot take 'the, little one out
fer the trash AS so ranch to be de-
sired. He ie 'confined to the hOMSe
tyltich is so often Overheated and bad-
ly ventilated. , .1-te Catches, cold; .his
little stOinardi ‘9,41(1 130* -01E bE001110 Ells=
ordered and the mother soon has a
sick' baby to -look after. To prevent
this an aces,alonal dose of Baby's clivn
Tablets ehotlid be given. They regu-
1,a4 the 6,60,ninelt ansi bowels', thus, pre,
venting or bandshing coldso'simple
fevers., colic or any other of the many
minor' cinnamic o$ childhood, The
T'abl•ets, are sold by imerlicine dealeiS
or by mail at 25 centsa' box from Thii
Dr. William -Ss! Medicine Co, Brack.
Out. ' .• '
kIsanino,oks are supposed to have re-'
eeived their 6rom the fact that
the natives of Braell used „the bark
alt the.,hamack tree for nets. in wbieh
Use, Mlniard's Liniment tor ,the
A Telegione That Tells No
a Tales. '
Cemildential secrets and Fati,mate
bnlifinees matters ena be asiclissed
freely nver 'tble telephone lioncefor.
-ilolt 00101 de.ice that prevents, the
belenhette from "telling, tales," ,
' This. telephone invention the'
"eulierithelre,," ea iL Is c51l81-1s 11/1
outgrowth ,i6f the "wired wireles,s,," or
"line radio," developed and perfected
some Years ago bY den; Ceome 0.
Scattier, chief signal °facer of the
'ArmiY, It consists of a small portable
,s,et of Instraments, which tau readily
be connected to telephones in' resi-
dences or aloe buildings, It only
takes. a few minutes to hook up one
of the devices to the regular tele-
phone. Tho apofwat,mg Is incased in 6.
Small wood -en box,,and 'hooks directly
to the boll box of the telephone. Once
adhistati and In place, ,the superphonc
is, ready dor constant serricp.. 10 does
not require any readjustment at re-
gular interVals. It occasions no mole
bother than the cadinary telephone so
far as upkeep- 18 concernod. All the
'user .Itas, iS to close. a S.Witch or
press a blIttom to connect in the raper.
Phone ib itsie
X,Apeolaradwalltag•e 15 1,1nii„.1t nonage
a number, af Secret: teiculione convor,
sations to be carried on simaltiments-
ly OVer the same lisle without inteiler,
,Illg With each other, •
1(1oviI 111b -m, 511 think lssut your-
oyeterio'ntitipl,Illteie:ss what` Yon Oo not \Vish
Minard s Liniment lor ITtioglii a d
Rupture Kills
79000 Annually
Seven thousand persons each year
are - laid away --the burial certificate.
being marked "Rupture." Why/ to,
cause tlie unfortunate ones .had nog-,
tented themselves or had beenonerelY
taking 'care, of the sign fswelling/'
the affliction and paying no attention
to the cause': 'What are you /doing?
Are you negleoting yourself by wear
lag a truss, appliance, or whatever
,411,1e you choose to call it? At best,
the truss is only a maire-shift-a false
prop, againet a collapsing
cannot+ bp. elpected to act asmarc
than aniere mechanical sapport, The
binding Pressure retards blood. circu-
lation, ,thus robbing the' weakened
muscles of that which they need most
-neurishnisa. ,
But science has found a way, and
every truss srifferer in the land is in-
vited to :Make a test right lu the
privacy of their, own _novae, The
PLAPAO „;methorl is unquestionabbt-
Ine most scientific, logical and auolo'ess-
ful , for rupture the
World has ever known.
The PLAPAO PAD when adhering
Closely to the laofiy cannot possibly
slip or shift nit of ,place, therefore
cannot chafe or pinch, Soft as velvet
-emy to iipply--inexPensive. To be
used whilst you work and whilst you
sleep. No straps, *bucklesor springs
attached. • ---
Learn how to close the hernial open-
ing as 'nature intended S'o the rupture
CAN'T come down., Send your name
mid ten cants, coin or stanipsao7day;
to PLA.PAO CO., 765 Stuart'Sidg., St,
Louis, Mo., for'PREIE, trial Papa° and
tin:, information neceasarY. •
The well-being of the people ie like
a' tree-ragricAbure is root; inanat-,.
factoring anti, conimence are it's
b'ea'k .ainid the 'tree dies„ -,-Old OltineSe
Vinard's Liniment for Grippe and Flu,
The large white (patches on thiLl
green hilkides that mystify the Can-
adian traveier as 'he approaches the
eaaq al Bermuda are water -catching
areas. There are no Streams or fresh -
Water welits, on the idands; the 'only
drinking 'water is rain water caught
from the roofs of dweittings or fi'ain
cleared' areas apis the hillsides\
Lift Off with Fingers
Doesn't. nutt a hitt Drop a tittle,
"Freezone" on an aching corn , i ta n t,
ty that earn stops hurting, then short,
13, you 1110 tt right off vdth angers.
Your druggist sells a tiny battle, of
"Freezone" tor a few cents, sufficient
to remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or earn bet-,i,een the toes,,atl the eat
luso% without 'Baroness or irritation.
Keep Your fiRotth
Miner 'el ifoiRiejt
iOr that cold and 'tired' feeling,
Get Well-,-KeeP
by tosislg thsi OLD irmAtrxi
Minarrh Liniment 0o, Ltd.
Gives Details of Recovery- for
&foefit of Others Who Suf.
fer As She Did.
Tanlac has been wonderful
ing to me ;rnd praibe 11 Ulla long-
est day I ,Sive" said Miss, Aline Desalt-
tolo,"St. l'.,aurent, Que. '
'My only regret about Tanlace
is that I didnt leartal about "it
SOOIllar, as X know 1 would have,
been rayed many hours of misery ,
SAW' Ertl tiering. This, grand inetli- I
ciao has brought me the wondea.
hal blessing et health and 0 feel, that. 1
an1411,i113PdEliag my ditty In tc, '
lot people knew that no. matter how
'much they may BEAK' froin stomach
trouble, thee is hope for them it they
t,alts Tanlao. ,
"I am no 111,61'4 like the same penman
now -that I was before, I' took Ws,
graffiti medicine, thou day .10 Mee
night." • .
Tanlac15 r,,old lsy an good druggists,.
A Dominion Express Mosey Order
for five dollars, costs three cents,
tilinard's Liniment prevents Spanish Fin
One whoris conterke,t1 with what he
has done will never become fatuous by
what he will da, -Bova,
Not our age hut'what we accompliat
is 'the just measure of, our length' of
Life. •
LAN 118 A L -T
Balit Carlota
C. J. CLIFF TorioNyn
No need to lose chicks.
Raise every one into
a 4troug profitable
bird, Successful pOul-
trymen. everywhere
bank on
?rails BOtermilk
'Baby Chick Food
Sold everywhere on our mon-
ey back guarantee, ADVICE
FREE. Tell us your trouble.
CIad A' Iry Mel*,
et ,a,f,ta.lnAlg .pwrrInt,
00O, ' elhor tee, A, iircOrtiorit„
reassenbin iiPtees, ,x004151' rave
oo), egroreysecoucis, fats 9drae Per
ix '''S1ixsfae,.14.4.4)114c.6.c00 at'4Vii(''74;p501filiet'11x
0511110. (1 oorgrtowii, ,ontnrie, ,
I001 114X,sii'
41•1461)::o1iP41e.;;..1:;r4- 1“;:;ft:S;lirllit a:d,Ju:m:o ;hives ;na:1::n;111et:1i41)
51:i1511f0::2100kO00k boelcooptrg_reguivomeato• lesgl:or ow OtalogU, lata 3100101'4 Clinn-
P1WW, Ltn. VoO ,iSeso ozj,.
1,0 Ulm, pulleys; ',4119,A, e401o,/)o0o, packing.,
riEtruls run SALE
Ar,L 011P? „OP 00031INV ANP 211)
plopped Eubject tEl i4Arn9)91.11,to1 lowesy
5r1c(51. In Canada. Yrang TiletarilerG
005 .yorix, frromuT..1-excoNTo.
Dr: Rasa!, Kidney and Liver' Pine ,
250. ,
Sold by 011 0212.Cglkto. Or '
ILOOSS 7fam23450550s 902117417Y
7 airrrits street ' jayhtaama
moueer nom Remedios
13ool: on.
and, I.Low to reed
Malted, Irroo to any
51r'ss 55 the Author.
0a. Clay, elover 1.105, Ate..
120 West 24t1s Street
New Xbrk. 510:13155,
:VERY efficient
ii antiseptic when
used as a first-aid
dressing far cuts,,
scratches, bruises, in-
sect bit, etc.. Keep
a tube in the house -
for emergencies: 5
1080 Chabot Are. Montreal
elitamtarai, ,Att,00at. -Ite,III4Zktett
170R forty years Sloan's Liniment
11 has been the quickest relief for
, neuralgia, sciatica and rheum.-
tism, tired muscles, lame backs, sprnins
and strains, aches and pains.
XeelySloan's handy and apply freely,
withoye rubbigg, -at t..4e 4rSE tWiager
It eases -and brings comfort Surely
,_and readily. You'll find it clean and
Sloan s Liniment as pain's enemy.
AT !ODAskY°ileighb:1
Ataldrtggister-5c'i°C! $1.4O
LL zltd:4Pad
Vfonteu Should Know How Lydia E.
Pinkhatti's Vegetable Compound
Helps at This Trying Period
Sheboygan, Wisconsin. ---"I was ran
down, tired and nervous. I could not
even do my own
housework, pould not
sleep at night and
all kinds bf qua er
then ghts would come
tone. Finally I
gave up going to the
doctor and a friend
told me of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound.,
After the flrst bottle
I could sleep better
and I have kept on
impraving ever nce. I have taken
seven bottles now and am so happy that
1am. all over these bad feelings." -Mrs.
B. ',mina, 1689 N. 3rd St., Sheboygan,
Wisconsin. . -
For the woman entering middle age
Lydia 13. Pinkhatree Vegetable Com-
pound can be of much benefit. During
this time of life certain changes take
place which' soMetimes develop into
serious trouble.
1Welancho1ia, nervousness, irritability,
headache and dizziness are some of the
symptoms. Lydia E. Pkbanit's Vege-
table Compound is a natural real:ire-
tive, especially adapted to assist nature
in carrying you safely past this time.
Why not give it a tair trial?
Festered and Sca ed Over, Face
Disfigured. Cuticura Heals.
"My face was almost coveredwith
pimplta which festered and sealed
over. They Itched dad burned an
that I could hardly, stand them, and
my' face was so disfigured X was
• unable to o anywhere., I lost ara
much sleep that I was afloat crazy:
"The trouble lasted two months.
I started usiag Cuticura'Soap and
OintMent and after I bad need two
cakes of Cuticum Soap, and two
haste of Cutictara Ointment for three .
weeks I was conapittely healed."
(Signed) Miss Dorothy Daniehion,
Jackson, Calif.
Oneonta Soap daily, with Cuticula ,
Ointment occasionally, ,,provents
',IMO:es or other eruptions. They are
a pleasure to use,as !salsa Cuticura
Talcum for perfuming tiae skin,
SoaplaZArdirronbylasu. Addkvat:':Lymitne,Linl.
itep, 545 EC 09.11,0,„, .-49,ravittl. sold 'noes!.
Whom ElouraGe, 010troont25cold1106. T1lcum26c.
ENV': "Cuticura Soap shaveolirtAout mug'
WARNING' Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin,
unless -you see the name "Bayer ' tablets, you' are
not getting Aspirin at all, VVhy take chances?
5.1°I'sn;„1-frYdli,iiic4ir:11,gcc?0‘‘2tt'il2libitinymaska:cisqii aePtie(tt Cal !-I:isrg eo,',Iv"tet f.d11 slte'r
fs;e fb°0yi.
C.'oids Headache Rheumatism 3 -4
Toothache 1\iera1gia, 1Nettritis
Earache 1.,unlbago Pain, Pain
'Bandy "nayot" box -cg of 101 trtbletgAirsa hoftlta of 04 and 1410'-benggiuto.
A15Iy5:, 5,, ibp le0s rr,11); (t oglgtereel In canima) of Rarer Manufacture of Moue-
nO65leitetd9Atet so •SrilloylwEcid WIMO 1( 154 wsll lutolvti that aspirin Alcamo Sayer
can nu r , 0 tottist the asoniet lantatione, tint Tablets 11 T50,56vc•ohl5p.pl
'will be etempet1 elm theta genetal heat:, mark, the °Sayer Cream."