HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-4-13, Page 1145•— 42nd Year coed This is the time of the year you need one, and you can snake a saving of 75c clocks come and get pan ltitchenei ht -day ae We have a goon stuck of mantle d g one at special price. _ the buyer rice to b 1'tA"CH1:5 can now behad 7�ttractive pricesY l, eweler repaired. • tVatche.s, Clocks and J Y - ell ar You Can save money by dealing at H Y's d eweler Y Store • Jeweler and Optician •; Phone 174w Residence_ 1741 `I YOUR DUTY TO YOURSELF IS TO: SAVE man with a Savings Account need never worry over the future. 'one Saving, baekect by deteruiinatron . , i sof :the nxost'sag tisfvitt habits to acquire.. A Savings Department at every branch off`' THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA NADA R. E. MANNING. CLINTON BRANCH MANAGER ; .... NIOL.SONS BANK. THE . :Ir CORPoRATED,1855 capital aid iste n4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000 000. BYanc es'' Over 125 h ve _O Opportunities to buy- Cattle- 'Mises, farm' itnptement s,etc., cheaply are constant t turningup. The farmer with money Y , ,saved is the one who^gets-these•snaps, ; -.- Place your crop earnings In' a Savings Account with the nearest branch of The Moisons Hank where,while earning interest and being absolutely safe, your money is avain able at any minute. u Deposits can be made -by mail. p Ii. R, Sharp, Manager CLINTON' BRANCH • Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent READY -To -WEAR CLOTHINGF 2 he aforrish Clothing Co. ORA mien OoTaXNa A NEW HAT F0: EASTER HAVE MADE GREAT Pint» PARATIONS FOR YOUR EASTER IIEADWEAR: 1IiE- RULE .THAT EVERYBODY a r APPEARS IN NEW HAT ON 1 S7.'EIt SUNDAY IS BECOMING til'OItE 1IBQVILY EST'ABLISIIED - YEAI TO ENJOY THE SEA STER -AND APPEAR, ''.WE ARE tAT RVICB_ '1 D1IP'ART.I9ENI IS i13 I' E A `I`Elt Irl; BLOOM O TESTINESS r fi t'qq �I, Al tf.',V CLINTONI ON'TARI 'ICAO t 1]DAY APRIL I3 th, 'i,92 Is the street that runs through the mind of the Community. ^ Is Your Nameplate CLINTON MARKETS, Wheat 51.23. Oats, 450. E, Buckwheat, '750. Eggs '25e to 26c. " Butter 30e'to 33c. Live hogs, $13.00. AnQNG THE CHURCHES. Baptist Chereh, Pastor at both services Easter Sunday. Morning subject ; "The Re suscitation of a Dead' Man by R,es- urrection Power. Evening : "Devine Power to Believers Demonstrated by Christ's " Resurrection" A cordial' welcome to all, Willis Church Special Easter services On Sunday and special music,, The anniversary services will be held on April 30th, the Rev, Dr. Mc- Kinnon being the special.' preacher. The regular ,meeting of the Mis- sion Band will be held at seven -o'clock on Monday evening in the lec- ture room, • Wesley Church Sermons and music will be appro- • priate to the Easter season on Sun - The 'day: Sunday school will have an open session on. Sunday afternoon, whena number ,of lantern slides, suitable foe,;: the - season, will , be shown„ , A cordial: invitation Is ex- tended to etended:to ail friends of the school• to be..present. `- a- as n e ided at the r, R, C ,. M a Pre, organ 'on $ niday, St." Paul's :'Church, ,Sunday is Easter Day. Organ prelude "I Know that'my Re deemer' Liveth." Handel Hymn 172 "Awake, Glad Soul, Menke, Awake," Easter Anthem, 2 Humphreys, Choral Communion Aglitter, Hyinn. 163 "At . the - Lamb's ;Higim ;y A ENGAGEMMIENT ANNOUNCED. Mr. and Mes. Dominic Elynn ef> 11ullett township 'announce the en- gagement of their: daughter, Mar- garet Eulala, to Mr. John, J. Curran of Clarkson, Ont., the mai:nage to take plane; this month, KEM'P—ED WARDS. At four o'clock on Saturday after- noon, April ,8th, at the Talbot street Baptist church, London, 'the .'mar riage. was solemnized of Violet Gladys,.daughter of Mrs. WalterEd' wards, u1 Dorchester, `i to George' Edward Kemp, .sen ::of Mr. and Mrs. Albert ICennp of Egerton; street, London, fennel residents of Clinton.` Rev. Dr, Sowerby:oiltciated, and T. Sharratt ;presided, at the organ. The bride wore her smart travelling suit of navy broadcloth, with magenta; hat, the groom's' gift, - a cinnamon fox fur, and a corsage of sweet peas and sunset roses; Miss Kathleen, Edwards, sister. of the bride, was her attendant, wearing ,a sand suit with black -mohair hat and- a• corsage of violets, :sweet' peas.' and pink roses. She also wore the groom's gift, a hat pin. To 'thebest man, Lawrence' -Bell, the groom •_presented gloves as a souvenir of the .:wedding, and to the organist a tie ,pin. Insmgdiately after the ceremony Mr.-. and Mrs. Keinp left to spend, their honeymoon at Toronto, Niagara, Falls and other spoints, and will late); reside"- in London. DEATH OF PETER. COLE, The following elipped from a, Sandusky, Mich., paper, refers to an old, resident of . Goderich' township, and '.brother' of Mr. T. II. Cole of" Clinton r'Peter Cole, au,highly' respected resident: of this county for,thirty years, died in a Detroit hospital, on 'Saturday evening, :'March 251h, from complicated troubles, aged 71 years, 1 month and 15 days. Mr. Cole had entered -the hospital am the day 'Pre- ceding. his ,death ' and his condition „was not considered serious. He lied Anthem, , ``0 Death, ;,Where `is; Thy eaten his supper• rliiday-evening and Sting 7 " Spinney' been about town . M1 but -the fallowing una Dimitis morning, he was taken violently ill, H t „ death occriug as'„stated, Hymn 166 Alleluia! The Strife is � u Y 76 Klitz - O'er, the Battle Done." . Organ postlude - Selected EVENING. Organ prelude "Easter Gladness,"' Hysnn 157, "Jesus Christ is _Risen to -day." responses Tanis re po Proper Psalms 113, 114,-118'` (chants. 1.74, 85, 152.) • • Magnificat-: and Nune"Dimittis, ; Hall IIyinn 168, "Come ye Faithful, Raise the 'Strain.L Hymn 169,"Alleluia! Hearts to Ilea e'en and Voices Raise." Anthem "They have Taken Away Mn Lord." Stainer Vesper -25 -` Willis Hynmr 520"Jesus Lives! thy Terrors Now." 'Organ postlude "Hallelujah Choles” Deceased was- born near :Clinton,, Ontario, Feb '14th; 1851 where he grew to manhood;; and was married Feb. 23rd, 1876, to, Miss Catharine Cook. They caiine to Michigan about thirty, years, Ago and settled o a. farm lanai;aureL;wlri<;h_has' since been 'the.•,famrly- residence- ex- cept for a few months they lived in Sandusky. To their union was, born two: children, Serepta, ' who preceded, her father in death at the -age of twelve years, " and ,Clarence,;. who lives in Sandusky, Besides -the widow and son, he is also survived by three brothers, Wm, Cole of De- troit; Thos. Cole ` of Clinton, Ontario, and- J. C. Cole- of. Flint He was a member of the Laurel Baptist church for, a number of years. e The 'remains were brought to San- dusky and taken to, the home of -hie cousin and brother-in-law,' Wesley Cole. The funeral was held , from the -314. E. church,., Wednesday after- noon at 1.30, ,Rev. George L. Traver officiating, Burial was in Green- wood cemetery," PASSING OF MRS. MAHAFFY. Ontario Street Church The W. M. S. held its annual Meeting. on' -Tuesday afternoon, ' An, interesting; Easter program was gtv- en and the election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as_fbllows1 Hon. -President, Mrs. E. Courtice. President, Mrs. Geo, Shipley,; lst Vice, Mrs. Beaton. " 2nd Vice, Mrs. Wm. Shipley. 3rd Vice,.Mrs. Kennedy. Rec.-Secretary, Mrs. E. Jervis. Cor, -Secretary, Mrs. Anderson.,-- Treasurer Mrs. R. Tiplady.' Strangers' -Secretary, Mrs, Govett. Pidnist` Mrs. B. J. Gibbings, Assistant;' Miss Plumsteel, „Supt. Mite Boxes, Mrs..Rodaway. Supt. Systematic Gifieg, Mrs. W. Walker. A very pleasing feature of the meeting ,,was the reception of two life -members, a striking contrast in ages, one a grandmother, and the other, the infant granddaughter of. Mrs. E. G. Courtice. The :Easter Thank -offering envel- opes are to be brought in on Easter. Sunday, and placed' on the collection, plate at morning or evening'serVices. P;ogranm on Easter Sunday it.• Morning Organ prelude — Doxology' Invocation : Hymn 136 "Chris to -day," Prayer " Lord's Prayer Anthem "Our Lord is Rison" Responsive ;tes5011, Offertory' Quartette Scripture Lesson, John 1. Hymn 141 "Colne ye -Saints to Look and Wonder," - Sermon, "The Purpose of the Incar- nation." Anthem Awake Thou that Steepest" Flynn 140 "Mary to the Saviour's Tomb." :Benediction Organ postlude Evening Organ prelude Hymn 133 "Christ the Lord,is Risen,: ' Again," Th ayetr Anthem n "Since by Man Canso Death the ori is Riser PASTIME CLUB PRESENTS PLAY, , The Pastime Cleb put on the play, "The-PrivMe Secretary," in the town stall yesterday evening before a good house, The play WAS put on entire- ly by local talent and was: well done, Lack of time and space prevents us giving it a more lengthy notice. But the young people are to be.congrat- ulated upon• their ,display of.talent, THE UNION:SERVICES, The ;special •union' services' being held nightly in Willis church this weekhavebeen fairly well attended." This evening the Rev. G. I. Burns will preach on "Qualification for Ser. vice." •.:The Good Friday service will, be. held, in St, I'aul's church at )tail past ten on 'Friday ,morning. `Rev. C, h, Bilkey in charge of the. service and : Rev. D. N. Mceamus, 'preacher. CALLED TO ST. MARTS. The, Rev. J, A. 'Agnew,: pastor of the Ridout street Methodist church, London, and formerly pastor of .the Ontario street church, Clinton, has received an invitation to- the Metho- dist church- at. St. Marys and if he 'accepts 'will take oharge in July. Mr. Agnew has held :pastorates at Thamesford, Dorchester, Mlount Brid- ges, Clinton and. London.'> He is in" •hisethird year in the 'London' church. LITTLE: LOCALS. Mrs. Argent, who has 'been quite ill, ie recovering. - , The ; local Odd Fellows . are 'giving an At-I"Ionte in their lodge rooins'on Tuesday evening next.. - The Clinton Choral Society is put- ting- on ;a concert in Wesley" church` on 'Wednesday evening next. • Mrr A, • J. Holloway, who is hav- ing a• sale of household. effects : on Saturday, vacates •his • house next week and Mr. Flugh Miller takes -pos- session. ' The ease against Chief Fitzsimons -for' extortion ' was` thrown out by Magistrate'Reid of Godeiieh on Fri-, clay,. It' is understood now that Fitzsimons is bringing action for damages . A new telephone directory has' just been distributed by mail to Clinton. subscribers, Mrs. C: Rum - ll lad to wx e 11 local manager, b Rum - ball, g h has hear ot_;any, telgphane user who not received a copy of the' new issue. bliss 'Helen Grigg entertained `^ a number of her young'friends: on Tuesday evening, Miss Ethel Bolick being guest,of•°honour•. :A very hap py eveniltg was "spent by, the young people: .DEATH OF W. H. CUDMORE. The death took place at her hone r da after on Isaac street on Thursday, an illness of ,several weeks of Mrs. James ,,Mahaffy- The -deceased lady, whose maiden name vias Ellen Miller, was born to Hibbert township, Perth county, in 1851. She spent all her girlhood and early womanhood there, was married there to her now bereft husband and there- spent the first years of her marriedelife, Later Mr: and Mrs. Mehaffy resided for a .,time in 'Mit- chell and. still later in "Stanley..towi- sltip and fourteen, years' ago they came with their 5an-ily_to •Clinton: .Mrs, Mahaffy is survived by her husband _and four daugilxtors: Mrs. (Dr.) Hodgson of Clinton,. Mrs. Writ, Sparks of• Bayfield,' and Misses Sadie and Margaret at, hone. All were with her at the end, Four brothers and two 'Sisters- also survive: John, James , and Archibald; Millon and Mrs. Cornish, of Hibbert••= township,. George IC/filler of _Caron, 811511., rand Mrs., Campbell of Moose Jaw, Sask. Mrs,' Mahaf£y was a quiet, retic- ing woman, one who was devoted to her home and ;family, but :she was kindly and neighborly and was held in high =esteem by those who"knew her beet:, She was a life-long mein- ,lfoi - of the Presbyterian ,Church and since :coming ,to Clinton had been connected with Willis church. The; funeral took place on- Satur- day afternoon from the family house t'e Clinton cemetery. The services at the )souse and graveside were con- ducted by the Rev. J. E. Hogg. The pallbearers were three brothers and .a brother -m -law, Messrs. John, Jas. and 'Arch Miller and Thos. Mahafty, and Messrs, Ed,•Glen and E. E. Men er. : Friends an$ relatives were prole. cat•Tran Mitelnell, Stretford, Hib- bert, Hensel], Seaforth acid Godcrich for the, funeral. Many sent beautl- ful flower s, -as seemed but tatting' as The :death, of: William II. Cudmore means the loss of another, of oar' old residents, he having lived in Cfn- ton for'; the past fifty years. Mr. Cudmore was born, in Tuckersinith M 1885, conning to Clinton at, the age of nineteen, and working with Mr. Henry Stevens for a time and with Mr.: Thos; MoKenzie for—the pant forty, -seven years. He,:was ' a, mem- ber of: the_local lodge ,of ,the Cana- dian "Order of Fora•esters. -The floral' offerings effete beaubl- ful and expressed the esteem' In which he was° -held. The funeral, which was held on Tuesday, from his late residence, was largely- attended. The _pall- bearers were three nephews: John Cudmore• of Itolmesville, Alex. Cud- weeks of her death. She was cheer - more and Wilbur Crich of `.Clinton,, R. Jennison;Jahn Walker and Oiar- missed and kindly and will be much � missed in the_home of her ,daughter 'elce Johnson. and son-in-law, 'Mr. and Mrs. S. Mr. Cudmore; leaves! ;besides °_his Lawrence;. with whom she had al - widow, two sons and one daughter: ways lived, Two sons and tivo William of Clinton and Joseph' of daughters survive: William' 'and London, and' Mrs,• I7: Ward also " of George 'of Perry Sound, and Mrs. Clinton. One brother also survives, John 'Ford, and Mrs, Lawrence of Harry Ceclnlore -of' Seafortli„ Clinton. Mr.. I.I. Cudmore of Seaforth and The funeral will take place from Mr- and Mrs. Wait of Detroit were the )tome of. Mr. Lawrence on Sat Most Successful Show Ever Held in Clinton. Chilton Spring Show, hold under mail Who came down from locswa the auspices of the 'Huron Central ter with a fine team expecting to Agricultural Society, which has been win,' fust money, • having beaten uv- fort many years a feature and, an event et this season,-has^again pass- ed illto• history, Thursday was the date and the weather, except for light, showers in the afternoon, was ideal, warm. and springlike, and the streets dry, the 'showers 'barely -lays ing the dust Earl in the daythe people began Y P P to arrive until'. when the bine for judging the stock had arrived there was a great concourse: of peoplle,"tlne aargest number ever seen .at a like gathering was the opinion of many and' it was generally cotleeded that: 'it: was the best fair :ever held here. Sone say the 1913 •fair was equal, but others contend that the stock ex- hibited was never.equalled- in Clinton` The So4iety_ arranged for a.bit of ,and,''ipdeed, is seldom equalled, at entertcuinn can this year,• too, and'" the -larger exhibitions.,: Judges Bro so put on a series o1 pictures in,,the thers of To"route and - Wilsoiti of town hall; afterngo t and evening. Paris, wixo judged the horses,' were These` entertainments were well pat- snrpriaed at the number of exhibits, ropized, 'many of the women and They thought 'they . would get all young people tatting in the afternoon through in time to take the after- show and a. mined crowd taking en,' noon train out but when they, saw the egening one. The Princess T-]teae what was before them' they speedily ire was also taken for Friday and changed their minds, • Mr, Brothers' ;Saturday evenings,, 'when-aatxusing sags he• finds as •goodsioch in Huron and instructive piotures were shown. county as can be found' anywhere. A A' puntber of Clinton .people were - successfsul in carrying off ;:prizeb for. cows,', `heifer&, ere,,, .Roy Fitz BEING GIVEN REST':CURE.• simons, theyoungson of Mi. Haney ,Fitzsimons,, being one of the prize Mr. Wallace Wheatley, who- has winners..' The first prize for lady been 'on the staff of The News -Re- p driver also went to.' a Clinton -coli')-. cord for the past year";. was ordered petitor, Mrs. J. B. Levis being the to bed byhis- doctor'' on returning g whiner. Tlie prizes were well dig- fioine .lass, Thursday evening and _is ."tributed all over the county, but the still there, ' We trust,: the rest and exhibitors- in -the vicinity• of Clinton treatment will restore his health, did very well, indeed. It was'suen which has not been good for some a>•geod show that to •win prize time. The Wheatley' hfareily leave meant that the exhibit was of ex- tow-n'next week for --Woodstock, .to ceptional merit, join Mi•. Wheatley, who . rhas`:been ! Besides; the prize list there were employed there for several months. a number of:special prizes: donated CI-IANGED 1118 LQbATION by merchants and business firms. erythiiig he'd come against up north, won fourth place, He wasn't angry et all, Ile :was a sensible 111 VIII and was delighted to get fourth, when he 'saw what; he had to compete with ;and he was; glad he'had thought of coining. Ile said he would have had' no 'idea of- tate excellence of the show if he had not seen' it for himself. See'retar A. J. McMurray, upon Y. whom devolved m11ch of the work of ar ranging for the, show, President Herbert Cox, Treasurer 4V. J. Miller and District Representative' B. B. Stothers, assistant ' -secretary, who gave ready rind valuable assistance, are to be congratulated. upon;the success of the Spring Show of 1822, r The sale of pure bred bulls Was a. the k.tuniltorn Herald had the_fol- s"ecial feature o£ this show. Six ,The comment on. a recent even- fi ing in reference to a . former less- animals were sold at good prices, •.. this community, son o:f:: Mr. den o t r c rat t £ Y, 4$71 ti i d i township F. Whitmore • of Go e c ' to van h r r h e P sen. -in- ativ 'o Mr: R. A. IIoax•n The fallowing is - -the list of -the ,ands 1 f of Clinton ,: `Frank S. Whitmore prizes has disposed.' of his barber business - °`Clydesdale' stallions, 3 years and at 625 Barton streetto`Franlc'Sack over—Robert Murdock, Brueefield; rider, "and has purchased the Royal Wes, Nett, Clinton;- Grey Brother?, Connaught --barber shop, where sings- ..Clydesdale stallion under '3 years; mess and •professional.''men can get- the Seaford}; Geo. best of attention at these up -to- Dale & Son, -Clinton; -sweepstakes, the -minute_ tonsorial parlors." Robert Murdock, Brueefield: • MRS. •H;'T.TI' TO DIE • Blyth. S W NG„ N S. HeavyDraft Class, -Brood mare 3 One of ,Clinton's oldest eitizens years and over-Broadfoot Brothers, passed out. on Tuesday in Inc per- Seafortli R. Cruickshanits, Wings S071 of Mrs :Ann Whittington, winbarn: W. W. Wise, Clinton; . Filly clow of the late William Whittiingtoii, or gelding,. 3 years and ever --f and who had reached the great, age -of 2, Fred Ellerington, Exeter; 3 and 4 over ninety years. 'John. Vodden, Londesboro. Filly or, Mrs. Whittington was born in En- 'gelding 2 years—Jas. Hay, Kippersn. gland -arid creme „to this country -as a John 'Rowecliffe, klettsall;' W. Mar, young woman with lies- husband and " dais, Clinton. Team is harness—F, settled in 'Clinton over sixty years _Ellerington, Exeter; C. J. Wallis,• ago.�,SI-e had continued to reside Clinton; John. Vodden, Lortdesbora, here ever' since,• most of the time in Sweepstakes,' James Ray, Kippen. the hone in 'which she died. Agricltural Class, Brood mare 8' During her long life she had been years ,enc) over -James. VanEgmond, very active,:, keeping .up her activities Clinton; Jahn Dale, Clinton, Filly, to a great extent until • within a few- :or; -gelding.; 3 years and over -1 and 2 D,. Fotlieringhant, Brueefield, 3 and. 4': James Brigham,'' Blyth. Filly or. gelding., 2 years --1 and 2 J. Rowe- _cliffe, }lensed"; 3' John Dale, Clinton, Team in harness—D. Fotheringham, Brncefield;' 'James Brigham, Blyth; John Roweeliffe, Mensal); Winn, ,Wat- son, Teeswater, Sweepstakes, D. Fos tlteringhani, Brueefield, General Porpose ' Class, filly or gelding 3 years and over -1, 2 and 3 W. Decker, Zurich. Team in bar•- ness--W. Decker, Zurich; -A. Rad- ford, Londesboro; :Joseph ,Reynolds, Clinton; Ed. Willis,. Goderich; sweep- stakes,. W. • Decker, Zurich. Light horses, stallion standard trotter Chas.• Riley, Seaforth R. Pinkney, "Seaforth., Roadster horse in ,harness—J, B. Whitley, Goderieh; J. 13, Levis, Clinton; Geo. Dale, Cl n-• ton. Carriage: horse in 'llarness—d', Flynt, Chntan; 1,,4. 1Vllrnson & Son, Zurich; Roy Cantelon, Clinton. Road- ;sten toam in harness—Wn1. Decker•, ',Zurich'. Best lady drivers—Mrs. J. B. Lavin, Clinton; Mrs. Roy Strong,. Seaforth, .Ladies not having worn tiny prizes before—Mary Cartwright, Lotdesboro; Alma Flynn,:: Clinton. Best :collection of „horses -Joe Rey- molds, Clinton,' . Best matched team in harness—F., Ellerington, Exeter Best three heavy draft, •agricule tnral or general purpose, from ° any township, won by Jas. Hays, D. I+o theringham and Broad£oot Tees., nor 'Tuckersmith township, Best mal ah - ed team of greys, Wm. Decker, bare ieh. Judge of heavy horses, Cltas. Brothers, Toronto; light horses, A. Wilson, Paris. Cattle, 5-I. Smith, Exeter: Short- horns. Bull 3 years and .over—E. Wise & Son, Clinton. Bull 2 years. N. Lebeau, Clinton; E. Wise & Son, Clinton. Bull 1 year -1 and 2 M. idea c. ma . Older, Chutes; 1:. Wise & Sm1, Clhr, the town, and he Ystmeeedec The ton• Cow 3 years and over -1 and 2 Crites is a well.-prinlred, 11 c ll•edite 1 . N. Lehoain 013n1011, E. Wise '& Sen, and newsy paper, It, celebrated its Clinton, Heifer 2 years- N• Lee beau; Clinton; E.' Wiee & Son, Clln- ten, Herefords; hull 2-ycavc—•1 ar01 2 \V. R,:Cruicicsbunk, Wint;ham. Pol ei-Angus hull 2 years or over ->-C. Lindsay, Clinton. Cow 3 years ---f' pub- lished, May r see many r cow J. i •' Dat , 1 iL� , t1a C ni iia $' m 1hn.a d:y+ unclear the won: able mainn.,e� Yi 3 >, hero)), r , Clinton; 2 stn 1 n ai RMa Cl . ,� � lclii 71r.1tli s slat 1 1r ft au ,2 rarr -1. )rianr,,r,,.� rho nee spaprr men, of the Clinton..'�HMCo.' undesn 4 .�, I, r ,i- i .i be (,1; rr1 liy abbe fact Gild 2 1i1, hatch,>s5lnitail, I)cnviirrat, 1 av 1, );rias, he is 1?1 csidant oJ' the tlautidiah, silitarts, •Chariton; swoepstaltes+ brton�t Weekly 1' vr::pa-cr Association, any breed, E, Wise & Son, °Bet en Scripture Lesson, St. Luke xxiv, Mrs. Mahairy was a great lover ;her e Solo flowers and srent much time in t Hymn 132 "Come yo Faithful Raise cultivation of '111811., r the r, "; Intteh. sympathy .is :Celt nor n the Strain," ,Sermon, " Rt etneection. " CfYnrtory' . L Q Ualloi.t-e. llytnri 1.3'9 ' HIe Nall, tiro X'sioud ai! Sinner%) Dies." Beeedietion r Veeper "Now the` Day is ;Over. Organ postlude • tinily in thein., bereavement. k Sao ttl t1a n :family a I• iVlrhall at t Y 11 t, v 5aka this 0Preteinnty 'of c 11 5smc thelr-'apprec.neLi,onn be in any 14Cta oC sympathy tied assista'nca, l;V Ancor fr nenids crud no 9111)0rs 151 their bane o1 0041015, • here for, the funeral. urday aftetu'oon, service to commence "TFIL ICt,NTUCKY;BELLE;' sit three 0elodtc: --'Phe little three-act,_playlet "The OLD CLINTON• BOX'S SUCCESS. Kentucky Belle,"' was put on in the The Wetaskiwin'Tim s a weekly town hall on Friday evening lost. by Times, a eenipany of young people from newspaper' owned and edited by Mr: Londesboro under -the sus ices' of V. C.• French, only son 'ef M'rs. I', ,P the Boy Scoots of Clinton, Fs•eneh .of Clinton, with 'the issue The semens laid in Old Kentucky of March 23rd, completed its twenty - and the play clusters :about ai love first year and'is now of full age.' affair. between Isabel Douglas, a ao_ The youth of the West ie brought. mantic yoting girl, who' is unfortunate .home" to us by yltn' fact that The enough to belong to an °aristocratic Tames is the only newspaper in the; family, and .a young strident of so- Province of . Alberta, possibly -West- ciology, who is .working as a tele- ern Canada; which has been- publish phone lineman, and .the ' winning 01 a el- for twenty-one years under one reeee by "Kentucky Belle,)' ,a horse.'ownership and--nianageinent. The. owned by Isabel. The''' young : man Times, on the occasion of its birth - has a' fall ,and is nursed back to day says editdrially health in the: `house of Misss'Dougles, "Our ideals of what' a paper should the aunt of .Isabel, and during this be'have never been, fully realized, interval the young people have am- but we have endeavored at all times pie )tine to :Call ie love with':'each to present a newspaper which -would other, in spite of;the watchfulness of be e,credit to Wetasltievin; We will the aristocratic:: aunt, who wishes her leave it with once readers to decide niece to marry a wealthy old family what measure of success we. have frigid, It all turns' out well, of lied in this respect" course, the young man is discovered, Mr. French began his newspaper - to be quite good enough even for a career in. Clinton, learning the•print- Douglas, Isabel's" .elderly suitor de- inghredo 111 The New Era offnee. IIe tides oto marry the aunt 'and all went west as a young man ani) soon ends happily. had ambitions about publishing a, The young people who present the newspaper' of his own. When ho piny take their parts very well and started The Tinley in Wetasltiwln, sing' several darltey melodies as 'the then a small town, it was- with the eiiteetaiemnent progresses. i 1 rf ltlnm it ail institution of 1�1hey. 'gave it int Londesboro first 1 Tl and this was the third time of pre- sentation, Same of the original characters wore unable' to be present on this occasion. There were Mena- teen l h- teen in the play, and while it mould be impossible to mcn'tion all, the the crista Males':as in jigs doting aCl4 c ring e 1 11c n'a115,1W11/411 rat Mrss G v tie ani cl a , �krnct( Mrs. I, taniblvn as the co mord, ni;c vtadi.y of staeei111 met';on. There was a .fab'Ip good bonne and the Scouts had 'a snlal3.balance. over- efte S- ppaying exltei50e, twenty first birthday 1)7 eon then out new handing, whleh is a deride) improvement, and isla credit to the smart 11 1115 ,city in which it is pub- 1 i '1 more birtix'