HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-3-30, Page 8tSfA'k','111'AItCIi 3001, C[4INTO DIp•Tf JT�W t'LT+,'RY STORE:. re our They're the only pair you will' ever have. Do they ever tether you ? Do you have 'headaches and don't . know' the rea- son ° Bette:: consult us. ` We will be pleased to _give ycu a thorough examination, and 'fit yen with a'lasses-,that, will relieve ; you et all Your trouble. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR EYES. Jeweller and. Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store, JAM" rust n iv +CEiit sp stock off' imported woollens A nice range of blues, grey s and fancy worsted. guaranteed „fast colors, Our, prices areright and workmanship'. the very best, McEwai1 Brothers, IVIerehatifTallorS Wilken Block• Opposite Post 'Oce tie etillutionis ',FOR GUR::B10 CL1'ARI o OF ALI2B0,OK1EN 'LINES' BEFORE STOGjj T.AK1NG New Spring Goods will' soon' Begin to : arrive. aiid' Winter Goods must be cleart:d'out regardless of profits A assortnsent of Men's aiid B y's ; Winter Caps W cleaj- at (these are less than cost2, • 793 Many other -lines in job lots to clear Men's heavy wool underwear, reg.. $3.00 sale price, $2,29, Boy's ° heavy wool underwear' re $1.25 rale price. , 79e.. Bargains -in Sweaters; Ov:ereoatr, Suits and.all lines of Footwear TERMS OF SALE CASH OLOTHiIiNTG 'iu` s e'e. a THE STORE! ' THAT SELLS. FOR LESS. PHONE, Au NENV TOES! PATTERNS, .s,. , ,E"3, ff:/13MaffS1a7': ,16'Ti' fR2Fe'Gi gra � 1T•i'1CL'..JL184.4wP.r� n,,C5,J.12i a.1ErlitLY �. There once; was a lady named Mrs. Thayer, Who liked for her kit. . encu Alluminum So she carpe to our store. Where we have it galore And her kitchen now" shines, with a dazzling glare •We also have another shipment of the genuine Old Grey Ware—assertmout your choice for 439e Our Spring Stock of paints;"varnishes, stains, enamels, etc is now complete ' Watehrour windows for Special Pargains Fair Dau.. Apriil: bath Ai.'MD ROS-" Hardware. Stoves ` and Novelties — The Store With a Stock Paints' Varnishes and Stains White Lead aw and Boiled oils, Coal Oil Lubricating Oils b i �� e Roofing of all Grades des andGene al r Hardware i Phi St,>stafttla,Ai I'LUMBXlilG' YO`if W'ASIf'. Your clot `i'O3T BEAT: yeux earpt'ts Ciintuun R YOU S RIJD Yoiir iia res,! YOU SCOUR. You ' tvoedworlc 1 it IIY NEGLECT' XOUlt WALLPAPERS.? F.or'a.very email cast you can have now beauty in your home by putting up freshy •clean wall paeiexs and so' PROTECT; ;YOUR' ROUSEHOLD'S HEALTH AND SPIRITS g'WITIt FRESH, CLEAN WALL PAPERS. Selected from our ample sjoelc. TrielP1. I. Fair CoM Often the Cheapest:—Always the Best 1'E D d nd 1)0). Shredded Wheat 3 for A. L . Cole, Eye Sight Speciait, an Honour Graduate Of the Canal,'' ian Onbthal'mic ,College_ of Toront Goderich, Ont. 'Office hours: 9 am: to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye. Ae7,K nems i.usi nup„ i='O rte-- � ��wl ult Ip� Miss R. Ellis of the Collegiate staff was in Stratford on: Saturday. Miss Florenee:;,Cuninghame„was. in -Mitchell over the week -end. Miss .Gladys ; C,antelon has gone to Toronto' fey, 'a little "'visit with re- latives. elatives. Mrs. Franc' Gibbs leaves . on Fridey morning to visit "tier sister, Mrs. Thos. Lawson of Stratford, `.for-' merly of Clinton. Mr. aiid Mrs, A CanteIon attended the funeral of an old friend,' the late John A'nderson of, Blyth, on Wednesday of last week. Rev C. M. Hallowell left this morn ing for his home" -at Walkerville, being called' home on account of . the illness of his mother. Messrs. -W; J.and John'Nediger went to Hamilton 3'esterday and< the latter` remained to take a course' in battery repairing. Mr. Jack Sterling, who has%peen with : relatives- at Jackson, and other points- in Michigan `during the past few months, , returned . home last week. Mr. Fr Hillof Smith's Fred Iirl S r t s Falls d spent the. week enil at his home in town and on his return was -accom- panied by his mother, who will visit him for a time. Mr. E, 0, Andrews and bride were the guests of the former's parent's Magistrate and Mrs. Andrews,, from Monday until , Wednesday, leaving for Toronto, where they will, make their hone. Mr; and Mrs. W, Walker and Mr. and 1VIrs. A. Morris attended the funeral. .of an uncle, -the late Ms. John Anderson, a well-known.res- ident of the vicinity of Blyth, which took place, on' Wednesday of last week, Messrs. A-. R. Mitchell, G. E. Hall, A.-'McGarva and. J, Sterling at- tended thefuneral of the late ' John -Halstead, who was buried at Goderich on Tuesday, representing the .local Odd Fellows. The Rev. S. Anderson also accompanied the remains to Goderich. Dr. Maekenziie Smith and Nurse Campbell, who, have been making a medical survey for the Provin- cial Government of the school 'pu- pile in Clinton and vicinity, left the end of Inst week for Seaforth, where theywill make their head- quarters while they visit the schools in 'that locality. N, Gunn of Calgary, formerly of Clinton was the guest of Dr` W. and Mrs. Gunn oftown for a few. days this week.:_ Dr. J. N. and Mrs. Gunn came east -to at- tend the funeral of the .latter's mother, firs.. Martin, wife of the Rev. W. M. Martin of London, for - nicely of Exeter. The 'funeral took place to Mount Forest on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs.' Win. North and fam- ily leave next week for Moncton,, N. B., were Mr North and his brother, who fe already on the ground, are going into :market gardening. .Mr, and Mrs. ' North have resided in Clinton and 'vicin- ity for the past ten years and are loath to leave but their, friends wish them success; in their new venture. Miss Corey, daughter of Mr, ..IL Corey of Goderich township, left Clinton yesterday for Vancouver, B. C., to' take a position in the office of Messrs. Pinner & Bart- liff, Motors, that city, ' Miss Corey worked with :.Messrs. Pinner and Bartlili in London and evidently her -work was :acceptable ;ISthey sent for her to take oharg*e of their office in the Coast City, Mr. George Stanley and, his dauglr ter, Miiss Aileotee of Sault Ste. Mario have ;. been visiting v with Mr. Wm. Stanley of r town after an absence of twelve years, Me, Stanley has been clerk at the Soo Canal for thirty-four years aiid still holds the::lyos,itioe. His wife died on Ckriettlra stay last and ono niehth before that. a on, aged twenty-one wag drowned. Mr. Stanley and Miss Aileen ere spend- ing it month .with relatives at Sea - forth, Constance, Goderich and Toronto. Garden Seeds 4 for Rice 3 lhs Special Blend Black Tea 40e lb Sold Elsewhere at 45c Tons of Redpath and Dominon Special Price by the flag 14, lbs for $1.00 Oily Tilt 00 north to a fatrlily :Icing Sugar 2 lbs for 'teotO Libbys'Pare ivlarrnalade.4 lb pail 713o Loganberry Jam 4 l pail 70c J'ebies and Essences 3 for 2,4c . Corn Flaltes package f Rolled Oats IO lbs Pearl Tapioca and Sago 2 lbs 4 Coffee 38c lb 0-cir ownBlend Cocoa 2 lbs 25c Bulk Pure Leaf Lard Choice Bacon—Sliced-to 3 lbs I your taste while you wait Choice Meaty- Prunes 2 lbs 28c or 4 for 50c .` See them in our window Shorrepi .ig 3.11)6 for One pound' tins Baking -Powder' 23c Pearli ne, ll, o cpoIG COFAFDUND" TIM GMAT IIIVCipTIn Choice Dates 2 lbs for `25c Excelsior Dates package 9c Cooking Figs 2 lbs 25c., 23e' u• esstrig Contest on Procter .. and Gambles' Soap :Products This contest is open to all on'bhow Day April Fids .. Watch our windows for particulars and worth' while'priree '- A Soap Sale will be held on this date We are arranging special sacrifice bargain table of damaged label hoods, but of good "'- quality at -1i3, 15, and 25c grt ,ups drdlrvJl�%"? • ry ' 'd'7"tcr '4rxu'��'&tz;,� +its ��*4�a�°e�%^Aw'"��' �'"� r=u'�.`r��ivlti'%-f�'•�i'+ �:3�u�Y t7 N. K mC.marn�wf,,vs .,.vua .ReWlve.gwu r � .civ. Y+r..�.-u—,3 .iM' vY1:a¢xhnA L2 %...—n15 -'�l'i�i+Ge+i.. u154x y Pep e• `l +l ukial;e w Rev. J. E. T oicl of Goderich, former- ly of this town, was a visitor in Clinton. on Monday. Mrs, James Iferrison of IZirlcton, Mr. and Mrs, 0. Buchanan of Kitchener and , Mr. Irerbert Hal- stead of Detroit were hare this week owing to thedeath of their father, the late John Halstead. aji:idi Mrs.. Weir of London :was the guest of her sister," Mrs ..J. W, Tippet, the past week. Miss Forename,' who spent a few weeks with friends at London" and Brantford, returned home last week. Mrs. H. McLaren and daughter O'Neil's :`Bakery Specials for Week -end Lemon Roll Cream Puffs' Nut Loaf Cream Layer . 13anlxerry Tarts Creama-lt Bread Business Motto : SERVICE R. S. O'NEILI.i Phone 204 The Baker COMING! Sprit g Show Day Thur. April, 6th; A Real Frcat Coining Under the auspices of the Agrieul- tural S"ociety:rv, "Pel1t,j With a Past" A '7 -Reel Meter ' Super -Special - will be shown. Also a 2 -reel Comedy, featuring a CIIARLII. CHAPLIN the world's greatest screen come. dial, and a member of Agri- cultural Reels, A 21/; -hour .entertainment for the ,entail sunt of 365.. Matinee at 2 o'clock, evening enter- tainment at 8 o'clocic. Plan open at Fair's' on Saturday, Apr'il..fat at 1 o'clock. The Agrieulti:ral Soefety has also scoured the Princess Theatre Ser FrlOny and Seturday evenings follow'.', lug, April 'tth. and 8th: 51. lione ,�r�.•h:�u � ix�eA:�. 'rte: v-�a ..0 6 .. it wifit lollllllllllllll!lu!111111lullllllllillllllllllllll!IllllllllllllllltllllllllllplllRplVlnlll@iIIIIUIiVIIIiIIUPININIllIUIIIIIiIIIItIIINIIIIIIIIIiNIUIIIflBIUIIuiIIiPIIVIIhiIIIINBiIIIII!uIIIPIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllelllllliin a. = h's3 >l`;r ? c,xotai.t;> of Cil'. -alto a ¢s,:nist _ .s Brighten -your own home and cheer your sick friends with 0137 FLOWERS We can supply ROSES, VIOLETS, - CARNATIONS, DAFT ODILS And FREESIAS Reduced Prices on .all Special ;attention given to 'Funergi and Wedding orders. C l`N,. l'i4'6J1' R�tM Phone,31' Florist . • of Port Elgin, who came. down to attend the. funeral ' of Mrs. James Cameron,' last week,were the guests of the lady's mother, Mrs. W. Stir ling for a few days. Janies frehmann of Wingham is visiting his father, Mr. H. Dreh- mann. Last week brief mention ` was made of the -death of one of Bay - field's niost highly respected; resi- dents in the person of 71izabethr Ahrens, wife of Mr. 1I, Darrow, who passed away at 'Detroit, on Monday morning; March 20th. The deceased was born > in Bayfield on Dec. 23rd, 1859, and spe4t'most nil her days in the village, On May 23rd, 1885, she was united in mar- raige to Mr: James Pollock of this village, who predeceased herein 1898. She was married in Nov., 1902,_ to Mr. 1-1. Darrow of this village, who now survives her. The remains were brought home for burial, the funeral taking place- on Wednesday after- noon, - .After a short service. at tuc., home by the Rev: A. Macfarlane, the remain were taken to St. An- dre -W's cliurelr,where the service -was held, conducted by the Rev, R. C. Pitts, after which inteument took abase in Bayfield cemetery. The pall- bearers were: Messrs. Capt.' An drew Stalker, John Davison; Janice Dewar, William J. Stinson, Thomas King and John Darrow, The deceased is 'survived by her husband and two sons: Mr. Ilatold Polloek of Toronto and Mr, Ciar- ,euoe Pollock of London, and also one brother and fonr sisters: Mr, Ahrens. Pinckney, Mich.; Mrs Geo. Phoenix, Saginaw, Mich.; -Mrs ,Tas. Eagleson, Abeieleen, '3. Dakota; Mrs. 11. 13, Kerr, Daley, Alta., end Mrs. John Davison of this village. Among the many beautiful floral of- ferings were the following; wreaths, —Steri Briggs Seed Co., Toronto, ,(staff),, Stale of Gas Appliances Co., London; the Brennan family, Lon- don; Miss •Craee Cstnleron, Bayfield,'. Mr. Ifarcdd Pollock, Toronto. Sheaves Miss' Minnie Rerr, Brant- ford; Si. And.e,v's church, Reynold; W. A, Johnston :and wife, London; Laches' Chili of Saginaw, Mich, S'pl'ays ---Raise Lottf,e Kerr, Mfg, � gg a ii, rs 'Will give the greatest opportunity to purchase clothes to measure at their well known ONE 13RICE $2.4 0 Their representative will be at e E. PALACE BLOCK CLINTON Monday, April 3rd with the newest ,of wool suiting to your measure For $24.00 9111..1 I I� muuIIII UIItnIUllluu11118uIIl0iiIIIIIIIIIUINiNlllliflllhillllllluliflllillllllull(lillllul Brill VIII n 11(1111 1111101 I 0 Illll II h ViI I Illi'Hlfflifroliltlllllllll(Illllllifillll(Illgllllllfnif@u(uNm alp Our new cloths are the finest collection we clave' :bad. .for many Seasons, and are priced at :very close margin of profit and we know that for real dollar value,; they cannot he equalled. QUALITY I+IRST" has always bean our motto, and this Season, we are out to demonstrate more than ever, that REAL flAND_'TAILO'RING. all wool material and high ,grade trimmings are . the only true ecomony in-1den's Clothes,:.. .- . Pima es range.: from $25 t Davis r., THE VETERAN TAILORS Opposite' Town Ilall u Brown's Men's Furnishing's Store 4/111MOILMAIIINVIVItiMilEaltrOZRIMira George Phoenix, Saginaw; Mrs U'l, Lord, London; Mrs. W. G. and Miss Anna Woods, Bayfield; Miss Hilda Ring and Mrs. Hale of Windsor. Among those dvho attended tire funeral from e distance were; . Cann, and Mrs, Andrew' .'Stalker. Toledo, Ohio; Mrs, Geo, Phoeni:i, Miss Lot, tie Kan' Saginaw; Miss Minnie Kerr Brantford, MM. H. Lord, and Mr. WTn, Tion•, tendon; Mr. Wm, Fee and T4issee Mary and Sarah Foe, Hens ill: Mr. John Darrow, Luck nose) fir. Iiarold Pollorlt, 'eronso Mr. Clarence Pollock, London; and Mr. John Davison, Sarnia. The sym. apthy of the community goes out :to the husband and sons in their tors bereavement. Mr. 1!. DarrowC desires at' this time to thank the many friends anti ncighobre for the kindness and eyn- pathy''shown him in his Barney, „ Horn --,In Bayfield, en MoniTnW, Match .27tli, to Mr. and Mrs. Loufa MoLend, a eon, Mra. A. 81, Erwin is spending ,c .tow ;welts silith:'friends -'at Toroyirp,r,