HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-3-30, Page 5liate)eest 'to You and Me Il+zn Mackenzie King says lio' decen't lrl o ' prohibition in any''' thing," 'Doesn't even like thc'`I'en {hmiuiandelel ts, probably. We'd have a funny state of society with- out prohibition in a good many ih'nge. llTr. W. R. Davie, for fifty-seven yeas oditer, and publisher of the Mitchell Advocate,died on Monday. Mi, and Mrs, Dayis meant to have celebrated the sixtieth' anniver Mary- of their marriage yesterday, March 29th, Mr. Davis, in company milli his brother, founded the Mit- ehell .Advocate le April, 1860, and he continued to publish that journal !uitikJanuary 01,1917, when the -husi-, 'Frees was taken over by hie, son,,Mr. 'U. D. Davis, the present publisher. Mr, Davis was a anenibgr of Mit. heg'a first town council and was its second mayor. He held many posi- tions of honor in the ,municipality and for seventeen years was chief magis- trate. . Mr. and Mrs. Dayis reared a family of ten sons and two daughters. 'rhe: eldest.' son, which would , have made eleven, died in infancy, but since that there has' been no break in the family. ,T1jis is certainly a remark- bie record, one;which`has seldom been • equalled. • A POPULAR GODERICH TOWN - `SHIP GIRL WEDS la very pretty wedding took place zt the home of Mrs. 'George Millar oa Wednesday,` March 22nd, at` high noon, when her daughter, Winnifred • E., was united in marriage to Mr. David Pollock of Parkhill, Ont. Tho ceremony was, performed by the Rev. Mr. Quinn of Bayfield in the pres- ence• e the. immediate relatives of :the.; contracting .parties, '-, The bride was becomingly dressed iii white satin with an overdress of georgette and carried' a bouquet of pink rosebuds and ferns. After• the wedding ..lunchcon,,,the . bride donned `a travelling suit navyblue tiicofme ,with hat to af match and the newly -wedded pair led* on the afternoon -train fore a, -short:` honeymoon trip. On ,their re- turn Mr.-- and Mrs . Pollock . will e.g.- side .-on sside•nn the groom's farm near ,Park Their many friends waft them good wishes for happiness' and pros - Summerhill i&. Eddie Johnston has, gone to Listowel, where' he has engaged. with • s farmer for the summer. . Mrs. Josling of Detroit is visiting at the home of -'her brother; Mr. T. li Mason.: Misses Toner and Wialters are again visiting in the neighborhood. Again the 'stork _,has visited the neighborhood arid 'left ` a 'fine baby girl at -'Mr. T. E. Mason's. Miss Fanny McBrien of Clinton .has been visitng at the home of Mi. Norman Ball.. • - _ 141arriages ANDREWS-ADAMSON— At ' the First Methodist church, -St. Clair, Mich., on March 25th, by the Rev. F. B. Johnston, Claire Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. •Jahie> Adamson of. St. Clair, to'E, CIiC- ford;Andr'ews,youngest son of. Po lice Magistrate . and. Mrs. S. Andrews of Clinton. 'SHANAHAN—McLAUGHLIN , At. ,lames' church, Hauberdeau,:Que- bec, on Feb. 26th, Margaret 'Me - Laughlin of'Iiauberdeau, to Joseph N. Shanahan of Montreal, son of Mr. and Mrs. John. Shanahan of IIuUett, 1'OLLOCK MILLAR.In Coderich township, on March 22nd, by. the Rev. Mr, Quinn of Bayfield, Win- 'nifred E., ,:daughter of the - ';late George and Mrs.. Millar of God - crick township, to David Pollock of. Parkhill. -_ Girths „'^ITASON—At Summerhill, on March 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs, T. E. Mason, a .daughter—Madeline -Ruth. a"AMIBLYN — ' At the private pa tents' pavilion, r Toronto' General Hospital, on March 176, to ]ICr and Mrs, W.., J. Tamblyn (former- ly Mies Kit Price), of 46 Dupont Is bel. Street,aa a dag u ht— er Mrri e Deaths .FIALSTEAD-In -Clinton,, on March 25th, John Halstead, in his .68th, ;STANBURY-In Clinton, on March 29th;: John Stanbury, 'in -his 79th 'ear. McGEE—At Windsor, • on March 20th Louise 0.'R.:Chesney, wife of Mr. Jacob McGee, : Goderich, in her 64th year.'• SPEWART—In'Vancouyer, B. C,, on March 24th,Sarah Lovett, wife of Mr, J. G. Stewart, formerly of Summerhill. 'PEA 'SHORTAGE MEANS HIGH- ER PRICES. During the war teas reached.' a very high level of cost Iiirgely ow- ing to shortage of shiippirig. in 1919' and 1926; greatly increased prodnc-" ition and unlimited shipping resulted enormous quantities of tea reach - every market in the world, and Iiequent full in cost ensued. So ors': did the situation become in w>' Owlet) and Java that the growers agreed to decrease put -in; ;1.921 by '20%. Tic• a rSilt and the world is M9bb'tage of tell, .1n the narifet or the lust isle' now fund Russia W0111(1 be letter oft if the printing preescs wore turning out uewsp.tpuis sristoad of rubles,---'Qr- illia Packet. Kipper Mr,. Melville McClymont, whir has spent the last t0vo years 'and ii" half in I.os Angelos, returned hpzite last week, Ile is looking well, Rev, Dr. 1Vteb illan of Toronto will occupy the pulpit in St. An- drew's next Sabbath, Mr. McMillan is secretary of •the,I•Iymnal commit- tee, of the Presbyterian church. Rev, Mr. • McConncl of Ilensall exchanged pulpits with the Rev. R,. L. Lundy on Sabbath last, Rev Mr.- Jo}liffe,'. a returned mis- sionary., gave an acebunt of his work in China, at the' afternoon service in the Methodist church. Seine .of our. -citizens are confined. to their rooms through ; illness,; among thein, M. W. --French and, Mrs. J. McClymont and Mrs. John Whiteman,, who is ill with ,pleurisy. at the home of her ' daughter, Mrs Robt. Dinsdale. Her family have all visited her during the past week and we are glad:to,learh she ds re- covering. Clover Seed and Potatoes' for Sale White Blossom Sweet Clover Seed and Whitehouse potatoes. Both suit- able for -seed. RobertPeaison R.R, No. 2, Clinton' Phone i33 on'604. 43-3' Setting Eggs, for Sale. Single-cdnib White ,Leghorn Eggs, from hens of high records, $10 per hundred, of ii less quantities. Also: Ancona of Shepherd "strain, the aim- ing breed. Orders filled on ` short notice. C. H. Holland, • Seaforth, Ont. Phone 16 on 236 Seaforth cen- tral.—43-1-p. House For . Sale On Ontario street, two. -doors east of Ontario street church, all conyen iences, •hofise in good repair. 'Also a piano in rrst-class 'conditions. AR., plyon premises, A, J. Holloway. a For Sale "Square piano . kitchen table, ,six kitchen.. chairs, baby carriage,. an, ex tension table, a email -table, and two • bedsi for•',immediate sale . ;:Phone: No. 176, . or 'box -101, Clinton. 39 tf .No Trespassing Persons found trespassing on the premises of the -undersigned, lots 13 -14. -Base Line,-Goderich township, will be prosecuted. R. G. Smith. • 4'3-6-p -Bazaar • The ladies of the Salvation' Army will hold"a bazaar -and sale of fan- cy goods 'and homemade cooking in. Mr. Stothers' office on'Saturday, Ap- ril 8th, ,commencing at two o'clock.' —43-2 Auction Sale of Cows. Fresh cows and forward springers at the barn of Mr. W. D. Connell, Victoria street, .on Wednesday, Apr. 6th, at 2' o'clock :pari, 16 Durham. cows, 6 Holstein cows and "6 'Durham calves. Terms—Ali suns of $10' and under, cash; over that amount 6 months credit on approved joint notes• discount of." 6 .per cent. per annum will be allowed for cash on credit' amounts.. W. Marquis, manage,, W. W. Wallis, proprietor G. H. Elliott, auctioneer. —43-1 . House for Sale. A five room cottage en Joseph street, good -cellar, 'electric lights, soft water cisterns. The house is in Srrst-class repair. • Apply to W.- Brydone. 43-2-p OVERLANDS HAVE ARRIVED visit --our garage on 'April 6th and inspect the LITTLE FOUR best light -riding car on the' market, BERT LANGFORD, Comanercial Garage Clinton The. Kentucky Belle Town Hall, Clinton at 8 o'clock ril 7 Fridla Ap Under The Auspices of The Clanton Boy Scouts Presented by the Young People of Londesboro Admission ,26c Auction Sale of Livery Stock. An auction sale of livery stock, consisting .of horses, rigs, 'harness, and equipment, will be held at El- liott's Livery Stable, Clinton, on Saturday, April 1st,commencing at 1 o'clock p.pr. sharp --i, good : livery horses, suitable -for livery or family driving, one heavy mare 5 years old, 6 steel tire buggies and 4 rubber tire buggies, all in good repair, 2 3 -seat- ed carriages; 1'2 -seated carriage, 1 wagonette,- 1 carryall,' 1 surrey, a set of horse clippers, set of good double -heavy harness, 10 sets single driving harness. 3 sets double driv- ing harness, collars and bridles, catnplete, 6 sets good woel driving: blankets, ,several stable blankets, robes, ' rugs, dusters, whiflletrees, necltyokes, buggy Poles, whips and in many other articles usedconnec- tion r t tion with a: livery stable,' Also' 45 - barrel tank, 'writing Tdesk and several 'oalcriiarrels, . Terms Ali sunns of $10 and °under cash; over that amo- unt, 8 months credit Will be given l n faririshink-' approved joint 'notes, or a digeount af' 4. Ater cent straight afewed for ,cash . ott credit amounts: J. W. Elliott, proprietor; G. II. El- • auctioneer.414 Ml , ;los, Fulton • of',',$treetsvllle, who has spent the winter with ,his deuahterr at the . mimeo, returned to'his hon last week, Auburn The Farmers' Club of Auburn have invited the Blyth Club to a social evening" to be Kehl in the 7� or - ester's Hall, on Tuesday evening, April 4th, Mr, 0. E, Erratt's sale last Fri- day, drew a very large crowd. Mr;' 3, Stalker,.our..3illage auctioneer,' wielded `the hammer. Making -Maple' Syrup -is •now tla.e order of •the day. Mr. Hill unloaded four "Titan' tractors last week, Mr: Hoare, Mr., Girvin Young and Mr, ;Geo. Clark, being the purchasers. ` Eggs for hatching Single comb White Leghoorns of the best laying strain, 65c for 15 or $4 per 100. F, E. Powell, R.R. No. 3.. Phone 2 on 607. 43-tf Dry IIard Wood for Sale - A quantity- of good dry. wood. $4 per cord for 12 -inch wood delivered in ,c Clinton in load lots.Apply to W. B. Forster, RR. No. 2, Clinton.: Phone 169, Benniiller, '2-3-p " Pre Social Coming The annual pie social, .under the auspices of the Women's Institute, Londesboro,'will, be 'held April 14th. A good program and supper will be given all for,40e. Come and enjoya pleasant evening and help on the work of this energetic society,` 42-3 Clover Seed for Sale. Improved Albutrea sweet clover seed, free from' weed seeds. at mar- ket price. J. 3. Biggins, It.R, No. 5, Clinton. 42-3. Hatching Eggs for Sale Plymouth Rock eggs, bred -to -lay strain,' 50c per setting of 15. W.II. Cole, Gravel Road. Phone 133 4248 Barn for Sale •Barn ' 20x30 feet for . sale For. particulars Write...Box, 290, 'Bay, field. 42-3 Musical Cantata: Don't forget to" keep, the evening, of Goode Friday, •April 14th, ' open `to come and hear .the musical can- tata; "The Beautiful City," by Jes Sie Brown Pounds; music by I. H. Edmore, to be'.given in the Baptist church, Auburn, by the '.young peo- ple's classes. 42-t8 For' Sale An Armstrong electric incubator in 0. K, working order, including,ther- ammeter and two extra'elements. Also a New Perfection coal -oil stove, .Composite, range and lawn mower. Cheap. `: Phone 19 on 637.• ,-42-2, : Bazaar. St Paul's Women's Auxiliary pur- pose holding. a sale ofuseful and fan- cy articles, home-made: cooking and rummage in the schoolroom on Fri- day in Easter week A fish pond will -be provided and afternoon tea served. All welcome; Proceeds in aid of Missions. --41-4 •'Hemstitching Hemstitching and Pivoting :at-- tachinent, fits any sewing machine. Price, 2,50. Personal checks, 100 extra. Bridgman Sales Agency, Box 42, St, Catharines, Ont, -41-4-p' Seed, Oats -For Sale' A quantity of North Land seed oats for sale, testing 34 lbs. per bushel, also good' rock eggs `from bred -to -lay strain, 350 pea' setting. J. E. Little, Maitland con. Phone 2-602. . -4148 Pasture to Rent. , 60 acres of good- pasture land;. well watered. -Will rent whole, or in part. Lot 42, Maitland Con., Goad erich township. . J. W. Williams; It, R.; No. 2, Clinton,, Phone 11 on 602. 41-tf Automobile Painting 1 will be prepared to paint autos after March • 20th, also carriage. painting, etc: A good job guaran- teed at a reasonable price: Shop on Albert street. "' W. J. Ward. —41-3 'Farm For Sale Lot 26, 'Con. 17th, -on : the Base line, mile north : of Clinton, 221/2 acres first class land, good hou se, bank barn-' and young orchard just ''beginning' to bear, Also .7 -roomed house on Albert street, Clinton. Wa- ter, .,good a-ter,,good garden, barn. Apply on latter premise•s. John Halstead. • For Sale 1 Cockerel, 12 Pullets, Barred Rocks, Guild's bred -to -lay strain,— Mrs. Hiram Hill. _ 40-tf Seed -Oats For Sale' A quantity of 'recleaned "Newmar- ket" seed -outs, .1920 crop. These oats ' weighed 42 lbs. per bus. from machine. Grown,, directly from seed which yielded over 80 bushels per acre. Price, $1.00 per bushel.-- Fenwiek Stewart, R. R. No. 5, Clin-` 41-18 OSTEOPATHY'. DR. A. M. IIEIST Osteopathia Physician Graduate, Des Moines Still College of Osteopathy. Licentiate Iowa and Michigan State Boards of Medical-Exannners• Spinal' adjustments given to remove the saute of disease. Catarrhal deafness, adenoids, and enlarged tonsils treated. without surgical operation. Stomach and intestinal diseases treated without the use, of drugs or surgery; s iccesso to Dr. Heileman, St r } 0ilice Goderieh, Ont.; At the Rstttcnhury house every Ttie - day after 0,30 psi, rise Chilton rilte $ Reearrd o + pular ty Ever rwereasicig ► The Pure Deliciousness of Natural' Leaf Green Tea is -r•eco ri zed• • as the tr'ezne11dous increase in the de- znanad„ for it shows. usoe Tryto-cls -'- -'--Y u it Y o will like it Egg Contest For Show Day we will give, in addition to regular „„a_ketrice, let ,and, 2nd ,prizes, to parties bring ing• to our store on Show Day, the heaiviest dozen of fresh hens eggs, single yokes, ,Watch our window for results on Saturday,AprilA8th. 10 'Bars pure laundry soap .. 49c 1' lb Ginger 'snaps .... ...„ 15c 7 Cakes pure Castile ;-soap.. , ... 2be 1 Ib Lemon crisps . lbe 3 Packages Ammonia .. , 23e 1 lb Broken' sodas ,. , • : llc 3 Packages Pearline . 25e 1 'Pin 'salmon . 09c' 1 Tip baking ; powder . 22e 3 Boxes Dominion matches ... 35e. 2 Packages Macaroni ..... ,„ 25c 1 Tin jam:• , ..; .,,...... 65e HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. Goods delivered to all Parts of the town Get the Habit of Dealing at JOHNSC N `°& CO'S GROCERY Phone 111 THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY New, Fresh, Wholesome, and of the Firmest Qualitg Orders have been.pIitc d for our ur initial stock, every article willbe new, fresh, wholesome and of 'the finest quality, purchased: at the cure rent "Market - prices which wiII ' per- mit of the lowest, prices possible' to the public, , Slashing :reductions will not be made on a few -lines in `order to attract custom and to incident= -i ally sell other lines at the fullest _selling prices, but all articles will be marked at a uniformly low price. DEAL WITH US AND SAVE MONEY. AT .ALL TIMES AND ON'ALL LINES, • Our store, -building is undergoing a e• complet"claning' ,ancl_..overhauling, and will 'be ready for occupation early in April, '.. Our Store will be yours for service Use it Freely, .- THE C. &S..GROCERS Baby Chicks for Sale Will have during the season about 6,000 baby. chicks,.bred-to-lay single comb white Leghorns,' - the cockerels being from 303 -egg 'strain. 315..00 per 100.'":- Send 'orders . early, as we have never been iable to Till all or-. ders. ' Inglewortk Poultry Yards, Holmesville, ,"E J.'• "Trewariba. Phone 22-611. Hatching Eggs for Sale • From Bred -to -lay . strain. Get yonr;,eggs-from a flock that will produce 'layers and enjoy some of the big prices next winter. 90 cents per: setting of -15,'$5.00 per 100. FRANK J. TYNDALL A. R. R. No. .4, Phone 2-636 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of David John Mc- Clinchey, deceased. ---NOTICE rs`h re given by g v en that all persons having claims against the estate .of Danid, John McClinchey, late of the Township of Stanley, in the county of Huron, yeoman, de- ceased, who died on, or about: the seventh day., of February, -1919; are required, to- deliver --to Amelia Annie McClinchey, the admiristratrix;, of the said estate or hersolicitor on or before the first day of April, 1922,. 'a full statement of their claims ;to- gether with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, all duly verified by affidavit. "And take notice- that after the said last' 'Mentioned date the said administratrix Will proceed to dis- tribute the estate of the said deceas- ed amongst the ;.persons entitled thereto having regard only tosnch claims as she :shall have received due notice and in accordance there- with, Dated at Clinton this 15th day of March, A.D., 1922. W.-Bryilone, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the said Administratrix 41.8 • Pasture Farm, for Rent. Containing' 80 acres, lot 33, Con, 5, Goderieh township. , For further par- ticulars apply to Mrs. W. Weston, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield, 'Phone 13 on 600. - 41-tf • Heifers For Sale 3 heifers to freshen in May. S. 11: MacMath, Holmesville. Phone 34 on 601. --=38-if Muskrat Skirls Wanted Will ; pay 31.50 to $2.00 each. Badly damaged at value. H. A. Hovey.- —40-tf Shorthorn§ For Salo 5 Young bulls, 8 to 18' months old, sired by Martinis Prince,i son of the champion bull, Gainfovd Supreme, and grandson of Gainford Marquis, Prices to suit the times, corse and see them. J. R. Plurnsteel, R. R. No. 5, Clinton:;; • • -39-tf .• Sweet Clover Seed tor Sale” - White Blossom sweet; clever .heed. at "market price,' ,also n good binder, Apply td H. Snyder, R, 11, No, 2,, :-!hone 2.004; Ciinttln. Say it- with Flowers ;FROM Geo. Stewart Florist Goderich,' Ont. Cut Flowers always on hand Floral designs and wedding bunches a specialty "Member of the Florists Telegraph. Delivery' Association, Flbwers,'deliv - er"e`1 to anyparteCanada or Unit- ed nit edStatee -38-.12 Seed Potatoes`, I have a limited -quantity of White Giant seed potatoes, for sale. They are a heavy yielder, and have'never been known to. rot. Come and see them. FRANK W. ANDREWS Phone No. 33w • - Clinton, Ont, "Live and Let Live .Leather has taken a drop niy prices are Women's half -soles 75c and up Men's :half -soles ,`- 3100 up H.' STARLING CLOVER SEED FOR SALE Annual ,...Sweet Clover, "Ilnbam" seed, Government Standard, No. 1, scarifyed and Ontario grown; 32.00 per pound for 10 lbs. or over. Ship- ping, charges prepaid, MURRAY GIBSON ' BRUCEFIELD. ONT. --25-Apr. 6-p For Sale On Townsend st., back' of Public.- of Sch comfortable, School, a omfortab e, semi -modern, 7 -room house; also a square piano, -an extension table, a small table, and two beds, for immediate sale. 'Phone No. 176, or Box 101, Clinton, Ont. • 39-tf. Farm For Sale 100 acres, Lot 12. Con. 6, Iiullett. township, adapted fox cropping or grazing.' 10 acres bush, balance in grass ' Good well and windmill. If riot' sold will be rented for, pasture.” R. J. Miller, Box 25, Clinton. Phone 119 -37-tf Licensed Auctineer For Huron County. Pure Bred stock' and general farm. sales of all kinds a specialty. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Terms: lowest possible. T. A. Trick, Gbderich, Ont. Phone 6-601. -37 . Shorthorns. for Sale ,8 young' bulls, 8 to 15,months old, all red, sired by O. A. C. Ring- leader. Right good calves, prices to suit the times, comeandsee them, or `write—E. H. Wise, R. R. Ne. 3, Clinton, phone 605 r 24. • =37-bf • House For Sale An eight -roomed house on corner of Rattenbury. St., West, and Shipley St. Town water and soft water, el- ectric lights, good cellar, summer kitchen and woodshed, Also a good 'stable. . Apply to Duncan McEwen, Phone 2 on 621, or L. ,0.. Paisley, Clinton Sbirella Corsets • Spirella Corsets- for healthfulness, style' comfort and durability.' Ev- ery corset made to measure. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario Street, Clinton. —12-1921 Reuse for Stile 8 -room, solid brick house,- town water and eleetric..lights, good gar- den and chicken house, 'Apply on premises. Corner of North and Spencer Sts.—A. C. Clarkson.80-tf Clothes. Cleaned aital Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed, -and to-; paired.... Woolen goods dry cleaned, Renton over hoard's bather strop, W. J, 3a8'o. 8g tef TREMENDOUS ADVANCE IN ',PEA PRICES The tea market has advanced shier last May fully 15 or 16e a, hound in London, Colombo artd Cali:ata, Get on the i ►t T"rack - 1 ig1iinow at the ,beginning o1' 1922 buy your men's and women's shoos from Barry the s1ioeman __-You get get the best of. Service , You get rid of foot troubles You get the Dost for gour moneg See:us at once Wm. Barry Opposite ,the Postoifice, '• Clinton co'ai. Strike Is not only_a possibility but:: we are sorry to say, an ultimate;prob- ability. You :can help to avoid it by carry- ing full coal bins. So now - is the time to fill up with USTAA'D'S': :',c It answers, the burning question Scranton 2i tOn C0a1 The Standard Anthracite. Let us hear from you, we are just at .the other end`' of your telephone and aur Service is free. J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON' and :•BRUCEFIELD;1 Phone' for- Clinton. 74.- Phone for Brucefield 11"'on'618. NOTICE I will be at the Massey -Harris of- fice for thenext few days to collect all outstanding accounts, which must' be paid at once.. y _ —40-2 F. W. WIGG Paxniau's Garage s0• We repair any 'make of battery. '- Leavegyosirs with us for the winter, J. H. Paxnian Examiner for licensed drivers Phone 80- Res. Phone 140 SprillgSood SEED OATS --"Improved 'Banner". Government Germination Teat 96%. SEED BARLEY—"Mandscheuri, 4 Rowed" These lots are both free from Wild Oats and Weed Seeds. Alfalfa Clover Timothy Alsike Clover •Orchard. Grass Red Clover , Blue Grase Sweet -Clover, (Yellow and'Whitto) Vegetable,: Flower„ and Field: Seeds WesteriS Oats, for feed. Good Quality Corn, Cool and sweet, Feed or Seed Baby ,Chick Feed Bran and Shorts PURITY, FIVE .ROSES GOLDEN CITY and PASTRY FLOUR\ SWIFT'S "Red Steer" Fertilizer et 1W.Je Rliiil5 & Son. FLOUR ANA 1+ERD Phones: Elevator 199, Reeidenes 14 Boars for'.Service' . • Champion bred, big typo Yorkshire and Chester White boat's for service, Ai Immo every, forenoon —A, Cf, LeVey, Phone G oh 580, Clinton .•.-28 1'TIUltel DA lff t The $cull Croce" Try our store for, your suppliesa you will find oti- prico..s ' AS LOW .11;3 ANY FULL STOCK FRESH " GROCSItil'i 1354 LBS OF SUGAR. FOR ;.31,00 Prompt delivery to all parts of 'th'e town, IIIGHEST PRICE FOR Bt iTElt AND EGGS Mrs. M. J. Brown Scranton Coal, We haveo hand for immediate n delivery: . , CANNEL COAL HARD AND SOFT COAL,'. Also some good Hardwood. Leave orders at my Residence,' Huron 'street, or Phone `,155. TERMS CASH E. ;WARD, , COAL NUT. STOVE & EGG ALWAYS` ON 'BAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY R. -J.:MILLER Orders taken residence, ' a n atPhone Yl, d' CONTENTMENT DWELLS; in homes where fort Hope P$reelain Enameled Ware is installed; We can advise you on any Plumbingnecessity , • THOS. 1lAWhIIyS. Agent for'TieCia Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Phone 58 Shop over.. Car'lesa 8r' Ve pier's Ontario Grain Seeds Experience has taught us ' the above seeds are the only ones'' for our district. We have on hand Gov- ernment Graded • Red -Clover Als'ike Orchard Gress Alfalfa Timothy Blue Grasso - White and Yellow Sweet Cover In Baby Chick Feed. -r.- Batchford'S -Milk Mash Pratt's Btitterviilk Mash Wodehouse Royal Purple H. O: .Cooked Chick 'Feeds Always 'on, hand.' Western Oats, Shorts, •Opt Flour, Linseed Meal, Purina Chicken, Chow- der. Flo rs Five eve Rosos, Dunts =Sli- ver Crown. 'Special prices• on Hunt'is for a few days.. Wanted, a quantity of-Peas,.:Buck wheat and Red_ Clover. Submit .sam- ples. J. A. FORD & SQ;[ ' Phone 123. Flour and 'Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers Also issuers of Planters & Trapper licenses Live Poultry WANTED l�TED . We handle all kinda of live and. dressed poultry. Special prices paid' for properly milk fed chickens .It will pay you to finish your poultry, as our ,'extra price will More than cover cost of feed -used. _Ingnire for prices when ready to sella Our prlsea are unsurpassed for all high gisa Ie poultry. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager. Phone No. 190 Holineavlllo 601 r 11 CREAM.- WANTED! The`demand,for our .butter is in- creasing. To supply this demand we :xeti'riatm more cream. • We request you to shipus Your cream. We guarantee you the' Highest Market Prices, accurate and prompt service Out firm is known to yen and needs no farther recommend: We pay al1 'oxpr.'ess charges, furn- ish urn-ish e oa¢m cans and pay twice each month, Writs for cans er fiSt'iher in:tartna- tion to the THE SRAFOItTII Cl1)I1AMERY`(.t),; 0: A, iilltitzR, MANAGER, R,