The Clinton News Record, 1922-3-30, Page 1143 - 4wlld Yt,,ur
T us is rile tine of the year you need one and you cait'make a savingof 75c
1. i y
1- fmantle` an 1 kilt eight-day clocks come and get
We have a aped stool): o t kitchen ay o g
one at a special,price,
WATCHES can now be had at attractive prices to the buyer
Watches, Clocks and Jewelery repaired.
'You can save money by dealing at I-tcllY ar's Jewelery Store
Jeweler and Optician
Phone 174w
Residence 174J
The man With a S a' 'n Account ned`
a W S vx gs A coz t e ziecrer
Worry, over:. the
- Saving',
backed' by- determination, is- oieof
the most satisfying' Iiabita to acquire.
A: Savor De ar meea
S gs p t t atevery branch of • . ;;
L: 5 13
Capital Paid Up $4,000,000
Reserve Fond $5,000,000
Over 125 Branches
a ; i house?
��: � r ��e Surplus Money in tile � se?
te' tak this It is dangerous! Better to money y to the
nearest ,Branch. of The-tifolsoris Bank and deposit
it in a savings account where it will be absolutely
safe. (A2ouey may be deposited or withdrawn:
by mail.) testi:
h p
R. R. Sar, Manager CLINTON 131 tNCI3I
Safer Deposit Boxes to Rent, '
eAie-e-10 'R' saki
2 he c1l2orrasit
(;lU 9 ihttl Co.
Getting.Back to
15.00 Salt
is your 'suit price, come here
for the, best suit your money.
can buy
,Eighteen Dollars
isy .our suit price, conic here
fora good wearing Blue Serge
Suit Suit
If Twenty..Five Dollars
isyll our suit nicercome here
for an all wool suit.i
n good
patterns ani u styles -to-date
ll h
11 Thirty Five' Dollars
1s your stiltrice, come here
and see some beautiful cloths
irz elztr'e fine a,llwool serges
and t vied5,
Special at ,$24.50
E Special t �;r i for, 24 61
:�,� a �l .- a Suit t and extra trotiset"9 `�
Tfctijitt S1
Is the street that runs through the mind
''.af thc Community. Is Your Nameplate
We. again call the attention of our
friends to' the fact that we'c,annot
take, the responsibility of publishing
unsigned items, no matter how in-
teresting and imsoccnt the item
appears. Whether sent through the
post or slipped in our letter., box all
articles must be signed, as eng'uar-
antee of good Fath; We ,rust know
the source: ; from which our news
The complimentary banquet : ten-
dered to the Clinton; manufacturers.
by the Board of Trade on Friday
evening proved to be a - great sue-
cess. The banquet was served ' in
the council'" chamber, and all the
manufacturing concerns in Clinton,
With the- exception of the Jackson
Mfg. Co. and the .Iiuron Casting Co.
were represented. A large .Major
pity of the .business men also were
present, showing their interesa in.
the local siianufacturing plants and
in the prosperity 'of the town.
The president " of the 'Board of
Trade, Mr. ;:II, Wiltse, presided, and
after the ample and excellent supper:
had: been enjoyed,-; speeches- were
made. Mr. ' W. N. Manning +spoke
in behalf of the Doherty Pianos,
Limited, and made a' tea stinterest
ing speech'. He recalled the' days
when he was' manager ' of 'the old
Coriipany, over-twenty',years ago,
and had 'his''residence ` ieClinton and
expr'essed;•his 'pleasure in' being es-.
socitated again and meeting, with'
the "business,,nien of,. the ,° town,. and:
also ;his iliepc.10 the :future of, the
piano business, IIe' said', the coin=,
pane's trade' snow extended not only
all;. over Canada, but to • Great Bri
taiii; Australia, New Zealand and
South' Africa evidently .following
Empire dines.: •
'Messrs G: II. I- lar er and A. E.
I p
Vincent, new members of the Clin-
ton,:Knitting, Co., wliere the famous
Idearevelle,Hosiery. is 1 ianufactured,
each spoke, ,this being' their first ap-
pearance in. aClinton : gathering.
Col. ,Combe, 'Who is also a member
of the -company, was unable to be
'Present owing to being delayed- at
Mr. J, :Sehoenhals of -tlre Clinton
Tloni• Mdlls, nianufactmt;r . of -sonic
of the best' brands of flour, North
Star, 1Vlaple Leaf -and ' Snowflake,
gave a short ,address Mr. J. P.,
Sheppard, in' introducing hien, said
there was no, need to go. -outside o£
Clinton for geed flour. The Clinton
Mills enjoy' a good local and* export
Mr. Elton Bozell spoke for the
Clinton 'Creamery, of, which he and
'leis brother are joint owners • -Mr.
Rozell said it was the aim 'of' this
.firm to turn, out only the best pro-
duct of •its kind',' and he said they
had .paid. out already, although enly
,running a short .trine, over $100,000
to the farmers 'in the vicinity' for
Mr. Latton spoke for- the Eimperi-
mental Flax Mills. Ile said " Ohne
tan was the centro of one - of the
best 'flax -growing diistricts in the
Dominion, and in- addition to work-.
mg up the flax grown on the leased
-lands here the • Clinton mill, which
replaces 'the one recently burned at
Ottawa, had treated , flax samples
from all the provinces of Canada and
he_ hooed tosee the- plant nxuch en-
larged in the near future.
The Jackson ,Mfg..Co., manufac-
turers of Lion:Brand Clothing,'which
has. advertised its makers ''and the
town which it ie manufactured,
over Canada, was not represented
owing to ' Mr: Jacltson being' out of
town. But the industry is booming-
oomingbeing now run`overtisne to catch up
with orders. Arid the. Huron Cast-
ing Co., headed by Mr. M. J. AA -
kens, a .somewhat new but rapidly.
growing industry, • was not repre-
sented off cially though' 311-. W. J.
,Nediger' spoke briefly fox it
Mayor Cantelon, in the name of
the citizens; welcomed the new 1'e-
eidents. IIe' said our oldest indus-
tries, such as the Piano Co.and the
Jackson Co,, had advertised the town
f Clititoni frons coast to coast and
. in foreign countries and wished far
the newer industriies continued and
increasing' success. ,
:Messrs.' 3. A. Ford, J. P. Sheppard,
R. E. Manning, • J. A. Irwin, A. T.'
Cooper and W..7, Nediger each spoke
A special feature of this gather-
ing;, which was• commented, upon sly
a' number 'of speakers, was the pre-
sence oil a number of ladies, Mts.
Runihall, manager . of the Bell Tele-
phone; Miss' Cuninghame of the
Canadian Express Co; Miss Clutl' of
the C1uff shoe store; Miss O'Neil of.
O'Nei1's grocery; Miss Lavis, Mrs.
Lu'tton and 1VI1a. \Cooper. Clinton
has a' hunger of ladies engaged in
This was the Snrst"sign of life on
the part of the Boart1 of 'i3-ade far
some time but now that it has conte'
to life again it is hoped it will eon-
-thaw to-Ileurish. The feveredef
forts, made by a number Of towns
to "boost?' tlteln3,elveS have proved
disappointing but a well-erglanized
and live Boned of Trade can do much
to forevard the 1' n:at of any town.
Let Clmt.m's tee' T. keep
:es busy
e ral
as 7tv�attldhlcotogee the several
industries keeping, petting; in a bit^
of 'overtime oeeaesionally.
The barufuet wa1 served by 1". 7,
Prowii Br, Co, Mr. Mason being in
Wheat, $1.30.
Oats, 45%t.
Barley, 50e
Buckwheat, 750.
Eggs 25e to 26e.
Butter' 25e.
Live hogs ;.12.75.
The funeral tools place in Clinton
last week of Mes;- Jacob -McGee. of
Goderich, who flied" at Windsor. Mrs.
McGee, who 'va' ' c rt ierly Miss Ches-
ney, formerly lived in Goderich,
township, lacer 111 Ashfield and lat-
teely in
There passed away at his home on
Albert street, Clinton, on Satiu•day:.
lust; after an illness of, about two;
years' duration, a ;long -tine resident,
of Goderich tewa:ship in ;the person
of John Halstead, The deceased was.
born 01 11, - ,'t --- '»onatv, »>- Belle -
tine, in in 1854 and came with his par-
ents to, Goderich °township in 1874.
One year later he was married to,
Miss Emily Jane -Ostrom, :who died
on October 3rd; 2907. The following
-year he married lli-:. A]ex. Ostr'oni,'
'who survives him. Mr. Halstead was
held in high esteem by those who
knew him. ` He was a member of
three fraternal 'societies, the Odd
Follows, the Orange -Order 'and the
Chosen Friends '.'The-d'neral toolc,l
place froin his late liolne on Tues
day aftel'iioon,the`Rev 5.. Anderson,
and the ,Odd, Fellows' conducting !m-
pressive"services at. both ,house,and
-graveside, Interment was 'made in
Goderich.;,cetlletcry;, The; palibeurere
were: Messrs.'. A:. R. Mitchell*, G.
E: Hall,A. McGarva and J. Ster-
Besides . Isis wife and one son,
Charles,• at home, there are one
son and two daughters by his first
marriage: Herbert Halstead of De-
troit; Mrs. Jas: Iisirrison' of Kirkton.
and Mrs, 'Oliver 13uchenan''of Kitch-
ener. The family ,were all hon'ie for
the funeral,
Mrs. IIalstead end 'family wish to
thank their many, friends for '. the
expressions ,of sympathy ;.and kind-
ness shown them leering `the illness
and after the death of a kind hus-
band and a loving•`.father.
The :, i teas, t .'i.A sbeiation . will:
TieMruS 'i.. 5
meet in }'Villin church parlors ' oh'
Monday next at ten ,aan.: The sub-
ject: "After Peace—What"? will lie
taken by the Rev. C. J,lewellyn Bit
key ' Visitors from neighboring,
charges will be made welcome;
Baptist Church ` •
Itev. C. N. Dewey, pastor of
'(oderieh•Baptist church will preach-
next Sunday at both services.
St. Josephs' Church:
The .':Catholic Womens' League
will hold theirmonthly, meeting at
the ,'rectory, on Tuesday, April 4th
at three 'o'clock.
Willis Church
Anniversary services will be held
on Sunday, April .'30th, Rev. Cl'ar-
enco, Mclginnon, D. D., principal ,of.
iIalifaic Presbyterian ,Colleges will be
the Intinister. • Dr. McKinnon c was
chaplain of the' •;16iat, battalion. aver --
seas. '``‘•
Wesley Church_
Mr, R.' C. 'Mason'-presided_at: the
organ at -the Sunday ;services; Miss
Cantelon' being ill.
Sunday The annual
school pp
will be served in Wesley` -hall on
Friday evening. The primary and
intermediate ` classes will have sup-;
per at five o'clock, the others later.
A number of lantern ;pictures will
be shown in the - Sunday school
room at seven -thirty. ;All. are in-
vited , to : see the pictures., A collee-
tion, will be taken for the Russian.
Famine Fund
Ontario Street Church
,-TVI::''S. B. Stothers will exhibit a
number of pictures of scenes in New
Ontario.. and other pictures, for- the
Sunday sehool.endthe congregation:
in the Sunday school room' on Feidey
evening at eight o'clock. Everybody.
The. regular "meeting of the • Lad-
ies' Aid will be -held on Wednesday,
April 5t1i, at half past two o'clock.
A large attendance of the nsembere
IS requested as the election of offi-
cers takes place for the coming
year. The ladies.. of St. 'dames'
Ward will serve tea.
St. Paul's Church'
The rector's sublect next. Sunday
morning will be: "Sardis, the Church
that Was dead'," In the evening he
will deliver. the 5th in the eeries of
serreons' on the Prodigal Son, his
sullied being: "The Return, or Ac-
tion," "
The' regular monthly.: meeting of
the Ladies' Guild will be field in the
Parish Hall on Monday',- April 3rd;
at 2.30 `p.ln.
The: third in the series of Twilight g1 r,
Organ Recitals will be held on 'Fri-
day sftermloon at 4.30 men The vo»
cal numbers will be given by Mr.
James Doherty,
The .high standard, of excellence
attainted by the first• of tine series oC
Twilight Organ ')"LCeital; was well
sustained iced Inst week Miss Marion
3ibb111 3, 1W110 gave the vocal rami,
Meet, though eufl'et int;. ,from a se-
vere cold, was very pletising,. We
regret that Irick :of spzico prevents
the publication of tb' Mrogzebnr
In a' comnnnuleation to Superin-
tendent Chant born :the Hydro
Commission, accompanying a report
for 1921 appears the following par-
ageaph, which 'speaks for itself
which should he pleasant reading for.
the ratepayers: of Clinton. This town
is well served Jay hydro and the sys-
tem is now on a paying basis as far
as Clinton is concernecic.
"Yon will notice that the Operate
ing Report for the year -ending De..
camber 31st, 1921, shows a net sur-
plus of $2162,61, after making _al-
lowanee forthe usualdepreciation
and taking into consideration the
power adjustment figures for the
The death took place yesterday at'
the home of ',Miss Mary 'Johnston,
Ontario street, :;where he had been
staying during the -waiter, of John
Stanbury, a natve of Stanley' town-
ship, and Tor several years arrest
dent of Bayfield.
The late Mee ,Stanbury ft -limed. in
Stanley -township for many -years but
for some time had lived retired. He
never, married. Ire was one. of : a
family of five brothers` and two she.
tens, the only survivingernember now,
being 1V1r. George Stanbury of Clin-
.The funeral takes place tomorrow.
.afternoon,, from 'the •:home *of' Miss
Johnston, at two o'clock.: Interment
,will-be'made in Clinton cemetery; •
Mr '.
Chas. C.Lovett. and Miss ' Ii.
Lovett received. word :the ,other day.
o± the death, which occurred in Van
couver,.13, C., on Friday, of their
sister, Mrs, J. G. Stewart: It had
been known that Mrs. Stewart was
net well but the news of• her death
was unexpected. The deceased lady
was born on the'Base`Line and spent
her early Iife in this 'conimu i:`•';
She is survived; by her husband and.
WO sons and a daughter:, Mrs. Per-
rin'and C. J. Stewart 'Of Vancou-
ver and, Russel Stewart of Alberta.,
Two brothers -and two • sisters also
survive: Noble, Lovett: of Macotin,
Sask.,, Chailes and Piiss. K. ,Lovett.
of -Clinton, and Mas' Tyner of the
Base Line. Particulars' •regarding
the £uneraI had not yet been :re-
The Clinton Troop of Boy Scouts.
held -.their first ohureh'parade since
reorganmativon, to Wesley church `on
Sunday morning, turriing:out'thirty-
nine strong,„They were under the
'direction of Soutmaster A,. F, Johns,
Assistant Scoittenaster-'Bert Slonnan'
and Cnbmaster Stewart Taylor:
The boys oecuped the centre
front pews, which had been reserved
fel them, and the pastor, the Rev.:
D. N. • McCamus, preached a very
appropriate .and interesting sermon,
.Scoutmaster Johns :coupled a ;sat
on the'platforin and assisted in. the
service and the scoots, during the
service repeated their vow,
The scouts , made an eeceIlent
showing on parade, especially'hav-
ing so little. practice. Itis hoped
that before next church parade they
have .their' uniforms ready,
-Only the officers were - in uniforni
on Sunday.
Mie '
s Eva .'.Carter of, the Public
school staff has been of fora,few
days this week owing to illness.
C ntonLawn Bowling n
w n Club
will. hold ^their annual' 'meeting in
the councilchamber this, Thursday,
evening at 8 o'clock,
The Choral' Society, w which has
been :practisingfill winter,• intends
having a concert on the evening of
Wednesday, April 19th.
The annual meeting of the. Board
of Trade will be held in the council
chandler on the evening,' of Tuesday,
April 4th, at eight o'clock. •
Tlie members of the Clinton Com-
n'unity hospital board will meet in
the board room on Monday evening,
April 8rd, at, eight o'CToek.
13russeis village has decided a
observe Thursday , afternoon • as a,
weekly. half -holiday' for five months,
coniinenoing May, 4th.
Mrs. C, D. Bouch .and family in-
tend leaving for Toronto;`to join Mr,
Houck next week. Clinton' citizens
are sorry to lose this .family from
Now is the time to look up • gar-
den tools and get them in shape for
the spring "drive.” Who's • going
to have the beet garden in Clinton
this -slimmer ?
11>»»•J. Wi. Elliott is selling' off his
livery; stock on Saturday afternoon,
He's not leaving"town, l owever. He
has his farm to manage and may
also keep ne 1055or hire.
IVliss Alihreso3w Steepftwill have'an
exhibit-. of several of hoe own-, and
lien pupils' peintinge n the window
of 13411 Ss Zapte's furniture stax'ethe
latter part of next week, Look foor
Mrs. Hodgson and little Son, who
havebeen occupying Mr. Sohn . Step-
benson's fueitiehed house during the
,winter, have now moved to Mrs."WV.
P. Mclntosh'e house on Victoria
l n° d tri a an e
E 'rt a l.,tz f <i c rr
fI`a 9 r L i
5 its f ilttran
lv f the .Gal o
for It Ia3 0
Coenty m Clinton On 51lay 246; If
these nrrakngeinentn can be made 'the
citizens' should lend tiheir best efiort'3
pottowardei Making' the gathering a pee -
1'he Womens' hietittitc hada most
en'o bl
ya e gathering In their rooms
over;: tate Publir Library on Thursday
evening last: There was a ° large
number present andall enjoyed the
Secretary A., J, McMurray' is
busy these days -getting last things.
done 'in connection with the Spring
Show, which will' be held on Thurs-•
day next, April 6th.
The special feature this 5e0r 5s
the 'purebeed'bull sale, a 311.1tnher of
first class animals having been con-
signed for the sale. Application 3o
the seeretary will secure you a'priee
list giving particulars.
The Agricultural :Society .is also
putting on a picture showon. the af-
.toimpon and : evening ' eC show day
'find on the Friday and Saturday ev-
enings following. • An advertise-
ment may be Seen on another ,page.
Given •good 'tveather, the prospects'
are that the 1922 Spring, Shaw at
Clinton will he one of .the best ev-
er' held.
On Saturday last a vett' quiet wed-
ding took' place in St:; -Glair, Mich,,.
when Claire Marie, daughter of Mr,:
and Mrs. -James Adamson of that
town, was united '111, marriage ' to
Clifford, '.son` '•.pt Police Magistrate
and 'Mrs.. 'S. J. Andrews of> C1in-`
tton, "lit , which only. immediate rela-
tives and'friencis we're present. 01
seven o'clock ' a. wedding supperWaa
'given -wedded dottIC' b
githe newt Y p y
Miss' Laura `Moore ofl 9th ' street,
'wliere the bride' has occupied r the
Position of governess. The bride
wore a travelling suit of navy tri-
cotine. with'fiat_ to match. and Cor-
sage bouquet of roses and sweet
peas., The yoting people _left for a •
short visit, to Clinton and other
points in Ontario' and will make
their home in Toronto.
The bridegroom's ;Clinton- friends
extend congratulations;
Following a lingering illness the
death took place at Ins •res dente,
Woodstock, of Samuel-Ilenry -Mercer
in his seventy-second year. lie had
been a resident of Woodstock nor
twenty-three` years hut, formerly a
resident of Clinton for many years.
'While Ilene' he was manned ' to Mike
Jennie Saville, ,sister of Mr. E. G.
Saville of town, "who now survives
him with e. family of three soils and
Sive-daughters: George of Detroit,
James* of St. `Marys and -Robert of
Woodstock,' and Mrs. Wm. .Moon,„
Dundas, Mrs; G. Cozens, `.Ilamilton,
Mrs. C. Thayer, Detroit, 51355 Sylvia,
Welland and miss` Gladys at home..
A sister; Miss L. Merrier of Cairo,
Egypt, and brother, Mr. S. Mercer of
Los Angles, Gal, 055o'survihe.,;'-The
funeral took:' piece in Woodstock.
Mr. Saville did not receive word
in time to attend the funeril., the
message being delayed.
'Mr. M. ;T.:, Corless has sold out
his hardware business . tie Messrs, T.
W. Hawkins and Hugh Miller the
latter lately of Brooklyn. N. Y., who
will take over as soon as stocktaking
is completed, p
The new fires will combine =a:gen-
eral hardware and plumbing busi-
ness. Mr. Hawkins,' who has been
in the plumbing business here for
years, needs no ,introduction to : the
People of Clinton and vicinity. Mr:
Muller, who is Mr. Hawkins' father -
in law, thinks Clinton will be a pleas-
ant place of residence, which accounts
for his decision to go into business
here. We heartily: wish the new
firm success.
Mr. Corless, who, has become non
ular with the pubIie ;during his short
business career in Clinton, has not
yet decided what he will' do but it
is hoped this ,business change : will
not mean the reoval of himself and
family ±10113'towum.
A' quiet wedding :took place on
Wednesday, March 2211d. at Londes-
hero Manse of Miss Lillie Goyim' to
Mr. Archie Webstor,;of Kitscott, Alta.
Rev, Jas.' Abely officiated. - The
bride, who ,looped very pretty, was
dressed in a navy blue gaberdine suit
with large patch pockets covered
with black braid; navy blue sailor
hat ,with. up beim and draped•.
navy veil and black fox furs. She
wore the groom's gift a beautiful
wrist watch. Mr
.an d Mrs. Wobs i•
took the evening train for Goderich,.
as intended, Owing to the illness of
the bride's mother, Mr. and Mrs,
Webster will not leave' Tor the Well
until the end of the week, where they
intend to Make their- home near Kit>
seott, Alta, Mrs. Webster was one
of the most popular girls of our
village and' will be greatly missed by
a host Of freinds.
Mrs. Win. Knox of Clinton spent
the past week with Mrs., Jas. Camp-
Mrs. B: Ilari'ington of 101yt11 event
it few clays .with Mrs, (Dr»)`»Young,
Me. Ernest Adams had a bee en,
re 'else `front
"1 u'da t draw' the red bri o
.4i it 1 y U
the stations fan kris new lioti,s, w hite li
hes intends to have built this Summer.
Mitis Olive Lyon has refereed af-
ter ; zip :few days' visit with Mt. nml
Mrs. t iiirrtm Patteinon, near Ane
Lombe sdor ).
The ;l3ui.ns' 3, wing People's Guild),,
• have toned their � l,lay, c
VC pot p ,, 'Teacart
Dabbs,"indefinitely on' account of;.
illness ,in the neighborhood:
The regular monthly rneetiiig cit
the Woman's Institue will be held
in the CommtmityHall Friday, April
7th, The topic,L"Living a life it
more than making • a Living" Vy
Miss Brigham: Music. ,All mom,
are asked sl
hers a ie to attend to complete
arrangements for the annual ltie
sodial on Friday,. April .14th:
li oAln esvffie
MT, J.' C Durst, who recently sold'
sits farm on the Maitland concession,
Colborne, to his father, is moving
this 'week to a new Sarni in Simcoe
county, near Beeton. " Itis brother,
Went up ,there last year. The Beetere
district is, to be congretul<-ted upon'
the acquisition of Such good citizens
and we wish our old neighbors •ands
'friends the hest of suecese in thein::
new home.
Mrs. (Rev,) W. J. Johnston and
-little son, who have been visiting in .
Toronto, have returned home.
Mrs: Alcock, who has been visit-
ing with Guelph friends, has return-
ed' home,
111r. Willie ;Je • Jervis, , son. of 1V13.
Mos Ali::: 3cgvis, who has undergone
an operation in, the: Clinton hospital,
le,b good1?makin r ro •ress toward 're- .
:., g ,., W. x
The Methodist chureh had, its item.
gregationaI banquet' on Friday even-
frig 'last; 'When a large 'number gath-
ered and a most enjoyable evening :,
was spent, together. After' the ex_
eellent supper• had been enjoyed. re-
ports were, presented from the sev-
eral departments and 'a short pre
grana was given.
On Monday evening the friends
•end 'neighbors of Mr. Edward Lavis
went to his home to spend an even-
ing with hiss and 'tries Lottie lie -
fore they leave the neigh3borhood.
During the evening Mr. Lavis wt;s
presented with a handsome club bag
and b'Iiss Lavis with some table' l'n-
en' ' Mr,- Lavis and family have re-
sided in the neigborhood for many
Years and are deservedly esteemed,
-315r. Lavis intends giving, up faxan-
ins, and had a sale of his;farm stock ,
and implements yesterday, i -Ie lsas
rented his f'irum to Mr, W.''Vanrler
C derich Township
Miss Annie Cooper, who has beens
home nursing her parents during nu
attack el grippe, retains to Toronto
today.: ",
Mr. and Mrs. - W. 11. Lobb and
Miss Joy' returned on ,Thursday ev-
ening last after a most delightful,,„
.trip through the Western Provinces
and several States of the Union.,
They left ,about the middle of De -
ember. They visited in Manitoba
and the other three provinces and
travelled through eleven of the
States stopping off:. at Los Angeles,.
Redlands and other :mints en routes,
Mr. Lobb is an observant traveller,.
and keeps his eyes open for many`
things as he -goes along.; A feel:'
which was amply illustrated by the,.
interesting letters :'published durime
his absence. He enjoys the beauty,
of the landscape but he also knows:, --
whether- the 'section' through whiea
he is passing is' a good fainting lo-
cality. He saw hush beauty txlt,-
main and valley,
landscape, a
broad prairie, snow clad hills and
green and sunny slopes, but he
quite sure that, :talting it altogether,,
Oniiario'is still as good a place ace nee
any in, which to cast one's lot. He;
says the -farmers of the United?
States are ITS a' rule not nearly ea
well off as the Canadian fernier,
especially as those in Ontario Land
value advanced et atremendous rata
during the war, when prices were
high, and' when the slump came
manywere unable to keep their hold-
ings, bouglit at high rates, and lost
all they had invested. Tho result is
that monied leen hold todey. a great
deal of the, farming lands. "We asi>t'
be slower in Canada," remarked Mr.
Lobb, "hat our methods are surer Iia
the end, 'There are too many who
tine very wealthy in the United Staten
and too any who are poor. 131r.
Lobb says the people in the United.
States are begiiming to appreciate
the steady development cif Canada
and to admire the stability of bust-'
nest methods here. Everywhere he
Went Mr. Lehi; met people from Her-
on county. He• toile of an sill -state;
gathering in the Methodist c1ttti•ch at
Redlands, Calif., . one Sunday he
waS tliere,.'when the coIngregattoo,
was divided up according to. the
States 1510>11' which they came, Can.
ada and Pogalnd being put .togeth
r. ' As 'result the onitre:iribt'.'red.
e a Y
any of the Status froth as to men -
hers and offerings;, It is a weT1-
known Tact that ';many Canad.iane
have taken up their resilience in
the United States, but many c1tizcifes
of the United States ai:e also see-
tling int Canacla, particularly in the
Western Provinces,.- !1'1ie exehangit
Will be more on an -equality from:
this time on.
Mr. and Mrs,'Gecrge Ilendcrson.
' In ati San. 'I e.C,
'r've fro tS
v x t d R
fin a
and intend.
up tiC11
its Ozitatlo. Mt'. ITL ndr rsoti has '
beers <farfning in Saskatehevran fox
some time. Mrs. 1leuderson 15 :tv
laughter of Mr, . apd Mrs. 'tri:, 71