HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-3-23, Page 7MANITOBA OF THE Ptil'SENT
A r'4ew Map Prosrides Latest Irlforr
1 PeaCO 03 in war die of the frrat formulation of o reliey of read.. can.
eseentiale is a 0:eatl 'alai); On Hoe stra'aion arid tbe extenSion of ele'etrie
• tranamiSsion and railway linee.
Dper-41.1p,s 310E,tieE3 »p mg ,
iii a in a, aeeorFog to the 1921.
eetaelleeements Were cello)/ upon to oenses, has incee,aeod -her populatiou
Provide MaPs of the War 7**Ones totile to 618,008 which is largaqY eentred
maximum Zif their caPnalt/r; es every the area ineluded withel the orighual
feature of the coontry hod to bebeuntlarjes,„ of the province althoogb
katiwn to efficers reeporthible for milli- settlement is ensiling farther north
tary ntoVements, wIeth inereesing momentum, Covering
In peace tinieg not -I -vat() 01090 are ia total aro)) Of 251,832 square miles,
every senim
seefully as p_n ortant. 'Manitoba has a eenaiderable -water
Itavd trimsfers, o og olairnsa‘forest- area, this latter representing 19,900
ry permitsror regietration's ef. Posses- Square Mlles. Iniducling the arrae) snr-
sicm are eSteleliehed IhVI,gehgr.aPitie,a1 veYed in 1921 tleiefe iS u°w aY,allabl°
or as4roraimie2.21,905ition.. *To provicie fon entry- 5,34e,300 .40ree, '120,800
thisinformation, which is especially
acres cf this'lleving keen covered by
im9Qrlaot „where new settlement is *the survey parties of the 1TIetle-ral THE liOYAL' WEDDING
- thin Yoarla
• ,
Proceedingethe.Natural Resourees Topegraohical Senv,ey duringthe pa,st Prineess Mary and Lord Lascellos at the altar lo Westminster Abbey, The officiatieg
telligence raheli cif Abe DePartment year, Unpatented homesteads, or laed f the bridesmaids are shown in the photograph. Tiae Ring elarida at the loft of the bride.
'el the !Metier has, recentlyeissued-a on wthich the 'entry duties have not
revised editiou,of the Homestead Map yet been *completed, inelud.a 1,296,000
series of the 'Prairies aProvinces.8 aeeees,, while lan,ds alienated ,but,1112-
The latest map el tlris series* is that °cc -Unica aceount for approximately
'of 'Manitoba; When the first Herne- 2,384,840 aorc,
steed Map of, Manitelatie was -issued in. * Looking to the future of the prov-
1905 that. provinee had ,approxiinately ince, when developm*ent of a pulp and
*850,000 population. An influx of Iim- paper industry will undoubtedly take
migration was taking piece end home- place, the Dominion Fefest Bran(
stead entries wore nu iller0115. The has eatablished or proposes to estab-
northern extension to }ludson's Bay lish a considerable number of forest
and the, (10)8parallel had not been reeerree aggregating a total of 2,386 -,-
transferred to the province, and in 700 acres. -These are situated 'in the
conefequence only the qsmealler ,asee various portions of the province, tan
was inegual,4 in the map..With the is a land not at present required, or mi-
sname ,of the seventeenth edition, suitable for agriculture. The Graz -
however, the map ia a -retiring a tre-; ing Lands Branch has oleo issued
snendeus importance in, 'western of- leases on a considerable area of land
fails. Serving tlie original purpose rer grazing purposes.
a designating the loeation, of land This map 10 Of great value -to those
evaueble . for homesteading, lands contemplating „taking up land in
niated but unoecupied and ich anitoba, and, in conjunction With the
aro for sale, and 80)20homesteaded published lists of unoccupied lands,
but on which patents are mot •yet is- and a new pamphletishortly.to be
sued" there have been added aloe local sued on aom L ants, enables the
tion Inelan reserves,* forest re- 1p -respective settler or those contean-
ryes, timber berths, grazing leases,Iplating extending their land holdings
national parks, land districts land to secure useful information regard -
agencies, railway lines, topogeraphicar ing rland oettleinent. Copies of • he
200880000, new stinveys and descriptive mai and of the two pamplolets re -
notes of the character of the country ferred to may be had on application
beyond the Plieveyed areas.- This map to the Natural Resources Intelligenee
sleo showe the trend of sttlement, Branch' of the Department of the In-
• which is an important feature in the terior.--"
British' Abandonment of the Protector4fe and Recognition
of Egypt as an ,i111/Zielpentitant Sovereign Statels Voroun-
ner of Creation of King,ship in the Nile Country.'
A deepateh from Cairo says: -The fleally.and exclusively toserved to its
Preelamation of the Sultan .Ahmed oWn dieeretion the following matters:
mid Pasha+ 41 King ef Egypt on (1) Security of British Imperial cool-
ThuredaY, Was aecompanied by the rounicatien in Ilheypt;- (2) dgferice of
firing of Salvos of 101 guns in Oairo, Egypt against all earajgn
Alexandria and Port Said, end of 21. or interference, direct or inclive‘l.t.; (a)
gene in all the other provineial proteation of foreign iot4ets and
capitels,• ;Coreign communities in Egypt!'
Field, Marshal Viscount _Allenby, An Inchlental point is flint Germany
hitherto the Britielo High Commas- wee depeived oO her precapitolation
sioner, acoompegnied by inbmbers Of tights in bY the TreatY of Vete
his stair, called et the Royal Palace sallies. German and other ex -enemy
and congratolated King Fuad, when) citizens in Egypt drombt pOssess extra -
he addreseed as "Your Majeety." territorial privileges enjoyed by other
elergY and 001" The British Government he spool- notionals,
Canada Ftom Coast to Coast
.• ,
• _
Noted Nova Scotian
.. • , . , Passes Away
John's, Nficl,-Oomplete returns ,by Premier Drury. Trie HM
on aiming • A -I deseett7., from Halifax, N.S„
for dio homing fishing oft the Bay of Dtherty, Minister of-A.goicultaire, was says: -After several months', illness,
Islands *during the season just -closed the first dePositor. Similar banks Hon. James Wilberforoe ,Longley,
are not yet available but, according have been operated eucceesfugly in Justice' of the Supreite Court of Nova
to the "Western Star," the catch is Manitoba dueing the `past few yeare. .Seotia, since 11)05, died at A private
estimated at between 36,000 and 40,- The, Pap, . Man. -More than 2,000 hospital .hore on Thursday aftertoom
, 000 berreis ef all kinds. Of this ant- prospectds are expected to arrive ho While a mernbei of the Nova Scotia
ount about one-half wee put np in the this dist/got during 'the present year,' Legislature, Mr. Langley was the
Scotch style, Speeigl efforts have been accooxiingrto J. P. Gordon, who has' author of many important acts, includ-
made to peek'a large egaaretity, and io extensive interests here. He stated ing the act to abolish imprisonment
geed 'Percentage *of the *barrels used that 1,000 are planning to -trek from for*delat. As a Scholar, writer of his -
during the season were hooped with the Porcupine.miaing area. As mazy •torioal works, orator and after-dinner
iron. I • .' • noore are /Mown to be eoiniog from speaker,' he enjoyed conelderabio tile -
New Glasgow, NS: -It -is lepofted Beitith Colunobia and other western,i tinctlon outside his native province,
that.ean offer has been macie for the fields. ' ' - s. -
Mahon coal properties in Inverness , Edinonton, lAlta.--.Albenta'a 1921 • .
County by the British Empire Steel field crop is officially valued Ot $125,- GE/aria/3y Seelong Revenge.
Corporation. Should the Corporation 000,000, while the valne of dairy pro-
succeed in acquiring these valuable duets during the sortie period amount- "L'Ae.tiou Nationa/e" publishes a lot.
coal areas* it will control practically ed to $25,500,000. There were 4,649,- ter from Mayence in which Itz 002.000-
t11.0 entire coal fields in Eastern Can- 000 acres planted* to Wheat and 2,189,- '1)°'''"'"t mt"
ada.. The Mahon coal areas cover an 000 acres to oats, from which yields of "ail the 01e.rman will is strained to -
area,, ,„ of" approximately seventeen 53,000,000 and 64,000,000 bushels °''e- thward tho most rapid preparation fer
, . .• spectively were reeprded. , e atVair of se<tenge, It is infticie2it to
suar •
Vuehee,-Quo----Over 100,000 linthi- 'Vancouver, B.0. --A10' herring pack-
. .
grants, have, been brought to Canada ing is now completed and there are
during the lase two years by the Sal- only about 1,000 tons leftin the mar-
vationArmy. The 111111311yeT of failures kot to be trinved to the Orient, AireadY
among them has been small which is 25,000 tons hexagons forward to that
ettributed to the very careful method
of selection. Of the 26,000 girls and
women brought from the British Isles,
less than one-half. of one per cent
have failed. ...• . .
Toronto, Ont. -The first. Toronto
branch of the Ontario Provincial .Sair-
ings Bank was formerly -opened here
Field Marshal Wilson Lacks
the Confidence of Southern
• A deepateh from,Dublin says: -The
litlIernese c.f tlie South, against -the
North ha1 been intensified by Sic
James Craig's speech at the opening
of the Tileter„Parliament, and his in- ,
tention of giving General Sir Henry
Wilson, :fernier Chief' of Staff of the
British army, the task of restoring
The South has 100 confideece in Geo.
Wilson. It frankly predicts that he
will be more concerned .),vith orlranis-
ince the Orange side id the fend than
in a general tound-up of gunmen. The ,
Poese assorts that the wino/era , eon ld
have been stopped by the deelering,
of rnat1a mw, .and argnea that thii,
was not done because 011e proclamation
would have been. enforced ,impartially
by the military. - , •
Talk of civil ovan is not nitcommon.
Moinbere of the .Provisional Gavern-
inert affect to see in Sir James' speech
The Grenfeli of'the Tropics' ,
• Dr. Albert Schweitzer; an Alsatian
whose work as a doetormissionary jn
French DquatoriaI Africa has earned
for hint the title of "The Grenfell of
1115 Tropics." . He is one of, the fore -
n oat religious thinkeil of the times,
philoaopher of world-wide repritte
a threat to terturelhe Roman Catholic t 011, and the greatest adthority 001
popUlation of the six emanties,nindeCor Bath. lie gavq up all Ills prospects of
this reason they have protested to g Tater fame in thee() fields to andel--
Great Britain. • • take missionary work.
The Northern constables, it is claim-
, „
ed, contiliu0. to nig trenches 0017001 the - -
roads and to destroy bridges. •along The University's Public
the border. .Sorne of these have ',cell Service.
repaired, but the next night they are
again blocked and warnings posted for
contractors to keep their hands MT.'
The vehicular traffic across the boun-
dory is diminishing' daily.
Approximately 6;000 soldiers-e'ancl
almost as' many constables are at iine
disposal of Gen. Wilson. It is planned
to recruit the constabulary to 10,000. large amount of special work for the
These forces are for a population of general Public and without retunrera-
about one million, of which the South tie, of aosy kin -d. Though admittedly
claims 40 per cent. are Nationalists. handicapped by lack of funds the
University .of Toronto seeins to be
making a successtal effort t� serve.
Ole constituency in an adequate way:
The list refereed to includes a large
oaumb.er of interesting lectures that
were open tothe public free of „all
cost; in this list also are several im-
portant conferences to Which the pub
He wore invited and alao a number Of
short courses for which' only 'a us
inal fee was charged. 11-frorn the 10 -
pert' 011 University Extension it a/so
appears that the same service ia beime
, The last issue for this 'acadenige
year of '"Thb V.arsity," the tuider-
graduate newspaper of the University
of Toronto, contains a list of the 0811-
side activities of the provincial urn-
versity. From this report it appears
that Ontario's universitY is :doing a
Fresh demands 'for the restoration
of the Belfast boycott one being made
by various orgaLizations ho the South,
and it is likely that the matter will
be considered at the next 181091111* af
the Dail Ca,binet. ,
Must Deepen Elbe
for Monster.Liner
A despatch from Berlin payee--
The world's biggest 'ship the 50,000-
tanner Bismarck, which is achednled rendered in the rural districts and that
to' enter the trans-Atlantic service the people of Ontario, in country as
under the Ihittsil-fiag and be named well as in city, are anxious to take
the Majestic this spring, as soon as it advantage of .eho reeoeves of eeeie
is finished in Hamburg, Will he deiayed own provincial university. At a time
In reaching the ocean by Oe d1000ye/7 when public interest in" 'education
that she Is too big to navigate the shows signs of suth'a marked revival;
River Elbe between Hamburg and the it is gratifying to itnow that the UM-
, .
The remodeling of thiSebig" Sister
of the Imperatos and Vaderland will
he ,completetr.bYthe end of March,
but extensive dredging, of the lower
Elbe to a depth of thirty-five feet will
be*neeessary before she can start to-
ward the ocean.
versii,y,, of Toronto 25 satisfactorily'
meeting this quickened interest. .
'J'welve cherries, the first of the sea -
Son, oai.aed in a hot house Tidal, Paris,
sold in the Central Markets „for 150
franca', or 91.10 a piece. Last year
t)8 first cherries hi -ought 91.25 a piece,
cArl,tt ‘0
\44111-7\ '('0.3 m115 '14
•BECP,US:.., 444- ,e
Ks( 4..
-T,NkKe. Me-ro
• PK?..K..!
destination. Over 50 per cent. of the
Jierring packed ln l3ritish Columbia
this •( year was proceisecl by white
packers. Foam. years ego Japanese
packed 100 per cent: of. this elry-s4lt,
cured herring, but latt year this was
reduced to 70 per cent, and this yetr
to 50 perecent.
Start Anew.,
Life is a series a ..elvances to begin
afresh. We aecept or We refuge. Pr -
haps we are discouraged overly broken
zeseive. But 98 does not require a
resolution to lay hold on life
We may renew the • SWaggle even thangs, that anybody , can give, but
without feranulating a determination With the stimulus of that personal
-against the 'evil whose hold on 00 101 Iso urardration Which none`else supplies,
strong or the diseourageMent that ma- It 05 00017 to say that we have no
nerves: The important thing is never vete' on the question of oute 01011 en -
the promise to ourselves that' we will trande into the World.. Iler:e we are,
do as we should; Whet merthersais the. and must TemOhl, end we aene hound to
actual performance. •And we may make the boot te it. We muse carry
proceeo1 to that, performance with no the load, and otir consett ip unasked;
binding pledge of enyleind. 0. ;•,. if we drop the burdenerbuehan. secie83, - Toronto. .
111 19 easy to.let ourselves 'drift into fiThaS its .01011 W03(, -'in RS own time, to - Manitoba ateet--Ne. 1 Narillern
a stelte, so dispirited tlaat we do not iPnuenzildes,Nnoott4.., TEL itntiepros, V6,;harto, peatallitlaY 1-1,452e,:nd.be- gra. eate_..44o, 2 OW,. 58¼c;
care what beconieS of tta At such a
thought toward another may -inelco,
ell the difference. We must be faith- Sdaineas in, hand, however inconven.e
irremelyt a, word from, another or a *is Do the refueel to do 0113! pert telte- ext''844°14eQd 56a; 11°..1 g6VI''56°.
cerpt .respons.ibility, to stiek t9- 'ith3 AnAli,:ocar7c7orn---'1;). 11'"yellOw,.74-1/2e;
..ed toe apeve anea., ..ay ports, *
fug., bemuse:smile me ease, though lent and untom-fortable; There is, no No, 3 arellow, 78e; No, 4 Yell(dwV18e;
else -where; eXpeeks it. We nn8st rise tin10 to spend, no energy to waste, track, ,Taminte.
to the level of that' trust hi us8 It in 'Wet over failures and &nitrite; .001%Larixte) weabtreat...._NoisioLvtioinniat,e, nominal-
weuld,not mean so much to disaaipoint we II11-114; Stop geOklIni. thirrHeaVe3 'Or•
oursOlves; but we cannot ask et friend ,bow, ing our faults; though the day Ilarley;--11*(.3 extra,ted 47 lbs. °II
go on. :":113411tmgoilei.:711:t-6.GN6goil.'8.3c:°,17c148,11tge t480C.,.1'..65Pbts
Manitoba ,fiour--Eirst pats:, nom-
Ry6L-.No. 2; 86 to 89e.
is dark or the same is :bleak we trust
Ontario flour -I-90 per cent, pat., bulk
seaboard, per bbl,
II/BB:feed-DA Montreal freight,
bags,' included: Bran, Per 'ton, 928 to
9301.-Shoccte, per lion, $80'.'to $82; goad
feed flour, $1,70 to $1:80„, •
Raled,hay---Track, Torontovper trona
extra,.No. 2, $22, to $23;; mixed, $18'
I- to 919;. clover, 914 to 918: -
Straw -Car lots, per ton, track, To-
ronto, 912 to 913, • e
• Unofficial quetations-Ontario No. 1
cononercial wheat; $1.80 to _91.26, out-
side; 91.36. $1.41, delivered Toronto.
4Dritario-No. 8 oate; 40 to 45e; out,
Ontario corn -53 to 60c, outside. I
•• Ontario flour -1st. pate., in cotton
sacks, 98's, $8,20 per hid; 2nti pate.
, (bakens), $7.29. Straights, in bulk,'
seaboard, 96,25,
Manitoba flour -let pats., in cotton
Seeks, 95.70 per blih; 2nd pats*, 98.20.
•, Clieese---Newe large, 20 to 201/2e;
twine, 201/2 to 21e; triplets, ,21 to
211/2c. Fodder 'cheese, thrge, 181/2e, Ohl,,
large., 26 to 20c; twins; 251/2 to 261/2c;
teipiebs, 26 16 27c; Stilton, new, 24 to
25c.' „
3 Butterl-Eresh dairy, choice, 2,2 to
• 28c; creamery, priatra, fresh fancy,. 41
to 42c; No . -1, 39 to 40e; 'No. 2, 85
to 37c; cooking, 22. to 26c:
• Dressed poultry -Spring ,chiekens;
30 to 383; roosters, ,180; fowl, 24 to
30e; ducklings; 35e; tutiteYs, 45 to
60e; geese, 30c.
Live poultry -Spring chickens, 22 to
28c; roosters, 17 to 20c; fowl, 24. to
30c; ducklings, 38o; turkeys*, to„ 50e;
geese, 30e.
Margarine -20 to 28e.
Egg -s --,-New laid straights, 80 to 81e;
new laid, in cattens8,1 to 35e,
liest to rise and go on. The first and
the surest incentive, is the wish of
one person that we shald keep on try-
ing., The on05- real misfortune in life
is to have 110115 WILO cares what we
make of ourselves. The tome friend
would help us, not with a gift of
observe seriously, and attentively tit°
-industry of. the Reich,. ,
• '510.i seven months. of tilts year thir.
teen ' factories bf Westphalia, V0'est,
Prussia and )3nyaria have. prOduced
2,748i agrioleeturel tiraotara- of the small
German typo of 1018, These tractlirs,
whieh - aro too heavy for agricultural
,purposoo, are intended for war, for in
twenty, Minutes 'they can be trans-
rformed into tanks., Protecting plates,
'anti .nereene are ceriatrueterV and are
1011,131,8 ill'prOXiillity to tlie,..plabe .Nyhate
the pacific 'tractor' draws tha agri,:'
cultural machine.'"
Britain France:and Belgium
'• Sunlit:net Season
A despatch front London says;!-
"Zusuntertimel" in Great Eritain
begin 213 and end Octolier 8..
n. order „to tis,effect has bean given
ID secnre uniformity in 'time with
France and Belginit.
Weedy Ma
to take le.ss than the best we have to
g,i-ve. We cannot always he in -the
sight of those tlia,t we wor4d saflitfy,
Yet the dnty, present or absent,, is
the same. And the duty ,is; never to
giveup; never, after we were flung,
to remain prostrate in the mire.
It is riot the low 'whisper of an im-
peraortal ideal for which. we are like -
Canadian teachers who are teaching
in London under the exchange ay:twit
of tile Empire Teachers' Association
are to spend the Easter holidays, in a
visit, to Rome.'
Zonated troops patrolling mind Property te presomi order.
SiiC> \(0
0e,F.L\Sle..1 t1-8
4Z.EAr 5(46
L.trit-J: 014
Everest Again.
The attack on Mount Everest in the
Hirnalayaarthe apex of the earth, is
about- te be resumed. It is a Mistake
to call the attempt of 1921'a failure,
tualees-the tern is qualified eaTefilliy,
TI102.1gfh t1125 highest point reached WaS PULPWOOD NEEDS CARE
08001t 23,000 feet, the i'oecanaiesance
has beea. accomplished which must pee- OM HANDLING:
code the eventual triumph. '
Whew the party went into Nepal
anti 'Tibet a year ago the northern
approachea to the mountain were un-
known to white mem Now they are
alinost tin open book, The picked
mon of the present expedation know
e0e09 dement of ,thn ifroibleal, They The pulp and paper industry 13 One
Rapicl Expansion of .Pulp art4
Paper Intlustry Requires Pro -
:vision for Future.
know ,,w4Tt to .e3ppe.cd.. They know of Canada's most important interestS:
what 011101'5 to avoid, titillzing the forests. c4 Canaria as. taw
Eroin 23,000 feet onward the first( niaterial, it is essentially an intlustlY
faotor is the ability of theoloannen. ma- in which Canatlionei as a v,:eme 111:0
011100 to 'caxry oaf; In el extreme inlIerested: and *Its rapid* growth- el •
rarity blowinglike a knife-edge, •vith late Tears ha!s hcon a c°"cture 68_01°
Alisaiiy stew ta`jba cat and much gyom. DominloWs industrial progress. Mui.
ono° effort required 110 reek and ice letin No. 43 el the Newa Print $0.n.
vice Buroau giVes CutPut of tha
abtteen Canadian paPer report..
Ing 012,260, tons tor the year 1221,
or an average Per yallf or 50,805 teas,
'whereas the output or tilt) twenty -00*
Vatted tates. mille,roporting wa,,s 000"0
ha7e'heen made by, the inechanieol de- 630 tons; or 3.1,66a tons per niill,
vice that saves, bodily ego,rt aad ear. ,showing 'farther, the improved
ries oxygen, arppamtney so that the condition of the Canadian paper sites,
climber rexered a am -problem, of Ilion,' the decease in production fox
11}105 Tad ropes, and perhaps recalci- the, tiveivo montlis of 1921, ooinpaieiI
trent native' helPeis who take to their with the -Slime Period Of..1920,Was 24
heels when ;there are teats to. be pait, Pot cent. in *the tinitod ft'ates, and
„, , .•, .
.11.117e,,tnilismitolifilherle7cobt7.1ceizid". TtainsejsP27.11aritescaenndt 514It'atte85'113mer;ocle:Ln6tofh.01
att-tnee9illovigteil_h moiskintittabvii,h:Tisal a:noverzGykadil N (100 ueoiveemi„abregee,alrestri'opp8i8i,e2rwatesnivii, 1Vedti.
ferent hmarness from the ,pedestrian Zroal 'Whom she obtEnned but 5.4.10
ters'doestTg-;in"taheitheeocaci.refleeslatli offo'rtliPetthetcrtitil,s- rt°tailiall.'ic'9:1111Lastir9771'wea;l'le
loftiet peat: is that it means One more 8,279 1'1'112-
watery:of the indomitable *sPirit over
the obstacles nature imposes for our
human wills to eiremounti
work. The Duke of Abruzzi reached
24,600 feet elsewhere in the giant
narnge. The height of the stunan4t, over
20,000,feet, has bean far, ex:needed by
the airplane, and hy the holiloon. Aut.
the altitude iceeerals alieVe 24,600 feet
• Pulp and F'aper Exporto.
Doring the same month Canada sap,
plied 26,494 tons of ground woodpalp:'.
Sir Herbert SaiMel, High Commie.- 13,340 tons of lulphate pulp, 20,508
sioner for paiestine, 1120 recovey4d otoEuDeuolpframoolpat2ite„pulp, a.110. 44,535 polo
from a SeVere• • Thh3 paper and peiewood. all comes
rket ort forests which are the growth of ages.
from ilia 'nadirs) forests of Canada.
How long they can umintaio the sap-
. ply 15 -unknown; the demand is in-
9,„4-*--:.4o0a7plpeeer_impeeresu.s.ciii8lidiro_pti4op,o,e,d, ,z • -buzhal, -pc ITT Daws otiogt„i.. eng rde..anL et ishati-loc,etso ahurai4igt: the;
inifp, hattoed cost. The larger for:
gal,. $2,50; per 5 imp. gals., 92.35. tonately, harve reallaed that the safety
Maple sugar, lb„ 19 th 22e, , 00,thsir invetmes1.5 masufastarkia
Hmer-60-804b• t° 15° plant depen• ds upen'the Maintenance '-
pear5:-23k-18. tins, 17 to 18c per
al; on+.baio col), hmey, poi. dozen of an adequate pulpwood supply, and
96 o ' aye replanting the 04.over areas and
Smoked meats -Hams, nred„ 32 to' more intensively protecting their re.
34e; cooked ham, 47 to 50c; smoked Matting thnber from fire.
roais, -26 to 28e; cottage 00114, SO to
82c. hreakfatt-bacon, 29 th 33e; spacial
brand Shea/dal laticon, 37 to -40e;
backs; boneless, 36 t:409.
Cured nthats-,--Longele,at ba',00rt,.-91.7
to 919; clean bellies, ;$1,rto $20,i*ICSIg`
pork, 934; short cut backs, $36ilighte
weight rollee $89 f: heavYweight moldei
Lard -Pure, terges,.. 17 to 1:71/24;
tube, 171/2 to 181/2c; pails., 1.7 to1171/2.c;
A despatiallefrom, Delhi says:--Tbas •
Prints, 18 td 19e. Shortening, tietve-S,
16 to -163,9c; tubs; 15% t611.6%,e; pegs, As-si8m1:4-Y: inclInding
dm good, 97 to 97.60; butcher ethers,
Choice heavy steers 97.75 6 $8.25; Koviry.2e, Pas'Sed hi acclamation ne"
16 to 10'4e; Prints, 17 to 1.-71/2c, a I, 600lifitictiiaoln ine,extprlireero:11..1.ogf 805119 10505 arida
choke, 96:75• to $7.60; do, good; $6 to "the visit of the Prince of Weise end
96:60; did, med., .35'th '95.50; do, 'come regsfekting,'01,1t Ids Vi r I-
$4 tO $5; butcher heifers, choke, $6.60 Th tido is* fl Sil )'claS a a c °s'e.
to $73Ietlo, med„16 88'96. do, .com $4 e Tue% eeinn-i-lote,-e-nleejA•fe':ei;etelty
/co) 3$64,2265;;ed'ob,a6n3lehde., $°8704''toelr4i;Gee ji-51.*°s
proke0fes 2.net 2.ney. were not 01401/:[.1
Agrarian fSitnatiOn in United)
• ProAnares,:iii,lqia is More
• SatisfactOry.
to discuss the administeation's general .
and cutbeSS $1.60 to IP dtP Weller
sood. '94.50 to '915.50; 8a, com., P°11cY under the budget, declaring
$8 to 94; ;feeders, good, $6 to 90:75; that this rendered the ASserahly
do, fah, $5,50 to 96; stackers, good, powerless and reforms a farce. They
$4 to $5; de, lair, 93, to $44 milkers, rniMed 0s a protest ,the reduction of
$60 to $89; canners* and cutters, $1 to expenses of the Enetartiv 0 '
choice,„312.50 lo $14; do med., $10 to ess, TrL,o
$2.50; springers, $70 to 990; calves, 11.0, mosbin „ ° •
ted A8 to 47
$..1.1; do, coat, 95 to $7;larabs, choice, tura, aff
e$11.11eteo, $9 71 4t;odlso8,‘500,111,32.-0,$66t,004,9796;, stte97;, The A gearian satiation in the agrieuta
co., 91.60 to 93:50; hogs, fed and in India, '‘vhcre rioting 17a0 rfaliorie
Watered, 912.75 to OA; do, f.o.b., $12 last week, is now well in hands 0104,1
to $12,25; do, tiountry peinte, $11.76 to
Oats --Can. West, No. 2 661/2 to
66c; No. 3,1321/2 to 63o. 'Fient-Man,
spring wheat pats., firsts, 98.60 - Rolled' ed, and troops are being* marched'
ol5ks--43ags, 90 liblig_98. Bran, 932,50,1 thDough the diAUrbed area, where the •
Shorts, $33. Ilay---No. 2, per ton, car
lots, $28 to 929.
Oheese--Finest westerns, 17 to
17800, Butter --Choicest creamery, 36
to 851/2e. Potatoeao-Per bag, oar lets,
900 to $1.
Good taivca, $7; inferior, 96; hogs,
selects, $13.25 to $18,60; agave, 93 to
94 less than Seleeta. ,
a crannonkse issued by the India
Offiet. The number of :armol1 police
has been greatly increased end means
'of transportat,lon meth improved- The
clvil pelide altaci have been stromtion-
,14 re •-n-y te. .relIC))4POL1)\s
'THERE. wHe.t--I
-116E.p..E.Ls HE.
p\tasT rt..),N!
symptoms cffurther tee:tide oro being
Closely watched,
-The Indio Office's statement was
hosed upon a -report ,frem the Gov -
0)1)100 of the United PreIvinees,
Deputy Ruler of World
Metropolis is a Woman
despatch from London says: -
The positien of Peputy Ruler of Lone
dan'leaS beak onferred upon 18 yeting
jcwieh woman, 1811430 • Miiss kdler,
daughter ol the late °hid Rabbi, tier.
man Adler, Wila appointed Dewiro
ohoOmasu 32, the T.,/endon County
It itat.Yeflb UM* a woman Isaci,
ever,held this post.
Spain SafegnalAs Workt
of Art from Exportation
A despatch from T.4011(1011
Snain has taken drastic action to pre,
vent raids upon ancient Spanish mas-
torpitcm •
An ad valorem tax a Ina litr
1010:1 boat kvitit upon all Spanish
WorkS Of art of a date earlier than
'1850 whith are exp irlod Srom the