HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-3-23, Page 5Of Interest to You and iVio 'Nleafor'd's tax rate this year will be 5s. mills. "Fancy seeks incl says a head- ing•, Just fancy'; We didn't knew "they lead gone away.—The Poteran Lipton and Larkin and the tea hu moss show ' the value o£, good .(batwing and the pleasure it inust be io have it well "sweetened '-•ABvus- elo Post, • 1 Liberal Government`at Ottawa is not going to lead the way Neese,; to the .patronage trough. Glehe. Looks to us as if it.would need to' ,malce a mighty quick right -about. turn, -then. 'F If he weather: 'en Tuesday, Mar.. 21st .the first day off• siring , _wits any indication of the _sort of weather we have Ail" , he next are going to t t three months we can't` say that we are very enthusiastic over it. Some people in Listowel sat and listened -to a sermons preached in Pittsburg by William Jennings Bry- .a f one :Sunday recently, Wonder if the same people would.go and listen .to one of the preachers in their own 'own? • F .I t snowshovel. and clean Get out. thea oh' your share` of the sidewalk.—Or- i11ha Packet. In `Clinton, where ,we have been walking over .bare 'sidewalksnearly wrlI winter, this sounds funny, though we 'had a bit ofsnow this week. A New York State farmer recent- ly dug up some bars of silver on his farm. But that's nothing. Duffing the next few_: months farmers in this locality will P roqueegolden-grain, t +;•ardeners will produce vege ables„o f all colors and .shades and velvety flowers of such ,brilliancy; asto daz;, ,ale the eyes, all from the goo$, brown earth. It is :wonderful`therichne'ss of it, A few silver bars hidden in the , earth and :accidently discovered •seem-.wonderul but not halt db''won- ederful as, the yearly yield of a pro - have quite reconfered their usinal health. Mr. John Tasker' of Blyth ;sup. plied at' the station for -Mr. Faikon, the agent here, who we'scalled away owing to the death of a friend• Mr. F. Burgard once, a busineae manof Egmondville now of Ham- ilton, was in the pillage. visiting friends during t1 .fore pick of the .week, Ile, 1ciJ1 to visit a easter au Goderich �, - Mr. 1 soe ,Meyers,, who has been in the employ' of Mr, Bert Peck of 'Stanley, left for •the west on Tues- day. e Mr, Meyers, if favor{tbly im- pressed witih the country may Mr - chase land ands Make his home there. In the uzealitilne Mrs, : Meyers an'd children will 'make their home with. her; mother, Mtn.. Desjai'dine of Hen - Mr. Wm,- Ivreen'of the village has- been' confined to his rootn for the past, week suffering from neuralgia. Word has been received lately '.from -Robert, Brownlee, once' a busy The world" is steadily growing ;smaller. This was illustrated .re- cently to a Huron county boy, son ! of . Mr. John Wylie of Gorrie,: who io taking a medical course at Kings -- ton, ' As he ivas passing a,' picture theatre in the Limestone 'city -,just after the explosion at Gerrie he was surprised to see listed in the "Fox News, inmertant • happenings throughout the- world, the Gorrie ex - 'plosion. He went-to.the show and -save' what the explosion had done , to' his native village. - This ;;young Man was surprised 5nd. Gorrie got, into the movies :by 'that unfortunate-hapa pening. 21)i', Hamilton of Toronto as spend ing a few clays at the limn e of Mr: ,Tames Ramage. Mrs Richard ---illartin o£ Tlnron township ;5' at the home of her Mo- ther, wire ,se very low at present. Mrs, 1t, K, Miller spent the week. end at Goderich. We congratulate :Mr. and Mrs, W, Humphrey on the arz'ivial of a eon on Sunday last. A young son arrived at the home '02 Mr, and Mrs. Horb McQuillimr on March 6th, - Rev. 0, humming and W. C. Webb attended the meeting'' of the Presby- tery at Winghain last week. NIr. Robert` McQuillian of the staff; of the Sterling ,Banlc, Dungannon,; was ilonie for a week with a severe fold, We are pleased to report that Mrs. Ned, Thous,' who has been in tic sk- now sini:e`her return from "Victoria Hospital,; London, is able to be house rhe -merchant' here,, but now _Of Salem, ng.aiir• , 'Oregon, wirere,he has the ere of a large prune orchard. He„states his family are well and enjoying ,their new surroundings. TEAS STEADILY ADVANCING "Teas -Advances from primary markets continue to indicate a strong situation With upward tendencies. Locally there are no changes but as, of large there is et strop stocks -are n 1 6 r possibility for some advances. d es importers state spot, prices are . still far below cost of replacement;” The above, statement -in the replacement'.',' . Grocer" of March 10th Is- an- thoritative. . Those whounderstand -the tea situation say that unless tl•e` price`becomes,easier on the primary market very soon the consumer may expect to pay I0 to 15 cents more a pound for tea. '• Marriages GLIDDON--SIIUBROD K= At Gsay- enhurst, gni March 9th, Lillie Eli zabeth-•Shubrook.,of Gravenhurst, to Daniel Chester Glidden, sons of Mr. Glidllon of -Clinton W, iDSTER —. 'GOWER• — At- the manse, Londesboro, on. Mareh • 15th;, by`. the 'Rev. Janes Abery, :Lillie, daughter of ,Mrs. John -Goyim', to Archibald Webster. GOWDY METCALF—In - Howick, - -en March 15th, Laura Metcalf, to Nelson Gowdy, all of Howick:. FISHER-,STEEP—At Saltford, - on , March 15th, by Rev.. J.F. Rey craft; Mary Viola, ' daughter of _ Mr. and Mrs. John Steep, to Jena- than-M. ena-than -M. -Fisher•, son of. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Fisher of Colborne township- - Under a cut showing ,a leader in, -the`Mennonite -trek, published in the Globe ons .Tuesday appears the follow- ing "The 'migration to Mexico -fol- lews the Mennonites'` refusal to bear arms i_ -be. great war and will pro- .jiablytake ''20,000.people • from Can- ada," ,The debision 'of the Mennon- ites to leave ' was not - on account of their- unwillingness -to bear' arms. They;; were granted' immunity from military service on coming to -Canada twenty-five or thirty years -ago. The cause of ''their dissatisfac- tion -was trouble which arose over their unwillingness. to "' obey our school laws. .They absolutely refus-' ed,to send their children to the'Pub- lio schools •and' are leaving the coun- try rather than he forced eo do so. 1t at a pity that Canada should lose) so many people, but Canadians must. obey :Canadian laws. Kippen Miss' McNairn who was the ` effic- ient teacher of No. 14, Stanley, was, taken 'ill with appendicitis last week and was rushed te, St. Joseph's, Lon- don. where an operation - was per- formed. We trust' the young_ lady will be able to be taken, to her home at Lucknow in a short time as lat- est reports are that she is holding her own. Miss Mae McGregor of this village has been engaged 'to take' charge of' the school at present and s entered on her, duties . t s on Tues- .. ,day.�i. i `U The, young people of the Methodist church - are preparing for -,a 'Play_ en- - titled, "We can't afford it," which we are sure will be must,• interesting when, they getready to present- it. Mr W. Cooper last week shipped h carload of turnips to the Chicago market. Mr. Cooper is one of the most extensive turnip growers in this district.' Births WIGGINS—At,Preston, on . March 12th,: to Mr. and Mrs. James 'C., Wiggins, (formerly. • Miss Mabel. Lockwood : of • Clinton), a son,— James ,Frederick. TOLL -In Bast Wawanosh; on Mar. '18th; to Mr,' and Mrs. Fred-: Toll, anon, -- NEWTON=In Gorrie, on March 13th ,a.; to Mr: and. Mrs. R. Newton, a son. II'UMPHREY—In West Wawanosh; ..'on March' 12th, 't , Mr. and: Mrs. Wm, •Humphrey,a sen:-, PFAFF—_In'Hensall. on 'March Gth, to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pfaff, a " daug-titer.- 0 ' - GUEST—In. West Wawanosh, on • March'12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Guest, a.daugliter." McQUILLIN— In West Wawanosh,: n March 6th, -to Mr. and -Mrs, H. McQuillin, a son. SPEIRAN ---In Grey township, on March bth,••to -Mr, and Mrs. William Speiran, a son. - The St. Patrick's social under the auspices of the Young People's Club held in St. Andrew's church- on Friday evening, was the beat', vet, The decorations were in keeping with the occasion: The national' flower, the Shamrock, was very much.in eve- dence. Irish songs and a contest on questions relating to Irish_ His- tory wore features of the evening, - After' the programme tame a typ- lool Trish lunch: and the company din- persed to their Itonhe5 feeling they had 'enjoyed a pleasant evening. We • forgot to mcni.ion that Mo. W. Ti, Johnston of Exeter was present. and n'^e a splendid address, Mrs. John- aco/itpanied-him and while here e'1,he guests of and ;1arrott. Their many e gpletisreel to meet diem y.:ww nue a Pleasant call from Ci. little ilaugh- p4ce7'y-. Severe - Dry:Tlard Woodfor Sale. A quantity of goon dry wood. $4 . per cord for '12 -inch wood'' delivered in :Clinton in load 'lots. Apply to W, B: Forster,' R.R. No. 2, Clinton. Phone, 169, Bennhillef. 42-3-p Pie Social Coining The annual, pie social, under the auspices of the, Women's Institute, , April L'ondesbciro, will be held.14th. A• good program and supper will be given all for 40c. Cone and enjoya pleasant evening and help on the work of this energetic society. 42-3 Clover Seed for Sale. ImprovedP Albutrea - sweet clover seed, free.fi'om weed seeds, • at mar- ket price. J. J. Biggins, R.R. No. 5,. Clinton. - 42-3 Deaths BOWCOCK-At Londesboro, on Mar. 22nd,,$ally, `wife of Mr. John Bowcock,. aged ` 74 . years and .8 months. DEWAR—In Detroit. Mich., on Marelh, 16th, Martha Pollock, wife. of Mr. George Dewar of Stanley, aged 52• years, DARROWl-In' Detroit, Mich., on. March - 20th„ Elizabeth Aherns,- wife of Mr. Harry 'Darrow `of Bayfield; aged . 62 years and 3 months. CAMERON—In Toronto, on '. March 16th. Ida Victoria Evans: wife of . Mi•. J. A. Cameron, aged 33 years BUTT—In Goderich, on Mach llth, Stephen Butt, h inYear. ; his 84t - HORTON—In Colborne township, on Osbaldeston, Ston 'March 10th, Susanna O > reliet of the late'John Horton,. LAWRENCE—In Goderich, on March 14th, Emily Dark, wife of Frank" F. Lawrence, ' SILLSR Y—In Usborne,_ on, March 14th, Leonia. Carrie 'Copeland; wife of Mr. W. R. Sillery, aged 28 years CTJRRIIt In Goderich, - on March 11th, Elizabeth` Jape, wife of Mr. George Currie of Nile. LAWSON.'- In Macklin, Sask., on March 12th, Mary -Straughan, re- lict of the late Millar Lawson, aged 78 years: - IIatching 1l gs for Site Plymouth Rock eggs, bred -to -lay H. strain, 500 per settingof 15. W. Coles Gravel Road."^Phone 133 4242 Barn for Sale Barn 20x30 feet` for sale..'e For- Particulars (write Box 290e- '-Bay-' 'Musical Cantata. Don't forget to keep the'' evening of, Good Friday, April 14th, open to' come and hear: the musical can- tata, "The Beautiful City," by Jes- sie Browri Pounds; music by J. H. Filmore, to be given' in the Baptist church;. 'Auburn, by the young_ pee, ple's classes. 4242 OSTEOPATHY. t't DR. A. M. HEIST Osteopathic Physician Graduate, GraduateDes Monies Still College of Osteopathy'. Licentiate Iowa sed Michigan' State Boards of Medical Examiners. rt s iveti,:to-remove apsnal acl;iitslat ent i; ' • the cause of disease. Catarrhal -deafness, - adenoids, and enlarged tonsils treated, without stirgical operation. Stomach and intestinal diseases treated without the Inc of drugs or sui'gesw. Successor .to Dr, Heileman. Ofliee, Goderich, Oni, At the Rattenbury House every Toes - day after '6:30 p.m. For Sale - An Armstrong'electrieincubator in 0. K. working order, including ther- mometer and two extra elements. Also a New Perfection coal -oil Stove, Composite range and - lawn mower. Cheap. Phone 10 on,637. —42.2 - Bazaar St, Paul's Women's Auxiliary pur- pose holding a sale of useful and fan- cy articles,' home-made cooking and rummage in the schoolroom on Fri- day In Easter. week, ;A,.fish ' pond TOL be provided anafternoon tea served..- All welcome. Proceeds in aid of Missions. —41-4 Hemstitching Hemstitchingand Pieoting at- tachment, ,fits any sewing .machine: Price, 2.50. ' PerSondl checks,- 10¢ extra. •: Bridgman -Sales Agency, Box 4? St. Catharines, Ont. -41.4-p' I^'or Sale ... 3 1 Cockerel, 1L I'uYIetg, • Barred ;Rocks, Gtiiid's bred -to -lay strain.- Mrs, Iliram, Ilill. - 4s. t.' Seed Oats For Sale seed ''�Ln antic of North land A quantity oats for sale, testing 34 lbs."' ;per bushel, also good rock eggs from bred -to -lay strain, 355 per setting. J.- E. 'Little, Maitland con, Phone 2-602, —41-tf Pasture. to Rent 60 acres of-• good - pasture land; well watered.- Will rent whole. or in part. 'Lot 42, Maitland Con, God- erich township. - W. Williii•tis, R. R. , No. ,2, Clinton. Phone 11 on; 602 _ , •-•d_l-tf Seed Grain -for Sale 0, A. C. No. 31 Batley, $1,00 per bus. Also barley,and oats, dnixed, suitable :for Seed, ,2 cents per lb. All clear," I good samples. W. J. Vodden, Telephone. Road, Goderich township, - R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 13 ori 607. —41-2-p itrthr4 New Rees; aUR r�A�o�� will demonstrate , nIA I€CIX serf, a a22 HAS NO EQUAL Largest sale in America,- sm., H .. N'T, LISTEN To -reports' that we,hayo sold our business, We have no intention of g at present. resent. Give us a share of your, patronage and you will, . findour prices-aslow as any. Try 'our :etore-Inc, your supplies, 7 0 bars Pure. Laundry. soap „ 49e , 1 lb. ,Ging, erSnaps .,,. ,.,.. 15c 7 cakes' Pure' Castile Soan '... 254 Pail Pure Lard, 3 lbs, ......... 58c 3 pkgs. Ammonia .. , . t-.....'• 23e 3 pl.-gs. Jelly 'Powder ... , , 25c 1 pail ,Tana, 4 lbs. 65c 2. cans corn . . .25c 1 tin, Baking Powder - 22c 2pkgs, Macaroni (16 oz,) 25e 1 tin Pink Salmon ..,.. 09c 3 boxes snatches ,..,.,. ', .,.. 35c IIIGIIEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. Goods delivered to all Parts of the town =Get the Habit of Dealing at JOHNSC N' & CO'S GROCERY Phone 111 ' THE : STORE' -FOR EVERYBODY Announcepicnt Messrs. L. W. Cureell`eand Thos.'. Shipley hereby announce to the citi- zens of Clinton_ that they will op- erate a. IIIGH'CLASS ^GROCERY BUSINESS in this town. The store will be located on Main Street between The News -Record Printing Office and Plumsteel Bros: Dry Goods Store and will be opened for business in the near future with 'an, entire new stock . of the `finest quality .goods procurable. A 7Service second to none . will, be given LOOK FOR FUTURE ANNOUNCE- MENTS THE C••& 'S.` GROCERS' Automobile Painting 1 will be prepared d to paint autos.. after March 200, also carriage, painting, etc A good job guaran- teed at a reasonable price. 0 ,Shop on Albert: street.' W. J. Ward., -41-3 Faris For Sale 'Lot .26, Com 17th, on the Base line,,mile; north of Clinton, 22i/,s acres fust class land, good .house, bank 'barn and young orchard just beginning to bear. Also 7=roomed house on Albert street, Clinton. Wa- ter; good garden,'. barn. Apply ' on latter premises. John Halstead. Baby Chicks for Sale Will Have during the season about., 6,000 baby chicks, bred -to -lay single comb white Leg•horns,, the cockerels being, from'n03-egg strain. $15.00.: per 100.` : Send orders early as we have never been': able to -fill all or- ders Ingleworth- Poultry Yards, Holmesville, E. , J. -' Trewartha. 'Phone -22 611, .:;' :. =-41-tf Auction Sale Mr. W. E. Hall will sell by public auction at lot 31i'' eon.'2, Goderich township (Bayfield" Road) on Friday, March 24th, at 1 o'clock p,m, his farm stock implements, etc. Thos. Gunriry, auctioneer, - 41-1 Pasture Farm for' Rent. Containirig 80 acres, lot 38, Con. 5, Goderich township. For further par- ticulars apply tb Mrs. W. Weston, R. B.' No. 2, Bayfield, - Phone 13 on 600. 41-tf Seed Oats For Sale A quantity of recleaned "Newmar— ket" seed oats, 10 crop. These oats weighed 42 'lbs. per bus. ,From machine. Grown directly from seed whidh yielders enter 80 'bnsltolel per acre, ' Price, $1.00 per bushel.--- Fonwick SteveaLt, 7t, lt, No. 5, Cilia - ton. 41-tf Hatching •Egq�g:For-Sale b Y9 ,From Bred -to -lay -,strain, Get your eggs from a • flock that will produce layers and ;enjoy, some' of the big prices next winter. 90 cents, per setting of.15, $5:00 per 100. - FRANK J. TYNDAIL R, R. No'.'4,.• • Phone 2;636 NOTICE` TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of David John Mc- Clinchey, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that 'all persons having claims against ' the estate of David John McClinehey, late of .the Township , of Stanley, in the county of Huron, yeoman, de- ceased, who died on or about the seventh day of February, 1919, are required to -deliver to. Amelia Annie McClinohey,-'the ` administratrix '-of the said estate or her solicitor on or before the- first day of April, 1922, 'a full statement of their claims•, to-, gether with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, ii- any, held by them, all duly -verified by affidavit, And take notice that after the said last mentioned date the said administratrix Will proceed to dis- tribute the estate,of the said deceas- ed amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as she shall have received due notice 'and in accordance them- with. )gated at Clinton this 15th day March, A.D., .1922. W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont.. Solicitor for the said Adntinistratrix: 1•41-3' of Heifers For Sale 3 heifers to freshen in May:. S. R. MacMath,',1Iohnesville, Phone '34 on 601. —38-6 Say• itwith Flowers FROM eo. Stevvart - Goderich, Ont. Florist Cut Flowers always on hand Floral designs and wedding bunches a specialty Member of the Florists Telegraph Delivery Association,' Flowers-- deliv- ered'to any part -of Canada or Unit- ed States - -38-12 Seed Potatoes I have, a limited .quantity of White Giant .seed potatoes for' sale. They are a heavy .yielder and have never been, known to rot. Come and see them . . "FRANK W. ANDREWS Phone .Ne. -33w , Clinton,' Ont.' "Live and -Let -Live" Leather has taken -a- drop, my prices are Women's half -soles 75c and up '• Men's half -soles, ,$100 .up • II. STARLING • •, CLOVER -SEED -FOR' SALE Annual -Sweet • Clover • "Hubani" leech-Governnient' Standard, No.''1', scarifyed • and Ontario grown;,!$2.00 per• pound for '10 ll s."or over': Ship- ping charges prepaid,' MURRAY GIBSON , 13RUCEFIItLD. ONT. -25-Apr. 6-p het on the Right Track Right now at the beginning of 1922 buy . myour 011'3 iUid wpmen`S hoes from l3arxythe shceraap You gel W 11ae, best of SerIftee ' You get rid of font` troubles, YOU getmost the for flour mime See us at once. Wm. Barrg Opposite the, Postaffice. Clinton For Sale -, On Townsend st,, back of Public School, a comfortable, semi -modern, 7 -room house; also a square piano,, an extension table, a Small. table, .and two beds, for immediate sale. Phone No. 176, or Box 101, Clinton, Ont. —39-tf Farni- For Sale 100 acres,• Lot 12, Con. G,. Hullett township; adapted for 'cropping or. grazing.' 10 acres bush, balance in grass, , Good well and windmill. If not sold -will be rented for pasture. It, J. Miller, Box 25, 'Clinton. Phone 119 37.22 Licensed Auctineer For Huron County. Pure Bred stock and generar farm sales of all kinds 'a spedialty, "Satisfaction guar- anteed. Terins: lowest possible.- nt. Phone A. Trick,Goderich, ,0 6-601. —374f Shorthorns for Sale 8 young bulls, 8 to 15 ?months old, all red, sired by 0: A. C. Ring- leader. Right good calves, prices to Suit the tunes, come and see them, or write—E. H. Wise, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, phone 605 r 24. —3742 House For Sale An eight -roomed house on corner of Rattenbury St., West, and Shipley St, Town water and soft water, el- Muskrat Skins Wanted ectrie lights, good -'cellar, summer Will pay $1,50 'to $2.00 each. I kitehen and woodshed, Also a good Badly damaged at value, H. A, stable. Apply to Duncan McEwen, Hovey• 40-tf Phone 2 on 621, or L. 0, Paisley, ' Clinton —35-tf Shorthorns For Sale 5,young bulls, 8 to 18months 'old, sired by Marquis Prince, 'a son of the champion bull, Gainford Supreme, and grandson of Gainford Marquis, Prices to 8113 the tiineS, come and seg' them. J. R, 1'linnsteel, R. R. No. 5; Clinton. 39-tf; Sweet Clover Seed for Sale White Blossom sweet clover seed. at market price, also a good binder. Apply to II. Snyder, R, R, No, 2, Phone 2-604, Clinton.• —39-tf Seed and 'Posts 'fez Sale A quantity of White Illossottt sweet clover seed and is few cedar fonco poste and end poets. Attain Stewart, R. lt. No, 5, Clinton. =3J 4 A Coal Strike Is, not only a _possibility •but' we, aro sorry to say, an ultimate prob ability, You can help to avoid it by carry- ing full coal bins. So now is the time to fill up with D.STAOD S COAL 1 '-aiiowers the -burning : n bestion D. L. Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite. Let us hear from you, we are just' at the other end of .your telephone and our Service is free. J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD;',, Phone. : for Clinton 74. • -Phone.for Brucefield'11 `on 618.' Spirella Corsets 'S irella Corsets- for healthfulness, P l style, comfort and durability.. Ev- ery corset made to measure.' ' Mrs, Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario. street, Clinton. '12-1021 House for Sale 8 -room, solid brick ' house, town water and electric lights, good gar- den and chicken .house: Apply on Tpraniises, Corner of North and Spencer Sts. -A. C. Clarkson. -8041 I will be at the Massey -Harris„ of- fice for the next few days to collect all outstanding acoounts,,which imus$, be -paid at once: —40-2. : W . TG.G Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clotlioii cleaned pressed and ro- paired. Woolen foods dry cleaned:, Recnns over Hoard's barber shop, Wr .1, Jago, eW88-tf GxiIllI $G8P8ge We repair any make of battery, Leaveyotars with us for the winter, Rubbers repaired and hall soled. , 46.411.161 J. H. Paxman Agent for Overland, Cars. Examiner for licensed drivers Phose'80 Res. Phone 140 Spring Seed e South-.Xt ()ecru Having: bought out the .grocery carried .on. by Mr, 7,: Stong, I wish o announce to the public that I shall carry a full stock of fresh greeerics and rospeetfully solicit a share of the patronage. Mrs: M. J. Brown Scranton Coal We have on hand for lnnnediato delivery; - CANNEL. COAL HARD AND. SOFT COAL Also some good Hardwood. - Leave orders at my Residence., Huron street, or Phone 15.5. TERMS CASH Et' WARD COAL4 NUT. STOVE & EGG i ALWAYS ON BAND " FOR IMMEDIA E DELIVERY T IV R. J. MILLER Orders taken- at residence, Phone i19p ti• 1 SEED OATS.—"Improved Banner". Government Germination Test 96%. SEED BARLEY—"Mandscheuri, 6 Rowed' ' These lots areboth free from Wild Oats and Weed -Seeds, Alfalfa Clover , - Timothy Alsike Clover Orchard Grass Red Clover Blue Grass Sweet Clover,,(Yellow and Whitte) Vegetable, Flower and Field Seeds Western Oats, for feed. Good Quality Corn, Cool and sweet, Feed or Seed`' Baby'Chick Feed ' Bran and Shorts PURITY, FIVE ROSES GOLDEN CITY and PASTRY FLOUR SWIFT'S' "Red' Steer" Fertilizer Jenkins W. Jeak s & Son. FLOUR AND FEED Phones: Elevator 199, Resident® 141 CONTENTMENT DWELLS ,in homes where )•,'old; Hope Porcelain Enameled Ware is installed. We can advise you on any ' plumbing necessity • THOS HA K1NS Agent for. Uecla Furnaces Plumbing ' and Heating Phone G2 Shop over Corless &. Venn is Ontario Grain Seeds' Experience has .- taught us , the' above seeds are -the only ones for. our district. • We -have on hand Gov., eminent Graded Red Clove r • _ °' Alsike Orchard Grass Alfalfa - Timothy Blue Grass White and Yellow Sweet Clbvei In Baby Chick Feed r; ,Blatclif-ord's Milk Mash l'.ratt's Buttermilk Mash Wodehouse Royal Purple . -I3. 0. Cooked. Chick Feed's. Ys o ii ' hand. Always w Western Oats, ' Shorts, Oat Flour, Linseed Meal, Purina. Chicken Chow- der. Flours: Five Roses, Hunts, Si1- ver Crown. Special prices on Hunt's for a few days. Wanted, a quantity of Peas, l3uck-- wheat and Red Clover. Submit'sam..' pies. Bears for Service Champion bred, big type 'i''orkshiro and Chester White .boars for service, At hone' every 2000110051 -yAJ C. ilevtsy, 1'110110 5 oix 539, Clinton a,-28 J. A. FORD de: `SON',' Phone 123. Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers Also issuers of Hunters & Trappers#. licenses Live Poulttsu WANTED D liveand 1c'd. We handle allln s of dressed poultry. Special prices paid for properly milk fed chickens', It will pay you to;finish your poultry, as our extra price will' more than cover cost of feed used. Inquire for, prices when ready to sell, Our prices are unsurpassed'' for _all high grado poultry. J N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager. Phone No. 190 Hohnosvilie 601 r 11 CREAM WANTED! -The demand for , our butter isto creasing. To supply this demand we requirq more cream. We request you to shipp us your cream. GUNN AN �UGi.QISCO Weguarantee you the Highest Market Prices, 'accurate tests and prompt service. Our first is known, to you and ineedt no further recommend, We ptaj all express eltarges, furn- ish creaul cans and pay, twice cads litontir. , Write for c4110 or furtherin3)ortnttw tion to the . '1IIIu SICOtTII CIEAMERY C..,, C. ; A, BARBER, MANAGI It,5 ,