HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-3-23, Page 4Clinton Newt cord'
A"IIUIt$DAY ?1SAIt13TE 23rd, 113
Perhaps. You'll - Find it 4.rd
To decide':walei is tha prattisst' paver ,i wkz3ri you
lodk through the large collection of
Wail Paper
wp've stocked for this' season, Because the
and colorings are siluply
they :will'gttraetYou., our advice` may,_ }yelp you, and '
-our prices will convince you that you should buy here.
Special room lots and remnants
�. -C.
An. old stand andere a .. ag e l
n w I� n t
Open fist of April
First-cl 7sf` work byaro n etent` c11=1 I
1 � 1 p iTle , t71C
Gasotiva,,Oils and .hccessories
Complete stock of
Batteries' Charged and Repaired
Your Patroaage Solicited
Gear the -Bridge -
.Open evenings' Bayfield ' Oditan°
a.vetls°u tried
ro 1eita
the: latest thing in Confectionery if not, come and
'try them 60c per Ib.,
Sole agents for Neitsons Ice cream
Bread,.Cakes, and Buns c
the best quality
Phone 1
Brovvri, •
Have our driver call
• Don't miss these bargains in Wail Paper
We have reducedour stock to 5centS a double and up
Wo also have a nice general line of new paper,; very reasonably priced
All in Stock
A nice line of new Gingham'' at 28c and 30e per yd.
Our Spring Stock has arrived with better quality'andlower prices
:The following goods are still reduced
Men's Fleeced Underwear. , . 50e a garment
Men's- all wool ribbed underwear . 31.50 a 'garment
Men's Wool ribbed nnderwear .. 75c a garment
Ladies' Underwear •60c to 61.50 a garment
Phone 13 on 622.
E.A0 MeAsh&So* Varna
If yotlr oven is slow to heat you will fids; Egg -O
`last as slow to act—its double action insures
eavenin with a slaw or hot oven.
Auction.. Safi
Clearur0'-Attaion Sale
01:'J,'a•;i Stock Implementsand
some 1j(usehol0 611ccts• Mr; (730,.
Elliott has rooelyed instructions
from; 11, 1VI. Hanliltou to soil by
public auction on Lot 24, Qgriees-
sion 3, II. 7t;; 8 , ' Tilcicet s linith, on,
T'uesdays March 28th, at, 12,30
o'clock the 'following; : Moises; Ag•-
rieultnial mart), 10 years old, AIN,
ricultural mare rising 3 year old,
>y;r(1y 'General I'cvpose gelding, 7
Years old, quiet; sutgle' or double;
dark greyPercheron Sally rising
3' ,years old. This is an ideal ':fi11v.
Qno Spring Perchoron volt, Cattle:
Fresh tow With calf at foot, 3 (;oras
due at rima of sale, Herefordcote,
duo Sept,lst; heifer three three years
oi.d'with two calves at foot; 5 steel«a"
nearly fat, 2 -Years old; 4 heifers 2
years old, fat; 2 steers and 1 ,heifer
2 years' old good grass cattly; baby
beef heifer ca1L,; 2 steers and 2 ors rising rising olio year old. Ilogs: .4
brood sows, due about April' 1528;
7' chunks abohm 90 pounds Poul-
try; 100 Barred Rock pullets and
hens; 3 Barred Rock cockerels, well.
bred.. Implements; • Frost & Wood
-Binder 6-:Ct cut:* with sheaf 'carrier
and truck, Frost &.'Wood mower 6
ft cut nearly new, Frost & Wood 10
ft bay rake, Massey -Harris cultiva-
tor 17 teeth nearly new, Massey
Harris 13 -hoe seed drill nearly, new,
steel land roller set iron harrows of
4 •set,tions, barrow -cart new; single
furrow Farmers' Friend riding plow
new, walking plow, scufiler; . turnip.
-drill, fanning ;;rill Clinton .make'
sieves .all, good, Massey -Harris bean
cultivator 'and miller; Maxwell root
ptilper, 2 wagons, top bug•g:y, cutter,
-pair bobsleighs, 2 buggy poles, with
`neck yokes, ,hay and- stock rack, rack
bottom for drawing corn 10 ft loli�•,,
150 ft of hay fork rinpe, set sling
ropes, Massey -Harris 'cream separa-
tor` 500 lbs capacity, road cart, grass
seed sower, stoneboat, long ladder,
sugar kettle, 2 sets whiffietrees, neck
yoke, wheelba row, work 'bench,
large feed -box, 2 logging cham5;_
forks; scoop shovel; crotit bar, about
-4 'tons •of-weet--eloveehay," small
quantity. of timothy az d 'clover seed
mixed, sweet •clever seed •clean; 'if
not previously sold,'aitd bthe' atti=
cies too numerous to mention.` F ur-
-nitlrre - .Oak dining room suite,
earthenware churn, lamps, pails and
other small articles. Terms -A,1
sums of $10 and tinder, cash, over
that amount 9 months credit on fur-
nishing approved joint ?notes. A dis-
count of 4 cents on, tine dollar will
be allowed - .olf,•:Cor cash on credit
amounts. Clover seed to be cash.
Positively no reserve as the farm is
sold. H. M. I(amiltoin, proprietor,
G. 13. Elliott, auctioneer. 42-1
Auction Sale.
Auction sale of ' farm stock
bunion -lents on Thursday; March, 30,
at 2 p.m.; on'the 2ncl concession o2
Hallett. known as- Wm. Morriison's
.farm. Horses—Bay horses- Clj+c)e 5•
years old; black mare, general pur-
pose, 11 years; set, heavy "double
back -band harness new• last spring;,
lumber wagon; -liay rack; gravel box;
0 rigs, about- 80 lhs each; fanning
hill'; 26 good young hens; a' eluant
itv of hay, rnilIett and green feed; a
(Inanity. of good seed potatoesl," eed
oats and barley. Terms—All •sums of
$10 'and under; cash, over that;; ail-
otunt 18- months credit on approved.
joint notes, or 6 per for cash on
'Credit ainounts, , Everything to be -
sold as the proprietor is diving . up
•farnxing. `1 E. Hodges, proprietor, G.
H, Elliott: ;.auctioneer. 42-1
Auction Sale
Auctionsale of farm stock and
implements: - The undersigned, has
r010LVed". inatrLlet1011tt to .veil by pub-
lic auction at Lot 70, i4ttitla0d 0013,
one mile north' of 11oltnesville, 00
Wednesday,` March 29th,, 'comttienc-
ing at.1 o'clock sharp, the follow-
jig: •.(xeneral purpose horse 12 yrs,
general purpose horse 8 yre Durham
cow 0 .%),e, due May 26, holstein caw
0 yrs ciao May 13, ; 1Xo15tei r cove 4
yrs due May 18, holstein heifer ris-
ing 2 doe :Aug, 26. Durham ileifc'n
rising 2 due Dct. -1, 2 Durham heif-
ers rising 2, 'good 'oak heavy wagon'
-inch tire; old wagon wagon boat
with spring seat and shelying'sr cow,�
Wiled steel( rack; M.-11, binder 0 -:ft
eat with sheaf. carrier M. -IL mower
5 -ft cut; set bobsleighs; 'steel roller
2 2 -furrow plows; Perrin riding
plow; 2 'walking ,plows; diso har-
rows; 2 scufllcrs; set harrow's, oulti
vator; horse lake;' ' -seed drill; rub-.
ben, --tire buggy with top; cutter;
open buggy;, fanning mill; hay knife"
grind stone; pulper; wheelbarrow;
sugar kettle gravel„ box; ` turnip
drill; truck wades; Melotte 000013;
separator,' churn and butter bowl;
.;let trouble harness; set' plow bar
ness with collars; 2'nuilc ,pails; sew-
ing machine; Imperial Oxford 'coolc
stove, burns „goal or wood; ,. side-
board; kitchen table; .,small parlor
table; 'dining, room chairs;: wash
stand; linoleum; stove pipes; fruit
jars; quantity of 12: to 16 -inch wood,.
potatoes, mangols,-hay; chains, sho-
vels; forks; and' other articles. All
sold- without reserve as proprietor
is giving :urn farming. Terms—All
sums of 810 sand under, cash; over
that -amount' 7. months' credit on
approved joint notes, or 4 per cent
straight' for cash on credit -amounts,
Hay tobe cash. Edward Lavis,
proprietor; G. 1!. Elliott.' -auction -
eel. a ' 42-1
Auction Sale of Livery Stock.
An auction sale of livery stock,
consisting of horses; rigs, harness,
and equipment, will' be' held' it E1-
liott's Livery Stable, Clinton, on
Saturday, April ,1st, commencing at
1 o'clock - pan: sharp -0 good livery
horses, .suitable for livery or 'family
driving, one heavy mare 6 years old,
6 steel tire buggies and 4•rubber'tlre
buggies, aurin good repair, 2 seat-.
ed carriages; 1 2=Seated carriage, 3
wagonette,, 7 carryall, 1 anrroy, a
set of horse :clippers, , set `of 'geed
double heavy harness, 10 sets single
driving harness, 3 sets double dxiv
it}g• harness, collars and bridles,
complete, 13 sets 'good wool driving
blankets,'' several stable' blankets,
robes, rugs, .dusters, - whifftetrees;
necicyokes; buggy poles, whips and
many other articles'; used in connec-
lion with a livery stable. AIso 45
barrel tank, writing desk and several
oak barrels. Terms—All stunsof
x$10 and under cash; over that amo-
tint, 8 months credit will be given
on furnishing approved joint notes,
or a d'isc'ount of 4 per cent straight
allowed for cash on creditamounts.'
T. W. Elliott, proprietor; G. H. El-
liott, auctioneer. 41-2
Cauntg News
Mr.. A. H, McDonald of Ethel:
has been appointed managerl of the
Brussels 'Telephone System.
Mrs, William ' Sillery of the
Thames :Road, near Exeter, died last
week after a short illness, of pnne-
moma, She was a -daughter of Mr;
and Mrs. 12.; 11.• Copeland of Kirk -
'Miss 'Mary Steep, 'daughter of Mr.
and . Mrs. John Steep -, of Saltford,
wa's_-united-in marriage at the home
of her parents on Wednesday o£ last
Week to Ivlr: Jonathan lYliller Fisher'
son of NIX:. and Mrs, Chas, Fisher
of Colborne The Heir.. J; ,F. •Rey-'
craft of Goderich performedthe„eer
:'plllllll9111911111119II9111@IIIIIIIII98841+ uIL111111»1811119IIIIIICib11811111181111111illiN194,11111401011110911IIIII1111111111111IIIi10111111118141ifllllli111@11IIIIIIICnI N.
-' wffter $,go the
ibening Rate all
Station -to -Station -
ra!!a h a;tly nbofit
/tnef rhe dry -titer
"Bless ousow
for calling me up!”
"I did something to -day that, I'm ashamed to say, I
have' never done before,". said a well-known business
man "I called my- Mother on Long .Distance. Jay;
Jove, she was glad to hear my voices."
"What with business,worry and responsibilities I've
been neglecting her for years, and 'it -took a load off
any shoulders just to Bear her happy, tremulous voice
say "God bless you, son, for calling me tip!"
But what about you and the mother who sits in the'
far away silence; perhaps hungering for a word from'
the son, she loves? -
Call her by Long Distance to -night and bring gladnesd
to her lonesome heart. Let her listen again to the
voice she knows so well, and it° will repay you, a
thousand'[old to hear her say "sod Mess you, son, folia
calling me 41j)'1
-Every' Belt 1.releplar9ne is A '
LonL3 Di5teinoe Station41:
1ony. Mr. and Mrs:
reside in t;aalbornc.
Women are to bo 011811)1411X00 11101-n-
14rship in tine Code/deli Lawn Bow)-
ill0 Club p the'paynlont of ty fee of
3,0,00 •
The town of Listpliael is getting,
out a IIiotory of Listowel which will
be on sale shortly,
Miss Rose Aitkbi, sister of Miss,
Marjorie Aiken the present librarian,.
'has been appointed • librarian at God-,
eric)1, Mrs, ),)riddle was, appointed
assistant for ono evening a week
and Saturdays.
Forty-four animals . were sold at
the consignment sale, at Wingham on,
March 30; the receipts being $4,880;
• A number of friends called at the
hone of James Barnby on Saturday
week, Ilan. llth, to congratulate his
father, who .has reached the. great
age :o'f 100 years. Mr. Barnby came'
from Hull, Eng., when a young 11111n
and settled in Ashfield in the earl),
pioneer days, I(e opjoys, excel-
lent health slid is Skill able to silavn
himself with an ordinary razor, For.
00111000 oil years he was 1otr}ll;r
deal'' and blind but for the past
0011910 of years has hitt second sight.
His nincl is quite clear and he takes
3111 interest in everything about: 111m.
I1 atiys, however, that he would not
care' to live another hundred years.
Rheumatism ?
Or Neural r ia, Sciatica, Lumbago?
The remedy is simple, iceespen-
•sive, easily taken and harmless.
Rheumatic Capsules
Your druggist will :supply you,
Write tor free trial to Temple.,
ton's, 56 Colborne St., Toronto.
Sold by J. E. Ilovey, 'Prpggist
`J'itAtJ1 ,SRlt.V1G
I37I`i'WE N
Irv. Clinton 6.20 ads, cif exSunda
Y , y'
;Art' Stratford ; 7,135 31,)11, "
Aral Kitchener 8,21 a.131,
Art. (ru01p14 16130 star;:
Arr`Toronto 10,1.4 aan. c'
l;ve Toronto 1,619 p.m. r,
Lye, Guelph 7,43 p.m,
True Kitchener 8.11 pas.
Lve Stratford 9.05, n,m.
Ai't Clinton 10.04 4).ln,
13trfret-Parlor Car and -first-class
vestibule coaches in each' direction,
Entire train guns through without
For full particulars as to tickets,
etc., apply. to Grana Trunk Ticket
Agents, -
7; Ransford Sc Son, Uptown„ Agents,
phone 57.
22 . Quart Sauce Pan
ft} r.
d -En Special
Regular Price 1- 40
for onlg'
'WEA EVER"- :,Utensils are made from darh Thick,
, ,cold relied.ellee6' metal.-
- They will be in daily use long after ordi ary,utensils have gone to' the •:serap'heap
Friday and Saturday
This Special Offer, applies for
TWO DAYS ONLY while the limited
supply lasts
See for '-�ourselflwl
Yourself l.,.�.,
'so many +prefer.
and get one
these stew- pans
.................................'t '.• a1 ^%'"5
"Wear -Ever" -Coupon
In of that the factory ;may bave an
accurate record of the number of these "Wear
Ever' •Sauce ' Pans sold at the special ,price, we
are reqquired to,return to the-fdctor'y'I4iis coup;'
on with purchaser's name and adders plainly
written thenen:
• Na,rne ,•
Address , .
City. .. ............. Date.l. ..,,...... ........
Hardwear Stoves and NoveItihs
f. p b. Watkervilie, Ont
'p an -''q'.-"Am'
ee Till's -New Low -Priced Sedan!
Two more cylihders make a world of
You notice it when the LIGHT -SIX' slows
down to a snail's gait in tragic. You
(notice it when ,the open highway ahead
invites the throttle: You notice it in the
greater responsiveness, the greater " flexi-
bility, the greater •s -m -o -o -t -h -n -e -s -s and
in the absence of vibration.
There are new driving pleasureswaiting-
for you• in the Studebaker "LIGHT -SIX
Not only is Fits •motor, more .powerful;
more flexible and freer from vibration
than any other light, s r.cylinder motor
ever produced, but the perfect distribu-
tion of the car weight over all four '
wheels gives it unusual riding and driv-
ing quahties.
If youlrave been accustomed to driving
a "four, " the responsiveness, of the
LIGHT -SIX will be a'revelation. If you
are now driving another six -cylinder car, f
the lack of vibration and perfect balance
of this LIGHT -SIX will create new stand.'
ards of riding comfort.,
But, equally important, is the new low
price of $2425—an intrinsic value with-,
out parallel in the industry.'
Studebaker is the World's -Largest Builder of Six-Cylinder'Cars!1�
l iglat»six.
5 -Pass,, I 12" W.13„ 401d'.P.
Chassis • $1250
Touiixig 1495
Raadstercl Pasa,) 1495
Coup-Roactster(2.1'aoa) 1925
Sedan. 2425
Special Six
5 -Pass., 119" W.13,, 50 H.P,
Chassis - 6..,....$1700
Touring 2075
RRooadadsterst(2.Pass.) 2025
(4-Pasa) 2075
taupe (er 4.Pass) 3050
Sedan ...,.....t ... ,3250
Beg -Six .
,PCPass:, t2i W'E, 60Hifi
°arias ,
'"Coupe (4.Pies) ..... 3500
Sedenk.,y. 3700,
Pricer are f.o.b. W°Uteraille. Ontario'
East Street Garage
Phone 234 �.
a St»tde a er`'