The Clinton News Record, 1922-3-23, Page 12X42,._•, 42nd WO p r The ]�r�ws ecor 7-4 `Off YLiarrn `Woeks This is the time of he year You need one, and you can melte a saving of ,75p tYou kitcheneight-day clocks come and get Wihavo a good stock of mantle., and. B one at a special price. WATCHES can now be had at attractive prices to the buyer, Watches, Clocks and Jewelery repaired. • You can save money by dealing at 1-lellyar's Jewelery Store 0. Jeweler and Optician • Phone 174w ell r Residence 1793 IS YOUR MONEY SAFE ?. , ..,. ..:: ,., , , `home 'it ' is" a temptationtation Hrddeu an your p to thieves. it the ibatilt. and rent J)eposit -.your tnouay i a SA11 TY •D1 POSIT BOX" for `your valuable papers,: Victory Bonds; ;etc, THE ROYAL BANK OF iiKiADA - p '1, E. ,jai .Di Et INCORPORATED 1655 tial paid Up $4,000,009 C p Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over, 125 Branches Teach your Children Industry and Thrift round the house, in work a , Reward theni - fordo g' . and impress upon them the importance of saving their earnings. Why not opn an account for De Department of The Mo'lsons . them in the Savings1 Bank. Money may M ne be deposited and withdrawn Y P 2.02" by mail, Ff R, Sharp, Manager. CLINTON BRANCII Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent CLINTOIriONTARIO 'd)RSDAY MARCH 2 1 , 11922 Is the street that runs through the mind of the Cornnnuuity. Is Your Nameplate CLINTON MARKETS; Wheat,S1,30,- Oat,, 45e. r Barley, aU d Buckwheat, 751'. - - Eggs 24e to. 25e. Butter 30.c . to . 25e. Live Bogs $12,50. SUCCESSFUL ENTERTAINMENT. On Friday evening :' last, St. Pat riek's Day, the Dranratie Club of St. -Joseph's church put own little play. "The Village"Doctor," before -a most appreciative audience, The young people took their parts in a' very creditable manner and the whole pro- gram was much enjoyed. AMONG THE CHURCHES. Baptist Church On Friday evening, Mardi 24, Rev. lair, 'Hawke willa dress the • acv to 'children of the Mission• Band. All 'flee : welcome: Sunday, March 23th, pastor at both services Morning subject "The Sealing of the Spirit". Evening, "The Hope of His Call Cordial welcome extended to. all, - Willis Church The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup per''wrlf be observed' next Sunday at. the -morning service: , Pre-commun ion' service will ,be lield,on:,Friday; evening' at 8'.o'clotIc Rev., Dr. • Lar- kin will be the preacher. - • A good; 'attendance is hoped:; for. at •both ?of 'these services. The Session will • meet on. Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock.- • A praise ,service ` will be held on 'Sunday' evening, when.the choir will render special music: • Wesley Church • The missionary, department .had charge,of 'the League meeting Mon- day evening, when. a number of very: :fine pictures, showing "Picturesque Japan," were shotivn. Miss ASty,' IIellyar and the Rev. D. N. McGamus read the descriative;' lecture accom- panying -the, pictures. Messrs. Hell -yar and -Cornish manipulated the lantern. A silver • collection _was. taken in aid of missions. Miss: Daisy Nediger, missionary vice presi- dent, conducted- the meeting. READY-TO-WEAR •.Ctoinanns 2 he : i 7orr'islt Clothing Co.' - OisnlIED CLOTHING eft e ��%. �• Prl�eS: )15.00 00. `II Fifteen., Dollars is Your suit price, come here. for the best suit. your rnoney can buy If Eighteen Dollars urice - t ome here is. your suit price, 'for a 'good weariu v.,I3lue Serge Suit Suit If Twenty Five Dollars s come here 15 your suit price, No for an' all wool suit in good patterns up-to-date ` styles Dollars rs Five Jlo 4 ;. 1V If Thirtyk' rice here - and is your suit price, come he and faee some beautiful cloths: in extrr fine all wool serges and tweeds. , Special at $24.50 ra for 24,5t) Ask, to s©e a Special Suit and extra�:ti•ouee , `� A St. Paul's -Church The rector's subject on Sunday morning will he "Thyratira"—The Church that was Tempted. by Inior ality In -'the evening, the ,fourth in the series of sermons on the Par- able of the Prodigal Son, subject: "Resolution." HOSPITAL BOARD MEETS A general• meeting of the Hospit- al board will be held' on Friday, March 24th,+ at �lnree tlarrty, P.m, i n Me. Stothems office, to consider the putting in of a'septic. tank,` also TO decorating of rooms in the hospital. ST. PATRICK DAY SUPPER, The League of Wesley church held their ,-annual St,"Patrick's supper on Friday .evening last. The dining hall and tables .were prettily decor- ated and the young'ladies.who wait- ed on the tables --all wore "the. green." The supper was substantiae, and well ,served ;and a large: number partook of it, TU ': H M1411: PAPC HYDRO ' FOR, FARMS, Meeting avill be : held fo . the purpose of discussing the question of y tarots at the.tellowin P Hydro ' z io on .places:.at Goderieh on Aptiil 4th. at 8 o'clock, at Smith's Hill at 2,30 on Wednesday, 'April 5th;. and at the office Of the District Representative, S. B. Stothers, Clinton,' at eight o'clock. on Wednesday, April 5th Engineer Castor will address these meetings and all interested in the subject should endeavor to attend one of them. THEATRE PARTY FOR VISITOR In honor of her cousin, Miss Joy Lobb of Canada, who with her par- ents is spending a few weeks in. Redlands„ California, Miss Gene Costello entertained a few of her. high school friends • with a theatre party on Saturday evening. The guests later went to Hutchins where delicious- refreshments were enjoy- ed. --Redlands (Cal.) Daily ,;:Facts. - FROM THE CELESTIAL EIVIPIRP, Mr., J. G. Medd received the other - day a rather interesting ht- tle tool in the shape of a . Chinese razor. It was sent him direct from China -by Mr. T7lisha Townsend; 'for ttierly of, this tnivn. .It is a pecul- iar. looking instl,'uinent,' although it is' somewhat similar to the Canadian, razor: 1VIr:- Medd 'shoeved it to a Chinese citizen ;who said it was a "good one'.” 11Tt •' Medd' assures' us, however,' that he does 'not intend using it upon his patrons. NOW FOR LACROSSE, At a . very well attended meeting in -the Pastime Club rooms on' Tues day evening lacrosse,',was - discussed and a club re organized with the following- officers: Hon. -President, W. S: R. Iiohiies President, L. J, Ilarland. Vice, M. Elliott. ' Sec. -Treasurer; G. C�Middleton,'., Manager, J, II. Kerr. • Committee, P.I. Schoenhals,E. Wendorf, J. Bowden, R: ,Cook, J: Irel4and,' G. McKenzie. The monthly meeting,of the W. A. was held at the home of Mrs.- J. Schoenhals last weelc, the .preside it, Mrs. Dios. White, in the chair. The paper ' on "Mission , Worlr- in the Great Northewst,'-' was read by the Rev. C; Llewellyn Billcey. ' It was decided. to send a donation to the Russion Famine Fund. - Arrange- ments, for rrangenients,for bazaar to be held at -Eas- ter were discussed;. .• The first of - a 'series • of twilight organ recitals was' held Friday af- ternoon and proved a most pri -trounced `success. Tile. 'attendance was good add the, audience entiius- "iastic in their expressions -of apprec- iation. Mrs Morgan Aghew Pre- sided .,at the resided'at.the organ and.. Messrs, G. Phelan, Morgan Agnew and John Tunes played the violin, cornet and clarinet, respectively. The Rev. C. 1ewe11yn. 8ilkey contributed the vo al numbers. ' The following was 'the urogram: Orchestra and organ— .Amaryllis . rganAmaryllis. Violin solo with cornet obligatto: Intermezzo from Cavalon. is Rusticana. Organ solo. Gavotte Vocal solo: ,Crossing the Baa.` Cor- net solo with organ accompaniment: Gentle Spring,:TIear My Prayer. Or- gan solo -C hopin'srpeelude:..Anxiety,- 'Grief rid Despair. Vocal solo_ Consider' the Lilies, Violin, Solo with orchestra accompaniment-- Rustic Twilight. Cornet: nolo with organ accompaniment — Guardian. Angels. Vocal solo --One Sweetly: Solesen Tirnughi, The soloist set the recital "this week will be Miss Manion Gibbings, Men's Meeting - The second electing of the series was 'held in Owen Memorial Hall, St, Paul's 'church, at the close of the Sunday evening service, Rev. Mr, Bilkey acted as chairman. • The •connnittee appointed to recommend a future course of activity for this co- operative mens movement reported through its secretary, Rev. S, Aii= de`son,. ,The report was to the of - feet that a series of evangelistic ser- vices should be held assoon. as sat- isfactory arrangements could be made and that in the meantime tlxe men of our churches should continue to hold weekly men's meetings in the school room of Willis Presbyterian church on Wednesday evenings at eight o'clock: The recommendations (Bally adopted. CIOTHINfl CO. acre Deal Or Every Man," - It is thought,•that,%t strong team. may be developed and it• is •the • in-, tention to enter a team in the O.L.A. i Canada's national game and it' should be encouraged. It is; in the opinion of 'many, "a much . superior gaine to^ -baseball. Clinton has had, in past years' -a very north -while lacrosse team and there is no reason why it should' not have another. dive the young men every encouragement Anyone-, wishing to obtain a stasis should consult' Mr Harland. HAS .REAGH fID GOOD AGE. Mrs. E. -Holmes, a former resi- dent and mother of Mrs. -II. B. Chant, who fel litany years Eras made her home at St.. Catharines, cele- brated her eighty-ninth birthday on Sunday last. She enjoys tile best of health, and .is sufficiently' active ` to walls a considerable -distance to church every Sunday. Her •:old friends 'in Clinton, off, which there are not many left will join us ';In` wishing her prolonged life and hap- piness, Tuesday's •Globe hadthe fol- lowing' reference to the venerable •lady: - "St. Catharines, March 20,,—Mrs. E. Holmes of No.-6:Thonias street, mother of Robert Holmes, Toronto, has hist celebrated her eighty-ninth birthday, and is remarkably active for her years: She is 'a :regular at- tendant at Welland Avenue Meth- odist Church, 'walking -„there every Suiiclay, and slio still . carries Qat a custom formed many years ago of attending the pity market regularly every Saturday:” A FLOURISHING CIIURCIL PUREBREDS CHANGE' HANDS Mr. J. J. 'Biggins of the ' London' Read, consigned a couple `of' Short- horn calves to the purebred sale held at--1311ilghani recently: Fairy Queen, 16638; was sold a to Mr,, John Currie of Wingham for the sunt of .$105.00; Allandale, I55249, was sold 'to Mr. Raymond Elliott of Bluevale for $75. Mr.: Roy' Plumsteel of -the London Road purchased`a fine purebred fe- male. "Celia Ramsdell, ,consigned' by Mr: A. W: Etherington' of IIensall, at the Baine sale,for the sum of 1150. "SAVE THE CHILDREN." An appeal is being made -for the "Save, the•Children Fund." which has for its object -the saving of as many - as possible of the_ children.....iii the faminedist?•icts of 'Russia. • It -is conceded, that many thousands of adults' must die::. ,of starvation but many children may be saved if no= tion is. taken-quicicly:..: It is, said -that 55:00 -will save: a •ehind. until the harvest is 'reaped. A ' general appeal is ,being., made, and manager R. E. Manning of the Royal . Bank - has, expressed his willingnessto handle aiid forward, without charge, all subscriptions handed : to him, for this purpose. -The Canadian Com- mittee has . for its honorary presi- dent, Premier King and as honorary vice presidents the leaders of the othertwo parties and -the 'speaker of the House of Commons. The pre- sident is Col. Herbert J.- 1VIackie. LITTLE LOCALS. Mr. Wilfrid 'Seeley is' taking ' a course in battery 'repairing at L' on - don. The'bit of winter we are having this week has given a new opportufl- ityfor skating and the rink was op- en again last -night. r d ,The Board of Tr a e is tendering a banquet' to, the local manufactur- ers in the conned chamber on Friday eveningof this week. The Boy Scouts, led by Scout- master A. F. Johns;: will attend service in Wesley church on Sunday morning next at eleven. The following ' item Jis clipped from , the Wetasl:iwin, , Times, i ---paper owned and published by V. C., French,' son of Mn. ,r French of town, and the item has to do with the ehurch,. the pastor of which is. a son " of Mr; and Mrs. J. A. Irwin of • Clinton: Consiat'1Ce ' The St. Patriielc Social held in the basement of the church' on +ridey evening was veryn4e indeed. The program consisted of Irish songs'by Mrs. Peter Lindsay, Sirs, Blanch Wheatley rind Mr, Win. Britton._ Be- sides piano duets and vielur selec- tions by Misses Wheatley and Clark,. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Adams and,Leo. Stephenson, Quite a numberaround here laid up with 'very bade, colds. A number have tapped, but this is -not good' sugar weather. ora Bcag',jeld ,Bayfield friends were shocked to Iearn on Thursday evening last , nt the; death of Mrs. James A. Cnmeran. n eron', who was, of Toronto, Mrs. Cameron', x b. William' EV-, ,the dauaghter' 61�the tato V7 ans, was well known: here, as the family lived for yesu's'on the Sauhlo line and later came to- reside in the village. Her -husband is also an old Bayfield bay: ` Mrs. Cameron con; tractecl a cold which developed into pnueinonia and in .sprite of AR that could be done for her she passed away after about a fortnight's illness. She had been here just about live weeks ago:. attending, the '.funeral :of'her, -father. , Iter husband and two lit- tle'chiidren survive, and they have the sincere, sympathy of their many friends. The remains were brought. oto -Bayfield-fot.ihttrial, the funeral taking place' 'an' ' Sunday : forenoon from St: ^ Andrew's': church. It is with profoundi r, regret; also, that ,the word was received' here of the death in Detroit on- the' 16th inst. of Miss George De -Air: of the Sai.ihle line, Stanley; and on Monday' also in Detroit, of Mrs. I3• Darrow of this village. Both were estim- able ladies and their sudden taking off is natter for keep regret. The W. C. T. U, will meet at in three 'o'clock on Iuridy, afternoon Ontario St. church lecture room. All members are urged to. attend .and visitors, are also welcome. Mrs. Minnie Ross, ';formerly of Clinton,. is going into -business ri the •Danforth district. Toronto: Mrs. Ross: is a first-class business woman and will make; a success of the ven- ture. ' Mr. Carl -East an .old 'Clinton` boy, who'• -has been on the Royal Bank staff at Brantford for some-iinie,, has been transferred to the North„ Bay branch and has gone to -the .:.northern .city.: - • Sl'LIL PRETTY SMART AND. AC; IVis MR. ,TAMES STEVENS Another Clinton citizen who has witnessed the passing of many sea- sons, having celebrated' his 86th birthday 00 Saturday, March 18. Vie have heard,.. too, that the event was remembered, not only'by those near. et hard, but by people a thousand mlles away; who ':sent kindly gifts. Mr. Stevens is a • w611 -known citi- zen anis-is one of the oldest member's of Ontario street church, of which he has lone been an official. Ilis'friends, will heartily, with tris "Many Happy Returns:"' ` jec�Gii •;E"Sbt3EO., -Mr., and Mrs. Howard Lee and son Eugene,. 'of Port Colborne; Ont., spent last' week at 13 ', Thos: Miller's '"' Mrs. • Dell, who has been visiting' near flint, Mich., foe the past• cou- ple of _months, returned home on Friday. - Mrs, Saville of Clinton visited her, Mother, Mrs. Inc. Webster, last week: Drator 1VIiss''CoraWhite of yspent the past week at+ the hone of her uncle, Mr. T. Miller. Mr. Bert Beacom of Clinton `spent, Sunday at `Mrs. W. Lee's. Miss Marjorie McCool of Clinton is . visiting her sister; Mrs. Bert Nott. "Anniversary servlecs were con duc- ted in the Methodist church on Sun- day'- last, the pastor, Rev. W. 11. Tr- win, having- charge of both - Sere' les, When -an appeal was made for funds to meet the current indebtedn 1i ' ss aree' h mortgage, well.. asp limaidatinG the „ > which' has been on the "property for thelasttwenty years,the cone'-i;t- tion responded nobly to the call, and at the inorninm:se:vice.about Sl,100,- 00 was subscribed, At the evening serviced" the cheques' and promises received, soon amotmte�t' ton suillc- ient sum to entirely pay, off, the debt• and {lonsldorable money was left ov- er; Altogether about 81,600'',v's raised' during the two 'servicoaa, At were cot; the Sunday school in the aftii'i 9n, the children contributed about ;$100 for missions. Rev. Mr. Irwin has been doi;p excellent work during, the pastyear Co are .he congregation and he an dt ieve- . achieve- ment 1 du upon i ctrl p be congratulated menu on Sunday last. Now that the embarrassing, debt hes been removed, mi , it may be expected that even better, you are urntntlyinvited to the 'Wed',work will be accomplished in the £m - There was a good attendance of men and an earnest wird hopeful spirit was manifest. The ministerial quartette rendered 1. 5 [• i ns acceptably. two . ale t o y P If you- are in : sympathy with the' purpose of the Gospel of,Christ ,and themission of the Christian Church Mrs. N-. Robson, who went down to Mr. iia• Johns' three weeles ago_. on, a' visit was taken. ill there and is still : confined to the ` house, Her friends ,will' be glad to hear of her continued improvement. Stanley Township, The young people's guild' of Burns' churoh..Hullett, are presenting their play. entitled, "Deacon Stubbs," in Londeeboro hall, on Thursday even- iing. March' 30th. The marriage took place at the nanse,`Londesboro, on Wednesday afternoon, of Miss, Lillie 'Govier, daughter of Mrs., John Govier, to ,Mr. Archie Webster, the cere- mony being performed. by ,the Rev. Jas. Abery., Mr.. and Mrs. Webster left on the afternoon train en route to the west where they intend to make -their' home.,, hall iii�the `The oyster slipper held. last Friday night, under the auspi- ces of the local Orange Lodge was thoroughly' enjoyed by all .present and the ;attendance gwas good con: and sidering the state of the roads. the amount of sickness ;about. It certainly takes the ladies of Londes bore to. -provide a good supper, for besides the oysters, cold meats and salads. were served:; A splenclidpro gram was given by Mri'Harvey Me - Gee, of ' Auburn, assisted' by Mr. Jack Moore. after' which a very en - .. 3i:,rL set e d. Mrs Rohner was_taken quite ill en Sunday'morning �and _has been un- der re, de• the o ca Mr. and Mrs, Zapfe have, got set- -tied in the house they purchased from Mr. George Hill. Mr.' and Mrs. George;Hill .have moved into Mr„ Wm, Douglass's` house ori Station street. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson have, gone to•tlreir smiuiier cottage at Hay- field,: Miss Dora Addison is the guest of her brother, MT. Joe Addison. Miss Marks has "returned 1roin a ve13 ;pleasant visit with Egmond- ville friends. Mr.'. Mowat . Driver spent . the week -end;; -at his home' at Kirleton•.- a • n the ,Mr'. •and Mrs. New rt spent week -mid with Brantford friends, Mr. James Berry and: family have got nicely settled in their new home. Mrs; " William Lindsay received. word last week of thedeathor her. brother, Mr. James ' Chapman of Winnipeg.• .Mr.- and Mrs, Will, Shaddiclt'en, tettained a number of their friends, last Friday, night. Theevening was spent in games and, dancing ,and all enjoyed themselves, - We :are sorry to report that Mr. Chas, Calton is under the care of it doctor. Mr Fenwick. Stewart' -is at Dun• gaiinon this iveelt attending the fun- eral,of Mt'. Jelin Barclay. • Goderich-Township The Unity Club, at its recent an- nual meeting, elected the following ' officers: President,' Mrs, E. Farquhar, Vice, Mrs B. Murphy, Secretary, Mrs. . W. D. Connell, Treasurer, Mrs. W. ,Stevens. Demonstrator, 1FIrs. L. Weir. Buying Committee, Mrs, D..:,Lind- say, Mrs J. Farquhar. Amusement Committee Miss Jes- sie Murphy, ,Mrs. Ed. Welsh, Mrs. II. Jenkins, Mrs, L, Weir. This club has in the past aecosh plished much practical work, besides- being a sort of •a social eonlInunit,V club, binding together its members for their mutual social enjoyment, '41nurse, has �r nus. Cooper, Annie 4 Cop 1 b%en at home during the past week, leaving come to ' nurse her 'pyarents,', Mr', ansi Mrs. G. A. Cooper, who have been quite ill with colds or grippe. They are now on the. mend. joyable dance was held.,-> A large number from this locality attended the saeted cantata, "Queen Esther," in Blyth, on Wednesday ev- ening, vening, Theyoung people of Knox Pres-` . yterian church have been request- ed to give their play, "The Country Doctor," in: Clinton, hilt as some of those who took part in it are also tatting part in the Burns' play, it is impossible to present the play again.' Mr. 'Janes Watt of Hullett has purchased the old, hone place from his brother, Mr. Robe. Watt, on the 13th concession neer Harlock. Mr. Watt_ expects to have an auctioin sale do March '31st, • Mrs. " Robert Watson is improving nicely after her serious, illness. Mr. John' Kaiser has, installed' a new gasoline tank in front of his garage, which will' be : a convenience to auto.,users. The Rover Football team held a very successful ' dance. in Walker's hall on Tuesday evening,last, London Road The 88 P, .W'. 0. field' their mrdnthly meeting , at the home of Mrs. Roy Plurnsteel last Thursdayansi subjects were taken by Mrs, _Stan- buu:y 'on " Our Flag Lindsay' on "The' haws of our Coun- try." Both were well handled and very instructive. ; Community sing- ing and Public Health were discussed and incorporated into the meetings. Place cards and "Green" answers, 111 honour of St. Patrick, ,were intro - (laced in the luncheon scheme. Next;. meeting is election of officers at the. i Dav dsotion April l Mrs, f home o 0th 2 The sick of the neighborhood are recovering from their illness, Mr. Wm. Snell las been a IIul- Nett: guest Ws week, ..� ,. Auburn On ' Saturday the funeral -tools Place . from the house of Mr. Thos. Straughan of his sister, Mrs. Millar Lawson,. whose death teals place at Macklin, Sask., on March 12th. She was seventy-eight _years of age. - The Junior Farmers' Improve- ment Association met at W. J. An Brew's on Thursday last to judge stock.. In the evening Mr. D. An- drew of Clinton, who took charge of the class in the afternoon, showed, solrie very interesting pictures On farm and road improvement, differ- alit breeds of cattle, and also Hydro development on the Severn river. This was followed by a debit.. "Re- solved that a Good Natured Slouch. is },referable to a Tidy' Crank." 1VIessis. Glen' Raithby, 'Chas. Scott and Elden Stoltz supported : the. ef-; Sanative, while Messrs. Franke. Raithhy,' Melbourne • Cox , and Bert Marslt upheld the negative. ' The judges;, Mrs. W. J, Andrew, Mr.. 0, E. Err.•att and Mr D. Andrew gave their, decision in favour of the negative. Musical selections were given by Mr. Elmer 'and g Miss Elia Robertson and Miss Rae Andrew. The Women's Institute will hold their, regular monthly : meeting in the Methodist church on Tuesday, March 27th, The topic "Labour' Saving Devices" will be tarsen by Mrs, Chas. Straughan, Mrs. '1'. Rid- dell and Mrs, F. Carter,. will be hostesses. The Harmony ' class of the Metho- dist Sunday school will present a play, "An Old-fasttjoned , Mother," in the Forester's hall on Friday ev- ening, March ,8153: Miss' Lily Taylor of Blyth is vis- iting friends in this vicinity. Owing to a mistake in the adver- tising of the play given by the Ydsmg people of the Londesboro Methodist church on Monday even- ing it was not as well attorrded 418 it might have been bid was enjoyed -by all present: Me. 0. Thompson has returned from St.Al ,use ns t where ho has as been visiting. ro We Sin pleased to report that Rev, Millson is able to be 0115 j saioiri,