HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-3-16, Page 5li t1! rid 1! Tnultsi)A , Alma CH i604i Ail?" Illerest :to "Yonll aro Me . "Anyhow," rerrtarl the Exeter Ad- eo ate 'the only teem in the O,ILA, defeated the locals, beeane the booby winners--- itch eller." The Ontario Liberals are a brave. lot o1 • people, after all. They go tight alon'g'making Hay even though Tile Sun refaasea tc shine, • It seems 'almost ae sensible to :expect express, i'reigltt, 'telegraph and telephone rates' to be 'on a flat basis as t,o expect hydro to ,be at" -equal cost all over the country.—Ex. ober Advocate. • i 1. A'. .1, 'l'he, 'Toronto Stat• boasts about the great erowd that went out to hear a lecture in that city the other even- ieg. But the lecture was free and wan delivered by a gentleman who received his early education in Clin- ton, which might account for e good heel. G "Give the word 'ser'vice' a rest, it is :being overworked," is the plea of, Maclean's Magazine, seconded by The Orillia Packet, We are not go- ing to protest but -why couldn't we have a little more "service" all along the line? Nobody would ob- jeet'to that. * 8i #, 0 "We'll elthis,"wails W 1 payfor the pessimist when anybody remarks noon the glorious beauty of the days, rand - the equal beauty: of the nights duffing the past week. "But this is -worth paying for," was the sensible conclusion of another, who has no •doubt found that most things worth having must he paid for in some way.' 1 very year when St. • Patrick's -day comes around we' have the hope rhat by next year '. things will be ;settled in that troubled isle. To -mor- row is March 17th and peace never seemed much :farther' away,"` Maly God, send the Irish -people clear heads' -and forgiving hearts. 'Tis the worst wish we have for them. "The ceremony was performed by the Rev. and a few inti- mate friends," (note from wedding announcement in an exchange.) We were underr° the impression that ev- e . minister bad to have a sort of permit to allow him to perform mar - ages. , Didn't suppose a friend, no hatter Trow ithimate, could hint in and assist. Editor O..L. Snilth of the . Zurich herald has been ill and for three weeks his bright little weekly was missing froipour eitehange table. With the aid of Editor' Wickwireof tho Hensall. Observer the Herald came out last week end, as Bro. Smith is now improving it is hoped, it will, appear regularly, We sympathize' with any busy editor' who' is' ill. Publishing a newspaper is a big en - mirth job for a healthy man. Londesbore.. Mrs. Daer and daughter, Ruth, of Goderich spent a few days 'of last week at Mr. ,Ab. Radford's., Miss Murle Young and Mr: Dick Young spent the week -end with Lon- don friends. Miss Jean Geddes, of Belgrave vis- tted her uncle, Mra. Dan Geddes, last weeks - 1)Irs. Wm. Daer and son- Murray, , • ret Goderich, who' have been visiting the lad 's broth r Mr, John Vodden, returned home Saturday. Miss Elva McCool of Clinton spent Iasi; week at Mr. Thos. Sampson's. The play held in the Community hall,"'Londesboro last Friday night under the auspices of the young la- dies and young men's prganized Classes of the Methodist Sunday school proved to be a success be- _•yond expectation. The proceeds of the evening were given to the build- ing committee" of the hall. • The scene of the play was laid in Kentucky and it contained characters all the way from the. dignified- aris- tocratic plantation owner's to the ex- vAtable' comical aiegroee. It opened with "Way down upon the Swanee Ribes," sung by all the players. o `Tleen-various othersongs by groups of the characters, including ",Dere was an ole Darkie and, his nine was Uncle Ned,' by the melodious negro voices, and ending with"My old Ken- tuelcy Home by all. The hall was filled,• the proceeds For the evening, amounting to almost one hundred dollars. Everything wen; off smoothly except where Cin- dy stole Henry's hat and everyone went home feeling much the better for their two hours visit to Ken- -falsity and -some good hearty laughs. . The young people of both churches, 'who were .50 kind aft to give their tinge and . ability to malting both Mays, recently given a success, to raise money for the I•Iall, deserve a great deal of credit and praise A touching Little incident occurred last Sunday at the Meth. adist Sunday School when the Young Mens organized class presented their teacher, Mrs, Wm. Lyon, with a handsome:, piece of silver as a birth- day remembrance, Mrs. Lyon teas taken completely by surprise, In the •few 'wards at her command she thanked the boys for the giftitself, ut+ acknowledged she appreciated I' more the spirit inwhich it wee Amid tear, she amid one of 6311 desires of het life was to e;nbor oil hal` class be- , , The following ad. by the Secrettary- 0'Stlitatien was lt: 'Dear Mrs, past you halve `tOti.lher eptly en. Story b: tno attendenee and attention in return, We sincerely hope thotigb.thFat you do not think we fail to,'f'e.11ieo the interestyou show in us, We deeply appreciate your unselfish Spirit of saerinee and service, We all desire to express 1..o you our . heartfelt gratitude: At tine, =the anniversary o1, your birthday, we ask you to ae- eclat this slight token OL our appre- ciation. With it go our trust that you will experience many nmee happy returns of the day and that God will continue to bless your ef- forts in your desire to live a life of service .'for Blab and. When we etre. all done with eenth we hope the seed you have sown will help to enable us to meet youin that better, hap- pier land above Signed on behalf of the Class: Alvanley Garrett; president, Helmer ' Snell, Sec, treas- . urer. (Received -too lateor last week) k) • Mr, and' Mrs. Albert Knox and children left yesterday for Macklin, Sask., where they -intend to locate. We welcome Mrs. Thos. Nott and John Radford to our village. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lyon • have returned home from a visit to their daughters, Mrs. Hohnee• and Mva. Kerslake. • Mr. Orval Phillips is leaving- this week for the farm he purchased on the Huron :Road. He has a host of friends who are sorry' to lose him, but who wish vz hire success - i u ess and pros- perity purity in his new ,home His mo- ther will accompany him. She ..re- sided on the farm on the 13th con. for a number of years and proved to be a` true friend' and a very kind and obliging neighbor. She was a faithful member of the Methodist church and was seldom absent from her pew. Her many friends will welcome her back at any time. Before her departure, the W.M.S.' presented Mrs, Phillips with' the fol- lowing address and •a life member- ship -pin: Dear Mrs Phillips.—It was with t Y feeling's of regret that we heard if wasnecessary for , you to sever. Your connection from our society. For many years you have been, , a faithful member,' and for the last seven years you have •been • our superintendent of systematic giving. You haver done your work faithfully and. 'we shall ,miss : you: very mach, 'but our loss will be some one else's gain. And as we meet .month af- ter month we shall not forget you. We feel We would -dike to give you some little remembrance as 'a token of our love to you,so -we ask yon •to. accept • this life member's pin, and when you wear it you will think of the happy and ` profitable tines spent together in our W..M. S. at Londesboro. And now we ask God's richest blessing upon you. "God Bless You." We ,may seek in vain for 'sweeter words With which to bless, But these three' words contain more than; a thousand can express; Of hone and joy, And so we say 'God Bless Yon' from our hearts to -clay. Signed on behalf of the Society— Mrs. TainbIyn, 'president; Esther Lyon. secretary." For Sale One ,new Ford car and two 1918 Fords, taken in exchange for the Lit- tle-Four Overland. Apply to Bert d at the Commercial garage, h C ciag ge, Clinton. Bazaar St Paul's Women's Auxiliary pus - pose holding a sale of useful and: fan- cy home-made cooking and rummage in the schoolroom on Fri- day in Easter week A fish' pond will be provided and afternoon tea served: All welcome, Proeeeds in aid of Missions. —41-4 Hemstitching Hemstitching and Fleeting at- tachment, fits any sewing'machine. ;vice, 2.50., Personal checks, 10x1 extra. Bridgman Sales Agency, Box 42, St.; Catharines, Ont. -41.4-p Seed Oats For Sale A quantity of North Land seed oats'for Sale, testing 34 lbs. per hnshel', also good rock eggs from bred -to -lay strain, 350 per setting. J. E. Litaem Maitland con; Phone 2-602. - .-41ata • Pasture to Rent 60 acres of good pasture land; well watered. Will rent whole or in part. Lot 42,, Maitland Con., God- erich township. iC. W. Williams, R R. No, 2, Clinton, Phone 11 on 602., s-41: tf Seed Grain for Sale. 0. A. C. No. 21 Barley, $1.00 pur bus. Ale° barley and oats, mixed, suitable flat seed,- 2 cents per lb. All clear, good samples. W. J. Vodden, Tolophone Road, Goderich township, R. IL No. 3, Clinton. Phone 18 on 607. -1-41-2-p .Automobile Painting I will be prepared to paint autos after. March 20th, also carriage painting, etc, A good job guarana teed at a reasonable; price. Shop on Albert street. W. J. Ward. —41-8 Farm For Sale Lot 23, Con. 17th, on the Dose liner mile north of Clinton, 221/s acres first class land, good House, bank barn and young orchard just beginning to; bear, Ake 7 -roomed house on Albert street, Clinton., Wa- ter, good garden, barna Apply' en lattot premises, John Halstead, x•41-tf, Anchone Salle • Mt. W. Ti.1Hall will Yell by pulrlie auction al; lot 21, core 2, Goderich township (Bayfield Rooii) on Friday, March 24th, et 1 o'clock nat. his farm; stock implemento, e1:c. Thos. t J Chnidry, Anetiaalgce' • .41•1. Wilt rrisges TIMIVIONY--WLKEN'-•46 Wesley Methodist Church, Detroit, Mich., on. March 8th, Ber'bzre Irene. ..youngest daughter of Mr. A, Wit,. loon o1 Clinton, to James P. Tim- mony of Detroit. WHIR GTAUSIIER — At the manse, Blythe by the Rev. G. 'Tel- ford, on March let, Lizaie, ye roger, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. John Glousher of Ilullott, to William J. White of Blyth, MOCAItTNEY-CURTIS-In Detroit, on Fobr•tearY 25th, by Rev. D. I-Ioug'h, Pearl Curtis of Detroit, to Clifford McCartney," formerly o$ Goderich. Births McIzENZIE--In Clinton Community Hospital, on March, 12th; to M. and Mrs, George MgKenzie, a son, (Stillborn). Deaths ERWIN—At Midland City, Mich., on March 13th, Jennie Erwin, 'sister of W. 'II. and A. E. Erwin of Bay- field. McIfENZ1E—In' Goderich, on March 9th, Roderick Colin McKenzie, ypungest son of the late Donald McKenzie, in his 22nd year. TW)JEDIE-In Goderich, on March 3rd, Janet Campbell, wife of Chas. Tweedie, in her 64th year. ANDERSON - In Wingham, on March. 7th, John Anderson, in his 90th year. kllllofllloement Messrs. L. W. Currell and Thos. Shipley hereby announce to the citi- zens of Clinton that they will op- erate a HIGH CLASSGROCERY . BUSINESS S ESS in this town. The store will be located on Main Street between The News -Record Printing Office and "Plunisteel Bros. Dry, Goods Store and will be opened for business in the near future, with Inc entire new stock of the finest quality .goods procurable. A Service second to none will be given LOOK FOR FUTURE ANNOUNCE- ,. MENTS TllE C. & S. GROCERS owadaY It is SAL,ADA"' for breakfast for dinner for supper and five o'clock Tea the Con. tinent wide re 'Tera. as stalnle as aiur claiair bread' 01272 DON'T LISTEN To reports that we have sold our business; We have no intention' of selling at present. Give us a share of your patronage and you will find our prices as low as any. Tr y out store for your supplies. 5 10 bars Pure Laundry soap 490 1 1b. Ginger Snaps .... 15c 7 calces Pure Castile Soap s.,, ' 25c Pail Pure Lard, 3 lbs, . 58e 3 pkgs. Ammonia .... .., 23e '3 plcgs. Jelly Powder .... , . , , 25c 1 pail Jana, 4 lbs. . .;.,. 65e 2 cans corn ,,..•,. 25c, 1 tin Baking Powder.. Ole 2',pkgs. Macaroni (16 oz.) . 25c 1 tin Pink Salmon .. . 09e ',3 boxes matches ....., ...... '35e HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND, EGGS. Goods delivered to all Parts of the town Get the IIabit of Dealing et.. JOHNS( N & CO'S GRiOCERY - Phone 111 THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Baby Chicks for Sale Will have'during the season about 6,000 baby chicks, bred -to -lay single comc: white Leghorns, the cockerels being from 303 -egg strain, $15.00 per 100. Send orders early as we; have never been able to 'fill all or- ders. Ingleworth Poultry Yards, Holmesville, E. J. • Trewartha. Phone 22-611.--41-tf Seed Oats For Sale About 500 bus. 1021 Sheffield Standard seed mats, testing 34 to 36 lbs. 800 per bus. Also a York- shire sow, carrying third litter, due Mat. 12th. J. B. Hyde, Lot 8, Con. 2, Stanley, Kippen P.O. Phone 11 on 86 Hensall central,—39-3-p Shorthorns For Sale` 5 young bulls, 8 to 18 months old, sired by Marquis Prince, a son of the champion bull, Gainford Supreme, and grandson of Gainford Marquis, • Prices to: suit the times, come and see then J R P1 i t 1 R 11 Pasture Farm: For Sale Containing 80 acres, lot 33, Con. 5, Goderich township. For further par- ticulars apply to Mrs. W. Weston, R. R. No. 2, Bayfield. For Sale :. 1 Cockerel, 12 Planets, Barred Rock,' -'Guild's bred -to -lay. strain;— Mrs. Hiram Hill. . 40-t.f For Sale Car load of bulk salt to be unload- ed Wednesday and Thursday, March 22nd and 23rd. Beatty & McAsh, Varna.. 41-1 Farm for Sale or Rent. Lot 79, Maitland con„ Goderich. township, one mile north of Holmes- ville, containing 62 acres. Brick house. and bank barn, plowing all done, or- chard and plenty of }eater. Imme- diate possession.- Apply on premises or write Edward Levis, R, R. No. 2, Clinton.; 41-tf. Seed Oats For Sale A quantity of recleaned "Newmar- ket" seed oats, 1920 crop. ,These oats weighed •42 lbs. per bus, Amu machine. Grown directly from seed which yielded over •80 .bushels' per acre. _ Price, $1.00 per bushel.— Fenwick Stewart, R. R. No. 5, Clin- ton. —41-tf Pigs For Sale- A number of little pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply to A. E. Matheson, R, R. No. L Seaforth. Phone 17-614, Clinton Central. —40-2 •A .Play Coming A unique and humorous play; "The Village Doctor," will be presented oh March 17th, in the Parish Hall by the St. Joseph's Dramatic Club' Ev- erybody welcome. --40-2 Heifers FOr Sale 8 heifers to freshen in May, S. R. MacMath, Hohnesville. Phone 34 on 601. • —38 -if Muskrat Skins Wanted Will pay $1.50 to $2.00 each:. Badly damaged at value, H, A. Hovey. —40-tf NOTICE TO,. CiREDITORS, In the Estate of David John Me- Clinehey, deceased,' NOTICE is hereby giveit..tlaat•.all.. persons having claims against the estate Of David John McClinchey, late of the Township of Stanley, in the , county of Huron, yeoman, de- ceased,' who e- ceased,-who died on or about the seventh day of February„ 1919, are, required 'to" deliver, to Amelia Annie MoClinehey, the adnrinistratrix of the said estate or her solicitor on or before the first day, of- April, 1922, a full statement of their claims to- gether with particulars thereof, and, the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, all duly verified by affidavit. And teke notice • that after �i the said last mentioned date the said adininiatratrix will proceed • to disc' tribute the estate of the said deceas- ed amongst the persona entitled 'thereto having regard only to 'such Claims as . she shall have received dine notice ,and in accordance there. with. ' Dated at Clinton this; 15th day of Mereh,'A,D., 1922, W. Btydone. Clinton, Ont., Soltclter fot the said Adnilnlstga/trix For:Sale 8 -roomed house on Rattenbury St. Modern conveniences, garage, garden and small ' fruits. Ideal location. For terms, etc., apply to E. M. Durst, Box 11, Lisle, Ont. - —37-5-p Mortgage Sale of 'Farren Lands In the Township of Goderich Under and by virtue" of the pow - a§ of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will .be produced at the time of sale, there will beof- fered for sale by public -auction, by Thomas Brown, auctioneer, at The Rattenbury House, in the Town of Clinton, in the County of IIuron, on Tuesday, the 21st flay of March, 1922, 'at the hour of teed o'clock, in the af- ternoon, the following lands, namely: Lot number Ten (10); in Bayfield. Concession, of the 'Township of God- erich," in the County of IIuron, con- taining by aclmeasurement one hun- dred and n nineteen11,- 9 ) acres of land 'be the n e sal e n io ` to or Less.., This land is situated about 3 miles from Bayfield and'about 7 miles from Clinton and there'. are good travelled roads to both of these places. There are erected on the premises a com- fortable dwelling house and a large bank barn. There is also consider- able second growth .timber on the land. Terms of Sale Twenty (20) per cent. of the pur- chase money is to' be paid on the day of sale and the balance, without interest, within 30 days thereafter•. The purchaser -Will be required to sign an. Agreement,,to complete his purchase Further terns and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale and may be had, in the mean- thne, from the undersigned. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, thls 1st day of March, 1922, R. S. Hays, Mortgagees' Solicitor. Neil Gilles - ie Ja e Gilles- pie, james Rivers, Executors, Mort- gagees. Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, —39-3 Sweet Clover Seed for Sale White Blossom sweet glover seed, at market price, • also a good binder, Apply to H. Snyder, R. R. No. 2. Phone 2-604, Clinton. -30-tt Seed and Posts fon Sale A quantity of White Blossom Swept clover' seed and a few cedar fenceposts, and end posts, .• Adam Stewart, R.' R, No. 5; Clinton. --39-4-p Fat Sale On Townsend et., back of Public School, a coenfortable, 'semi -modern, 7 -room house; also a square piano, an extension table, a small table, and two beds, for immediate sale, Phone No. 178i or. Box 101, Clinton, Ont. 39-tf I'ar)n For Sale 100 acre$; Lot 1.2, -_.Coil, 1, Ilulleit tow ssliip; ada;Stied foiaa a'cropping or grazaliga 9maiereq„buslf; balance . in grass G0(4varelP,iuid tvindnrill. 1f not soil c will : beor eniod f pasture, re r ] R. 3. Miller, 13oie 25, Clinton, Phone 119 -3741 Pasture to Rent .About 75 acres Of good pasture land. Never failing stream runnic,; through. Would sell 50 acres of this land. Apply to Fletcher Tawneen i, R. It, No, 3, See rtar, Phone 11 on 614," Clinton„ ° 4 i 38;4_0 Say it with Flowers FROM Geo. Stewart Florist Goderich; Ont. Cut Flowers' always on hand Floras designs and wedding bunches a specialty • Member' of the Florists Telegraph Delivery Association, Flowers deliv- ered to any part of Canada or Unit- ed States 3842 Seed Potatoes I have a limited quantity of White Giant seed Potatoes for sale. They are a heavy yielder and have never been larown to rot. Come and_,;see then. FRANK W. ANDREWS.• Phone No. 33w Clinton, Ont. "Live' and. Let Live" Leather has taken a drop my prices are Women's half -soles 75e and.up Men's half -soles , $100 up H. STARLING CLOVER SEED FOR SALE Annual Sweet Clover,. "Hubani" seed. Government Standard, No. 1, scarifyed and Ontario grown; $2.00 per pound for 10 lbs, or over. Ship- pinga,eharges prepaid, MURRAY GIBSON BR UCEFIELD. ONT. —25 -Apr. r. 6- P Car For Sale 2 -passenger, car, in fairly good condition. Apply of Mrs. John Tu..- er, Box 114, Seaforth. 38-4-p Licensed Auctineer For IIuron County. Pure Bred stock and general farm sales; of all kinds a specialty, 'Satisfaction guar- anteed. Terms: • lowest possible.— T. A. Trick, Goderich, Ont. Phone 6-601. —37-tf Shorthorns for Sale 3 young bulls, 8 to 15 months old, all red, sired by 0. A. C. Ring- leader. Right good calves, prices to suit.the times, come and see their, or write—E. H, Wise, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, phone 605 r 24. -37-tf For Sale Comfortable residence and 21/4 acres of land with stable ablo and, hen- house, garden arid, small' fruits, on Baseline near Clinton, Apply to Janes A. Nott, Robert G. Smith, Londesborough. Or W. Brydone, Clin- ton. - --38-4-p House For Sale An eight -roomed house on corner of Raltenbury St„ West, and Shipley St. Town water and soft water, el- ectric Lights, good cellar,', summer kitchen and woodshed. Also a good stable. Apply to Duncan McEwen, Phone, 2 on 621, or L. 0. Paisley;. Clinton, -35-tf No Trespassing Anyone found. liunting,'shootin g or trespassing oil the premises'of the undersigned, lots, 27-28, con. 6-7, Mullett, wilt be prosecuted. J. G. Gibbing's. , Spirella Corsets Spirella Corsets for healthfulness, Style, comfort and durability, E. ery corset made to measure. Mrs. Elizabeth Kannada-, Ontario street, Clinton. ,—12-1921 House for 'Sale r 8 -room, solid brick house, town water and electric lights, good gar den ,rind ehicken house. Apply on premises. Corner of North and Sponeol Sts.—A,, C. Claricson,-410-tf Cethes Cleaned and 1'ref;Scil Clothes cleaned:nrr, .. seed and rm. bared. Woolen goods dry cleaned, RRy aa'n i Over+.. 11oar'dai ' .'bel ber eliop'• Vila ifs Ago, .u.'a+}",,j}a Have Tried our The 1d.. Pound Cake Ch Fruit x'�.lit. Plain, Nut, uy etc. Also good line of Calces Tand Buns F. J. BROWN & CO BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS PHONE NO. 1 SUCCESSORS TO F. W. JOHNSTON A.Coai Strike Is not only a possibility but:. we are sorry to say, an ultimate prob- ability. You can help to avoid it by carry- ing full coal bins. So now is the time to fill up with MUSTARD!S COAL It answers the burning question D.L.(,W.... Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite, Let us hear from you, we are just at the other end of your telephone and our Service is free. J. } . I USTARu CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD; Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. NOTICE I will be at the Massey -Harris of- fice for the next few days to. collect. all outstanding accounts, which must be paid at once. F.,;♦i w. -40-2 WIGG ?ax -an! Garage We repair any make of battery. Leavepyours'with us for the winter, Blabbers repaired and half, soled. J. H. Paxlna�a Agent for Overland Cars. Examiner for licensed drivet's Phone 80 Res. Phone 140 Sprillg , ped }s•A+ SEED OATS—"Improved Banner". Government Germination Test 96%. SEED ,'BARLEY-?Mandscheuri, 6 Rowed" These lots „are both, free from Wild Oats and Weed Seeds' Alfalfa Clover Timothy Aisike Clover Orchard Grass Red Clover Blue Grass Sweet .Clover, (Yellow and Whitte) Vegetable, Flower and Field Seeds Western Oats, for feed. Good Quality Corn; Cool and sweat, Feed or Seed ' Baby Chick Feed Bran and Shorts PURITY, FIVE ROSES GOLDEN , CITY and PASTRY FLOUR SWIFT'S "Iced Steer" Fertilizer W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED Pbonee: Elevator 199, Reeidetteal 14 Roars for Service Write :fat dans ov £nrthor inforlarti� Champion bred, frig typo Yorloshire Boit to tbo and Chester White boars a r for service:. r,'r C, Ill., ,yIuAI"OIr3 LX C.RI�1141 i Y sC(9 At hound every Lbenoon ;•-�A, („ txLyikzone kW, Clinton,� i al , qtat MPN ACEIIl, & .i g v i .rr leu 'ht G nut the grocery carried' on by Ivlr, L, Stong, I wish to amrounce:to the public that I shall. carry so full stools of fresh groceries and respectfully solicit a share of the patronage. Mrs. M J Brown Scranton Coal We have on hand for immediate delivery: CANNEL COAL ' HARD AND SOFT COAL Also some good Hardwood, Leave orders at nay Residence, Huron street, or Phone 155, TERMS CASH E. WARD COAL, NUT. STOVE & EGG ALWAYS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY R. J. MILLER 1 Orders falcon at residence, Phone 110 CONTENTMENT bWELLS:., in homes where Port Hope Porcelain, Enameled Ware is installed. We can advise you on any plumbing necessity - °rBOS. HAWKINS. Agent for pecan Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Phone 631 Shop over Corless Y4a. Venrier'- r. Farmer What do You Require? We have a complete stock of? Oats, Corn, Wheat,' Shorts, Oat Feed, Oat Flour, Flax Seed, and Flax Seed Meal, Pure.. FLOUR ' Five Roses Hants •• Purity Silver Crown-,• '± The latter two we bought reason able and are selling very locv. •.Blatchford, Royal Purple calf mealss Pratt's t se Stock f ood s Glauber Salts Royal Purple fierbageum Sulphur ZenoIeum Salt Purina Chicken Chowder Oyster Shell • Grit j Beef'Scrapsc PEAS A quantity of the above Wanted Good prices for good quality J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123. Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers Also issuers of Hunters & Trapper licenses Live Poultrli WANTED We handletill kinds of liveend. dressed poultry. Special prices paid for properly milk ted' chickens It will pay you to finish your poultry, as our extra pried will more than cover cost'ef feed used. Inquire fox` prices when ready to sell. Our prices are unsurpassed for all high grade: poultry. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TEEWARTHA .Elausg xa Phone No. 190 Hoimesv]lle 601 r 11' CREAM WANTED The demand for our butter is in- creasing. To supply this demand we require more .cream. We regtaest you to ship us your cream. We guarantee you the llighosii Market Prices, accurate tests and prompt service. , Our firm, is known to you and needs no Author rocominend. We pay all express' chard es,,;Iusie. ish crena cans and pay twice deet* month.