HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-3-16, Page 3HEALTH EDUCATION DR. 4. 3. litlIDDLETON Pravlricfat Board of Health* Ontario D D. Mideletea will be glad to answer questions on tPublfe I•iealt tern -through this column. ` jdtlress duke at &p diad House, S Crescent, Torontq mal* adina. Sturgeon Falls is a tows that brings as it should be, the 2rroper plitvice fo .great credit to the Northland as re- teaching elementary principles' of ;s'an gelds the sanitary conditions cif its 'ation to ,the young, but when the boys schools, This progressive municipal.. and girls go to school it is there that ity in ;far -away Nupissing sets arty ex- right habits must bo inculca'te'd. In aatvplki that 'might Ked he emulated an setting a good e,wiiip1e Lor cleanliness some of the older and more settled the .school Should be the mode'l', This districts In the province. Tho most recent sanitary inspection of the Public and. 'Separate schoglis; of Sturgeon Falls, made by the Medical .O•fhiror'of Health, Dr. 'Coullo be, gives the following indoriration — Gro::und.r--three-quarter-rores, sandy soil, sewer, drained. Water supply, -iron river, water- work, and filtration plant; driniting • fountains: Closets—porcelain bowls, self or automatic flush Valve type. School building—kick -•and stone, -wids one blaeloboan•d in• each class room and 'ail- in good -order as to seats, blinds and number ,of windows .re- •qu rod. Heating --steam; electric lighting; inlet and outletroof ventilation. Wash places -=Paper - towels sup- plied, and suitable wash plaices ; for boys .and gulls; TM elates use in the schools. • Talks on sanitation given, besides n {suis{ inspection by Public Health Nurse. The 5ulistitution cif drinking foun- tains for the discredited common drinking cusp is la common-sense and progressive 'nneasure, as is also the use of paper towels instead of the .common ea roller towel. Mention might also be made of the fact that no elates are, .used, wh'i'ch is very coitrimndab,) rom a sanitary stand- point. Last but not least,'the schools and :municipality generally, have secured the services of a,Puiblic health Nurse who will offer advice to expectant mothers, and *Ell ins'ttnilet mothers ,in the teehing'and care of their e.hibd.ren, thus rod iiiag the infant ann ba9'i'ty; will point -out physical defects in the young so that they mise be core'ected, and teach the prin;iiples of hygiene, sanitation and right ipvi'ng lie the :whole comrn'anity, The youthful Mind is more receptive to teaching than the adult, the latter oaten swayed r by prejudice and un- fortunate experience; -The hope ef,the future, thexefero, lies in the .1)072' end girl's who readily learn "the2ittie every - dal habits of personal and com un - i 3 e'',eanlinesis• that mattes them healthy .in later yeassa. The heroic• is ,Owen Sound Recognizes Worth of Scouting, • -Judging from the sentiments •ex- pressed` in :the following editorial quoted from the Owen Sound "Sun 'ratios,' the,peo»ile of Owen Sound ocr- tainly appreciate their Boy Scouts: "Without disalay, or in fact publicity of any kind, real work is going on 1.. the interests of the boys of this city; It is going on under different auspices, but with the sang object—that of up., budding -a clean cut, manly type of lad. Wile will -grow up -to. be a worth -while, asset to the community The Boy Scouts Aseociatioh is one of'the,se ef- forts, and given half the chance the', •city sh caul be chuck full of this .or= ganizatten, Then, again there .are "in fluonees at work to provide facilities for the 'upbuilding of the boys • of the oonuuuuity. Itis real good to find one prominent organization backing -the boys' club at Northcliffe section, do not kilos of a fitter bunch of boys •i than those taking am active _part- in connection:with tltia.particular branch cP 1orad-work..Rdceutly at a luncheon: lie{ d by.the" spdnaoiis of this eiliort an. •octetto kuliplied the programme of •a, most.'enjoyable half scour. Devoid of boldne.t;-nervYness in thenas.ty form, They exhibited an easy self-control aid l tiatnlog one hase;ulron the aro and were ill tli act of laying fY second when the ilremen "arrived. It Is suf- liolent to say blurt -the blase was ex- tialguisheii to ehertrardor, *.. , t Fell information, regarding the "tbr. {nation and conduct 'of Hoy Scout Troops and Wolf Cub (Junior Scout) Packs may be {tad upon application to the Eloy Scout Headquarters, Dlccr and Sherbourne Streets, Toronto,: ROSYCHEEKEA HEALTHY WOMEN ys what is being 'aimed at in keeping YinoW e' Y' till ,Value of Rich' the:, saniUtar y condition of the schools , up tq a very high level, es is 'being Red Blood. done in Sturgeon Falls. TMs town Is showing to be in ' Robust, healthy, sed-dheekdd women every way a progressive municipality. seldom worry. Their condition •of mind and, body is such that they can Lad Poisoning. rise above, the causes that bring mci- The reply to the question, "In• what anchaly.and brooding., It is the wo- tradea based' .poisoning tiniest frequently no'n wltlli .weak, vva,terY blood who Is occurs and what should be dgane to 'thrown into nervous .unrest by little preVeett it," is as follows: Lead Poisoning, which gives rise t more sickness than any other escape, ticnuwl poisob, has been known to cm cur in over .150 different 'trades, th ores causing,meat poisoning >being lead smelting, making and handling lead oarbaitate, .making storage -'bat- teries, ,painting, special printing, and electrotyping processes, and pottery and tile works. The Chief preventive measures, are roughly: • 1. Prevention,ef fornsation and &- culatiion of lead•duat.• 2. Where (1) cannot he completely aoeompaielied, •iprotectien of the work- ers frani such dust by masks, etc. 3. Medical supervision, ^ including the rejection of over snuceptiiles, care in placement of workers: with predis. posing conditions, and special regula- tion of the most dangerous -processes. 4. Provisions of wasdti1g facilities, lockers, eating rooms.. Precautions from the worker's point of view consist in making use of the facilities provided, and making a point of eating plenty of food, especially breakfast. Food, particularly milk, is even more importantfor lead workers than for others as lead is store apt to cause poisoning if it ,gets into the stomach when it is empty. an'noyances'. that growso great: in, the o Imagination that it seems as if she must screarm to relieve her feelings.. A woman's health quickly fails • her o ween her blood becomes than and weak. The ;stoinaeb'Is'disordered and all :appetite va'nlaltes. The nerves lose W. French, of Victoria, B.C., wlro did not give his specific ' address, asks for ,information regarding baking Powders, Those powders claiming to contain no alvm are noodle withacid phosphate, according to the. Chief Aaalynt of 'the Dominion Health De- partment. at Ottawa. A, to •the cream of tartar, any samples examined by the Chief Analyst have been found. to be at excellent quality and apparently prepared ram purified argals'• a gentlemanly address that few could excel. You could hardly make me be, sieve a year or so ago that. such velopnient was possible. A residend • has been converted. into a club' house` games and "music are Indulged in and as the week nights. go 'by the lads'' are' there and getting" the benefit of the •training the club affords,l: Generous contributions have been made toward the equipment and furnishing of the: house, and the Ietest addiflblt' has been a fine little library managed on the. same'H•nes:as the public library. Next summer a bathing beach is aimed at and with the generosity of friend$ it Is hoped that bathing and swimming facilities wild be available . for the Northcliffe chaps, who deserve the highest compliment on the manner in which :they are acquiting' theimselvee. Tiley are making good, every one of them, and the big'ones • are helping; the little fellows' in a real brotherly way. - The organization having the matter in.h,'and will find lair' reward in knowing dhat 11 le responsible for the accomplishment of great good 'Id the lads and:to:thecommunityat large." Napanee Scouts Adept Fireinen." Another example of Scout training in preparedness-, and resourcefulness comes from Napanee; Ont,' As -their I re departinent, is only a volinteer, force, owing to the size .of the com- ntunitY, the volunteer firemen are sometimes delayed by uiitlnteiy, cir- cunistereos. Ata recent fire iii Nap. aneo the vDlanteer`foree'arrived tin the scene to find the hose cant aIready in posi,tion•`manleed by three Seouts of the 1st Na»anee" Troop ' and thein• .Stoutniaster,• They 1 their strength•weci so sleep is not re- gular and does• not refresh the body. A state •of weakness arises that in- creases gradually and gives further cauee for worry. 6taod blood to neces- sary to every woman NOV) has grown pale and weak, and in this condition Dr. Williams, Pink Pille will be found of.great benefit, because they enrich and purify the blood. Worsen who are anaemic, suffer front indigestion, .pal- pitation, headaches and nervous at- tacks' will find naw strength: through a fair use of these pills: Among the women who have proved -the value of this medicine is• Mrs. Enos Levy, Hac- kett's Cove, N,S., who says. "About lh two years ago I began to fail in'healt and was very weak. My constitution wasall run dawn, and my blood wad' weak and, watery, as 'was manifest every month. I had heard of Dr. Wih- liems' Pink Pills and what they would do for the blood, and being in such a low 'condition I decided to try thein, By the time I had finished the fourth box I found to my great delight that I wan a great deal stronger, and my blood a deep red color, I have a lot .of work to do besides taking care of my•little one, and with my good health I' enjoy it, and I can truthfully` say I owe this condition to Dr, Williams' Pink Pills." • Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob- tained through any medicine dealer, or may be had by mall, post paid, at 50 centis.a.box or six boxes: for 52.50•from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,.Brock- ville, Ont. Second in the;British Empire! About eighteen piontiis ago I od- orously • Disposed," making an appeal in behalf of bibisi babies, and convey- ing to readers an intier tion that the enterprise commenced sometime be- fore 'bythe late Mr. T. Hope Churchill, for which he had made sundiry collec- tions,; would. be carried on, and that a Charter, without stool,' subscription, would be obtained. Tills has been done, and the Canadian Blind Babies' Home Association has {has been incorporated, with the following: Directors: Hon. Martini Burnell, Ilan, President; Hon. J. G. Tuamiir, Presi- dent; A. H, Fitzsimmons, Vice -Pres.; Edwaud Grand, See:; 0, Blackett Rob - inset, Gar. Sec.; g. a 'F. McKinley, Treas.; Lt. -Col. Whitton, M.D., R. H. Campbell, Thomas Mulvey, IC.C., A. E. Provost, W. Lyle Rein, A. J. Prelims', Charles 11, Pinhey, C.1;., W. J. Cairns, and Toms Moore. Trustees: 0.; H. Pinhey, C.E,, Tiioin- as-MitlreY, KC:, A. J. Freini'an, Legal Adviser: John I MacCracken, Bankers:' Royal Bank' of Canada.;' ALditer: ' A. Aw .Crawley, CA. Tho objects of this Institution are: "To provide a Rosie and refugee for Babym Infant Blind; to.pnovnde Free Scientif%;Gare, Training and .Mainten- once; -.to save the lives:` of even a few of the many of'such uinfbrtunates, who, for • the hole of- such •sexvdae, .perish every year; and to return these little ones to their "ip'areniis, at school age, with,norttial, healthy 'bodies and sound had ;succeeded iii, nu nds." This is.a lenge and greatly .nuecled He beat the train to the crossing a good many times "It's never touched me yet," he explained when they pointed out the risks. That's the answer a good many, people make when they hear that the drug element in tea and coffee often harms nerves and health. They say it's :hover touched them yet, Sometimes they only th it hlasn't, Wakeful nights, drowsy days, headaches that keep com- ing more fre- quently—often are blamed on had luck when the blame be, long's on ba nk, judgment in taking needless chancel; with harm. Over on the safe . side is „ Postum, a pure cereal beverage delicious and satisfying- ,— con- taining nothing' that ,can harm nerves or digestion, Thousands who used, to try their luck with tea or coffee are enthusiastic over having found safety and satin faction in Postutn,, It's worth your While to make the test with 'Postum for ten days. Postinn is a delightful drink for any member ,of the faniiiy; at any meal. Your grocer hes both i'orms of $'ostuinz Instant Posturn (in tins) madeinstantly in.tho cup by the addition of boiling wafer,, Postatne Cereal (In packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make tha drink while the Meat la belnitpreparod)Made byboliing£'ar10minutes, Postum ` jar Health "There's a Reason" v {Sorbin Cereal r;+ct., tlsitecf, i7pindeof; ups Mads by 'Caned Child Welliaxe Ct g jiI en -1 quirt' at the Government afller4ln the Veritamprovinces reveitis'thea ctthat there are at the present time nearly 250 Infant Blind in the Dominion, No. thing has yet been done for all those helpless l'i'ttle ones, In the United States, 18 Years, ago, the first home was opened in Nes' Yoe'k City': they have now Homes in 11 Stites, all do- ing excellent work, iu Eng -laud, some time age, the late Sir Arthur Pearson organized; "Sunshine Rouse," Chantey Wood, fes Blin i Babies, end he claim- ed that it was elle only one In the British Farnpnro. Let us have the SECOND an Canada. To reach this. Worthy end money is urgently requir- ed. Fifty Thousand Del'.ars is the present objective of the Board. While the fiii t Home is to be Ideated in Ot- tawa, it will take in the Baby B1ind front every provi'nee, se that •iJhia so- peal for funds will be I)antinisn-wide, and an early and generous response is confidently e)cpected. Cheques should' bo made payable to the Canadian Blind tiabics'' Roane Asiscctetion. .A11 re- mittances':will be 'promptly „acknowl- edged. If you 'happen to know of a Blind Child under six years of age, be good enouglh to furnish es with address of 'parents, so that we may get. in •toutoll With, ouch cases. The Oddifell,ows`'throug+hout the Do- minion are contributing generously to the fund. Fifty-three lodges have al- ready "responded, and money is still coming' in. • ' Our Directions are hopeful that this appeal win meet with se ready reap. posse. Itis desired that we should enroll -a number of Life Members at $100 each; ,but the smallest donation will be gratefully received, "Lest we forget"—db it now. C. Blackett Robinson, Corresponding Secretary, 188 Dufferin Road, Ottawa, Canada. KEEP LITTLE ONES WELL- IN WINTER Winter. is a "dangerous Season for the little ones, The ° days," are so changeable—one-day bright, 'the next cold and *stormy; that the mother la afraid to take the children out for the fresh air •ans . exercise .they - need so much. In consequence they are often Mother, 4.4-inck! ,Give . California- Fig Syrup For Child's. Bo*els Even a'sick child, loves the "fruity" taste of "California Pig Syrup." If the little tonguels"conted, or If your child is listless, cross,. feverish, full o,f cold, heirs you ean..; See for yourself how tion poison,' sour bile and Waste from the tender, fittle bowels and gives. you a well, .playful child ' Minions of tnelhers keep "Califor.ale., spoonful to -clay, saves a csick child to - Morrow. Ask yoUr ter, genu. ine."California'llg Syrup" Which has directions for babies and childreu of printed ion bottle,: Mother! YOU /mist pay ,"CaliOritia," or You may get en imitation fig syrup, HovrDeserts Retain Water. Ono, region of the Colorado Desert, where the escaPe ef the 'Colorado underground water being utilized for irrigatieg' Severah thousand acres. Amelia the Meducte •whiCle.are mak- eta' thia etmlainied.land rich -aro mel- ons., barley, alfalfa, oranges,' grapes, On the .agrieultural experiment farm . Mecca in this region are, to be found rare varieties, of' datea which far a' long, time were 'produced only in .Arabitt the oases of 'northern Afri- It has been tonna by U.S, Goveru- meat experts that the fertility of sons depends largely en their capacity for retaining inotattire, In Many Western lOcalitieg crops grow rocuriantly with alcarcely any summer rain. It is even thought to lis possible t.litf,t the per. dopth. trent forty to ono hundred feet .inay •be'reshansible for the ever preil mit Moisture., Wrist Meter for Motorists. Motorists will. appreciate .a now wri4t DRAM', WU designed to .ald in the detection Of battery, ettirtor, said Ignition troubles on car, The teeter 'fastens, on the wi'dst; tilts anew- ing .the ,freedorn ef' both hands in „testing ',,tor grounds:, Wtort otr.eitits.„ broken. wireS,',Wealc batteries, etc; in* eluded in tho inatruniont IS a Small antmaler which is aittoinaticallY pre, tented. against banning ntl , a. tin y hater to giVe audible indications making certain tioiment for StIpps ANA nu, LINDEN IS BACK ON JQR EVERY DAY FEP.I S YOUNG AND ACTIVE AS A BOY. Wes Losing Much Time From Work Because of Stomach Trouble But Eats Any- thing on Table Now. "Think ef it,. a short ,time ago I could haedly push a plane or use a Eand saw 0.nd to -clay feel ate young and active and vigorous as I ever did irt life," said Harry s, Blueglam, Well known carpenter of Hester St., "For three years before I started Vrabt to have a single day'e good health, and, fol. the latat tvro yeans my storaach hes been dat such a disordered consiltiourtbat I was just in misery all the 4.411110. Nothing in the world. will pull a Man down as quick .as,not be- ing able to tilgetst what he 'eats, and I lost weight a.nd-stmength.all the time. ain tiret job now working every 'daY and feeling floe all the tiara I fly now. tannic has Joe*. made a brand Tanlac is• sold by all good druggists, Natural Law. "What would you say if you were told. that China Contains five times as many ,people as there are in the whole of tile British Eznpire?" el shouldn't say nothise," replied Bill, "because ehould know that it "Wh*," Inquired the other, "would you know it was a ,lie?" "Because," said BM, with an auth- oritative air, "if there was all these people in Chi/teethe world, ird tip up." Minard's Liniment proventsSpanish Flu A Cast of Bronchitis. A certain French-Canadian, whose knowledge of the king's English was rather sparse, was invited. to stay a few days with some English-speaking. 'friends in 'Montreal. On his, arrirral the followin.g conversation ensued: "Comment ca va, Pierre How are "Well, my teen', I don't feel ver' good. I hate a little hours() on the THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG„ THICK "Danderine" coati only .85 cents a bottle. One application ends all dandruff. stops itching and falling hair, and, in a few moments, you have doubled the beauty of your hal:. It will appear a mass, so soft, lustrous, and easy to do up. But what will please you .most will be after- a few weeks use, when you see new hair—fine and downy at first—yes— gage but really new hair growing all over the scalp. "Dander - me" is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the.roots, invigorates and strengthens them. This delightful, stimulating tonic helps thin, lifeless, faded hair to vow long, thiek, heavy and luxuriant. A New Recipe. "Jelan.," said Miss Newlywed, "run to the drug store quick and get a loot. tle of paste." "Library paste?" asked her hus- band La surprise.. "Yes, if you can't get kitchen paste. I'm going to melte some French pastry for your dinner." Miitard's Liniment for Coughs and Colds Leading Them On. The professor was ready to' perform a chemical experiment before lila class, "Should I de anything incor- rect in this test/ advieed, "we might be blown through the roof. /finally Step a little 'nearer so that you cala follow me better." for Constipated E3ovvels Bilious- Liver nic.st c4ti.rtiou.,‘,t,i,„ to.niglit win empty your bowels cent; physic your bowels when yoll haver PletelY bY Morning' end You will feel ',9'`vi". 01 griPe like Salta Calomel nr colds 1%1.0010 Caecarets never stir ypu up Oil, and ,thei cest only ten ca ts Rain' how Stones. south Australia seeks a market for its White epala-wom" beautffol gent stones. of a kind peculiar to that part of the world. 'Teo 'wag earn:menial obstacle lteit, in, the superstition that tune to the owner. This:silly rintden, does not worry Canadians,' much and in Canada, opals are much admired and ..commonly worn, 'In Europe, how- ever, It has a surprising grip.. Accord- InglY, the proclocent.are going to put. their white opals' Mt the market under another name. They Will be called, "taidots,'' after the ,Greelt Nerd for MONEY OSDE RS. It always safe to send a tiominion- Express Money Order. Five 'dollars costs three ceuts. 'Vilran yen hear a man •complain that -he has Oct• friciliciP you can: make up Your sladr4 A Health,, Saving Reniinder Pon't Wait until you get the ". Spanish Influenza inardsLmiment At the first sign of it. its Healing Qualities are Amazing. THE OLD RELIAi3LE.' .80..set that your principle of action would bear to be 'made a NW for the ...low Hat or Invontiosu wanout by Ifteaufec.. toms. VOl411130.1 haw bean made crone simple lane. .Patent ProtectiOn" bookfet on, newest. • HAROLD C. GIHIPMAN 0 CO. COARSE SALT LANOTSALT 'TORONTO SALT WORKS C. .1. CLIFF TOGONTO imeatcr's V•lonser Dog Z01)16411," l3ook on DOG DISEASES 'and Now, to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. . U. Clay Move]: Co., Tao, 120 West 24th Street " CORNS Lift Off with Fingers ly that corn stops hinting, then slant, ly yon lift, it right Off With fingerS, Your driiggist soils .a tiny bottle of "Freoxono" for a. few, cents, alifilotant 'to remove every hard cern,' soft corn, or Coro between the toes, and the cal, !uses, without soreness tir irritatten, 6invit Set • 'to your learning use' wilrird's'Litlini'6nt for the 010, For CONSTSPATION , Take Dr. Uossi Kidney =A 'Weer Ma Price 26c box. The small pill Zor the small Prloe• The beet pill at any price. A prominent 'Toronto phyeielan once said: "For Indigestion X oar* And no - ,thing to equal Dr. Ross' Piller." A Presbyterian minister's wife. says shellnds Doctor Rosa' Pills the nicest Soid by all druggists, or by mall, on ACHES AND PAINS - AVOID the misery of racking pain. Have a bottle of Sloan's Lira. ment ham& and apply when you first feel the ache or pain. It quickly eases the pain and sends sis feeling of warmth through the aching part. Slean,'s Liniment Penetrates Waren! rubbing. Fine, too, for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains and stra ins, stiff joints, lame back and sole muscles. For forty years pain's enemy. Ask. your neighbor, At all druggists -35c, 70o, $1.40. Med° in Canada. oa Liniment Classified Advertisements town? You can earn $26,5O daily. Wo toaoh ••01.1, Write Chief Xnstruefor. Canada Vuloanleer, London. Ont, C114014221. Ont.. boung, pulley*. **Ws, eable.bose,paoklmr- ate.. shipped sUbjeet to approval at lowebb price* in Canada. YORK BEILaING 11.6 TOP.owpo. PAY I, T1119 gllatallteed health t 011 • costs you nothing, etgl; hens pay for it in egg -Making elentents, Pratt Food Co. of Canada, Lk!. Toronto FACE COVERED MTH PIMPLES( liard "Find Red, Festered and, Itched Badly. Cut!cura Heals. "Illy trouble began with a sough. ening of the skin and itchingscalp. Later bard, red pittaples broke out on oay face and completely covered it. Some of the pimples fegtered and itched badly at thnes. X began Using Cutlonst Seap and Ointment and after a few days roy face felt better. I cantinued using them and in three weeks was completely healed, aftsr using one cake of Cuticera Satpura, one box of Cuticura Ointment." (Signed) Leslie Gray, 10 Chestnut St., Plymouth, Mass., Feb.28,1511. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- ctun promote and maintain' skin purity, skin comfort and akin health. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and perfume. itel, 344 Bi. Peal lit, W.,1Coltreal." Sold every - SO WEAK COULD HARDLY DO ANYTHING Now Looks After Home, Thanks to Lydia E. Ph& Meaford, Ontaria.—"I was so weak could hardly do anything and mY back seemed the worst. I read am much about Lydia. E. Pinkbant's 'Vege- table Compound dor Women tha,t thought . I Would iry it. I feel that it did help me for I am looking after my own home n07? and Seem quite strong again. I have recommended your Vegetable Compound to quite a few friends and you can use my name If you wish to do so."—Mas. POtTER, Box 410, Meaforcl, Ontario. in your own neighborhood there are doubtless women who know of the great value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women every- where, either by word of mouth or by letter„ recommend Ibis splendid medicine, Those who have suffered from female weakness, change of life, and similar troubles know of the wonderful relief brought to theta bY the Vegetable Compound, WARNING! ,Say "Bayer", when you buy Aspir Unless you see the natne f'13ayer" on tablets, yOu not getting Aspirin at all. • Why. take chances?, Accept only an "unbroken packag,e'' of. :"Elayee Tablets of, Aspirin;" which containt directions and dose 'worked out h4i; physicians during 22 years proved safe by relitions for. Colds., I-leada,ehe .L Rlietimatisni Earache Lualbago pain„ Handy "Bayer', boxeii Of 12 tablate-,-Alsobottles of 24 and 100.--Bruggititlo Aspirin is the treite meek regletered th Canada) ot' toyer Natietinititi,e of Atone, tieetieneittester Salicylicacitt, While it is Weil lc.nelon. that Aiipirlit meant Rarer be litelneed With their geheYeal iinda ineric, the 'Payer Cress."'