HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-3-16, Page 1{ CLINTON, ONTARIO ` ° if RS M. RC1I 16th, I2 Isthe street that runs through the mins of the; Community. Is Your Nameplate 7-4 `�Jfi `d€er �3.OD .vFlai•m'�laeks This is the time of the year -you need one, and you can make a saving of 75c e have a good stock olmantle and kitchen eight-day clocks come and get one at a special price. WATCHES can now be had at attractive prices to the buyer Watches, Clocks and Jewelery repaired You can save money by .dealing at Hellyar's Jewelery Store Yiellgar Jeweler and Optician Phone 174w Residence 1743 YOUR DUTY TO YOURSELF IS TO SAYE The roan with a Savings Account need never worry over the future. Saving, backed by determination, is one of the mast satisfying"habits to acquire: A Savings Department at every branch of THE ROYALBANK OF CANAOA E. MANNING,. - MANAGER CLINTON BRANCH T.FI E MOLSONS► BANK INCORPORATE©. 1855. Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 ' Reserve Fund'' $5,000,000 Over 125rBranches It is not necessary to°nlake a special trip to the nearest branch of The Molsons Bank every time you want to deposit money. Send your deposit td the Bank b mail. Write today today.to,the nearest:. manager of The"Moisons Bank for information, 77.021 II. R. Sharp, Manager CLINTON BRANCH Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent READH-TO-WEAR :,,OLoTHINO 2 he Gl3ornsh Clothing Co.., OItDERED OLOTHIN(i GettingBack to Priees Pre-war $15.00Stilt If Fifteen Dollars is your suit ;price, come .here for the best suit your money can buy If Eighteen Dollars es your suit ,price, come here for a good wearing Blue Serge; Snit II Twenty Five Dollars is your suit price, come here for an all wool suit in good patterns and up-to-date styles If Thirty Five Dollars is your suit price,' come here and see some beautiful cloths in extra fine all wool serges and tweeds. Special ''at - 24.50 trouSel's, for 24,50 .il. sere a Special Suit and extra�O. H coo 1)e.l for Every Mali, �. CLINTON ' IVIARKETS, Wheat, 01:30, `Oats, 454: Barley, 500 buckwheat, 75e, Butter '35e. Eggs 23c to 24c. Live hogs $11,50 A DOUBLE HIRTIIWAY., Mr, William Shipley of the Huron Road; east, and his son, Mr. Doug- las Shipley, celebrated a. double birth- day on March 'the eleventh by enter twining a number of_ friends to dm- ne. M. the evening. Afterwards a very pleasant time was spent in so- cial chat, games and music. The ev- ening, terminated • with the good wishes• of their friends that' they should enjoy many more happy birth 'days.) AMONG TILE CHURCHES. Willis Church The Mission Band will meet on Monday night- at 7 o'clock in `' the school' room The regular meeting; of the•-W,M. S. will be held on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs.. Graham, Isaac street; Baptist Church Pastor et both services on Sunday. Morning subject: The Advocate with the Father:" Evening subject: The Righteous Judge." Welcome extended to all. On # Friday ` evening; March the twenty-fourth, Rev. 'Mr: Hawke will give an address on Africa to our 'Mis- sion Bend lis-sion.Bend The service will be held in the church,' beginning at•8 o'clock. An offering will be taken for mis- sions. A cordial welcome extended to ,all. St, ` Paul's' Church There will be a celebration of the Holy Oomibuinon next Sunday ¢t 8,30 'a.m. At the morning service the rector's subject will be: "Perga- mum—The Church that was Tempted to Worldiness;" In the evening, he will deliver the third in the aeries .of sermons. on the, Parable of the Prod-? igal Son, the subject being- "The Famine;' or "Abandoned." On Friday,( March 17th, the first of a series of Twilight Organ ^Re- citals is ecitals'is to be held: in this church at 4.30, pm:, Mia •` Morgan Agnew will he assisted by Mr, George Phelan and Mr,' Morgan Agnew. The vo- cal numbers will be 'given by the Rev: C. Llewellyn Bilkey, A. Dramatic Society' has been or- ganized in connection with this church. and the nnembers are now engaged. in rehearsing 'a three -act comedy entitled "'When a Man's Single;', which they' hope to pre- sent ^soon 'after 'Easter. Wesley Church FU HOMEPAP)! LACROS IENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. SE MEETING, i tsbniett TiCb''Wl6''11,shkp A ,meeting :for the purpose of or Mrs. C Miller t G i h ss is tboi Glen George t cr o oc circ ,' M• ° ; who toaches ganizing a lacrosse team for the, -township announces the engagement school near Stairs, and „Miss,Agnee coming sea?ot willbe held the 01 Jim. daughter, Wi tified ..to Glen '01. 5tttlt£oz d were weelcsend Pastime Club rooms' on Tuesday ey- Mr. David Pollock of Pehlchill, Ont, visitors at the. limbo of their 'par - ening, Man, 21st, at 8 p.m. Every- The maeriage will take place the rat- ents; body interested in Canada's national game is requested to be present. HALE AND HEARTY AT 102. The following front the Sintcoe Re- foianer refers to an uncle of Mr: Henry Plumsteel of Clinton:' "The bright weather of a recent Sunday enabled Daniel Plumsteel of St. Catharines to ,resume his • Sun- day walk of half a.inile to his favor- ite church. Mr. Plumsteel is 102 years old past, and hopes to signalize .his= 103 bithday on July 7th by hav- ing an out-of-doors- celebration," ROAD ENGINEERS HERE. Messrs. R. C. Muir, Chief Engin- eer of Municipal Roads, and ll. Ir win, District Engineer, both of the Good Roads Department, Toronto,' and County Engineer Roy Patterson; were in town yestei day and held a conference with the :local ;councillors, The engineers gave the council much useful" and practical:inforfnation as to the bestinethods of „repairing ma- cadamized roads and also in regard to the building of further roads. They also advised a free use of tarvia as a road protector. They were in Goderich in the mores ing and went on froln here to Hen sail, where a public meeting was held last night. AN INTERESTING INVENTION. Mr.. G. 'B Barris; superintendent of the mechanical detxartment of the Clinton 'Knitting mill, has : invented an, attachment for ;a knitting ma- chine, which, if the': expectations of the inveni.er are `eealized, will make quite a stir in the'trgde. 'It is sup- posed to greatly speed the work and also to do it much more perfectly." Mr. Harris has applied for, patents in Canada, the United States and fifteen other foreign countries, The appliance has been Attached to one of the knitters at the Clinton fac- tory •and The News Record's -repre- sentative had the privilege of 'seeing; it work the other: day. Some knit ting companies are 'elready:enquir ang whenit will be 'iipme the mnar.. ket, • If it turns' out well it: will be rather a ,:good thing.. for 'both the trade. and the inventor. We hope it may, LITTLE LOCALS. Clinton' Spring Show takes 'pletee on April` 6th. One of the most ',successful' anni- versaries ever held in Wesley church; Clinton, was' concluded Monday night. with a largely attended congrega- tional meeting. Reports of the,var- ious. departments were given, inter - `in ' and followed withs m 'spersed g gby a happy 'address from Rev, Dr. Rut- ledge, 'Refreshments.. were served. and good cheer; good fellowship and goodwillruled the hour. A fitting resolution of thanks to the Rev. Dr, Rutledgewas moved by Rev,. Thos. J. Snowdon and 'carried with enthus iasm`, The Sabbath services were most memorable. The sermons by Dr.• Rutledge were instructive'' and inspir- ational and were delivered with all his old -tune, :vigour and felicity of language. The choir was _ably assis- ted . by Miss Rennie -of Zurich, 'The singing was in every respect in har- mony with the worshipful sprit of the day. Before announcing, at the close of the . evening service, the proceeds of the thank -offering, tlhe pastor, the Miss Isobel Draper of the Public school staff was ill all last week.: Miss Mabel Elliott has taken a 50- sition in the Knitting Company's of= ter part of March: MARRIED IN DLTROIT,: The marriage took place At Wes- ley Methodist church, Detroit Mich., on Wednesday, March 6th, of MiGs, Barbara Irene Wileen, '-youngest ,Mrs. Livermore of Clinton is,vis iting her daughter, Mr`s, Herbert Castle, Some of, the people hay making maple syrup, . Mr John Kinsman of Chiselhurst spent the week -end at the honk,- of. started daughter of Mr. A Vi'iiken of t'lin- Mr Edward Glen, Sr. ton, to Per. ,Tames I'. Time -limy of 1 that city. After- the ceremony a The Rev. Dr. Rutledge of Iiantil- wedding -laic eon was served at the ' ton, -hitt formerly of Clinton, was a a'. l' of thei',ride's-sisters,, Se- i caller at the- home of MT' Malcolm cond Boulevard, only' intimate McEwan on VIonday, friends of the family being present. Mr. Cecil . -Miller, delivered 'three Mr. and ,Mrs. Pteimony will reside handsome Percheron horses to Mee_ M Detroit I Charlie Wallis of Clinton last week., The bride's Clinton friends waft Messrs:, Beattie Brothers of Vm:- good wishes foes long life, prosperity na sold a fine Durham bull to Mr, ?*id •happiness. LOTS. OF EARLY CHICKS. It is just as we thought A couple of weeks ago we published an item. telling of some early chickens Mi. H. E. Rorke had. We have now before us a couple of notes , one stating that Mrs, John Farquhar, who is known as the "Hullett Poul-' try Raiser," set a hen on. Feb.l2th ha-has a good man. and on March 4th had fourteen fine Mr, 'Archie Armstrong delivered a chicl@ens out of fifteen' eggs. Tlie fine• bull to Mr. William Taylor Last other is' to the effect thee Mr. John week.. Walton of town had twenty-four chickens hatched out in January. This is the earliest we have heard o£ and we doubt if anybody;can beat' this record.; The tact that so, -many early chickens are;; being rais- ed should mean plenty of broilers in the early autumn. C. C. I. HOCI{.EY NEWS. On Thursday evening last the Lis- towel High School' team came to Cline team of horses in the vicinity, of Donald McKenzie of Goderinh town - Messrs. John Reid `. and William Taylor': each: shipped a •carload'. of cattle to 'Toronto last week.' Mr.- Erin • Erb visited friends ` in Birucefield one day recently, Mr. Clarence 'Tough has engaged With. Mr. Will Scoteliniere for the euntiner months. Will knows when The rinkhas been closed, for the season, Thursday being the last night of skating. Mr. Nisbet Cook hate taken a. poli tion as junior on the staff of the Royal Bank, The Clinton branch of. the U F", O. has issued invitations, to am:. at- home to be held in •their .club irooms. on the evening of Thursday, Mareh 23rd. Messts, 1VIcEvran Brothers have'. purchased the building, part of which they now, occupy, but as part. of -itis, under_ lease for three years: will_ net conte into full possessions until that time. It is their intention to intro duce various improvementl': ;. le COMMUNITY SHED NEEDED? N 1Z C v brief At the :public meeting :of citizens in\thte county of Iluton, from its in- I formed to look into the question of cep -Lion with Mimi -quarters \in Goder- a "community sited" raid theft first ch in 1833 under the superintendence duty' was to look around to' see what of the Rev. John •13eatty. ;In 1854 present accommodation was avail - Clinton was set off as the head roe a able and they reported as follows:- large circuit with 270' members, with The Graham IIouse has aocommoda- the Rev, Alex, Campbell as 'super- .tion foe sixty-five horses and nark intendent.. Ile was the first Metho- in,, morn' for. about twentyrfivc dist minister located m Clintgn. ee autos, they also offer :free for the 1864 some „ •appointments were set use of their country friends„ a coin off - Seaforth and in 18r0' Londes- modius waiting roma and other ac Rev. D. , tcamus, ga o n review of the growth of Methodism held last week a conitnittee was Mr. Melvin; Talbot has moved to the farm that he has purchased' on the second concession of Stanley, Mr. Chas. Johnston of Varna; pur- chased, a finecow from Mr Will Scotchmere last week: Mr, Melvin Talbot has purchased a new McLaughlin 'touring ear,, Mr: Robert Greer has ;rented Mr. Jolla ' McClinchey's farm on, the' Goshen line. Mr. Geo. Elliott purchased a 'fine • ton to Tiny the C. C. I. teamn;ancl Brucefield. the result was highly satisfactory to the local. boys, in that they won in a score of 11-2. The game was to have been played on the Stratford rink but word came at noon that the Listowel team was coming on here. The C. C.I. had planned for a skat- ing party that evening, the proceeds Bagfield Rev. A. Macfarlane attended a meeting of'the Presbytery, at Lea - don this week. ` to go toward paying the expenses of 1VIiss. Floy Edwards;' is visiting^, the hockey team, but .the game was , friends, at London atpresent. called early and the saktieg party Mr. Harry Weston met with'' a came on: ` later. Quite a number � very painful accident on Tuesday.' of availed themselves of the last•omenr- this . week. When uta` the 6th con k somewho did o in tunity of a skate and cession of Goderich t tvnship, fixing not skate went in for a cup of cof- fences on his son Percy's farm. He fee. the giris, having supplied lunch. was about to get in the buggy when After having won straight along the horse became unmanageable, the"boys stet their Waterloo at Streit- i throwing him down and crushing his, ford yesterday afternoon, when they i shoulder in the 'wheel. Cant. Sloan tvere beaten in a score of 2-9 by the brought him home in his auto, where Waodstoek• College ,team. They put medical aid was 'called in and attend - up a gold game but their opponents , ed to him. were older and stronger and the re- Mrs. H. Young of Aberdeep, S.D., salt was as stated.. is the guest of her parents, Mr.: and l -ro was separated to became the conunodations. The Rattenbury Nor e i}mndie hotels with two stables can head c .'circuit. Commencing iwith accommodate about sixty-five horses, the nem naitci Graham ine on Ellioti;'s livery is'51epare0 to take twenty ministers have succeeded one care of a limited number of 'horses almther in this charge. The present for feeding; pttrpiiso's or standing ac - of its ,cuter; `was ci;ected :twenty face is open front nine to''live each Tears, ago at a cost htrboixt $2p op dayexcept Sunday and may be used Twelve years ago the church prop P y erty of Wesley wasdeclared free free as a rest room by any visitors. from debt. Since that time there The hotels and livery barn will, foe have been no outstanding liabilities a small annual fee, give antennae - or any kincl, mortgages or ]totes, dation to any fancily and goarantee. The financial syetein is that of Week- that their horses will be warm and ly offerings, to be supplemented once, comfortable: they :also make a small a year by a thank -offering, 'The singe° charge for the.. use of their ; sheds to persons not payilig by the amount reziuested by the Board this• •, - o as. 500, The • response of the year and there fe likely to be e ns iti- peon peopleC tivas an offering of not loss erabie additional parking acconnnor, than $1.175. Tine -eenoroui_anteing' dation for ears added during the is an index.lio the spirit of unity and suanmer. it the people. "A11 things The committee, of which Mr, Guy od�ty 10 1 good 1 1 0 ase d te Thee., 0 Lord, and of thine hicks is 'iaiau'inan will be p come of T11, own have we given, Theo". 1 Chron. eeeeive sllkge,ai;ions, as to the nee(' 29: 14. ' for further~ accommodation oz* any Thus has closed another epoch in our history, rich in rely pleasant memories. eoznnlaints -Freya those who Leave had PROF. F. 0. MOLENNAN. Mrs. William Eagleson, r, Mr. and Mrs. :res. Sturgeon spent A staff writer on the Toronto a week with their dal ghter; 5Vlrs. Star, referring to a lecture that was Catlin .of Ldndon. recently delivered in that city by Mrs. Shoebottom of -Belgrave was Prof. John C. McLennan, classes the guest of her sister; Mrs. Brae - him as the second greatest seien, 1 don, the past week. tist in the world. Ile is now Dean ' Physics in Toronto University, . 1 There passed away in 'Midland, and some of our readers will remeni- Mich., on Monday, March 13th. a ter 'him as ,at former resident of former resident of this village in the . Clinton The writer in the Star person of Miss Jennie Erw n, says :-` the age of 58 years. The deceased „ , McLennan s father was the best was born in this village and WAS a type -of the` Ontario country- 'mer- daughter -of the late George Erwin. chant.' He moved ftont Ingersoll, where J. C. was born, to Clinton Forty odd years ago Huron was -a grain -exporting county, and: while on Tuesday and the funeral took John Cunningham was,• going to .place on Wednesdliy afternoon ,at 2 Iligli' school his father was handling o'i;lock from the home of . her• bre- good grain. Clinton cherishes' .no the.-, Reeve A, E. Erwin. Interment legends of the. precocity of the.great was trade in Bayfield cemetery, Rev., scientist -to -be— nothing of a secret laboratory,' or a fondness for carry- ing vocal frogs or -furious snails in his pockets. But he had a local fame, as the smilineest;'best-netnr- d b 'n the collegiate A few In 1910 she went to live with her sis- ter,. Mrs. Beacom, of. Midland, and remained with her rip till her death, The body was brought to this„village Mr. Quimt'-condeeted the services at the, house and grave. The pallbear- ers wermegessrs. Thomas and George King, John Cameron, Hellen Darrow, William Ferguson and, John Gabel - e boy'in ser, She leaves to tuourn . hoi;li er de 111i5e one sister and seven br; heedless spirits had a notion that ers ahnost anything could be put over 'Mia.. Ti. W. Beacoirt of Midland, hien, but the notion didn't sury ve Minh , George of Prince Albert,. many ventures into the tnvidiotts Sask., John .of Edmonton, Alta., Ro- sport„ bert of Toledo, . Thomas of Akron, Ohio, Samuel of Maneelono, Mich.,; and II. W. and A E. "Erwin of Bay- field. Mee, Beacom and (laughter, Mrs. Andrew, acootnpanied the pe - mains. Stanieg Township Mr, have' Talbot has been busy scraping roads these days. Harry knows what to do in order to have good roads. Some more of our . Road iCommisefoners ought to fol- low the same example and we would have better roads. Miss Olive Pollock has been visit- ing friends in Mitchell the past week Mr, Donald . Galbraith has been busy buzzing wood for the faintere along the Bronson lino, Mi: Harold Penbale has pur- chased a fine Pescheroe ` fi11y ,from Mr. 17itrve Zepfo of Blake. 3,tr. Clarence Parke amends mov- ing shortly to the farm lie ]tae pur- chased 'near Hensel', Mr.- John Scotchnicre sold a fine herd of steers to 'Mir. Churchill of Clinton. Mr, Harry Zapfe has .tnovecl to the house that he bee liurehased s ficld, Ita lull in Brttco from Mr many Elands ere sorry to loose retia as a iteiehbor. Y1 urehrtsed Mr. Geo, C.olezltan h P trouble in finding euitebl(: refit roonto a fine • Shorthorn hull froso Mr. Ctci1 tar stabling aoeonimodatio'ii Aliller� FORMER Sb'ANI.EY TOWNSI:IIP LADY DIES IN TIIF WEST. S` A Fopular i+5oi'mer past Revisits Charge' Rev.. Dr,' Rutledge A former•, pastor, who preached an-. niversary sermons in Wesley 'churc on Sunday last. London Road Invitations are being extended to the members` and their: families . by Clinton `Club," U. F, 0., toan at- home' on the evening of Thursday;:. Mar. 23rd. Mr. Stackhouse, has taken poses- sion of the farm he purchased'. from: Mr. Cartwright. Mr, Cartwright: is moving to Mr. Jack Ashtoree fern). Mr. Ashton is busy moving over to Ttickereenith, to' Mi•. Frank. Coleman's' and Mr. Coleman hairs purehaged a farm' in McKillop, tin; which he also moves very shortly.': A large number of, our people are= the victims of the prevailing infht enza, with, in some, cases, all the members of the family confined: to; the house at once. The death took place at the. home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Morton; Moosimin, Sask., recently of Mrs`. Jiuntes Stoddart, a former resident of Stanleytvti ntoship, The: deceased lady; whose neeiden name was Mary. ,Tone Pearson, was born in Stanley ey township seventy -enc years ago, on February 13th. Forty-five years ago she was united m marriage to Mr. Janes Stoddart, who predeceased her by nine years. Font of a :Gamily Suevive: (MVMary, Mrs, Morten, William of 5osforth: David of Goclerieh and Carl of Winnipeg, l'wo brothers Men gattwe: John Poa'ison oe Stan- ley Cod.x`$dt w its h i i, rev and lu,hei^b of a C hs: "•todleit 'was only i11 a trey sheet ,,tine, The iesmeine W0t:e Inemele; horse 'rev levet!, the,frinoral takinf; place to Egmnndville teme- tcz•'. Auburn Owing: to the, illness of Rev. A:; E. Millson, the service in the `-Metk odist church on Sunday evening was.;'! talcenby Req. R. J. Ross, Mr,- Co- lin :Fingland of Blyth took charge of .the services at the other two ape pointments , Mr. Gordon Taylor, who had one of his fingers very -,nearly severed,. is; we are very glad to say, recov Mrs, 0., Ee Errata spent the week- end at Clinton, Mr. Roy Roberton left last. Moe. day for his position in the. West. Quite a number' from this "vices-. ity attended the .funeral of the late Mrs, 'G. Currie on Monday after- noon. Messrs Elwin and Roy Munro et Auburn aremoving this week .t e Blyth to take charge of the business which they purchased from Mr, L. J. 'Williams, Mlast week Mr: Oliver Lawson left for the West. Hallett Township Mrs. James Cartwright of Stile con. is ill. - Me Chas. Stewart has purchased'; frons Mr. Roy Plumsteel of .the Lop - don' Road, South of Clinton, a fine•. Shorthorn to head his herd. Mrs. T. Adams is undergoing. treatment. in Clinton Hospital and bo now nicely -recovering, WILL NOT SUPPORT :LIBERALS; Senator W. Prouclfoot.. """ Huron Comity's .±1-51 se?itative tai t to upper 'Ilouse - who denies thea statement published in Liberal pap - ors that lit: c �. cit t e s. last weekto the x would. support the Liberals in the Senate. 1 -le says. "I have not gay- On my allegiance to the 7 ibera1). fay and have no intention of doing, so. In the last; election for tete 1a.; eta]. ,llouse l taut Its an 10dent11401Ax• f I c 1 was a > 11tainted to the -,elYate 1)0 the iJnioix %avnt'tr.ctat, I Have that:` Goveemeent ,1n inchmendent support: I, .have always felt that the Senate, should he an independent body 1tnsb iiatend to-: uontaule that attitude,"