HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-3-9, Page 8CLI .NTON.S LEADING 'i) ;" t°' i+ Sf OR!G ow Are;: Your EYES a ..1....o.e.k..R.0.44.4..01.4. Sate' ,They're the only pair. you will ever 'have. Do they ever bother you ? Do you have headaches and\don't know the reap son ? Better consult us. W e will be pleased to 'give you a thorough examination, and lit you `'with glasses that will relieve ; you of all your trouble, DON'T NEGLECT YOUR ETES, R. M JOHNSON'S1 eller and Opticiva Next rover's' Drug StorA- Eventnallg You Will Have your Suits made by tfgWhy not come in now and get a made -to measure suit for the price of a hand me -down. WORKMANSHIP ` AND FIT GUARANTEED. McEwa.ti Brothers, Merchant Tailors Wilkem Block THE MAN WITH THE FROWN: Haw. do • Rau, find business TIIE MAN WITH THE SMILE. I go and look for it We are looking for business by placing over 300 books on a table and we 'offer then to you at half price. Some are slightly faded. Some have a few scratches on the cover, Others are just remainders from our recent holiday sales. Books of 411 kinds and varieties; Per old and, young. A few are in high-priced. editions. --A11 go at Half Price. We also have, a 25c table of China and Glassware that merits your in- spection. The W. D; Fair Ca. Often' the Cheapest—Always the Beet 2 Stores All China, Glass an :.oc ev'g, I ' 2 Deliver- . les 10 per C F'ridaj and Saturdag'„0611 Coffee 38c Our own Blend 3 pounds' Cocoa 38c Tea Special BIend'. 38c "Purity” Rolled Oats 10 lbs for 38c Corn Meal 10 lbs for 35c 2 po.ands' 2 pounds Choice Dates 25c Cooking Figs 25c1 Prunes 2`pounds 28c Choice Salton 33c Corn Choice' 2 for 25e Pu npkin 2 nusaal Prue Beductions FOR OUR:;BJ(i' CLEARING OF -ALL BROKEN LINES BEFORE STOCK TAKING New Spring Ct4ds will soon ,begin to arrive and, Winter Goods must be cleared out regardless of profitre. An assortment of Men's ani; Boy's Winter Caps., to c)ear at(ibcse are less than cost) 793 Many other lines in job lots` to clear Men's heavy wool underwear, reg. $3.00 sale price $2,29 Boy's heavy wool underwear reg $1.25 sale price "79c Bargains in Sweaters, Overcoats, Suits and all lines of Footwear TERMS OF SALE CASA. proseefformanownesonteitaft CLOTI-IIkT(3. step. EYE SPECI$LIST A. L. Cole, Eye Sight' Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canad- ian Ophthalmic - College of Toronto: Goderieh,; Ont. Office hours. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Practice limited, to the eye. L T1du'. STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 90 NEW, IDEA PATTERNS. Our supply of Dr. Hess' and Clark's Stock. Tonic Tor HORSES, COWS, PIGS and '=Panacea for CHICKENS is now complete in 100 Ib. and 50'ib..drums, 25 lb, pails and 140 and 15 lb. packages. We have also Calf Meal and Chick Feed Another (the fourth)Elot of the Old Gray Enamelware, your choice for 69 cls. We also .carry, a full line of the advertised Peat! and Diamond Ware Also the -Marathon. Enamel ware A. good carpet sweeper for only $2.48 A few Electric Irons at $4.23 75c 'Brooms while they last at ,48 Stacks of Sap buckets, get our prices when wanted` Mitts: and Gloves at a big reduction A bargain table all the time. Hardware. Stoves and Novelties The Store With a, Stack 1,4 We are ' orteri as a Thi eel( One :Easy Vacuum Washer, for $12.00 One Red Star Washer for $19 00 Call and see the new Mono Vac Electric Washer Mr. and Mrs.` R. A. Roberton vis- ited Auburn friends on Sunday,. Mrs, W. B. Ford -of Burlington is the guest of Mrs; Frank Hovey. Miss Hattie"' Livermore of London. spent the week -end at her home in •town. Mr and. Mrs. E. W. Morrison and little daugther were in Hensel). on 'Sunday, Mr„ Henry' Richard of Windsor Is visiting his sister, Mrs, W. H. Watts of town.. Mr. Delos Disher of the Royal Bank, Durham, spent .the week -end with friends in "town, Mr. Wilson Rath of Strat ord spent theweek-endwith his mother; -Mrs. Rath of Huron Street; Mr. A. T. Cooper is in Torontothis week attending the convention of the Dominion Alliance-. Mrs. Roy Ball is in' Sarnia this week as delegate from the Clinton L.O. B A. at the Orange convention. Mr. Silas McPalls, 'fortnerly of the Molsons Bank staff but now of Waterloo, was a week -end visitor in town, Mrs, 7. Shepherd and' Mrs, Robson • returned last week after a visit, with the fornmer's , daughter in Lansing, Mich, Mrs Pox, who was a guest at the home of Mx. and Mrs, H. Holmes- stead, has returned to Clinton.- Seaforth News. Mr, and Mrs. Eph. Brown of Sondes- boro have come` into town and are getting settled in their new homer on George street. Mise Harkness, who visited her' sis- ter, Mrs, Clarence Shepherd, for several` weeks, left Saturday to visit in Vineland before returning jo her home at Iroquois., Miss Dorothy Cantelon returned last week from a visit in Toronto and ' Orillia She was accompanied home'' by her little niece, .Miss (Catharine Weatherwax, of Orillia: Dr. and Mrs. Kar and little grand- son, Master W ICay White, of La- peer, Mich and' Miss L. Gibbings of Toronto are hese this 'week, hav- ing come for the celebration of Mr. John Gibbings birthday yes- terday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Are1 si',-who: have spent . -the. past` couple or three 'years in, the west, returned to Clinton on Thursday. They vis- ited their son, Hugh, Mrs. Wolf and Mrs, Oristopher of Winnipeg sect also stopped off in Toronto for a week with the ' Misses Ewing, formerly of Hallett township. Mr. and Mrs Archer have been stay- ing with their daughter, Mrs. Mc- Donald of Griswold, Man,, who has been somewhat of an invalid for some years and, we regret to say, is not improving.: They intend re- maining in Clinton for the present. Constance Mrs. F. Ball arrived home on Mondry evening after spending a week -end with her son at St. Marys. Mr. Duncan Tudor has rhubarb four inches high growing in, his gar - cion. Tho Methodist church has got the neW organ in and the piano for the Basement is to arrive this week, Mr. Jas. Mann of Brtissels vis- ited his brother-in-law, Mr, ti Tud- or, on Sunday, Mrs, Chas, Riley and children of'. Brussels are visiting around here for a while. trIllett''':Townflp Aft. Robt. Lawton has bought from Mr, Gifford Crich, Tucker« smith, a tine purebred Scotch Short- horn cow and lruilr'at. a d'o'od price. dir CHOICE`BALDWIN APPLES GALLON APPLES CIiOICED CANNED PINEAPPLE EXTRA SPECIALS TIIIS WEEK HEAD 'LETTUCE LEAF LETTUCE • FLORIDA CELERY TOMATOES SPANISH ONIONS BITTER ORANGES Phone' 48 Two Stores 3 DUTCH CLEANSER .. 88c 380 PEARLINH , , . . 23c 2 lbs. MACARONI , , . 25e 2 lbs. DRIED PEAS 25e JAMS AND MARMALADES , 88e PEAO13ADE AND GRAPEADE , .• 380 We will redeem SURPRISE SOAP COU- PONS Watch ' Dondon papers (Thursday's);, issue; This offer will' appear ,only once; hone 43 Two Delivery Wagons at your Service"- Iie4P ii 3ii1e A Al19l ool . ION STORES anaseseanereseamr 1 he -Tidy ouse-eek ,. e. LIMITED will now be planning the Spring clean up campaig and we have the necessary equipment and material i assist her Wall paper cleaner Alabastine in many shad Clear Varnish Marbelite Floor Stains Wood filler Crack: Fil ler Johnsons Floor wax etc I1ry Mops Dustless Mops O'Cedar Mops ' Varnish and Paint Brushe Hair Brooms and the necessary stepladder A Car of mixed roofing is now here, consisting of Period and Slat Sxrfac 36 inches by 18 roll Roofing. and Slate Surfaced Shingles CLINTON 1 X : ll Omni'' -b } t,ffi Vices ori GENERAL HARDWARE PHONE 53 SEASONABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES• ceraiM Mz exs+rrs*rc:aa'saxnzA=a1=ST^: a .oa good Willies Raspberry !Jam 4 pound '1 c pail Large tin 21bs choice Lynn Valley PLUMS 19C I meaty PRUNES 29E Four String BROOMS 39C 3 acka;es Snopwflake 11MMQNIA 23C ill,°kinds Two bones' LAUNllY SAP lar 09C1 DDMBN(IIN MI�TCDES 25,0 Our own Special Blend T: The Famous; Red Package 45c ib Kellogg's 2, packages Original L0111 FLAKES�11C I SRCEIIDED HEAT To 29C Choice .Assortment TELFER'S SWEET BISCUITS A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of Clinton' anel vicinity to attend the spring millinery opening Friday and Saturday March 10th and 11th or any other convenient time. Mourning orders a specialty THE VOGUE 40-2 I:uauity ailori Our new cloths' are the finest collection; we hay had. 'for many Seasons, and are priced at a very ole margin of profit and we know that for real dollar vain they cannot he equalled. " QUALITY '_FIRST" has always been,.o>, motto, and this Season, we are out to demonstrate mor than ever, that REAL HAND TAILORING, all wet materia] and high grade trimmings are the only tru ecomony in. Men's Clothes. rides Ir l e frthn $25. Her an THE VETERAN ,TAILORS Opposite Town Hall Brown's Men's Furnishings Sto f: :N 'Neil's ' ak ri CHELT'BEBD The bread of q laity Ask your grocer for it or phone 204 and our driver will .call OtJB MOTTO: SERVICE R. Sm O NE1LL Say it with F kwe Brighten your own hone and your sick friends with CULT FLOWERS We can supply- ROSES, upplyROSES, VIOLETS, CA1tNA'I" DAFFODILS And FREl1SL Reduced Prices on 011 Special attention given to Pu and Wedding orders; C U ASA I N A M Phone 204 The ]Saber Phone 31 Pio i The death recurred in Gederich fait week of Owen Joseph McEvoy, a fernier resident of Coderich ` town- ship, at the age of eighty.tlres years. !Phe Exeter -Zurich hockey wars beaten by ICitnhener on lire day week, but it is talking of into Hockey to win the eli;anip n next rear.