HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-3-9, Page 4eee li. COOPER'S STORE NEWS NEW STOCK OF TAM ED RUG. JU T RRQEIVRR 1 yard"C7anvas 11 yards 1 yards 85c New C.or munD,t 2 i containi.ig all -the old and. popular songs Price 35c, post paid. CLINTON Stanley Township • Pi. Simon' Tiel of Stratford s pennt the week -end at the home of Mr,' David Tough of the'�Bronson;Line. Mr. •-Wil. Scotehmei. purchased' a. fine work horse` at Mr. Cartwright's side. 'Will is getting, ready for spring work. Nlr. Clifford Scotchmer of Strat-- ford. spent' the week -end under the •parental roof on the Bronson Line. Mi Fred -Watsonpurchased a fine deriver- last week Glad to ienort that 'Miss Hazel Sparks is making a speedy recovery from her 'illness . ' Mr. James McGee had the misfgo- tune to : have a "Blow-out in one of kis tires on Saturday evening lasts, :Find of .cold weather to have to fix :i- tire of the road. - 141r .r -Len oad, - Mr... -Len Talbet:,1s liurchasing a Ford runabout "car '-in the: sp0ing. Len wilt make things go then. Mr. Joe Mossop `and Mr "Charles Scotchmer have been busy ,cutting wood this past week. Joe is going to be prepares for cold,. weather next -winter;. Miss Freida Talbot of Seaforth spent the week -end under the par. ental roof on, the Sauble. 'Mr. and Mrs. ' Vodden return -to the west teethe "17th of March. We wish their a happy and safe journey name. Mr:. and Mrs. -John Pearson were in•Sea:•orth on: Monday, attending the funeral of the foriner's sister, Mrs;. James Stoddart.' IVTr: Adam Stewart and Mr: Ed. C. Glen went to Goderich Tuesday ;to. attend, the funeral of. fibs. 'Chas. Tweedie. They seem, to have had a regular epidemic of grippe at . Exeter lately. Egneondville is to have a new school buildin ..' County News There is talk of erecting a hall in connection with St. Peter's church, Goderich. The county . town seems to need =a good hall for the holding of public meeting's. • Miss M. 11. Rcbb of Seaforth has taken the position of district nurse at Wingham. Rev. S McLean has resigned as pastor " of the Egniondville Presby- terlan church. After" having filled the position of customs collector' at Wingham for the past forty.: yeas, 'Mr. henry Davis is retiring. 1 -le had ae0 on leave :of absence for ther pot year. owing to i11 -health What' was :leek* ees.;rthe"_ Smale Bleck, Brussels;'w ,, burned last week. The oiigin''of thli'-fire is nn- known as there' was no fire in the uppe,e',pert• of the building where it seemed, to. start,. - he ' building'' 'be- longed. to S. ; Sinai° of Toronto. There was:. no. insurance. - It will not. be rebuilt. The Rev. Edward and A.rs. Cragg of, Calgary on Fob. lath celebrated the sixtythird' anniversary of their marriage. They were married in Goderich iii 1859. and Mr.` Criigg was A SAD HAPPENING A very sad Happening occurred in Goderich township, on-. Monday, when Mrs. Benjamin ,Pearson' died from a dose administered by'her'own hand. The deceased left a note telling of her ;intention and when:found. was, beyond human. aid,' No adequate reason is known for ,therash act. Much eyinpathy is felt for her hits - 'hand; family- and friends. The fun- eral took place to 'Bayfield cemetery yesterday. afternoon. eminimairala Nage you 'Tried a Loaf of our 5 re Kht+pen Mr, Emmerson Smith and farknly have been confined to the house for the past week with influenza and bronchitis,, We are pleased to state that they are now eoavaleecent, Mr, Wilfred Mollis has alto been confined to his ',worn ;fol, a Week, suf- fering from the Flu, also Mrs. Wal- ter Veirbairn had need of a physician 00 account of an attack of erysipelas, but is reeovering:.nicely, we, are pleased to. report, ' Rev.. J, R. McConnell of llensall showed some moving pictures in the church Tuesday evening. The ,slight was sonnewhat stormy " and the au- dience was small but the picture; slhewn were esei;llent, the: butter making scene„ in New Ontario was most interestinglie shouredscenes in the life of then late Rev. Jahn G. Paton, the -veteran miesionary o$ the, Now llebrides, who `cent there when they were cannibals and he was the only white man. When he left there were thirty thousand; Christians. His life was in the greatest clanger on many occasipne, 'but was mercifully preserved by God, whose true servant he was, Mr, 'Mc- Connell has pormised to return, and give another instructive evening. A, choir of thirty voices is busy.. some eve ings nractisng their can- tata (TheFGalilean), which will ' be rendered 'Good Priday evening in St. Andrew's" Churrh, Mr. and Mrs., Andrew Love of Hills Green have got comfortably settled in their new home in Ilensall, which they recently purchased from Mr.' Jas. Johnston. Jfr. Johnston has purchased the farm of the late David Kyle and has moved there, we wish them great prosperity, in their new venture. rr Mrs. Jas. McClymont is visiting with' her daughter, Mrs. Verne Ter ryberry, in" T.uckersmith. Some of the Syrup Aings around here have tapped. The snow coining will help the run of sap, some are predicting it will not be0 a ,bumper. crop: on account of so many trees being mutilated with the ice storm. The sap will get wasted. The ladies of the . W.M.S.-oi St,;, Andrew's had their meeting at the Hosie of Mo.. Wm,-Sproat,on;,Friday afternoon list, the ,day set apa :for. prayer for missions, about thirty were present, Mos. 'Lundy took the subject Tori the day which was the taission in South China written by Miss Agnes Dickson, the missionary ivho is now home on furlough, Miss OUR MOTTO Quality arid Service • Leave us your address and our driver will call Successor's to F. W. Johnston Phone 1 Clinton ail Paper Sale Don't miss these bargains in Wall Paper Wo have reduced our stock to 5 cents a double and up We ales leave a nice general line of new paper, very reasonably prh`.ed All in Stock NEW GINGIIAIHS A nice lino of new Ginglrams at 25e and 30c per yd. NEW SIIOES Our Spring Stock has arrived with better quality and lower pricer, WE SHALL DE PLEASED TO SIIOW yozJ The 'following goods are still reduced. Men's Fleeced Underwear, .. , ... , . , , 50e a garment Mdn's all 'wool ribbed underwear $1.56 a garment liieii°s Wool ribbed underwear ........ 75c a garment arnment a .50 151 to 50c Ladies' iirdoerwe<t71: , S Phone 13 011 622, 4ofl,Varag GREATEST FOPS °iii►kutt Newry-Hecolrf Joan S4eLenn, Mre .Kyle and, sense. others took part in the diseueelorr, Mrs. J. Jar•sot pieeided with n tas- ty lnneh, which wan shish enjoyed. The Ladies' Aid also had ti short meeting at the closet Reports were given by Mgrs, Jas, Bowey and 'iYIre Wm. Sinclair. 'A number of useful articles have been purchased for use at lawn socials, etc.,, and a gasoline lamp hers been metalled in the sehaol room, 'a gift frontthe Conies' Aid, Mrs. Bert McKay has not been well for some days with an attack of the grippe: Mrs, Robt. Taylor of. Forest is visiting with her daughter, -Mg. John Every household should have its life -guards; Thes,,need of thein is especially great when diseases, the greatest foes of life, find.' allies in. the very elements, as colds influenza, catarrh, the grip, and pneumonia do in this stormy month. The best way to guard ' against these diseases is to strengthen the system/ with. .Hoods Sarsaparilla- one of,the greatest of all.lif&-gi$ards. it. reproves the 'conditions in which these :diseasesm 'ake their most successful attack, "gives vigor and tone to the vital organs and func- tions, land imparts a genial warmth to the blood. Remember, the 'weaker the system the greater the exposure to disease`. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes " the system strong. If the liver is torpid or the bowels axe sluggish, causing biliousness or: constipation, Hood's Pills will be found of great service. They are. especially shadeto be taken with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Everybody knows that in Canada there are more, Templeton'° Illteuinatie. Capsules Sold than all other Rheumatic Remediescombinedfor Rheu.. inatism, ,scleritis, Neuralgia, .,ciatica, Lumbago, etc. Many doctors prescribe them, most druggists sell them, 'Write for free trial to Templeton; Toronto.' Sold by J. E..Hoyey, Druggist Battery 'and Radiator ,,„,,„;=,'• Repairing, No mattes what shape your bat- tery or Radiator is in, we can re- pair .it e-pair.it as good as new by our meth- od. Bring in your frozen radiators. ALL CARTAGE : CHARGES PAID ONE WAY ON ALL WORK All repair work bears the well- known Epps ''Square Deal" Guaran- tee. 'Bring in your old battery and exchange it our one our new, 18 months' guaranteed "Epps" Battery, Our now 5 -ton International truck will take care of your hauling prole - ken. E' H. ,EPPS & SON Phone, Clinton 026 r 14 Varna. ^'' fltANTRU R)aILWA.. The Double Track Route MONTREAL. TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO w'ssexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on Night Trains nstd, T'ai'lor Care on principal Day Trains.' Ii ta11information from ally Grand' Trtmlt Ticket Agent or C. 111, Horning, Distinct Passenger Age.; Toronte, J. R, neford & Son, Uptown Agents. Phone 1i7., the home` of Mr, A37drew Bell Friday evening of last week, Canadian aF1, thorn are stili on cliseussion,• ,Paper° by Miss itilgii', Miss; A. Sproat and Miss E. Jarrott and othe'ee talking` part made it a proCtesble 4vOning, 11r, and Mrs. Ball very _hospitably entertained at the close ol"the even- I arggc quantities- of wheat aro be- ing brought in to Kippen warehouse. One clay 1,000 bushels. were delivered and the next ten loads Mr. Jar. rot, w110 15 in chFage; had a busy tine storing '' it away and the price ad. vaneing will help the sellers consid- erably. We were glad there was' still SQ much wheat in the country, The 3:'oung People's Club met at Our flour will be assured, e Gree Redeemer The story of a bandit- who was sent to prison snd there painted an immertal figure on the 'prison wall. a figtu'e that prougbt'a blaspheming murderer in the cell opposite to his knees in prayer. This beautiful story'of.the painting, an actual occurrence that happened ina prison in San Bernardino, Cal., Heart Throbs Human Interest Suspense PRINCESS ' ItgAR H 9-10-11 da Friday . Saturday Y Y Admission 15c and 311c nei`rdniTHE FOUR HORSEMEN o the APOCALYPS, E."' 4 Horsemen March 7fch and 1sth , 9DA,:41dltt:ll 9tic, kNLx ifs° the .Feil. to Sells' Have a Big Store in a Srnall Town rrHER7 are such;stores, that hold the trade for miles around, some of them built up without largely in- creasing capital. The merchant buys small standardized stocks of the very best sellers, the same styles that axe being shown in the big cities. IIe is particular to get the styles that are advertised, that his customers will. look for. If it is wearing appaxei, he prob- ably does not carry the very small or very large sizes, prefer- ring those for Which there will be most demand.' When well displayed, an advertisement in the local paper starts them selling. The merchant looks -upon the manufacturer or jobber as his warehouse. -Once a week, or oftener, he checks up what new stock or odd sizes he needs, and orders them by, Long Distance. Shipment is often made the same day by express, parcel post, or freight. Quick delivery becomes possible. Customers are enthusiastic to find they can buy what they want in their home town. Reputation grows rapidly, and the yearly tnMio0er creases notably. • By designating an experienced em- ployee to handle out-of-town messages, their customers' calls are made at the low Station -to -Station rates.` Everyfol,° Telephone ie a Long Distance Station' Double action --Goes' farther—Try it and 0a g 'll be( delighted with the 'results. ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER\ 50 Series 22 "Built -in -Canada" ] The New Studebaker Cars, now son display, insure a continuance of Studebaker leadership in motor car, VALUE. In the New BIG -SIX you get the wonderful performance 91 its 60 - horsepower motor, the roominess , of its seven-papsen,,er Studebaker - built body, its unusually easy ear shiftin, and steadiness on the road at all . speeds. There is distinctiveness of ap- pearance in its beaded edge body, tailored top, massive head lamps, traceful; cowl parking lamps, and Look' for These'Featu t50-11. P., 3% x3 -in. motor with detachable head. Dry plate disc clutch which makes the shifting of gears unusually quiet, and early. Intermediate transmission. A new seven -passenger body mounted on' a sturdy . chassis of 126 -in. wheelbase, with heavy beaded odge,$raceful cowl, tarter and higher hood; built complete in Studebaker plants. ,New one-piece rain -proof windshield that gives greater vision. Windshield wiper, Cowl .1parking lights, miniatures of headlights, ht , cornersof windshield, clear -vision, one-piece rain -proof windshield. ' But basically, the New BIG -SIX. is the same dependable car, that contributed much to making 1921 a Studebaker Year. If you pay more than the price of thehTewBIG-SIXyoumaybuymore weight, but is is impossible to et finer materials or ,better workman- ship, Its light weight and the use of the highest quality materials, con- tributein making the New BIG - SIX the greatest 7 -passenger auto- mobile value on the market today., res in the. New Big -Six Cowl ventilator, operated from dash. Courtesy light' on driver's left. Tonneau light with extension cord. Massive and artistie headlights .with impro' ed l deflecting and diffusing lenses. Deep, luxurious cushions upholstered in hand -bug= . ed genuine leather. Large plate glass window in rear of tailored top. Tool kit in pocket on left side of driver, locked' with same key that fits transmission look and ignition switch. 33x43' --inch cord tiFee. , T. F. HOLLAND Last Street Garage Phone 234, Goderlch THIS IS A STU`DEBAKER YEAR. X2475 )1... 1.. Walkerville, Ont. 11 i1