The Clinton News Record, 1922-3-9, Page 1..fit is 'c ecor 11 est ot our es To help them with Glassed. Nearly everybody who does • a lot of roadina, or eewing, or fine work with the eyes, feels the effects, and most people know it is a rest their eyes need. Btu few 'can drop their work because their eyes or head aches; Not enough people know that the right glasses will give the needed rest. Wear thorn .while you work -they will help you wonderfully. Satisfaction and comfort with -glasses supplied by • Jeweler and Optician' YWiqcir•: Phdne 174w Residence -1743' 1S`YOUR MONEY ` , Ni � SAFE? I1tddeu in ur o lioine it is atetn to 'o y P � ik to thieves. .our - Deposit y P y money iaJsthe baiak and. rent a SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX, for your valuable papers Victory Bonds,' etc. ' THE ROYAL 4 AL R. ANC0F CANADA • INCORPORATED 1SSS Capital Paid Up $4,000,000, Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches A Farm Pun on a Business U tvSS C2$15 requires that every member of the family be made a partner. That the earning from some particular product be allotted, to each member. Then good' sense::indicates,that„these.earningb b -s: should o,to ,. swell their savings accountwith The, 11/1o1son Bank. This will make each one ambitious to make his product pay. Deposits by mail accepted, io.o.t . R: SHARP, M'anager', Safety y De posit iBoxes to Ren 1, CLINTON BIP;41,rew. 'I1,LADY-TO-W1➢A CLrn ie lro- 2he' r7Ylornsh • Clothing Co. O.nnwiio ' OLCYTOING xett ng Back .to' Pre-war Prices' $15:00 Suit y 1 Fifteen Dollars is your suit pace, come here fur the best suit your money can :buy 1 Eighteen Dollar's IS 0111' 91111Tice ;COmeh1re for a: good wear1.1igBlue Surge Suit'' If Twenty Five :Dollars is your suits price, come here for an all wool suit in good patterns and up-to-date styles If Thirty Five Dollars is yo r suit price, come here ' and `see some beautiful cloths in oxtrl: fine all wool serges and tweeds; aw tit Special at $24.50 oSpecial Suit and extra tro users fo ase . a Sp a e r 1t r 24.50 i CLINTON, ONTARIO T;<- URSDAY MARCH 9t t, 1922 Is the street that runs through the mind of the Community. Is Your Nameplate WENT 11 'v GOD31RICH. A number of the members of the Clinton L. 0. 13, A., thefirst ladiee lodge to be organized in Huron coun- ty, went to Coderich on Wednesday even la week m • of t wc, 1 to install of, g S ficees in a newly -formed lodge there. The work of installation waa put on entirely by the ladies, THE CITIZENS MEETING. ,-There-was but a small turnout of citizens at the public meeting called on Tuesday evening to discuss var- ions afleire in regard to town im- provement. Mayor Cantelon presid ed and a'numbei,;including the reeve and councillors ' spoke, advocating contain improvements, good roads, -a 'community plied, parks, etc. A com- mittee, consisting of Messrs. A. T. Cooper, C. G. Middleton, G. Hicks: andJ..Diehl was appointed .at the conclusion to see about a community, shed and other, matters, • THE COUNCIL M1ETING. J The council met : on Monday even- ing, all members present with the ex- ception 'of Councillor Nediger, . It was a short meeting, no coin mnnications or petitions being pre- sented'for consideration, Chairman' Cooper ' of the 'bylaws connnittee reported that considerable time had been spent„evisingthe .by-: law govening the procedure of coun- cil-;pnd, recommended ;that the mat-- ter at-ter presented be accepted as a per- manent bylaw to replace bylaw -No. 10 for 1893. This . was in accordance with a 'motion passed last . month to revise . and bring up to' date the by- laws of the town. The report of. the bylaws committee was adopted. Chairman Middleton of the street committee recommended the payment of some tree • pruning . and snow, ploughing accounts and also that the street sprinkler be repaired and got ready for the spring. He also re- commended that the clerkbe instruct.. det to write to R. C.' Muir chief en gineer of the Highways Department, asking him to visit Clinton on, the 15th -inst.,: andmeet with the coun- cil.' Ile explained that Engineer Muir was coining -to Hensall:on that date and might be able to' come up' here in ,the morning, meet the eoun-. and lease for .Hensall, on the af- ternoon train in time for the evening ineeting there, -The report was adopted. • Ghairntan �Dein p of the Fire re. and ' Water Committee recommended the purchase of one length 'Of ]lose for fire Pimieption.. Chairman Miller of the cemetery committee repoeted'that his cornrn't- ter had conferred with represent- atives of the Women's Institute.. and j.t was agreed that they should accent the generous offer of the Institute of new gate foe the cemetery and that the Institute, work, in `conjunction with the committee, which intends er- ecting a new fence. The report was adopted. Chairman Nediger of the property committee was not present but through Councillor Livermore `recom- mended the purchase of some new linoleum for the 'police office 'floor. Chairman Livermore 'reported. that .during the inonth $1.13 had been ex pended in charity, Chairman Cooper, in addition to presenting the • monthly financial re- port; which is; appended, .made the fol- lowing ol- low 'n r recommendations: wi b That arrears ^•in .the 'tax roil in connection with the business tax of A. Lawson and A 'Case be correc- ted by discounting. as follows: A. Case, 1917, $22,00; A. L'aws,on, 1918, $3:40, also the income tax •of. H. E. Paul in 1917 of $762, And that 'notification be given that the unpaid taxes against land that is in .arrears be collected after May first by a Tax Sale as provided by sta- tutes. That the amount of $50.00 be giv- en 'me a grant to the Clinton Horti- cultural. Society for Civic Street improvement. That $60 lie given to the Spring ranr, That the :abstract statements'of the Auditor's report be published. The report was adopted. Tlie Finance Committee recent - mended payment of the following ac- counts: • tiisurance Ac. D. L.�Macliperson „ $9.40 C. B. Hale 18.00 Salaries Ac. R. 31 Fitzsimons for Feb, .,' 54.17 R. B. Fitzsimons, col, W. T:;' 2,00 Charity Ae, F. W. Wigs, groceries , 1.1.3 Property Ac. R. Horsley, 9 hours work , 2,23 W. T. Hawkins) supplies , 6.70 E. Ward, coal 39,35 Cennetery „Ac. R. Ilorsley, 2 days work ., 5.00 R, hunter, salary, foe Fell, -(i0, 00 Grants Ac. Hos >ital for light . , , .. , 1.1.`63 1`"' Telephone Ae. Rental for' 2; phones t . , 4,52 Ineidentel Ac, D. Cantelon, exp..,to Toronto 13,00 S. J. Andrews, exp, to Tv.',, 0o 9.00 Municipal World, supplies . , .. 19.21 b `k,, Macperson, postage , . 3,60 Street Ac. Pee Sheet for work ..... . 13.50 It. Hill, snowploughing 6.00 W. ,Elliott, snowploughing 25.25 Electric Light -Ac. P. TJ', Cum., Street lig+kiting 141.41 P. Lir Com,, lighting T. hall . 1,32 D. E. Closet Ari, J. Carrick. salary for Feb, 54,17 RECEIPTS R. Ih Fiteettnions, a eitth °rales 1(1,20 It, Hunter, weak et cemetery. 6,18 H t1It.snt r,..2l,(, CLINTON MARKET8, 14rheat, ..1.30; Oats, 45c. Barley, 50d Buckwheat Bu r' tte , 354 tb' 36t,. Eggs, 25c' to` 27ct. Live hogs, $12.00, DEA'I'Ji OF J. C. TOWNSEND, Mr: Joseph yrieh Townsend, an esteemed resident of Clinton, died at his residence on Saturday morning{ March 4th, 1n hie 71st year.. The deceased': was 'born , at ,the llome_tead, Teekors7nith, ` and was reared by an anile and aunt,.31r. and Mrs. Thos.' Crich, front early in- fancy. He served an apprentice- ship 'as carpey'nter at Blyth and 'worked for a number "of year for Mr. Thos. Ms:Kenzie of• Clinton and for he t last eleven year"s for the Do- erty Pianos, Lmiited. • Deceased was twice married his first wife being Miss Charlotte View, and in• March of 1912 he married his present wi- dow, Mrs Annie L. Grendon of Bournemouth, England. : He was a meehinie of proved abil- ity, and .was generally highly respec- ted and esteemed by all. who knew hint, The funeral tank . place from 111x late•residence o11 Monday afternoon, the services being : conducted by - ,the Rev. S. Anderson. Th a pallbearers were:. Messrs. ,Idle and.Eli 'Crich,, A. McGatva J' L. and"•Bert Ke1x and Col..Rance,;,. • Mrs. J C. Townsend 'desir°es'to' express- her heartfelt; thanks• to; all for their kindly sympathy luring. her, bereavement HOSPITAL ANNUAL .MEETING, The annual meeting of Clinton, Community H+ispital "'Association, was held 'on Friday, March 3rd, in. Mr._.S. 11 Stothees ofliee.' Mrs. Ai T Cooper:.Mrs. J. E. Hovey,, Mrs. Will Plulnsteel, Miss - F. Curing hanie and Miss Maud Torrance were appointed members of the Hospital. Board for a term of three -years. The reports of -'the: superintendent and the Tzeasur;i: were read and adopted. Mrs. N. W. ^ Trewartha, presi- dent n dent of the Board. reviewed; the work the Hospital has accomplished -during the three years that it has been un- der the management of this ladies' association. How;tlle Hospital builds,,, ing has' been bought and paid for. =She voiced the`$Iianlfs of 811athe sociation to 'the' County,'Council fox the em�.ant of $1,000 per 'annum for maintenance, also :tile thanks s due to Clinton and vicinity for the splendid effort that made the "Street Fair". the success 'that it 'was in realizing $704 net gains- She nientionel,the whole- heaeted service rendered to the Hos- pital. by Miss Grainger and thought those' who had ,served, on -the board' best knew the many ways by which' Miss Grainger kept down expenses,' and still kept up the efficiency of the work, Mrs. Trewartha: thanked all the doctors for their hearty co- operation -and assistance, and in clos- ing, she wished to thank all members of the board for the harmony and unity that had prevailed during her term of office. Following is a report o£, •the Hos- pital ;front ' Feb. 22,,1921 ' to Feb. 28, 1922: • Pati° tq. n , remaining nm�' x n g 1 the Hospital Feb. 22 1921 8 Patients admitted to Hospital dur- ing the year, 171. ' Births in the Hospital during the year, 26 Deaths in the hospital during the year. 5. Patientsdischarged front hospital. during the year, 174. Patients still remaining'' in Hos- pital, 4. Collective days ',stay of Patients, 1831 days.' Average' days stay of Patients, 11%. Number of free patients, 1. Days stay of free patient,' 43, Patients from County of Huron, : 91. Patients front Town of -Clinton, 5C. Fi'em outside places, 25. RECEIP'T'S • Feb. 28, 1921 to Feb, 28. 1922, Patients Fees ..$5230.172 Huron County Grant a. 1.000,00 Ont. Gov't, Grant.. 743.20 t Town Council Grant, . 15.00 Donations:. . , : 57; 7e Refunds „ , , , 62.42 Bazaar • . '806,06' Balance Feb. 23,' 1921 , . ,., 556.26, 'notal .$8471.21. EXPENDITURES. Meat ,r°„ 317.36 Batter and` Egg's , , , . , 329,45` Bread and :Flour . 114. 31 Milk 261..1.0 Tea and Coffee 36,05 Vegetables ` . Groceries: 606 09 Stamps, stat,. etc 40,08 Soap, etc. 75.08 Friel 738.70 Dry Goods 185.72 Drugs, surgical sop, , , 523,41 Ezepaite . , 132.20 Salariesr1120.3 0 Prin. int) and Meuranco 1539:50 Etluipment . 334,11. Laundry . . , , . , , .. , . 1163 i 85 Telephone , 41.13 iii! 19.70 1:k11a X5,00 X17584.45 i tilance 886.76 DUI 401 ;f 4111 d14, t54 , THE 1.10 [ 'A 'What Street A SOCIAL EVENING. .Mr, and, Mess -0, 8, Hawke ` en- tertainod a npanbor of :friends at their home on Thursday evening last, the evening being 9iC tt in games and Music. A pioiiic ]tink131 was served atferwards and a collection taken for missions. LITTLE LOCALS, The :members of L. 0. L. No, 710 went down to L. Stephenson's on. the London Road on, Friday last and cut a lot of woods him. They die) a good job of work and hada jolly time".while at it. We have had such a. run of 'ad- vertising the -past fewweeks that ori news space has been liniited, end many items have had to be held over. We trust our readers will bear' with it as 1t willprobably 1 obably not be for long, Mernee Bros. haste moved the flax tow from the store . next door to The News-Reocrd to the Palace Bloelc, and -the Currell-Shipley' Grocery will 50011 open next door., A SURPRISE PARTY., The following from the London Ad- vertiser refers to a former Clinton boy, ion` of Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Carter; formers citizens. The lad thus., honoured was' celebrating his nineteenth birthday.- • "The; Bluebirds and Tnvineibles had -a surprise party on Toni 'Carter last Tuesday evening. Games were; soon .got under Way and everyone was on. the .go. " Piano selections •by W11T Boyce were very moth appreciated and he was in constant efemand, Bert Bell was a shining light on the-for- jeine-telling. games. A good lunch Wasserved by Mrs. Carter, en- joyedbeing;all, :1 , 1 by alT] e party broke up about midnight,' everyone declaring it a success." -MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION, The Ministerial Association 'met .Monday forenoon in the parlors of Willis- church, the president, the Rev. 'G..I.>'Burns, in the chair. The op- ening prayer waa offered by Rev, S. Anderson. It is -expected that a union ser- vicewill be held on Good Friday. An- nouncements will be made later. It was agreed that a union 12 -lens' inspirational prayer' service will be held in Willie ,church lecture tom on -Wednesday, evening next, Mar. 15th at eight- o'clock. . -The followin g e esollttion was ltrn- anin7ouSty carried: "We,' � the mem- bers of"the 'Ministerial Association, 7n .monthly;' meeting assembled, hav- ing, )erned of the well=intentioned efforts of the milk Hien :of our town to avoid the distribution :of mills" on the Sabbath day, lake this opportun- iter 'of' expressingour commendation of the purpose' and would recommend our : people to co-operate with, these men to obviate ail itnnecessery ser- vice on the Lord's Day.' The Rev, C. L. Bilkey is to give the topic at the next- meeting, the first Monday in .April. - AMONG TH,E , CHURCHES. St. Penh's Church During the season of Lenthe t Rev. C. Llewellyn Bilkey is delivering 'a series of sermons on Sunday morn- ingon the Seven Churches of Asia, and in the evening on- the Parable of the Prodigal a g 1 Son The subject next Sunday evening will be: "The Far Country, or Self -Indulgence:'+ Cormenefng on Friday, March 17th, there will be a series of Lenten twilight organ recitals in St. Paul's church at 4.30 each Friday after- noon. Mrs, Morgan Agnew will be assisted by Mr. G. Phelan and oth- er members of the orchestra: There will also be a soloist at each recital, A silver collection will be taken, .. ,Ontario' Street -Church The evening' service will be with drawn on Sunday on aocount of the anniversary 'services m Wesley ch ich u c A very intet'esting open session rof the Sunday school was held on Sun- day afternoon, the Rev,', C. L, Bil- key giving an enlightening address oh conditions in Russia. A collection was taken for the relief of famine sufferers there, :amounting 'to- $9 This amount }las sine° been increased to $100 and the fund is still open, Mr, Harold Pickett being' the trees - At the Junior League on Tuesday evening Masters' Jack Gilibings and Harold 'Jervis were in charge and a fine program was given. Phe boys had Prepared a nrunbel: ,of bible're- buses and much interest was mertf- fested in them., Wesley. Church On Monday everting the literary 00nuiiittee had chorea of the pro- -gr'amene at League and an address was given by Mr. 7). E. Rorke on the Chippewa .Canal. Mr. Rorke spoke very interestingly, :front his own knowledge of the "big ditch", and was listened to with pleasm•e. At the 00111. ttsion of the program one of the Sunday school classes served re- freshments and 4n silver collection 'von taken for missions, Next Sunday will be anniversary day, when the Rev. Dr, Rutledge of Hamilton, a ' .1 liner pester, will preach at both services. 'the 'chole will furnish appropriate Mush:, assis- ted by letiss Rennie .of Zurich. On Monday 'evening 11 emlgregational meeting will he held, a program fol- lowed by leech and a "aclf<I hour, The trustees are arcking for an 1111- 'bring et' $580.I8/ sat talals ;JLnl;ly'Cx',s- ti31 'HERE TUESDAY, The County Monte committee of the county council, consieting of lbeeves Klopp of Hay, Tlplin81 Wing - ham; S • ', z1 ,. otton H r o 'edc , p w Cr 1n BAY- hold, a - , � , w , iy hold,.and Warden,',Cl•ewartha, met in, Clinton on Tuesday, The tepdex;s for the years' supplies . were let, some matters relating to the winding up of several .estates were gone into and other business attended to, IT IS TONIGHT. The C.C.I. skating party, which 'cutis to Have been •held on Tuesday evening, did not take place owing to the,. soft weather but, unless ,7acic Frost takes a sudden departure, it' comes oft fedi} ht`in the emit• It will be' remembered that this skatint,peaty is being given to make up a deficit_ in the treasury of the C. T. hockey team, that swift and Sturdy aggregation of puck chasers' that hes never vet: 100011 defeat; (unless by i11 chance .they should be meeting it now,) and their• gameness' merits your -patronage. if you can skate at all go down tonight and take a round oe two, or, if you're too old or, stiff for .that, loo1c on a 'while, or if : your rheumatism won't ,al- low even that" at least go in and drink a cup of tea just to show the boys your Heart is: young, . The 1o s are playing, Listowel High ,School this• afternoon at Strat- ford:,and we,wish_them' luck: we oAs - � g to press we learn'' that- Listowel hatListowel will play. the C. C'- I. in the local arena tonight, game called: at 7.45.: Skating :party afterwards. SCOUTS RE -ORGANIZED,, The meeting in the council them - beg on Thursday evening last to re- organize the• Boy Stouts wrs'atten- ded by a number 'of the boys and, a few citizens' who were interested. Provincial Field -Secretary Davis of Toronto was present to give instruc- tions,, advice and assist"inthe organ- ization, e Mr..A. F. Johns,' principal of the Public' school, was appointed Scout- master and a local committee,' cone sisting of 'J. W. Treleaven, princi- pal of the C. 0 I., chairman; Mr. Sinclair, sec. -treasurer; and, Messrs. Sumnierheys, Corless and 0. Liver- more, was formed, 'Bent STornan, I+, Scruton and Gordon Hall were. ap- pointed assistant -scoutmasters and Stewart Taylor, Culinnaster, tohave charge of the Wolf Cubs. , Onn 'Ngo day evening a meeting' of S the boys was called :in the Public school and about twenty-five or thir- ty Scouts and . ten or twelve Cubs were present. Four patrols were farmed with 'Ferguson Carter, Robt, Middleton, J. Match . and Kenneth Roberton al patrol leaders, ' Meet- ings ; will be held weekly, on Tues- day evening; and the next thing' to do is to secure a proper place of meeting, DEATH OF MRS, BILLTNGS, Mrs, George W. Billings, died at the home 51 her daughter, Mrs, Prank IIovey, Ontario street, on Friday, last at ,the age of eighty years. Mrs' Billings had been in failing' health for some time and for a month before her death'had •been confined' to bed. Mrs. Billings is survived by one son, Dr. Billings af. Dunnville, . and two daughters, Mrs. Conway of Riverside, Cal., and Mrs. Hovey. Mrs, Billings carie to Clinton with her daughter : abont e two years ago but she bad formerly been a resi- dent of Clinton for a year, leaving about twenty years ago, and short- ly after that her husband died. Since she had spent most of the time in California. She was a Methodist and since coming to Clinton had been. connected -with Wesley church, Tlie funeral took place from the home of Mrs. Hovey on Monday af- ternoon, the services being conduc- ted by the Rev, D. N. H'eCamtis, assisted by the Rev, C L. Bilkey, The pallbearers were: Messrs, deo, Shipley, C. 13. Hale, 0, G. Middle- ton and Col, Rance. Those present from a distance for the funeral. were Dr. Billings of Dunnville and Mrs. W. 13. Forel of Burlington, 4 Cix1'rlch Township The. A. Y. P, A. of Si,. Janes' elmech celebrated the snecessful con- clusion of the work of their concert party of Monday evening, Feb'. 27th, by an oyster Supper, at the home of 111r. 1V, IN, Wise. The party had put on two concerts, one tit the church on Feb, .17th,'when a box so- cial was the feature, tied again; on Feb, 27th 'when they repeated theft prog4`ain in )3ayfielci town hall, un - dee the auspices of the Library Board. On both occasions the enter- tainment was 011011 appreciated and a satisafeto1'y sum of money resulted. Under the leaders of the two oppos- ing sides, Mr.' Charlie Wise and Mea Howard Clark, -much friendly rivalry was engendered and Many pleasant evenings spent` in preparing the'Var- ious; numbers. On Monday night beth sides, numbeeing aboiIt Teeter -live were present, : After a geed time spent in games and mneic, the party sat down to he 1uaiu event, and (tome Were evert seen to indulge in it se- cond helping;. Following, a vote of thanks' to tine' Indies 'for preparing the 0upper arid te, Ile. and Mee 'Wise for their kindness in 7txtendil4 Iloapitality, the; evening closed with a thert -inferntel. He's Our Own Product 'Mr. John Gibbings Mr. John Gibbings, whose family was one of the first to locate where' Clinton, now stands, and' who is the, oldest.native-born; citizen of Clinton, yesterday celebrated his 'eighty- third birthday. There was a happy family` gathering', thering, -as is the yearly custom,-ati, and :Mrs, Kay- and 'lit- tle grandson coming over ` from La- ,peer, i1 ich., and ' Miss Libbie Gib bings coming up feral Toronto to he present. The' News eRe@ord; joins with; the' many friends of 341', Gibbings felicitations and good wishes far many happy returns. Batyfield Mr. John Glowser of •Goclerich. nloyed his wife and family into the village this week and wilesropen up a butcher shop in the shop adjoining Mr. John Tippet's"on Main Street, Mies Hilda King is spending a few' weeks with her sister, Mrs:: Attwood, of>Detroit. An interesting case was tried in the token hall on Monday before Magistrate C. Reid of Goderich, in which the appellant, '4jrillianx Du carne, accused the defe'ndent, Ed-' die Brisson, of stealing his nets out in the lake. The parties are both residents of tate French Settlement, W. J. Best of Seaforth appeared on behalf of the 'defendant,- while 0, Seager of Goclerieh was prosecuting attorney. When the appellant gave his•.evidonoe the nets were brought into •'Court but after a Iengthy ex- amination of them he, the appellant, could not identify any of ,them as his; noir fiiicl his marls on then. When the magistrate had heard a few or the witnesses he decided to settle the ease for them, and asked each dfi them to go incl' picic out,his own nets and be good friends, - which. they decided to ego, Our school was visited last' Friday by Dr. 1VlcKenzae Smith : and Nurse Campbell, who made a medical in- spection of tithe pupils. Owing to- illness a number were absent and another` visit will be made; on Thurs- day, 9th, when it is hoped s, good number of the parents will be pres- ent, Arrangements: are being trade to have a government nurse visit the schools regularlyand by this mea ns see that the health of the gro`wiag child receives better attention. This' is most commendable and should re- ceive the hearty 'support of all, whether having children of sehool, age or not, On Friday evening, Marek 17tH; the Community Club is having a Bose Social iii the Town hall, There will be an interesting 'programs Miss, Ford ' who ,purposes having a class here this seminar, isexpected to assist with piano selections. After the boxes are' sofa and luncheon over, there will be dancing. Three prizes will be awarded for the most novel boxes, i II »'1MOSIVilrle We are glad to 'report that Willie Miller, who returned home from Clinton Hospital. last week, is con- tinning . to -improve , The contest in the Epworth: League continues hi interest, The 131aa Aeroplane still leads. The Mission Circle had its annual Sunday rally ort Sunday last, When the pastor, the Rev: W. J. Johnston; preached both morning and evening. The choir was made me 'of members of the Circle, there vias a, good inn,. out of people and the offering; amounted to $23 and a life member. shil, Rev. 'tV, J, and Mrs. Johnston: t:icl little son are in Toronto this week, Mrs. Johnston intends rel lnaining a few weeks. Rest. W. 3, Johnston and Rev. C. Hallowell are Melding union prayer services in St. John's Anglican church every Wcclriesday evening;' dieting Lent at 8 o'clock, Wedneeclay evening being idle filet meeting and there was 'a good number present: The topic and lantern slides wen€. splendid, Rev. Mr, Hallowell leak- ing- after the lantern andtome, ays listed by Miss Minnie:P1octor at. the organ, in the absence of the org'an- ist. All are cordially invited to eta tend these services, Caine and brine; your friends:. Miss Nevem; of C1hiten and Misile Minnie Preston and Eleie Osbaldes'c ton each sang a s610 01 the 1eaguaa: meeting on 1`ridny even111g:, *wet wool 3i lrleging out eine tiiligT.ht