HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-3-2, Page 8TONT LEADING J WEERY STOIo How Are Your EYES ? eY're the 9niy pair ,you wall ever have. -Do they 8veru bother you :' Do -you have headaches and don't know the rea- m/ ? Better consult U. We will be pleased to give you thorough ex annadon, and fit you with glasses that will relieve of all your $rouble. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR EYES. 0 l H JOHNSON Weller and Optician Neat Hovey's,Drug Stori ventuiafj You Will Have your Suits made by us. , Why not0come in now and get; made -to 'measure suit for the pries of.a hand-me-down, WORKMANSHIP AND FIT GUARANTEED; McEwan Brothers, Merchant Tailors Wllkeu 'Block: 1 rllusualprioe. Redactions OR 9UR BIO CLEARING`••OF ALL BROKEN • LINES BFORE STOCK TAKING New Spring.Cceds will soon begin to arrive and. 1Winter• God roust be cleared out regardless of profita. An assortment of Men's and ,Boy's Winter Caps to,. ()tar st ,(Masse are less than coat) 799 Many other lines in job lots to clear Men's heavy wool underwear, reg. $3.00sale price $2i29 I3oy's heavy wool underwear reg $1,25 sale price 79c Bargains in Sweaters, Overcoats, Suits and all lines of Footwear' TERMS OF STALL CASH - . Plumsteel Bros.. !TORE TR AT SELLS ' FOR LESS. PHONE 1! +CLOTHIt7G, T 1 MAN WITH THE FROWN,: How do gouu filed business HE MA T WI'OII THE SMILE, Igo and lkolfor it We are looking for; business by placing over 300' books on a table and we offer then to you 'at half prise. Some are slightly faded. Some have a few scratches . en the cover. Others are just remainders. from' our recent holiday sales, Books of all kinds and varieties. For old and young, A few are in high-priced editions.—All go at Half Price. We also have 'a 25e table of China and Glassware that merits your in- spection, Tile W. D. Fair Co. Often tho2':heapest--Always the Bert „EYE SPECIALIST-. A. L. Cole, Rye Sight Specialist, an Honour" Graduate of the Canad- ian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Goderich, Ont. Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the eye. 1 WWWWWWWIOWORNAPININ N 40ell's TWO Grocery Stores Having bought the entire stock of F. W. Wi; g's i store—Groceries and China, ,col mencing Friday; March 3rd, we will carry on in the too stores and run a tocktcddng The two slxclks inust be reduced quickly, and many lines will be run at wholesale prices FOR CASH Both stores open for business until further notice ,Large ,Prunes 2 lbs 28c Loose Macaroni 2 for 25 Syrup 5 -lb tin 38c Soap 10 bars ;66c R:edpath's Sugar 13 lbs sugar, 99e special price by the bag Other Specials 4 lb. to Pure Jam , . , , , 70o Our Own Special Tea, per lb, , . sse Our Own Speica1 Tea, 3 lbs. ... ,$1,10 10 1'bs. Rolled Oats 38e 2 cans: Cern 25c 3 boxes Matches ,, 30e 10 Ibs.'Com Meal 38c 2 lbs. Cocoa• S4r 3 ibs. B. Rice ,. ... 28c 2 lbs. Dried Peas .. ... „ '2&e Essences, all kinds. . , 09e Lennox soap. per bar ,, 5c Salon, Good Red 33e Saluron, Good Pink , 140 Dates, 2 Ibs, for ;.2fie Figs, 2 lbs. for•••• 25e ..._,,..-,-,-Corn Flakes, per pkg. ....... _ OOc Our Own Baking Powder , .23e Seeded Raisins, (loose), per lb.' ...... , ., , 22e Canned Pumpkin, 2 cans for ..., .. , ., .... 26e 0 EXTRA SPECIALS THIS, WEE HEAD LETTUCE LEAF LETPXJCE FLORIDA CELERY NEW CABBAGE BITTER ORANGES FOR MARMALADE We will =appreciate settlement of all out standing accounts as soon as, possible • NEW IDE/ PATTERNS.. rivers ! Attention Qur supply of Dr: Hess' and Clark's Stock Tonic For HORSES, COWS, PIGS and nacea for CHICKENS is now complete in 100 ib, and 50 Ib. drums, 25 ib. pails d 10 ,and 15 Ib. packages. We have also Calf Meal and Chick Feed - Another, (the fourtbalotof`the Old Gray Enamelware, your choice for 69'cts, We also cares' a full line of the advertised Pearl and Diamond Ware Also the Marathon Enamelware A good carpet sweeper for only A few Electric Irons at 52.48 $4.23 75c Erooms while they last at lig Stacks of Sap buckets, get our prices when wanted Mitts and Gloves at a big reduction ° A bargain table all the time. HARLAN EROS„' ardwarc. Stoves and Novelties 1--. 14ae Store" with as Stock ..,-!_ 1-atluN uau N a,,'. Mrs Adan/ Foster of Goderieh was in town last week, Mr, Will Sloman of Toronto' is visit- ing at his home iiitown, Mr. Milton' Cook i Sarnia was a visitor in town Iast week. Mr. 3. A. Irwin has been :visiting in Toronto during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Currell of Toronto are the guests of the Iatter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Ship- iey. Mrs. Carl 'Nair of Allendale has been visiting her mother, Mrs. F. A. Bell of town,: during the past week Mr. I. Rattenbury of l'eterboi•o was in town over the week -end. He has gone, to St, Louis tovisit his sister, Miss Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. ''S.. S. Cooper were called to Toronto • last week on ac- count of the ilhiess of their daugh- ter, Mrs. Percy Ladd. Mr'. and Mrs, Fred Muteh and Mrs. W. Carter were in Goderich on Tuesday attending the funeral of their 'cousin. Mrs. Thos. Bell. Dr. Shaw is in Torcinto this week attendingthe:Liberal' b sal' convention. Mr. G. A. McLennan was the del- egate but business prevented him leaving home. Miss Bessie McCamus of London spent a day of so with her par- `ents, Rev. D. N. and •Mrs. Mc- Camus of Wesley parsonage, the end of last week. Air. W. E. O'Neil has returned to town and is going,. into business with his 'sister, who has been man- aging her lather's grocery ever since his health failed, Miss Calra Ferguson, who has been very 01 in ;Stratford hospital, has so far recovered as to be able to return home.. She is at present with her sisters in town: Mrs. (Dr.) 'Adams of Windsor and Miss Jean Scott came home last week to see their father, Poatma- tee Scott, who has been laid off owing to illness Tor the past fort- night. , .. Mr, and Mrs, David J. Stephen- son of Stanley totvnshiu spent a few days in town ,last week as the guests .of the former'o .sister, Mrs. Rebt, Armstrong of Huron street. • Miss Ledierd' of Owen Sound, a re- turned missionary :from ,Iaapn, has been the guest of Mr, and Mrs: E. G. Courtico during the past Week. Miss Lecliard addressed the eon- gregai;ion of Ontario street church ,Sunday morning last. Mr. J. E. Pearce, manager of the local branch of the Dominion Stores, Left yesterday for London and Mr..: Somers of London has taken 'charge of the store. Ido' Will occup,y, the house on Ontario street being vacated by Mr, Pearce, Rev. C. M. Hallowell visited in Owen Sound and Waiters' Falls - last week, Re reports that the storm in that vicinity took the form of snow andh t ere ryas no such trouble 08 we have had as a result of the ice storm in all this hart of Ontario. - Mr, Ralph Tiplady returned on 1Vlon- day from a six -weeks' visit with his daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) D 1%ie- Leod,'near Montreal. Mrs. Tiplady Who oaeconipanied Irian,' is remaining for a longer -visit. bit. Tiplady im- proved ak- intaaalv iortPeoli Sein agriculturhile away by e et Macdonald College, where his 5011 - in -law is a profeaSor. Ms , Tiplady thinks the young people novvaidnye have a good many advantages which their fathers'' lacked, and which he wishes he had had In his ih+ -rYr'e o elth ig iFs a 1 This Week One Easy Vacuum WasherSher for $r 2.0(a , One Red Star Washer for $19 00 Cali and see the new Mono Vat Electric Washer Two Stores NEIL Two Delivery Wagons at your Service ^.. DOMINION. STORES LIMITED THE CHAIN GROCERY STORES OF CANADA CLINTON Tiger Catsup{. Quart �gtl size Sheriff's' Marmalade ��+flpQQ No 4 pail fla 1919-2 stores in operation 140 STORES Watch `11S Grow ca 1921--97 Stores White. Clover Roney ii� 5 lb pail j Machine sliced ' Ea.cos, cirp mild flop '-' cured ULU Tidy ,oil e -keeper will now be planning the Spring clean up campaign and we have the necessary equipment and material to assist her Wall paper cleaner Clear Varnish Floor Stains Crack Filler Dry Mops O'Cedar Mops Hair Brooms and the necessary, step ladder A Car of mixed roofing is now here, consisting of Period and Slat Sxrfaced 30 Licher by 18 roll Roofing and Slate Surfaced Shingles Alabastine in many shades Marbelite Wood Filler Johnsons Flom' wax etc Dustless Mops Varnish and Paint Brushes Granulated SUGAR 10 lbs large pail Raspberry 75c Jam Finest Currents 2 lbs ; 33 seedless Raisins 2 lbs 49c GENERAL HARDWARE PHON8. E 53 SEASONABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. 'east.arzwrammucrz,'i*�asINS0o-at, Special Blend TEA 45c lb Figs Cooking Lemon crisp Biscuits 19c T Telfers' soda Biscuits 15c Ib. Special Gland ' Coffee 39c Sunkist oranges per : tioz 47c Large .1?rulies Laundry Soapp 10 bars 69c Fran kl'ord Corn' 2 tiffs 25c Aylmer Polk alitcoatis 14c Lyle's - Syrup . 30c 21bs 29c,, uality ailori Our new cloths are the finest collectiiarl we have had for malty Seasons, and are priced at a very. close margin of profit and,we know that for real dollar value, they cannot he equalled. RST " has our motto, a d. th s Season, weaSeason, we to'demonStrs batelmore . than ever, that REAL HAND TAILORING:all wool material and high glade trimmings are the, only true ecomuny in Men's Gloties, 9 ra avis Heiman. THE VETERAN TAILORS Opposite Town Hall Brown's Men's Furnishings Store akerg Const R1 ce The sleet .s storm t 1 � m as week did rd lot of of damage to the orchards and tele- phone poles, tho ice was so thick and lasted so long, - Mrs. F. Hall is Visiting her son at St. Mary's. 1 The social held in. the Forester's hall was quite a success, proceeds amounting to over *07 for the foot- ball boys; Mr. 'Sen Snell, `white working With the litter ea/1,1er, got his finger parf,- ly taken off. Mn,dPollard spent a few days in Clinton as the &+sect of her mother, h1Cr. * ct !fire Theo Tat Riley of ,iitretotr optnt Sunday in, t '4 e. Uofnlxesv>ille Mr, Tideswell had the good 'for- tune to catch a fine red fog sound the barn yard last week -end. Hlrfcefieid. The date VA' the Women's Day of Prayer' iii Union church hors been changed from Friday, bfarch 3rd, to Wednesday, March 86, 2.30 p,rn., All the ladies of the cotnnnaity are invited to atteud, .An olroning, for the Loper ,Mission will be-ti1req.. The bread of quality ,ya Ask your grocer for it or phone 204 and our driVer will can QUR MOTTO: SEEv c)ii "Say it with Flowers l' Brighton your own, home and cheer - your sick friends with - CET FLOWERS We ern supply ROSES, VIOLETS, CAINNATIONtka, AAFFODILS And FREESIAS Xtedueed Prices on all Speei(tI attention given to Fujt *3 and Wedding' ordorrt, naaao ()IP4 tt rtg04.$i PhOf lI PloriS