HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-3-2, Page 5wk7 t1AYMAka 2nd, 2 ,,.ft Clinton Nows-Reito Of Interest to and Me Parliainant meets in Ottawa nn Wediiosclay next, March 81,1l. February usually gives ns thing to rew;einber'it by, It is e •title way it has. Yesterday, March 3,st, was enough to give us hope, that alonth inay goout mildly. The Clinton merchants made a furtive attempt to "light up". Satur- day evening, but it wee but sorry. lightiis •., Caid1 s and oil lampsnp9 are, e • out of late, l sure eimugh, r « id:r. Lali'our is accused of having. become Ainericanized during the,few yhoat weeks he spent under the stars at ipes. But perhaps he. was "don, as the Romans do" while oi:. r 1. { A Why should P rodincial Liberalism become the tail to the U.F.O'i :kite, -Globe. Perhaps •because it has been ,� for try - mg. r ..mu a time to be the kite and �e :annet • just manage it. OU cold the The than in • Toronto, who was ;swindled out of over $3,000 by a group of odnfidenee mon, is' not def Nerving of much sympathy as he was trying to _get something for nothing. Some of the most beautiful sights were to be seen on Wednesday last as one walked about town. Every- thing was encased'in- ice and even the commonest weed was a vision of beauty. r Princess Mary, only daughter of Xing. George of Engalnd, was • ,har- ried on Tuesday to Viscount Las- celles; She renounced: her rank and all rights to the throne and will be "known as Lady Lascell_es. • Seventy-fivepies were spoiled in the electrically -heated oven of a To- ronto restaurant the other day when hydro went off. ,They wouldn't be a patch.. to the "'pi cur P. D, made of an `;auction sale advertisement .'after 'hydro went off in Clinton, Anyway, we have, learned that the People' appreciate The News -Record .and miss it very much when it does Cot appear at. the `usual' hour.. "We like' to get it' on time," remarked one i subscriber, "But it is welcome when- -Carer , it , comes." Mr. Frank Ellis, editor of Farm and 'Dairy," Peterboro, has left- the editorial chair. Hiiving bought a farm near Woodstock, he is: -going to try Terming, He mayys find that it is easier Lo sit at a desk in Peterboro' ,ansI tell farmers, how to farm than• it it to don overalls and dig up suc- .cess out of the old brown earth. We wish him the best of success, though. r r • r "At a .banquet or public dinner why any longer a toast list?'' asks The CSimeoe Reformer. "The gruesonie or - .deal of having to stand up and sit`, ,,down -eight' or ten tines in an even- ing, and ven-ing,'and go through the dumb show of touching a sloppy'•coffee cup to .one's lips ,ought to be canned. The dinner committee that decides to cut cut the toast -list and arranges with- _ two or three experienced' speakers' -so say the needful on the subjects rf particular` interest to the gather- ing will make a ten "strike."' Inst so. The (Allidea of a toast- lisi;i was just an excuse to drink more than was necessary or wise, to drink anyway. The temptation _ o s `stiron • is t o too much cold • coffeen c, nvhy go 'through the "dumb 'show'." Local News COME EARLY- AND OFTEN. We are going to make a strong protest. We like: the news, it is no :,exaggeration to say that we'd stop on .the way to eat any day to get .aline on -a bit of real news, And we make no apology for it: •The newspaper that doesn't give tJarearly e;news is: nsisnained. We like new,fl , and fresh and, there's` nothing gives us: audit a feeling of nausea as, in order.to make somebody happier, to ';have to publish a bit of stale' news. Now, what we are going to protest -against is: -the habit of sending us in news at the last moment, just as we :go to press Thursday morning..tv-It ;may be news of some event of the vend of last week .that might just as well have been in days earlier. In future no news items, with the eh- •cepton of the happenings of Wednes- .day,evening, will be accepted for pub- lication .Thur•sday•morning. We can- - not hold back .publication and, miss /nails on press day in order to in- ;'iert a belated news item. apprecate.,Y �i it' ver , much when 'e people take enough interest in the paper to 'send us news ,items,; and many do. What we wish to ithpress upon all is that the proper time to .report any event is not just before the paper is published •but just as noon SS theevent has happened, 'Conte along early and often, NURSES' GRADUATION. The third anniversary of the re- -opening of the Clinton Community llosiptal' was celebrated last rriday evening in Wesley hall. It was the occasian' of the graduating oxer- .ciaes ,of the three nurses why) began the5ir training m . February, 1910. e young ladies are; Miss Marga - ,Mustard Miss Fannie b±eKenzie li:;;,;1'y res Al;nctte Sinclair. They eell utteir utiferms, with co r- gilgts of violets and each armful of noses and '.R. 1. Mannint, of, at d ,tf, the Hospital 1 pt ebatrman, and 'entertain, Cl.I1v4s'and the ,o,ii of daring the three years of training:. DrGunn presented the diploma's. was also proud of these grad- uates, and would like to show to the world the examination papers that they had put in. }4i,s; It, W .' Manning presented the Hospital pins and Mrs. N. W. 'Trawartha the gi.(ts from the Hospital iloardl, cacti rmaking well c,hosert remarks, Rev. J' L Hogg then addressed the gradnaies as their "minister Ire also bore testimony to their sterling' worth' of 'eharaciee, 1)1., Thompson added his testimony to, this and Dr. Gaudier mentioned in closing 'th It there- had not ben. t e hospital e wound in n , one .infected d i c W r1 s 1 e during allthese three years, e t though Clinton Hospital had had more than its 'share of - surgical cases. This spoke volumes for the Care with which the nurses had been trained, the At the dose. of. the exercises present members of the Board, as- sisted by- all ether.'ladies who _have been on the board, served: a dainty luncheon to .all the guests of the ev- ening, Rev. D. N;:McCamus acted at toast -nraster: Toasts to "The' King" 'were' replied to by . Rev. S. L. i ll,c : Rev. C.� and RS�. B Anderson "The Hospital," Reeve Miller,' N W. Trewartha "The Community" Rev, G. T. Burns and Mayor Cantelon. "The' Nurses" ,Dr. Thompson, Dr. Gandier. While the graduates were the centre, of`attraction,'the speakers of the evening could not-oveylook the fact • that our hospital management .committee is greatly indebted. to Miss Grainger for the success of the undertaking- and to Dr. Gunn for the pioneer 'Hospital work that he be-, ganr' twenty=five years ago. Many tribtues were paid to Dr. Gunn: Miss Mustard leaves almost at once to take a post -graduate course at Cleveland. Brucefied The annual' meeting of the sub- scribers of the Tuckersmith , Muni- cipal Telephone System was held in W,alker'sHall on Saturday, the 25th: of February, at 2 p.in. A fairly large and representative crowd gathered to hear the telephone matters dis- cussed and' when the meeting was called to order Mr. Wan.. Berry was appointed 'Chairman. The ,Chairman •gave a good address and: after the reading of the minutes of the last'meeting. `and the auditors' report; which were both adopted, the president, .. Mr. T. G. Shillinglaw, took the floor. He gave an excel- lent address, dealing in detail, on the remarkable progress the Company was snaking, which unfortnuately was badly baffled by the calamitous sleet storm which the.country has re- cently experienced. However, it was unanimously decided to at, once re- pair the lines and even with the very, low assessment now prevailing the loss would scarcely be noticed when spread over a number of years. The matter of using cables instead of heavily, wined lines was discussed and left with the commissioners' with the feeling of the meeting in favour of cables, other things being equal.. The president also pointed out that sub scribers should not have to be asked. the second time• to pay their long 'distance accounts, etc. ,and, that on 'the receipt of their statements they should at once remit even though the amount be small, A pointer in re- gard to this question could 'be taken from the Bell Telephone 'Company,. who guarantee to disconnect the ser- vice if their' bills are not paid so many days after presentation, and in which cape it costs the subscriber $1.00 to get serviceice again at t co nneeted.. After' a. lengthy len th discussion on numerous other subjects the meeting was adjourned, Londesboro. Mugs Esther Lyon, who has been visiting the past ,week, at Rev. T. Sawyer's, ' Milverton, returned' home Saturday. .' Mr. Thos. Sampson spent last week at Canfield and Toronto. Mrs. (Dr.) Youite svgs in Toron- to the oron-to,the past week. Mrs. J. H Watt and son, Owen, of Toronto "returned home on Satur .day after 'a two weeks' visit with Rev, Jas. and Mrs. Abery, ' 'Miss Dexter of Blyth spent Saar. day with Mrs, M. Mains. Miss Anne Abery, who has been visiting in Monkton, returned on Thursday. The play presented under the an- epire5 . of the Presbyterian Guild, "TheCountry Doctor," will be given tit o nit Hall G mmu y nest Friday evening, March 3i•d, Proceeds for Community Hall; The W. M. S. of the Methodist church were entertained at the par- sonage on Tuesday, the 20th, inst., by Mrs. Osborne and Mrs. Sante-. son. About forty were present. A fine program was given. The op- portunity was taken to present Mrs. Phillips, who is leaving the village, and Mrs. Tamblyn, president, with life -membership pins, accompanied with beautiful addresses. The following is a copy of -the s i dress to Mrs. Tamblyn: "We, the members of the W , M , S. of the Londesboro Methodist church, wish in some way.. to express our'. appreciation of your labors with us as president of out' Auxiliary. For almost seven .year's you have 'occupied that position, and .during that t1ine. you have taken a great interest lu everything .• which would be the net ss of buffding up our Seaief;y and for the betterment of tnatkiitd, Also you have taken a personal interest in each member, and your lite, dur- ing joy and sorrow, has been an in- apiratiol, end help, to us. Wo :lo, not, forget that you area "Life -Member" also, You have made nine others life members of our Society, so ‘yeaskyou Lb adept this lite-meniberahip pin, and (rust that you May long be slurred to labor with ,tts tis gle51detrt of our Auxiliary, Signed on behalf of he Auxiliary: lits. G,Moon, L, lgiilmt." 1 Stanlelj Township Mrs, I'enwielc :Stewatt and Mies Annie Stewartvart are spending g thc wee t with Toronto friends, They intend visiting.' some time in Hamilton be- fore returning, Matrraagea AITCIIESON-GAUNT•--dn West Wawanosh, on Feb 115th, by the Rey. C. Cummings, 'Vern'a Gaunt to Archibald Aitcheson, fiirCis EASOM-In Goderich township,, 'on March let,' to Mr. and Mrs. David Eason), twins, a son and daughter. EARLE-In Eg'nondville, on Febru- ary :ebr i-ary 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs, Jos, Ii. Earle, a son; ' r Deatl►s SCALES -In :[Iullett township, on Feb. 27th, Katharine Craig, wife- ; of Mr. • George Scales, aged 77 years, McINTOSII-In Tucicersmith, on February • 22nd, , James McIntosh, aged 73 years, TAYLOR-In.the.township of West Wawanosh, on Monday, February 20th, ' Thomas ' Taylor, aged 78 years. IN MEMORIAM GARRETT-In loving memory of Caroline E Wallis, wife of John Garrett, who died Feb. 27th, 1920. ---Husband and Family. Unreserved Auction Sale Mr .George Elliott, of Clinton, has received' instructions to sell the fol- lowing farm stock, implements, etc., the property of T. A., Trick, Lot 105, Huron Rd., at the. edge of Goderich,' on Tuesday, March" 7th, ,1922, com- mencing at one o'clock, sharp, and:. will be held indoors if necessary. Horses: General Puropse horse, 12 years . old; General Purpose filly, 2 years old;. General Purpose foal of 1921;.driving colt, 3 years old; driv- er, young, Cattle: 6 year old Hol- stein, just fresh;4 year. old Holstein, just fresh; 5 year ,old Durham, just fresh; 6` year old Holstein, due soon; 5.4 year old Holsteins, all due with- in few weeks; 5 year old Holstein, due in May; 2 2 year old Holsteins,. 'duo in April; 4 year old Jersey, due in March; 3 year old Jersey due in April; 6 year old Jersey, due in March; 9 year old Durham, due in March. Pigs: Young Tamworth sow, due in March, (first litter); 2 young' Yorslchire "sows, due in April, (first litter); young Yorkshire sow, due in March,. (first litter); 2 young Yorkshire 'sows, due id March, (first litter) . Poultry: About 20 young hens and pullets, laying:, Imple- ments: Massey -Harris binder; Deer- ing. mower in good shape; spring tooth cultivator; .disc harrow, two - horse corn cultivator; set bob sleighs set harrows; Bain wagon with rack; 2 gravel boxes;, fanning ,hill; 'hut- ting 'box; cutter, nearly new; rubber tired buggy, nearly new; open bug- gy; set scales; set slings; large feed box; hay fork; set double harness; set single harness; scufer, nearly new; 2 hand scufflers; 2 ploughs; 2 pig crates; water trough; 2 grind stones; a quantity of hay; ensilage, and green feed; household furniture; some wood forks, chains, shovels, and other articles too numerous to mention. i Terms' All sums of 810 and under, cashs osier that amount, 8 months credit on ; approved ;joint notes. Discount of 5. per : cent. straight.fer cash, on credit amounts, Geo. Elliott, .T, A. Trick, Auetiot- eers. -39.1 Mortgage Sale of Farm Lands ' In the Township of Goderteh Under and by .virtue of'the pow-,. err of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will. he produced at the time `of sale, there will be of- fered for. sale by public auction, by Thomas Brown, auctioneer, at The Rattenbury House, in the Town of Clinton, in the County of ,Huron, on Tuesday, the 21st clay of March, 1922, at the hour of two o'clock, in the af- ternoon, the following lands,. namely: Lot number Ten , (10), in Bayfield Concession, of the Township of God- erich, of Huron .con- erich,in the County Y s. taining by admeasurement one hun- dred and nineteen .4(110) acres of land, be the same more or less. This land is situated about 3 miles from Bayfield and about 7.iniles from Clinton and there are good travelled roads to both of these places. There are erected on the premisesa cont- fertable dwelling house and a large also barn. There is a . o consider- g able second growtht timber on the land. ' ,Terms of Sale Twenty (20) per cent. of the pur- chase money is to be paid on the day of sale and 'the balance, without interest:, within 30 days thereafter. The purchaser will be- required to sign an Agreement to complete, his purchase, terms and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale and may be had, in the meat time, 'from the undersigned, Dated at Seaforth, Ontario, this 1st day of March, 1922, R. S. Hays, Mortgagees' Solicitor. Neil Gilles- pie, James Rivers, Executors, Mort gat;ees. Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. -39-3 Sale ,of Quilts Ontario St. Ladies' Aid have nine quilts and one braided rug for sale. Any one wishing to purchase call at Mrs.' Kennedys, Ontario Stirnext door to the public school. -39-tf Sweat Clover Seed for Sale White Blessosnsweet clover seed. Price, 76.00 per bushel, also, a good binder.; Apply to ±I. Snyder, lt. 11, No, 2.-'i?hone 2.004, Clinton, ._.,.gilt{, Seed and Posts for Sale A, cteantity of White 'Blossom sweet clover seed and a few cellar fence poets and end posts. Adam Stewart, 11, 11, No. li, Clinton: It Measures in Tea Quality 100%_ o of its Selling' lxnCost 331 “STANDARD" THE WORLD OVER 11271 T LISTEN To .reports that we, have sold our business. We have no intention of selling at present. Give us a s hare of your patronage and you will find ourprices es low ao any. Try our store for your supplies,,' 10 bars Pure Laundry:, soap 49e 2 lbs. Pure Lard , 35e 5c' Pail Pure Lard,l 7 cakes Pure Castile Soap 2 , 3 lbs. 49c ' 3 pkgs. Ammonia 23c 3 ulcgs. Jelly Powder 25c 1 pail Jain, 4 lbs. . 65c - 2 cans corn 25e 1 tin Baking Powder , 22e 2 pkgs. Macaroni' (16 oz:) , 25c >' 9 1 3 boxes matches es , 35c 1It tin uft Salmon :. , . . 3c , , .. 0 a h .... ... . HIGHEST PRI Es FOR BUTT ER AND EGGS, Goods delivered, to all Parts of the town Get the Habit of Dealing at JOIHINSE N, & COS GROCERY P'bonc 111 THE STORE FOR'EYERYBODY Sale• of Buttermilk' The/buttermilk,• .of a"the Clinton Creamery will b' sold by public auction at the. Creamery on Satur- day afternoon,March 11th, at 3 'o'clock. George H. Elliott, auc- tioneer. -39-2. Consignment' SALE The Huron •County Breeders' As- sociation are- holding their annual. consignmentsale of Pure Bred cattle in Lepard's shed, :Winghani, on Wed- nesday, March 8th, Aberdeen Angus, Herefords, and Shorthorns, of both in: dividuality and pedigree, , are being offered. Catalogues are now ready for dis- tribution, on appliaction to the Sec- retary. 0. Turnbull, Brussels, President-, S 13. Stothers, Clinton, Secretary, -38-2 Seed Oats For Sale About • 500 bus. 1921 Sheffield Standard seed oats; testing 34 to 36 lbs. 800 ,per ltsys: - Also a York- shire sow, carrying third litter, due Mar. 12th. J. B. Hyde, Lot 8, Con. 2, Stanley, Kippen P.0. Phone 11 on 86'Hensall central. • -39-3-p Shorthorns For Sale 5 young bulls, 8 to 18 months old, sired by Marquis Prince, a son of the champion bull, Gainford Supreme, and grandson of Gainford Marituis Prices to suit the times, come and -see there, J. R. Plumsteel, R. R. No. 5, Clinton. 39-tf For Sale On Townsend st,, back of Public School,., a connfortable, semi -modern, 7-rooni' house; also a square piano, an extension table, a small table, and two beds, for hnmediate sale. Phone No, .176, or Box '101, Clinton, Ont. -39-tf Dr Woods 'is resuming pratcise at his resi- dence, Bayfield. Office hours: 9 to 10 a.xn., and 1- to 2 p.m. Sundays: lto 2 p.m. for consultation, -38-1 Car I'or' Saie 2 -passenger car, ,- ;, fairly good condition. Apply of Mrs. John Tu._ ,- er, Box 114, Seaforth. :." 38-4-p Pasture to Rent ` About 95 acres of good pasture land. Never failing stream. running through: Would sell 50 acres of this land. Apply to Fletcher Townsend, 1±. R. No.. 3, Sea^_.rtli. Phone 3 on 614, Clinton'. 387'4-p Notice Positions beeoning vacant offers e ales fe- males. s M excellent opportunities. Particulars "Essentials to Success," and list of ;:positions, free. Canadian Civil Service Institute, Mail Box 595, Toronto. ' ----88-2-11 Cattle For Sale' • A real. good grade Durham cow, five years old, weighs about 1,000 lbs., will freshen in March. Also three heifers to freshen in May. S R, McMath, .Hohnesville, Phone 34 on 601. 384f. Farm :For Sale 100 aures, Lot 12. Con. 6, Hullett township, adapted for cropping or grazing. 10 acres bush,. balance tit grass, Good 'well mid windmill'. If not sold will be rented for pasture. R:.i. 'Miller, Box 25, Clinton.' Phone 119 -37-ti No 'Trespassing Allowed Persons found trespassing on Lots . tiwl hi 32 and 33, Con. 7, Hallett,1, is p, will he prosecuted. Robert Cant,' 87«3•-p For Salo 8 -roomed ]rouse on Rattenbury St. 14Todern conveniences, garage, garden and small fruits, Ideal location. For terns, etcy apply to E. M. Durst, Box 11, Lisle, Ont, -3715-p Will Resume lir Work 10Morrie John Stephenson wishes to in- form his matey patrons that, he 'will he home the latter pa+ltof March and that 'ho has a splendid stoat of his Peed ltunps on bandy 117.8 TRY THE, VETERPN SHOE REPAIRER ' H. STARLING FOR CHEAP BOOTS 81: RUBBERS Opposite the Picture' Show. Licensed buctineer For Huron County. Pure Bred stock and general farm sales of all kinds a specialty.' Satisfaction guar- anteed. Terms: lowest possible.- T. A. Trick, Goderich, Ont. Phone 6-601.. -37-tf Shorthorns for Sale 3 young bulls, -8 to 15 months old, all red, sired 'by 0. A. C. Ring- leader. Eight good calves, prices to suit the tines, come and "see then, or write -E. H. Wise: R. R. No. , 3, Clinton, phone 605 r'24.-37�'•tf Custom Sawing Custom sawing will be done in Clin- ton and at Thos. Wallis' in- the early spring, also contracts for sawing at other points will be taken. For' full particulars , apply ,to MoEwan Bros., Bayfield. Phone 20 'on 624. -32-tf For Sale Cheap Imperial Oxford Cook Stove with high shelf and reservoir. Apply at this office. . - -36-tf Barn For Sale Frame barn, size 34x56, sound tim- bers. To be moved from place, James McClyniont, Varna, Phone 10 00,622. • -35 4 p>• For Sale Comfortable residence' and 271. acres of land with stable and hen- house, garden and small fruits, on Baseline near Clinton. Apply to James A. Nott, Robert G. Smith, Londesborough. Or W. Brydono,- Clin- toit. 38-4-p House For Sale An eight -roomed house on corner of..Rattenbury,St., West, and Shipley St. ' Town water and soft water, el- ectric lights, good cellar, summer kitchen and woodshed. Also a good Duncan. stable. Apply to McEwen, Phone 2 'on 621, or L. 0. Paisley, Clinton • , f -35-tf Patin For' Sale A 100 acre farm in Tuekersmith township. Brick house, bank barn, garage, other outbuildings. Hard: and soft water in house and barn, Farm well watered. Orchard. Convenient- to Clinton, Seaforth, Brucefield, F. J. Coleman, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth. • -34-tf No Trespassing • Anyone found hunting, shooting or trespassing, on the premises - of. the undersigned, lots 27-28, con. 6-7, Hullett, will be prosecuted. J. G. Gibbings. -34-tf Notice to Trappers •,• Do not sell your furs to travelling fur dealers, they are not travelling for their health. Their expenses have to be baid out of what ;furs they -buy from you and: you get less money from them ' than you would if you i tem brought then in andsold h to a dealer whose expenses are low cont - pared to a travelling dealer. Trappers, who held their furs for me got over 10 per tent. more for their furs than was offered by some of the travelling dealers. I am still paying the same high prices I have been paying • all along but may have to, reduce them before long, so do not Bold your furs but dispose of them as you get them. Gren skins taken at fullvalue if scraped.. H. A, .Hovey, Clinton. -3144 For Sale or to Rent' A comfortable 7,roomed frame house on 'the corner of Mary and North streets. Town water and soft water. Good cellar. and wood shed. Apply to J. P. Sheppard, -26-t3 Snirelht Corsets Spirella Corsets for healthfulness, style, comfort and durability. Ev- ery corset made to measure, Mrs. Elizabeth IKennedy, Ontario street, Clinton. -12-1521 House for Sale 8 -room, solid brick house, town water and electric lights, good gar- den and chicken house. Apply en (promises. Corner of North , and Spencer Oto. -A, C. Clrlrklon,-80-tf Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes 'cleaned pressed' and t pairrd, Woollen geods dry clouded. Rooms over, Ceard's barber shop. W. jt., Ja, t , .434 CLOVER SEED FOR SAIX Annual Sw' r, "Ilubam teed, GovernmenteetCloveStandard, No. 1, scarifyed and Ontario grown; 82,.00 per porrird for 10 lbs. or over. Ship- ping charges prepaid, IW11RAY GII3$ON' 13RiCEFIELD.ONT. -35-Apr. 0-p A Coal Striko Isability. not only v. possibility but we are . sorry' to say, en ultimate 'prob- 'You can help to avoid it by carry- ing full coal 'bins. So now is -the time to fill up with MUSTARDS COAL It answers the burning' question D.L.@W. c S �.,.,ranton. COai The Standard Anthraeite. Let us hear from you, we are just at the other end - of your telephone and our Service is free.; ' J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD.:! • Phone for Clinton 14. ' Phone for Brueefield 11 on 018. THE CORNER STORE LIVE AND LE 9' LIVE r I wish to offer to the people of Clinton and surrounding country "my sincere thanks for the patronage extended to me during the two years have been in bu5i'ness here. WIGG PHONE 45 Pax!fau' Gara&e We repair any make of battery. Leavefyours'With us for the winter, Rubbers repaired and half. soled. , J. IL Pax111an Agent for Overland Cars. Examiner for licensed drivers Phone 80 Res., Phone 140 YCUR FEED.SUPPLY .e* Will be high in quality and.rea- sonablo in price if ordered from us now. We have a fell stock of . the, following lines; KILN DRIED CORN BRAN ,s Nrag- r SHORTS OYSTER SIIELL LIMESTONE GRIT PARITY FLOUR FIVE, ROSES FLoT.IE .. WHITE HEAL' FLOUR. GOLD SEAL (Pastry) FLOUR. ROLLED OATS OIL CAKE. Feeding Molasses "APO; Have you anWheat,:Harley or s J Y Y Buelt'n+heat to sell? We are paying special prices ;hist now,, W. Jenkins & Son. 1'LOU14 AND FEED Phones: Elevator 1,09, Residene Boars for 8trvice Champion bred, big type torknhire and Cheshtor White boars ler service. At home every ,foro,soons»-A„ C. Levey, Phone 6 on •6l9. Clinton x4 ayit with Howe FROM Geo.S� "i11N�l,i', t Florist Goderich, 0 'Cut Flowers always ala hand Floral designs and wedding bunch as specialty Member' of the Florists Telegral Delivery Association, Flowers deli) ered to any: part of Canada or Un' ed States, -88- Scranton Ca11tOlU .CQal ..: W.n have oar hand for immedia delivery: CANNEL COAL HARD AND' SOFT COAL Also some, good Hardwood, `Leave order at my Resideh Huron street, ` or Phone 1b5.s TERMS. CAST[ E. WARD It COAL NUT, STOVE & EGG ALWAYS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY R. J. MILL ER Orders taken at residence, Phone 1 CONTENTMENT DWELLS' in isrnies where Port Hope Porchl Enameled Ware is installed. We can advise you on any plumbing necessity THOS. 11AWKINS. Agent for I-Iecla Furnac Plumbing and Heating Phone Shop over Coriesa &.• Venmer'e. Mr. Farmer What do You Require We have a complete -stock of: Oats, Corn, Wheat, Shorts, 0 Feed, Oat Flour, Flax Seed, and P1. Seed Meal, Pure. FLOUR ` Five Roses Hants ' Purity Silver Crown The latter two we bought tease able and are selling very low.. Blatchford; Royal Purple calf nte, Pratt's Ss Wodehouse Stock foods Glauber Salts Royal Purple rD Ilerbageum Sulphur Zenoleum Salt Purina Chicken Chowder Oyster Shell Grit Beef Scraps PEAS A quantity of the above Wante Good prices for good quality J. A. FORD &. SON Phone 129. Flour and Feed Merchants ai Grain Buyers Also issuers of Hunters & Trappe licenses Liv Poultry WANTED We handle all kinds of live dressed poultry. Special prices p for properly milk fed chickeens will pay you to'finish your poult as our extra price will more t cover cost of feed used. Inquire.. prices when ready to sell. Our prl are unsurpassed for all high poultry. GUNN, L ANGI,OIS C N. , W. ' TREWAB'pHA, Man{- Phone. No. 190 Hoimenville 603 r CREAM WANTED The demand for our butter creasing. , To supply thin demand we mare cream.' Wo request yon to strip isa cream. Wo guarantee you Ibo /fig Market Prices, accurate tests prompt service, Our firm is Itnown to you and a no further recommend We pay all express c soh cream esus and pa month. Write for Cage or fars tion to the 1p ' S1klAFORTU t°, A. BARRE'. , l4XA