HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-2-23, Page 8TON'S 1 f«, ow !JADING , 44; WELJJ RY S URS, They're the only retie yon will ever have. Do they ever, bother You ?' Do you have iteadaehes and don't know .the Tea - en ? Better consult, us, We will be pleased to give yo'n a thoeoug•1: examination, and fit you with 'glasses that willrelieve you of all your trouble. 1D0N'T NEGLECT-, YOUR EYES, Jeweller and Op 'cies OliftilSON Next l ov'ey's Drug Store Event'You' Will have your: Suits made by.'us. why not com9 in now and get a made -to measure suit for the price of a hand-me-down, WO.RKMANSHIP AND FIT .GUARANTEED. McE van Brothers, Merchant, Tailors Wi(len Block 1JIt47'ie1'k, equiti to soothe bres,st, ;. T soften rocks, or Vend oak. Flava gen seen it Have iota heard of its' Ote Dance Folio Vole 2.:.T.,ist of. contents inel ice F1,1)41t1 r'urty "hits",; The=letest and ''best known'tsongs of the day arrant ed its W,rltreFt, rex.. Trots and One -Stens nit for Piano Selo.; Solve ere es I:011ow,i: -Peggy Cherie; 1 Neve: Knew,; ]'na Nobody's Baj?y; Neetle:nt Your Daddy's Arnie; Roc of ,ttly Heart; ''Poathee Your Nest; Wang: WangBluest Anvil Chorus, Turley In The ,Straw; Rose` T. Coll Sweetheart; 1lfanuny's Little Sunny Honey' Boy. ALL FOR SEVENTY-FIVE IVE CEN`rS. ASI: FOR VOLUME. NO 2 outrage konitetl Trio W. 11 Fair Co Often the cheapest--fAlwaya the Iles 'E SPECIALIST, A. L. Cole, Eye Sight- $pecialist, an Honour Graduate i)f the Caned- tan Ophthalmic College of Toronto.' Goderich, Ont. Office hours: 9 a.n to 5 p.m. Practice limited to the: eye,' (illusna! Frico R'ediiclions FOR (SUR -BI(i CLEARING OF ALL BROKEN LINES BEFORE STOCK TAKING`. Nfw spring Gucds wijl soon begin to arrive and Winter Gctds must Le eleai`'<d out regardless of profit -s. An assortment of Men's afidt ,.Boys, Winter Caps to clear: at (there ar`e less than eoa0 793`` Many other lines hi job lots to clear Men's heavy wool underear, reg. $3.00 sale price $2,29 Boy's ;heavy wool underwear reg $L25 sale price. .79c Bargains' in Sweaters,, Overcoats,' Suits and all. lines of t+'otitwear TERMS OP SALE CASH. ` OLOTIiING un steel ` gyrus. .TEE STORE TEAT , SBLLS FQIt LESS, !HONE ,95, NEW IDE! PATTERNS, Our supply of Dr, Hess' and Clack's Stock Tonic For HORSES, COWS, PIGS and 3'anacea for' CHICKENS is now'complete in 100 lb, and 50 lb.edrums, 25 ib.'pails ttd 10 and 15'lb.'packages. s. We have also Calf Meal and Chick Feed Another (the fotirth)Llot of the Old Gray Enamel ware, your choice for 69 ccs. We also carry a full line of the awertised Pearl and Diamond Ware • Also the Marathon Enemel:,ware • 4 good carpet sweeper for ,only $2.48 . A few Electric Irons at ' '14.23 75c Brooms while they last at .43 Staclis of Sap buckets, get our prices when wanted Mitts and Gloves at a uig'reduction A bargain, table allthe time. • A'1L ND BR S. f erdware, Stoves and Novelties The Store With a Stock We are offering es `(AIS Week One Easy Vacuum Washer for $12,00 One Red Star Washcr,`for $19:00 till and seethe new Mono Vac Eleetrie Washer 5 Miss Dorothy Cantelen left last week on a visit to Toronto and Orillia friends, Mr. e M. Armstrong of Auburn was the guest of Mr. and. Mrs. R. Tanney on Tuesday and while here looked about for a house. If he can .procure a suit. able one he will buy and take up his residence in Clinton. Mr. Wilber Ford of'Peterhoro has, spent the past' few days in town, coming to at- tend the funeral of the late Mrs. I. Rat- tenbury. • Rev Canon Gunne of London was in town this week, coming to conduct the funer- al service for the late Miss Ellen: Mouiitcastle yesterday'afternoon. Dr. add Mis. Holloway and `Mr. Isaac Rattenbury returned to Peterboro, yes- terday. • Mr.IDodds Holloway of Langruth, Man.,; is'spending a few weeks at his home in town, being called home on account of the sudden death -of his sister, Mrs Is- aao Rattenbtiy: Mr. Holloway, has charge of two stile]] branches of the Royal Bonk in Manitoba. ' Mr. Ed. Smeltzer of Meaford was in town this week attending the funeral of his sister -in -lacy, Miss Mountcastle -Mrs. W. Greig, Mrs, J. ` T. Clark and Misses Jean Chidley and Jean Greig of Toronto were guests ef'Mrs T. Jack- ,rson Wednesday night, coming on from the,Cler1;; Grejg wedding in Seaforth Mrs. W. Pickard has gone to epend a few weeks with Toronto friends. Mr Harry Bar'tliff left on Monday morn- ing for Vancouver, B C He was accom- panied by lir andMrsPinner of Toronte Messrs Bartliff and Pinner have been appointed agents for the Durant auto;: mobile for the Proyi]ce of British Columbia ' ' Retie Ae 5, Arlin of Pork. Lanibton was a caller. on Clinton friends last Saturday. He was returning, from attendance at the funeral of •a brther ate Luekno ow Mir . :and 'Mrs. Tohn : Whittingham and 'little son, who have been vis- iting relatives in Clinton and vi- cinity for the past few months, • 'left Tuesday rfor their .home ' at Herschel,. Sask. While ;in CI'int.bn they were the guests of the lady's mother, Mrs. Argent:I ':•,' Me. V. C. French, ` editor of The -Wetask .win Thnes,' was in town, over the • week -end visiting his, mother, i Mr. French. cane east on, business in 'connection with the ,Canadian Weekly Newspapers' Association, o (which he is presi_, dent. Ile says' affairs in the west have been' l rather dull lint. that .there is every indication of a return of good times. -S...s' Hr9tartie6"'1011 Quitea number attented' the dance, last Friday night and all reported having a good tine - IbIrs, W. J. Mci3rien of near Seaforth is visiting- with her'daughter, Mts. T. E. Mason. e Mrs. S'tln Merrill of Clinton who was taken ill -at the home of person, William improving nicely. The English and Valentine social "held in the.s s room of Si. Andrew's ctfurch on Friday night last was a great 'success, in spite of the cold weather. A ‘large com- pany assembled and' the evening was most enjoyable: Rev, Mr. Lundy gave an address on bis experiences in Old 'London; The Misses Cooper sang a daet, Misses Jean McLean and Ma'y McDonald gave instrumentals and others also contributed to the evening's:enjoyment, The lunch was in keeping with old England's favor- ite dainties The decorations were hearts and roses in scarlet and pink, and were most attractive; showing the exquisite taste of those in charge of that part of the entertainment. Mr. WreCooper, .Ir., who has been to Boston to visit his family, has returned. -. The Sacrament will he observed eyed in St. Andrew's churchn o Sunday next, nee- communion services on Friday mctning, Miss Kathleen McLean has been con- fined to the •house for the past week. throe h ill, es . g t s lvfiss Olive Cooper has gone to Toronto for en indefinite period. She is a.grad- uate of Linton School of Commerce, ,, Miss Annelid McLean has been con- fined to the house for the past week through illness, ' " Mee, Botvey, Sri, who has been ill, is able to bearound ,tagain, Mr, ' Tilos,' Kyle ias pur hated the hiandsome bungalow of Mti Made Drys- ] le'n Ilensall for 'hi `s ,. k hip Alice, witlaitifeIrtt, to re;lde!titt q, , Sh,' his :;e° cif' d•0.106 yfy ho te,; .11ryscl ak has fItIfclltad'a ,.'v s�`lt �idt<I s residence 1 t en< e f t}riL`scrgtttt<"�itrr�'�s_e.,.a„hti.. Rn►-1��'+ymTTY'. 1Ai i:...: - Soap 10°bars 69c Gold, P G, -Surprise. Sunlight Tea best value 3 lbs 1.10 •in town per lb.. 38e Redpath's Sugar 13 rue sugar special pries by the bag Cocoa, loose 2 lbw-. .Essences, all kinds Jelly powder Dates, 2, l bs Macaroni, 2 packages Rice, 31bs Good pink salmon .it Lennox soap per bar Dried peas, 2 lbs 990 24e, 9,0 10 30c 25c 28e. 14c 9c 5e 25e Rolled eats 10 fbs 38c• 2 Cans Corn 25c Bitter Oranges and Grape Fruit fear Marmalade . grape fruit, 3 for 25c Extra special this week Matches, 3 boxes California celery Freshbeadlettuce • - Fresh leaf lettuce Fresh Fish Red salmon per lb Halibut .IH•erri ng Finnan Haddie Fillets • 300 25c 25c 8c 20e', 22e 1 Two Delivery Wagotis.at your Service If you wish your goods before nine o'clock, kindly order the afternoon before. k •LIMITED C�.ghvT'I ON We alwa s " ,ead in Pei' cep n � (Others Watch u 'Reduce. Large, Meaty California '-Prunes ':. 2' pounds /29c Large bars Castile t'entikCocoao p . 5 2� Edwardsburg" Grown Brand Syrup 5 11) tin "39c All kinds laundry Soap 10- bars 67c 4 string Brjoms 37c 4 Ib tins pure Raspberry Jany , 74c I3Ibs pure cane sugar I.0 c 1' `Our own Special Blend TEA three t)RX99 MA'i'.CII S 35c 1 Shredded Wheat 2 for 3c, 7 pounds Rolled. Oats 25c ,Pounds Corn Meal 2a c , White Beans per pound„ ' ieked) °” (hand- ., 'Highest Prices paid for Eggs and Butter, Ooderioh lrovtirtsh p , Mr II. .1. Trewartha' has dis- posed pas d of a number of his Oxford' Down sheep recently, sending five L shcar •ewes to: ,Nle. Thos,, Pyre of Centralia; six 3 -shear elves to Mr, A, Welsh, llayficld; and five 2 -shear ewes to Fir.. A: Rougvie of this township This besides_ a number- of fleck :headers,. as usual. Although Prices have been lower business has been fairly good. "Whorl a man has What the naai'1ket denaancli he can al - wave nYake a sale, READ I'11F NEws-irEcoito ''LtfF r.APElt" ,FOAL N1W"3 OPCLINTONIA,111) 1UJRO1 COUNTY The Literary Society connected with the A•grieultural Short Course being held in W ant in It g held a debate last weeksubject': v on tJie "Resolved: That it is advantageous Lor the Organized: Farmers to enter Polities," The of fir;,native, upheld by Graham Gauen; bell and '.Miss" jean. Chananey, wase awardedthe decision,. Messrs:'Eectes Ileecroft end 'Harris Ptirdon were the champions of the negative side, On Sunday' week Mrs. Errata, Sr., of the Babylon lino, Stanley, died in hercighty„eighth year, Iter hhsbaod, the lato feces' Ertittt, died about £our-, teen years ago. A fsniflY of two son and ane daughter dlstvivei John on the',homeeteett, I!Ienry, a )so on the. Babylon, ass -gra, .Fill rt 1146.0lfnch- y of tht, 45)hnn,.Linee Nimmonossummaksommumisimmuno„ Booking Orders of Roofing for Spring Before ordering your roofing or other building material, don't fail to see BIllFDS Slate Surface 3G inch roll roofing BIRDS S1tte Surface 18: inch roil roofing BIRDS Slate Surface Canadian Twin Shingle BIRDS Heavy and Regular Pariod roofing Blank water -proof Building paper b RDS Combination Wall Board.quarter eu Oak finish on one side. Cream on reverse. We again prepared for 1922 to'proteet your buildings with Martin Senonr" 16'0 per cent pare paints, in gloss or flat tone surface. All Skates, Straps, Hockey Sticks, Pucks etc at. reduced prices for the balance of the season • e• orles SEASONABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PT3.IQES. GENERAL HARDWARE PRONE 59VOilliggialagfal ¢trim'. ii933tiei.Z= ,s rutstti tiaM AVZP .14.44 ye ality Our new cloths' are the finest collection we have had for many Season. and arra priced at a, very` close margin of profit and we know that for real dollar value, they,cannotbe equalled. "QUALITY FIRST” has always been our motto, and: this Season, we are out to'denlonstr'gte more than ever, that REt.L FUND TAILORING.' all wool material and high grade trimming's are the only true eeolnonyin Men's Clothes. Prices ge. fr Deis erm vZTt pclel T.tiE VETERAN TAILORS Opposite Town Hall' Brown's Men's Furnishings Store •r, ,. CSE IBa e'g ii , „ :Li 011[111j il The bread.of quality Ask yourg rocer for it or phone 204 and our driver will call OURtMOTTO; SERVICE R: S trig �� O' EIl4 Say itch Flowers;• FROM Gem I+lerist rt Goderich, Cut'`' Flowers aah'vays on hand lora]' designs and wedding btinehef a specialty IFeaitber of the, ] loiiets, Tetegt'aj Deli;rery Association, ,Flowers ea<id to any part of Canada er Unite. stl Stakes',