HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-2-23, Page 1No.2I38 —.42nd Year
.� is ' a
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AY FEBRUARY 23t1,, +1922.
Tho, death ocalrred tbi morning, Afl;er`an i loess of months Charles Thra fiHarriet arrioL Alhesta Ifni -
Thursday, of another of Clinton's es- Howson • passed away on puilday loway, only daughter of Mr. and Airs
teemed' residents, in the peson of Mrs,
Willoain Grigg, who came to Olinton
in 135a. A fuller obituary will appear
at Z�.
see a ���ecial 8t1it and extrsltrottser f`0 $24 50
lor Every 41
Owing to our being .held up for
power we .are late this week and had
to hold over a large number or inter-
esting items,''correspondenee, etc., but.
old-timers say it was the worst storm
ever. We hope it won't occur again.
A public meeting will. he held in
the council chamber on Thursday,
March 2nd at 8 oclocic pan, to re-
organize the ,'local Beyr Scouts
Associaton.. All citizens 'are invited
to attend as • their, co-el..ratlon is
necessary in order to have 'a sueeeseful
troop, Arrangements are being made
to have a Provincial Scout Official'
from. Toronto'orOttawa present.
A concert was put on in the town
hall on Monday, evening under the
auspices of the Clinton Hockey Club,
hiss Edoa' aleCaughey having it in
haul, and a very pleasing program
was given. Miss, McCaughey played
Several piano selection$ in her own
pleasing way, Miss Marion Meaden of
London and Miss Marion Gibbingseach
contributed a cr)aple of soles very
afternoon 11 st, °Since November Mr. A. J. Holloway of Clinton, and wile
of 1115, Isaac Rattonbury elf Veto boro,.
tivho died on Wednesday of last week
in 'Peter bot o, took 1 )1550 from, St. kraals
Church on Monday afternoon,
The church 'rip :crowded tvitfls
sympathizing freinds and the Basket,
was almost buried in flowers, The
service was read by the Rev. L. 0,
Bilkey and -the pallbeaz'es were Messrs.
J. A, Ford, ,T, Wiseman, W. R.
Counter, A, : R. Mitchell, Newton
Davies and: f, L. Kerr.
Mis, Batten bury was born in Olin ton
thiety-two years ago, lived all her.
bright, young girlhood here and was
married here in,,U116. For about four.
years she and her husband have re-
sided in Peteiiboro. She was a;gfrl' of
Howson had been a patient in Clinton.
although ur 'i `waknown
hospital and a t, l L s ,
for seine time that be could notrecover
yet the end came unexpectedly.
'rhe deceased was a ',ion of blielate
alr, and Sirs, 'James Rowson of this
town but he had spent most of the',
time, but for brief vi,;—its, away for a
great many years. He went . west
when a lad in his tee'ne and travelled
a great dell, tw,tce visiting -.South
Africa.Ile issurvived by one sister
Miss Amy Bowson of Clinton and two
brothers„ John. Howson, who is in
San Diago„ California, and George
Howson of Medicine Hat, Alta.
Thejuneraltvhich took place from
the family home; Albert street, was
held on Monday, the services being
conducted by , the Rev. J, 11. Hogg
assisted by the Rev. 0:I; Burns. The
pallbearers • were; Dr. Evans, 3, R.
Cantelon, A..2. Morrish, A. ,T."Me
Mueray, G.,D. Roberton and A:Morrell
fe On Tuesday evening Eliza Cantelon,
widow of the late William Cook of Gode-
rich township,' passed aviay at the home
of her sister-in-law, 54rS Peter. Cantelon,
Princess -street, at the ;,age'of eighty-five
Mrs Cook was a daughter of the late
David Cantelon of Goclerich, township,
sweetly;, ati aalc:quartette, consisting: where she was born and.where she cone
of 1tlessersMiterhell, Weir, Wendorf tinned to live until after,theudeath of her
and otter' also sang and Miss Lucile.
Grout gave a couple of readings.
The lxouse, was not _so • large, as might
have been expected but this was no
doubt explained, by the fact that a
bomber of entertainments have been
and are being given. It is"` really a
ittle dilficult to get 'in a good date.
Lds't week we chronicled the death
of one,. of the oldest residents of this
scetion, that of' Miss Eliza Mount-
castle, making note of the fact- that
her elder sister, Miss :Ellen Mount
castle, ,Was very ill;
Early', Monday'inorning,' just six
days later, -Miss Ellen passed out,
haying ,reached the considerable age
of eighty-eight years'and six months
Ellen Mountcastle, daughter
Miss n , dau hte
of the late Sidney H. - Mounteastle,,
one •the earliest -settlers'-in Goderich
township, was' horn on the "amily
homestead on the,. Huron Road on
August 3rd, 1834, and during all her
long life she, had, been associated
with this community,
lAlrss' Mntmtacstle was a woman of
great charmof manner and of 1(0511
intellect. She lied , a well -stored
mind; keen perceptions, a kindly dis-
position and a natural dignity 'which
marked, her out as . one among loony:,
No one oculdknow Ellen Mounteastle
without in, soma; 'measure at least ac-
knewledging •the' charm of •her fine
The Mountcastle woinen were
gifted in many ways, all having a
•talent painting for aintin g and Miss Clara
:and Miss Ellen each had, ,a gift of
verse -oinking. •The' subject of this
.sketch, while amusing herself with
this gift, never tools it seriously 'aria
seldom soguht.to ,see the .productions
of her peal in print. But last Sunday
week when the writer called upon
her in the Clinton Public Hospital
'she repeated for`..1s a little poenx
to "The Brides of Aaron"; which- was
written several •years ago. "There
being a -lot of brides that, `year." she
For many years-- the two sisters
lived alone in their 'home on Huronstreet, "The Wigwam, "pis it was
called .;"Miss Ellen often told her
Friends that it was hee wont to "lint
the whole .family away," that her
Sather had commissioned her to this
task, and she dirt, it. Last winter the
only remaining brother died at Dun-
dalk and in : her passing the last
member of her, branch o;C the family
passed out.
iliiss., ivIountcastle ,possessed in her
person a full share of the fine undaunted
spirit; which animated her sister who
died last week;:: but she• was quieter
of speech, She was - of a . deeply relig-
ious titre] of ).wind with a faith^strong xiesdci, t51, 1, l) lst,' til 2 ooldck,' As
: • ctl
husband, whichlicca red'eexactly fourteen
years prior to her own, On the death of
her husband Mis Cook secured,a• cottage
on 1'rincesS'estreet and came, to reside, in
Clinton, Foersome time she *'had been.
alone and on becoming ill she was. taken
to thehome of Mrs Cantelon, where she'
was eared for until the end, :.She is sur-'
vived by one sister, Mrs Kyle" of Bran-
don, .Man, and four brothers; William
and;, David Cantelnr) ofClinton, Harry
"Cantelon of Watford,' and Adam Cantelon
of Goderich totvnstsipt-Fide stepsons; Fred
and Henrv'Cook of LJttpton,,Joseph Cook
,of Colborne, George Cook; of Seaforth and
James Cools of California, and three step-
daughters. Mrs Gordon of Goderich,'Mrs.
Vickers of Essex Centre and Mrs. (Dr).
Reive of Florida, also survive
Mrs Cook was a woman who had many
friends, She was nossessed'of an un)Zsual-
ly sweet 'spirit, kindle% and-spmpathet1c,.
and was much,belovecl by those who knew
her well, She'was a devoted member of
Willis church and' when health permitted
was seldom . absent from the means of
grace, The world is tlie poorer by her
passing by one kindly,' guileless heart,
The_ funeral, which was private took.
_place this (Thursday) afternoon from' the
residence of Mrs Cantelon. The, service
was taken by the Rev J E Hogg, the pall-
beares were; J B and Chas Lindsay, W J
Paisley,John Torrance, W`G Smyth and
Henry Cook
This was the third funeral from this,
house'within the`,past three months
Friday;•March Bettis to he observed
as Women's Day of Prayer fot•,Missious
throughout the (Joited States and
Canada The '.Huron Presbyterial has
been Instructed to 210 its part to
arrange for local prayer -meetings.
r'r n 1.
b .i lrterd n )17 r lath a s
hese,eare ton e
offering for the Lepers Slission to be
taken, The Mission carries' on at
ninety-five statious in thirteen differ
ereht coinatries and ,Df: Robb. Spears,
theSeel:0.My of the American Presby.
burial], Board of Foreign Missions,
gives this as his •testimony of the
Leper Asylenn at tlllithahad, Indi=a,
"We cannot conceive that anyone
could see these unfortunate people mud
the service which the asylern is ',order-
>: w thooi; thankgivi ng that so much
is bone to relieve their tragic
suffering, "
;he W. It1, S. of the Union church,
lls'ucefieid, has ariasrged for their
'meeting on that, day to 50101110110e at
half least two,.
Ontario Street Chuvct
Ontario l
The Lattice Aid will nue4t ou Wed-
inanyengaging.clualities aied;wa"snnucli
level by all who knew her, Possessed
of great beauty of person, whish was
matched with equal beauty of eharae
teer,`to know'-herwas to love her and
she counted her friends among :else old
and young. She' had a singularly
happy disposition,' her itty good
nature ,,was the 'delight of hierfrehcls,
and"heiepassi£ig has left a gap which
-cannot filled. to the young hus-
band and the fattier, m1ther and only
• brglher the sincere sympathy of their
friends is extended,
Dr. and Mrs. W. Holloway of Peter-
boro, Mr, Dodds Holloway. Langruth,
:Mau,' and Mr: Wilber Ford of ,Peter'
hero came up for the funeeal, Mrs,
Holloway had` been with her da,ugiiter
for several weeks but /vie—Holloway
dirt not roadie her in time to; see her
M is. Ratteubury and Mrs, .V, irtue,
Who was hurled in Clinton last week,
were gu'Ihood frrende.. They died
under ' simiiiar eircnmstanees'. nand
`were brought home for burial, within
a few days of each other,.
THE II. 0, B. .A, AT-HOME.
The News -Record ' is in receipt of
a'complimentary ticket to the Huron
Old Boys' At-Ilome im Toronto on
Thursday evening,' March 2nd. The
first part of the entertainment will
take the" form oI :a concert, fol-
lowed by a dance. This is then occa-
sion of the annual gathering togeth-
er of many former, residents of the
old : county of Iluron : and, is usually
much enjoyed by those who can make
it convenient to attend.
The- ]Mast of. Their Family,
and sincere as Was s.innr)�5• She a ntftnbeoft;tuilts-are, to bequilted, a
had the greatest faith in prayer and
large "rattendua)ce of the ladles : is
requested, Toa will he served by the:
ladies of St, Andrew's ward. -
asu choir: desiresto extend to the
trustee and official boat ds their grate-
ful apprec,atonof the bountiful repast
provided for „Ahem on Friday evening
spoke of her faith as simply and nat-
urally as a child.
Clinton, to tiffany' of the older, resi-
dents, will hardly' seem like Clinton
without ' the Miss ' Mountcastles,
Their kindly 'in -tercet 'ill' everyonee,.
a. Clinton C. I's hockey team played
the Collegiate team of Stratford on
Friday evening last, the final
score being . 3-0 , in : favor of the
their- peen interest in public
conversation last. Oysters, and all that go with
intelligent. ,:
and their'. stories of early lifo in 'this there, were provided and dispensed in
community was' intei+csting to all, •hearty.fashion, to "the: satigfaotem of.
'e• w The The choir.
veno(; and old, Mat :said to the half lxnn[li't:cl present. c
brown house on the corner will.. lle expresses regret that some 100015015.
lonely without those two sisters owing to illness, were unable to he
about it, b
The funerai tools placer yesterday The congregation, of Ontario Street
afternoon, After a short ,service'' at ()hutch feels that it i8 very faithfully
the house the remains were taken to. served by Its choir.
St, Paul's church, of Which she was VJesle Church
the oldeiy monitor - where a service y
t . uc.
was Held, The Rev. Caion'GRegular services mi Snlay, thq
umie, a B i
former rector and personal friend, pastor in chatge: in %tire Morning
according to a proinise made 15 years ago thele will be the risutel short, talk to
conducted the .'services, assisted by the, juniors and the: subject of the
the Red; Mr. 13ilkey, the hector. The serrniun will .50, " The: Duty 02 the
pallbcarere we1.43. 1VIessrs. II. B. tome rearward "
home team, 'Clinton had the upper
hand all the way through ' and Mc-
Neil in goal and Nediger on left de,
.fetlt0 played brilliantly.
The line-up was as follows:
Goal, McNeil; left -defence; Nedi-
ger; right defence, "'Elliott' ` centre,
Rorke; left : wing, Roberton; right
wing, Bawden,° Subs. Grant and
Higgins. '
,;' There are probably a number of
people in Clinton and. surrounding
community who do not use the Pub-
lic Library but a large number do,
as last year 20,303 books were dis-
tributed. This is the largest num-
ber ever.: sent out In one year since
the Library was established. There
are 753 borrowers, 199 new names
having been added during the, year.
The library contains 8,179 'books,
269 having been purchased "during
the year and 18 donated. These
were books lig Faber, donated by 111r.
Heber Archibald of Winnipeg, who
often visits Olititon''relatives and is
interested in literary matters. The
total expenditure in books, magazines
and papers during the year was
7 'n
Chant,, I MeTaggart, a artA Ford A "1
-,gr�iitr^i ml
'Johns of
Coo er W Pi ile and Cot Ranee •
" 1
p T t y c
The Wota en s Auxiliary of St. Pauls
churchSent h' idearee liortl, offeehi e to
pl ,lll41'd the casket's of the'e two sigters
tiflj r Stf frit p5J •s;eg, zFxit 21021(1'ruble, ' Rep
gave a very fine address'(0 ibe 1.5a3ue
On Monday evening.: aleeeter Penson , 0001)0ital
and :Web)b511at UM. `Ooopei'aanl Masa h01eavy delle
/'111('''.6 W
1Tt)rlit• eouerlaidetl teltlYe triaa04lVat-
The Mountcastle Sisters.
The above picture is one which will be of great in
terest to most of our -readers, especially those who have
been resident of Clinton forany length of time, and
more 'especially, 'perhaps, to many who are -not now
Iivin here' but wore formerly citizens,. From left' to
right they are Miss Clara M.ountcastle,- who died
several years age,` Miss Ellen Mounteastle, who died
` . 21 tle.. rxr
I+eb. ��t11' and Miss Eliza Tv1-oultca,�i,.,,.. who passed
away on Feb. 14th, 1922. For many yearsthese
sisters resided together in their home on the corner of
Iluron and Orange Streets and few were more widely
known. The photograph from which this cut' was made
was taken several years ago, ,during',11Iiss Clara's life-
time, but anyone who knew 'theladies will readily
y '
recognize them.
Wheat, 81.17.
Oats, 450.
Barley, 500
Buckwheat, 704.
Eggs, 400 to' 4N1.
'Butter',' 350 to 370.
Live Hogs, ,812.00_
. Master Brenton Hellyar:celebrated
his tenth birthday on ,Friday Jasetelay
'entertaining a itulibez' of his young
friends. A very happy time was
spent by the young people.
On Thursday riiorning;]ast Mr. A.'
Hooper sent -to Toronto a claim pa-
per, following the death of the late 1 returned home on Tuesday
'The :members of .L 0 L No 24, with
W. '.S: Challenger,' £ornnerly •of ane their -wives and friends, hold as at-home:
Base L.ine,; anile d:t d recently in Ai- and' social evening in the 11511 on Monday
berta, and on. Saturday at noon re The evening'waS spent in Lames and nett
ceivecl a::,.. cheque for 01,000in favor 1 sic and all hada pleasant time. .
Mr and l4's D Ryckman and family=
'of tars. " Challenger of-Goderich, moved back 1020 the village the Disc''
mother of the ,yoing man:- week and have talten up their residence;
on Louisa street
A crack occurred in the boiler of •
NIr. John Cameron left this-weekfor To- 1"
the steam; heating apparatus of St.
Bag -field
A grand concert under the auspices; of
the,l3ayfield Pubic Library will be held in
the tgivn hall on Friday .evening, Feb; 24.
,songs, readingsand dialognes, will be pro-
vided by talent from Varna and surround•
ing country.
Mr. Thos: Morgan of Port Stanley was
the guest of his uncle, Mr. Andrew Mc-
Gregor, on Tuesday. ` -
Mr. Thos. Pollock, who has spent. the
past few months with friends in the com-
munity, left this wee, for bis home at
'a"ellsn'lc, IVlan, . .
Mr.' John. Govenlock and .,o ❑ , Mr Wil-
liam' Ga enlock, of Seaforth were the
guests of the formers danghter, Nlrs Wil-
liam Fergusonl over Tuesday
Mrs Green; Who has spent the past two
weeks with freinds in Clinton and vicinity,_,
02 the $.,179 books 6,643 are adult,
habits incl' 1,536 are juvenile. 'L'lte
library has a very fine children's de
partinant, as will be readily seen by
this number,' of books devoted to
their use, which are grouped in their
own department. .The Sett -heti -1y Chil
dron's Story Hour 15 another very
polsular• feature of the Clinton Lib-
eary, fewtowns of this 'Size having
the advantage of, such a :feature. The
libr.axy is not cion tw), adults .f from
two till three o'clock on Saturday af-
t'ernoon, that being "story 'hour."
Besides: the fine array 'of books on
the shelves, which are 01105011 to suit
all tastes, the reading room is 'sup-
plied with an excellent collection al
niagarinee,` this beim; a feature of-
ten 1enralited anon by visitors.
;Altogether Clinton has one of the
hest equipped and best managed lib -
aeries ,in Westeri}? Ontario, con> dor-,
ing the 'size. of 158 town, and, indeed,
larger towns •have' much inferior
tunes. 0utin3 the past few months
representatives of other libraries
in the 0001127 have visited the Clin-
tett library looping for pointers and
hitve paid high tributes to the efielen-
•Mei ,,of its equipment at management.
A public library well 000155ed and
1 used .is a valuable edt ion -
al institution olid is being 50 consid-
ered by edueatieiurlists. It is now
upon the smut footing es 'the schools,
in dtl far 05 the third 0,111 tenon()
.frk n 'the tgwtt'a certain sunt, leased
a t n But the ,
uAri it ! Tld R
i ii•�d Y an
ral�r - � E.e Y, e ,tu tT, t
ton ) 'di•y 1t�14 ii b il, ri
414l ittt2 made
Of the protCditn. a "" 'rsil,
Paul's Sdtiurch on. Friday last owing
it is thbught to a defective part, and
on Siniday no services were held, tile
congregation worshippig with Willis
The hockey fans in Clinton ten-
dered a banquet .to the hockey team
at Wendorf's restaitranton the even-
ing of Wednesday, Feb. Sill..
ionto to [pend a couple of weeks
Miss Rathwell returned last week from
Detroit, where she .had been attending the
funeral of Mr- Bingley
Mre Larson and Mrs Featherston
daughter, who have spent the pat few -
months with their parents, Mr and Mrs ,
Charles Parker, left this week for their;
homes in the west. They were accompan-
ied by their mother, Mrs Parker, who Will
spend a few months in the west ;
'We are called upon this week to record"
ahe death of one of our respected citizens
in the person of John Tom's; who nassea
0 away on Tnesday evening, Feb 14th. at'
)¢ilolm sville the age of fifty-eight years and t.eta
Months The deceased,was born here Tiler
April;, 1864, and has been a resident of,
the village all his life Hewasmarried is
1986 to Miss Eliza McNeal, also of this
village, who now survives him The fun-
eral took place from his late residence to,
Bayfield'eeme+try; Thursday afternoo1,
Fob 16th, at 2,30 •
Tlie contest which is being held by the
Epworth League here; is creating consid-
erableinterest. There has been a good
attendance and splendid programmes are
furnished every night, The blue aero-
plane is leading inthe race by abbut 100
A week from next Sunday the Mission'
Circle will hold their annual thank -offering
A great'cha1g chapge in weather conditions
was tak5n'place, 1110 cola spell has given
place to milder weather with rain which
is freezing and. coveting trees and wires'
with a heavy coating of ice if it "continues
will do much damage to telephone lines.
On Wednesday evening of last'week the
I' i n Circi put
young men of theI< iss o o p up
an excellent programme, and all without
t.heaid of the young ladies with the except-
ion of the Ebenezer; Orchestra .which supp-
lied part of the lmusic. They all olid fine
and the entertainment was much enjoyed
Try it again boys there11 ba 13101)1 out. to
hear it: next tone, now they know what:
yott n d
NIrsca, Alo.cock was called to Guelph ow-
ing to the illness 02111r mother. •
The )~armors Club intend'' :having a
social evening in Colinnunity 1-leil on Wed-
nosrlay evening, lvlarcn ist. Mrs. Geo.
Layton-oJ Btucefield and Mr. J, II. Scott
of Seaforth are expected to Ineareseut•and
take part in the programme, along With
local talent. After the progeammr- _the
:Ladies will serve lunch in the basement,
Everybody welcome to bring frolieds and
,a basltet, and Have a social evening
The regular monthly - <.'ineetinr o:f
the Women's Institute will he held m
the Community 111111, Thiele:Way, Mara
2nd, The topic "Simple meats well
seeped and nicely, served by Mrs.
Brunsdoh; Reading', by 'Mrs 8, Sy:,
Shobbreoko, Music. All ladies of the
,eorninunity are -#1312011 to he presetre.
' 'rho Guild of hoaxdesbero Presby-,
�t! , en olun'ch will present, 211e• plays
"Tell, 00011253y Dneter" , on Faraday,
March flyd,
,'Rev S Quinn, assisted by the Rev's A.
Macfarlane and R C Pitts, tools the ser-:
vices The pallbearers 'Are; Mes:Ws Ed-
ward Weston; John and Louis McLeod;
CharlesFerguson, John Cameron and Wile
Earn Stuugeon He leaves to mourn- leis
loss his widow and throe sons, Clia lek,
Matcolne fgidNorindn P01115, all of this
village On41011 :Wilfred, fell in the war
The sympathy ef•t11e comlriunity goes out
to the bereaved family
ill 111.1Fa:.�1' k pafil+
li very pleasant family 'gathering
7 Mr.:and
was Mild at the hone of
Mrs. . Henry Adams of this, town-
ship :on the evenina•• .:of Fob. 13the
the occasion being thetortieth
vorUary of the '5 airiagei of Mr, • antes.
]this. Adams.' A very happi' even -
iii; was spent anti alining its .pros
grey's the family presented their'
pale:lite with 00 appreriative add>'e10
and two reeking chairs, Tlap>hy
speeches 1ollbwed and an hear ':or,
two was anent in social- intorcourSe,
The 20llewin3 is the: atddress, whiLlt'
Was read by one of the sons
"Dear Father and Mother: We,
2111 naorrabers of your family, 11ttv0r
^ssem1led here this oVeiiult; 1r1 Bon -
01' of 'thee folrtietht anniversary' oS
you). woddi11g, and wewish yea tea
accept theta chains as tokens of our:
Arid a9 something!
levo' aiid esteem, d
to t i rind yon in the f4ttn c o,♦ 2111401
ee s ori end our, devotio)1 to you,: amt
sone o,nd danghfers, Anrl one ovis'!f
is Chat you rent': both be spared tai,
carobs): yo,)O fiftieth taitn1vez''Oin
with ars,". Signed in behalf of youp
The s any friends and!walltarn+
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