HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-2-16, Page 8LEADING ,JE'4'i'ELERY `1OR They're the only pair you will ever leave. Do. they ever bother yctii? Do you have„ headaches', and don'tknow the Tea-, soli'? Letter consult us.. W e will bo '' pleased to give you a thorough examination, and fit you with ,.lasses that will reheao i yoq oC 'iiia your trouble. DON'T' NEGLECT Nairn' EYES, Jeweller and-Opticiaa '.OHNSON Next Hovey'a Drug Ston. 1 .11001106,010111041a44100.6461 =0011151242 Ev ;<lte ail ; You Will Have your St ts'made;by us. Why not come in now and get a made -to measure suit for the price of a hand-me.down. WORK>\MANS,EIIP AND FIT GUARANTEED. McEwatl; Brothers Merchant Tailors Wilicen Bleck lingua . lj:taiPui .i rrorxc ti.NnvaxIna0-,r' 1 i vaatiemei FOR OUR B10CLEARING OE ALL'BPOKF,N LINES BEFORE 'STOCK TAKING New Spring Goods ,will _inti -begin to 'arrive' and. Winter Goods must be' cleared regardless of prof..t9. An assortment of Men's and: 13oy's . Winter Caps to clear at (these are less than cost) '- 793, Many other lines in, j b •lots to clear Men's heavy wool u�nderivear,vreg. $3.00 sale price $2,29 Boy's heavywooluunderwear reg; $1.25 sale price 79e Bargains in:Sweaterd, Overcoats Suits and all lines of Footwear 'PERMS` OF SALE CAS1i 1 ee POS. THE, STORE TE AT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 33 NEW IDEA, ''E'ATTERNS. CLOTHING ;p Annual Stock Takillg Sale brfiast;. To softcifl reeks, or bciid' a ltontied oak, #110.U.0 *Pen [1t oV4ve 604' 010'g r Our Dahca Folie 'Vol, 2,', List ok contents include about forty ' i t5' The latest inad best known songs o tato day err{inged as Waltz.O.S box-. rf<rots and 'One Steens for. Piano Solo Some are aj,f(illevtsi Peggy O'Neil; Cho ie; I Never Knew; I'1nNobody's i eby; Never In Yoiu ;Daddy's Ali is; Robe 'of My Heart; •Feather 'four Neat;, Wang . WangBanes; Anvil ?Chorus;' Tri key In The Straw Ree l C ll Sl reetlieai:t; Mammy s Little -"Sunny Ironev Boy. ' AL, FOE SEVENTY-FIVE CENT:, ASIf-:FOR VOLUME NO.2 0, othe a `sate Always Means Bargain Prices in Many Lines Stoves and''Ranges, Graniteware •Copder Boilers Tin Boilers 'Galvanized Boilers) ' Rayo' Nickel plated. lamps regular $7.50 for '$4 501. 2; only,. Electric Irons, reg 6.50 for '4.00 J. only} Ele,ctric.Lamp,•reg,17.00 for 12.5u J 1 only Yleetrie'Lamp, reg 14 00 for ` ' 10.50 r 1 onl.yElectric Heater, reg 5.00 for • 3.50 i,r,=1 only, Electric Heater, reg 10.50 for ' 7.00 See our new Tungsten :Electric Lamp, with shade 'Table of odds and ends marked in plain figures the prices and values' will astonish you Just to hand ..another (the third' lot) of the 69e Graniteware Assortment Leave your order for a. Pilot Superior pipeless Furnace. canbe VI in in one day, 16 already installed and giving perfect satisfaction ,HA LA D Sardware. Stoves and , Novelties -----The' Store With a Stock We . are ()ffsoing a This Week One Easy Vacuuac Washer for 12.00 One Red Star Washer for $1,9 00 • /r Call and see the new Mono Vac Electric; Washer: 'CTRICAL. PLUMBING '^ The ' . D. Fair Co, Often the Cheapest -Always the Iies't .EYE SPECIALIST A. L.' Cole, Eye Sight Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canad- ian , Ophthalmic anad-ian,Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Goderich,, Ont, Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p,ni. Practice limited to the eye; Mr, R. Horsley visited friends in Goderich on Friday last. Mrs. R. A. Bell visited', friends in Goderich on Friday last, Mrs. R. J.' Ciufr is visiting with re-` ' latiiTs: at Bervie and, Ripley. Liss Susie Sloman is spending a few; days this week in Toronto. Mrs. Ball of Sombra is visiting at thehome'of her son, Mr. Roy Ball, 'Mrs. Clew of Clinton is visiting her. sister, Mrs, Sniithers., Seaforth News. Mrs. Armour of Detroit has been visiting friends in town. during the past week. Bliss Florence ,,Cuninghame is visit- ing Mies' Hattie Baker of ram: - ton this week. ' Mrs. ' James , Connolly of Goclerich' was in Clinton the latter part of last"week visiting friends. Mr. H. Williams of the local branch of the •Molsons Banat is relieving' at Zurich for ten days or so, Miss Marion ''Andrews spent the week -enol as the guest of her sis- ter Mrs. F.. F, Gillies of I{itch- ener. Miss Shaw or Clinton was a guest at the home of Major and Mrs: R. S. Hays last week,-Seaforth Expositor. Miss Stone of Toronto spent the week -end as the guest of her sis- ter, Miss Stone of the School of Commerce. Messrs. M. T. Corliss and W. 'T. IIawkins ,are in Hamilton ' Hits week attending a convention of hardware men. Mr. A. Whip and Miss N. Morgan of New Hamburg were week -end guests ,,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Cree. Mr Mr O'Donnell of 'Aberdeen, S. Dakota, was the guest. of his old employer, Mr. R.' Fitzsimons, ov- er the week -end. Mr. Jacob Taylor has been in town the past week, coming up on Thursday to attend the funeral of thelateWilliam McKow iWl wn Miss" Mabel Marland was in Fingall for a few days last week being called hither by the illness of her sister, the late Mrs. Glover., who died on Thursday. Mrs. Weir of Detroit is the guest of her brother. -Mr. R. E. Man- ning, having come over to attend the funeral of her niece, the late Miss Harriet Maiming. Mas. Kelly, business manager of. the White Ribboner, London, was the guest over the week -end of the Rev. D. N. and Mrs, McCom- as at the Wesley parsonage.' Rev. R. Felton Irwin` of Lucknow was the guest of his brother, Mr. J. A. Irwin,. on his way from London, where he had been atten- ding a conference committee meet- ing. Messrs. Oliver Johnson and Andrew Poser of Goderich were in town on Saturday. Both are former - residents of Clinton and are heart- ily welcomed whenever they elect to pay return visits.; Mrs, Brigham of Hensen has been town during the past few days, having come up to see 11'tiss Ellen Mountcastle , and her sister, the latter of whom passed,; away early Tuesday morning, Mrs.' Brigham and the Misses M;ountcastle were lifelong friends. Messrs. A. G. Virtue and John Tor- rance of Lethbridge, :Mrs. D, L, Cranston, Port Arthur; Messrs. Melvin Torrance, Toronto; Alf Torrance, Akron, Ohio and Edgar Torrance Sault Ste, Marie. Mx. Levy,' Toronto and Mrs. Ed, Code, Ottawa; are the -gneiss of Mr, and .Mrs, John Torrance this Weep, having come to attend the funeral of the late Iles. A, G. Virtue, Mr,' John Colelaugh • went ue to Lion's head last week to spend the remainder of the winter with li_s daughter, Mrs. Boyle, who lives five miles east of that. Me. A. Cantelon accompanied hint, as ho was not fit is, travel 'so fait alone.,; Mr. Cantelon also called to see Mrs Coicleugh, who was taken hmnn by het daughter last fall On account et illness. Mrs;, Caleloiigh loft Clinton on , n stretcher last fall acrd is still bedfast; Th.IrcLand ,ast Tiine` We offer Redpat .'s. Granlulated Sugar T WHOLESALE PRICE NATe‘bave still a few bags left at unloading price. The market is firm and we will hold ourY .:y�grices for this Weer . only. Best quality brooms, each ,. 3 .pkgs. Ammonia . 3 pkgs. Panshine for 10 lbs. Rolled Oats 10 lbs. Corn meal . Soap Chips. in)balk, per lb. BITTER OOlt4NGES & GRAPE FOR MARMALADE. Grape' Fruit, 3 for 38e,. 220 24c 88c tae, FRUIT" 25c Special Blend Black Tea, per lb .... 383 Special Blend Blaick Tea, 3' lbs for $1.10 Cocoa in Bulk, per lb, .. 14c Good Coffee, in - bulk, per 1N 38c Essences, all flavors, each' 09e Jelly Powders, McLaren's each . 100 COOKING FIGS, DATES' 2 lbs, Dates $0c 2' lbs. Cooking Figs . . , , 25c FRESH LETTUCE --HEAD LETTUCE' CELERY OTIIEIt SPECIALS 2 lbs. 11Taear'oni . , 25c 2 lbs. Dried. Peas 25c 3 Ib. Pail Lard , ... 48c 21 bars Lennox „Soap 31,00 -2 cans Corn 25e,: 2 cans Peas ,., 80c Good Pink Sahnon, per tin 14c Good fink Salmon,, per tin ,. , , , : 09c Buckwheat Flour, 3 Ins for , 215e Pancake Flour per package 15c Pure IVIaple Syrup, per quart' 90e . FRESIH FISIk • Red Sahnon, per pound... 25c, Fresh Halibut, per pound 25c Finnan Boddie, per pound Fillets, per pound Flesh Herring, per dozen :.',Oe: 4 85c y 1 SALMON SNACKS and FRESH OYSTERS' Two Delivery .Wagons at your .Service If you wish your goods before nine o'clock, kindly order the afternoon before. D iLIM TED The Largest Grocery in -Canada:. We Lead...Others Follelvy Always First With Downward. Price Pann G., Gold Surprise Sunlight and Comfort Soap 10 liars 69c. Machine -sliced Breakfast Bacon 29c ISpl Tea 40c Blend;ecia the best value in tow.l Pure Gold Puddings, 2' for . Eagle Brand Milk, 2; for .. Frankford Corn, 2:for . Peanut Butter, per lb. Pnk Salmon. per tin , ; .... . Cross Fish Sardines, per tin :. Marmalade, 1 lb. jar Olives, pint jar .23 .45 :25 :22. .15 ,,18 .25 .39 tolled Oats, 5 -lbs. for .19 - Cornmeal, 7 lbs for .. , . .28 White Beans, 4 lb for .25 Wheatlets, 4 lbs. .25 Tapioca, per .10 p Rice, 3 lbs. , . , , .29 Pot Barley, 3 lbs. , , .15 Seedless Raisins, per lb, .25. 100 lbs sugai 7.45 Cleaned Currants`, 31 2 lbs for ' Pure.Raspberiy Jani 4 Ib tins,, Finest -Canadian Cheese per lb Crown Corn Syrup, "2 lbs. , r19 Crown Corn Syrup, `5 lbs. ,,. .43 Crown Corn Syrup, 10 lbs. .83 Lyle's Golden Syrup, per. tin .30• Cocoa, per lb. , Coffee, per Ib. Shiriff's Jelly Powders, 3 for ,25 .15 . 39 Boy Your Groceries Here and Save Motley A 9en will 'not spyour baking when, yQU use ORDER FROM YOUR NEIGHEORHQOIS GROCERt 44 anasirsz u a�cvF:c:errarra+�: ctsisrsaaa stz c..2za:sc. agar a.rozmamm sa srac s ars naac in ookkiliag Orders of'Roofing ii.tr Spring j.. Before ordering your roofing 'or "'other building material, don't fail to see r' 9. ;lr 1113S Slate Surface 36 i•neh roll roofing BIRDS RDS Si tete Surface 18 inch roll roofing FIPATID 3 Slate Surface Canadian Twin Shingle 1` l 111 .11 rIr•.zrvy and Regular Pariod roofing BIRDS );lash, water -proof Building paper a3}IR13JS Combination Wall Board quarter cut' Oak finish on one side. Cream on reverse. We are again prepared for 1922 to protect your buildings with Martin Senear`' 100 per cent pure )1 paints, in gloss ur flat tone surface. All Saht.; Straps, >s, Mozkey Sticks, Pucks etc rola reduced pities for the balance of the season • 44* SEASONABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES, GENERAL HARDWARE PRONE 59 ...unases=o4,zeimar-Jameasagoateasiaana.---saamo,a,mtmencelaue Hem's the Differolloe Give your order for clothes to an unpractical elan who does, not understand taking a measure or detailI'of your figure, and -let hho send the orcler out of town to be made in a factory, and the chances are it does not fit, • and is of ppor quality and badly made, and you are dissatisfied, But give your order to us, and have it cut ex- pressly to your form to fit, and made be' first-class tailors,who study every detail of your requirements. Then yon do not only wear clothes that fit -and please you, but you'also wear that satisfied look that is so 'noticeable' on all our customers. Indigo blue'serf;es, $30,to.05. :.Our business• methods are the greatest value and satisfoction at' the lowest possible' price. , esanaxws,Omura,:.uatU1cvx,,..Za.IITAI S avis ern' it THE VETERAN TAILORS Opposite .Town Hall' Brown's Men's Furnishings;Store laira====inailliMNANOI44.1,114.81, i'1 eI.1's_Ba er DE1D The bread of quality Ask your grocer fur it or phone 204 and our driver will eat] OUR MOTTO: SERVICE R. S. 'ral Phone 204 x'he Ili Have Yon Gst Yogaz Ticket for he Hockey Cub o ger �1t d a g, Feb. A Oclod Program P oiinised Admission 35e end 50c Plait of Bali at W. 1►,l+air°4.