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The Clinton News Record, 1922-2-16, Page 4
iOOI Efl ,• [1 o ar'e i,ncluilei i ,1 01:1 Felorl ili'y Sale Red uetionsroti re ffota .`20 1(i i)O per cent. t, l ,A.ls0 odd rolls of bordOr' 1011 Calan paper buddies I . li. at' special prieos Tei s Your (fOrpTortt Gaut We, Sell` Monarch Yarns Stock is now w'`comp te-ii11•'' alta Shades The Monaich Yarns at the r`ecluced P ric,s are the beat value on the market (A , GLIN"1'O N ria rn. Dont miss these bargains in Rall Paper n '. ^ u We have reduced ouasstocl- to 5 ec) is 'a,uo b10 and d np also have a nice general line ml• new paper,: very reasonably ;priced All in Stock NEW GINCI1AMS A nice line of new Gingha los at 25e and: 30c per yd. NEW SHOES • Spring Stock has waived " with .better quality and lower prices VT E SHALL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU 'The following goods are 'still i•ecluced , Men's r Fleeced . Underwear 50c' a 'garment' Men's all wool ribbed Underwear' . .$1.50.a''garment Men's, Wool ribbed :underwt;`ar , .. 75c a garment Ladies' Underwear....... 50c to $1,50 a garment;. Phone 13 011 1622. 1z dr IJ 'Wive Siilz 'ffiettep oc • ()ay healthy livestock pays P fat catle, deck 1 0, 0s, firm 11015,• V17011icht eco& , ,Msissoat trcetigeocuats'sw conelitions. 60a0seo, C,at>.e;:'sheep and Peg 3. It \rill ,eke healthy e,1111 '00 grently increase tho flow or i ilk','. mt teet1.,sIlte• tl vt r fatrn-inayjoou r tiNme They ,ill he ready for Itsuigvt o rry wie,1ii no filler in once Stas highest government ;u,nly i... Node hnd;uaranteod hy. 13.foapticaardt tetwidteraticer t n1(Q:ed,- liatritton, Ont'.. 40101:w J. A. Ford:& lain, Clinton fi4:", e011Y 4L a i,yaA i VE OUR SAVE YOUR TIME v ,,t . "L 1 ,,. ',. "E. _ .W1 nom. .... ;.; L• U` ,. SAVE : Q t QN Alii ENG NE .The Gilson "Wizard" is the biggest -'selling, line or farm, engines' in Canada That's be- cause they."ie service and.VALTJE,r The ilson```bilrns kerosene '(coalo51 ',:and • ^'.mighty, 'httje of that! ,,'Throttle -governed: Built-in magne'•h'g Basy to start—winter or need; to. run to tool, every 8nlnme'r, c •yrµ .;need ohoj,''• A There's a 1''x, 31I', .6 and 10 h. ' on Grinder boon ,pars far p„ and T 11 lt, ltandlea an kh,d, of alai1enge anyone to -,:show. an engine with -a y1•,• more generoub surplus of power oSer rating. :'• Gilson took the lead in 'f rd/no: dowry brie, -1500 a Irirt p, oduOUinn as a reoulfr-and now oltor 111000 engine, value for the money tisop anybody .5..knew ht. • „ , Don't uan yo0r hack f4' vi ltk on engine can oto Vbet n a-t}leo .,•117 113150 :..ter, Oct my 1o'ta pircee, rit once, IP yon 515, 1'11 nne^• Saw ti1i.v it demonstrate on your ,far10 h•oo. 'Give .you 30 rinya'. vood o11 Zahn, e e, (ref trial. And I can mike ternro to. sut. n ^" lita'n'y Cit nr fit' 555500) roar ., boy MA. ,ho ant di ....di,' va'1, S5.4!Lt.9la 1L:',. FS 4 MIP °`1:17 tiA v,...for it.,en',..:Gee l'ho Gil:§oil Klan"A ONT V'AStN , N J'ho silnt/tif' rY(ee able hIUtual Fire was 'Weld in the TOW on Feb. fird. The et i' i X 7alE ever 1 'i 5 d a U '• the u5 (lc p }1 Cowpony, 112x', JonleS Co qo (,oi1rich, ,end the andikt, 4 ±yat rt" Deceit, las 050c1by Cho showed a very 'hu451 asful years Mao Mess, and *though Cho losses Woe 001005' 'hoovy, the statement showed the Company to hold an enviable po- sition financially, with a large l e bane. balance; The number of policie4 ,au force is 2,251; the amount insured, s,;0,201.,80)0; receipts for the year, $21,441..45 expenditure, 1510,590,44 The total losses for the real amount- ed to 38055. The retiring' directors, John Bennewois; Logan; John G. Grieve, ieve, McFillop, and Je es Evarns were -re-appoiilt:ed, John Govonlock of Egreondyille, and James Kerr Oe Sealorth were 0.pp0itnod auditors fol 1922. Alter the annual' aloetin;;, a llieeiing' ofth'e board of directors was held and - the officers of last year were re-elected:: Pres,; Jas. Connolly, Goilerich;: vice-Presidc:iit, James Evans;, Secretary -Treasurer; Thomas E. hays. T,he annual sleeting of the county. Orange 'Lodg'e was held at Exeter Feb 7th, when .forty-seven repre- sentatives "were present; The follow- ing officers were elected: Master, A. I3. -Armitage, Luean; Deputy Master, W, J, Falconer, Clinton;• Cbaptatln Rev. A. A. Trumper, Exeter; Reel - Secretary, R. C. 'Davis, Eeoter Secretary, B. B. L. Stephenson Clin- ton; Treasurer, A, CanOelon Go'Ioi- icll township; Gryt Lecturer,H 3S. Hanley, Clinton; second Lecturer, S. Clark; Director of Ceremonies. G. C. Petty, Hensall.' The. ,'celebration of the twelfth of July will be held this year at Seaforth, when 'the Lodges from the surrounding district will be poet ent. An ' action • brought by' Thomas Clark, of Morris township, against the-I-Iuron' County Flax' Company to recover 1110'stim "of -$214, the value of, 'certain flax grown, upon his land, was disposed' of before' His honor judge • Diekson on the. 5th of April, 1921: , in favor of the plaintiff. with 04sts.:A seizure, of the •Defentlent's goods and chattels at the Brussels -hill was. then .made 0,, .the leh'eri1'r, wbex'eupon they were elaime9,by, tete Sovereign Productlon•Coy'and an In- terpleader issue was directed Itci try the 41iestion of.' 'the ownership of thes,e:'goods, 'After considerablo;,de.J lay and nume$ous auljustments the issne 'came no ,100trial 'ata special sitting of the County_ Court at ,God elich,::in • October, " •when„: judgment was, again given hi favor' of the plaintiff, dismissing wide costs the claim of the Sovereign % Pl oditetion Company and' 'declaring that th'o goods seized 15.i the sheriff were' the „property of i' the defendonts,''the Iluroan Flax Uritis;•• and therefore'`li'' ;ib1e fpr the plaintiff's judgment: Costs' of the interpleader action were accordingly taxed by the County Cleric and the taxation was revised by 'the County” Judge. From the County Judge's', ruling the de'fend- ont's appealed to a Divisional Court (formerly Court of, Appeal for Ont.) and the appeal was argued ;in Os - geode Hall,' Toronto, on Thursday and Friday, January 19 and 20, jttclg- ment being reserved, Mood ,' last. iuclgment was delivered, agar 1 in favor of the plaintiff dismissing the appeal without costs, W;, Mr Sin- clanrtof Brussels, acted.for the plain- tiff and Sas. R. Roof,-Tooroto, S•e- 'presented ' the defendants and the Sovereign Production Co. Mi§s Gretta Tiffin• has returned to her duties at Victoria Hospital Train- ing School, London, after. spending, a short; Vacation -at her home, the Methodist parsonage, Blyth, recuper- ating after an attack of, pleurisy. Auction Sale • - The undersigned has received in- structions to sell by public auction at Lot 33, Con. 10, flullett, on Wed- nesday, Feb. ' 22nd, commencing : at '12,80 o'clock, sharp, the following: • Horses: Work horse,' 13 years;'', work, Horse. 11 years; General Purpose marc, 6 years. Cattle: cow, 9 year's old, due in April; cow 6 years old, due in Feb.; cow 6 years old, due in Feb. cow 5 years old, due June 24;' Shorthorn heifer, 8 years ,old, clue' in ,Marcie;; 2 fat steels 2 years old'; fat heifer 2 years old; 3 Steers rising' 2 years olcl heifer -rising 2'" years old; calf; 5 months old; , Shorthorn bull calf, 5 months' old; Shorthorn bull 'calf, 4 months old. Pigs: 2 York sows due in March; 8 chunks. Poultry: 30 hens, 1 year old and pullets, Im- plements: Set of teats harness; set of single harness; McCorfhick binder ASTIII USE RAZ -MAH NO Snioking—No Spraying—No Snuff Just Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAH Ito Guaranteed to restore normalbreathing,; stop mucus• " gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give long nights of quiet sleep; contains no habit-formingg anis; $1.00 at your drug- , gist's, Trial free at our agencies or Write g Templetous, 142. Kiu W. ` Toronto. Sold by J. E, :Hovey,,Drn> gist. RAND TUN kgrAILWAX, The Double Track Route .--BETWEEN---1 MQNT,RJIAL TORQNTO • DETROIT and :CHICAGO vetexcirlle( Dialing Car 'Service, Sleepping cars on• Mint 'Trains' and Txsrlor Cars on 11rincipal'Pay Trains Full information from any Grape Trunk Ticket Agent or 0. 1)1 TIorning D 5 riot Passenger. A,t', :Toronto. f ilIoliet((&,Soh, t45tevrl Ageits. 01Wott, r aSi drilla '11whge• }%rafl (It111t1' 1a1, , a;3- tpat h Ij,4 soatIt al, 1 roller; aleplu-. hay r0Igel' 10 -It„ Nelly 4a plow waffler x, 1 rniu 7 walkmj;, plow; 1 tltuv 1 ulc.h 011 crusher; foot pulpe'r pUnop ,look Ford 'ear with McGill power attach, nsotn; Aleh Arlo top buggy; open buggy pair at hay, flack h)11o, bass- wood, 3x9; 05) pan; 25 sap pails,, new,gravel box, wagon bnx with stocic lack, ,Bain w,'tggon, 97,% neh tire,; set e ftaa1101 hay 1OwP. Grain: 200 bushol of iced oats; 50 bushels of, oats, cleaned ioY .,fed; '20 bushels White 531oss01)) Saveet Clover and ntlllleiou;3 other articles kerns; All 01)52 oi' ,110,:00 and raider c oc5; pe- er that an(otuat, 3 i onthg credit on appiroVed joint notes ora di5108nt ei£ 4 Per cent steal Sit for•cosh on crest zt °mounts Grp n, Sweet Clover and Fat Cattle, cash. John C, Radford, proprietor, 'Thomas Gundry, Auc- tioneer, -36-2 Auction Sale 'Mr. G. It. Elliott" has' received instructions .to sell by public auction tit Lot 34, London Road, one, mile north of Brucefaeld, ,on Wednesday;. February 22nd, at ' 42.30 o'clock, sharp, the following farnlstock,, im- plements, household '*' ofl'eets, - 'etc;' horses: heavy team rising 6; years, weight about 1,000 lbs.; grey Clyde mare, 6 years, old; Clyde filly, 4 years old; gelding, 4 „years 'old; 'black Percheron 8 years el9; aged driver;. colt, 8 months. Cattle' ,.Cow,- d, years, due in April; cow 4 years, due in April; cow, 7 .years, due in 'Sep-, tember; cow 5 years, due in: May; cow 8 years, :due in March; cow 8 years, freshened in January; 8 steers,. 3 years old; 2 Polled Angus' steers, 1 year; 2 Polled 'Angus'.steers2. years;.' 9. yearlings; '4 fall calve :: Pigs: 2 Yorkshire sows dug, ;time . of -sale; •3 Yorkshire sows clue March 20th; 6 5orlishire sows, due, April and May. Poultry: About 50 hens and pullets. Grain: 100`•bAshels "seed oats; 60 bushels 'seed;.barley,° Implements: Deering binder, 7 -ft.,; cut;, Deering' mower, 6 -ft. crit; Deering hay rake; Deering -disc drill; McCormick ter- tilirer drill Steel land roller, Deer- ing eultivator,,,09111 eering+euitivatol,-,'0onr cultivator 'oyltln" beaii •hartestey.'.attached, sugar beet plow, sugar beet sVir,lell,scufirter; 3 section harrow, s,ngle plow, ` twin- gang;plow'low_ wagpzi, light agon, 2 top buggies; '2 cutters, set sleighs; wagon box and stock,.rack, 2 gravel boxes, set scales with stock rack. (ea..; paeity 3 000 ' lbs ), hood rack, pig crate,'' hay fork oar with rope and pulleys, fanning mill, wheelbarrow, steel .barrel, set powers horse .clippers ;4"nchor 11614iu ereaseparator, G h.p., gasoline engine and;.drag saw,, set heavy harness, set plow harness, set single harness,' 4 good horse collars, about 1000 'feet of j•ocic elm pile 'of rough lumber,„, pile of 'Poles for wood, pile of cedar tie`s, 100 sap: pails, spiles and pan, Baby Grand car, 1918 mode] in good running ol- der, ,with two new cold',tu^es. house' hold, Effects PandCrd range coal oil stove, extension ;table, iron bed- stead,' ehina' 'cabinet, 'parlor suite, couch; cupboard, washing machine;: churn, 050 'sealers, vacuum cleaner„ hanging lamp,' Edison gramophone and about fifty records; also forks, chains, shovels and Many other inti- cies.: All will be sold without ',Te- SC1'VO-.. as the proprietor has sold his raim and is giving up farming. Terms—Grain, .hens„ andall stuns of 1510: and ander, cash, 8 months credit 'will be allowed on ;other purchases on approl'ed'joint notes, or three per cent straight 'allowed for cash en credit amounts,. Amos Cart - Wright, proprietor; G. II. Elliott, auctioneer. 85-2-y Auction Sale Of, Farm Stock and Implements. The undersigned has received:instruc- tions to sell by public auction. on the Parr Line, Stanley Township, 2 Miles south of Varna on Friday, Feb. 24th, at 1 o'clock; sharp„ ' ;the following: horses: General pu 15051' black Norse,. 7 ,year's old; Agricultural (black mare, rising 5 years; grey-Percheron,agri-. euttiu`a1, rising 7 years; Agricultural 111000 rising 7 years; Supposed to be 01 foal; Agricultural mare 01501g 8 years • old, driving male rising: 11• ,years, quiet and reliable. Cattle: Durham cow', 5 years'. old, due hi Ap- ril; Dtlrhamn cow 6 years old, due ; in April; Durham cow, 8 years old, due in April; Polled Angus cow, 4. years Old, cute in March; Dolled Angus cow 5 years old, • dile ,in May; Polled `An- gus cow 5 years old due in April; Durham cow, 4 years old, freshened in Dee'.; Durham heifer, with calf, at foot; Durham heifer•.: due time' of. sale;: Durham cow 7 years old,'due'in' Sept Ayrshire cow, 6 years old, sup os to be i calf; Heifer. p ed , n >f supposed ,to be in calf,: Farrow • cow, 4' years' old;'4 steels, 2 years old; 6 yearlings; 1 'calf 3 months old; ,calf 6 mouths. old; pure •bxed Shorthorn bull, 2 years old, Nonparel'Pride, No. 132487; pure.. bred ,Shorthorn • bull; • 6 months old. Implements:- Massey -Harris binder,; 6 -ft. cut;' Deering .mower,'.G=ft.. r_uu;', Deering corn binder; Deering hay. rake, nearly ,new, side delivery rako; Massey -Harris ''cultivator; ItI'assey- Harris bean ,harvester;: Massey -filar-' 'res ;13 hoe 'drill; 'Massey -Harris> cut– box, 12 inch mouth; Frost &. Wood 12 hoe - drill;' • wagon, almost- new; set of sleighs; steel roller; set of'• 2 -section` harrows; walking pinto'; disc liaf•lrow; ` `2 steel tire buggies;: road raavt, 2 cutters; "2 sets single 1iaroess, set' of .double breeching harn- ess;< set back -band harness; 'rabbet' ']reit; Capital cream separator; wheel- bariroW; flay fork, 150)ies 551)3 pulleys;' whiflletrecs, neckyolces, 2 cook stoves, and several other artistes. Guaran- ice: Any cow, sold to be in calf and 'proving not to be within 3' months; a discount of 10% of bl ' ;purchase money will be refunded. Terms: All iuns of $1.0 and 'ander, cash;: oval that iiunoaiit, 10 months credit .will he siren on fulnli5hitrg approved tont itotea. or a discount of 3% tr•aight, 'allowed fno cosh oil coedit monis,. Reil -42 Miller, Piopriei'.Or's. 012o.. Ii.:Llhott, Auctioneer. - -oG-8 4`fuftu- Isiah*s Mt'. andr ;4).8,Jglm 01811000, lyJtlr, antlotlneti Iho ' f31rl a ,'ctiacn1 of thole ' yotin3ost d)nigditor, Lh'cic, to' 1 iit 1 1 V li o n ci E y t of 1 1 19r 'u 1 and lits... tu0 # c White,'Blyth, the 1ani la e to take Place 01ticillY in 1Vlal'eh Mrs, Jaeoo Webster, it11 0 teemed lady of Seatorth p0ssed away sod- denly last: lhtirsilay jv151102 , She had just, returned, from visiting her sister in t,ondon, and WOS not long' intho Louse when. she expired while, sitting at 'Cillo table, .She is survived by her husband,) Miss Mailed Laidlaw, stenographer at the Bell ' Engine Co,, :Seaforth, fell from a sang. stepladder in the otikeo one day recently and fractur-G'd hell wrist and injured heal head, Steplien township: wort its lawsuit against Joseph Lawson for damages for a poorly -constructed bridge, ju lg o. (1141st handed 'down 'by Justice W. E.• Meredith at Toronto 1:tat week The contractor was not field'to `r45901s ibility in regard to the m zteoials used' -and the council then in dice didn't seem to check up the work ver, Well. Judge Meredith, on heal to the c vi deice of those interested leg)ndlog', the,sraterials said: "That w"., no` way to construct a bridge. Someone slight have ,gono through it and 0 3ife been lost," At the conclusion of the evidence Justice Meredith 'declared that it "appeared to have been a very stupid niece of business all around,"' The Fulton family of, the locality • of ',Walton have a record for longevity surpassed by few, The, father and 'mother died several years ago at the respective ages of ,ninety-nine:•anck, ninety-eight years. Seven of their children still survive. They are: Sam uel Fulton,Grarrton, aged ninety-two; John Fulton, Walton; "Itt his nintieth year; Mrs. D. Crawford, Brussels, eighty-four; . William Fulton, Wash- ington, eighty-two; Thos. Fulton, Shakespeare, eighty; Hugh,: Fulton, Walton, seventy-five; Mrs. E Hew- itt, Exeter, sixty-nine;, Mrs:. John' Crawford of S,t. Marys died at , the a ;age of eighty-four. ,: Mr. •.and'Mrs. i John Fulton of Walton had a lmily' i of ere all ver, 'a . o£ whomare liven;, with.' the, exception of one The funeral tooig.piace oh.Saturday• ' Week of, the late .tlndrew,J'ohnstori'„f. Willton, Vlliose dead} occurred •at the home.:of his "daughter Mist.`',D iucan, ;of.Preston, to wlwrn=shc'had gong on a little ;visit, The funeral .was ,held:. in Duff's'-ch>trch.and : wa5,largely at tended. ;Interment wa5.made3n Brus-- sels cemetery. Mrs Joseph Nichols, a former res ieleit of "Goderich 'and daughter ' of,; Ilar', y Darce,';a magistrate'in the wn' botiflty toabout seventy years a8'o died yeeelrttly 'at the home of'her daughter in New York five sons and - two 'daughters suriive Alfred Nich- ols of Winghanl WiIlialn of London, George,' Chicago;'• Charles of 'Florida; -Ilal^ry of Minneapolis; Mr's. Mullen of Toronto and Mrs~ King' of New York ,Winghanl High school presented a line program last week' and the sports prizes and diplomas were dis- tributed to the students. At the animal meeting of the West Wawanosh Fire Insurance Company, field at Dungannon on Saturday week the company:was shown to be in. a,flourishing position. The direc- tors' report showed. 4123 policies in force at present, being an increase of 309• during the yearr. The risks to date were x'9,773,532.50, with a Premium- ' capital of $360,138;78' and a surplus,.61 $28,621.62 in cash and victory bonds" After 'the business" was disposed of the meeting elected Mr. Morgan Dalton, of Ashfield; chairnman'. The following retiring di- rectors were re-elected, W. McQuil- lan, Alec. Nicholson and Harry .1, Salkeld, and. . A. Wilson and .John Wilson .were'' re-elected aud- itors; A keener interest in the work, ingof the company than usual was taken :by the policy holders present. It was apparent from the discus- sions and answers given from the statutory conditions and variations in conditions that a large'number of losses would be null and void, which may have a beneficial effect,, From be di eusiiron ib would appear tluttj much l04o oeeanl1 from de'• 1eetive "ohiemeys, stoves )old stove pipes, not 50opualy cleaned ;rut, dip'.. nt;'; lropts alaad 1105011441: and other rm tL 1 '>, v 1 1 al, b, tile 15/ 0) Calcis • light» i! t } 0 11a1'il wileii not j)r'!%J161"lY 1)robee-. ted by a D.,teili), by condition. 6, CO and 3), 9pd I),y variation T'I, By read, mg these over the policy holders wi'ri', find the; position of their pc/16.Y, 4110 a eler';ful attention to the, t'alno will save the. company a large nuttfliUr of losses, ‘‘Say J iothe$' , this, is Great!' ``I Wonder .41 Frank is ill?, T ca(i'tu2derstind"why we haven't heard from lrizn.'' ``Don't worry, Mother, he's all Agin. Iie;;,itas just for, gotten to write." But Mother couldn't help' worrying,; ' No 'letter for ten • days from her "boy" at College! "Call him up right now,";said Father—"just ask for the :number. Tit,. landlady will get hint to the .ophone. half -past eight and you'll get the evening ratoron a SGataon- '` to -Station call." ^ • In just six minutes Mother andson were healing a heart—to—heart tali:. Frank had written a Week ago -but--had forgotten t'o.posl the letter! "Well, 1 , w ha. t a relief," said Mother, as she t>iined'fro'm the telephone, "and to" think hole simple it was, to set our minds at rest. •1nthink 1'11 call hits every week." ry - • She does. Both look forward to those happy few'iuiiiute PPY s, from week' • to .week. The reduced evening rates on, her Statiolsao-Sluli.tli calls are so very logy that; as Mother says, ":it would' be'foolish to deny ` Evcry .Be5 Telephone is a. Long Distance Stager: myself the pleasure."• 7fi Every evening Long. Distance wires •,hum with voices bridging the gulf 1be- • 'iiveen home and the absent ones; a,f «st eF 6AtiaPP hiltOn ' ll rtIdilthr en leou ;• rial ay, •(St; .claial's) r at" $ p.m'•. r. J. E. Carter. 'V will i. " ,, an address on SWEET PEAS DA AND OTHER FLOWERS wry. Wm. I-Iartry of Seafortlh will show over 40 veiws Home Beautification in Rural ,Seetions" ' just issued b Dominion 'Government also other Y pictures Farmers are especiallyinvited to attend Admission Free 14 rvr:,a+a+nn,r .r, .4441.1.1.0641, HE .TRUSTS ADa RD. Pr, E ;.. C®,P ANY 25th ANNUAL STATEMENT BALANCE SHEET, DECEMBER 31st, 1921. ASSETS LIABILITIES Capital Account— Capital :Accotunt Office. Proraines. and Safety De Canino Stock kubocribod ., 22,000,000,00 'Posit Veldts;. Toronto ' 1 Coln f r G Scry, 1__rl ortlY Paid ... x i,,15 0,00 h 0 and Brantford :, ..,: , t ' _"• v__.__... s2 rM1,398,27 Capital n,r.l uv /raid (The Trusts tot,,oto ct /drafted • Stock. os ` 31. 192 to balance sheet Dro, 31, 1920) Office Furniture „ 25,000,00 Real e •tn .Cit IC-• hid Mr see, 144,859,41 Mortgagee •to Real DISoolo. ,; 44,730,24 Lound an saook.and 80adt0 33,7u'U,24 /Jolted Canada 0,1 bm, Dces of n of 00Lland Provinces of Carr, ad,a Donde 32,589',09 Canadian" • Nun/ratan tills, School Dietriet and Rural Telephone Debentures Bonds and Dohenturee 5500110 ,,.„ Cash in Chartered Banlce” " Cash on Hand: Other Aa1et - 14,906,06 655;55369 , 286, 713,99 69,771,71 855,72 319,407,36 $1,969,731,23 GUarenteed' Trust Account— • Real l5,tnt, held for Dale,;.,,,. $42,094,66 • Mortgage Principal 53180,916,40 ,r i050105t ., 138,832,70 9;7 T:dane'an :Roden, 110000; etc 53,15318,418,1549.1K 'Prated I in1dnnl, Doininion or Canaan Province. of Canada 101,0,, 466,02849 CnnadInn itu nlorani atiw *School ' l 1btnlct and Aural Telephone Debenture. „ 663939,04 Other $fond. and Debentures. ere 629,585.00 '0009 on Mind and In Chartered ntwiks241,645,03 Other A00otra-Llonount dos 'from • • • Donrinloh tiavo'rnmeht , 2627309• /Tony borrowed from Bank.. na,ervu to balance Draolnion in. coma War rax and Commie.' 010110'. Central/01i. 0 0 h Accounts v [ S t, 0 o aid Sander s declared ',P a 153 cop . Dividends ,kird, 521 unpaid due January0154L3rd, 1021 Profit .'and Loss..,. $1,410;660,91 110,000,00 2.7;750,00: 11 7830 2;295.48q4,. 235;151.44 5'1,869,731120, Guaranteed Trust ,ccount—' ' Trust 30ende for Tnvo,tmo5t 54,486:355.30, ., Trust Deposits : ', p 1,064,778,22' i 85,551,103:72 95,551,133,72'.".. Estates, Trusts and. Ipency Account— Estates, Trusts and Agency Aeoburit-=' remote,, . Tresls and Ae`en03' A0 - 0000s ass„ Investanent, ,......, 1:517,734,558,05":. 'conitb . ..,,., . ...,:, .,,,,. 17.104,25500,.. dA.M0451 3;., WA RItTN 525,165,17.3,00 ' 525'155,125,00. • E. a. smoctcrlA a, Fresitlont, 'Gonrantf Mn5ns'er. Wo have audited the books: fat' the 'year ending 31st Dotienber•• • 1521, and Verified the cash, h1.515 bal- ances and se6tlrl ties el the eorperation, We drive examined the: stliteinebt and, It a5rees with the looks or •the'edrtioratloi.. Atter due eonsidoratlon we bay() London en 1110011nden, opitilon. es. to the posltlon o 13,' op,rPb 51 loll;,. and With 001' Indoor' 40tl5 09ii,ln1 se former] entl, mecco111n);' re the hest of ol11 lnfarinatfon and lac egplhnatlokos' 4111551 lit, SVe ,enr11 fy that in our cpinlen the 010temenit. Sets 'meth gainer and fraly the state as Cilli elfnilo el Ciho Cort(lot•atimit.,aiid: that, 551-tritnuaetign$,of. tIte 100011(0)11n 1,11rtt htiv'r, col)11 lviiaiin err notice have been wIthln the Dowers et the corporaatloll; 01)0TtCII7 filDWA ft /15f, P,C,A. I i 1I. P3'TRCY ICD')VAnnos, j Aud1tnrs, 05? 9.JDWAti1),S', 110150123-3 dk (5)145:1545' creole, ^>th J22711,11', 1)52. , .Uz rt©r0,<i 5,30,0lo,it ,kr.,eL .+.eriiMr : rr ^*k...r,M,.n,•w .. .-a.,,c..3.. ,, amrmeu, r/Hum.n..,,,.,.o,nno..V1/1. ro