HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-2-16, Page 3FEEL W IN DO This CoUti»o Tonk- M Mden bvibe TA6riti fll' 4410 144 11114 wtir the Vrendli seeret service 1)0e11144e. fUniiita.r with the More coalme44 forins of invisible Ink that Gerioun spies used in sending in, forivation to The Fatherland that the Oeriatins were rerced te se'el.ppro and less conspir,,00ris sub- s.) is 'iieuded, stanees. LiquidS. t)ht Were li.Sed .00r secret od1n44 were n6 tenger earrie 1 The tpatlittort el: being "run down" pure, but Were Often., dillItea ftorn litty 143 One that. doctors do` mit 4eg04444170 thousand to five, hundred thousalid s a (1,1,..0ase, But those whO Aye 31144 11111e,44, • 104711 'icnow that ft k „not a Frequently seeks, slico laces and. ,fan.eied.affliction.. • • ati rcles of clothing were . oilier , • • 4014e 00)4414401011 ""nn d'"vv"14' PPfled Pl'egliated 'with "inloute quantities of a to ,1,1(0111.g c0441411014114, in 01,1101044;` an.d, when 44 6.,p,y 04406110114 ay° €441:06.61,011. Write he h'ad, siouply 10 soalt the -tip cf 44414414, the dig,estion is impair,. his soIc o43 11111 shoe lace In a glase of ;rves are impowerisbed, tile water and 44044W1othnoce1.k441>eazing 44444 1)1000110144 441410 044 W11XY. 5 a el,a0 ipk. , ululation; but rather wet,' It was not easy for the French to I'd iaessii.)3,1, FOIIOI10 134'.discoVer the proce,ss. by yvhiely 0110' o911:g , .0m. 0 NI 1011 at message, which was ii.sually. written 'orgarb'61/4 , 00001011, 44011 41111804 look between the lines of an ordinary let- . for relief to Pte'blood,'As it cireulates tor, cmild be made iegiblo, - In 'the tllrough everY Part; of . the 11011Y, allV course 'Of a particularly damaging iniproveinent 111 On:: 001l1llii.011 of the secret correspondence 1 French 1440, 'blood 'is quicicly felt th'iouglimit the yestit.,,ator .happened to notice that .ettire sYstom. In dases or; this kind soveral suspected 441114431114 seemed to a 4044144 31144411011044 is what44 is needed and guard certain articles. of /their linggage 4444, Wii1iana41 0114444 Pills , are rectg- with partieulwr- care, 1911, nizod 1144 a v`r.thiable'.torfic ;because .of lie seized a hairtlkerchief and 0110444110 - 'their' direct action cia tile blood, nod ted 11 to a cherast, 'who,. after. three 'througlo the blood to thenerves, giv- I months of experimenting, disCovcied •ng tone to tile syStern generally and ttirut it containsd, invisible ink so estoring vigd.r.- Where -the system is • powerful that one Port in one hundred , im'clown the value of this medicine milObon patbs,,o1 water mad(0 a soli', is strewn try Ilte 0104401111114) ' of Ali's: ) 11011 strong enou,gh to, wribe with. But (l-regory J.. Murphy, 1..ower Ship i11 the cOurse of his ifesearch the cliem- , bor .East, 44.44. who says,: "About a lot matte another and even more 'vain- yea•t. ago 44 wae completely, rail down, abl0 dIscoveiy; 110 learneu wibat the ,,yas so' tiervons and weak that 1 subs.tance' Was that would make the oouil .s'oarcely' do 'my.lietiseworlt, and writing visible, and ao.a result the the leoo44t exertion .1.e44t' breathloas, government'Ininted. down(and exposed .and tired .out,' A neighbor ailvis'ed Dr, n>nny 51)f(0, _ Pink Pills, and so 'introit " Another fniporbant result of the ex, goco)1 did."they do me I feel -quite like pennuent was that the invesfigator 14 different Woman, I 'hope some oilier was able, to present the Trench gov-: -,suffering woman May 'benefit by inY eminent with an eXcellent s.ecret for- - .exner',enee," zriula tor making. au, invisible writing 'Dr. William:ifs' PinIc PiLlo can be had fluid, message written with. it can 'through 'any medicine dealer, or 1)44 he revealed enly by apply.ing four ad - mail a.t 50 cents a, boxor six boxes dltiOnal substances in a specific order, 1011250 irOn.i The Dr. Williains' aitd unless every step of the process is ..e.ine „Procicville, Oat, .attended to with the- utmost cure and . :4 precision the Writing remains invis- s a.sad comMentary that 00 11101144 )blo. ' 44443- 044 deeply concerned for , tim•-r,...„‘;mtation of 'their' W10W1111esb A -e'er 'tne"elepliant,c("111.°1? 'forwaro arix-gus 'Ter 'their integrity: hiPPopotemus:Ss the, largeSt .0 . . . . . • .. animals line specimens weigium,,••,Crolyi , ard's Liniment -for Gorget in cows; foul to five tons. • 1(E p WELL IN WINTER VViuter ih 4, dangerous season for tlise iittle ones, Thp days aro change.‘ ono 44,4444140, the next one . <mid 40)441 sterniy, .tbat 0110 inothor 111 afritid lo Mko the children out for the fresh air ,aiut exerciso they Reed so mach, In consequence they are often cooped up i, -043011401444041, bad) V011H--- A roorns "pia ore soon( seized with colas or grippe,' What is 'needed to koep tlie 0111441 W011 15 OWil 'eablets. They regulate the stom- ach and .beweh, and, drive mit colds, and by their li2e the baby will be able to got over the winter season, in per - root fiately, Thio l'ablets arc sold by Medicine dealers ,or by ineti at, 25 cents' to r)ox, imui, '1'11e Dr. Williams' IVfedielne Co, Brockville Ont ...,couting, Progresses ' Ozu the, afternoon of FebrifarY 2n441, /922; the 110h Annual Meeting of the Ontario Provincial, Council of the Bey Scouts Aiso•olation was held 'in the Pompeian- Room of the Icing 'Edward fotel, Toronto.. Many Scout and dub 'OiTicer'S who •Vere..in. Toronto 'for the Se.ont. Officet:S'. ConforenCe represent- ed Cleft' lo.ca1 aSsociations at this meeting. The big feature of this year's Meeting was '-the a.ttemlance of I•Iis Excellency, Lord' Bflig VirnY, Chia Scout 'for Canada, who addressed the ProvinCia,l'.CounCil "Scouting and 'Leadership." The.•• veinal* 'of Lord Byng, .we,re:not ,nierely congra.tula.tory.. They ware filled with- practical 11d-eaa' 'which are- only gained by actual ex patience. in Scout work, „ - The rapid growth of the. number of :reep6ourtts.cirth.nPe jW. K. Gacirge. "The,tetal mem ers '00 Sobitt 1441011 dub (idiom's and ;•' BoY* 'Scouts llnclxWo10 Cubs t t e end of the:year 4491(440(441 12;218," saia Mr, Geoigo. "The''totat 'number- a 'year - _HEALTH: -EDUCATION.' gy pit. 1 3. MIDDLETON Provincial Eoard-of Health. Ontario r 44114141Ec4or. will be glad Co answer questions on Public Health mat- ters throigh this column. Address him 1144 Spaillna MusD, Spadina - Crescent. Toronto. ' . • - • ,Medical.rtreatirient and supervision properly? Is' he happy and sport - of in'fants.:ancl youn 1hi1dx14n, and balloons. in his eetivitis? Does he 44)41 Ido i,n 01sch..ziol age a -re net'ends in 44 ell :atwlI Sleerun Well -4441, • . well? Does he enjoy life at the einsel, es. to F.,ehool or is he .exhausted by ?' Is greater end. They are Mtenclecl to he nervous, ill-tempered; easily' vi,-ear- seoure for the ',child, '1)11f.rcatil, highest.. educational 'value, .und, -ulti- have Pain? he lame or limp, Clear nuitelY,.. its highest ocial 'yalne• of voice, active in attention? Is he Nether' o,f -,the`se•can 1431144 140411110041 ..restles.sly curious . Can he . unless the child's' Physical basis is gall .he,Shout at the top of his voiee' 'made adequate f or .tlle '".e.c.illireirents, with all his, heart? Tl*:.se are tf: few.. of its . long and4 ardnous education, of' the. 'queSions that every', parent '.PhysiCaL:oduention;' therefore, should Can.ask and answer for himself.. be -opine a definite part of the 'schoolIt is- spine,times-the case, 41111±044-,eur;riculurn, but physical. 'ediicatiOn -innately, that parents do 'riot ask ' :Cannot be cdrulticted on the highest 'these questions, and hence^ the' •ohild piano excent under cc.instantr., skilled' Withemt Medical supervision may con- ' .sUpervisien contained .through tha tinue to live and. grow without physi- age of growth.' To -carry en its physi- cal liefects,being noticed. - cal education the 'child muat have geed r'have'.,in mind the case of a boY ' 'hearing, go 0)1- eyesight, healthy bones, attending school whom the teacher L healthy... joints healthy regardeds 'The'eM11 ' . healthy ,dgestion, Iredlthytmuscles. P11 could pot .understand secure these, is the ah11 of me ICA 0 4311 11104(1 110 seen? • 13 ,take 1301 treatmeat in many phaseS of apedial, interest in any of the subjectS taught, ist's work, .and the sooner, the Medical Neither, the ,parentss nor. the teacher 011044 'Nut:si-ag 1131114443r1ri1110fl are begun; understood tile elfilks]eo,nititien, but the 'better. 'for:the oli.0141, Intelligent a "doctor friend hatrtiecasion to, tekt parents to -day . never resent the the child's eyesight and I:Mind Ithat 10 nurse giving a,dvice 'suggestions was there the weakness „lay.- The Tei,ardi-, the child's condition', and little .boy eankl' net Make progress 'after it -has -received any meclical,at:- sitp-Ply hecliuse he couldn't ,see the tentionreconimentletl fer it, the 'par- blackboard .of the wall charts. After cuts of the child are only too glad to halting his eyes examined and glasses satisfY 'Ehein-Selves about the follow- provided, the by made wonderful nrb- gress'and becnnie One bi-theimightest Is the child better fitted physically M the school Defectie hear - to do the inetitalwork required. of ing 'is also sometimes mistaken, fOr. VIM? This is a. question that eve'ry mental duldne:ss, and it is only by pavent can, in 'some degree, answer medical' evatnination that defects of. . for himoclf4 Hp 4404444 no, elaborate -this kind are rectified. -Tho. school methods' of researeli; loe needs no nurse whe.examines children daily and special knowledge; he needs only the brings 'these defects to the notice Of miranium of common sense. Doe S the the doctor is doing a ,Splendid work child see properly? Does' he hear for. humanity, 'One of .14.0. best indicators we haVe as to the amount of real Scouting be - Ing clone throughout the province ole the steady stream from Headquarters of Proficiency and other badges. The isSne of badge's for 1921 was 6,136, public service hadges such 05 Fire- man, Ambulanen, Pathilatter, etc., be - 11314', as, usual, well to the front, "T.he slogan, 4411 the Boy Scout-I-We:ire. mont fs. "BO Prepared," 'and the fileg of our Headquarters 'give many ,crni- oiete evidences of the use to 4401100)1 Scouts- and Wolf nubs put their.train- inn'e•nd their report .90 th-e.Prov-C?loi,ai B,Qa'rd Crininhei.' of most noteworthy Cases, of heroism. on the part of our .boys,. while 'I wish bo draw, attention m this 01port to the further fact 011-00 other Soot s and dubs without num- ber a•re OEaily displa-•;;;ing courage and resourcefulnesS In the face -of danger as a result 'of their training and loyal- ty to the Scout Proraise and '"Scoutint does not eon -mete with the church, the school, the hcene Or ether histitutions-L--it co-operktes with 'them, making available to theM in the solution of- their OW11 bey' pr-0131ellla the use of a mod and tested pr0grai which works, because of _its ifatimal anPeal:to th.eThey... TATI.,,.are therefore glaa. to 00-014 -that Many:of the'se.inStil, tatiOnse.re'using Scouting to a "greater degree than, over before, while .atliers are ..iftve4igating us vlery- closely and finding that ciur methods are Just what they have been looking •for for- a long time. This continued and increased co-operation between Scouting 1)00 the various churches, edn.ca.tional -and' other institutions ts noted with grati- tude, as' is also the splendid. support being given financially :and -in other Ways to oar lecal bronalves ljy Rotary .C1ubs,,7Rivran15 ChtbS, ctiL Our veto, tionshipewith the schools 'are sMillar- ,ly worthy of -comment; School Board and School officials in many places co- operatingwith as most heartily in the. conduct an.d eXtension' of our worlc. "Per the real big .accOmplis ments .00.1110 year Ilre•are inclebtea to the loyal and heart, support 0f01 v bun, .tireas of volunteer cifilcers w le arre To win a race a jockey doesn't put extra weight on the horse that helps him s creed No man or woman who , wants to succeed in the Face of life can afford the handicap of headaches, insomnia, i indiges- tion and debility. No4 can they afford, to. take Anything ; that, May'rIteep up',a eontinual irrita7 ionctthe-nerVonSis stem. Yet this is what many peo- ple do who drink excessive ' amounts of tea or coffee. For tea and coffee contain' caffeine, g sitbstanee that is sernetimes very injnrious. Many doctors say that caffeine raisesfthe blood presstirek, irritates thd, kidneys{ and' over -stimulates the entliO hellions' system. Also that it is especially bad for growing children, orfs- anyone liah any tendency to nor- `Vousness or insomnia. If you Want to avoid A poa pstum for Healt by eanadian Pbattfiti Cer44sl sible cause of headache, insom- nia, or riertionsneas;it might he welllo'srop Ttaking tea and coffee for,avviille, and drink rich, sat- isfying Poithm,, instead,- • , . , is a delicately- voasted, pure cereal beverage—' clelicious,d Wholesome. Order' 'Post= 'from your gi:ocer today. brink this fra- grant, healthful beverage for awlaile, and gee if you will not feel brightei, more active, and more registant to fatigne—as so many thensianclg of others have felt,. Postom comes in two formai Instant. ?ostum tins)inonlo instantly In the cup by tin addifidti 00 o011lng watox'.' Postutn Cereal On pankage5 of larger bUlir, for those who prefer 40 mako th 044111044 whlha the meal la boing prepared) Mado for 4341 , mimitos. 1••• There's a Iteason'' ontario 140144)144 to beYheed of Ontario uS O4411m1143te14 aua Ae- our 14411441101)11, 1(11140 without thought. of 081 -ants, r,lhoY gra the Very pick of cost to themselves are giving thoir time and enepgles 4401441441144 00 tho boys undo/ theitleirdeishio, Upon their faithfulness,' their 14)311 1044, their re, sourcefolness and their unselfish ser- vice to boylfood,• depends 011441 SueoeSS or -the -whole Movement. ',PlteSe men are deserving or our deePeat gratitude as well Sfi llttlt or the, parents of tile thousands of boyswith whom tineY work, and it is greatly to be hoped that every cuirimunity 111 the province will not fail in recognition of the eel,. \flee being rendered by these welters," Lock Your Auto. 'rho device in' fastened on the left; hand 0110e of the windshield. It con- LaIns a 011101 rectangular piece of 001'.' rugated 'metal, which, when removed fro011 its holder, lecke the car. That is to Say, its removal opens the igni- tion circuit and prevents the machine Trbm_b_eirg operated, The piece of corrugated metal (which is incidental- ly an identification plate) is caked a "ltey-card." "Its IvitharaWal from the holder reveals to view the ' word "Watched." You put the key -card in your'pooltet audleave your car. 'Phis, novel and .ingenious contriv. ance is the .inVention of a Brooklyn Man; It dePentle for Its action 'upon - a self-contained ignition 'Switch com- posed or three separate units; -whi-dh, vvlien assembled,: lock the ignition as' well as the hood. The key -card opens and closes electric.' eireutts, eausing the other imits .to function. CORN , Lift Off with Fingers Licesu unit 0441144 Drop a lit le "Freezope" on an aching coin, instant. ly that corn stops hurting then sho ly, you lift it right, off vith fingers. Truly! • Your druggist sells a t ny bottle of "Freezone" for a. few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal. Irises, without soreness .e.r,trritation, Gigantk Minnows. There is a species of minnow, native to .Pacific Coast rivers., that attains' a weight of eighty pounds. Another kind of nunnow belonging to the same region. -is. the Sad,ramenta. Pike, ;or ".s.quawfi.s.h," Which 15'±0111' feet long when fall- grown, :We are a.ccustomed to think of i min - are in the Eastern pert of North .nows as little fishes, and so th y all America. But the minnowsbelong to a finny family finite distinct, and a/ - though nearly all of the hundreds of bis)p4e,reupcsioeessfeu.latropeonlyotflnassy.i_,Ibelaii,iiktse.onyl:0111:e,su,itzote.oprailstuhiat:t,.. new," for example, which is so dead- lya foe ,of mosquito wrigglers --there tattorkere othf aanaarlergl'elf .t7tTinatmoot:ts-4441440 . Mother! Clean . Child's Bowels With 'California Fig Syrup 'Even a sielt child loves tire "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the little tongue is coatlhi, or if your chil is listlles,S, cross, feverish, yun of cold, or hos eolot, gfVe a teaspoonful to cleanse the Nver and bowels. In a few hours' you -can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the constipa- thin poison, sour bile and waste out opftifti ilebemaai is,gannyou have a well, lay Millions of mothers lteep'"Califernia Pig Syrup" handy. Thoy know a tea- sPoonful to -day saves El sick child te- innerrow. Ask your druggist for genuine_ "California Fig Syrup- which has directions for babie:; and children of 'all ages printed on bottle. 144ot11er1 You must say "California" or you 11)143 got an imitation syrtm, 4444 Vtfoinen and Watches. pini•ptaa'Llly• is said to be the virtue 00 1441)43441, but not of 'women. The, lat- ter 44111 11044 howevet; admit their lack of it, ' Batwlzeti a, lady has bent a mere man w-aitlug 44 14144 her an infinitely long 44101041 . her excuse, cynics der,late, .is ready at band: "My'watoli must bo wrong" 'And, strange .to say, this reason .given as •1411 exalts°, difterently froni other excuses, is almost alwayS valid,. The watehes 'et women. aro Rincirless exact, than those of inen, An. .Englisman, _Hellbent Dulto; who o,ceiinied himSolt witli this problem in profound speculation.th s, inks h11A e '8 tradeti it 10 Mg source. 11v:has 013- 514144011 that' the same watch, when WorMhy Ills wife; runs very' irre444441011'- 00444e44e445 When. IVOrtl• by him it Is perfectly eorreet, 9Now, how is it," ite itsks, "that gn lnaily'womeii have snob a baleful intinsueo 011 watches?' Certainly Much Is due to the ,fatt. that 'to women the ivatch in, a dens 11430004411 tool at lito ,tban 0. beatiti- fat adornment; that :hey care mote for its looking _.elegent on: the wrist than' tor its being righti that they handle earelessibyand incenonlmiably thie..delicate apparatus.. But there must be another more po- tent cause. It has been obaerved that 0110 elettrieity Contained in the litutialt body exerto' a direct inilionce'onf,ftud delicate mechanism of the watch, It ma,y. be that the small form of 411 4444- 0)111(0 ,,Vatch 44e44:10444 it 440144 ,0011004414444 I to this eleetromMamalle infinetiees that .frote, tho body. Penn oefieties, for the prevention GO ,wrir, were drat eatnblifilled in Bug. land in 181,6 , 114triord,*Lintni*ftti 9t*t* * sALEst AN MAKES FULL STATEMENT RESTORED 3Y TANLAC TWO YEARS AGO, TROT- TER STILL FEELS.FINE, Gained Twenty Pounds in Weightand Was jSoon Back - on Job, He States, 2411jaC 00040 hactme feeling like a new ma% alai /gamed twenty poundghLs 011111- cwe °El 1°,onbilePr',u'IWbe°14t-ltclietOl'1 ,:vas-asir,ctileLsainlvaln- for the Lawler's 13akery, residing 'at 15 Wardell St, Toronto, Ont. "Two and a linlf Years. ago when the epidemic wa.s 'at its worst I went down.witili. 'it, and 3435.5 in bed foe. two^ weeks. When. I tot up I was-tliin and weak, lva.d noappetite at all arid 010119 St) 01er)'ou44 1 opuld scarcely sleep any. I had no strength or energy to do a thing, and as I was eating hardly ..u,othing, I couldn't seem to take a 764ebion'gn10glelacd ''tbuild. a Verson uP, .0 ' "I had read a great deal about Ten- 1a:J et) I got a bottle and lt seemed that my appetite got bitter tho first lay I stArted taking it, I Soon went back. ou Ole 501 00114310444 fine, even better than I did before I ltad the !du! Sin.ce then I've been telling people about T.anlac constantly, for it did me - no mach 'good I think everybody ought to knew about' it," • • Note—Tania,c 'Vegetable Pills are an essential and vitally important pant of the Tanlac treatment, You cannot hope to, get, the mast satisfactory re- sults from Tardac without first estali: lishing a free and regular movement of 81145 bow-elS., 'Pacific 'Vegetable Pills are absolutely fre(0 from calomel add are sold on a positive guarantee to- give,satisfa-ction. Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. --Advt. Wishint. 'When Tannery's chillia' blast Around '0110 14 trews t Reit bkrwa, Middle near tno kitchen stove Ti> warm My hands and tees.. " _ 'I eat, 'an apple, dread' and think, • And long fer joys 0' sPring, '4411 115 the kettle's eremite.' note I hear the robins. But when spring comes there's plow- ing work, Au' noxt conies m'akin' hay, Then diggin' 0' perlatersmf A .stowin' things away. An' while thru hot an' sweatsome days I labor, sun er ram, I'm wishin' fer the kitchen stove An' winter time again. . MONEY ORDERS. ' Deminion Express Money Orders are on sale -in five th•ousand Offices throughout Canada,. • • A Yard Dog. Pat wits the man who did all the odd Jobs about Life place, and owing to petty thieving his employer in- structed him -to get a good- ;1,ard dog. 'Pat. w.as out all ,day, and iii,the even- ing .Ianded- home with, a dachshund, "What o141 earth have you brought along, Pat?" queried his employer. str," said Pat,., °he's the neares,t I could g -et to a yard-711-e's 2 ft. 11 in„ long. - 'DANDER1NE Stops 'Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. 35-cent44 buys a bottle of "Danderine" at any drug store. After one arMiloa- Lion you can not 11110. a particle et dandruff or a ,fallIng hair, Besides, every hair shows uew life, vigor brightness, more color and abundance. ; Certain trees, like human lbeinxis, aro said to lb.e.lialthle to catch cold if ex-.. posed to draughts. ' Minard's liniment Toi tolds, etc. (OWTT RttiAFABLE REMEDY: Fon hot back 'that girlish figure by tokina. Crowtc2r 4440 t'ollswing the Orowton Not. Roane° eight pounds a, Month., 'Plenty to oat, lint a scientific diet which doer> not product fat. Orbwtox is absolatelY hatanleAti. Sold by 411 druggists,y or bmail ein receipt of, „price, $1,.00 per Mix', Troni 1115111 011111 td01x005lgn COVIRAVIC 7)1 aatutei Stbeat, Tosouto Those' Having Sick Animals SHOULD USE; . . 6 TiNot r les, Collo,' (Antal,' 0Tho1l0441 i.00lO, oto eta, gram dways be 011 tog* --44)01113 1144501100W510114113, IfISUR NO. For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver 110 1110000 ctithartio-l'a,tcative in the world to, physic your liver and bowels when you have Dizzy tiewilathe; (0111134, Billoasnesn, Indigestion, or 'Upset, Acid^ 8tonmeh cancly,dilco 10010. 11444-005" Oho or two to -night will outpty yowl' bowels completely 'by I Morilir,g,, And pm Will feel splendid, ' "They 'work. while You 1410010 Ceo. earets n,aver Nth- you pp, or „gyipe Mut salts, phis., calomel, or Oil' and thoy cost only ten cents, a box. d1(114144e0 111044 CLso'rret's too A Elig Order. Harassed Assistarit--"I am sorry,, Madan', but this is all wo have in stock. Shaiil' I order Spine 01,,04444 the factory for you?". Shopper—"oh, don't bother! 0 onliy Wanted a little square for the bOttenit Pt the oanary's cage." Dye Faded Sweater Skirt, Draperies Dianiond Dyes Every- "Diamond Dyes" paolcage tells how to dye or tint tin'Y worn, faded -garment or dvapery a new rich 'color that wilt not streak, npot, fade, or run, Perfect home dyeing is guar- anteed with Dimond Dyes ,even if you have .never dyed before. Just tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye in wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or inixed goods, Per ilfty-one years' niillIons of women traye been: using "Diamond Dyes!' to adbt years. of wear to their old, shabby • waists., skirts', dreiseo, coats sweaters', stockings, drolleries, hangings, everything! Sloth ha's boo,ught down mere Men and Mere nations than has the sword. fillinard's Liniment Used by Veterloarlem Classified Advertisement,. SIB104' wAka-aTzi.,-rErixaxim tr 01141011110404-044 LADIES , 0ittslir [tall birthday 0114>00 at t D sant 4443044144. .1,noiese 10 .e15nop 5444401043'SttPt)Y ,C6.;* CursIgtoci t'^. Al‘TADIAN PARMIt., V 2 50. No 'other fee. A. ..B.ToCreMy, Cuatbam, Ont. • BELTiflO FOR SALE ALL It:INDS OV 0.714144 AND 1.124(., belting. palleya,,saws, cable, hose,paeliIng. etc„ shipped kbbjekt to approval at lowest, prlee8 in Canada; YORK I31044ING CO. 116 YORIC, TORONTO. RHEUMATJl This is -an 01d. Root 'and Irerb Ilemod44 with high,i est onclorsoluents -from le'ading dbug trade In the State4 Xor 15 yeare—for 15141(u'1s,t 1 s 111, .00.MAr St ornaciw, Bowel and Kidney Trouble, - Now old by NationaL Drug Co.,- Hamilton, Out, through vont homo 'drug ,store. Hermit'a Zrlend Blibumatie 1Zoniecly 66. 54 1st Ave, Tiramilton, Ont. -Antoriowto Pioneer 'Dog nomadism Book os- _ DOG DISEASES and How tO Fe'ed Matfett Fret to any Ad. dreso by the Author. Et. CIO Glover Co., nut, 116 Wrest Slat Street New York, INVENTIONS Rend tor ilst of Inventions 'ranted by klanufss.. (wars, Fortunes bore been anode fro,. simple Weis. 'Potent Frotect!on" booklet on regnest. HAROLD C. SilIPMAN CO. PATENT ATTORNEYS 1440 I. The Jo-- of Living. Whenyou waken with no appetite, 4, a dread of the day's work andyour head heavy,your digestive organs are probably calling for just the • help ivhich Mother Seigers Swap I can give them. The medicinal e5c- tracts of more than tell different j roots, btirks and leaves restore the natural healthy action of liver 1 4 and stomach. Meals are enjoyed, t that tired feeling disappears,and you know the joy of living. Sold sii410res 5lie.1 . and $1,00 bottles at,„.tiug E..e.sso“ssos,”ass,orob.ssos000slsasasosts,....4 ilf:,?7*.i7-"Z\N SEND A CARD Ffizz F Da vN15,-. aCioh 0 , PLAN WRITE P011 4111004404 , ON 1111!04111400MATE.RIALS. PRICES ARE DOWN- ' LIT HALLIDAY SHOW YOU MI HALLIDAY crOMPANIC "Sun° 143 -'MILTON, Dept. Nst, CANADA, COARSE SALT, LAN D'SALT Carlotr4 , ' ononrro SALT WORKS , C. J. CLIFF •4 TORONTO. DID PAIN DISTURB YOUR SLEEP? 1314441440111 can be quickly' relieved pain and -torture of 101(415.. by EtIl application of Sloan's+ Liniment. ft, brings warmth, ease and comfort and lets you sleejo'sotindly. Always have hottici hamly. and apply when you feel the first twinge, it peilayates willjout It's splendid to take the pain out oti Lirecl, aching. muscles, sprains and strains, stiff pints, and lame backs. For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. At all druggists -35c, 70c, t240. - lode in Caraubl,,, Unimen Pates enTiny _lizamastegoa”.Nsame Coticura,. romoieiGeedilair . Treatrrient: ,At night tub Cutilcura Ointinint into partings all.over the scalp. Next morning shanipoo with • ,.Cuticura Soap and hot -water. ,Ite- peat in two, weeks. . , , , , li,,, . ' ED2F7Tuticuret Soap olukvea without muer. . So.o 26.000intineut-25 ma 110„ Talcursa n Sal/ Lymara, [hitt& 344 St. Peml St., W, VIDnired. througbouttheDoininion. CartadianDepotr .-IIII,PAIN$ !JAC /lead How Lydia E. !Pin hum's- Vegetable Compoun Helped Mrs. Beecroft Ontario. --"I have s itered Tor three years from a fe,ma trouble and consequent weaknes pain anti irregularity which kept a an bed four er five clays each moat I nearly went crazy with pains in ni , back, and for about a weelt 444441 tha I could not do my work. I saw Lyd 18. Pinitham's Vegetable Compou advertised in the 'Hamilton SPeot tor' and I took it. Now I have 1 pain and ani quite regular unless overwork or stay on my feet fro early morning until late at night, lteep house and.do all MY own we 'WithOlit any trouble. I have rem mended the Vegetable Compound several friends," ---1144s, lihirmY 11 cuorr, 16 Douglas St., Ralriiit Ontario. - For nearly fifty •,,carS,women. 01 been telling how Lydia IL'. Pin -khan 'Vegetable Compound luis rostot their healtit when suffering w female Ills. This accounts lor enormoils demand for it from ern to coast. It you aro troubled witk any anent peculiar to women why do you try Lydia Pi nitham's VC, table Compound? Tt has help othorS, lot it help you. .1 WARNING! Say "Bayer3' Oleg you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Why take 'chances? Accept only an "uniavoken package" of ."Bayer Tablets 'Aspirin," which contains dfrections and dose worked out by 'physicians during 22 years an.d proved c'tfe by tralticing Colds Headache Tdietimatisnl ,TOothache Neuralgia - .Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain ,a{tudy ortver” bor,egtM rit*.Avg 04 tend Ihri gl 6 Itettlarttldoot.n. or qatioyl ea0 30 knowh 'that Aapt.tin obintis 1105e Annirin no tbo (00 enlad.,) Idanufaottire olf Mono Ormufaeturo, to kosint #ttil141431 Ft >011(0081,., tlto 044)105)4 et laeyer coin so 'aOlba )1s,34,41eksnl with then, gene iltde tam 11, via onoyer crest:."