HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-2-9, Page 8our fhcy'.re the only pair yolt will even have,. , Do they eve bpi11er Ai 3 Do you have headaclu;t, and don't know the rea-' son ? Better consult us We will be pleased, ..,to give: you a thorough e;arninatian„,and fit you with glasses that will relieve you of all your trouble. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR EYES. Rt. H. aJtis NS()N Jewelier and Optician Next Hovey'e 1C7rug Stori 1 r� Eventual lg. Yelld ll Flave your'Sui.ts made by us. Why not come in and get a made -to measure suit for the ' price of a hand-me-down, WORKIIIANSIJ.IP AND, FIT GUARANTEED. Murray :1 cEwaii, Merchant Tailor vvil ken Blocs{ mi sa mT� mp CAR tiIANI?S'• +TIS;r. N,. ;.a 5LI'CAIIL ,OR 'TT,Iltl OCCASION THAT GGESTe KINDLY THOUGHT ANI) A II,,ICNDLY ACT' WIolel'1 GIVES TO LIF10 A :PLEASING ZEST AND CREATES. A LITTLE le0MANCE • , ITS COM- MONPLACE EXISTENCE. IT IS GOOD TAS`I'1I AND YEARLY MORE: POPULAR TO SEND YOUR FRIENDS A REMIND1OR AS; YOU WOULD Aft' CHRISSTllMA0, , AND EASTER SPASO'1: IF YOUt COIRTSISY `I.'A1tLS '1'.1119 F ORM Or' t} PARTY WE, HAVE THE SUP PLIES TO DECORATE, YOUR ';PLIES ANI) COMPLETE YOUR TABLES, PLACE CARDS, TALLY CARDS, CUPIDS; ARROWS', HEARTS, TABLE COVERS, NAP - TINS. eeesaisemeeeketameeeee ThiIN. D. Fair Go. Often' the Cheapest -Always the Best 1 on sale week EYE.SftPIALIST A. L. Cole, Eye Siiltt Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canad- ian Ophthalmic College of Toronto. Goderich, Ont, Office hours: : 9 a.m. tob pen. Practice limited to the eye., llusual Price FOR OUR BIO CLEANING'' OF ALL BROKEN'' LINES BEFORE, STOCK TAKING NOW; Spribg.Goods-'will soon vegin to arrive an, Winter Goods` must be cleared out'rogardless of profit.,' An assortment of Men's. and I3oy's Winter Caps to olear,at (these are less than cost) 793• Many other lines 1n job lots to Blear Men'shear wool underwear,ereg, $3.00 sale price $2,29 y Boy's hea,v,y wool underwear reg x;1,25 sale price 7 ,- 90 Bargains in Sweaters, Overcoats, Suits and all. lines of Footwear TERMS OF SALE' tASII steel Bros THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 88 NEW IDE/ PATTERNS. ,CLOTHING • �p Annual Stock Taking Sale Iways Means Bargain Prices in Many Lines Stoves and Ranges, Qraniteware Copder Boilers Tin Boilers Galvanized Boilers Rayo Nickel -plated Lamps regular $7.50 for $4 50 2 only, Electric. Irons, reg 6.50 for 4.00 1 only, Electric Lamp, reg 17Lh, for 12.5U 1 only, Electric Lamp, reg 14 00 for ' 10.50 1 only, Electric' Haater,reg .5.00 for 3.50 1 only, Electric Heater, reg 10.50 for 7.00 See our „ new Tungsten Electric Lamp with shade `able of odds and ends marked in plain figures the prices and values will astonish you Just to hand another (the third lot) of the 69c Graniteware. Assortment . Leave your order forSuperiorP a Pilot ipeless Furnace; can be put installed in one day, 16 already and giving perfect satisfaction Mrs. C. H. Eartlif is visiting in Toronto: bliss Zapfe of Kitchener is; visiting her brother, Mur. Zapfe of town. Mr. W. Plumsteel was, in London foc a couple of 'days this 'week on business, Miss Schaffer 'of Milverton has been "visiting her sister, Mrs. John'. ' Schoenhals., Misses Tlattie Biggins and Verna Jervis-' left today to visit friends in London. Mr. and: Mrs. J. B. Levis are in London - this week attending the Motor Show. Principal'Jphns of the Public school': spent the week -enol with his fam- ily in, Toronto. MTs. W. H. .Elliott of Godericb township has .:been visiting her sister, Mrs. John Cluff. ;Mrs. H. ''Carter spent the"week-end with her granddaughter, Miss Vera Pepper, in Straffeed. Mrs Geo, Lavis and Miss Emma' returned' last week from Toronto, where they spent several weeks. Messrs. Walter 'Jackson and ,Carl East of Brantford were guests of Clinton relatives - over the week- end. Mr.. T. E, MloKenzie . of Toronto was in town the end of the week and shook hands with a number "of old friends._ Mr. Lack Kennedy of Detroit, who has been quite i11, is holidaying at the home of his mother, Mrs. D. .Kennedy of town. ' Mr. C. E. Tomkins returned to Wing -halt on Saturday after spending a month with his daugh- ter; Mrs. T. II. Loppington.' Mr., Wilfred' Rands," who has been staying with his sister, Mrs'. A. E._ Rumball, since-.: 'last fall, left on Tuesday to take , a' position in Guelph. • Mr. and: Mrs Wilson Armstrong of the Goshen- line, Stanley, spent ie few days last week as the' guests of i4irs', Robt. Armstrong of Hur- on street. ;Mrs. G. W. Sheeley -has returned' from Niagara -on -the -Lake, where' she has been staying ' with her daughter since the opening of the school term. Miss Ivy Plewes of Tuckersmith was the guest of her cousin, • Miss Vera Pepper:`, of Stratford; over the week -end and attended the Normal School At -Horne. Mr. Barry, who recently bought out A, Wilkin's shoe shop, goes home next week to 10010 after the selling of some of his effects before mov- ing his family to Clinton. Mr, S.,; B. Stothers was in Guelph the latter part of last week, a0- compenying the remains of Mac. Stothers' mother, the late1Mre. Cleghorn, who was buried there on. Saturday. Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Miller of Brook- lyn, N Y., are the guests of their •daughter, Mrs. T. IIawkins Mr. and Mrs, Miller, who are Cana- dians; inay decide to make their permanent home in Clinton. 'h Mr. D. N. Watson of, London was in town last week. Ire was look - HIA LAND BROS. Hardware. Stoves and Novelties The Store With a Stock i ted' 00... et :Kip ti a and 'We are offering the balance of our stock of Quebec stoves. with and without ovens, at Cost Quebec heaters with ' elevated ovens and reservoir reg. price $58 for $50 nonside and high shelf itches heater with oven g and, warming closet reg. $48 for $40 r Thounht large size and Quebec heater reg. $25 for $20 Perdue TOO, O, II 6 1 Do not truss this opportunity of securing a for the preserving season. • WITII OUit LITTLE LOG CABIN (See it in our south window) WE. INTRODUCE TO YOU :- Pure Maple Syrup, ,per quart; , Pancake Flour per package Buckwheat Flour, 3 lbs for•,.., Ed ardsburg Table Syrup, 5 lbs for . FRESII FISII O'T'HER SPECIALS Tapioca, 2 lbs. for Best, Rice, 2 Ibe. for 'Joc 2). bars,Lennox Soap . ibc 10 lbs. Rolled Oats ... 25c 2 lbs. Dried Peas 43c Cern Meal, 10 lbs,, for Soap Chip's in bulk, per ib Special. Blend Black Tea, per lb, Red Salmon, per pound 25c Fresh Halibut, per pound . .25c Finnan I:Caddie, per. pound ...., 200'. Fillets, per pound .... 22'e Feesh Herring, per dozen . 35e. SALMON SNACKS and FRESH, OYSTERS • Kippered Herring, per 'can I+IGS. DATES AND PRUNES 2 lbs Fags 2 lbs. Dates 7..,.. 2 lbs, Prunes . Seeded Raisins, per lb. ... 25e 25e .00 38c 250 l;r 38e' 25e 190 Two Delivery Wagons at yarns- Service If you wish your goods „before nine o'clock, kindly order the afternoon before, DOMINION ORES LIMITED .CLINTON Every Customer realizes that "Ser- vice" along w with "Quality" are the that lake : shopping at any principles�� Dominion Store a pleasure. Special Blend r the beet value 40c ,ib• in town- Magic Baking Powder -- per tin . Lemon, Almond and Vanilla 'Extract Finest .st Bulk COCOA 2lbs Long Shredded c. ?5c° 1 COCOANUT..-+ ROLLED OATS, 10 LBS. CORN MEAL; 6 LBS WHEATLETS, . 4 LBS RICE, 3 LBS SAGO, 3 LBS'.. TAPIOCA, 3 LBS WHITE BEANS, 4 LBS BULB; DATES, 2 LBS PRUNES, 2 LBS ing about for'.a grocery business and has since bought one in Wing - Ilium 'where he and his son, Frank, will locate shortly, Sorry theydid not decide to return to Clinton,, when they have many friends. Mr, •A; J', Henderson of Lansing, Mich., has been visiting at the home of his nlother-in-law, Mrs, ,lames Shepherd of Townshend street, this week, Ile will be ace coenpenled on his retern bonne to- morrow by.Mes. Shepherd and Mrs. Robson, who will spend a week or so users. Mr, Delos Dishes.'' who has iseen-, on the staff of the local lerancli of; the Royal Batik for sometinne, has been transferred to the Dutham branch. Tie spent the week -end at his honne. at Dungannon before going to his newspoof Mg, hisser won many fricinds during his stay in Clinton rani his departure es 'regretted. The League of Wesley, church, of wbith be was tt sae (tor, preeehtt4 him With a fetuttain Pen prier to hfe Rom/C. , 89c 24c. 24c 29c 29c 29c 25c 313 27c SOAP CHIPS, 2 LBS COMFORT SOAP, 10 BARS SNAP (hand cleaner)• ROYAL YEAST MACARONI 38c. '69e, 15c 7c 15e. MASON .JARS OLIVES, Pts 395 MOLAREN PEANUT BUTTER 22e. CROSS FISH SARDINES • 18c PINK .SALMON, LB TINS iSe 124 lbs GRANULATED SUGAR BEST Crown Brand Corn Syrup 51b tiff 43c 40C Syrup 10 1b till' 85c $LOO Easifirst and Domestic 3ibtins Pure Lard 3 Ib pail 49c Pastry lions 241b sack 95c Oldie -ft Township William Morrison, an old resident of Rtdlett township, suffered a stroke last week, f101,. ,fill lie did Snot tally did passed away early Satur- day morning. IHe was eighty yen's of age and unmarried. He had no close relatives. The funeral, whish• tool( place item the seine of Mr, M:. Montgomery, the third concession, took place oh Monday. The Services were conducted by the Rove S. An-. dorson, pastor of ' Ontario street church Clinton and the nail bearers Were: 121 ssre. Reber -:r John .ltd Jos- uplt'1'reemaz'i1 M. Montgomery, T. 'Livingston 'and S. Dale. Interment WO Made int (Triton evnetcry,. • tree S r,, a Booking. Orders of Roofing for pri e, Before .ordering your roofing or other building material, don't fail to see lel;I S Slate. Surface. 30 inch roll roofing- BRI-1105 oofln . ,R S1 to Surface 1S inch roll roofing utas Slate Surface CanndianTwin .Shingle BIRDS' Heavy and -Regular Period roofing, 1; ; IS Black water -proof Building paper BIIRDS Combination 'Wall Board quarter colt ' Oak finish on one side, Cream on reverse. We are again prepared for 1922 to protect yo r buildings with ” Martin Senour 100 per cent pure paints, in gloss or 'fiat tone` surface. A11 Skates, Straps, Hockey Sticks, Pucks etc at reduced prices for the balance, of the season . Corless SEASONABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. GENERAL HARDWARE PHONE 59 Sr. Helena M. Ewart McPherson is spend- ing a few days with friends in Wel- land. Misses Gladys and Caroline Webb went to Stratford on Friday to at- tend the At home at the Normal School, Mr., and Mao. Jas. Irwin of Hur' on towsnhip spent Sunday at the home of her father, Mr, W. Woods. Miss Josie .Canteroit is home from ll'olonto for a few days. We are pleased to see Archie Ait,ateeen out against afterhis re- cent illness, Ml, and Mao. McKenzie Webb have retlsrned front their honeymoon trip. WIIIMIREIMMISIONIMMUMBWIMMINDMO era's the Biffereuce- Give your order for clothes to an unpractical man who does not; understand taking_a measure or details,of your figure, and let him. send the order out of town to be made in a factory, and the chances are it does 'not fit, and is ,of Boer quality and badly mnade, and you are dissatisfied, But give your order to us, and have it cut 00- pi'essly to'your forst to fit, and made by first-class tailors, v!ho stttdy every detail of your 'requirements., Then you do not only wear clothes that fit and please you, lint you also wear that satisfied look that is so noticeable on, all our custoiuers. Indigo blue serges, $30 to $55. Our business 'methods are .the greatest value and satisfaction at the lowest possible price. Davis & I -fern -tan THE VETERAN TAILORS Opposite Toevn Hall Brown's 11Ien's Ftnedshings Store 4'eek' ei> d Supplies Tea Rings Fruit, Loaf Coffee Cake Stearn Loaf along with the Usual teak biscuits, buns, and ~rennat Bread OTJR .IMIO'I'iO a SERVICE 10 01N 9 Notice, Valentine Supper , TtuesI n'se' j;q 'r i The Git1s' CJttb of. Willis Church will give a 110T SUPPER 1310051 5 TO 1, Adthis>ion 85e, hdERT13(7'