HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-2-9, Page 6Is xt
lc' 1!
SYnuPshv of Preceding Chapters.
The outbreak of War scads Ronald
Lwart, a young London barrister, to
, the /I ig1a140, to say good-bye to hie
ilaricen,..MikAtMeLcod.'' On the train
),M, 'OM/Ail, who calls hiniself
aprAmittpliO,AVI'la stranger in those
Pnitaithnfolat4r4wart finds, that be
has built' a litit'r*, a cliff above the
1&!s op cs1c,C'etOral McLeod's lodge.
"t,'N'hile fishing in the river 'Myra is
suddenly hliudeLl by a flazh oi. gre,t,in
light. Gen. McLeod tells Ewart el' 0
strange expeLiem'e at the same plaoe,
kiim,vn as Chemist's Bock. Hilderman
is vcrY curious as to the canoe" ef
ZlYnn's hLndnes. The famous London
oculist ,holds rnt,- so 110pe Ctild 1.4War,t,
aftertali:lug Myra horns,. brigs Dr.
Garriesk from Clasgow. In the mean-
time "Sholto is also blinded, then
chloroformed dnd stolen. Garneitit as-
serts bis belief thaP Hildernian krieW
pf Shot&s jdicti n The next morn.
mks the ltwo men find footprints and
ICOZ.1,-11111rIt'S on the 1 each, .0111 the
name -plate from the dog's collar,
• ,
CHAPTER. IX,—(Cont'd.)
Clan -leak insisted 'that, much as he
would:like" to Stay, be felt bound to
leave at once, but Myra was equally
obstinate and, as WA'S natural, being
a woman, sine won on a compromise.
G-arnesit agreed to stay over the week-
end.. I was very grad that Myra liked
my new friend. She had 1een very
shy of Olvery but 21ie. took an im-
mediate fancy to the Glasgow spacial -
b. -6. She liked his vole°, she told nie
afterwards, anti on the second, day of
,he asic-,d him if his sister
was very ranch young,or than he. Gar -
"One of them is," he replied, "near-
- twenty years. What made 'yeti'
gueLssect it by the way yen talk
o "me," Myra declared confidently.
"The detective instinct Semite to be
in tho ole," 1laughed,
So when I borrowed Angus's raM-
shaelde old cycle; and went into 'Cie/1-
,11g aLong a r,at.1 which is more note-
worthy for its picturesqueness than
iIs nac01igablo qucslitfoe j bIt GarneS1.
Lo his examination -with-the knowledge
that he would Millis tetinost,.and-ithat
she would` help hinn all she eoulth
I wired to Dennis,: "I can., inset ynu
at 111.allnig Monday morning. Witic,e
ThOsn' 1 'ent a
. •
etroule of picture postcards to Toninvy
1 .jocle, wisbino them luck and ex-
plaining that I had not returned to
joie them ,because 1,1yra Was' 111. 0
w,as sure Dennis would apPreciate the
rag-roncy of nry message, but I worded
11 careLfully, 'deliberately malting it a. -P -
pear to be the answer to Lan inquiry,
for the roason that it is always „wise
to do as iittlems you can to stimulate
local .gossip. Anything like "Come at
once; most urgent," -despatched by one
who was lcnown to be a visit,or,at the
lodg-e, would have set the,entire C01.111-
, try -side talking. L. So I jumped on to
Ananis's collection of old Metal ancl
;jolted hack again .as 'fast as I could.
Garnesio was still engaged with Myra,
and I took the opportunity o:E achqt
wth htr father:
' "Would you -care to see, the dis-
coVeries we made this morning?"
askr ci, when 1 golindihim in the library.
"Yes, I should inclOed, my boy," lie
responded eagerly, and I think he was
:glad cf, the diversion. 50015 with
you now."
"There is one thing 0,,want to say,
liefere we go any farther."
"V‘ih,at is it?" he .asketi,', looking
• 500( 00 'anxiously at me.'
.wara 151501 you," I 05.11(1,
no .,:l.$1,e1'E.."py,e:Tit of Myra not retraining
tt'LI S1ho111ei '56-1.11ii,g-
rtidrry her as 00.011 2.0 -21/e 401:,
, tit. AS you 00005 1 have
,:1la11.; tjoisttg ncome, Which_ is surf -
we111k1'hnii.T0' than I ' shOuld L 'require
up, here. t;gra i fe "be ,5liffx1.,' I
.shaulid lik6 tti "Marry hes'. 111 Order that
O may allWaYsbe able to ; take care
ef lior, arld tk Should 'propose tosettle
dell Sellle,W1,101/0 near you. I 'dabble
, ,011flrthliterV siournallein, mid "I
eii,tenci that els far tes possible;
ri might even do pretty weii at
5 Go 11 01(0 ant/ 'you, would Imoay
cn iltat in the event 0,1 ally-1;11.in:g
6,111,114,l go , sheetveuld beL cared
far sotheolne she loves"
L dear Ronald," exclaimed . the
obi man, affectionately laying a hand
oa toy Shoulder"Pin Very glaLcIte hear
yon any that. AS a inqlter of fact
voila toyer baPpens, 1 delft dere holy
sben ye1. marry my dear girl.. She
00': ole it With' all her heart- and I liaate
550501- been forgl,Of 500 The
cr.."Y LIl 5 that, has lield'nte back ap
15 new is, the tidestion .61 money, 'and,
-,,Ltessiblya ttble selfishness. Pm mit
rittit-O'nan, as you ItoLow, 'and if it
',ern' not. for lily pension I •Cotildn't
oval, live hi My :Cutter's Item's°, Bilt
now my- one 'desire la bo ttee my poor
lit ble...girl haphy, and „We'll;scraliti,td-'
gethor a shilling oK twe o oqr,erhoyi
1(15110 1111015± 1111 •
"Wo bath c.f us forgot all about the
lorsibia..wor, and',, naturally en.ongli,
the laTsterioris troublo which faced 'tfii
Ilion' 'Wax saffi cleat for the intimbitt.
Having Set bled that question et
L Conducted the` old 'man to 'the am -11
egve -Where rive heti Made qui"
eoverY, but 01111 began 'by visiting 'the
ecnielthentse0 dareSity that to ,the
trained eye there may have been wain -
01110 etiiiience lying, tinder ear yerY
bbtl. the tOnky e00lit1.0(1 111,ar1t
rtri6//11,''wo Sunol 4011. the Surrounding
gratind cortvoyed'nething to' either .ol
Tatter; On our Way back :to the
liebsc,':from what We nowt:ailed "the
ranharldng-point,"„ We come upon a
, aitot Where titeLlicathor hard been.. cut
in fairly large qv:entities; The old
maristoed, and contemplated tile shorn
,Ottithipts for it moment; 01101 01.11 °Oh' his
Ilea& exilieinfilly. It was not that lie had
'finy',Sentintenthi regret for the :heather
on 'almost every indlit of
-tralittnottIS :Of miles rottud,
teid 5 tho sign of visit -ere,
ihavit'4" mid, "trippers,"
to out heather
I ;NAM, not sec the
L gathering any.;
at your
11*110 tn the High-
else .fol miles round, so,they vi'aik out
to that Snot, and cut slime to take
aWay wutis /110/1 when they go back
home; 0 wish they'd always go back
home and atop there," .
When I showed the Gene e )eel,
marks 'in the cave and explained to
liiig in detail how GarrieLsichaci arrived
at his eonclesions, the old man was
e owed
'Pon Me soul, he 55,t5St be thunticr-
ing dove') thundering clever," he niut-
tered. "But it's not healthy, you
know, Ronald; in fact, it's begad
hoaltl:y. I've alWaTsbeen a bit sealiocl
of teeso people who see ,things' that
are not there. Still suppose it's the
modern way;. reading all 'those deter:,-
tive yarns and so op does it, isa dbubt,',
He was 'still marvelling 0t this new
, mystery when .we got ;back to the
house to find My0eil Leitidng on...the ver,
andah with the seedialist, ivito was
keeping' her in fits of daughter with
anecdotes of seam of his Wea1thy:We-
301 en patients.
Oslo -'sprang up as he saw us cep.
Preaching and ran down to meet 00.'
, certain of one thing," he said
excitedly, as he 7allood between us,
anti ,onswc-red ,the General's question.
"We have got to solve the mystery,
and she will see again. This is, some
thing new, .but it 'has a, very siraPle
solution, which we runst. find out bY
hook or by crook. When I know hew
Miss, McLeod beat her Slglat`1 shall
very likely be 'Milo to find:out heW
to restore -11 Ind 1 ELIIII/ akio knaty
sometI1gt lift,ile'llitaUs no other omit.
ist has, ever &reamed, of. Thorn lent
the slightest sfgib of any organic .dis-L-
ease, Which. praibablY riteans ..thaf. Na-
ture will assert lierselEfr,arrcl She wild
eventually rogain her sight naturally'.
But we' musn't wait for that, Web's
'got to be 'ub t.incl doing, 'I tell you,
air, I wouldn't', have
anything, IILIVs yea been eXploring
"We've beomdidying adeolt at those
marles,rwhich metrot -so inach. tot You
'and .conveyeti. nothing whatever th
'altifongh -I was once considered s eine-
thing of La, scout," tone Genaral admit-
you find anything, fresh?"
"No, only some trippers, as thc Gono
en'O.I calls them, had been. 'cutting;
"That' nalt Ickely to hel'US' mu ch:
the ocialiat agreed., "unless they were
not trippers at all, and were c-tita,ing,
the heather ..L..ast a blind. What- were
they like?" ' L
f'Oh, we didn't see them. We only
saw the results • of 'their icanoelasm.
The heather WELIS recently, -lbut not
freshly, cut," I replied, and the old
man glanced at the with some slight
suspicion, as if he feared I, too, was
about to talce npthe deductio•n
"Recent, but not fresh?" muttered
Carneslc. , "Now, 1 I fld 011 mao
11/11.0 Wellted Geld ,14.avens-i'rve
"What are you dear people getting
so evalted ...about?" .Myra asked, for
by this 'time we had almost reached
the veranida.
"WN tei.,you in a mutate, dear,
.and waited for, Garneslt to ex-
, . . •
'Of course," he centinued, as if
thinking aloud,. "it's obvious. The man
came, ashore in a small boat, „picked
'sonie heather, and 'carried it inIsis
arms.. Anyone' who noticed him would
'have noticed his load qif. heather. Then
lie stole Shelto, concealed' hin. under
the .11e:ether: and was st11,1 apParbntly
only ,carry -ng . a bundle of innocent
heath: -Why! they seem to have
thought " of everything, .and made, no
mistake." ,
,L,."Dxcept that tile man was wander -
,about --the countryside, 'gat/tering
wild flowens, in his. stockinged PleS„"'
I pointed out.
"Still, it was. 51/1/1105,5 dark, 'and he
chanced that," said Garnesk.
"What I -don't understand about it
is this," the General joined -in: "Where
did he ...come from to gather this
heather? A man must know that if
he 10 Ces,r1; ID CC/Me .ashore and pick
heather , and get' into hisib oat again
he is doing a very eugious thing. That
Saab cair.only, have coine from Knoy-
dart of Skye' at the ilartlest, and
everybolly lonoWs. yon wouldn't take
heather there," , .
"Yes, I'm elf -raid you're right, Gen-
Garneskadtinittedt with -a sigh.
of, regret, and 0 WaS '000PPellbd to
agree with him. .
"I know where he came fnom., then,"
It; Liicqat ,said so quietly that it startled
its alt, though it was Myra 0y1iet spoke.
"There, then Ave all asked 'to-
gether. L
"Ile mustliave come from a yacht "
The Secipi Of -the Rock,
We mane exhaustive inquiries every,
Where, ablit 1116 One had 'Seen a yacht
anchored or otherWise resting off the
point the previous night. One or two
VeS.g.48 had been noticed Passing the
Mouth of Lech I-lourn- during the
evening, but they were mostly ,recog,
nizable LIS belonging.' to residents in
the neighborhood, and imariy ease not
One of them had ben seen th drop the
two mem in a hog who Wcro,',causing
us 00 much. anxiety. When amine.*
and I went' up the river to tho Omni,
ist's Rock we vverc equally lanslicceSe-
ful there. '
, 'teak hare," I '015111, 'tauppose you
Were' to go blied, Mr. Gentiesk? I can't
allow you to run ,any risks ,of that Lsort,
We have every reason to loow that
there 1.II semething gruesente and un-
canny about rthis spot, and ,1 should
feel lyuppier if yen Wouhl keeo at a
safe distance." `
"Stow about yourself?" he replied,
"I'Ols 'a persona affair With mo,"
naP,tod' out, "hut I can'd1 let Your kind-
ness' in assisting us as 111050 are 'doing
run the length of possible Ib1i01111b5/S.".
"NOTM,O1051e, my clear „Selleiv," be ex-,
0iati0,40We'ne in this together.'I ans
(4:/*Itt0ii- bp- get to the Iiiiittem at
*atter as you arm Bat it ihohoves
-OW tO, he careful, IL is nohst 1101- w
jWtteftt that yeti shOulci take Cate o.f
tA 141Oi
•-• ='•
) !))
would, happen. to Miss McLeod if I • ,
Yourself Lat,the present moment. What ACCURATE 1,4APS
carried you back to. the 'house' itt s
state of total blindness?"
“(:),„ shell be all right," I declarr ADE WITH CAMERA
ed , , -
confidently. ."But, ,of. course, your
point is -a goOd. one, and I shall not -
run any risks," ENGINEERS USE PANO
"A•nd pet yen start by careering up RAIVIIC CAMERA.
the river here when we 'have :%mry ex- -
cellent reasons ,for supposing that it
iS hardly the place to sperid a (Pilot'
afternoon," .„
' (To be..continued.) ,
Use -for iExplosives.,
The destruction of oregetatIon by ex -
Recent Alaskan Surveys ,by
U.S; Government PrOve,the
'Accuracy' ,Of.:Thia Method.
11 is said .that among. the mo,st ac
plosives, has 'alway.s been' theresuit et the
curate' of maps are .these made with'
'camera. -.Engineers in .the U.S.
war, but a new phase of the subject Government empiaTr have, -it is report
bas recently come to light—the
Irersion 0201o:elves into 'rertiliz0e0r1s1'.. leula,pae°113.Palveetedt? from cfs-
f the belligerent Powers at ,th. than. 'thirty thousehd square miles on
The ,prOblem, of disposing .Of the large th,dusand squate miles ;i/i.Alaska,. More
Stocks of 'explosives left on the hands
eud the bonnclary 1 -hoe between. the, United
the war has been occiipying the atten-
tion of experts in the various countries' States and Canada have also been
mabped with,the camera,
hr—sh With the rapid development of the
for some time past, says a ill
writer. Greatquantities of- such Com
airplane and" the dirigible balloon in
European C01.11Ttrie'S CaMe correspond
Mg development or acrial photogrankY
for,military purposes; 'and a now await,
ening to ne real value of aerial Photo-
graPhY for surveYs 'other than those
of a militarY character. French en-
gineers have indorsed the aeri
methods of plrotographic surveying
1,70th rapid and economical; •
Surveying MoLotainous Regions.
An apt illustration of,, this Pact -is
founl, in the survey anti resulting map
of Prhice William Sound, Alaska. Here
the mountains rise, from two thousand
to -ten thousand feet .above the water's
edge. TWO cameras placed in a' fOrti'•
foot motor -bo-at were used by ILS.
Government engineers hi making a
survey of 2000,square mil -e -s or terri-
tory.. The boat WaS run 220' mileS and
.220 pairs .c.Epieture,s 'yvel'e taken, dttr.
lag -the cruise, which lasted tlity.eight
hours., Ffoin thege ,pictures 'an tiecu,
rate map -of the region 11.5s.beenma.de.
.nitrate: ammonia was thus obtaidor
ned. To have made the,,surveY and map um
dor- fn5r methods wonlcl have re
Which -was ieparated•-by do an ta ti on. I •q,U2're'CI
01 115 011
A qtiantit'y of powdered" peat' was then. 'st,.."•!.., tr;ttY 1.).‘";,-L
•mixed ,,With the solution, which,'tliter" . ' :
drying, takes the form t ' nee Gomm nly realized that 'a
tylii 011' hns''''bein. Surrade taken
material -
Signor Gaiehi. ' w'th a `Plate' dalriera 'directed"per
the folloiz;ing composition: 1•Ar.ater, clicri'l'a'rLY nitn° of
P' cent.'_;', ash, 18..8 per Cent.; the 'which the photograph ern -
or amintinia, 42,8 per cent.. 'organic nitraCi
In other.ivorils, it is possible
matterii 20,6
Oe,'Perit. The' product in
us 'anhydride and 1,8 per eent of 'pot.'
gather with -0.06 per.cont.-,
app ea.6 Posyder, .ahci
containS 1.6.4- per cent., of nitrogen, id -
of phOsphbr-
. •
pounds as trinitrotoluol •are said to
have bean burled or dumped into:the
!sea, as there was no possibility of
utilizing them for peace purposes on
economic lines. „,The 'enormonS stocks'
of propellant" explosives and .01 am-
rtional and other mixtures of trinitro-
tou•of with anfthoniuin nitrate, how-
eyer, represented an iiiipo'rtant quM-r-
tity of .nitrogea in a; form particularly
valuable ,in-Vioiv,of appiieatio.n for
fertilizing puimcses',in agriculture
A -6551g under orders tram the Itiilian
Govern.ment -experiments have 'been
carVeti out by Signor ,0`. ;Gareth, of
Turin-, with a view to converting the
. ,
ammonium nitrate in surplus exnto-
siyes into a form suitable for uSe in
agriculture. In, seParating the nitrato'.
of aminortia from the eXpltisive „mix,
'tun advinlagerhas been taken of the
great solubilit of the former in water.
A. fixed 'percentage 01 watier was added
to the lexplixt,i;e' Mixture, whiCh Was
then allowed to stand in Special rc-
coptacles. A cencentra:ted StiltRion or
Ytaio hiJ4Itilatling, Them arc tWo diern c
upOonnethcti e slielli%obisiggoettite"4.13.Lesvellen1P9fc'aelli.1
, " "1.1te; art/ varierti,N” of th
of a taste for good reading, m the common citron melon gretvrtin C•
ehild, The study of tho best in liter- di rpi 4I1. •
¶Qh1 ihvi., ,a al rilt!lf:tinol itey'%ie,:i::7"4Itttoh4
hod Ifigogtolo,' 1,201,irk
tl fi If etlf) ' t.
Mgt' i es; t', 4'4;14 .de 40
deptott,, the 'ettrht,-hfjur ti
(01 :i''11,;iuL ;;;;P::::::Qtx:trnefttif:zo,:rlicHnli.,:md14, :ir3:4°"K, °I.44O' Ppl1/44:1_:'*;A:P,ge,(ip'.1
-.......,--,-,::,,....,0-----"'"-^•'"' ,
• • • •
continK Jiurne014 14.1,4
1414','.'r including' thelifiale,' is, not Kild'Y raw but is uSed in making .siVect
nr.,,/10.001.1.Ty 1,.() secure 5011 Ot1//at/Q11 bat pitc10,3sLanii 1.).rboepc„e,s;
11. alb() dev2101J4 a The Candied citron. or "citrUs
Whenever 'We' slaid5 With' a child a cut?' whioh we obtain. Lat the grocerY
masterpiece in literature or a Bible etores doc6. not grow in this country,
story and arouse in' him desire to It is grown in the Mtilitorrancan eoast
bear the f54/510 Story re -road, wo have region and is exp.orted drum tnere,
stinfulated the child desire fol.' xnalclu, p,reservp; ry1 the eitItci
reading of .the best kind. _ rnelbn'groWn here the melon is sliced
• An'eaninent -educationist once said t, cut in'.stpips, 'diCed and .the seeds SOS
"Tha't School whieb results in a 'teile ribri remOved, Three-fourths pound cr
for geed 'reading, however UnsYstenl^1 augur te eaoh pouncdof •freit is added
atic the schooling' may have been, haS also one lemon sliced, to each tw
oehieved the main end of elementerY pounds of fruit. Th.a whole is allowec
ed'ueatiati," Marl' 1360131e entire4Y to Stand. Lin an open preserving itettl
without reaoh.-4 and they are tle 'most tip the -juice begins' to form, then
difficult Of " 0:4 classes tO get a earn- pis sithmered slowly till the citron i
prehensive view Of the great Prehleinsi tender, and put aWLitLY. in 00,10r5..'
with which the II -tansies are confronted, do,ii,ed, quantity -�f ,,e.i..aihapples, halve(
• The desire TOY reading is'nrost Po- and oured, May be usd, in Place o
tent in the child between the age of': lemon in !the pres,erves,, inelm
seven and ,seventeen astir 'it is then, does not need to be ripe, The flesh i
that the guidance received earlier Ind a
life shovvs*sults. • It Is *tif 1 f t ver'' Pale leau°11. eel"'
that frequent:1.Y And 'children, in the
,graannyar grades ,of our schools 4/4"t Ches°,
out the 'slightest knowledge, of the The' "Mich heralded moth -Proof -rod
sublime characters- -of 'the Bible, the 'cedar 01,est -la effective 'OrtlY 41 °Arc
'world's greate,,A,'book, has been tadcen,.to prepaid y beat and
The place of the nrevie.in education brush all articles to remove all eggS
'end cOmmunitylife is well recognized, -PnPae 'and moths.. The moth passes
and schnols 'and rural churches a,r,e through four stages, egg, pupa, 1.0 0501
using this in their work. the elrild+s and adult Moth miller. 'There is cut,
.reading has been well directed; he ono seage in this process when the
itlonst-osre04, the sueen: young warm stage. ,,Igenns
be eager to see the masterpieces (-,;f cedar ateSt kills them, that in tho
.tNot, , persons can .a.cquire an to full grown are not ' ,
edircatiori in the sahools, eau paint Itis the odor of the' codut: which
kills these 'worms, so groat cr.re shorild
he to./(en pzevent its ei'eape: -Ghosts
should be ke#1: tightly 'closed dxcept
When clothing is to be put in,,. and
this should be done quickly.
Naphthalene in -any ordinary chest
will als-o drive away moths. One to
two-PoundS "naiplithalene placed in.
4111..615SL constructed as tightly 050 0
'cedar ',Chest' he • as efrective.' as
cedar,. Clothing -may ',alsti
and,brUshedl•alitd.:Zrolled:ap [Mr:lea:ate--
mrjaptho .Inth,oatlive:eneeainn , se
nesse.s -of unbroken paper.' Double the
fasten ,securely.
A rough, rude, coarse nratniTer cro.
rites an instantaneous prejudice, clops
hearts, and bars' doors.,agaMstms.
.1V151tOrCar Ort,tSiiing RO-041.1, '
4. nowly-pateoted • convenience for
autOinoblie tourists,' illtely to. appeal
ettpecitffly to wt./limn, 11`4 an adailltiLlit.'n
of tho atiaclied:lcat idea, willeh Pre-'
VitieS dreSing-rofnr, between the ear
and the bed -teat.
1,15 cot frame eapports ribs
Carry ridgepole :B11 C11 'Witie LO
10111 all arch, L This structure (=kr:a,'
support -poles unnecessary) is erected
' on the ground at'a little distaace from'
the oar, and. ivith the side of the -tad
parallel to the side of the autontohile,
; and ends of the tent aim dmwil down
'dyer the sot and ridgneupporting
' frame,
I Tile arrangement 10 sac that a cov,
5 eyed spa.ce throe feet wide separates
tho dutomobl'e f 11
privacy, a Curtain is let. tali 1)m -weep,
- the. car 'and this. Space; is largo .
enengh for dressing purposeS, The la-
yentdr, an•IllinalS man, calls attention L
to the fact that litiliza•00,:n of.the Our:
tabled interior of. thenar 505 11 dressing-
, •
TO0111 has manifest disadvantages,'
With leis arrangement persens on. get-
ting up. in. the morning can, attire them-
selves. in ConiforTable seeluoiont
TO exclude. flies and mosmilLoes, he
provides -a hanging wire -net screen be-'
..tween the cot. and. the- dressing' coin.
nartment ; and, with,the same abject
011,i18.''vin'gL'ek.i.eii.oeua.isivaais•rapiaigrteni6e1nrtil•oef tefliali;iiSasser-e-
incidental advantage of ihis style 01
auto -tent is .enlarget 'I space., nt.tne
cured" by glove -button fasteners. ,An
roof is so inclined to shell 'Vrater
out many successful men and- women
whowere a failure j'n mathematics or
Science Or Litistory; but because their
reacting was wisely directed at a criti-
cal time, thley becomm masters in their
line. If we develop ..,tr taste for
geed literature and' goal' reading to
the .exclusion ,,the,trashy,,-we, IlaVO
complisheci eon:ening 'worth- .whiles
Educators are rf all y'agTeed'that one's
success in life is,' more:hugely ,cletert.
mined ,by the.taite they have acquired
forHgood reading than by any, other
single factor. The mother who takes
a short time each Av to develop and
direct this taste in her -child will have
-the satisfaction of knowing that she
started him out wisely and well.
The mother who would do Something
to aid 111 this task can get valuable
help from the miblic library. _If she
lives in the country out -of reach of ft
library', she may get approved lists
,boolcs from. the rurail teacher, Also
'a list of dosirable magazines. for every
age fromthe kindergarten to the high
school, If expense i0. a question, as
it often is, books may he obtained
al from the school- kebrary that would
as j'help, and from the traveling ithraries.
Russian -General Drives
10 use -the camera to produce chartS, in
tire,fernd of negatiyes, of level ground,
provided the cainerit han,14 Waded iii
Phsvo the ground.
I-lere' the',caraera.' Meter:Y. bo Acing
on‘a small scale vhat is done on a
11111117 larger •,-scale in may reduction
by photegraphy.
-Engineers use tile panoramic camera
in making surveys of moUntainons re-
Passcrs-by on tiso boulevards were gicths a'AL. "t"i9-1
surprised reoe.ntly, cays. a Paris; des'. The .Camera Lo. sef :ttp.on the Side of
patch, to -lice a.qi$,IttigUis:10 1looking , the mountain, ove"ylOoking a consider
man fail CU the bitek of a lakicab able section of,',4iisrounding :country,
driver' and kiss- him on the -cheeks the 1 0055515 0e7'eral-451ay° miles In total
regular salutatiOn. between Russians:
The PasSenger' was 'h,.-Rtissiart• admiral
and the chauffeur .Was .a Lai:Pier Ittis-
sion general, cerebrated durfit . the,
first period of the yvar, no -c'.' earning
his living by driving a taxicab,
• Students who take their meals in a
very modest boarding house In the
Latin Quarter had a shriller surprise
recently. .00 the serving' woman, a
woman of, middle ,age wirdse:worn. gar-
ments could not conoeill her dietifi1
guiehed aPPearauce; approached., a
table, at. young girl eL went suddenly
arose,' knelt on one ynee, and kissed
the hem of the wnitreeS' apron, The
htlident had recognized her as a ferni-
er lady in waiting 5 iite, Russian
court, ' parallel to the lens shaft. .•
DThe panoramic camera used in mak-
ye Any Garment ing maps ie er tWe typos, one employ -
Mg a five -inch film cartridge and 'the
other a six-inch mirtridge. Two films
arc carried in each machine, and after
one hue been "Shot" . the camera i3
0001/11 11.116,11,11'd ,t1,11,C1 55 other film ox.,
posed. The camera is hem Ill a pet,
fectly level position by means 01 wito
area. ',The Maus.r„Ittre made -from the
panoramic photeiaPha. , It having
boen'aecidecl. atFwthat altitudo.. the
photos:were taken; it Is Comparatively
an easy mh1ter'ib determine the alti-
tude of various points in the 'pictures.
• Felt -Lined Aluminum /Ache
The. panoramic 'Camera consists af 11
box made br altuninum, 11'51654d in .0
Protecting frame of mahoganY, and
thi, is lined with felt.. The tom of the
box is the reforende plane for teveling,
anti the vertical axis 'carrying -the lens
is, placed perpendicular to this plena,
The circular illm guiclek are adjusted
so that when the filin is in poSition for
exposure all elements will bp perpen-
dicular to, the level" ,plan'e' and hence
or Old Drapery
in -.Diarriond Dyes
Buy "Diamond Dyes" and follow the
sbmplo directiohe in every package.
Don't wonder Whether you can dye or
tint suecnsertilly, binause perfect Is
dyeing is' .Kriarantecti with.,-Diamend
Dyes, oven ir ,yott have never dyed be..
fore. Wen], faded, dresseS, skirts,
waists:, coats sweaters, stockings,
,drapertes, hangings, everything, be-
comelike neW og5. Iasi; telt YOur
druggist whether. the. Material you
wish to (1.Yo is wool Ur Wilt, or whether
It Is linen; 00 11611, or mixed goods,
Diamond Dyes meVer streak, spot, fade
Or 1/11114 ,
. How , many ,grendmothors arc now
baying so lialf-knittied mitten across a
little bop's milli to sae ?he
Idtil 10 eight and 11 11 isino to "mlf-i' At leaSt; 80 lenoWn varieties of
ow cif"? (rear es aro noduced 10 (1 10
. That the caintra 1)11e0e0110 an accu-
rate means or making maps is Well 11.
luirtrated by the fact that In the recent
Alaskan inurveys, U.S, Gevernment 0x,
1)011110 di0401/Cred by checking 51P -their
cumulative, error in vortical ailguta-
iia(ithti erreir amoulited ,t0 but
Set In Ono htmdrod
In a:late aervey Se error:in 21,0 miles
'but sixty feet, wad an outs was
stretched. (m' some ono hundred Ma,
tlphs the aVerage CrI.,`Crr was less than
one feet fey each station.,
Citron. •
Many people have an idea that the
;candied citron used in `bakes, putt -1
dine, etc., lo the same melon that
grows in our gardens. This is not so.
Very- E /Mottos: g jig.
•'Mottier.,•(to- "danghte,r),--,‘,Ten-
hie; oung Gasic[ns'avlin
Daughter—"Yes., ',mamma he's just -
lost an uncle. and I was sorry for him.'
Fond Mother-- 'Well, Jennie, bet
this be the last., --Pm afraid; 'if you
hoop an aux:enraging tiirri with your
,syinpathy, he won't have,,a, relation ,
left in t15 wide, wide world."
Atfl.rPot 44
Ir,p431,, 4
- European plan. Novel Ritz intedYation ; unique color
scheme throughOut; RestOdrant overlooking Bdoch
• andOceen. DancinginTraisRoom'and Ritz Grill,
pOuble 12:eeres $8.00 up,
,Itt. fig)ilm fIrcat
lprin'ar G5./0i0,VE 'TOW
kturfundpor itbaidco014imegoy,
00.001.swiih,Privale.Scr(licir;11 fultOcea'n View
L... •
"HoW A'ra 10.,Movie Stare?,
" • That te 110,50000m rrhteli" the 10s 56 000C.,14,1055A,Nr„
VARM5111- 101t400,1o' 80%0, Wo Oeliovo 11,11the. /40T10/S10re aro .
1t00'10"1”1110t0n"IU °very town, 0/11000 and terming remtounitr
tor.tode.rioDo.drolnOlsbon ni,eu.ainee b1,111 itlos and Apt pro,, -11,- our. arpat
' How: To Solve • The Puzzle • -
Se flids ylcugo the urtiat 100 5(0101,0 the Waldo et a Movie
l'hoetre. The 05erat9r' of 'the WO, niathloo 10 thistheatre tio-
Mrd' to 'Pin, a Soho on 1,1, .addleare so lie throw thoo re,arro(gert
00710 Mayor& 'nerure on tho Buren, tolvo tho .010.alo, 011' yoU ,
aro .110151011 , to do le 'to zearranso the 1,1)0,5 •0 that thoy
05011 the eorroct ectone or actrrears' name. brainulo:- No00 .
,ie Charlie Chaplin.: 'Sal, ,you Forma Lho others? If you 00,
000 14a cae
On 5/.000 10 lvor 'tineelst" Overland Touring Car
tura woald otherwise egg, you $1,112: Don't gho up too oasaY
it -at 'Amt. Youa 111110 hard. be Yo00 0001, 000 wt,/ 000
' ' 'bag pr0o,' Son tho' 1,111 401 ,
at prism below. • '
NE -car p515.118
The gig Prize L at!
$2,200.00 in.all '
ist PrIzo "Spa..
clal, (51,112.00
Over/and Auto
or 01,000.00
2nd Pr ..1:a 600.00
8,4 " 250.00
45 " 100.00
5101 50.00
86 85.00
7t1s " Z1.3.20
flth .14 00„00
0th 20.00
11 00.00
110h 14 13.00
1515 " ^l3.00
13111 111 16.00
14111 '^ 15.00
161)5 ,, 10.10
1851* 4, 10.00
loth ., 10.00
k.th " 00.00
giSt " 10.00
22nd ., :0.00
28rd " /0.00
2455 '''' toot
.25111 " 10.,16
AE Tios Recolva
OultAticate Prizes
can You .00lve thin Puzzle?
AnYene living. 00 told° Totonto is Privileged to take lintsi,
Put on youa thInking-ohp and :solve the ,ruzzie ,,end 70t11' mower, Probably
you Inert, the names of most o the famous ,taro, 5111 Jug. to. k•ofroalt 'your Memory '-cre
give below a few of the moot popttlar onus: •
Cha Is Chaplin, Mary. Ploktord, Charles Roy, Patty Arbuckle, Norma 'TairnaZo,
.Wn Face Reid, Boyer y Bayne,. Thomas Molobon, Manei Normand, Dorothy Gish, .Paull le
is"rotle Ick, Gloria Swansony.Douolae FalrbanIce, Moe Elrady,,Duntln. Farnum, Pearl
Blanche Sweet,' Thula ,Bara. '
• • Cbsta Nothing to 'Try
Wet ldn't -you bo tho Ithoulest 'person bol the world 11 you' ware the iiinuer or the,
$1,000 in a contest like this :yhich took only 00.11000 rainutes•.of your time? 'Well 10110510,
say YOtt W01.11d 1.0S bri1113/i And you can -do 11000, It'S just thrt: such Ilttio opportunities
as tblo hat hUndroel'A.tend thoutands 01 coMmon folks haVo,ohtainOd their stant..and hats,
risen to be the great men of today. Yott nrobablY Itacnv of some such Pans yenrselt if
you chi: it, Thle le the CANADIAN FA.R1V/E00'5. offer to YOU to give 0011 a. bike 615110e6,
,Ain0 it won't, coot yen one cent,' ' "
. Only 185 Points Wins $1,000.00.
o answer gaining 080 notate (5115001 la the rnaschnum) will win tho 5.1,000 ift.etush
ter the 1 eantiful'llSpecialt' Overland). Second highest will receive $500,00 and so on down
the list of orizoe,, • • - •
For each Movie Name that yell corruptly arrange you will receive 10 pointk:, or :100
points 51 all it you arkarig-o all too aartios correctly,.
Then you can pot do more points by "qualifying" SOW. titlfiWer. "Chat' be, by in'sroing
that Yon .haVe elsonas 0. CopY Of the c:As,armAN viranma to three neoiak.agring rive
Big Publicity qi Beoater campaign.. cinanneatIon blank be realled 7011-solreeetot
01 20(10 The final 26 points will bo awarded, three prominent aml indspeittlent judgce 001
Otto noatnessu, style, handwriting and Spelling Of your ahswer.
Otrike While the iron is het, and send le 00110 anewer tOdays
Mlles of Contest
wrue all ten movto 'Names on one Oide-of a sheet 011 Patier•
p. Write your halite and address pataly in the tipper right. hand torpor o th
IL It you wish to write ahythIng else, use a separate Shoat of papor IsMi sign yo
name ana complete add20213 021 10 also, • .
4. T11.0W3 PrOnlill 0116 jUdgeq, btivfng 10 001110o001011 wIth tho CA,NATNA.NT Fh81M0110,
wilt Judge the (planted answers and award the prizes,
45. t6q10 0.11/050e1' pointe, Which is 1110 lti#11e01 nturiber obtainable, 'wind
Itirst Prize. Ton points will be giVers, fur eaels Correct natsse yen send, or '100
points,' If you get au ten neintz„ 0001501. Sixty additional points are gatned bY
>111g .10011- answen Lied 25 points will be given for neatness, strle, hand-
writing mid opening.
, ami the ItTovie laiditor reeelven your, „nolution, 10 "will :leen 7011 .0 leiter telliug
you jUst oxatily how many PointS ,Y5110 ki)10/51:1/ ana aisd send you 50
,h11411510.. poliy ot the CANADIAN 0111100010c.' 10 help Yon "qualifying,' '
. 7111O 4300i062 OlOY4Orl gat rsisiturtr I/larch 11, 1:11.2 and announcement of Prize
Winners'.will 50 g/lOthi 111 itiO IsiT.A.ULAIT IPAR1103R allortly after. " •
ie Editor cANADIAN,mitmr,R, Cpr„ Illthruond
• .14-e1a,,,, ,t7oc:"."