HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-2-2, Page 8. CLIN r LIJADT YQ, JI++WEL,E1 1 S1"O f They're the ' only pair you will ever have. I)o they ever bother, you ? De you have headaches and don't know the rea. sou ? Bol;Ler e,ons 1 us. We will he pleased to : Sive ;you a tborough' c aix1'19' on, and fit you with grasses . that will relieve you of all your'trouble DON'T NEGLECT YOUR EYES. JNON Jeweller and Opticiaw 'Next, Bovey?a Drag Store veratualig You Will Iia i� your Suits made by us. Why not conaelin now and get a made -to meas`are suit for the ' ' price .of' a hand-me-down. WORKMANSHIP AND FIT GUARANTEED Murry McEwa>!l;' Merchant Tailor Willceln Block j?T ay it with a "Valentine,; TUESDAY, FEBRUARY, 14th. CARDS AND FOLDERS MANY • AND R'DISNED STYLES, SUITABLE , FOR. THE OCCASION THAT 1, SUGGEST • A KINDLY 'THOUGHT- AND A 'FRIENDLY ACT WIII41I GIVE TO LIFE -A PLEASING ZEST AND CREATES A LITTLE ROMANCE IN COM- MONPLACE 'EXISTENCE. GOOD TASTE AND YEARLY 'MORE, POPULAR TO SEND YOUR FRIENDS A REMINDER AS YOU WOULD AT CHRISTMAS AND EASTER SEASON, IF YOUR COURTESY TAXES THE FORM OP A PARTY WE DAVE THE SUP- PLIES - = To DECORA'T'E YOUR IIOME ...AND; ,COMPLETE YOUR PAT3LDS, PLACE CARDS, TALLY CARDS, ` CUPIDS, ARROWS, HEARTS, TABLE COVERS, NAP- IiINS. pn Newa The W. fl. Fair Co. Often'' the Chearest,•—Always the Best EYE SPECIALIST ith February Copties C, r of Ked + Y4s Our car of Redpath's 'Sugar will arrive the first' of -next week Special price BY THE R CAST-I while we ::: are unloading. This is your opportunity` to buy ''at regular wholesale price. Leave your order with us to -dad . PF IVCAIiES', 1'll 171tt1I)AX', 9 AND, SYRihP •Pancake flour, per pkg. , 15 Buckwheat dour. 3 lbs, for ,25 11 Pure Maple Syrup, 'per quart , :-90 FOUR 1310 SPECIALS THIS WEEK 1 lb. tin Baking Powder Essences, all flavors, each Jelly' Powders-McLaren'!s, all flavo , 10 -lb. Pail Corn,Syrup ,82 2 lbs. Lard .35 .3 1b,. Pail shortening , . . .45 10 lbs. Roiled Oats:. ,33 3` lbs. Rolled” Wheat . :25 Loose' Macaroni, 2 pounds .#or 25c 2 lbs. Dried Peas - • 25c 23c 9c pkg 10c': A, LCofer Eye Sight Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canad- ian Ophthalmic 'College .of Toronto. Goderich, Ont, Office hours: 9 a.in. to 5 p.m. Practice limited to -the eye.; r, Rusua1 Frigo ll8thiOtiolls FORJA.NiJ.: RY CL.I3ARIiNG OF;ALL''BI�QI EN ;.LIN BE FORE `TOC TAKING;- COCOA, TEA 8= COFFEE Good Coacoa, in bulk, per 1b. •.14 Good Coffee, per lb, . .38 This is not our best Coffee but is good value Special price in tea for•'this week 1 Ib. Special Black Tea 33c 11 3 lbs. Special Black Tea X;10 PIGS, DATES & PRUNES 2 ,pounds of Figs 2 pounces of Dates 2' lbs, Prunes for, Seeded Raisins, per lb.. 25c . 33c 28c 220, amara E 111111114 ln"• New Spring Goods will gaols' begin to arriye 'and - Winter ;Goods must be cleared,out regardless of profita., .A "assortment of Men and Boy's Winter: Cas. P to 'clear at (these are less than. cost) 7:13 ••M'any other lines in job dots to clear _ Men's heavy wgol underwear,reg, $3,,,00 sale price $2,29 Boy's heavy wool underwear reg $1.25 sale price '79c Bargains in Seaters, Overcoats, Suits and all lines of,FootWear .:.TERMS. OF SALE-CASU PiuthsteeI' Jpus: • THE STORE,•TI-IAT' SELLS FOR LESS. ,.,PRONE.'H[t NEW IDEA PATTERNS. CLOTHING manatemaataimataanaata Assamosascaciume ammecianwal NOMMDINNIMI grAnilua1 Stook Taking Sale Always ` Means Bargain Prices hi Many Lines Stoves and Ranges,grauiteware f)opder Boilers Tin Boilers Galvanized Boilers Layo Nickel -plated Lamps regular $7,50 for $4 50 only, Electric Irons ,: reg 6,50 for 4.00 12.5w 10.50 3:50 7.00 1 only; Electric Lamp,, red; 17 00 for 1, only„ Electric Lamp, reg 14 00 for 1 only; Electric Heater, reg 5,00 for 1 only, Electric Heater, reg 10.50 for See. our,new;Tung'sten Electric Lamp with shade - Table of odds and -ends marked in plain figures. the prices and values will astonish you Just to hand. another (the third lot) of the 89e - Graniteware- Assortment Leave your order for a Pilot Stiperior pipeless Furnace, can be put ir1 in one day, 16 already installed and giving perfect satisfaction hardware Stoye•4 and' Novelties. --The Store With a -Stock - le Tires es ;We are offering the balance: of our stock of Quebec stoves. With and without ovens, at cost. Quebec heaters with elevated ovens and resarvoit�' reg. price $58 for $50 Quebec heater with oven on side and high shell and warming closet reg, $48 for $40' Appy Thought large size end Quebec heater reg. $25 for $20 montram Perdue 1!'LUlY B3Nt ELECTRICAL Mrs,, E ' G Courtice was, In Strat-, ford,on Monday; Mr N.•;Davis• spent•.' a few days iq. ,New York last week. Mrs. L Rath ,. -anent' the week -end with Stratford friends. Mrs. W," T. Heenan spent the week.- end eek-end visiting friends in Ailsa Craig. Mrs. alit= I1111 and .Miss Blake have been visiting• friends in' De troit • Mr. and Mrs,: Ezra Pickard.are vis- iting: this week with their daugh- ter in Mitchell. Principal Johns „of the Public„school will spend the' week -end with his family in Toronto. Miss Marguerite` Harkness 'of Ira - quota is the guest •of 'her, sister, Mrs. Clarence Shepherd. Mr..Mew of Toronto spent the week_ enil with his wife, who is a mem- ber of the C. C . I, staff.. Miss Opal Foster of Stanley is: the guest this_ week of her grand- mother,. Mrs. E. Rathwell. Miss Clara Dayinent of Boissevatne,. Man., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jo- seph` Copp, andother friend% in - team. Mrs.` C.'0 Ranee left on -Monday for het home .in Toronto atter visit_ ing relatives in town for a fortnight or 90:' Mr. W. D; Streets returned Tues- day after' having spent a 'couple of months or so visiting in and arodnd Toronto. Mr. Jack iticEwen of London has been visiting his (brother, Mr. • Murray McEwan of town, during the past week. Rev. J. E. Hogg attended the fun- eral of 'an uncle in Toronto last week and also ran oat to Uxbridge to visit his nether. Mrs. Mcllroy of Seaforth is' -the. guest this week of her brother, Mr. T. M. Johnston of the Lon- don road just soubh o#town.' Miss Emma Higgins, who has been. .home since Christmas owing' to illness, leaves for Toronto on Mon- day to resume`. her studies. Mr. and Mrs. ' A. E. Brown and 1Vbiss M. Cowan of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of their. parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. W. H. Cowan Ontario Street. Miss Martha Taylor has been in town this week on her way to and from Blyth, where she visited relatives, Miss Taylor has many friehds in Clinton. who are always pleased to see her. Messrs, James Stevens and Lorne Muroh attended the funeral of the late Thomas alurch in Stratford on Tuesday, Mr. Murch, who was a /owner. citizen of Clinton, was an uncle of Mr. L. Murch. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, and Mrs. McMurray were at Moorefield on Monday attending the funeral of their aunt, Mrs, W. Colquhonn and alsoattended the; funeral of Mr. Then -jos Murch in Stratford on Tuesday, The latter was an uncle nymarriagc. Auburn ` The Agricultural course closed last Thursday, A juinor Farmer's Club wits organized with Mr, Amos An- drew as preeidcnt and Mr, Elden Stoltz as secretary. This course was much enjoyed and well attended. Miss M. Washington ' is visiting friends in London. Skating is being indulged in by the yoath of out village. Tho play "All cm Account of Polly" given by the "Knox helpers" was very much enjoyed by a large crowd, the hall being packed, At the close the class bresentecl Mrs, Hanley with a beautiful tray in recognition of her services in training the class. Miss Whittle 1-lowson, was in Blyth on Wednesday of iaat week with •three of lea moils who wore trying their musical exams, Word has been re- ceived that they wove all succoetftil' in passiagg the following :exs241t Miss Nina Johnston, intotmiediate,and Miss; Elva Walden and; Mrs tea Stae1t- Lhouse, eleiuentary, nil with ,horrors. Robb teacher and pupils are to be congratulated, OTI-ER SPECIALS. Rice. Best B, `Tapioca 21 Bars Lennox Soap • 2 cans Peas i Kippered herring' per tin FRESH FISH Red Salmon. tier pound Fresh halibut per pound Finnan Iladclie, per pound Fillets, perpound • 1-Ierring, per dozen 2 for •25e lbs, 25c 11.0'0 '30e • 19'' , rtf Salmon • Snacks & Fresh oysters 2ic 25c 20e. 22c' atic 1214 lbs Granulated:( Sugar:+ 90 Two Delivery. Wagans at yotlr 6ervice . If you wish your goods before nine o'clock, kindly order the afternoon before. aaaaaatiitataa mottlft s Give your order for clothes to an unpractical man' who -does not understand taking a measure -or details of your figure, and let him send the;ordenaut of town to be tirade in a factory, and the chances are it does :not fit, and'. is -6f peer quality and badly made, and you are dissatisfied. But give your order to us, and have it cut ek pressly to your loam to fit, and made by first-class tailors, who study every detail of your requirements. Then you do not only wear clothes that fit and please you, but You also wear; that satisfied :look that is so noticeable on all our easterners. Indigo blue Berges; 130 to S55. Our business methods are the greatest value and satisfaction at the lowest possible price. Davis & Herman THE VETERAN TAILORS Opposite Town Rail Brown's Men's Furnishings Store u►. 42171.11.1100.0 Notice' Valentine,Supper Tuesday, Feb.14 The Girls' Club of Willis Church, will give a HOT SUPPER FROM 5 TO 7. 'Admission 35e. - EVERYBODY'.WELCOME Tuckersmith Township Mr. R, A. Roberton of Clinton vis. ;ted on Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Michael Whitmore, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cook enter_ tained a -few intimate friends to a very pleasant hop on Friday evening. Mr Ilowartl'johns spent Sunday In Clinton. , Quite a number of the west -end friends attended the funeral of the late Mrs. James •Broadfoot on the Mill Road on Monday afternoon. St. Helena Mrs: Jas. Irwin of°Lucknow"spent few da at the tom of Mr. Jos. a days e Smith, We are sorry 36 report that Mrs, Wm. Woods i$ on'tho sick list at present Mrs. W, J. Ihimplirey has re - tarried from a few days vit1i her sis„ tor, tlfrs, A. Fox, Whitechurch, 3453e Madeline, Grant visited for a tow dtiya with her aister,- Mrs. John Scott of L anes.'a+t Mr. John Thorns. of Fortiwieh at- tended the literal o.@ his sister, Miss Mary Thom, on tvtopday; Goderieh Township Mrs. Charles McGregor of Goder- icl townahip was the hotter guest at a party given on Saturday evening, Jan. 28th, by Mrs, Arthur 'Rase and _ Mrs. M. Hickey. of Detroit, Mich. • Lunch was `served to twenty-six BEST QUALITY guests. Mrs. McGregor is visiting .4 STRING her relatives in Detroit and is, we should judge, enjoying herself. lasietaaaaaataameaelaaameagemiametavareea OokIng Orders of Hoofing for pprfl g Before .orderin,m your roofing or other' building material, do-n't "fail t� see �' !BIRDS Slate Surface 36 inch roll roofing 111% : Slate Surface 18 inch roll roofing: IR S Slate Surface Oauaan Twin Shingle i �g ]o I';lRDS 1-leavy and Rogalar Pariod roofing BaRDS Blank water -proof Building paper 'BIRDS Combination Wail Board Oak finish on one sidquarter cut e, Grea m on reversoti We are again prepared for 1922 to protect your buildings with 't';Martin Senour "' 100 per cent pure paints, in gloss or flat tone surface. All Skates, Straps, Ifockey Sticks, Pucks etc at reduced prices for the balance of the season -. Coriess SEASONABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE' PRICES. i`. GENERAL HARDWARE PRONE 53 DOMINION S'A'O ES LIDAITE CLINTON, TON, ONT, The Best Quality of (groceries at the Lowest. possible prices every day in the year. Week=end Supplies Tes, Rings Fruit Loaf Coffee Cake .. Stearn Loaf along with the usual. tea biscuits, buns. and. Crernalt Bread! nd- Crernalt"Bread OUR MOTTO : SERVICE R. S. O'NILL,. hone 204 The Baker in Clinton Arcata On Monday, February, 6th G dericla Vs. Clinton Game called at 8,15 Band in Atteradaiaue Bileig5IVIS 39c each SNOWFLAKE PANSHINE LARGE BARS TOILET AMMONIA as 2' CLEANSER tat- CASTILD 'ung I PAPER 3 packages . 3 Tins L. Soap, 2 for al 6 Rolls. Relied Oats, 6 ibe. Creamy of Wheat, 4 lbs. Sago 3 lbs., Tot Barleq 3 Itis. '` Corn Meal, 10 lbs for , White Beans; 4 lbs..... 24c Rinse, 2 packages . , 1'ie '25c Old Dutch Cleanser.... , , ile• 27c Soap Chips, (bulk) , ,19e• 15e Palm Olive Soap, 3 bars',•.•,.: