HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-2-2, Page 54Y, FED, aiiel, I922 Clinton Newsw,(eccrr
llliiifi• ;; t0 Too
Will the groundhog sea his "'shade:
A'" today':
1) 1 orders-in,00atbeli in six Weeks
for. tt Government whose leaden' 4azi,
donned government by orders -ire
ronneil isn't so bad, now is: it?
T'hievos'brolce into a"cellar in Mit-
:ellen the ether evening and st °le :rev-
{ t aljars of fruit, it V5V1.1'4' probably
jars of anothep, sort they.had-in mind
00 enteritis, ;:but ' wouldn't go away
oiupty -handed ,
A' man ovcrnin tiro States swallowed.
1rir, hlse teethand never missed thein
until his wife' haute home front a visit
and enquireel about their. What would
some' men do without their wives 'fa
keep tab on their belongings?
'There are fifty.two Sundays in this
,year of -grace. Is that the reaon that
some people are pot going to church
as regularly as migrrt.lie expected,
:thinking that there will be plenty of
John Sothern, a native of Ireland
but for. many :years a resident of
Huron County, died at Pordwioh the
other day At the age of 104 years.
Huron is about the only place one.
would Care to live. se long,
Toronto is satisfied with its in-
-crease in poulation from 781,900 to
519,290 in the deeade, It would be,
more satisfied if the countryside had
:grown proportionately.--The"Globe.
But how could it,? Toronto has
,:grown,: by draining' population
.from the countryside.
The Kincardine Reporter . says • i£
he were a preacher he :would tell all
'the-, Christians' 'tit "come out (to.
church). -and quit four -flushing or get
.the job," But the Review points
-out that the said.Chmstians "wouldn't
:know what . four -flushing ,meant.",
"Those Kincardine editors oughtn't to
'he so flippant. `
* . s
A weekly newspaper nota thous--
.and miles from Glinton.-which is pub_,
'Iishin n
g' ew s -items of twenty years
.ago, reprodtfees a letter`frona.a'sub
reriber who 'says,, . `It'is the inost''pn
,teresting reading I have ever found
in the . ': No* we -shouldn't
mind sornething like' that being said,
-twenty. years' `from: aro*. ` 'Concerning
:•today's - news in .this .journal.
`.`}re is going to -be' one of the he bost
•wardens this Bounty has ever had,"
remarked a', county councillor when
:speaking ,ef Warden' Trewartha's el-
ection.to that office. We Were not
surprised, ,We knew he would-be,
-Yiningmeti should be''encouraged to
,enter public life, to` give their best
to the seririce.oftown, township, conn-
ty and courstry; affairs, It is not a
.Baying job, ` that 1s, it rarely days in
•dollars and `cents bat the finest ser-
vices 'rendered "in this'world are not
paid ;for m dgllars and `cents.,;The
giving of 'one's best service to one's
s onnstry as a` fine thing, however, Wird
the, best men ought to be enceuraged
to do it. .
Hoh nesviiWpe •
.Mr, Johnson has been carry_
ung around a : badly- sprained wrist
for the past week, the result of hav-
ing a heavy fall.
Mrs. Will Pickard of Clinton, has
:been visiting friends in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Jenkins of
•Clinton and theirs
-uests' Mrs. John-
ston and daughter, Miss Dell. visit-
. -ed at the home of Mr A. J. Cour-
tice one day last week;
A ,very successful meeting -bf; the
Mission Circle was held at the home
'of Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Forester on
Friday evening last.
The many friends of Mr.. Willie
Miller, -who has been in the Clinton
Hospital, will : be pleased to know
that he is improving.
Mrs, McMath, :Sr., and Mrs. Al-
cock, who have been visiting in To-
ronto'for a 'few weeks, returned
home' on Saturday.
Our villagers were very sorry to
hear ,of the death* e th
on Sundtag st of
a mach esteemed former resident. in
the person of Mr. Thos. Murch, who
died at his home in Stratford. Mi.
Murch far' several years taught ani
village school and as a most exem-
plary character was greatly beloved,'
At time of chtirch union he was ap-
pointed superintendent of the Suncla-1
school' and was most successful, but
his forte' was that of an adult Bible
class' teacher, in which work he de -
lighted mid egeelhgl Mr, l urea,
Ives else ztit onke p;M ; 14)401 preach
el and his, -Ser. 1tG>xs w'oro Verypointe,
•ltract1eal, and full,.of inslhation
'very ItumY friends thislocality
leek biek on'Ills life of use:Ninesq
and integrity with {seat tha:ikful-.
tress Mrs: Murch, sons ;Ind 'daugh
'tots, whom he hats`lett bdiiiptcl ' to
fit'ou n the loss 01 a clev;ktqd^"ltusband
and father, have the ainerrre syirz.
pithy of the Holmesvdle 'people' kn
this their horn o;l' sorrc>w,
While jetting ant ice the other
day Mz ',Fred Mulholland took an:
,involuntaiay,bath;. Although this has
been a mild winter: yot • the water is
.liard}' warm enough to make outside
bathing exactly Pleasant and no time
inn's lost in:get ting• 4:than3'e of cloth_
The League nieaialiers "assisted 'the'
pastor in the. evening• service on Sun-
day in he Methodist church, sever-
al taking part. A 'very interesting 1
ervice was the result.
Summerhill ,
Mrs. T, E. Mason is visiting :,at
her father's, Mr. W. J, MoBrien of
near Seaforth. •
The many friends of Mrs Albert
Neal are pleased to hear that she is
able to get out again.
Mr; Albert McLaughlin of Blyth
was the (guest of Mr, Chas. Tyner
on Sunday.
The many friends of Mr. Glen
Cornish are somy to' learn that he is
under the, weather. All -hope 'for a
,speedy recovery,
,Mr, and Mrs. Thomas. Hardy of
Clinton were the guests of Mr- Al-
bert Neal over the week -end.
The' stork visited the home of Mr,
and. Mrs. Albert Lovett last "week,
leaving a bouncing baby, girl,
The following letter was "sent to
Mrs. W. J. it!cBrien, president" of
:the Summerhill Patriotic Society in
appreciation; of their work in- decorat-
ing and furnishing a room 'in the.
Clinton Public Hospital, Th'e'letter
is Signed -by the secretary of the hos,
pital'board and speaks for itself :
Jan. 10th, 1922 , -
Dear Mn.sMd3rien: Will yon;
kindly convey the sincere and hearty'
thanks' f
auks o the B a •d°
o r a
f nt n Pub
lie Hospital,: to the,ladies R4, Summer-:
hill' Patriotic Society;, The decorat-
ing:df the room in the `Iiosnitai has
cer-tanly: made -that-robni a beautiful'
place • and it :seems 'that you "thought
Of ., every ;detail -the, new dishes`
new. rug; 'stand and dresser covers,'
The ladies of the Board wished- to
place on record their 'apprieciation'of
your' -generous donation.. -Y3urs
cerely; Mrs.
H. Powier
Stanleg Te!yvnshipp
Miss OIive PolIock'was"the guest
of Miss Eva. Dewar- for a -few days
Mr. 'Will -Talbot, Miss Eva Dewar
and Miss Olive Pollock motored to
Goderich fast friday'. evening. ' They
:say the roads were just perfect On
the 'return' tril5 they took ,in the _4t
Holne in" the'' town'lii�11, Ba.�eld.•
A large `number,of,our. young peo
!pie' took si the At Horne in Bayfield
last Friday evening and all report an
enjoyable time.
The Varna beef ring held their an-
nual meeting last Thrusdaynight to
'wind up the :business for the year,
Mr. Alex,�`Foster is •again appointed
butcher for the coming year, and 1hir,
Chas. Pilgrim, secretary.,. They are
not pntt;ng up any':ice this .year 'las it
entails some`, expense and they got
along all right without it last year,
,It is the intention to. hold an. oyster
:supper, provided .,.by ` Mrs. Seeley,
about the middle of next month. Any
who send in their names and say
they are corning are requested to be
present so as not to put the caterer
out and, so cause loss,
Mrs, Wesley Harvey and Mrs,'
Thos,. Workman were in London for
some days last week.
The Yodng People's Society of St.
Andrew's church will meet at the
home of Mrs. Jas. Chesney on Friday
evening', the Canadian poets will be
discussed by the youngmen: It will
be most profitable and entertaining.
A good attendance is requetsed, ,
The yomag people :held a. skating
panty on Mr.„ Alvin Harvey's. pond on
Tuesday evening, this open-air rink
zs- in the best of condition for . this
favorite pastime.
Mr.. C. 'J: 'Wallis of Clinton was
calling on ,friends in the village on
Mr' S. `Cudanore's two little sons
o e e'eeln with Y i� •e
z e w7t i c nil .
z o '1
gas ? $ l
lads veru sleeping upstairs ealon
�IyIA,. Cudlalorca. was awakened by a
alarm 1 4k Fa ]
G tel 1)0 Wean' Uki(, Uf th
boys tall, he' went an to inveltl?rat
and found both un4or111lous, If #
had been much>lunpoz' the boys world
have been past help. They nave fully
Wo tongratul;}�tc' fir, and talars,
Norman' Jones of ,the second con, of
Stanley on 'the arrival of a fine baby
Mr:, Ind Mrs, Alex, Parlcs and
bride of Cromarty are thiq week the
guests of Mr':- and Mrs, Wesley
French, The bride was formerly Miss
Annie Wren of Aeton..
The Rev. 12. S. Sanallie, returned
missionary frl4m India,: showed so'ine
very interesting' views of his native
ivotlwors•and mission camp and also
views of-ICing George's trip and lis
experience at the tiger hunt, 1111
Majesty -is a great ,shot and brought
down several tigers and bears. Mr
Smillie told. how graciously he was.
received and loaded with eestly gifts.
Mr. Smillie and sister intend soon to
return to India.
Mrs. Jas. McClymont was visiting
with her 'sister', Mrs: McCowan near
Mas. A. McGregor i`s recovering.
frond ,her recent illness, her friends
will be glad to hear,
The W. M, S; of the Presbyterian
church held their monthly meeting, at
the Manse on Wednesday,
Mr. A, Love of Hills Green has
:bought a .home in'Hensall, and, will
soon go there to, reside and enjoy' a
gest from fame duties,
eter, on Jan: 17th, -by the Rev': -Dr,,
Harkness, Jean Davidson, to Geo.
McIntosh, of Stratford.
BULLY-CURRI'E-In London, on
Jan, 2lst, by the Rev, Mr. Roy,
Mary I., youngest daughter -:of,
Mrs'. Agnes Currie of Bayfield, to
Gerald Hilly, both of London.
HOPCROFT-In Wroxeter, on 'Jan.
21stgto Mr..tind Mrs,
Thos Iol
croft, a daughter'
I3 YSLOP'=At - Grace Hospital, De;
trwt, ` GIfch on 'Jan.' 30th, to Mr:'
and Mrs'. Win. M; Ilyslop,, a
Stratiord,P on Jan. 29th,
Thomas_ Murch,,', forzuerly:of Clin-
ton,.in his 80th" ea • -
HOBBS-At: the, residence ` of her
son rn-law, Dr, -C:• A; Snell ^' of
Toronto,: on Jan. 'fah, E. 'Delight
Hobbs, -, widow '-of"' the date Rev.
MANNING-In'every-day memory of
Joseph E: "Mannnng, who Was slid-
- --denly r.alled,,away, Feb. 5th, 1921.
Just,one year ago you left no,
HOW.' ; We miss you, no' one konws
s re ad and lonely,
And our. eyes with, tears o'er flow.
You will never be forgotten,
Never from' our memory fade;
.Awing hearts will always ' linger •
Around the 'grave where You are laid.:
-Wife and family
f I
AAntl our heart a • s '
CLOTtilict SEE
Annual 'Sweet . Clover,' "Hubam"
seed.'. Government Standard, No. ,1,
scarifyed 'and ,Ontario grown; $2.00
per pound for 10''.lbs,-or over, Ship-
ping charges prepaid,
35.Apr. 6-p
Supper and Sale
The Ladies'. Aid : of. the Baptist
church intendhaving a supper: and
sale of homemade' candy in the
church on the evening of Monday,
Feb. 13th. Supper 25c. 35 -2 -p -
Barn For 'Sale
Frame ,barn sire 34x56, sound ti
bers. To bemoved from place, James
McClyntont, Varna, Phone 10 on 622,
For Sale
Comfortable -residence: and 2r/a
acres of land with .stable and hen-
house, garden 'and, small fruits, on
Baseline near Clinton. Apply to
James' A .. 'Nett, , ltobort G. Smith,
Londesborough. Or W. Brydone, Clin-
ton. 4v",3-
• p
A Faithfulp
pfd aferv��t
The above picture sliows'Mr. W, 11, Lobb, of the hayfield Road, who
r5 ,now accourpaniecl by lbs wife and clnug'hier, in a trip to the Canach
Ian wt;sf and`Caifornja; :holehng the haitior Sf an old f unily Servant; '"Dar-'
1 ey ` Who h1S ta., quote a nrendie5. of the fatitil ,- "served theegenera
tioii:9. 11 N'l ,xlt' .y" ;is a vel " ' irri or ii` t; n 'ate , o f . t,h ; 1..
,„ ,u y l7 t >1 „1 en I r 4• c. ;Loth frim, group
and lira it 'a, i thday,party Wes4it'anged fit'his holier, al} ,the 'mem:
hers.: o ..
t r. ^cv,ti
t i resell � i r aanu tn�'
1 tat['We'
. �, n rt.
r forare e 1
1 h eo nc ebicd: ..
£61 the nuc ,df { ho above „photo, ithaivrtig .k117d1y, n
f ,. y
tastes; That's t'; k i ' ,the;
w �1e is so great val►d Over
fCii'e,t sin ,
_sZ2; ..
IS tile_ natIon s ever
TA ', „
In r 1922, by 'ivin Johnson &'Co, share of
8 $ a h e your .patronage.., Our
Prices you will find AS low as any and Satisfactiono uaranteed: your
8 r
Money cheerfully refunded, We off or for this wak:,
1 Prunes . .15 1a •
1 Broom „ .38 1 pail Jena (4 lbs,),65
lb., ' Rat err
jar )b Y Dant,. •33
2 tins Tomato soup . 335 1 jar 'Corn S riz 9.
3 pkgs. McLaren's Jelly, Powder .29 1 Large Bar' N. P. Soap .....' .20
2 cans Quality Pees .... .32 7 bakes Pere Catile soap .25
2 cans "Corn , , . -.25 1 tilt Baking Powder .22•'
Goods delivered to. all 'Parts of the town
Get the habit of Dealing at
JOLINSCN & CO'S-GROCll x Phone 1
A 'middle aged woman or girt for
house work? Inquire at News -Re-
cord, -35-2-1,
(louse, For Sale
An eight -roomed house on corner
of Rattetbury St., West;; and Shipley'
St. Town water' and seat water, el-
ectric lights, good 'cellar; summer
kitchen' and woodshed„ Also a 'good
stable. Apply to Duncan McEwen,
Phone 2 on 621, dr L. 0. Paisley,
Clinton, -35-tf
For Sale
Six pigs, 7 weeks old, 35 each. Ed.
Johnston, Clinton. Phone 8 on 636
Piano Case. OrganFor:Sale'
Bell, organ 4, octave; .in,first.class•-
condition A big„ bargain..Inquire,at°'
The , News -Record • ,O•itace ; 34,3 p
For Sale -
A. small frame house, six -roomed,
with good cellar and up -stairs. `.Ira -
quire at. News -Record office.' -34-3
Cottage for >; o Sale
A comfortable cottage on .Mary
street; town water, ,good cellar and
barn. Large , size• lot. Apply to A.
Firm For Sale, •
A '100, acre farm" in- - Tuckersiniuth
township.• Erick` house, bank barn,
garage, other outbuildings, Hard and
soft 'water in house and barn.. Farm
well watered.. Orchard. Convenient
to Clinton, Seaforth, Brucefield; F. J•,
Coleman, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth.
' Annual Meeting.
The anntfal meeting of `the "mem-
bers of the McKillop Mutual' Fire In-
siirance Company' will be held at the
,Town Hall,,Seaforth, February 3rd,
1922, at two -o'clock ocl 1 ,tn. bus-
us -
iness will be t receive o xe ekve'tho annual
statement and ,..auditor's report, the
election of three Directors and: two
auditors' and other business- xvlhich
might be considered of use for the
Company. , 'Nie retiring. Directors
are: James Evans, John G. Grieve
and John Benneweir•, who are elig-
ible for re-election, James Connolly,.
President, Thos. E, Hays, Secretary.
-33-3. ,
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Implements and
household furniture. The under_
signed has received intsructions to
sell by' public auction at, Lot 35, con.
3,'Tuckersmith on Tuesday, Feb. 7th,
commencing at 12,30 o'clock, sharp,
the followings horses;: Aged draft
mare, Agricultural mare, Filly rising
3, aged driving mare, sucking colt,
General. purpose, '4 months, Cattle:
`Durham"; bull 2 years; cow due in
Aug. Thoroughbred Ayi'shier cow; 5.
years, good milker; Lilly of Rom-
ney" No, 117320; Lilly of Romney"
'4th No, 116123, .8 years; "Beauty of
Huron" No 63699, calf at foot, bred
by James Snell; Cow' due in March;
Red cow due M February, 2 yearling
steers; cow, 4 years, freshened; calf
6` months; calf 3 months; ,calf 1
month Sheep: 10 Leicester ewes,
eligible. Pigs: 8 chunks; Thorobred
York hog; York Sow, No. 63348, due
in March. Poultry:. 100 liens year old;-�
100' pullets; Rocks and`Leghorns; 3
geese. Implements: 2 sets double
harness2 sets single harness,, pulper;
Massey -Barris binder, 7 -ft„ sheaf
carrier and truck; Massey .mower,
10 -ft. steel rake; Hay tedder;; Bean
cultivator; Massey -Harris. cultivator;
disc harrow; 14_hoe ;seed drill, roller;
seuffler; 2 . set .Diamond harrows;
Gang plow, 2 walking plows, single.
buggy; Democrat wagon, cutter; new
Bain wagon'•box; 2 wagoiss; hay- rack;
pig rack; Set scalees,3,000.1bs grind-
er; Chatham Fanning mill, log trucks
forks; sop pan; .140 .pails; shovels,
chains,,' extension ]`adder; 20 -ft.. lad-
der; gravel box; chicken house, 6x10;
2 steel barrels, 40 -gal. 40 'rods wire
fence; Daisy churn; 4,000 bushels
roots; several tons of ensilage: Porn_
itnre: 'Parley table, 'rocking chairs;
Writing desk; buffet and china cab-
'feet;. 'extension table; diningrooni
chairs; couch; 8 bedroom •suites, Inat
tresses, springs 'and pillows; white
enamel dresser, iron bed, 2, bureaus,
sowing,machine; carpets; large'. anti
s)na11'rugs; glass clipboard; kitchen
tables lipid chairs, a Moffatt range;
Base burner; coal and 'wood heaters;
Perfection coal oil •stove;,'Jardineres;
Pictures; diock,'toilet sets; dishes;
',amps; creeks; 'jars, etc., ete, Terms:
X111 sums 04310 ?incl under, cash; ov-
ei• than amount, 12 months credit on
appro*ed toint notes er "ix •• dlseaunt
4 e"ert
p vent". tial t ,f,
Or t, f i eas}
x . t on
h ,
credjt "'umount3l;. Mrs ,tfeoat•
xopznetrpss . fired 11;
tFoneoi ''/ Q r F
r ii AY rf u'.•,t� i M ).2
The undersigned will sell
all the tops and wood out
in Whitmore's bush for
the. sum of $ IQO,Od
This is a snap
The Geddes -Tyson Lumber
- 'C.o., $ f,
a ieid
DR., F. 10.:REID.ALLEN, Sp. C.•
Royal Apts., Seaforth.
Hours: 2 to 5' and 6 'to a pan. •
Special, attention given to, women's
and Children's diseases:' `
Consultation free., -34-3-p
No Trespassing
Anyone- :found _hunting, •shooting
or trespassing on the .premises' of
the undersigned, lots • 2748, ,con.
6-7;•-Hullett;' will be prosecuted. .J.
G.• Gibbings. -31• f
Notice to Creditors
- Irk the estate of Thomas Nicholson,
Notiae,is hereby given that all per-
sons : havingclaims- a s against the-es-
he-es-tate of Thomas Nicholson, late of the
township of Stanley in the County of
Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died.
on or about the 26th of May, 1911
are required to deliver to Susan Nieh-
olson, the adniinistratrix of the said
estate or her solicitor on or before
the 10th; day of February,, Al D
1,922, a full statement of their claims,
together with particulars thereof, and
the• nature of the securities, if any,
held by them, all duly verified by at-
fidavit.. And take notice that after the said
last mentioned date the said Adminis-
tratrix will proceed to distribute the
estate of the said deceased amongst
the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to such claims as she
shad. have received due notice and in
accordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton, this 17th day of
January, A. D. 1922. -
W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont,
Solicitor for the said Adnrinistratrix,
Custom Sawing
Custom sawing will be done in Clin-
ton in the early spring, also 'con-
tracts for sawing at other points
will be taken. For full particulars
apply to McEwan Bros., Bayfield:
Phone 20 mi 624, -32-tf
Notice to Trappers
De not sell your furs to .travelling
fur ,dealers, they are not travelling
for their health. Their expenses have
to be paid out of what :furs they buy
from you and you get less money
from them than you would if you
brought them' hi and sold them to a
dealer whose expenses are low com-
pared to a travelling dealer. Trappers
who held their furs for me got over
10 per cent, more for their furs than
was offered by some of ,the travelling
dealers, I am still paying the same
high prices I' have been paying all
along but may have to reduce them
before long, so do not hold ,Your furs
but dispose of them as you get them.
Gren skins taken at full value if
scraped. II. A. Hovey, Clinton.
For Sale -or to Rent
A comfortable 7 -roomed ' frame
house on the , corner of Mary and
North, streets, :Tow crater and soft
water. Good Cellar and wood stied,
App'iy' i:o J. P. Sheppard, -26-tf
Spirella Corsets
Spirella' Corsets for healthfulness,
'style, comfort and durability. EV:,
ery corset made to measure. Mrs.
Elizabeth ,Kennedy, Ontario .Street,
Clinton. • --42-ism.
Horse for Rale
rirsolid • bi(eki+.:'
Water- id- eicct'ri 1r h '
Belt„'_ 4` i V 014,glr n b , g oo
fT. 1 .... J „ N 1",
�, r.
pi#%14, c!) ,. >id
Spaxpcer f� .+� �irk$z1;4 oaf!
Geu u
er t
Yes we have it in all sizes, Don't
put off buying as the price is grail•
ua11y stifi'ening. Delay will only
cense a panicky buying Craze eimilar
to that experienced last fall when
prices want crazy,
Let me advise You oo fill' up with
11.• answers the burning question.
'We oleo;stack for your.eonvenience.
Hardwood, in different qualities.
Slabs, the ideal sinner fuel
Cedar rails, fine for lcindiing,
Canada Cement, the standard art-
icle, .
Threshing Coal, convenient' and safe,
Hemlock Lumber, at new prices..
2x, 3x, &'5x•Shinfiles,•ait your own
Hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement,
Chestnut, Stove and Soft Coal,
Phone for Clinton' 74.
Phone for Brumfield 11 on 613.
Groceries, Fruits
Cured sue
Right Prices
Good Service
We repair any Y m' ake of •
battery, '
Leave yours with us for
the winter, -
Rubbers repaired and half
' •sw
J. ;11. Paxman
Agent for Overland Cars. -
Examiner for licensed drivers
Phone 80 - ' Res. Phone 140
Will be high in 'quality and rea-
sonable in price . if ordered from 'us
now. We have a full stock of the
following lines:
Feeding Molasses
Have you any 'Wheat, Baxley .or
Buckwheat to sell? We are paying'
special prices just new.
W. Jenkins & Sana
Phone: Elevator 199, Residence 141
. Clothes ,Cleaner,. and Pressed ;
Clothes cleaned pressed and, re-
paired. 'Woollen geode dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heanl's' barber shop.
W. J. Jago. 416.11
' Boris for Service
1 �' .�
bred b1 type.
Y p . Yorkshire
and'Cheehter White boars ter eervieba
At ' Mergo
le every forenn,r-A, . C."
Levey, 'P'hone 8' ott 8$9, Cttritoti r--29•
ttth "'nil O C'
A. full otoek; of
Groceries 61 Provisions
vi, ...;Dtou
PH0NE 144 pitom.pT' DELIV',G T
Opposite the Pieture- Show,
Scranton Coal
We have on hand for immediate
delivery: ' CANNEL COAL ,
Also some good Il rdw
a oode.;,o;,
Leave' orders' at „my: Residence,
Huron street, . or- Phone 185.
E. WARD ,.;
Orders• taken at residence, Phone 119
in -homes where Port Hone Porcelain
Enameled Ware' is installed. We
can advise; you on. any - •
plumbing" necessity
Agent for•. HeclaFurnaces
Plumbing, and '; Heating , • Phone 511
Shop over Corless, 6. V.enner'e
Mr. •Falepnier
What do You Require?
We'hate a complete etoek of:
Oats, Corn; Wheat;' ' Shorts, Oat -
Feed, Oat Flo r P x'
u laSeed,,n d Flax
n x
eeda l,Pure. e.,
Five Inoses ' Hants"'
Purity 'Silver Crown.,,
The latter. two' we bought reason-
able and are selling very:. low.'
Blatchford, Royal Purple calf meals
Pratt's & Wodehouse Stock foods
Glauber Salts " Royal Purple
Ilerbageum , Sulphur '
Zenoleuin Salt.
Purina Chicken ;Chowder' '
Oyster Shell Grit
Beef Scraps
We have,bought'pert of our spring
stock of seeds .and are ready. to 12pok
your..orclers, Prices are low this year.
Ontario Variegated' Alfalfa,.No. "-•1
grade will be scarce, althoughllots of
poorer grades; so `any 'person desir-
ing' a clean seed in this will fie,, ad-,
vised to book now.
Phone 123- •
Flour and Feed Merchants and ' i .
Grain Buyers
Also issuers of Hunters '& Trappers
Live ' Ouitrg
AN .
We handle"' all kinds of live and
dressed poultry. Special prices paid
forproperly milk fed '. chickens, It,
will pay you to finish your poultry,
as . our extra price will more than:
cover cost of feed used. Inquire fo,
prices when ,ready to eels, 'Our, -price
are unsurpassed for all;.high
poultry. •
N. i W. .TREWARTHA, Manager;
Phone No. 190 Holmeaville..601 r 13.
The demand for Our butter is in-
To supply this.d4Mend,w. reghird,
11010 01E,em.
We request yopj;to *Lile;,us Yens
We guarantee' Higbee*,
Market ;,!?rices„ aetut2te testa and:
prompt aeiViee,
Our lia i is known to* +ou and neeijit
ao 1nrther recommend
We all a reed char a r�
pay Yp 80 w Rn , ,
1pff,,4reavl cane; Isild 'pic*r twicb ea*,
Write for cansr
o inrtheir-info !!•.
*a' to .t,1r •`'
ld1S1091014 tittf4Mtitir
11'A1ttIETti', VkANAG'l R:, /