HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1922-2-2, Page 2' G- ,ii?;'$11TAGPP,,iltT , . 74971,3s, .1k4111ST....LLOVflL: ON 1M. : .0, T, 'RANCE , NOTARY,• P1.1#14-P2.',.COAI:Y.P7* ANCER 'FINANCIAL REAL •XSTAT.F. 'AN.1)"-If)Ith 1INISUlte • '*AbE AGOT,. JN$C3$C1g '''614}41CiftS. EOLlETOPFICIfe , , • 'CIANYON• * , W. DItYliONE, .11A1T,t/pTEit, ,soLlcrroR. b:orrAu VUBLIC, ETC: \ $loan Bleck •-dll4iNT,O,3 -DU. J C. GAN-DIEU Afffiice ours: .--.1.80.to 4.3A to ii;o0. 'stindois 1289- tie 'UV (Ylhorlieure by appointment 4017. . Office and Residenece-Metorlis $1. • DIA. G. ,•SCULLARt Smith'old stand,- • 1Viain 'Street,' BaYfletd. OfficaeHouree 1 -to 5• and ,"/ 'to 9 p.m. Plione'Nd. 21 on .624, •G. S. ATKINSON,, 1111).$., (Graduate Royal College of Dental -Sargeons and Terento" University.) • ,Dental Surgeon Mos°like hones at, Hayfield in icad Post Offfee. Eui1di13g, Monday, Wed- gridaY, Satuieley frh.na• .�5,39' pm. ' . CI1A ltLES 13. HALE, ' Conveyencer, Notary Public . Commissioner, Etc PEAL -ESTATE and INSURANCE -leerier ef *nrringe Licenies 1311.1101eleS*REET, CLiNT,ONee CEORD.B ELL1iiTT Lleeneed Auctioneer fur the CoMitf , Cenrespondeneo -.promptly • ailawerel immediate arrengerneate •tair'lio- verde Auto st The r News -Record, • Clinton, orby tat:ling ..1bono2O9.1• : Cbarges moderato. *id matiefstetibi '--gnarcateed: , t'eS.NreS'iP ,-T,1141,11.111A-ligE-2"- • Tialos" Will arrive 4h1 and depart Iron') ten Stitioheas .; pier -PAL° "AND ' u'opetieible Dept _ Gime east, 'depaet. '628'2:1= elm; .1,Vest '• ar.• 11210, nte 114 ar, eai-ep. eeie -.mut; :1 " er• 19,98 :peer; LoNDON,:1il3ItoN se Brit CB1)19.: tiolou South, ar, S,3.dp.`b,28 Alb p,m. wag North .depart • 6.41:1 , 1,07, 31,31 a.m. • The .,10441011•,, Fire Ilisioancei'Goilaffoly. „ D1REeetteit.1.1 , ecildent, 3444 Connally; Dildiffelle vier.;• Joiner Evan.13etebwOOde bee..-Teeeeenere Theme ifr. 1) i t;ofi Gear:art:2d eclitrie terth D,' S McGrbg r,'fietiforth; CribSei, Sn4.' •f•idElivita„ len.1100).0412 Broilinige.n; ease, Connet,y, tletiordele.T: Agents: .A'lese.i.elten,', ) ,Coderieli; „Dlineheoye.SeafOrtin et, 7Cbeenee, 1n0e,241.1!„;:e0r, LOA, 'Baal/Mien.' • ' _ • ,Any money er , reid-f1d1NRok1eir Cidthiee Co,, et. -thiec'etioed-Seredoileriebr Pattie* deelef•cto tiliet eiletirea0C actothur t, ,ebeelebete esin ewe p elet, netepcled,. to on epenme tlenete • veliCeMeadereeeeriete, theirleacirottve''Poet"eftiee, "e„ 4,04, sPe,--`"` eearest tho tews doe oN (liNfp'e , 'Terme ot slibeerletien1410 1)er' edetdride efee t•Canisdion; 'it ()tepees., 250 'to .b 7U r.•ether'•eyereitot 40nritklairee Ne-':,1)0Pfr • entilercit erteatirima.plthreunlaki*: rtioAtetieuiefeelliee'epubliiher, Vita ilateeed, evielehl r,obtet7renbsertiptieci peideltMfienteptd.'"enethethvbile A(Oekti,k9f3it-44.$11..eit.,4014101it,. ilscilk.ofnt'.7a0 cc rita,,,:,pat 6ne$&jr ,111.14„kii,sart1,0 •41)gli,lh• oOtAn C.0,0 teem • swell etdy.eetfeernerittenoteee te'Obeck,,dit0 kWh., "08 eSteiYed"," os1 Stoia5, ete;e- edlettieler45. Ceate2-sifid each eabut Communications intePold 00b11eee• 4on. nitrite'55 guarantee • of, good faith), be aeeinnpanied by the nereo, , O'430.'.11titti. 'SU U. ClAtUt, ' ProPelotar. B.:41tefe , . 0 or°0,:itlitm/10!.1011,00 rseouttiteee than, e 'teat eff , good farming is in the plant .foOd.reenteining the • „ „ 0 5InSPOrteent, to 4.ha1-, leult,408 aft ItA*PtelfdT flo 11,1,141A,04n Ildee tied 0010 't • ereee e e gc:crica Mee t leete , qi 00 - ),*;.•feitOr. Cifi.4.16f the Dibeding 'ZOO: The ivinter menthe With the eupe,esee- fnl sheep ownee alwaye a busy 0.114 •44160,*.41791ol9..ti11175: Illetiegelneat Of • the breeding flocic:' If the 'ewes lieve ede."-:v.e2 cared fa' ur „ the( 'fall 4100' coince thO:W0te5 171 fairlloljl cencl'Atien , end , mated te'!t% natale 'PeSsessliig' Indica :tiaalities'nt te,ielPerniter,:.-the.,effeee5.4 f,•tfie of91). now 499040 v0ry, 1,395gOlY .119on tee care the flock receives direing Lthe r1rno1io winter "nientlit, ,',It ' all •.o itys1 4 'great dieatipeiatenent; t� Roolc -Owner Whertiumbitig tithe 1arrivee te .-.-find the lanehe Mine inferior hi strength' and ,'siZe --and the &Wes. dacke 1iog 307 1.011E. Ta,0' dtheN6b, • ' Ftheuffently Whereeshee: are kept in etenjunettent With tither famp live stook it ere tlib practice to- ;ciliary: the bleeding byes to ihift for themselves during the winter, running otr,pastrire -when the 'ground -is not' covered too deep with erniw; ...with little or no grain and ave17-1larrotf rOnetitge,ratiOn. . •1 The -breeding flock ,must not be al - ]wed to getwet from cold, chilling *rms. .:Disastroieseesults-eire sure to fellow • Sheep,.emlike other farm' live stook, carry -a heavy: deneefleece of Yoe] and when once .web thraugh net .only requires a long time to dry out, bet the tempeeature of the body is )(erred t1121.:, the general health of the •anineel i.s impaired. Pregnant; eAyes in peeticular ishatild -be protected against .eold drencher' eg storms. „ Some Rock OVilleri folkw the prac- Cleo of Confining the ewes to a dose stahleAuring the night, allowing them to run out durinig th.e day. Giese etab- nt niglet'eau-see the sheep to exude account of their heavy covering of oil and moisture from on the skin '' ,wool. and when turned mei in the cold ate likely to become chilled and eon- teact earbeamb. Sheep cip not require costly elierfer. A dey, light and well, ventilated sleeker is sufficient. Ven- tilation in, the sheep .barn., should be ample, e -ale "being taken to avoid drafts. If a large flack of breeding ewes are kept, the sheep should be divided 'into smaller groups. Individuale of :0;lenit the same age, s•trengeh anicl. gen- eral dispositibn should -lieuaed to- g7etheuo. There is always seine mem- hers of the:Reek *h -at- are timid and rather -delleate feederee The ewes outhd aisi Separated and put in a pen bY" theniselves and .given .special at- tentien. P•regnent eyes do much bet - ;tee When kept in. sdnala flocks where eech individual can be obseeved"ased givencare., • Die•gearit ewes should be 'alleYed plenty of yardage and -stable -room so they Will not injureenbeeanother by „eroWding. It is not; uncommon • for P AdC!alde nal; tfer'601 ° '051rk!I1111 Itxti ;1S1iiiWtOevri'"tetotleee' eaufenement. gh@op are en, tible to being •etiddenlY • frighteneld .:efeisanieg Anathek ihroUgit nafio*-P,assageSzPtWe1111a4014,.."elet(0.=. angettleefleten or'enteraellineuter„ pus is Are* o$t-t 00/1 e'w4, get' lea olOng :131 It it -Seld:' tulle th :.e,Wes wisifithlg.".0r0Preetron. e'lianecleedr11,00..4 ten , eet 9( f;te i0eland' Wa14o.,, in the lbOtc,, Tholrool'Oic1Oc.'Ohoiski• aloe 4a5ar,ed.,so:as-bo:a1law.ab13lAt Sixteen ineiree tcetheranioner and arovo. la POP, 'ef.".-1110. 199g9' Th 'elrare" ae'lgeine. e#04,'Wl101 n'ot ,ereycl.;" but elitscle rather, ::,06101 i?actk ankl •g )t1a4,11-Y:- , '.Fke,e4n.S,houl c;;vtttirtnetrioo: thaf'eablr Meinber Of ;the .11-pek prciper, • . •, , 'The eWes--sleiniel be -dikeinitaired, t take erlenty ef -exercise. 'Without '.4- e ereise .ptheenaist.bWeVleaori leek,* itte. active. • Feeding...es: rirrieliiata POSAble in the yard 'iv, OkoloilentAutOns miusingewee:te take eiereisee- When. the ground is not c:ov,ereer With' Sim* 111 10 a:good elm: to cello* the. we thee eern .of a. pest/tire-field: While the ewes will not obtain a :,great -,,d64.1 of feed, .frenn -the pooturae, ,they 'enjoy roaiiiirig ribOut anCriii ea doing" take..a gree. deal of exercise ,Deat 'assists- in keeping ..thein,, 1n41hea1'tliy,cored4tien. ,Berperieneed flock OWnees knottrthat exeteme stimuletese appetite, - sestets cligeatifori; ifieteres greater„,:prePoterreY and stronger and More ;:oigareits; letrabe , it,- leenbing -..„ , :2.: L. • The eWee .should not ber. allowed to became .oVert'at or run 11 we on ttegh .eondation. Weak peury lerabs an11. me sufficient nourishment at lambing time are generally the .results of 3rri7 proper feeding The 'ideal Winter roughage' asgood clover ,:hayeoralfalfa. Well -cured torn fodder . is second in value. Bean pode tiro else ,erceelleret. Oat -and barley' straw may be fed Mee' 'daily to help out. whou 1 have plenty a elover hey 1 like to feed, hay -twice daily. I {Ill* clover hay •Slaes enough grain to keep theratida cost -at tile Cern silage is en iiibellent succulent feed during :the . winter. months. - I have fed enallage Mike or twice daily as 11 part of the rougliagb -ration with -the best results. • The grain ration ehould be light dur- ing, the „winter nsonbbs. This,rntiori May be compounded froni two porta oats,' one -pert men and a liberal,. Me - aunt :of bran. When good' elever-haY is fed daily less grain is required., but at least one-fourth to oneeliald pound : shouut be lheied 'each evie. The ewes at this time require -fahd that Will' Supplir nourishment for the unborn lambs. ' ' • ' Virgin Wool or Rag -bag Shoddy , One of the most' popular erae',s of adulterating wool is te lase a Cotton thread. ae a 'core" far a_ wool thread. ier,ound this cotton thread • shoat Woolen fibres, often recovered from the OM rage soldto ,the rag man, are spun, end the resulting thread is used in a. fabric whith is mil01 to you as ell wood. Scinetfienes this cotton core thread is used simply as the warp for :the edoth, sometimes- as the weed •thread, and eonietimes it is used as both. Often the resulting fabric is 'stronger- than all wool- cloth would be, as the cotton is stronger than ieferior wool. But the point ig that it is enescitieradln•g; it is represented to yeu as "all wool" wheea it is largely cotton. , • gain, "garents are sold as "all 'Am wool" but still you are not getting original lost -lour ounces,' but add several more for good measure. In certain instances siIk which weighed stboteen ounces originally and, tir'eltre ounces after boiling had attained the majestie -proportion of " "fifty-four °tutees by the- time it reached the buying public. , ' Tin, usually reetiAreeed froni old tin carte, is largely Meld in -this weighting. The tin salts crYstalliie and eut the delicate 011117 fibre, caue,hig the ethelcing to NARA We crbjeet, cepeeially In addition to those two waysof adulterating, there' is a Miroture of cultivated silk With "wild" silk, Or pongee, Silk is Mixed.. with mercer- ized cottOn, -and, then -theeb is eitic Ayk@eli is nothing more or less than wterd fibre. ,This it 'usually called t;,a3ceslin;,\I•ial,1;111,1C, rtil„are. '',F01' 'when , fibre selk, and is titled la cheap sill' Mil s saya 11 WOW, you awl ings•And.,1.1qektieg, thiliking of the pure virgin wept, from - all wool 'the sheep 'direct to you.. Tine sal; e"s71137 waesh; ah4 °6e'i -`jiltwe44' tlty ihawe beet your neje:- eine; eeor. 'While, these are net ne. .ber's -overt:eat -ler 'ten' yearee -He ,mild astrer°ilsgeell18,8,eliri'setee4e1;1',elliiete'eeXei.ealecSeile4,; boon 7 ot bea rag.: man, '..who sold it 110 • 51 who min -Vented it intO; you, Wov.otee ..ebieee e teings aourney from the ' "eleedder,"••1111100 atliteadyedene .serVice; ' e. When.it ie.SOICI on its nrerits. and ,ConieS 'to.' You !Mich the 700138 f the aRia: •.teUr, of -several ' 4thilterate,d; lv"°°-1, e know sfruggid with life, In Paseing, reMem- ilt 1143 gire getting' What Y'7ie ;wa9t terni rAe't'itlys. *ta;e1rdts to call 41 Spaile a ber that the term ,`'averstecl0. e eay 1 ddy; if it is shorldy,, Pureetkelee:Wpoleeehileetheemisleedingeisrede,' ve he erm pore .i'Veel for - a,nr q/' Vir in I • 1 ' • • IniXad, The term "urroll g•oedso also g ; , nibans wn, eol -and cottomixtures. Don't . AclulteretedLinen. get- the idea ethat it refeea to 'am Linen is als•o a'dulteeated by mixing "clozed" eheerfactorY, and means that with cotton, and in -fact, ..ie pot only the. cloth .waseSputn hy.unien. mem l:ltelts-tite,7*,10r1,',4it,11 it, but is SP, skill - is egen: 6fia t ft't ed in. Way fully. imiteted by Peesent,oay weavers ttrepotil, ,that is, by, weaving • .that the buyer „in' a. -big department elMrt 'silkefibeA, eleeed eo.ttoe. cote, .Stare admitted the, ether..day that it i.0•A•t. ailark• •,;ty•••••o• adtalterating too,,le, an hia. ekill, tera.otte,101ntirracilieffe,ideaarnee. iee..00(rseVer, Is by =Weighting, RaY silk belivoe31' linen -end r eterkies. as a glutinous g-uni.throWnl,ofei aek," the oldLtinee test of :wetting the the:silk Woerd.„-'11ris .herderie into a .°10.thT111 ib weta threitgli:thltnecliately Yana' dieStie Ora, The •alle lbok- if is linen-ehe.dezeared :emeld no long: to ,kilb,the '.hatterfly,..hefoto ftcan et be relied upon. When asited.,h0.0,11,0- ,e4'.ita Way out, as thiseeriii.the fi•bre doosLe53, oe cowle ' Ern x'0.1.nothea. for A aVC1 111:tOre$. the s:lk; ;tibias ',from. the the layinan. -Fronievelmt-, hazy 'We ,}4:aced e5,::eterl0 ere 5oeoj fro4n, one 'of asteriniihtg seemed te just be onr, .ohnn,,,4444.,xo,of inng.. souse, Ile ,had ,h•andled so. Muth. of t • " ". " 111 tis eats i1s Wy out of , both liinee. and eetton in hie., day: that 50,121180 6je tetead 0,by eome aPitilred -extra ..".sense".', he hrkeh, ansi .these Alert ,fibres, are 91,0404 he IMO/ by feeling. eeeet, -deed to eeoverea .aotelier thread,•;', .•icreew ' of .the acinikciarre. 'of . Searietirnee', 'they' are ..eprin without • edgen, in our linen we .might not .care, adniterating direetler into a ftebrie, bet as *itton is itotaltogether a 'mese . lee :revolt/mg cloth IS, not of to firm a rt sines nob wrinkle le .easily 110' lilietI, qua, 14y as the lorrg,fibred eillc, and', so the things made from vvould look 0161.lar01. /Mt' ethnniond es highes Prieee wZ11.,/ollger pure linen after the:Ugh 5110071 toutheully .advettised lautielteieg. But, on the ether, hand, staipure. ',, -on aceducit of the shorter fibres; oat- ' Weighted Mk. ton, "frizzee! Moiler then The MOst merinnen way ef atirfiterat- • Testing a Fabric. ing allis ie b3r wsJgiot91g A.ftor the- To determine the contents, of a 51115 te ppun 11111115 1501711 111 30 13,0i14d i' fabric Many. Methods bre given. For Soapy, water -.to • ternove • the, natural instance, 3d Ienying linen, cotten . may Whith adlierea to it, Sather; SoMetimes 'bp deteeted the &nueof raY silk 'usually conic e out geeideebetweenthe ihigere. If there6 1111 this hailing process only tvMvo ig totton this qi.mtY" -appearance fro. eincet, .11/antlat91re55 hold it 10 per:, quently..thoWa up, A -drop of glereeerine feetly legitimate ta netike!Up We leas' In llii17n Will make' the cloth traris1715 e *gightihg" 11174 4414 that fgr ,hY'' Patent, Init wisi net oe .stfrett Oetion, d1pping bite vatitrue eoletiene, 'gate,' The burning test feeqnantly Used, Palle Waterielfseeeiton, engareericl tame Ilera401 year -go-ods ancl.Plaee the WOO Often tint It -the 'weighting eteeied ntie-Leads, 'timed running lengthwiee, iri With 4..0051,010g theefent oirricee- lest 'ne bite' p6171, anclethe Weef,threads, thoee One 'Weald abject, hnt.terthirl theil.ty running 17,1031705154. 10 .heeterel pile Hf4,11;t1ilfte4ri''. fP00 *10, rieP ere I -here ' e4I1-d 149S 25;:i.41,:ree').si .b•p.',t71F00115i; 1.7.97d.p.t;n4e:r0;:e111:!..06',40f.1,:ift4e:1:017pea.i4i, ...;,SBItePercl 40.01,000.1400ted„,(bralliee,41:p.t*F, '?Y Oe gaddb;, 0ati7Ple 313 a': -made. bY,..1140t0.1031•'-Ds./0/!?•41,PPO.Arti 4 4'10'91110C ..t010011eef ,1Y0' '"cr"°-$f-1 .40011U:11e '0 1•0'4 :pinteekiff-Water., lieleiniteee'eete,sedeetiet ""Preelitege--e'ttehDene;e1;ereffironeimay: not 'allyieyereene of 5,13'j'fl • tavange of ene vowel Mere toilingereater' es it- evapecratee.,•”:°F reialitty- there' Is a B0-11.4ifteMt teirentda,'.'At,theeerid o 131 44414t9e7. efete/001160 . ' tiitt iirne the .10,4.* wO.,01'10111!Iikto , ig 1,1•10401.PP !,r,„„,,PT,%3•P,.0M00V.t: to; nt'Arl:Of.,.lrg, .Mcians .rt is. 91 Aregethie uSually ''..',44'.-.1/10-00101rfrOW'ther"farrilliar A13 Wool aer4 lI ae afr,*,d,,,,w..;,adiVe4 as that .01:".the lteir -to out eall101700.-hletli•heinkaillint041171eSe'eate'l"Plirelle,.. At the battle of -Diecei;,ni 'ten 1p InenO,s,,drk;:i4ffelete4413y,„:„„ag-,,,43,4p, Ed"walii" the Tile* Prieree.O.eally trtah :e,!,:d4111471:ii;..ti 1oat 006 znigi• 41:,t $t161 1"-'1.11).1111.74 el :11 dit 1, 4' al:"'„etbit,cii.i :8; ,11'114[1,1s1e.,6;.6'01-1,0.' '40:1:91.1do,i":6L ie5 '':e113.Li.:4,:piit g: en as the"..elloali rn thoss*Tii „Iteretiftoel„..„11i P!aike '1.16th his OW& ".'.gattlis.Prined to the fibth. .13.ati1- these fabilee- rale,11P1l9o'.45.1)411? Larfr eMpleeted the ittieteded,;:113,!:11:17jultwarW*°r!'(4.W4te;t1tilll'il,o(41,41;(1i'd.,61T1g4014:e.0.4.: '''11..1(9 fin° 8 14'111-15j'e421'5' --With 'it, Warrit on, eM,Mre and, ,te4tO'n'eari. heeter. and. Limnl-1dalft he" Wiled . -111 it the in the treatment to :Which the variienre.. fibres earl lie iniejbeted 'Which ;makes ee tretible'eWhen a gaiMent, is sent :bp.; a ' - ' `. " ol professuenal elver:tee.: o so3ld-' s1 aese•eeeen'ed tee, one enethad; 'cattail by another. :Tied geement eent all, wool' or all lint,bi the ,3]tveeW131. cleaning it develepe that. ehe fafieei.c-4S. adulterated ',with •botten, The result ,is a' poorly .cleaniti garment, and th ' tourse,,.. I ,Setve,4?•., Thatit,thtiPfteal Wend, inseribed fir ail. burl histee- -bolos; ..gro01. .ergei 4)101e/end eneetete- andesdthdents -dumb :aa1 ib:e11.ovettit:. 'eetonbled pOt u, ?few Aninde during the late ume ithat ethe ofeWalee,, sluefid. leave -.fat( .1149 l74 den/indent .ereprOriseed -101 ,GerMort •SPee.A. •" erninisee' The niettO is rieeisPelf:' eholrld net he .the High Gernion,•"„.1011.,Dien,", hut the Gi:iolder'r land Derie." -That instantly dee etroys the' dourantre traditioir as te the victorious prance; ornawing ,bit ebriticen. tatptiVe's. fdir E YOU: .. ; 01-,,,,,,, ,;:e:.eti,.0 ,t,e0:'oefill',Odta4prit4).34f,t1Olit.;',A.:.00,0i; , , , , No, ociittisr ,411.47whi, 4.,eee1,004 ,ier-o_.p. ro7.0 ,,a,te 2-, 072, 'N ,ittr.lanr,.' ... . A i01000ray 04 autilY Ni) 0 ft, 4y otex,p,." 0; -0*P0r.t0a6441: :f,arine .# 00090 ;t 014:0'.g'99•II"' 51045 gt 0.°' (4'Z3'''01;911.41;11.; 1,1'11047e PtihO,1-!Ill'felg9t1;111,..64?4141tde';191'ii.IP.4;:gli41; rieneP)499e5fit!ictil4te,0011:h;p914; 11''A tu'Pn99°'°•4•,c'4011. 041. tu54 9. 411111;1 19g3441 4:1 ::9'!1:, , '.,' : #W.305. A.i''olci'i'lll :"01 ' 4)440;14"'"•'...*°4P4" ., ''• 'Xt Oonseo::mftnY tPubliii4 AO .$ • :., tom'„ Whi,•05,,I. hod , itg hogIntilog- litnn, ;Ili to,,,,,;04*d 1*..iiquiie, ldiii 14,040,1,,, 9903. 05o,,. ruj'te .e.omPYiglo 1;1141.41,twQ. , ji74-0 :f 694,bod ,rwatert 10 .*uoli,h,oa,t ,f,t,q*norIttgitmis 4114";.0tlibrttAtio.',--(1,1'J" 4 ea& 'tina".kidif 'Of proper exereme. ' tri,r1414117-416 ,14)b.40x7egitbie't,. 11.,:,Noogh,,P,Q5,,(11,''..:1„t1 i.tx.,14., :42'. th 4 i.,,?6,,,,',';iti,,bS:re'00.,11,Yiaor.ei.alla,. w511729 ,rriocanale.10.)117., • ..4,inglatirivie4idel.iiiinaty.i.mo,o.p3 so0,441;witc.49:".11Por:31ilst. ,Iii-Sh.ltedfoere.ttiilbun; blootheorrietel;Igeitrtahto,iateree,414,„-: ,t40;till,riooPoe;s-.at:hre,triveiialrinetyeeiit;:ii:olg,1 .:Iresrunrofbi:aso9rOviinsea,,,„00:: I'm.. lfil.:toliat,pio\l;Irm-Ivaas0::.0:004/1011(":.1' Mg 'itr'e the 'region .eerved. labg.ely de - 11 "'1.1111;i0i,:it:t4'100ar"- :IT :111:i;11.1.:4013:401i'st.'%97,1,9:1`71-,. lel,e.:;:.'erl°:;72:!•;:e: .;"..ee''9tit;V;e:e4:.e'-'1:014tAlti: bettem-fOr bilimanete er dopstipetreee ,.1p61:711161*:,env:s17Int,tohl'.0,1;51-1.0e1);e:1/8tge1):1011'48°117:Rpt ,si iteb1:1,',6:ia'401::::::4.:v1,4-144:6167:q1,18:11::..04174.41,1,. nierthlthdogeViitlinstiO'f:ill'hlet4tileC.cil9t"''' '"'ar-ilu- visiens-e3,0,e,n,i,deil.,"1,111,1t *a.),,..,: Ofefolitee, APY'441Cing•IPI9fe03.140r1)1411ggq•;;-11:'idjia:;:it,14:1:4'°,-,4:6,t,:co'r 74141*,,irvic7iid ,6,:o4)11:]:1:-. Theettittleinent of all untried territory linage wkbhti6. 4115;t 0:1 1 eggaitipii.Prai4U210\50 961#411$ 92,h3A., *Aq.,0 ,119., Met _mid 13,.e.y .5 1e; .010ifvolf;/rinclui 31141,8;ie 4 y:4;ibe,:t'ISZ04PO4.1eStifttyltl.' lei extent as een. merle, ,atot pee - Venting suc314linied.thie17., Of -SOiCerned elirnate, Advice 91 nebeseary, biased on practital teet,,,,be'lo'L'ihe Mat i prefit- *lb • type . of agrieuetme0,..,,the ; beet Methods; and the moit Snitable *02- ieties of traps and live stock. .. Thus 'farm 'after farm and .statten after eta - tion Wae added to the chalet eaoll be - toping a centre of cepecrlinent' and- in- Veatigation, so that tho,aa Who tale rip .faaming i07. the regions seeved. may cleaners are. blamed . for ',emilething ''' • .' 17m16.e4.eteili°.-Yang.4a.dc,Ptece.'l.,i;6Sedreldrthelnb..theg7- i Which Should be ladat the door 11 D,e,b eetd.•ie.042 Eteietedhfer0et eelciliet tireY Wereuaicth1:i:d0t- he man ideeon.t,.h.e w, ,oi,e.,,,i4thnrdeete14ehe 11101014077 111 erilualy to undertakee, he eove gthet„elereeeeeeea•setheDeee in briefly elctehing91eethietorY.00 ' The study et textileis intereathing Getleeetad'gnowth of the systm, it should be eteyager to 0,ceepy eeveeel alit -1014c '' If . hea'fo,6ci'eb l0a.,7,1utilirgii!13;'el1l;t'el.tiar,tthoa?(1ett yeentittlf neighborhood blabsjeai-eeeelet, oeahvhisctoWta:1leE7:0r Rg aboutder astayereeeeewe§haufiiii.eee0111117495191' nuediPt' Which metmental Farm* Brndof thDbrinten nctiake''iitxt116? ,wo.keenwritienin,teeektetitheeeHepartnent ofAgrioultuTe. The blalBllPrince. Itle written iOld ,41011 -hs itPImo-dlar1or- at the Celle' 'French poetry, and describes therelille tral Experimental Farrel, Ottawa. A --Po.tatti7'Cunket°,. ,... , . .. . . , . end deeds of the Black Prince, end it list ef the: thirteen Ilivielons walla 'it , , P•otato canker or "Wart 'diserree" of :gives' the 'prelim Gueldbiland, spelling eolnPrmeS ,wilti give..a.ganeeal;IP9, Of k11123.04..on;PoLtatxstrin:/pSs'te,c,elalliseaacit hZalTi!tYrrodri4Y. 1011»712-1hsicludienda sDomencoLbuirh42:;:60,01,,m,„t Imo pell'egs.:eminipc;ruhri,4eastdhveitedsivsisele071.,aeheowifieried. aftee „century, its. T.,,,,tee, peeemee ee seeee,e,..e. by it in the libreey tf, Lard meettee it hrile.:tht.1,a4r,clrytea;vaatia,sim,faci,..r:18,5,:earrillitrieetge, hvoolett )toeoeietely datege-t.ees oikstraetor , to Wales: It , was. found...and Sold aa a try, bee% ' tobacco, •Peonesnic , Ames, chemistrye betathy, IlItrettatien Ste: - time, and- Jetetlecasien and publieity, - • :The prellinina.ry 511937 Imileing, to; the establishMent of the.systemi.Aves taken the potato growing Industry ht, other bountriee. , Some ten years ago the Federal Del pertinent 1711 'A-grieulture ski01ee11dd'in averting the' Very Jfear danger. 'elf fts intioduction into Canada frerie ead-- pej!heipally from Europe. The Depart- ment 'there Placed - an. embargo against the inspertation of potatoes' fronvEur- Ope with -the -usual, emphatic Objec- tions generally, 'resultir* from 'measures.' To -day Canada has every reasen:te beigratefol for•the•faireeig,ht of the -Department. In (lieat Britain, notwithstanding' eyery effort -toWeithe the eradication of the cliseme, 22,000 ease.s ;and nide.* have. been re- porteel during, the period ett one terrt) year. _The elieease;eaffeets po- net yewy preeleue .eurienity, year. 1111011 in time ite-histotricalleicatemest was revealed, auto to preserve it from its destined goal----.Areerietr-anerehere the Univereity :of /tendon' bought- dt, and, 'have presented it t; the Prince ef Wales. All title romanch romance of eelmehip the win-del:owes to . the' learning ona, pa- tience a , Sia iCausel".gollanez. The docninent is the only ono known -to melee -written- m' the lifetime of the • Belt- 1"R'ettibiliee. 80875 95hove the impreesion that pp long as a belt rune onethaped- leya .withent. ony' tendency to .-wople tatoes m•varrons,„ degrees ef severity;. toward,,leithen_.kide 101,5 ptelleye'renet filo eitslede .there may os „slighteinfeet,lon in alighrueiet„. Thee o.i b9 010 12150375 Ore wholesale'destp;,,ttionof the crop, plid:chee; aa .remorhIg .eselepe 031 ,elfents to: har- ie used; on 073959109101?, the prilleY.s vest -a yield, Moeerever, .the disease can 'be. a foot or :more eut of line Ind peripiste-uireer eertein conditions .3.11 estill have theehelt 011031 111 the centre the: soil ifoe 1091 15,, alway. re-.1°T.-tai6 driva'pelley. most separ- 4efeeting ti crop eYet When, plantedetore have belt" goidee,the belt 0531 after an iateryal 01 so 5101115 years' Alet,', ,a ,get offethe pulley en cluratien. The PreSeneeeof this; dis- the !septinater.). . . . e-abe hes'. carieed (4rat Britain and Selye threshermen MaatO a practice other .European countries' eerious loss- of Setticog the teeretor .m1 of line when es, not alone within, their eewn beeders a ex.:overwind (has e tendencY to bloW hat also in -the valuible. meport trade the hitt dff the (delve pelley or. Push in.potatoes. Canada is qui,te free:from( it taw,ard the insido edge elf the flY, this diseaseewhieh cemees•Steeli:eerious .wheel, Dine chat* vta losses In other countries, -but.theedan- When there'is enotigh wind blowing ger once More looms on the horizon, to iiterle,re W,ith the heat ivis alwaYs ainde this disease lias been cliecov,esed advisable' -to 'set the err -tilt go thatthe in e,ertein arees.-of 'the DpitecleStatee. -wind will 'blew elenek-clirect from the • C.lariadien farineee 'are Wel.1 advised tractom toward the 'serearatinr, AS thii to gontinue'theit 'vigilance es30e4al3y vrial 0011155 0 .mintminn .OMounit 111,. aa potatoes imp:or:bed firom":the •Ste.tes ter-Sere/21e: ' Where' ein31' reason' are, con;cerne•ck. -person; ,who this :iv impoiSible; F.1.081e '09di 'Oi gndsiio thrqugli neglect en 7:3eparteq.ueee`the in the.ferat of;a•teritreth pie-ce of weed, iliseafee to become eetablished in --Can- pipe; teel recleeto., wiblob aaN ;will cause this country, 95e:1071e the -belt .froun tanning- 'off 'the-, olive inenry, probale/y of a luisting and irre- parable -character, t Beaus ...a 179P make a .happy tom- hination 'an thegeneral farin, " The per.n.r7ent. neighborhood inter-; ests of the farming, community -are. a Milvemdc :again-st' national- dleintegee_ tian. o, !TOPA; eePo.P.14,4eynt 141011±11 Current, 'Sask., wae established under • 3114. eterr4±vilha91, 110107111,tlinath4t16412!'sfa- della ,a141,,S410.#0110 79733,00131801355110., thi presdnt ttitiV.nojeitxim;.• 7„45 plant. :vs0v.411peOfal, PP,04qctst:' under iitotty on the various farms. 9es53at0ed.4110i-M15o 91131.e l'21.14,Ko tem le cellected* Cittardee end from thende•--firiele-,eitinliPitee • In additiect le the work, preetivel, and .(stientifice eareled enhy the staff, 9ce the 0015511131 divisione and its. ex- terepeon to :the beetecheferree, a large atnount .of related work is enderbakeei. This includes ,not onlY terrealmaddalig with farmers everywhere to ersewer, ericerieiee,' but the peepatation, of; tre-2 ports, bulletins end ,PreMphlets,,incled- ing a leaflet entitled "Seaeonable Hints," iaeubd ,every four 111007915,, which is feeedo--alf.aeplicantir-as Msa the ethee -publicatie0171 of th-e Branch. , The holding , demonstrations, let - tares, short courses, the preparation of exhibits, jridging at fair% atten- dance at conveetioes: and ecrefereneet 0710.l't)lOilbs,11li1 oomdemithiu. the nem , of the dutiee,of the Staff. Crepe ill ,the The experimental . sukt-station ,Swede Creek' in.:the:Yukon is the meet. northerly , 011 ,111773 .ri,,temintiosa Mental Perim' System, The facts to• be,...gathethel. ercen (aerePortemesrle ter the eSupesinteneteet :draw ettene Vele teetheteeeacabilitiePle.fileat eoun- n1884,Whenaseldt eirnitteeteoi 117 for farming:and :=0;iatieularly- t11;)10useoftlmnao:waimpaoindinterestng on that aureotint.'T91'acrea to .enquire best „ineans,„,off,gil_ were seeded' bee.„41.9-teeitle 95t5308470, couraging 'and developing agriculture and redecloyee. l'he Oats and Peas Were.' in Goode. ,Inethe yeere, 'foleowinge Dr. ,01.4 f0c4:13r,,.tg.t.11$6,M1'o91v-cat Waa',3e11t, 4 WaNdaun, Saunders, of London, Ontario, 101' Plowing under and was winter farms in the United States and in a beavi g20"rth aat s arra Pc'as.c was .autheo:ibedleto visit , cepernuental-:killed. Br...1920 Noe same area gave, Europe. ; Follaking hie .eepert, em.Aed light growth 4± eed elover, end a. -; Wst .e:l4Cidl i %tln1iehm1t Ohepesen%d w:ieh10-soeot1rIo:11.1 jj Quo-, wheat is recorded, Weste-rn. 11158 gsaea. bec jointly, -and for a branch farm in also Proved eatisfoolorY. Gratifying- et." 'the Neeeheeeet-', Tereeeteek 51014 11101011 •cIover. One-fortiotli of an acre the Maritime pi,oviarcee, in. Manitoba res01'ts. are expected from alfalfa and Britleh Coleimbia. The lines. Of" 13-rye:91- '00i.vn 108751111 vatioty. of ;Wheat yielded •giatiton cited in the Act' 105179 fallon,-;red' •741114;„ .01 litarqUis„:o'at-the'783atu of' o;t'clh4e'r_fitgd; 1-810U.tboriu;thaeilt th''636 tlie aafdet(;•92tiehlbes1:1; .-bao:, 7000300, verregaesteaelles,t6fozrage (d911711, the 0s-te, 'and :tb 1b,,%. of Prelude. at. .. ate plates the, rate of, 84'2,8 ;bushels to the acre, Victory eats SOWt some• tent yielded 90 lbe, oe,,,eirer.105 husheloa. to the acie 414 Bander 'oats 114131*.. or 134 bushels and 4 lbgeeo the acre.' Peas 'yielded 32,11es."er 2134 bushels to- ' the acre. Detroit beets; Jamey' Wake- field end Copenhagen Market eabbage,, oPadila:rr-uott:,1*aYilAirnadriebilkerlsiOft''' 0881115°TX:4y:IJIgeeil; Agassiz, HO. Inc main stall' 1214II berg G1a01d ,..13ALY,O'g,,°1701,ntg,, -08307301710611 De. "..a.dedere, .ae eieeetote F. lettuce ;'" voubee reurtect parsieye- v;etdicineh;e0offnE•enerm:1(lilniol.00gyhargaeniciol„ttiomianlftyi-, ITi'istonliv14.0s11;•731„e7.,Pp0oeasi ',:littradtageoatmaa'aLltl.1.; t'.6".heir,•;1; ,UlrenaitryAc1Ioetir rur..17tiailytnraips el1 'tetativeto..th thevLklvas-13nlitensoc10uutiteeetytherepart athaiiwz; oust 14 rernernbererr that -tilf to thrit prob01biy 0105 godsilen couTsi17411r01d11174dI - time ;farming progress depended,' al- i11 any poet of the world. ...., TYLOSP ,entfrely upon individual industry ' " • oott, experienee remitted by investiga- hlany'Tinter hours can be prate -- boa -and or pro- ithayspent eepaieing machinery, re- pateey earsever 'Met 018 05811 os set-1.*333124:17 C°'"U'elad' placing broken parts and giving the tine t the rpu actor t .511 line and Dr2 au Sndees held the peed- implements e general overhauling, less damage to the • 21-011- of 'Director until' March 81, 1911, . • 1)91115 belbs 171,.0 :84104510jow, or,:fer 25 years, retiringellen ere ac- The Departnient, of Pile/ides at the 05 good,f on;e ,vabs• t for yeara.'011. t.„ 001231011 illr'he'a,lth anddnrmaneining, ' age 0,A,Ce yis ,weinveztigotng . the "„terk,e,iari,a,j.30 eeeeefteran011111110 ef great useful- faenwatemupply,eatee systems an,d;eyct foeee5,e.eae 001'. 111 L110131 nets. The xeseat Deputy lister sawa„ledisposaandis prepared te 61052;11ntethe,bek eAgricaltuee VW the DaielonDlrelP 3215511 &ellrinterested 1101 lau"„°Th°.raee.00.eeeeteteeebH&11 (dile 5,, 001.011 o j, 1117 resaraltin and wag followe;c1 nine ' Alver'Hali,warked 'feat his Uncle leer yeath later, 'or in 1020, by 1Vie. S. year at. threshing' !tithe. New Alvy Aathilseld, B.A., B.S.A. then Dominion seys he:has 577000'tbspeet for a glee ; .Anienal.Husbandman. When Dr: Saun- 26f, bread then ,ever before. He says onto., to4red the number ,of farms and 169' theeeght41e.e.511805Ctuff ew Withoot e• etatione. had .been in-ere:101d4 to eine., Work;. 1.)•ut tlizieshkrig is- the hottest, nerdeAlleeeta and Sumkatelrowart had for itchieet2 neensiebt oksrbnt husinees bleat 441:teen ,years 'had provincial s.tatue, lee evel menkeyeeljwith. generally, the study of seeds, fertil- izers pleat and animal daseases and insect pests. Any expepatents or re- ,vearaes that might ,laenefit agrisalture Weateeauthorized to be entered Apon;. Two years after the pees -Mg of the Act, -farms were in practical -operation at Ottawa; NoRPon, N.$.; ,Brandon, Man.; Indian Heasiy N.W.T • and ol(are..of he Family - frayert? 11.74, Saing G•race—gy'.,Mary C Tekiey Afia over 9170 001107101173 there -305817710-90- the bowed heads and his grandee ther'e VOIC8 107 tot, wondor gaid to be the firet aWalsen,ing, of i;elegion der, a 110art Virginia, who is five •cmci bee jus,t1' started to kintlergerberi, ' lost her inept to. re-establish -elieee! eystoMs hieh ',vete 'obsereed ,by: 0111111p1001951' fOre,fethers-Whose.ilrardetees 0V,complich-nimite 913111711131 , many .elidlelrene of. the present generation have hadi the unfergetable father, in ihe recent "PM", epidemic ' ereperience of "Seeing Daddy lerciY?" 'The mither, thottgli: interested in, It le a ear* thing that reithithe eerie- lelren vre.faxe; 91 9113 1101115 37170411. 5- 01011 of -the.. ehildren .:of 11101110 c.1 •,. 46.6c111214013rI inonbt- & f eleare groprany, Te eme 1101 201107 we might 0S1 t'114' " thereig to one ',ihIng whieh rnalces. oct Whin 'the littZe' su,e11 a !eating' lUipy45Cion01erel losech. girl 15171103653 910 ?ophoailty, yot, *payee, 'are innuence for god.d tn.e plastic at 1t19171etg12r1on, she .ceene'horno to nek", inin4 a• • if she, inight not gay thOir ; It. sterna as if thrdi Is go limited in,,and 120057 th•Ome is touched' ley'. orri, average Canadian hasinees .Procerething which makei• the eonneoce--. , and, farnily redthra "So Presting Diet place seem brighter and the deity We fail te fin•d a 'suitable 111111176 9-017- utrugglo less irksome' thon hofOlie. soy& 6.1111,ciren,,those thinge Tire old curtom "37513116I37 Praythes" Which. we ,eur'selves knoev to. be Wise .and Bible reeding hitiS boon greatly Mid; heat. ferSt ‘"Sayieg erow-derd °Pt etf' oar 1.10171r58 liege:Me of Getiree.". tymi the'letisieetbf IMMO, the.unaVaidable.aerell 91 whiel, Ilve; akttely these ie 'Dine 'for bowed heeds But evOy mother 55011 1189101' win wish end feW *bide' cif' thakilere..tcr the tikeir aulciiren to become. acquainted Giver el' iner 'fOod,' 01 513121710 peei'Yer tr,ith She, greatest of etattios,alid have Which', Can be underatedd .eveh liy. the . a fonridation for a, lasting peligione young brentbere,',Of the foinity:., The faith, Will, if they. ere evieemake, a children leve it 011171 1017017 .isconstonied ptnee, 1? 91 jug thde Vogitn'ating to the 'litte ceremony 4e41•goo5(etliitig -"stories' Of; 85616 '4etties• reed 1.41,43,ec1. is sevieusly migging ,when it ts .tireee the :Lord's., PraySis rep.;ettoict to. tut.. Dahner2 our 'little son, geii,r,sOty gether ii"erhopt,Ot 31r9131fnsb 021 at some nuti;,e thouf 5 year , w011 eothe tad. ether suitable time, the . talking <MOT dling ptay Os we, git dowii• to with .1yt37t1791' or'De,d,qy,tho itie- a meal and h -old, up hie -beni.e to he domenuoiis Or f4±1ivet ',4± the day 'orid taken, (-Of emese, lie is, n Seiredtde tine; asking "Our Vathoes". helo . to btibY und duds not 'twohit mettas oliescomethem; 4±2 thato things gervO the ii'orAil'sr 051. 37011.). .372± 70131 sit qu91ts to t0btr10*,sWeett135d1271177ta1to,ble hood '1st lu Tits' iuotheris lan loolt Won,. sal s37m9l17tth30 hotweet•:the 3)5111(071*9111153, 1" and -if you feel bilio s, adte.hy , irritable - for that's a eIgn Your&er.,ts,,,oui.of &der. Your food is not digeeting-Iltstairs in tktornach a sour, fermented mass, pots° ingie Opttem. Junt take a dose of Chamberlaar'siSto ath alcl Liver Tablets - they molteAlielliver do italwork--They &nee .imd 30,01.0 th9e91095733u54tosle Moroi° NIlifooilve Eyotoio, You'll fool 0150 01. the:a 02,01t'est. t nli alutailte MI, or by mail final Coratatlyi Toronto 14 VAPII 00t0ror0 (WV ,repla-ao • tlie Thou butt +bon: tepaliated 00t0150. ddlliafTY 41/cAtt,tho` 91iltfitotaki „ s • excessCa.mBen a el) nimo4ron 8050, 1101 ena' 3e1 to yo'ur settre timo t,t limo you onn &wily innsten tho•ketrots of soiling 05571)117, • Star &Nowt. witecever your onnorroneo lion,tioen-,mhatova°' 1080 1119 35 doing e501—Vv110t1I00UN hOt yOU think you on 3319t osiwor this Ineotioni 3145 500 iinibitiono to at,rn $10,00 n your? Thon on in touch mei leo fe ovioel 310001 InInto to you without. MA 85 obllotiorr ihor yoU doU boom Sge:V741vlihIlo‘vy8mitho 81mAyritingAt oE.,10nientsorvicbtttoN,v4.2.itstoqAsg 01,5051 In Wing • . • , $10 .060 A Yea: Saw. bredrett '070.4 5,1743L 08 Stof StaaMnnidar 10.' 01. A Uti ObatrAPTIMMVolt1514101orOliNfMti nou tont, 010 110,3 OW sin, st ttqa, ap.60 04,4, 410000,d11 SjObtilitr03 , looatuom tiot,